HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-19; City Council; 3242-4; RESOLUTION TO VACATE AN EASEMENT AFFECTING QUAIL RIDGE* _c i-- initial: City Atty up AGENDA BILL NO. DATE : --- *- DEPARTMENT: Engineering Dept. Head z 0 City Mgr*+ SUBJECT: RESOLUT I ON TO VACATE AN EASEMENT AFFECTING CARLSBAD TRACT 74-4 (QUAIL RIDGE) STATEMENT OF THE MATTER A request to vacate Quail Ridge easement was made by Standaid Pacific of San Diego, owners and developers. Portions vacated will be granted to Standard Pacific of San Diego reserving public utility easement. The developer has requested this vacation order to allow recordation of Carlsbad Tract 74-4 (Quail Ridge). Elm Avenue will be extended as a part of the CT-74-4 subdivision. There should be no problems with uti1 F I SCAL 1 MPACT Approximately 5,700 square feet of land to be returned to tax rolls. The developer paid a $400 processing fee. RECOMMENDAT I OFJ Adopt Resolution No. vacating a portion of an easement over a portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Agua Hedionda. EXHl BITS 1. Location and Plat Map 2. Resolution NO. 663s vacating a portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Agua Hedionda. an easement over a portio Council Action: 5- 19- 81 Council adopted Resolution No. 6535, vacating a portion of an easement 01 portion of Lot "J" of Wcho Agua Hedionda; including a legal descriptior copy of nap distributed at the Council Meeting. - _. . . .. .. ... . ..:.: ..... "'7 . 1 3 4* 3 4 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 .. .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Return tor - c1n f auhD 1161 cA/ZG&W, L=/3- 72Op$ I~OO EM AW tWiiitl'lION NO. 6535 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYCOU~ICIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBP~D, CALIFORNIA, SUEII"flRILY VACATif'lG AN EASECENT OVER A PORTION OF LOT "3" OF RAfICHO- BGUA HEDIONDA. .. WHEREAS, an easement over a portion of Lot "J." of Rancho Agua Hedionda was dedicated to the City of Carlsbad per a-n easement description recorded !larch 9, 1962, per San Diego County record File No. 40679; and WHEREAS, that easement previously dedicated contains no public facilities or appurtenances, and provides no usable access to the adjoining property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above facts are -true and correct. 2. That, pursuant to Section 8330 of Chapter 1050 of the California Streets and Highways Code, said easement referenced above and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" as shown 'on Attachment "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, be summarily vacated. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 19 81 the City of Carlsbad, held the - I?*- day nf yay '- by the following vote, to wit: AYES: .NOES f None Council Mers Packard, Casler, hear .and Kulchin .- # ROflALD C. PACKARD , Nayor ATTEST : (SEAL 1 - 1162 ROAD VACATION The vacation of the Southwesterly 30.00 feet jeina that certa - .n easement, as reflected in an instrument creating or reaffirming said easement, affecting a poition Qf Lot "J" of 3ancfi.o Asua Iiedionda, according to the map thereoE KO. S23, filed in the Office of the Recorder Of Sax 3iego County, State of California, in favor of: Cocnty of San Diego; for: Public IIiTbvzy purposes; recorded ?;arch 9, 1962, Recorder's file KO. 40619. The route of the vacation of said easement being within a 30.00 foot strip of land. The Southwesterly sideline of said vacation of said easement more par- ticularly described 2s follows: Conunenci'ng at an angle point. on the Skstcrly boundary as shown on Record of Survey Xap No- 5412 on file in the OfZice of the County Recorder of said County, said State; thence, alon~ said i.7csterly boundary of said Record Xap 5412 Soukh 06O.35'47" Ezst 1026-21 feet to a point being on the centerline 02 Road Survey 130,.745 on file in'the Office of the County Engineer of said San Diego County, said point also being on the arc of a 400.00 foot xa,dius curve concave Southerly a radial line to said point bears Zorth 2lo0c)'21" Xest; thence, Easterly along the centerline of said EoaG Survey 745 the following courses: Easterly alona the arc of said 400.00 foot radius curvc throuch a central angle of 19"OG'OS" a distance of 133.58 Zest; thence, tangent to said curve Xorth 88"07'43" East ._ 223.85 feet to the beginnin9 of a tanqent 550-00 foot radius curvs concave SrJuthwesttrly; thence Southczsterly alonc the arc of sai2 . curve throL.-crh a central angle of 13"35'44" a 5istance of 130-51 feet to a point being the TZUE POINT OF BEGI:!'.!IXG of the Southwest- erly sideline of said vacation said point also bein9 Southwesterly of said I)ocIment recorded Iilarch 9, 1962 Recorder's file Ejo. -40613; and along the Southwesterly Boundary Line of said Docunsnt recorded' Idarch 3, 13G2 through a central angle of 19O40'54" a distance oE ' 188.93 feet to the point of termination of sa5.d Southwesterly side- line a radial line to said point bears Korth 31"24'21': East- The Northc;.istcrly sideline .of said 30-00 foot strip of land shall be 30.00 fcct liorthcastcrly of measured at righk angles to the a above dcscriSe~3 sideline and shall bec_rin on a line that bears North 02O58'53" I?c:st through stlid TRUE PCIKT OF EEGIL\"IGG and end on a line that hears Xorth 50°09' 54" East throuTh said POIPIT OF TE?NILI'J'- xr I ox - EXCEPTING: . . thence continuing alon? the arc of said 550-CO foot radius curve .-.. .. ., Such vacation shall affect only those interests recorded on llap 823 exclusively, excepting any easement of record for utilities. EXI-IIBIT "A" ' \ ROAD VACAT IOf: .- The vacation of the Easterly 809.56 Zeet of that certain ezsement, as reflected in an instrunent creating 01: reaffirming said easecent, affecting a portion 05 Lot "3" of Rancho Agua Zedionda, according to the map thereof KO. 823, filed in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, in favor of: County of San Dieso; for: 3ublic goad Purposes; recorded Xuqust 29, 1947 in Book 2467, Page 64 of Official Records, as Docuzent No. 80633. The . route of the vacation of the portion of said casexent being within a stri_n of land 40-00 feet wide, 20.0'0 feet on each side of the follok- ing described centerline: Commencing at the angle point as shown on Zecord oE Survey Kzi? XO- 5412 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said county, said State; thence, alonq said Xesterly boundary of said Record of Survey Map No. 5412 South 0Ei035'47" East 1026.21 feet to a ooht being the TRUE POIKT OF EEGIXNING of the centerline of said vacation said point beinq on the centerline of said ezs23enc recorded Auuust 29, 1947 in Book 2487, Paqe 64 of Cfficial Eecordsr said 3oint also bein? on the centerline of Road Survey Eo. 745 on file in the Office of the Cour.ty Engineer of San 3ieao County. :;"aid TRUE P0111T OF EICCIKNING being on the arc of a 400.00 foot ra<.ius curve concave Southerly a raciial line to said point bears ?:oxh 21"00'21" Vest; thence, Easterly aloncj the centerline of said easerLent and said Road Survey 745 the following courses: Easterly along the arc of said 400.00 foot radius curve through a central ariqle 05 L9°08'04" a distance or' 133.53 feet; thence, tanqent to said curve Sorth 83"07'43" East 223.85 feet to the beginnin? or' 550-00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly; thence Southeastsrly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 47O06' a distance of 452.13 to the POIYT Oi? TERXINATIOM of the centerline oE ,said vacation. The sidelines of said 40-00 foot strip of Ian2 shall be2in on a line that bears Korth 06"35'47" West an6 pass through said T3UE POIE!T OF BEGINPJISG and end'on a line that bears Xorth 45"13'43'' Zast and pass through said POIST Or' TEX--!IMATIO:.:.. c - EXGEPT/N+ : .. . L 1165 OFF IClAt riECORDS $AN OlECO COUNTY, CA VERA L. LYLE RECORDER