HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; 6519; Word Processing EquipmentCITY OF CARLSBAD I .4!',EN�'k BILL N0. (pS"l 9 Initial: DATE: March 3, 1981 Dept.Hd. aku L C . Atty jf A DEPARTMENT: Central Services C. Mgr. 9�t ------------- Subject: WORD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Statement of the Matter A study was conducted of the various City departments to evaluate the problems encountered during processing of the high volumo. of paperwork. The study showed an immediate need for some farm of assistance, and that such assistance could best be provided by the utilization of ,ord processing equipment. The study further examined all aspects of the various equipment capabilities, expandability, cost, and ease of operation. As a result of this study, I have concluded that the installation of word processing equipment will increase productivity and decrease the immediate demand for additional pers.Dnnel. Those results, which included competitive negotiations, reflect the recommendation for the installation of word processing equipment from Royal Business Machines. The: need, and demand, for help is immediate. Therefore, placement of word equipment in the Central Services Department will allow the Department to processing rovie support services to the other departments. To increase and enhance the Department's ability to provide the much -needed assistance, placement of compatible equipment in other departments is necessary. As a result of the competitive negotiations, it is recommended that authorization be given to purchase word processing equipment from Royal Business Machines to be placed in three departments in the City. To date, IBM mag-card typewriters have been leased and placed in the Planning Department and the City Attorney's Office in an attempt to ease the burden of processing paperwork. The increased load of paperwork has generated a need for additional assistance. In addition to those mag-card typewriters currently in Planning and the City Attorney's Office, funds were budgeted in the 1980-81 fiscal year for leasing additional mag-card typewriters to be placed in Planning, Engineering, and Housing & Redevelopment. However, the additional machines were not leased pending the completion of the word processing study. The placement of compatible word processing equipment Central Services Department, Planning Department, and the City Attorney's Office will allow the termination of the leases for the existing mag-card typewriters, and will obviate the need to lease, the additionally budgeted typewriters. It will also allow the Central Services Department to provide support services to the departments to ease their paperwork loads. FISCAL IMPACT E The purchase price of the desired equipment configuration to be placed in the Central Services Department is approximately $26,586. If the equipment is lease -purchased f` through a financial institution for a 60-month period, the monthly payments would be approximately $550. Following the 90-day warranty on the equipment, the monthly maintenance fee will be $210. Placement of word Processinge ui r fee of q pment in the Central Services Department at a monthly $550 will obviate the need to lease IBM ma f. and Housing & Redevelopment which would cost g-card typewriters for Engineering a net savings Re a month, approximately $640 monthly, Departments. Central Services willresulting in provide the supporrtt for these AGENDA BILL NO. G S 19 Page 2 Sufficient money was included in the budget of the Central Services Department for the 1980-81 fiscal year to meet the monthly payments. Council approval is required as a result of the recommendation to lease -purchase the equipment. The purchase price of the desired equipment configuration to be placed in the Planning Department is approximately $26,586. Similar to the proposal for Central Services, the monthly payments on a 60-month period would be approximately $550. Following the warranty, the monthly maintenance fee will be $210. The current monthly lease payments on the IBM mag-card typewriters in Planning is $582, and the cost of leasing a third mag-card typewriter would be approximately $320, totalling a monthly payment cost of $902. Therefore, placement of word processing equipment in the Planning Department at a monthly fee of $550 will allow the can- cellation of the existing leases on the two IBM mag-card typewriters and will obviate the need for leasing a third. The word processing equipment will consist of three CRT screens, keyboards, and two printers. Therefore, the three stations of word processing equipment costing $550 monthly costs less than cwo IBM mag-card typewriters leasing at $582. This results in a net monthly savings of $30 figured on two mag-cards. If the third mag-card were leased, the net savings to be realized by lease -purchasing the word processing equipment would be approximately $352. This compatible equipment will also allow Central Services to offer support services to Planning. Planning has sufficient funds available in the 1980-81 fiscal year budget to meet the monthly payments of the new equipment. Council approval is needed, however, to accomplish the desired lease -purchase. The purchase price of the desired equipment for the City Attorney's Office is approximately $9,786. The monthly payments on the 60-month lease -purchase would be approximately $200. Following the warranty, the monthly maintenance fee will be $72. By cancelling the lease on the IBM mag-card typewriter, costing $320 monthly, the City Attorney's Office has sufficient funds available in the 1980-81 fiscal year budget to meet the monthly payments of the new equipment. The net monthly savings to be realized is approximately $120. Again, Council approval is needed to accomplish the desired lease -purchase. Central Services would also be able to better provide support services to the City Attorney's Office by the placement of compatible equipment. RECOMMENDATION: Funds are available in the budgets of the affected departments to pay the monthly payments for the desired equipment for the remainder of the fiscal year. It is recommended, however, that the equipment be lease -purchased through a financial institution for a 60-month period because low financing rates will allow the City to keep the cash invested at high interest rates. Therefore, staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. & LN 2, approving the purchase of word processing equipment, and authorizing the Finance Director to negotiate the lease -purchase agreement. EXHIBITS Resolution No.approving the purchase of word processing equipment. Word Processing Study dated January 31, 1981 (on file in Central Services Department). EM AGENDA BILL NO. 6519 Council Action: EM Page 3 3-3-81 Council adopted Resolution No. 6449, approving the purchase of word processing equipment, and authorizing the finance director to negotiate the lease -purchase agreement. �. RESOLUTION NO. G449 A RESOLUTION G THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY or CARLSBAD, CAL.I.VOlUTIA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF WORD PROCE S.` TNG EQUIPMENT, AND AUTHORIZING TIH3 FINFiNCE DIRECTOR `1'O NEGOTIATE TIME LEASE -PURCHASE 4 AGRELMENT. 5 WHEREAS, a study of the need for word processing equipment has been done in 6 the City of Carlsbad; and 7 WHEREAS, word processing equipment: would improve productivity; and 8 VII-D REAS, word processing equipment: is highly specialized, technical 9 equipment; and 10 WHEREAS, Section 3.28.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code authorizes the 11 competitive negotiation for acquisition of highly specialized, technical 12 equipment; and 13 WHEREAS, proposals from eight vendors were reviewed against objective 14 evaluation criteria as provided in Section 3.23.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal 15 Code; 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 17 California, as follows: 1.8 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. .19 2. That word processing equipment is highly specialized equipment and may 20 be acquired pursuant to Section 3.28.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 21 3. That the City Idanager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into c 22 agreement for the lease -purchase of word processing equipment from Royal 25 Business Machines. 24 4. That the Finance Director is authorized to negotiate a lease -purchase 25 agreement' for the lease -purchase financing of this purchase. 26 xx 27 xx 28 xx i 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 181 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSIT), AND ADOPTED at a reagvdar meeting of the City Council Bold on the 3rd clay of March , 1981, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lcwis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ~{ AL£THA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clork y (SEAL) 1 if �-�J.:-2::'✓�l ��(j'[J'. G.4'Yt''� RONALD C. PACKP Rn, Mayor N CITY OF CARLSBAD WORD PROCESSING STUDY by Lee RautenkAanz Cent at Svcvices Ditec.tm Janua,ty 31, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMAy os blond P&Ocuzing Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page I Exhibit A: Tlepaktmentae Survey Resu,P.ts. . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 - 7 Exhibit B: Depak;bnent Typing Summary Chant. . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Survey Summarcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 Exhibit C: Featme CompaAizon 06 Seven .a ystems . . . . . . . . Page 10 - 12 Report on Etim-i.nati.on o4 jouA zyzteim. . . . . . . Page 13 F'eatune Compani�son o4 remaining three zYzterM. . . Page 14 - 17 Report on Et iminat,%on o6 one additi.onae system and compa4ison of two &emai,ning . . . . . . . . Page 18 W etc Comments on two aemaining . . . . . . . . . . Page 19 Fine nepott on %ecommended 6y,6tem . . . . . . . . Page 20 k SUMMARY WORD PROCESSING STUDY OBJECTIVE: Determine if word processing equipment would facilitate the handling of paperwork in any, or all departments in the City of Carlsbad. EVALUATION PROCESS: 1. Researched purpose, capability and function of word processing. 2. Interviewed employees in each department to determine types of paperword generated. a. Summary of departmental interview results is attached as Exhibit A. 3. Prepared, distributed, and evaluated questionnaire completed by those employees in each department who produce the paperwork. a. Summary of results attached as Exhibit B. FINDINGS: A voluminous amount of paperwork is being processed through the departments, and word processing equipment would facilitate that process and increase productivity. This finding established a new objective. OBJECTIVE: Determine which word processing equipment could best serve the needs of the departments in the City of Carlsbad. EVALUATION PROCESS: 1. Researched variety of features, characteristics, and types of word processing equipment. 2. Prepared evaluation worksheets for use when comparing types of equipment. 3. Viewed demonstrations of equipment by Bydec, A.B. Dick, Lanier, A. M. Jacquard, Royal, Burroughs and CPT. Previously viewed demonstrations by IBM. G. Evaluated and compared all aspects of the equipment viewed. a. Datailed evaluation process and report is attached. as Exhibit C. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Finance Director to pursue proposals from lending institutions to finance the purchase of Royal word processing equipment consisting of 3 CRT's, 2 printers, and a dual -sheet feeder, for estimated monthly payments in the amount of $575. Also authorize the issuance of a purchase order immediately to Royal for the purchase of the equipment. FISCAL IMPACT: Monthly payments for lease/purchase of the equipment for 60 months will be approximately $575. At the completion of the 90-day warranty on the equipment, monthly maintenance costs will be $210. Total monthly payments for the 60- month period will be approximately $785. At the completion of the 60-month payments, remaining costs will be maintenance. Purchase price is $29,165.50. Existing personnel in the Central Services Department will be trained on, and will utilize the equipment. As the demand increases from other departments for assistance with their paper workload, additional equipment and personnel may be required. Page 1 EXHIBIT A DEPARTMENTAL SURVEY RESULTS CENTRAL SERVICES/CITY CLERK DEPARTMBNI Council Minutes, Planning Commission Minutes, et al. Preparation and revising minutes. Maintain list of all meeting dates and type of meeting. City Property Maintain a list of all city property and differentiation as to type of useage, location, buildings, size, and other features. Agreements Maintain list of all agreements, contracts and leases to include dates, expirations, project, contractor. Ordinance Index Maintain a list of all ordinances. To include number, subject matter, location in Municipal Code, and ordinances amending same. Resolution Index Maintain listing of all resolutions. To include number, subject muter, date of adoption, and any amendments to same. Agenda Bills and Supplements Maintain listing of all agenda bill numbers by number, subject, supplements, and dates. Conflict of Interest Maintain list of all classifications required to file Conflict of Interest Statements, employees name, beginning date, Statement due dates, and filing dates. Maintain listing of filings required by Council Members. Prepare routine letters to employees regarding filing of Statements. Boards and Commissions Maintain list of all boards, commissions and committees with origination date, document type and number creating same, members appointed, date of appointment, expiration of appointment, document number of appointment,and expiration of committee. Form Letters Preparation of letters transmitting copies of adopted documents to applicants. Preparation of letters distributing supplements to Municipal Code to subscriber,. Preparation of letters releasing developer bonds. Preparation of letters transmitting documents to the Recorder for recordation. Agenda Preparation of agenda. Deeds Maintain listing of all deeds by grantor, location, purpose, and assigned P—aber, and recordation number. Annexations Maintain listing of all annexations by number, name, location, size, date, anu- other pertinent information. i Vehicle Registration Maintain list of all city vehicles with registration numbers, tag numbers, I.D. numbers, make, model and year. P N �1 Page 2 Central Se. -ces/City Clerk Insurance Maintain list of all insurance policies, date, expiration date, coverage, cost, number, company. Records Management Assist with filing system. Can maintain listing of files by number and subject, chaindex system. CITY ATTORNEY Insurance Letters Prepare boilerplate letter to insurance companies re claims. Maintain tickler file for sending denial letter re claims. Maintain list of claims by claimant, date of claim, amount of claim, and type of claim. Resolutions, Ordinances and Reports Assist in preparation and revision of documents. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Maintenance and Operation Budget Preparation of forms. Revisions of actual budget (preliminary and final). Capital Improvement Budget Preparation of forms. Revision of actual budget (preliminary and final). Monthly Reports Preparation and edit of monthly reports. Other Prepare correspondence, agenda bills, reports and documents, and revise same. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Agenda Bills Prepare and revise agenda bills, reports, resolutions, ordinances, and other related information. Workmen's Compensation Insurance Maintain list of contractors providing proof of Workmen's Compensation insurance and expiration date of policy. Present building with a list on a monthly basis of those expiring. Building Permit Tracking and Cross Reference Maintain list of Building Permits by number, issued to, project and location. Form Letters Prepare boilerplate letters re disposition of plans and final inspections. Page 3 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Form Letters Prepare boilerplate letters re job announcements, termination, promotion and entry. Employee Evaluation Reports Maintain list of employees with due date for evaluation reports, and department. Provide list on monthly basis of all employees due for report. Emergency Services Employee List Maintain list of all emergency service employees with address and phone number. Employee List Maintain list of all employees with name, number, step, range, bi-weekly, monthly and annual salary, entry date, classification, eligibility date, and longevity date. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Purchase Order Tracking Maintain a list of all purchase orders issued as to number, vendor, address, amount and date issued. Fixed Asset Inventory List Maintain list of fixed assets with number, item, brief description and location. Ability to list by each field of information. Requests for Bids and Proposals Prepare the forms. Maintain list of vendors interested in bidding on items by subject. Request for Warrant Log Maintain list of warrant requests with date, payee, address, vendor number, description and amount. Commodity List Of Previous Purchases Maintain list of items purchased by vendor, purchase item and date. Open Purchase Order List Maintain list of open purchase orders by number, vendor, address, amount, and charges against original amount, and date. Vendor List Maintain list of vendors with appropriate information. Forms and Letters Prepare and revise letters, agenda bills, resolutions, ordinances, and. correspondence. Page 4 12 Reports Prepare and multi --revisions to lengthy reports. Form Letters Prepare contract award letters. Prepare minor subdivision letters. Prepare concerned citizen letters. Prepare and revise contracts. Prepare Notices to Proceed. Prepare Bonds. Prepare Notice of Filings. Prepare Certificates of Compliance. Prepare Certificates of Completion. Prepare Future Improvement Agreements. Prepare Improvement Agreements. Prepare Deeds, Resolutions and Ordinances. Adjustment Plat Log Maintain list of adjustment plats by number, applicant, and location. Parcel Split Logz Maintain list of all parcel splits by number, applicant and location. Parcel Map Log Maintain list of all parcel maps by number, applicant and location, Property List Maintain list of every parcel of land in City listing all easements, buildings, A.P.N., address, and other pertinent information. UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Reports, Forms and Correspondence Prepare and edit agenda bills, resolutions, ordinances, and lengthy reports as well as correspondence, and requests for proposals. Inventory List Maintain list of inventory by name, number, description. Utility Information Book Maintain list of al1'streets by name, map quadrant, responsible agency for water, sewer, lighting, dead animals, streets, storm drains, cable t.v., and date of trash pick-up. Intersection Log Maintain list of each intersection in City with name of cross streets, and list of equipment such as kind, number and location of signs and lights. Page 5 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reports, Farms and Correspondence Prepare and edit agenda bills, resolutions, ordinances, correspondence, reports, press releases, letters, memos, and thank you letters. Brochures, Invitations and Flyers Prepare and edit brochures, invitations and flyers (Application is questionable, but assistance could be given) Schedules Maintain schedules for recreation classes, trips, softball, by name, participants, and other pertinent information. Permit Program - Lagoon Maintain list of permits issued for boats on lagoon with insured, permit number, address and expiration. . City Facility Reservations Maintain list of all city facilities, events scheduled, date, applicant and whether insurance filed. Forms Instructor payments. Refunds for cancelled c"asses. Assistance with Conduit. Park -in -Lieu Fees Maintain list of fees paid, by whom, for which project, amount paid, and determine amount for new protect. Grant Administration Assist with reports, requests for payments, tracking, listing of projects, status and due dates. Park List Maintain list of all partks, whether developed or undeveloped, contents, size, any activities during development. General Plan Revision Prepare and revise Revision to General Plan -- new Parks and Recreation Element. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT Prepare and Edit Following Documents: Design Manual Redevelopment Plan and Report on Plan Procedure Manual Administrative Plan Human Services Booklet Reports, agenda bills, correspondence, resolutions and ordinances, Renewal Letters Prepare boilerplate letter to list of people by street, address, or other identifier. Page 6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT EIR Summaries Prepare and edit summaries. Maintain list of summaries with applicant, project and date. Variances Maintain list of variances with number, applicant, type and location. Prepare and Edit: Agenda bills, resolutions, ordinances Lengthy staff reports Legal Notices Correspondence Street- Index List Maintain list of streets (similar to request by Utilities/Maintenance) Map Index Maintain list of all maps coded with location of same. Maintain list of files and status whether active or inactive. Book Library Maintain list of books, report, publications by name, subject matter, publication date, with check-out system and location code. Inactive Tiles Control Maintain list of inactive files with status, type and action. Page 7 r_ .i......«:,,...:.�:�..._...__:.c.u....:.w:....�.+.�.._...:�' .......o;:....,.a:.:a=,1:b°...::5.iw:..�,�..t.a+.e:c..._...-.. . i O N N 41 O I N \ M I I I Cl) 1 I \\\\ Q - tr1 O O O Ln O O U-1 r-4 00 M 't N ri ri a. 4-3 ° -� -j O try to 1� �-- Cl p . I `� '� I Lr) I I I 1 1 Ly \ O to O Lr) N CV tp N r-I r-I Q LsJ S.. Q a- O 1 Lu +- \ 3 to N Lx1 a" 5- try O O O O I I I N try r-E M I I i 1 M Lt \ \ O O tS _ try try N N tr, r1 O N try _! O I 1 � I �? Ln UQ \ \ O \ < CM N N r-I LEI Ln tr1 try V) H Y Ln CL GL N try try pin Crt Ln N N M O 1 \ \ \\ i\ I I try O try O O O O O r! Q r-1 -t to N F-' i- E Ln LL D H 1�0 N r^E Ln try Ln try . to O N O N O try O M O N O co O Ln n p S d 7 r-1 r1 r1 M r1 M l0 ri �.J \ ul \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •�, J I Ln Ln try O O O vy O ul try 4- to t� P to OCD ? N > = trS I O O O O I u'1 Lr) tr1 try O 0 0 = H 0 o 0 r, r, r-1 t N H� E N O p O O rn O try r1 O tr1 O o� HM l0 N --ICT r{ T \ N N N N \ N Lr) E to I U± try tr) V) O O 1 1 O p tN 4-3 N N N CV try r-i rl U.1-C a_ to I-' } m ` = N N °\° N N N N N N N N N N tr1 i v1 tr) O try p O p try O CD p I- 0) Gl G\ N r` �. r- ram. try m CD t)\ m a. H Q. O O I Ln V 1 tr1 tr1 I Ln I Lil ° Z a � Ln O O O O try O O O O O p O O a.• .,.�. n S H w A w a w a o ci ci 444 w a - Page 8 . EXHIBIT B SURVEY SUMMARY 1. Total typing hours per day - 53 hpd. (265 hours per week) 2. Average number of hours each person spends typing a day -- 4. 3. Average portion of typing generated by dictation equipment - 7%. 4. Average portion of typing generated by handwritten methods - 73%. 5. Average portion of typing generated by shorthand dictation - 13%. i 6. Amount of time dedicated to typing rough draft ranged from 5% to 99%. 7. Amount of documents which were revised by the author ranged from 5% to 100%. 8. The number of times a document is revised ranged from 1 revision to 4 revisions. 9. The number of hours spent typing each day ranged from 1 hour to 7 hours. 1 10. The majority of typing time is spent on letters, memorandums and reports. i I 11. Only the Fire Department and Police Department expressed no desire to be involved with word processing. f a 12. Seven departments expressed a need, interest, and desire for word processing t assistance. The large portion of time spent revising documents could be greatly reduced by using word processing equipment, since a great deal of time would no longer be required to retype the entire document. Word processing equipment would allow the operator to merely go to the place requiring a change, make the change on the screen, and merely reprint the document - a great time saver. Though the Planning Department currently has two Mag-Card typewriters, which is a form of word processing, they are not the most efficient for the type of work processed in Planning. When a Mag-Card is printing, the operator can do nothing else on the equipment. On other word processing equipment, a document, or documents may be printing at the same time the operator is revising, editing, or creating new documents, thus also adding to the time savings. Page 9 o 0 U U a s ri co p au) cn 0"4 w o ; a ro o O a m� cd ro E 4 •rl .a 44 D, cd O O O q cd O a 04 p d P. O O O 0 14 U uviIis o o u OH a Cl) I-D 00 0o En co H W �"� m —1 M r-I P4 00 O >4 z ri N ri r--1 >4 'Zi ?•1 S N z W H x U a En O )1 a ra cd m U) r I RI r7 A U U 14 H U) +a1 O 4J4 O H o C) H -H cad Cl P4 O O O O p ix H O A• a O o m W H rJ = 0 M I I a a O 0 1-1 ~ U 1~ o O O a O O 0 0 0 p 1 Ln 0 ►-1 a cn r` r- rn H [t, 00 O z z N M 00 00 z z z bo N z 0 JJ a u r-I X •O U N a ro v u n 0 4-J o a ro t; a u 0 a o�0 4-1 xco 4-JN pp q � a a ait) C O u to al u a+ a o 0 u O .. cn v, rn ra rn cd 4 1 1 a O t-A ~ � 0 0 � O r- r i R) a s !-i x a Lei � rn r'•1 m cc N f� C7 O z z (N e•) rV ra oN 'J•+ >4 bo W >4 a ,t4 u u r-4 A 3 m ri >1 rn a O + Ry +J w rn Cl o o 4J .. � C n E-1 O ro3 0 14-4O U Ln fn ccN r-iF _ � N 000 rin z N te)Q CC7 o z z N ccv) z i> t .n W a+ r. •rl � a - 0 x ;>, Q N •ri rC r-I N r-i •ri A ro U •n `✓ co 0 , II r-{ 3 41 03 o O a) tN4boo 0 a o oca ° a O oi co a r 0 4J +j F+ rn a, o C) c 0 ° O ° \!]z N M r ir oZzN 00 O, cl ? >4 >4 bo 17 zP bD a. a r- a x CA ��' r°1 q 4 .0 , V U U U a bo po a z am ° u 23 o o cd a s~ 0 +� O $4 P4 o o m O m o m cd co r-i En z N f=1 w a, z d N r-1 -43 7• -•r •>4 z z bo W >4 O N U) � .� f-I r°-I A,Ho rd 0 ji � C LF a 'ou •o u u N a am to (v 41 0 O r-1 ~ c a cd Lr) a) o o N X a ai N rn z .r Fr1 cn O �Fll N r•I as m iN z z bO W P-4 cn 0 r:3 r-1 a p Cd a a�i 5 o a cn uo P4 �i .n i c"Qd ° r a aa) a cc r-1 w cd cc ^� F: CL to cd rn p D, 'A cd 0 •a rl p ro ) •11 cd r 4 7 a cc O U a bo q ro a boa O ro ." L.) U: la cd �4 0 •ri r. R. 0 r-1 0 o u r. u o •ri � s1 a u a a -H .0 ri z P co o 3 0 U JJ o t~ ri ro Pa a •r1 r .0 ro rn Q p 0 cJ r-i •ri •r1 a o U) •ri cl ro cd U z +a O U a rn O r-1 O CL p 4-1 •ri a •ri to o 41 r-1 m a .� o •Hi a a a z cJ a s 4•i a a rn ci fa LJ 0 a r-i ro U) 41 Z En a 41 � u U) C 41 1-! " al bo 0 U) "J, • 4 tH 4J 0 w •rl rn Up -H0 ra a a cd wro rd 0 U c3 r-I cl -H ro •ri a 6a 0 r; O .0 J-i }1 cd o ro a bo A 44 G 4J S4 cJ -cl •ri Ga a H -w a A m a 41 a U 0 cd .a a oo C: G o bO to rd ro z^ u 1..1 rd o u P 44 v, m S I a a •--1 •r1 o •ri w >, a a) v a U r-i .0 O -H a a O u a >1 r~j 4.1 44 U) CO 0 44 o a >O 10 icy) �i M a ro w 11 4-4 0 -- •rl M O ' O -i r-i rd Sa 41 4-3a 4 H O a 1 •ri rz El � -HO cv) cd o sr, o CO -H0 r14 W •a .a P i4 P, •ri .0 44 Cl cn 0 •rl 0 o a >~ 0 u o >, r .a > S 1 a cd CO o 0 a r1 'G U 0 "O to U 5C U U N 1J a •r1 a r-a rn 1 ¢ a a P4 > > r-i U CG •ri cn ' � o M >+ ^ o o o m m pbA 0 ro C C •rl Cd U it U (D r• ti0 41 d -H -1 Z µ4 C U r-I '� •r 1 p N U U 0 d -H `> ° N O m a) O u) C C •r1 O m a) N O O H C a) Pa N �+ W m U a+ N Z rl Cq �D D+ O Z SC R! W O d 0 -H W 44 O ro a) m O a ^ N d �+ vi ri ° ai ro w ri U rt1 U W 4J r 1 M .rz U U O W 14 �O N O 00 a) >4 Lr) N '� •� p F4 m U a) D+ m a) '� N ri r i O H Q) O >S ca O � 01 ,74 ).4 pro N A2 > Z W i z Qi cn 'l° O a) m r•�i i4 •rrq m .k oc) a aa)) o r U O +-I a a) A co a) rw co ri A P4 ro •r1 m u U a) :� � a) ,-) x co u U° •-i .-I ro x r� � w N U) 00 O m m m a) d n O CO 4.) co u) 4.3 ca V r-i J4 ri A O U yi m ',4 'Z 0a4 W ;_+ CA m J+ W >4 d. Cn O J4 U) U m � m U° C m r I r-I A ar 4) r u a�n ro ro 3 .-`�I iti W o H m O U bo 41 cd yC a) r1 O a) C M O 4j a rq .4t >1 Homa a) ) a9°i ) -1 o p Q) o a� �°W 0 to U vry 00 J4 N W CO CJ t>4 -,T ;>4 p•t (kc m <G '>4 P4 tKl < d 'Z Ci 4 CD P4 Pta k m ^ 74 C m > •ri bU 4 H rCd 0)CI r 9 'o xrq p 41 cd W U C C m m m m O � -H 'o mat ,Cb 41 COd N 00 P-4 N p •(a U >4 OO1i � >4 C°.'J P%4 Pq t:) >-4 z fQ �" >4 a m o I A cu r ca Nb 0 11O mo 1 1 N r -1 o� 0 o o m cca ) G'1 :Z, I I Z I I Pi PC4 f34 M E•4 D>4 Pa Q t z r _ i. 44 44ca rl •d Ul Cd0 a) Cd a) au ro bx m yI U N NO ri rl U O ✓ a) a) m� d GW O HJ .-I O 'Z >q r-I° Pq z ca td f I QC P4 U H r� i-i rl r-I P, ri co N i tmn -i 30 bA •• rH-I r-I N m aj U O U' rl N U Cd -H C � a) cv m adi F-c -4 x r-I r q r-I > Cn �J C r 4 a 4 a " 0 N ° � ro a p. � tj cn m�+ rI ai a) o ri - O U co ri ro •ri 4 -I p .0 Cm". G cmd a) v b r I ri) ruC4 ri }o Am ow p ��N • b0 'a ca "o a �UA �o ° � su ac3cd �c�N En U U cn r 44 U +Ja) 0 r r >N 41 r1 °d 'U 11 cd �a + o o 11 N Cn )4 a •r I bn Co O a) U C •r U U P C)d > 41 o4° ° x 0) 4-1 � C C w 4 r .C.) ri cd 3 w'd u +0 wH 3 r1 a N to C o a) w m ca" a� ) -r-I rl ro o 4J C P-' r i U 44 C O 44 C )4 cd cd )4 P4 r1 O N C En m r I a •) 4 -Hw 4a •r{ E U N �! J, O a) N ;h o •rf a) )4 r-I o 1) a) -r-I 41 G •r1 A cd O 14 a cdd W, 41 O Q • i .0 � )4 •r I u -1-1 q A UU) v Q ' 7 i 4 R. w 4,1 ca n fd rl d.! ?4 O r-I -r-I o 'a a) •ri a) m N w •ri 41 ro cdcdccdd CD x C 1) O dUi i Rf Q) o 0 •rl 0 ro rt U .7'i C •Fi A G rl U U m A: A )-I 1� a) a) .n o w H m C) .� a a) ro O 1.) O P4 rT4 z •ct; �. H Qi a Cn H r1 r4 O iii o 1J 4J P co "o to v L) c� U m b a) a r) a N Qi N v O to UJ O a1 w cd r •rf cA $ a '-t d v O +-J p Q) O v ai � 0 a 0 rn D+ U 4H N ro �-7 CCJ O cu d) U .O 4-1 .14 o Q m o r. to n tl) A+ U .b.l W }r C? a P+ W C Ln 'Qi N U' .-.{ v td � U 0 M � H ,o u o w p P4 ! •ri a w 'c'r Cl) a H U 1 N U rl r. 0 r }a aJ c4 w N f OO .loJ IL rt 4J U O U U � � � Q ::I u1 W v tad py O �t ?+ '>4 N U FTa N pOj d) tr 4-J 0 0 -W 4-1ce cu a 0o N Gt~ A. o .0 p a �o a° p O Q N "r' a N m di i>+ N ti+ cd U N W U 0 0 U) a ri o c^ $ 41 �^ w U) 4J " Cx b r. 4 0 Q. cd o u w on o u cd N a 04 r � CD ai w � r4� p. N . a W O' "o �+ y+ U Fca � — N PQ 11 w 4j q o4J 0 p cN Q ri cl H •� o u 4 o w • O} � r cu •H ra ow ' p'Lj a ca °r4a. cd w o vj >, .. v° N 0 " W 'o O �+ w 0 a a) a o U p a •H � r4 a r o rd 0) � � i � N o a+ [ii E-+ o . o• cad � H U ccd m Page 12 Report on Elimination As a result of the initial comparisons, Z eliminated the Vydec, CPT, Lanier, -and A. M. Jacquard Systems from consideration. The Vydec System was eliminated for the following reasons considered by the rater to be detrimental: 1. Magnetic media is divided into pages -•- allows for a great deal of wasted space on each disk. 2. The various programs are contained on 4 separate disks, and all must be loaded as needed. 3. There is no scrolling capability. it moves through the text by page. 4. There is no widow and orphan protect feature. 5. Complex function menus are required to perform a function -- shades of D.P. 6. Printer speed is slowest of all systems. 7. Demonstration revealed that the equipment would be very difficult to learn. 8. The firm was unable to quote prices since their GSA contract had not yet been renewed. The CPT System was eliminated for the following reasons considered by the rater to be detrimental: 1. The cursor is fixed -- must bring the line of material to be edited to the cursor, as opposed to taking the cursor to the material. This is a judgement call by the rater, who has determined that a fluid cursor would be easier to utilize. 2. Printer speed is second slowest of systems studied. Q. Search capability is not as flexible. 4. High Price. The Lanier System was eliminated for the following reasons coasidered by the rater to be detrimental: 1. No widow and orphan protect capability. 2. While the system possesses a. good range of capabilities, and is flexible, there is nothing which would justify the high cost. The A. M. Jacquard System was eliminated for the following reasons considered by t the rater to be detrimental: 1. Vertical scrolling is in increments of 22 lines (by screenful). 2. No speed control on scrolling. 3. Underlining is not displayed on screen - must be coded in. 4. No widow and orphan protect capability. 5. Match is limited to add and subtract only. 6. Hyphenation is suggested just by number of characters that will fit within the designated margins. 7. Programs are loaded in master terminal and remain t;iere. Therefore, only have the use of one disk drive. 8. There is only the capability for using one magnetic media per workstation. 9. Nothing about the system justifies the high cost. At this point, there are three systems remaining to be further evaluated. They are: Burroughs, Royal and A. B. Dick. That evaluation continues on the following pages. Page 13 -.0" N as 5C k k k 5: 5C k k k k a X X G x x I~ ;a, a a a rl Sa Cd 41 �+ ,C O -H•rl 4-1 a) w cn MCn m cn z ��ax �cxsc�e�a o �cxa°° a, a, a, pl, > ,, I4 I w ra x © 1,.1 tl) N iD V1 U) cA to W Cn Ir O O O 4) W 4) 4) cJ a)0 U � Pq a a a a a a 0 Pabc W r-1 H Fr+ ,C o .0 m Cn m to v, cn Cn cn a a a a a a a S4 U a C .r{ G i•a PL N O O u CO a N U C r{ r' 41,r. a 0 41 i-1 4-1 CO -Li•rl m � C)� 0 4J 1-1 O p cn 41 a y+ 41 a C) v z a a >4 : % a v to 4-1 li c, :I G >4 ctf H d co u P. o cd E-+ 0 Cd .0 G o cd 1r4 c1 0 u H H 4) p C: U Ta 0 —A U H Q) }1 U r! G G CD E •rl P1+ ra 0 Co C) ro x O a E an co 4.1 4-1 •r) Cd C) :3 ).1 O H N Cd 41 O b p u F-H 0 0 p H O C) w •0 p p 0 GO a to a )-+ •,4 W U Co P 0 O >4 0 O EE-1 1J 1.1 O = U Co ,4 p cJ O O cSS Q) Cd O 0 A o cd Cd w •ri o .0 r-4 H 4.1 •r+ � 0 cd o 4 Cn w a fa a 1 a U W A P 4 P. cn a 3 U Pa M 41 •C x C) .0 PL4 •O Q. a. 3 U O 44 CD U> cJ d U U U U u U U 4) U a a a a a T a w 4% •rl M. a Cd 0 v U a s >1 >, a •,.� •f'I •r) •rl •r{ •H •r I N + 1 PA Pq PQ Ga C n7 fA r I 9 I 7 Li Q E r1 PCI Pq Eq 94 41 li 41 ,U 4_1 t) 4-1 U W P4 x Cd cv Cd 73 Cd cd cd c y! N W U] N . O O O O O O 0 td cd r7 rgNrn .Y v1 �Or- m 014 r-)Nm -:z Ln 1.0 r)NM to 41 11 u dJ AJ U ji (s+ U q U U n d <C W < C x .r., � � x 4J a) m -W in O .G m y H 41N En q >, N ¢1 W ro o o aroi w a`�i w rn m ` 41 O ch (1) ro vb a) as 0. 4•4 rI ril ul -W to ro x w .G O a) a) N tll Q1 a1 aJ Q) a 1-40 a) a N G 4' O N f �1 61 w 0 O m W m us W (ato tocA V) \ 4-1 w cn CA IN >1 P.)'r1 >1 >1 (1) 41 ro s4 41 Cd z a O ar ch p �+ O E! w u a, a-1 -1 G to O u [ u u ,-1 O 41 y C ca O W 401 N G +j a) `A U� p W >C'l tC bD bU rGi � s a o o , a , , 4-1qro , C.)O , i a q 0ca~ u41 �rona1 ro LH 41 u; +J u •c p ro � O 44 G H � Ra ro rNj p O A a 8 O a) ri a 60 ? 44 I . Cc 4-1y U U O 1 U) a H rq - jN 41 4 p '1.4 .0 u N � � a o °�`� El 5 � aaj g u n ro k 4-J ro .-1 •rf C ro 1 C 11 11 A l O r1 I N n� r p Ly ti > 1 b0 O r 1 G w Q d Q W U O O ',3 G fa O H >4 r1 H P-t w x Q, Page 1 ' O rn C4 d '✓ 00 m � A H U O C a1 N ti N > N � to •rt U A v O O ON O O O M 0 ON Cq M 00O O �^ ► m cam ,,) 01 O c1 �t 00 M N M r i M M r-1 00 M cli O M n O rn O HN O m O O Ln co I n Lr) Ln Q O O\ O x M r-1 t-; Ef) tr 1 r l Oti N w O "^ O rr, ® 00 Lr) M O 00 n t\ O O � O M ri I O1 t-I r-1 O cr1 00 ON O M N 00 Cl) 00� M M a M N r, O rr1 �O O O cor\ ., ^ O O 00 It N H M r-I I N 1 a1 .0 ;4 0 O 13• 'ci 4-1 •� 4.1 r O e-i W co O O U 660 41 E..4 r 1 5C O 4�i co r-1 10 Va N O ,ri Cd cq r-1 �{ N e co rn � b a U W H H� } cl p U -Y Q 41 N v0 G N G � q O 1 U U co H O 0 U •H � u U G 7, ka C 04 tr tU G O a `1 41 W `� O awl co0 + ro ro -W rq N oa�'i `� CC13rj ri cU •rl aJ '� G rl u � rq aa) �4 0 41 O 4 G1a A H N O O It M M CO IT CV M N r-i r-1 a U 0 03 li co � U 41 cd u r� cri 2 [0 Page 16 � •rOl � q ?� oni°o •H� on ro p cc 41 p 41 N P U p JJ F3 p ed a1 G P. ro O A ii OJ LJ ro �" •1 ro 0)t� r•-I JJ O cd a) y C •ri •H 4.) .� N U ro 41 U 0 U 5 'a 3 d cc W G O ro O 4-1 +1 44 m ro ~ m a) r{ N Cd m 44 0 ro r-{ A 1J N y� od O a) N U •r�! b p `L U m a O b[I m 4 r-i � 4-3 � cd a 0roro° U)- IA 3 44 " U cod f:- O y U O roN W co U b ro a) 0 �M w.n m�r000 <4 •rl 9 0 N 10---44 C 'O m CO ro •r�l ram{ co a) .0 ro R. 4J 4J CTJ ri p -{ O 41 aj (D v ch 41 pro r-I N (V .0 4J G ai a. P. N m ,u m m U 0 m rommmmx a`a)roaa))r°ca) .o bt j (va)a)ao P+ w 41 U Enna r4 O rq •H fi o 0 •r� O p 0 C r-{ r-{ r-'{ r-{ m +1 N 44 9) ro C 44 44 44 44 G r. O p 0 4J O p 0 o o o a) {! m.0 m O p H cc ca m .� FTa cc a) 0) a) Q) r-{ O � M •� ,u U O P ,.O ,O A a cd a) e E i- ro w -u bD a) U �Ui g O r G p q U •r� •r{ 4J m O G fa co v M N E-4 dr ro •r{ p ro P4 4-J p O a m a) +-J x a �r � a .H U .r{ 41 � U O 'U 41 � ro L a O 4a a m C.4 c H CJ J [74 U C) r Page 17 Report on Elimination Results following the previous evaluation eliminate the A.B. Dick System for the following reasons considered by the rater to be detrimental: 1. Limited math capability. 2. Does not have automatic sorting and listing. 3. Does not have automatic repagination. 4. Does not have automatic decimal alignment. 5. Underlining must be coded, is not automatic. 6. Everything entered on screen must be recorded on disk. System cannot print from screen. 7. Unable to search by paragraph, which other systems possess. 8. System is Shared Logic, which in itself is not detrimental. It could be a critical factor if the CPU would become inoperative. Should that occur, all stations would be inoperable. 9. A feature which is usually desirable about Shared Logic is the ability to expand at a lesser cost by merely adding CRT's. Since this sytem only accomodates 3 CRT's, expansion would be more expensive due to the higher cost of one unit (with CPU). 10. Inadequate productivity reports -- only reports on what goes through printer, not through system. 11. Inadequate indexing system, and accessing of same. 12. Requires depressing the code key and return key for centering on short line, otherwise material is lost. 13. Operator must remember to close a file before being able to open a new file. 14. Maintenance costs are higher. 15. Cost of system is higher. The remaining two systems, Royal and Burroughs, were compared feature by feature in order to make the final determination for a recommended system for use in the City. As a result of that comparison, the following characteristics of the Royal, are considered by.the rater to be detrimental; 1. The Royal has less disk capacity than the Burroughs. 2. The Royal has no widow and orphan protect feature. 3. The Royal has the slower printer speed (45 cps vs. 55 cps..) The following characteristics of the Burroughs are considered by the rater to be detrimental: 1. Scrolling horizontally is in increments of 10, which allows for less operator_ control. 2. There is no scrolling speed control. 3. The program disk remains in the system all the time, which results in basically a single -disk drive system, and limits capacity. 4. Math program is also loaded separately, as needed. As a final consideration, actual users were contacted by phone for the Royal and Burroughs Systems, and their comments are contained on the following: page. Page 18 H )4 H o -d a x ay' a .0 a a cd uo) 'tl O G a o -0a Q ro co 0 �Q ro 0 M� � a •d 1J iJ 04 ER u q G cd b4OW (a o z ro 3 4J CO a in U cd ,°i > x w aroi ti 41 0 r� p a h,aaG cn 4J � [n • ro ��a•'.> cn b m m •r i 4-1 rcy X 0 o ro .� 4.4 O ro o 0 u P a -H to 0 Oa W r-) ai 0D ''q a � w p 4 a -q •rH) N •rl aJ O a i cd w a 4°1 a co a� orO o i H > n 44 pu cacd a � cn 10 A4 a Q ,U a cd co 4-1 co a a ro u cn z �r� °aa O 0) 4-1 b umGroH0 H � o H ) cc K1 co r6 � O O O rca 1'0J rC p ro a :j �•>oon �a>iarcau o � ci �x��� 0�a)0�� H ,. x 3 a ii sa 3 3 W x 0 yp 4J a ro 4-1 C iJ H 41 a) bD 4 w 0 Tl )1 rh,ri 1J 0 'o H 3 a a o �d ri ro u O 5 2 4i A r. O JJ 'O � W 3J 4.4 . M 4-4a)7 x 4-1-1 •q � U QJJ 4JJ r) 7 + O r•f a) \14 b0 (1) ru •r 4 y4 U N N 0+ EH 4J N b0 U •r4 x+ a f~ Ski coroAro rH c H CL b 0 N rd O ° u CUU � .� 0 n O ri u )0-1 � � F1 a b 1 b0 u> CO dJ 0 � Cr a 4.4 O 3 ral•r�i o G1 Z ,�, ra x a) a H o 0 a ro° Q ro w ° r�i �+ ai y7 •14 rl a oro)a a o.or�m ::jlf aro ro>~�d��oLH ao�� �cooaa W 4j co a p, ro .4J N °u a ai m 4-1 to vi ra Fd �+ 10 N N jJ �, � 0 N 0 >~ 4a co o oaoa) ro axdJ AbCL) ur' waro uMGNQ 4-1 4 Cd 0 ro a 'ri z ro D cd m d o b v 0 b a •r) V 4 O x 44 P �, -H ro a o a .0 ° zi ro ro a 3 aJ P u a1 �4 a ).1 p o E-d P ra o w m 41 `J cd�� � GJ 94 COu+() •0' .0 ro H ) .0 a1) N ate) 4 a O r1 a> b u 4 C P" 4 JJ a •d a bo a u 0 0 G •rq " 31 0 P, sJ x ro A ' 4.J.J CO a •1Gj U a 3 to u to ra bo 0 M a co a a 0 •r� E O u r-4 •r a) . •rq N •rq CO '0 •r♦ .1J Cd Z (a P..0 r-I 4J U) .O JJ •rl •r) co ro W aa" a 0 p a)) +J m s, >4 a, •rI .O •rl H r 1 U A 0 0 m 3 W cd co Q 4J aHi a) id �' i ro a r i a a .1J rC -o •,4 r-I aA 4J ui o a •ri -a F, z... 4J 0 �� � y, Cd w> 0 4 5, a 0 co a 7 a c, •ru) •rr4 � u O m H44 E �. roa m°� N Q cadaM o ai C "amN3'0 u a abrj o St ro •r I b I C'7 r-q -4 cd C: aro G UJ LJ 4-1 w 4 •ria.2 u ro cd P. w x U) w rro4-3 co Page 19 1. V , FINAL REPORT Completion of the evaluation and comparison of the systems by features, capabilities, and cost, results in a recommendation to install the Royal word processing equipment in the City of Carlsbad. To further support the recommendation, additional factors which were considered include communications capability, expandability, ease of operation, and company stability. While Royal is not the household word that Burroughs may be, Royal is affiliated with Volkswagen, and should, therefore, be financially sound and in existence for years. Royal has the communications option available for future consideration which will allow interfacing with an OCR, typesetter, and computer. The system may be expanded by clustering up to 3 CRT's to one printer. Also available immediately, if desired, is a hard -disk drive archive s;:orage, which may be accessed by all CRT's. This is not recommended for purchase at this time, but is available should it be determined necessary in the future. To test the ease of operation, an employee in my department who is unfamiliar with the variety of equipment and capabilities, operated a Burroughs and a Royal word processing system for a short period of time. She expressed the opinion that the Royal was easier to learn and operate th,x was the Burroughs. She further stated that of all the different types of machinery, the Royal appeared the simplest to use. Currently, a desire has been expressed by the Planning Department and the City Attorneys Office to utilize equipment with compatible media in order to receive assistance with their paper workload. The spacing requirements of the Royal will be beneficial since a printer must be within 6 feet of the CRT, but the second, or third CRT may be up to P two miles away. Conclusion and Recommendation. I recommend immediately issuing a purchase order which would include three (3) CRT's and two (2) printers, with a double -sheet feeder for one of the printers. Funding options for the equipment is based on a purchase price of $29,165.50. Royal quoted a 3rd party lease/purchase proposal at approximately 14% interest. The monthly payments for the 60-month period would be $723.25 plus tax. The Finance Director has indicated the possibility of a financial institution lending the money to the City of Carlsbad at one-half the prime. Currently that is approximately 10%, which would result in a monthly payment of approximately $577.71. Added to the monthly maintenance price, total monthly payments for the 60-month period would be approximately $787.71. Estimated cost for the remainder of the 1980-81 fiscal year is $2,520.84. Sufficient funds are available in the Central Services Department budget for those costs. Pages 20