HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-26; City Council; 6609; Approval of Computer Maintenance AgreementCITY OF CARLSBAD AGElmA BILL NO. ___ /,____..,/,.__Q..._.,.f _______ _ DATE: _"_~ay 26 1 1981 DEPARTMENT: Finance Department Subject: Approval cf Computer Maintanance Agreement Statem~nt of the Matter J''O ~~c0 Initial: J:-· Dept.Rd. C. Atty.",_\) ___ f0.,.,,._. C. Mgr. --- fhe City ·;s in the 9rocess of installing a new data processing system \'lhich has been purchased from Hewlett-Packard (ij. P.), the computer manufacturer In order to guarantee a 90 day warranty period after installations the City m1,1st execute the attached maintenance agreement covering a 12 month period from the date of installation. Exhibits H.P. maintenance ,coptractu Resolution No. l.iS:'il Fiscal ~moa~ There is no fiscal impact for 1980-81. 1981-82 has funds budgeted for this cost } in the finance and water department budgets. n.e annual cost of computer maintehance Will be $8,076. Recommendation ----- Adoot Resolution No. 6_5 '17 contract. AeeROVED authorizing the Nayor to execute the attached F/ji8 HEWLETT 11:/!a PACKARD Mr. Jim Elliott City of Carlsbaa 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Il!::ar Mr-Elliott: March 23, 1981 we are pleased to present the enclosed Customer Support Services Agreement on the Hewlett-Packard 3000/30 Computer System presently on order with Hewlett-Packard. The enclosed Agreement defines the obligations of both Hewlett--Packard and the City of Carlsbad for our Standard Syste Maint~nance Service at the prices quoted. In order to initiate the Agreement we need the signature of an author- ized representative of the City of Carlsbad on the Agreement form and the signe.d Agreement returned to Hewlett-Packard along with a Purchase Order. Up- on acceptance by Hewlett-Packard a copy will be retu~ned for your records. The prices quoted are current published prices and are firm for thirty (30) days. Once the Agreement (Form 9320-4077) is signed, it will remain in effect until terminated by either party. After the effective date of the Agreement orders for additional services or changes may be issued at any time subject to accep- tance by Hewlett-Packard. Orders must reference the Agreement No., applicable Exhibit(s). and the services being ordered. Thank you for the opportunity to present our service and we look forward to fulfilling your service requirements, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY ~Y~GI)J~ William Golden WG:ba Encl. cc: Mr. Mike McMahon, Sales Representative Branch Administrative Manager HEWLETT PACKARD JI ,_ AGREEMENT BETWEEN _____________ AGREEMENT NO. ___ _ AND HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE ___ _ 1. GENERAL INTENT Hewlett.Packard Cnmpany ("HP") will provide support serviCH described herein to the el!.tent these services are ord~red by th1t Customer. Detailed descriptions of tht support ser\'ices ottered are contained in th11 Exhibits v,hich are attached or sub~uently added. The Customer may a11thoriz1t support se,vices as a part of tha initial Agreement or by subsequent orders. The Agrfffflent will continue in effect until terminated by either pa,ty. 2. ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS a. The Cu~tomer represents that it is the owner of th11 products which are to bit supported under this Agretment, or has authority from the owner to includt• such products under this Agreement. b, Only HP products which are in normal operating condition, and as applicable those products which are currently at HP's specified revision levels, are eligibla foe cove1391 undar this Agreement, If, in HP's opinion, maintenance of any prodl.'ct is required to return it to normal operating condition or to bring any appli• cable product to the specified revision level, HP will offer to perform such work at standard service rates prior to placing the product on this Agreement. 3, ORDERS a. The Customer may initially ordltt' support servie1n to com• mence upon the Effective Date of th El Agreement and thereafter may at any time issue orders for additional services, delete services previously ordered, or add or delete products to be supported. All ordel'l are subject to acceptance by HP. The support services charges shall be adjusted appropriately in accordance with paragraph 10. b. Orders must referPnce this Agreement and applicable Exhibits, list services being ordered and products supported, and show the desired Commencement Date for services, Invoicing instructions, and purchase order number or similar identifier. Ordel'l should be sent to the office designated by HP. Throughout this Agreement, "orders" shall ba understood to mean purth3$e orders, change orders, letters 3nd signed El!.hibits which authorize services, and any other written authorizati011s, 4. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE HP shall be under no obligation to furnish supl)ort services under this Agreement should repair be required becau~ of 111 improper use; (21 natural disasters such as flood or earthqu~ke; (31 strikes, riots, or a.:ts of war or nuclear disaster; (4) repairs, maintenance, modification,, or relocation and reinstallation m.>de by other than HP persorin11I or without HP's supervision and approval: 151 unusual shocl< or electric.ii dam;ige, accident, fire or water dam.>g!I, neglect, air conditioning failura, humidity control failure, a corrosi~ atmo,phere harmful to electronic circuitry, damage durlnp transportation by the Customer, or causes other than ordinary use; and (61 failure by Customer to maintain the site specifications recommended by HP. If support services are required as a res:ilt of the causes stated above, such service shall be provided at HP's standard service rates for labor, travel, and m.iter;a1 in effect at the time of service. S, MODIFICATIONS TO PRODUCTS HP may, at its option, with no 11dditional charge to the Customer, make modifications to irnprow the operation and/or relinbility of the products being serviced under this Agreemsnt. 6, RELOCATION OF PRODUCTS a. The Cu1t<lmer shall give HP thirty (:l0) days 1witten notice prior to any relocation of products covered by on-site support services being provided under this Agreement, b. Products moved to a location within the contiguous United States shall continue to be serviced under this Agreement, The response time and char!}ils will be adjustccl to reflect the new location. c. Products moved outsid.i th~ contiguous U111tcd States may con• ttnuc to be serviced undu this Agreement, at the optiori of •1P. !)320•4017 (Ro~. 3/80) The urvices to be provided and chargtt for such serYicH shall be subject to mutual agreement. d. For installed products which will continue to bt serviced, HP, at Its option, shall SUPl!fViS. tha dismantlint and packing of tht products and shall inspect and reinstall thir products at tht new location. These services, it provided, shall be at addltlonal ch~,p based on HP's standard service rattt in effect at tho tim1. The Customer shall furnish all labor and mat.,ials for th• dismantllng, packing, and, placement of tht products In th• new loc:.tlon. e. The Customer shall be responsiblt for any lou. or dom191 to the products during relocation. 7. EXCLUSIONS HP's support services do not includ& ('i) opeming suppliH and consumable,, (2) refinishing th~ products or furnishing materials for that purpose, (31 electrical work external to the producu, (4) main• tenance of accessories, attachments or products not specified herein or on subseqi.ent orders, or 151 any other services not $pecifically described herein. 8. TERM a. This Agrument shall commence on the specified Effective Date and end upon termination by either party. b. The Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice to HP and HP may terminal!! at any time after the first twelve (12) months upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Customer. c. HP agrees to offer support services for products covered here- under for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of com- pletion of last regular production of ti product with the same model number. d. The minimum tenn of any order shall ba three (3) full months unless otherwise spe<:i"~ on tha applicable Exhibit. If \lie Customer orders less than twelve 112) months of ar>" service, the administration charge specifi~ in paragraph 10.b. shall apply to that service unless otherwise specified on th& a?pli• cable Exhibit. e. The Customer may terminate any order issued pumunt to this Agreement at any tim1: upon thirty (30) days written notice to HP. During the first twelve (12) months of this Agreement, HP may termin.1t11 Its provision of services under any ord11r only for causes specified herein and with sixtY (60) days written notice to the Customer. Aftertwleve (12) months.only sixty (60) days written notice by HP is required. 9. WARRANTY FOR SUPPORT SERVICES a. For hardware products serviced hereunder, warranty shall M limited to the coriection of any defectiw-services by restoring the producti to good operatin9 condition. WarrantY provided hereunder for soltwara and documentation services shall be limited to providing t~e software support and docu~ntation ssrvices selected by th& Customer. b. NO OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. HP SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANO FITNESS FOR A PARTICU• LAA PURPOSE. c, THE REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN ARI: CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. UP SHALL NOT Of: LIABLE FOH ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, Sl'ECIAL. INCi• DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORl. OR ANY OTliER LEGAL THEORY. 10. CHARGES a. The charges s~cif,ed are those currently in effect. These char~ may be changed provided that UP has notified the Customer in writ\119 o! any mcre~.e at least sixty (60) days prior 10 in11oicin!) at the incrc~iud rJt~. b. Any order Issued pursuant to this Ar· 1ent which h3S a term of less th.in one year or is chan!i.J.ld to rus than one year by thtt Customer shall be subject to an administration charge equal to one monthly charge or on11 twelfth (1/12) of the annual ch.irgs, unless otherwi,-provided in the applicable Exhibit, c. Th11 cu,r.,.,,., __ m;iy prtf>-iY-servi_cM .uD to on11 {I I vear in ad· vance at HP's prev:iiling charge at time of payment. Prepaid services must ha1111 1 Commencement Oat• not more. than ninetY (90) days after p3yment. lncreHts that would otherwise take effect during tlie prepaid period shall be delayltd until th11 end of tht period, but shall be effective at the start of any substqUfflt prepaid p,1riod. d. Charges for service, performed 01mict. the specili!ld periods of coverage and fo; servi~ts not covtr!ld by this Aoreemtnt will be invoiced separately at HP's stanc!ard servie1t rat1t1. •• When the Custome, r,qutstJ that HP Incur commercial travel and per diem eicpenses because of extended travel not Included In th• coverage, th1s1 ticPtntes will bt chargtd to th• Customer and shown as separate items on tht HP invoice. f, Unless othtMbt stated In writing by HP, all chargtt shall be exclusive of state and local uso, salts, propertY (ad valorem) and similar taxes. Th, Custom.,, agret1 to pay such taxes and, when applicable, such taxes will app,ar as separate Items on HP's lnvoic'!, : 11. INVOICING •• Charges for support services will be Invoiced In advance, as specified herein and on ;;ny subsequent order,, Any administni• tion charge will be Invoiced in advance or as soon es It becomes opplicablt, Invoices for othu chargn described in paragraph 10 will be submitted as tlie charges are Incurred. b. HP reserves the right to increase Its minimum Invoice amount provided that HP has notified the Customer in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to applying the n,w minimum. c. Unless otherwlw stated in writing bV HP, tht Customer shall pay all lnvoil;es h.sut<! under this AgrNment within thirtY 130) days from datt of invoice. 12. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE lhis Agreement and any attachm1111ts hereto take prec:9d11t1c1 over th• Customer's add!tional or diH8rent terms and condition, and con• stitute the entire understanding betw"n the parties relating to 'trans• actions hereunder. Acceptance by the Customer Is limited to HP's terms and conditions. Notice of objection is hereby given to the Custom11r's additional or different terms and conditions. Neither HP's commencement nor completion of performan~e shall be deemed or construed as a~ceptance of the Customer's additional or different terms and conditions. 13, MISCELLANEOUS a. Any. attempt to assign or transf11r any of the rightt, duties, or obligations herein shall rendr;r such attempted aS3ignment or transfer -null and void, b, This Agreement shJII In all respects be governed bv tht laws of the State of California. The p3tti" hereby agree that any dis, pute r11latln9 to the services sold hereunder shall be subject to the jurisdlction of the courts within the State of California. AGREED TO THIS day of _______ _ 19_ City of Carlsbad t.:USTOMt:R AUTUORIZCD fl~l'RltSli:NTATIVlt RONA.LUC. PACKARD ?"AYOR Title:---------------- 1200 Elm Avenue ADDHl!SS 01' Oll:SIGNATt:D tlOTll'ICI\TION OFFICll: Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITV ZIP r- e, HP reser11&s \ ight to withhold without liobilitY but with prior written notic1t any services authorized by the Customu under this AgrNment if the Customer is delinq~nt In payment for any service,, and to chang11 the credit terms herein whet1, In HP's opinion, the financl:11 conditi0t1 or previous Pl'lfflent record of the Customer so warranu. d. In th!I event of any proceedings, voluntary or lrivoiuniaiv, In bankruptcy or insolvency by or against tht Customer, or in the event of the appointmMt, with or without th• Customer's consent, of an assignat for :he benefit of creditors, or of a receiver, HP may elect to cancel any unfilled part of this Agreemeftt. •• HP's failure to t'lltrcise any of Its rights hereundtr s.'lall not constitute or be deemed a waiver or forfeiture of such ri;hu. f. Sttnographical, t'fpographic.il, and clerical error.a are subJtet to correction. g, No U.S. Government procurement regulationt shall be binding 011 either party unless specifi:ally 19. Nd to In 'writing prior tt1 lnc1 rporation nereln. h. Any notices required to bt given hereunder shall be giVtn in writir.g at the address of each pa,ty set forth below or to such other address as either party may substltut1 by written notice to the othl!f', 14, EXHIBITS a. Exhibits which ar& Initially applicabt~ arc shown below or on an attached Exhibit Uu. A copy of eaeh such Exhibit Is also attached and hereby madt a part of this Agreement. HP may offer new f:xhibits by forwlfdina a copy of each to 1.h_e Customer. An order to provldt any of tho support services dt• scribed in a new Exhibit shall constltut• acceptance ty the Customtr and this Agreement shall then Include that Exhibit. b. HP may reviso Exhibits currently In use r,rovicJed only that n? has forwarded the revised Exhibit to the CuJtome, at least sixty (60) days prior to Its effective dat•. If HP so states, the Customer may elact to continue recaiving support services under the 1xistlng Exhibit, TITLE DATE/REV. Standard System Maintenance Service (Exhibit 2A) 15, ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION 4/80 II an Additional Authorizations Paga Is attachtd, th• CUstomrr hereby authorizes HP to accept orders directly from the organi,ations listed on that paga. All term• and condition.a specified herein' shall be applicable. ACCEPTED THIS _ ___ day of 19_ HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 'l"ELEl'HONI!. NO, AUTHORIZlo:D IU!PRt:511:NTATIVI! Title:_ 9606 Aero Dr. ADDRli:SS OF Dli:SIGNI\Tt:D NOTIFICATION Ol'l"ICt: San Diego Cn. 92123 CITV STA'l'll: ~---------"--------.. . tr§~ ~!~KL:;6 I ' ,.,-, CUSTOt\.~ER SUPPORT SERVICES AGREEMENT J' ORDER FOR SUPPORT SPECIFIED ON EXHIBIT. ___ 2A;.;_ __ _ CONTROL NUMBER...-24042256Q' OF AGREEMENT NO., _____ OATEO ____ _ ORIGINATING DATE ~23MARQ REVISION DAT.__E __ COMMENCEMENT DATE_, ___ _ EQUIPMENT LOCATION o t/ If same as Invoice to Address COMPANY. Carlsbad, City Of PURCHASE ORDER NO, __________ _ INVOICE SCHEDULE: STREET. 1200 Elm A ~MONTHLY O QUARTERLY □ ANNUALLY CITY. Carlsbad STATE Ca ZIP. 92008 0 ADVANCE (Short Term Option)_Months, TELEPHONE 557-0966 :1 CONTACT_Mr. Jim Elliot AGREEMENT CONTACT □.t/ if same as Invoice to Address INVOICE TO ADDRESS COMPANY. Carlsbad, City Of qOMPANY. _____________ _ STREET. _____________ _ STREET. 1200 Elm Ave. CITY. ________________ _ CITY. Carlsbnd STATE: __________ ZIP-____ _ STATE Ca 71P. _ __.9u.2..,.0""'08"--_ ATTENTION MARKFQ,,__ ______________ _ ITEM NO. PRODUCT NO. S'ERIALNO. DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS QTY. UNIT EXTENDED' CHARGE CHARGE 01 32430C HP3000 Series 30 0l $ 215.00 $ 215.00 Option 201 Add Console Table 0l N/A N/A Option 002 l600BPI i'l.T. S/r'1 N/A N/A 02 2649E Console S/30&33 0l $ 48.00 $ 48.00 03 30079A Gen I/0 Channel 0l $ 13.00 $ 13.00 Option 030 S/30 GIC Cable Ol o.oo o.oo 04 7970E Digital Unit 01 $ 88.00 $ ss~oo 05 260811 400 LP,'! Printer 0l $ 99.00 $ 99.00 Option 333 1IP3000 30/33 S/S . o.oo o.oo 06 79251'1 l20UB Naster Drive 0l $ 104.00 $ lOB.00 -Option 102 Add HP-ID Adapter 4.00 - TOTAL CHARGE THIS PAGE$_ 52 Z 1 00 QUOTATION PRICES ARE FIRM FCR 30 DAYS -------------INTERNAL USE SUMMARY OF CHARGES Repair omce·----------Monthly Chmgo Summary s__ System Type _________ _ Extended Travel (H.P. Zono_) __ <fo $, __ _ Customer No. _________ _ Extoncted Coverage (8 AM to ___ days wk)_%$, __ _ Order No,, __________ _ Other ______________ %;;).$ __ _ Prepared By, _________ _ TOTAL MO~mtLY CHARGE..;).$ __ _ Pago1 of __ l ··" fT/,ul HEWLETl J ~~ PACKARD CUSTOMER supl uRT SERVICES AGREEMENT ✓- ORDER FOR SUPPORT SPECIFIED ON EXHIBIT. 2A CONTROL NUMBER,__=24=04=2=2::.:56~9--OF AGREEMENT NQ. _____ DATEO, ____ _ ITEMNO. PRODUCT NO. SERIAL NO. DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS QTY. UNIT EXTENDED CHARGE CHARGE 07 2645A Di.splay Station 03 $ 28.00 $ 84.00 08 132'3211 /o!odem Cable 03 $ o.oo $ o.oo ; 09 30018A ADCC-Nain 0l $ 9.00 $ 9.00 Option 030 S/30 11.DCC-l-1 CBL 01 o.oo l0 30019A ADCC-Extender 0l $ 9.00 $ 9.00 Option 030 S/31J ADCC.-E CBL 01 o.oo ll 30062C Ext. Cable 25 Ft. 02 $ o.oo 1$ o.oo Option 002 Ext. CBL. 100 Ft. 02 o.oo 12 I 30062C Ext. Cable 25 Ft. 0l $ o.oo s o.oo Option 001 Ext. CBL, 50 Ft. 01 o.oo 13 322l3C Cobol/ 3000 S/W N/A :,l/A . J_ \ TOTAL CHMGE THIS PAGE$ l02 • OO Pago_of_ l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6547 ----- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF tRE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH HEWLETT PACKARD FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY'S HEWLETT PACKARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has purchased a computer system manufactured by the Hewlett Packard Company; and WHEREAS, it is in the City's inter~st to mainta~n this computer system in a effecient and effective manner; and WHEREAS, the Hewlett Packard Company has m~da aiailable to the City of Carlsbad a ,Customer Support Servic'e Agreement whi,ch guarantees continued maintenance of this computer system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are trua and correct. 2. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Hewlett Packard Company fo~ maintenance of the computer system, a copy of which is hereby attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is here by ,approved. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Cart,bad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said ~greement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. II II II II II II l 2 5 PASSED~ APP·»_~ ,ED AND ADOPTED at an acLjoorned r.egu 0 b.r Iiii:ei:ing of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 26th day of May _, 1 981 , by the f o 11 owing vote , to wit : 4 AYE s : Council M2rnbers Packard, Anear, Lewis and Kul.chin 5 NOES: None 6 ABSENT: Council 1-'iember Casler 7 8 9 10 11 ~SEAL) 12 13 ' t, 14 15 =!,6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28