HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; 6520; Street light conversion loanCITY OF CARLSBAD ; _ Initial: AGENDA BILL NO. (j> £3. Q Dept. Hd. DATE: March 3. 1981 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Utilities & Maintenance \ C. Mgr. Subject: Approval of Application For Loan to Fund Street Light Conversions Statement of the Matter The California Energy Commission has made .funds available to loan for the purpose of converting street lights and other outside lighting to reduced consumption systems (sodium vapor). The loan application deadline is March 15, 1981. Council authorized the hiring of an electrical engineer at their meeting of January 20, 1981 for the purposes of pre- paring the necessary information for the loan application and related design work required to accomplish the conversion. The City's lighting systems were surveyed and classified as street lights, outside security lighting and playing field lighting. The results of these calculations are as follows: Project Description Conversion Cost Pay Back (yrs.) 1. Street Lights $381,525 3.5 2. Outside Security Lighting 9,075 2.5 3. Playing Fields 31,670 9.5 The pay back period is determined by dividing the conversion cost by the annual energy cost savings. Based on these analyses, it is not recommended that the playing fields be con- verted at this time but rather be deferred until major upgrading or replacement of these systems is required (most likely in the 8-10 yr. time frame). Detailed computations on projects 1 and 2 are included with the loan application. Fiscal Impact The cost of these conversions may be approved for a loan from the State Energy Commission at an interest rate of 7%%. Loan payments are computed on the basis of energy cost savings and the term of the loan is set accordingly, thus the energy cost savings could repay the loan in 3% years for street lights and 2% years for other lighting. Interest costs are not included in the actual pay-off amount and pay-off period. The result is that energy cost increases would be slowed and after pay-off, could be reduced. Project #1 would be repaid through the Street Lighting Fund and Project #2, Outside Security Lighting, would be repaid from the general fund. Exhibits A. Loan Application B. Resolution No. / Recommendation Approve Resolution No. 6>^jT3 authorizing the City Manager to submit an application for loan. Council Action; 3-3-81 Cornell adopted Resolution 6452. ! " State of California California Energy Commission Application for Streetlight Conversion Loan TO CEC USE ONLY Date March 3S 1981 II Applicant Information Name of Organization:, C^ of Carlsbad Mailing Address: Street: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad State:CA Zip Code: 92008 Robert Miller City: Contact Person: Title: Engineering Tech. Phone No. (day): (714 ) 438-5604 (area code) City of Carlsbad System Information Owner of Street Light System: _ If streetlight system is leased: Duration of Lease: From N/A (month) (day] (yearT To N/A (month)(day)(year) Name of Utility Supplying Power: San Diego Gas & Electric Company III. Organization Information: (circle appropriate subsector category) Local Government 21 City/County 22 County OTHER (Specify) State of California California Energy Commiss.on Page 2 Name of Organization: City of Carlsbad - FOR CEC USE ONLY Project #1 (Street Lighting Conversion) IV. Budget Information Budget Summary for Light Conversion 1. Labor fee $ 64,580 2. Engineering . 10,000 3. Construction/improvement fee _ N/A 4. Material ' 283,285 • 5. Equipment 23,660 6. Inspection fee 7. Removal fee (if applicable) 8. Other: 9. Project total $381.525 10. State loan funds requested $ 381,500 3 7 -< > X •x. rt 5to . 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DH---5 0. 11142 ECt 129. *L/S 1878. KWH6 209. DC7 242316. KWH9 26999. DCiO NEW SYSTEM 200, HSx2 63, BI.JX3 4165. DHX5 0. 11142 ECt 129= *L/8 200, CCV4 1095. KwH6 122. DC? 141306. KUH9 15744. dClO SflVIHGS lOiOiO. KS11 11254. DS12 25SOO. CC13 PRGE TDTflLS 101010. KSll 11254. DS12 25SOO. UC13 State of California California Energy Commir in FOR CEC USE ONLY Name of Organization: City of Carlsbad V. Project #1 (Street Lighting Conversion) Streetlight Conversion Project Schedule, schedule for each project.) • Task 1. Bids solicited 2. (Submit one Date 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTE: Contractor(s) hired or staff designated Estimated project start date Design(s) completed Permit, approval, EIR, etc., processes completed. (Describe necessary processes on a separate attached sheet.)&» Materials acquired. Estimated project completion Final Report (5/15/81 - 6/1/81) 6/16/81 7/6/81 3/31/81 (See Attached Sheet) 6/29/81 10/6/81 11/21/81 At the completion of the project, each institution receiving a loan must prepare and submit to the CEC an annual energy - savings report. This report must be submitted at the end of each fiscal year,, not later than October 31s and must show the computed cost of energy saved as a result of the project completed with loan funds. 