HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-19; City Council; 6598; Allocation of Contingency Reserve FundsAGENDA IlILL NO. DATE: May 1 'I. 1981 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT :_F!..!ic!.!n~an~c:=.e _____________ _ -;o @- rnit·1a1: _l Dept. Hd. J/.!:S... c. Atty.Vf8 C.Mgr.~ Subject: Allocation of Contingency Reserve Funds for Various Maintenance .and Operations Purposes Statement of the Matter The transfer of $20,611 from the contingency reserve fund is required at this time in order to provide funding for the following purposes. $2,630 in additional appropriations is reouired to fund the balance of fiscal 80-81 expenditures in the City Attorney's professional services account. These funds are required to cover the cost of replacement ~elp during the unanticipated sick leave absence of the departmental secretary. $11,306 in additiona1 appropriations is required to fund the City's fiscal 80-81 partictpation in street lighting assessment district No. 1. AB No. 5071, supplement No. 6 presented to council on July 1, 1980 provided council with a cost estimate of , street lighting district No. 1 for fiscal 80-81, and established the City of Catlsbads contribution into the district for fiscal 80-81 at $11,306. The appropriation of funds from the contingency res~rve is required to complete the City's contrihution into street lighting assessment district No. 1 for fiscal 80-81. -· $3,500 in-additi~nal appropriations is required to fund the balance of fiscal 80-81 expenditures relating to th~ lease of building storage facilities at Palomar Business Park;. These addi tiona 1 funds are required due to the expenditure for security fencing within the facility and the inclusion of first and last mo'nths rental payment in the agreement. $3,175 is required in additional appropriations to fund the cost of preparing the newsletter report to Carlsbad citizens on the preliminary budget process. The costs associated with the preparation of this newsletter has been charged to Finance and General Government budgets and are as follows: employee services -utilization of in house staff on special assignment -$1,400; printing costs -$475; postage and labeling for distribution of 15,000 copies of newsletter -$1,300. Total cost of project = $3,175 •. Exhibits -Agenda bill No. ~071 -suppl_ement No. 6. Fiscc:11 Impact This action will reduce the contingency reserve account by $20,611, leaving a balance of $305,794 in. the contingency reserve account Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. ~G'~ •· approving the approprfation of $20,611 from the contingency reserve account to maintenance and operations accounts. Approve Finance Department appropriation tran.sfer No. 78 AePROVEO. RESOLUTION ~O. 6525 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR VARIOUS MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ACCOUNTS DETAILED HEREIN AND ON FINANCE DEPART- MENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER NO. 78. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the ~ity of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the transfer of twenty thousand, six hundred and eleven dollars 8 ($20,611) from the contingency reserve, No, 01-139-2450, be made to the 9 following accounts for the specified purposes and amounts: 10 2. $2,630 to account No. 01-105-2450, City Attorney, professional 11 services to provide funds for the cost of replacement secretarial assistance. 12 3. $11,306 to account No. 01-206-2870, general fund, street lighting 13 district No. 1 participation, to provide fun~s for the City's 1980-81 cost 14 participation in the district. 15 4. $3,~00 to account No. 01-104-2350, general government, property 16 rental, to provide funds for the remaining fiscal 80-81 expenditures relating 17 to the lease of storage facilities at Palomar Business Park. 18 5. $3,175 to be appropriated to the following departmental accounts to 19 provide funding for tile preparation of a newsletter report to the citizens 20 of Carlsbad on the preliminary budget process -$1,400 to account No. 01-106-113 21 Finance -part-time salaries; $775 to account No. 01-106-2540 -Finance - 22 printing and binding; $1,000 to account No. 01-104-2530 -General Government - 23 postage expense. 24 6. That department of Finance appropriation transfer No. 78 on file in 25 said department and incorporated by reference herein are approved. 26 27 28 J. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 2 at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1981 by the following vote, 3 to wit: 4 5 .6 7 AYES: Council 1'Enbers Packard, Casler, An~r & Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: Council 1-al!ber Lem.s 8 9 ATTEST: 10 ~ '-~~~IM\-ALETHA L. RAUTEl'IKRANZ, City Clerk 11 12 (Seal) 13 14 15 16 17 18 l~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor