HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; 6530; Beach lease with San Diego Gas and Electric- Subject: Beach Lease with San Diego Gas and Electric ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ Statement of the Matter The City leases 1,500 feet of beach from San Diego Gas and Electric . - Company.. Last year the City paid the State Parks and Recreation Department $32,500 to provide lifeguard and maintenance services from April through October. - .. ?., The Parks and Recreation Commission at their February 9, 1981 meeting recommended the City return the 1eas.ed beach property to San Diego Gas and Electric. They noted the high cost for contrackual services compared to the small stretch of beach involved. Staff concurs with this recommendation. Fiscal Impact’ ” The City will save approximately $35,000 per year in contrqctual . and administrative costs. ’ Exhibits Memorandum to City Manager dated February 18, 1981. Map of Beach Leas.e Area. Re -c o mme n d a t i on It is recommended the city Council direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to return the leased beach area to S&n Diego Gas and Electric ~ Compahy . a Council Action: 3-3-’81 Council approved staff recommendation. MEMORANDUM TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM : David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director DATE : February 18, 1981 SUBJECT: City Beach - San Diego Gas and Electric Lease BACKGROUND The City leases 1,500 feet of beach from San Diego Gas and Electric and has since 1963. Last year the City paid $32,500 to State Parks and Recreation to provide lifeguard, communication and maintenance services (April through October). Last March, the City Council considered several options related to the beach and chose to continue the lease agreement and to contract with the State for services. The possibility of a boat harbor was one of the reasons for maintaining the beach lease. RECOMMENDATION The Parks and Recreation Commission at their February 9, 1981 meeting has recommended that the City return the leased beach property to San Diego Gas and Electric. They noted the high cost for lifeguards and maintenance compared to the small stretch of beach involved. Staff concurs 'i;7ikh this recommendation. DISCUSSION The lease agreement with San Diego Gas and Electric states that either party may terminate the lease by written notice at least sixty days prior to August 1st. The lease will then terminate on August 1st. This leaves approximately three months (May, June, July) of heavy use time that the City will have control of the beach. Since this small area is "sandwiched" between State guarded beaches on both sides, it is recommended that no City-paid lifeguard service be provided during this time. By terminating the beach lease with San Diego Gas and Electric the City &ill save approximately $35,000 a year in contractual lifeguard services and will be relieved of any liability resulting from use of the beach. Additionally, administrative costs of maintaining the lease and service contract will be eliminated. DLB:MDL:kap cc: Bill Baldwin Ron Beckman