10 7 Page 10, TT V5 (Continued) PERMITS - The City Engineering Department will issue a permit to the contractor on or about June 16, 1981 when Contract is signed. APPROVAL - The City Council approved street lighting conversion on or about December 18, 1979. EIR - The City Planning Department will file a notice of exemption with the County of San Diego on or about February 23, 1981. The City project is categor- ically exempt under C.E.Q.A. State of California California Energy Commission Page 2 Name of Organization: City of Carlsbad ~ FOR CEC USE ONLY Project #2 (Miscellaneous Outside Lighting) IV. Budget Information Budget Summary for Light Conversion 1. Labor fee $ 969 2. Engineering - 3. Construction/improvement fee 4. Material ' _ 7'443 5. Equipment '_ 6. Inspection fee 7. Removal fee (if applicable) 8. Other: N/A 9. Project total $ 9;075 10. State loan funds requested $ !___ State of California California Energy Cornmis on FOR CEC USE ONLY V. Name of Organization: City of Carlsbad Project #2 (Miscellaneous Outside Lighting) Streetlight Conversion Project Schedule,. (Submit one schedule for each project.) • • Task 1. Bids solicited 2. Contractor(s) hired or staff designated 3. Estimated project start date 4. Design(s) completed 5. Permit, approval, EIRS etc.s processes completed. (Describe necessary processes on a separate attached sheet.) *6. Materials acquired. 7. Estimated project completion 8. Final Report Pate (5/15/81 - 6/1/81) 6/16/81 7/6/81 -N/A (See Attached Sheet) 6/29/81 8/7/81 9/11/81 NOTE: At the completion of the project, each institution receiving a loan must prepare and submit to the CEC an annual energy - savings report. This report must be submitted at. the end of each fiscal year, not later than October 31tand must show the computed cost •" of energy saved as a result of the project completed with loan funds. --.. \ 10 10 Page 10, TT V5 (Continued) PERMITS - The City Engineering Department will issue a permit to the contractor on or about June 16, 1981 when a contract is signed. APPROVAL - The City Council approved street lighting conversion on or about December 18, 1979. EIR - The City Planning Department will file a notice of exemption with the County of Sen Diego on or about February 23, 1981. This City project is categor- ically exempt under C.E.Q.A. 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[„,.! cnen CT) 01 o ro cn CD t— « CO cnVOrx> 1 •xa COcn O • >-§ s 0 XI aCP» rr t~*py^rf r>D* FsW T3ft 3^ ti3 t* (urv fr~* <-^w S* IS f» I'o <O R.p*tri nrt K O o•a K rr W <* S 0•of»o »^^,0 W t! 3tit CO s a•c trci r,in ?\O Ss ___ -•» -0 °p!tb fr-o rfrr >-^-tfr r* • 0-i 1 — 'C« 3 t2 03 oCO X) » 16< O 'It- O t» }q rr l*^ CM- ro H-.O <» OJS 2r* *-»oP f. t^1"i »-S K fc c r •r =i r- tn < -jr. L) •* to S I* o 'i r. 0 C'- rn C3 O to « n -s r>UTS IDSf si™ to-< H iro ^ [is ls. P rl*"•s -j.rsid State ot California California Energy Commission ~COR CEC USE ONLY The Undersigned acknowledges that it is a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, to knowingly make any false statements concerning any of the above facts. Signature . Print or Type Name Date \ n State of California California Energy Commission ENGINEER CERTIFICATION 1. Name of Organization: CITY OF CARLSBAD 2. As the engineer responsible for this Streetlight Conversion Program, I hereby certify that: A. I am a fully qualified Professional Engineer, registered with the State of California, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, and I have energy conservation experience. B. I have no conflicting financial, interests in completing th s Program and Report for your facility. JfeR Professional EngiTe er"'~s sTgnature Professional Engineer's Name Date Date Flailing Address Telephone _City State Zio Corie 4. As the engineer responsible for this Streetlight Conversion Program and Report, I hereby certify that: This Program and Report is accurate to the best of my and belief. ... _J-LL2^J^^Professional Engineer's SignaTure-™-1 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6452 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A LOAN FOR CONVERSION OF STREET LIGHTS WHEREAS, the State of California has authorized the loan of funds for the conversion of street lights and other outdoor lighting through the Energy Conservation Assistance Act of 1979, and, WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad owns and operates 1820 street lights and 151 outside security lights that could be converted to high pressure sodium fixtures and are eligible for funding under this loan program, and WHEREAS, the City Council supports efforts to reduce the consumption of energy provided from non-renewable natural resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the abo'-'e recitations are true and correct. 2. The City Manager be authorized to submit a loan application to the California Energy Commission for a loan in the amount of $381,525 for the conversion of all City-owned street lights to high pressure sodium vapor and in the amount of $9.975 for the conversion of City-owned outside security lights to high pressure sodium vapor. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX . XXX XXX XXX XXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of March . , 1981 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL)