HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; 6527; Funding For Bicycle Parking FacilitiesDEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SUBJECT: FUNDING FOR BICYCLE PARKING FACILITIES STATEMENT OF THE MATTER San Diego Association of Governments, CALTRANS and the County of San Diego are in the process of entering into an agreement whereby the County will claim $10,000 in fiscal year 1980-81 Local Transportation Funds, on behalf of the San Diego Region, to be used for purchasing, secure bicycle storage facilities. Additionally, CALTRANS has $65,000 available in fiscal year 1980-81 state funds for bicycle parking facilities in the San Diego Region. These two. programs will provide a total of $75,000 for bicycle storage lockers and racks in the area: CALTRANS will coordinate the purchase.and installation of the facilities with final locations e.rnmen t s . to be determined by the Bicycle Facilities Subcommittee of the San Diego Association of Gov- There are two types of bicycle facilities available: a storage locker which holds two bicycles and a rack with built-in cables for locking, which also holds two bicycles. The racks must be mounted on concrete; however, thelockers can be installed on either asphalt or concrete. Engineering staff has surveyed the City in regard to the placement of secure bicycle storage facilities and recommends the installation of eight bicycle storage lockers as follows: two lockers at Rotary Park; two lockers at Cannon Park; two lockers at City Hall and two lockers at the northernmost end of the beach parking lots. Additionally, it’is recommended that the City request 23 bike racks for installation as follows: four racks on Carlsbad Boulevard at Tamarack; four racks on Carlsbad Boulevard at the southern end of the beach parking lots; three racks at Holiday Park; four racks at Levante Park; four racks at Magee Park and four racks at Laguna Riviera Park. The Parks & Recreation Director approves of the recommended locations of the bicycle facilities. The Utilities/Haintenance Director has agreed to install the necessary con- crete or asphalt pads. CALTRANS. The agreement provides that the City will allocate and provide space for the In order to participate in this program it is necessary to execute an agreement with lockers and racks and also assist CALTRANS in monitoring use of the facilities. FISCAL tHPACT It is estimatedthat installation of the asphalt and concrete pads will be under $1,500. EXHIBIT Locat ion Haps Resolution NO.^ approving Bicycle Parking Agreement with CALTRANS RECOMMENDATION - the Mayor to execute the agreement with CALTRANS on behalf of the City. . Approve the City’s participation in the bicycle parking facilities funding and authorize ... .. Council Action: 3-3-81 Council adopted Resolution 6461. .. . CALTRANS BICYCLE - - LOCKER AGREEMENT -- Subject to the following terms end conditions, the California D8p8rtm8nt of Transportation CCALTRANSI hereby aSSignS Bicycle Locker and key Number Serial Number to: Name - Address Street - Citv Zip Coda T8l8phOn8 Work Phone Horns Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This Agreement shall be for a period of three months, expiring On , and may be renewed for SUCC8SSiV8 thrae-month periods Ull18SS Oth8rWiS8 terminated by CALTRANS. Your assigned Bicycle Locker shall be used only for the pUrPOS8 of storing a bicycle or moped. Non.compli8nce with this condition will result in terminstion of this Agrsbmsnt by CALTRANS. CALTRANS is in receipt of a $ rental fee fur the first thr88-mOnth period. CALTRANS is also in receipt of a $ security deposit. which shell be refunded upon return of your assigned key, provided that your Bicycle Locker is left in its original condition. In the event of key loss. a $ charge will be assessed for 8 new lock end key. Please note that a $4 charge Will be assessed for 8 check returned by the bank. GALTRANS shellp8riOdiC8Ily inspect and maintain yourassigned Bicycle Locker. CALTRANS or ere not liable for any injurias. losses or damages arising from use of your assigned BicycleLocker. Signatura D8t8 RENEWPL OF - LOCKER AGREEMENT - Mame A ddress Street City zip Coda Telephone Work Phone Home Phone Please renew my Agreement for the use nf Bicycle Locker and key Numbar for an additional three-month period. The $ rental fee for three Serial Number months is anclosed. I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of rhe original CALTRANS BICYCLE LOCKER AQREEMENT. Signature Agreement renewed by: CALTRANQ Bicycle Coordinator Oaie Date *fl?d BIKE LOCKERS, LTZ. ? Ph. (916) 372-6620 P.O. Box 445, West Sacramento. Ca. 95691 I 'I ,~ : .. '. , .. :. , ,- , . . .~ .. .. . , Unit Ceneral Specifications Model M-2 For 2 standard bicycles (Or small motorcycles) Prlmary Constructton Materlals Sides, roof. doors. back and partition: Weather resistant Phenolic board made to Framing: Aluminum Extrusions. 6063 T 5. Clear anodized. Exterior Finish: Colored Acrylic, or equal, to withstand weathering. Interior Finish: Phenolic overlay, or equal, for durability, Hardware: All screws and ground attachments are interna:. Locks: Pop-out handle with 7-pin tubular key locks. or Barrel Bolt type to accept high Door hinge and door latch Continuous, interlocking, anodized extrusions. .e,.. . .. .i li . -. ... . , j. .. Commercial Standard 236-66 type 2-8-2 Overlaid. or MDO Ex. Plywood. security padlocks. .. Ships knocked down for field asemblv 1. Outside Side 2. Back 3. Divider 4. Back 5. Inside Side .. .. . .. . .. :$ : Top Vtrw Model M2 Bike 20 Bicycles 10 M-2 Lockers 3 dlmenlonal view For 2 standard bicvcles .. . Length 33' Width 74%" Weight 300 pounds Other Mcdols avzilable for Mopeds and Motorcycles M-2M. "3. and H-2 Home Locker Unit Circler and curved installations avail?';le on special order. Unlled Stater Patent No. 3.967.425 The best way in the world to park a bike, - . .. , .. . ." . RESOLUTION NO. G461 "" A RESOLUilOS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI!E CiTY OF CARLSBAU, STATE DEPARTfGNT OF TRANSPDRTA'TIOW AND THE CITY OF CAKLSbAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVlhC AN AGREEIIEIiT BETWEEN TllC CALIFORNIA TO PRCVIDE SECURE BICYCLE " PARKING FACILITICS " "- The City Council of the City OF Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolv! as follows: I. That cet.tain agreement hetwccn the City of Carlsbad and State Depart rnent of Transportation to provide secure bicycle park.ing facilities, attached hereto as Exhihit "A" and incorporated by reference, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbzd is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agrement for and on behalf of the City of Car1sbt.d. PASSED, APPRO!'EO AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the! City Council Of the City of Carlsbad held the a d2y of , 1981, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packsrrl, Caslkr, .%mar, Lewis and Ku1.chj.n NOES: ABSENT: None 4 d. PA*Lr&L/ 6% 6 RO!IALD C. PACKUllD, l44YOR I ATTEST: (SEAL) I This Agreement, &fed of Transportation, hereinotter referred to os "CALTH,\NS", and City of C-rl sbad 'I , is betwecn the California Stote Department ' , hercincfler rcferred to os as " CITY - WHEREAS; CALTFIANS ond - CITY recognize ihat hcrensed bicyclc mmmlr:inr, reddtc roodwcy ou;omobile cowcstion on6 parking requirements, imprcvct ." SECTION I , CALTRANS AGFIEES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To provide and install eioht , bicyclc storage modules with storage spaces will accommodate an additional 46 bicycles at locations named above for an experimentcl tc:m of one ycor. for 16 bicycles, and 23 bicycle racks, which To ollocote the bicycle storage lockers ond issce keys in a fair and equitable monncr to employees wis!lhg to bicycle to work on a rqulor bosis. To administer the use of .the bicycle storage lockers in accordance with thc Bicycle Locker Agrcemcnt. attochcd CALTRANS Bicycle Locker Agreement und Renewal of CALTRANS To periodico;[y inspect ond mointoin the bicycle storog? lockers and bicycle racks. T~ the usage of the bicycle storogc lockrm ond bicycle rock. ot file fhc one yeor term if ii is found ihut the bicyclc sioroge lockers T~ remove, ot its own expense, the Ibicycle storogc lockcrs and bicyclc racks or bicycle rGC!;: ore updcrutilized or vondoli7cd. I. To ollocate and provide spaces for tile eiqht bicycle stcmge modules and 23 bicycle roc!ts as per the attochcd sketch plan. 2. To provide and install removable protective burrier posts and concrete footings at the ~~xxxxx~x designoted siids) o: per the attached sketch plan. 3. To ossis; CALTKANS in monitoring the use of the bicycle storage lockers. SECTION 111 IT Is MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: 1. harmless from any and oll cloims from injuries or damages reseivrd or sirstaincd CITY will hold CALTRANS ond its officers, ogenis and employees by any person or perscns by or on account of work done by CALTRAIJS or pursuant to this Agreement. I 2. . Thot fhis Agreement may be terminated and provislons contained herein may be i altered, changed or amended by mutuol consent of the por!ics hereto. ? CITY OF CARLSBAD - CALTRANS, State of California Departmst of Transportation i j I .. ... '< ? _. WR~TE IT-DON'T SAI IT INTER-DEpARTMENT MEMORANDUM Ad* &sa7 A.M. TO DATE 12-9 re 81 P.M. Was notified by Vicki Burkin, Contracts Administrator, that CalTrans had lost its funding for this contract during the State Budget process, and therefore, this contract would not be used. Same Date. Instructions from City Clerk to file with Agenda Bill. K.S. REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM CALTRANS - CITY OF CARLSBAD BICYCLE PARKING AGREEMENT of Tronsportotion, hereinofter referred to as "CALTRAW', and City of Carlsbad " This Agreement, doted , is between the Colifornio Stote Deportment ' , hereinofter referred to os os ': CITY N WHEREAS; CALTRANS and CITY reco@ze that increed bicycle commuting will reduce roadway outombilc congestion and parking requirements, improve air quality, increare energy swinp, and help promote health and fitness, and WHEREAS; CALTRANS has given priority to those non-motorized projects that promte bicycle commuting, and WHEREAS; CALTRANS and CITY bicycle porking facilities is o deterrent to potential bicycle commuters, and recognize that the lack of secure WHEREAS; CITY does not hove secure bicycle parking facilities, ond NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions herein contoined, the parties hereto agree os follows: SECTION I CALTRAW AGREES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To provide and install for 16 * and 23 will occommodote on additional 46 bicycles at locations named above for on experimental term of one year. bicycle storoge modules with storage spaces bicycle rocks, which To provide and install for 16 * and 23 will occommodote on additional 46 bicycles at locations named above for on experimental term of one year. bicycle storoge modules with storage bicycle rocks, To allocate the bicycle storoge lockers and issue keys in o fair and equitable manner to any employees wishing to bicycle to work on a regulor basis. To odrninister the use of .the bicycle storoge lockers in accordance with the attached CALTRANS Bicycle Locker Agreement and Renewal of CALTRANS Bicycle Locker Agreement. To periodically inspect md maintain the bicycle storoge lockers and bicycle racks. To monitor the usoge of the bicycle storage lockers and bicycle rocks. ot the end of the one yeor term if it is found that the bicycle storoge lockers TO remove, at its own expense, the bicycle storoge lockers and bicycle rocks or bicycle rocks are underutilized or vandalized. f I SECTION II CITY AGREES: 1. TO allocate and provide spaces for the ei ht bicycle storage modules and 23 bicycle rocks as per the ottachea --" s etch plon. 2. To provide md instoll removable protective barrier posts and concrete footings at the xxxxxxxxx designoted site(s) os per the ottoched sketch plan. 3. To asist CALTRANS in monitoring the use of the bicycle StOraJe kkerS. ' SECTION 111 1T IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTO@D AND AGREED 1. CITY harmless from any and oll claims from injuries or damages received or sustained will hold CALTRAM and its officers, agents and employees by my person or persons by or on accovnt of work done by CALTRANS or pursuant to this Agreement. 2. Thot this Agreement may be terminated and provisions contained herein may be altered, changed or amended by mutual consent of tho parties hereto. CITY OF CARLSBAD CALTRANS, State of California Deportment of Transportation Approved: Approved: RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR (Datef .. . 'i .: .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 36 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. RE :soLu'r ATTEST: (SEAL)