HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-23; City Council; 6642; ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT.@ CITY OF CARLSBAD a AGENDA BILL EO, &-#a _- TLnitial(& Dept-Hd, DATE: June 23, 1981 DEPARTMENT : Housing and Redevelopment C. Mgr. 2 Subject : ORDINANCE APPROVING mb . REDEVE l2uPmNT PLAN FUR '1'Hk V 1 LLAFX u e- Ei-fity, - REDEVELOPPENT PROJECT, Statement of the Matter The recent adoption of the City's Housing Element permits the City to proceedwith adopt Village Redevelopment Plan. Council approval of the Plan will enable the Commission to advantage of flexible financing and regulatory tools to address the deteriorating condii in the Village Area, The Redevelopment Plan for the Village Area was prepared in accorc the guidelines as established by the Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Codc State of California. A Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee is in existence in t gain public input from the owners and tenants of the area. The work of this Committee i: in the Plan. In addition, the Planning Commission has reviewed and approved various as] the redevelopment proposal; The ordinance now under consideration will provide the legal means to implement the Plai duration of the Plan as proposed in the ordinance is 25 years. The following findings ar are contained in the ordinance: a. States the purpose and intent of the program. b. Incorporates the Redevelopment Plan documented by reference. c. Designates the Plan as the official Redevelopment Plan for the Project. d. Determination of the Council that: 1. The project area is blighted and redevelopment is necessary. 2. Redevelopment is in the public interest. 3. Carrying out the Redevelopment Plan is economically sound and feasible. 4. The Plan conforms with the General Plan of the City. 5. The carrying out of the Plan would promote public peace, health, safety, i 6. Condemnation of real property is necessary in certain instances and that i 7. Provisions for the relocation of residents and businesses have been made. 8. Adequate replacement housing is available. 9. Provisions for use of tax increment financing. povisions have been made for the payment of the property. The Report on the Redevelopment Plan responds to the above findings and should be referr detailed information. EXHIBITS : - Ordinance vzy/ , approving and adopting Redevelopment Plan for the Village Area F Project. - Report on Village Area Redevelopment Plan summary- complete report on file in Housin; Redevelo ment office. The Plan authorizes exnenditures by the City and the Commission. The Plan limits tax al bonded indebtedness to $30,000,000 which would be supported by tax revenue generated wit Project Area. A detailed analysis is contained in the Report on the Village Area Redeve RECOh9IENDATION : If Council desires to proceed with redevelopment of the Village Area it should introduce number qS$/ , apyroving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Village Area Red Project . ACTION: The matter was referred to the Planning Cdssim for report and recaenda -81 the boundary change re deletion of all or part of Sub-kea 6 from the Plm. P&liC hearing Was continued to July 7, 1981. FISCAL IMPAFT: APPROVED 0 c AE3 #6642 July 7, 1981 COUNCIL ACTION: 7-7-81 7-21-81 Council introduced Ordinance No. 9591 Council adopted Ordinance No. 9591. t .% * 0 ORDINIiNCE NO, 3591 2i?z (?T<Dx!UAL"L'CE OF 'rI<E CITY COUNCILt Of' THE ClTu OF CARISBAD APP2OVING AYD ADOPTING TEE KE~EVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE AREA R -7 I' '"7 7 p &>JP,% dL9PXZiq.I' PROJECT KHEREAS, at is desirahi? ar,d in the public interest th; the Carlsb2d Housing and Radevel-oprnerlt Commission (here] called. the "Cormission" ) un3ertake and carry out redevelopmeat project in the City o€ Carlsbad referred to ar idcntif ied as the "Village Area, Redevelopment Project" (here: called the "Project" ) ; and W,"iERE:AS, there has been prepared and referred to the Cil Council of the City or' Carlsbad (herein called the "Council' for review and approval, a Redevelopnent Plan for the Projec (herein called the "Xedevelopnent Plan'P)f a copy of which is c file in the ofEicc of the City Clerk consisting of thirty 01 (31) pa.ges an3 two exhibits, supported by the followir supplen2ntary naterial, data recommendations not a part of tk Redevelopnent Plan and accompanied a report dated April p 19E containing information required by Health and Safety Coc (the "Report" ) r' 2nd Section 33357, of the Californlia Community Redevelopment L; WEIEREAS, the Cornrnission has adopted and subnitted to thj City Council a method or plan providing for the relocation c persons, families and businesses from the Project AreaF tk pz;ize.nt of relocation benefits and .the givj.ng of relocatic assistance to such persons and familiies; and WHEREAS I rules governing participation by and reasor,bl preferences to owners and tenants within the Project Area, copy of which rules is on file in the office of the Secretar of the Commission, have been prepared and adopted by th Commission; and WEEREAS, a General Pian has been prepared for the City o Carlsbad and is recognized and used as a guide for the genera developnent of the locality as a whole; and v?HEKEAS, the Planning Commission of the City of CarlSha has approved a preliminary plan for the Project on August 9 1978. The Planning Coinmission has furthermore submitted to th Council its report and recommendations respecting th Redevelopment Plan for the Project has found that th Redzvel.opment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City o 0 Carfsbad, an5 has recommended adoption of the Redevelopmen Plan; L he Council has duly considered the report k@EXE;r\,S r the Draft Enviixnmenta.1 Impact Report for th Village Area Redevelopment Plan has been prepared with respec to the environmental issues arid inpacts involved in the Projec through the implemlntation <of the Redevzlopxient Plan, Th Draft docunent has been duly reviewed, and any comments whic may have been received thereon have been duly evaluated an responded tor all in accordance. with and within the time and i the manner set forth in the procedures adopted therer'or by th City, The Draft (together with said comments and respsiises has been duly designated as and declared to be the Fina Environmenta.1 Impact Report try the Commission with respect t the Project and the Redevelopnent Plan ('%EIR No, 567") and th preparation and completion of' document have been certified t the Coninission ' as in conformity with the Ca'liforni Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the State regulation thereto, and the procedures ac!opted therefor by the City; and reoommendatio:"!s and findings Gf *-L- LJ.LC PlS;iZiilg CGETI~SS~G~; aEd WXEREAS, the Planning Corimission of the City of Carlshad on Lgovenber 14, 1975, he13 a pu.bl;c hearing to consider EIR Nc 567 for the VilLage Area. Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, after conducting said hearing the Plannir Commission adopted Resolution No. 155 1 recommending that tk City Council adopt EIR No, 567 as the Environmental Impac Report for the Village Area Redevelopment Plan ptirsuant to tl- Csliforniz. Ynvironmental Qualit17 Act, State EIR Guidelines ar Czrlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; and WHEREAS, relocation needs have been analyzed in terms c the implementation of the plan; and WHEREAS I information and data on relocation of resident and businesses has been preserited to the Council; and T.7 -<..&EAS, r T 7.. the City Council. of the City Carlsbad also serve as the governing body of the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Council and the Coinmission set the time ar place €or a joint public hearing for the purposes c considering the Redevelopment Plan as 6:OO P.?JI.~ June 23, 198' at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbac California; and WHEREAS, the Council and Commission caused said notice t be published in the Carlsbacl Journal, a newspaper of gener; circulation in the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, on( -2 -, m a each week for foilr successive weeks prior to the date 05 said hearing, a copy of said notice and an affidavit Of pllbliC?ltiorI of the same are on file with the City Clerk and Cornmission; and WHEREAS, copies of the not-ice of said .~ublic hearing werc mailed b17 certified mail (witn return receipt requested) to the last known addrzss of each assessee as shown on the last equalized assesment roll of the County of San Diego of eaclr parcel of land in the Project ?,rea; and WHEREAS, each assesseep whose property would. be subject tc: acquisition by purchase ~r condemnation under the Redevelopment Plan, was sent a staatem3nt to that effect attached to hi, notice of the public hea-riag; and Wi-IEREAS, copies of the notice of said public hearing werl mailed to the governing body of each taxing agency, whic levies taxes upon any property in the Project Area; and WHEREAS f each taxing agency, which would be affected by division of tax revenues pursuant to California Health an Safety Code, Section 33670 as called for by the Redevelopmen Plan, was sent a statement attached to its notice that if th Redeveloprclent Plan is adopted, property taxes resulting fro inc.reases in valuation above the assessed value as shown on tl2 last equalized assessment roll could be allocated to th Commission for redevelopment purposes rather than being paid t said taxing agency; and WHEREAS, said public hearing wz? duly held at the tine a7 place fixed therefor in said notice; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered all aspects of sa: Redevelopment Plan, the Report and the feasibility ( re loc at ion , wr i t ten conce r n i 1 the Redevelopment ' Plan and, provided an opportunity for a- c ons id e r ed a 11 c oriirnu n i cat ions persons .^ and organizations to be' h?ard, and has received a coils 1" u.bL~d Il? 3. I ail evidence and testimony presented €or or again all aspects of the Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS,. at said public hearing, the Council heard a ' passed upon all oral and written objections with respect to t Redevelopment Plan by overruling all such objections; and WHEREAS, all action required by law has been taken by E .. appropriate public agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the Cj of Carlsbad as follows: -3- 0 m Section 1. That the purposes and intent of the Counci: A, Create a. plea.sant, attractive, accessible environmenl for living, shopping, recreation, civicI cultural an5 servicc functions through restoration and the development of finw private/publie development forms which prescrve and enhance th existing chziracter of the Project Area and surroundin cornmun i ty e with respect to the Project Area are to: B. Eliminate blight and blightj-ng influences tha presently exist in the Project Area and prevent the recurrent . of such !2lighting conditions. C, Encourage a variety of residential accomodation ai- amenity in the Project Area so as to increase the advantages c close-in living and convenient core sh.opping, toward the end c encouraging a diversity of age, i-ncorae and ethni characteristics, D. Restrict the highest residential denisty to areas jl or near the Project Center. E. Introdtice programs to revitalize all areas which ai dekeriorzting or have high potential. to become deteriorated, F. Provide 'an organized system of commerciai land uses ' be grouped in a village setting, rather than a strip ( sprawled commercial manner. Such uses should incluc administrative and professionai oLfices I retail outlets I 3: public off ices, G- Provide, within the Project Area, a variety Of SpaC and locations for specialty, uniquec and attractive shops wi strong pedestrian orientstion. Llocations and spaces should interconnected wi-t'h attractive pedestrian belts incorporati landscaping and/or unique texture.' H. Provide a variety of commercial, tourism, a recreationai ac.tivity, specially close to the beach, conjunction with special entertainment facilities, restauran * and other uses which will foster a village concept and r de t r ime n t a 1 1 y i r2p GCS t re s i de n t i a 1 us ag e w 1. 2;iovide for pedestrian and bicycle access to t .. Sevaioprnent clusters and open areas o J. Provide for visual amenity thrclugh such means landscaped court yardsP attractive and harmonious architectui forms and vest pouk2t parks. -4- e 0 1 I. K. Arrest decay and decline throughout the Project Are( th.ouyh restoration and rehabilitation of: structures I L. Guide development to preserve aesthetic and cultura qual i ty 0 Pi. Stimulate and attract private investment, Ne Provide a conveitient circulation system with a emphasis upon ease of access and convenient, safe an attractive off-street parking areas D 0, Accommodate existing and future local and recgiona public transit facilities, P. Establish the Project Area as North Szin Oiego County' focus for specialty goods and services. Qe Estahl-ish design control in keeping with the desire village atmosphere. R. Provide housing for families of all income level: including low and moderate ificome faxilies in accordance wit the Redevelopment Plan and the City's General Plane Section 2. The Redevelopsent Plan, having been du: reviewed and considered, is hereby adopted, approved ar designated 2s the ofticia1 Redevelopment Plan for the Villa- Area Kedevelopment Project, and the City Clerk is. here' direcked to file said copy of th2 Redevelopment P1.a.n with t: minutes of this meeting. Said Redevelopxent Plan, a copy 1 which is on file in the office of the City Clerlr, incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as fully set ouk herein, All written and oral objections to tl Kedevelopnent Plan are hereby overruled. Section 3, The City' Council hereby certifies that has reviewed and considered the information contained in E No, 567 pertaining to the Project and the Redevelopment Pla concurrent with its actions as provided in this Ordinance, a that RIU LQQ. 567 was prepared in accordance with t 1970, and the State and local guidelines and regulatio promulgated in furtherance thereof. The City Council herc finds that redevelopnent activities to be conducted within t a significant effect or a substantial adverse impact on t environment because of the availability of mitigating measur as part of the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan whi will reduce any significant environmental impacts identified . requirements. of the California Environmental Quality Act I. Project Area pursuant to said Redevelopment Plan will not he -5- 1 ,. 0 0 EI!i No, 567 ko an insignificant Level, 'The City Coiincil h-ereby approves and adopts EIX No, 567 as the Final EIR for the RedevclopIficTit P1.Si-i. Section 4, The Council hereby finds and determines that: A, Upon the record of the joint piabl.ic: hearj.ng on the Redevelopinsent Plan, the Repart of the Commission thereon (copies 03 which are on file in the office of the City Clerk and which Reprt is hereby incorporated h.erein by reference and made a. part hereof as if fully set out at length herein) and supporting data thereto, the Environmental Impact Report, and the testimon~y received at the joint public hearing, the Project Area is a. blighted area, tl2.e redevelopaent of which is necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in thc Cormunity Itsdevelopment Law of the State of California. The Project Area is characterized by properties which suffer fron economic dislccat'ion, deterioration or diseasef due to,' withoui limitation, the following conditions: 1, Many buildings and structures in the Project Area art aged, obsolete, or deteriorated, 2, Lot sizes in the Profeck Area are of irregular forr and shape and inadeqilate size for proper usefulness ant developaent, and parcels are ovned in fee by many differen persons and/or carporstions I thereby making it difficult ti assembls land for redevelopment. 3, Economic dislocation, deterioration, and disus resulting from faulty planning. 4. The prevalence of depreciated values, impaire investments and social and econornic maladjustment, -. i The existence of inadequate public improvements public facilities, open spaces, and utilities wnich cannot b remedied by private or governmental action withou redevelopnent. The above conditions have caused a reductic of, or lack of, proper utilization of. the Project Area to SUC an extent that it constitutes a serious physical, social ar economic burden on the community which cannot reasonably 2: expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterpri: acting alone. F. The condemnation of real property, as provided for : the Redevelopment Plan for the Project, is nece.ssary to tl execution of the Redevelopment Plan and adequate provisioi have been made .for payment for property to be acquired ': provided by law. -6- .. m 0 G, There are families and persons to he dj.splaced frc housing facilities iii the Project Areap and when any SUC fanuilies and pcrcsous axe displ.aced by redevelopmxt activities: 1 a The ccmmission has a feasible method and plan for tt relocation of families and persons to be temporarily c permanently displaced frox housing facilities in the Projec Area, 2. 'There are or will. be provided in the entire Projec Area or in othlzr areas pot generally less desirable in regar to public utilitiCss and public and conrnercial facilities and z . rents or prices within the financial! means of the families ar persons displaced from the ProjFct Area, decent, safep ar sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of ar available to such displaced families and persons and reasonabl accessible to their places of employment, B. The Redevelopgent Plan for the Project Area wi: afford a- naxiinux oFportunity (consistent with the sound neec by private enterprise and the el-imination of blight, whic could not be reasonably expected to be accomplished with01 public aid and assistance. of the locality as a whole) for the redevelopment of such arc I. Inclusion within the Project Area of any land! buildings or improvements which are not detrimental to tl public health, safety or welfare is necessary for the effecti7 redevelopaent of the area of which they are a part; any SUI area included is necessary for ef:?eetive redevelopment and not included for the purpose of obtaining the allocation of ti increment revenues from such area pursuant to Section 33670 ( the Con~nunity Redevelopzent Law without other substanti; justification for its inclusion. Section 5. 'In the event any occupants are displacc from housing facilities in the Project Areap the City Counc withiri three (3) years from the tiae occupants of the Projel Area are displaced and that pending the development of su' facilities there will be available to such displaced occupan those in the Project Area at the time of their displacement. is xtisfied permanent housing facilities will be availab , adequate temporary housing facilities at rents comparable Section 6. In order to implement and facilitate t *. effectuation of the Redevelopment Plan hereby approved, it wi be necessary for the City Council to take action wi reference, among other things, to the vacating and removal streets, alleys and other public ways, the establishment street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and wat -7- , .s e @ mains and other public fa.cilitizs, and other puhlic actions andp accordingly, this body hereby: (a) pledges it includj-ng the expenditures of money in accordance with th provisi.ons of the Redevelopxent Plan ta effectuate the Plan { b) requests the various officials I departments d boards an agen.cies in the locality having administrative responsibilitie in the Project Area 1-iirewisc to cooperate to such end and t exercise their respective functions and powers in a manne consistent with the R.cl:deveIoprnent Plan, and (c) stands ready t consider asd take aFpropriake action upon proposals an measures designed to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan, an hereby declares its ir.tenticn to undertake 2nd complete an proceedings necessary to be ca.rried ogt by the community unde the provisions of the Redevelopxent Plan. cooperatioil in helpii~<g to CZZC~~ out the Redevelopiaent Plan Section 7, The City Council is convinced that th effect of tax incrernenk financing as provided for in Sectio VI-]I) of the Redevelopnent P.tai-1 ~il7 not cause a sever financial burden or detrimen-t to any taxing agency derivin revenues froin the Project Area. Section 8, All written and oral objections to th Kedevelopinent Plan are hereby overruled. ' Section 9, The City Clerk is hereby directed to send certified copy of this ordinance to the Commission and tl- Cornrnission is hereby vested with the responsibility fc carry.lliig out the Redevelopnent Plan for the Village Arc Rcdevelopnent Project, Section 10, The City Clerk is hereby directed to remi with the County Recorder of San Diego County within thirty (31 days of the adoption of this Ordinance a description of ti land within the Project Area and a statement that proceedin? for the redevelopment of the Project Area have been insti.tut€ under Line California Communit-y Redevelopment Law. Tk ission is hereby directed to effectuate recordation I compliacne with the provisions of Section 27295 of tl Government Code to the extent applicable. Section 11- The City Manager of the City of Carlsbad : ' hereby directed, for a period of two years after the effectil date of this Ordinance, to advise all applicants for buildii permits within the Project Area that the site for which hililding permit is sought for the construction of buildings ( for otner improvements is within a redevelopment Project Area. Section 12, That the City Clerk is directed to transm a copy of the description and statement recorded by the Cle. -8- ? a e ' ? 'v 4. b. pursmnt to Section 10 of khis Ordinance, a copy of this ordinance and. a rfmp or plat showing the baur,c?aries of the Project Area to the Aud.itor and Tax Assessor of San Diego County, to the governinc body of each of the taxing agencies which levies taxes upon any property in the Project Area, and to the Sta.te Board or' Equalizatj Secticn 13. The City Clerk, in. cooperation with the Redeveli ment Coordinator of the Conmission, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of the County of San Diego a Notice of Determination I pursuant to 14 'California Ad-ministrat Code Section 25085 (EL) a Section 14, this ordinance and cause a copy thereof to be published as requiY by law in a newspaper of general circulation in -the City of Carl: and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af+ its date of adoptLon, The City C1ez-k shall certify -to the passage of EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and! cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its aciq,tion, IPSTF,C?T_'TED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carl! 1 .. City Council held on the 7th " day of '' ' JULY I and thereafter, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Counc I 1981, by the .. held on the ?,]st day of JQ, - following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: None Cotarcil Yde-rs Casler? hear, Ms and Kulchin ABSTAIN: Council Yhrber Packard k<&&pgAi2%?/ RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) - w ma, Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PI0 PIC0 AVENUE P.O. BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mat I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulc published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, and I newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of p' City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one next preceding the date of publication o notice hereinafter referred to; and that the n of which the annexed is a printed copy, has I published in each regular and entire issue of newspaper and not in any supplement therec subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the :I the following dates, to-wit: g J La F ............... .3.?Y. 30.. ........ 19 June 6 ................................. 19 * -< ". JU-l?e ,l 3 .................................. 19 ..................... June * 2.0 ........ 19 . ................................. 19 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing i$ and correct. Executed at Calpbad o nty of San D State of California on Lne ",!L, day of '1 .Tll?l P = I qRq / Clerk of the PI Pu w 1M/ 1 /81 and the southwestei-iy line ofstate Welch. deceased, Superior Court the records ofthe County Assesso< was recorded May 5, 1975 as File of said San%iego County; thence NO. 75-106699; thence Southwester- No&heasterly, radially from saih ly in a straight line to the most Southwesterly line of state Stree Northerly corner of Lot 17 in Block to a point on the Northeasterly lin, SI of Town of Carlshad. according of sajd State street being also j to Map thereof NO. 775. filed in the street, 60,~ feet wide, as shown on Case NO. PN 1232, a Copy Of which point in the bound& of land de Office Of the County Recorder Of thereof; thence South 5527' West, gent 10.00 foot radius cude, con- cave Northerly, thence South- westerly Westerly and North- westerly a1oa said cUrVe through a central angle of90" an am distance of 15.71 feet; thence leaving the 128S9 feet to the beginning Of a tan-. boundary Of said Ceibis' land '"LJ .. CHAMBER OF COMMERC ARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 * (714 -.- -7 June 8, 1981 Mayor Ronald C. Packard City of Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Urn Ave. and City Council Members Qrlsbad, a* 92008 Dear Mayor Packard and Council Mmbers: For a number of years, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has worked fa developwnt of an econamically viable "Village Area". The Chamber back in had worked with the property owners and the City for the development of off-street parking and encouragement of property owners to update t properties. In the early '70s additional efforts were rrade to get a pa project underway while dressing up the streets and storefronts. In the mic the Chamber hired Economic Research Associates to undertake a study ( "village area'' and its potential. In the late 70's the Chamber urged the Council to develop a pla redevelopment of the "village area", and the responded by the establishmen- Redevelopment Advisory Committee and hired Jack Henthorn to serve 2 Director of Housing and Redevelopment. The Chamber was happy that a numl the members of the advisory ccnrmittee were selected to serve on further the potentials of the "village area" and serve on the current adv camittee. The Chamber Wrd of Directors have been updated on actions of the adi committees over the years and have kept pace with much that is planned f redeveloptrmt of the area. to the Council encouraged you to take an even mre aggressive stance i Redevelopment of the "Village area" by providing off-street parking and in street design and traffic studies. The development of the parking lot a' and State Street was a step forward, but only the beginning to fill some needs of the area. The Chamber Board of Directors at their meeting on June 3, 1981 again re their strong support for the concept of the "Village Redevelopnnent" and a1 support the proposed VILLAGE REDEvELf3pMENT PLAN in concept, reserving the to: make specific recommendations on programs and individual projects would be presented at a future date. We believe that it is essential tk development of the 27 block area NOW will provide greater interest "village area" not only as a place to invest and do business, but for pec reside. Last year, the Chamber Board of Directors by CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - OFFICES, ELM AVENUE AT OLD SANTA FE DEPOT 0 a Studies in other cities indicate that a business district must have living in the immediate area in order to prosper. The Board expres specific concerns that should be reviewed in the your plan revir. development of housing within the redevelopment area through allo increased densities and height limits of structures, (2) adequate tramp plan for autos, buses, pedistrians including off-street parking and 01: beautification, (3) the restoration of store fronts, street furniture, tr other amenities, and (4) encouragement to develop a mortgage insured program which could provide low-interest loans to property owners to j their buildings, etc . Sincerely, Jerry Farrow 1981 President Studies in other cities indicate that a business district must have %iving in the immediate area in order to prosper. The b-rd express specific ccncerns that should be reviewed in the your plan revie) development of housing within the redevelopment area through allou increased densities and height limits of structures, (2) adequate transpo pla11 for F.l.\!tOS, buses, pedistrians including off-stret parking and on tmniti.ficai;ion, (3) the res torstion of store fronts, stywt furniture, tr other amerii ties , mid (4) encouragement to develop a mortgage insured program which cou1.d provide low-interest loans to prope.rty owners to i their buildings, e tc . Sincerely, Jerry Farrc)w 1981 President & G I- Dr. Ronald C, Packm?, ?!nayon" and Esteem& Xembsr of the Zouncil of the Cltv of Zarls'cac?, I ax l+s.Trrr,a ulgaver, z 22-year resident and orsner at the pyesent location of 2650 Ocean aeenue. ?4y family and I are greatly distwbe.3 at youp proposed Redevelopw Plan for our neighborhood, x2T husbani can not speak up dth me because he is vel-y 311 - tot& disabled by 8 cardiac arrest and a subsequent brain illjury. I have been tal ewe OP him aS: OUT harne forp the past thme yeslrs. 1 am stmgding with his to save him from t'ne conditions of a nurs?.ng homer For tMs I - need the pri or" our home, the yarci,w'nere 1 take him out every sunny mornhp. Besides my husbad I also habe ~y 8byeap old MG";w and her 86-y Lady FrieKd share our home. I ap EO% thinkkg rim of myself or OUT children?, but those thyee I people who have a right to a secwe hone for their sunset years I ice saved an6 scraped to buy this hone which was built aftem( the w We remodeled it, later buflt anothr story to ft, For the xo-ney the City m to pay us for Lt,I could never buy the same home in a similar locatbn. I not take care of my husband in an apaytment, nor gmviide a large enouqh a~ to accommodate my Eother and hey Lady F~iem5,who are totally dependent on Are we to lose our 'nome because of somebociy's qrardious plan, which happen include disappropriating other peoples pmperty, home ad homestea3 ?! DQ have to, to %he domtgw~ aerea, 'mat please ! don't tnuch our residential F pYoprty! Xe came here as refugees f~om Hungwy, whwe the Com-nn5sts took is the saxe to happen to us again in this free country ?? - I should hope, cur fr2encIs and former neighbors in IIunqarj; wtdd say "LO&, wka! to t'nem in America!- Is that any freedom ?? -" In the nzme of ny familjj I strongly protest the inclusfon ( and respectfully ask for pur support tow: awes in -the Redevelopment Plan! that erd. Xost sincerely, - Yeil rake me doubt it ! dpvkl.&qL Csrlsbad, Kay ZC, 1981. 4"M:HE S T E Jq jlod"$ ti4 iP / o'Ctinihgton Ferry Road Bloomington, Minnesota 55438 June 16, 1981 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Carlsbad City Hall Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 To Whom It May Concerc: I am exlosing a letter I have recently sent to Hiss Carole Stewart relative to my opposition to her redevelopment GE the Royal Falms Motel into a "Bazaar Del Mundo". Ocean Street to we honeowners is il home and resort Recently with the added pedestrian traffic seeking fun and recreation, heavy burdens have been placed tipon us as homeowners in terms of the burden of protection and maintenance of our property. Royal Palms presently cannot service adequately its present patrons and I can only imagine the worsening of conditions should further development of their property be permittec?. I an! fully opposed to this redevelopment as stated abcve and I want to go on record stating such. am an out of state owner, I frequent my home in Carlsbad several times yearly and want very much to maintain it as a resort home for my family and friends. Flease place my nane OR your development list €or any future information and developments surrounding my residence at 3021 Ocean Street. Thank you very much. Regards , community to be enjoyed by our family aPid friends, Even though I BOBERT d. VIIESTE June 16, 1981 Ms. Carole J. Stewart Royal Palms Motel 3001 Carlsbad Boulevard P. 0. Box 1369 Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear bIs. Stewart: This is to acknowledge receipt of your May 31st letter regarding the proposed improvements to the four acre grounds of the Royal Palms blotel, Your letter solicits my coments as a property owner west from Royal Palms on Ocean Street. go on record stating that I very much oppose such a development as the type described as "Bazaar Del Mundo". I state emphatically that 1: see this only as a monetary value venture for you and Royal Palms, but having a very definite negative effect on our home and beach property . It has become apparent the past several years thzt the amount of street activity, as well as the surrounding area's activity, has increzsed to the point of making Ocean Street unsafe for automobile driving,. to say nothing of the safety of my children crossing this busy street. Besides the street congestion, we have had continued beaches continues to worsen because of the lack of people activity control, several years ago with the new restaurant, added tennis courts, etc. increased your patronization and in turn increased the number of people on Ocean Street. It js apparent to date that adequate parking is not abucdant for your present operation let alone a new full scale development being permitted---I can only imagine the confusion and traffic this would create. I do want to say I appreciate your letter of announcement and should you want to discuss this in greater detail with me, please feel free to contact me directly. I would like to vandelism at OUT home and beaches and the clutter on our The improvements addez to Royal Palms Re9a-d: p L/.)//</Z i Rdb:ert J. Wueste ,r i w m ., Neely 2677 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 May 29, 1981 (714) 729-4153 Ronald C. Packard, Mayor 3965 Monroe Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sir/Madame; We, the undersigned, are property owners at 2677 Garfiel Street. We do not consider our residence a blighted are We are hereby requesting that the one-block area bounded by Garfield Street and Ocean Street and cypress and Beec Streets be excluded from the proposed plan. We are looking forward to your favorable decision regard the above request. Respectfully, ( ii 2 Jeannie Neely Debora Neely cc: City Council Members Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Corn. V W 2478 CARLSBAD BLVD. CARLSBAD, CAllFOPNiA 92008 Phone: 729-3 7 3 1 June 2&, 1981 Carlsbad City Council Ronald C . Fackard, Mayor 12n9 Sln Av2zue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Councilmen; In view of the decision, based on last Tuesday nig5Lt's protests, to consider chariging the destern bosndry of tne City's redevelopment plan, I would like to request that the 3.65 acre TdIH IK'NS property also be excluded from the Project. AS you kriaw, the ~111; INNS has for the past ten years) undergone exterxive restoration a~d repair. It is a Lzndmark of great historical and aesthetic significance, and cr;n in no way be corxidered "blighted" or sutject to renewal or rebuiiding. Noving xhe destern bolzndry of the redevelopment distrizt to .Vashington Street, bexween Elm and Grand, would also exclude HZXRY'S XE3TAWAXT, the LCT;m?m IEIICAL FASiilTY , and the snail business ccn?lex directly dest of the '2JIIV LrsNS. meet the goals or o-cijectives of The ZeZevelopnent Plan. An adjustment of this kind woald leave the Cistrict with co3tinuous bomdries I znd, at the sxe tine, focus attention where it is needed, or: the blighted downtow zre2. Verb- trljly yoilrs, gone of t5ase pr=p=rties, -L Tt m SLj-5 yac --:-.l VkiLI agi??et fld&F-- 7 &ward 2. Kentner Copy to: 3 0 cs ?Tis AN9 I;i%3C'i'E:LO PENT : CfaG 15s i OD; II) e May 21, 198 z 0 ti rn rn H, 4 22 0 u €3 a cr? % =o &E+ OU 4rrl 0 p9t-i 0 QST N .dc? !-dm ow -3 r-+ xw4 cgao5-u 42x4 <>dB - 2 223 E- 73 cr3 44 0 z g ma H rn $-( -12 ?c 04 E-+>CO& i-lo4cu4 :> =ir: 5 dC.3 9 r4 G3 ?Jqo=z=z * @@ \ CQ 0 a 60. 34 mz nn $0, s2 4" cod &$ I I j; a- NY 5 e "- c c_ -CYL _a y -_,- - I : /- .. e m 8 -9 "17v .*r f., .f7$ CyJj .' q 'B #W$t M!! 1" b 2677 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 May 29, 1981 (714) 729-4153 Dear SirlNadame; We, the undersigned, are property owners at 2677 Garfielc Street. We do not consider our residence a blighted are; We are hereby requesting that the or,e-block area bounded by Garfield Street and Ocean Street and cypress and Beecl Streets be excluded from the proposed plan. We are looking forward to your favorable decision regard the above request. Respect f dly, <7 r * QL$% ~)r.'-L? n UdlMQL lTbwd L Jeannie Neoly Debora Neely cc: City Councll Members Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Corn. e Jce#c e, W,J,Ch.fLW a? c\7y n' i' LF l?V q\ May 21, 198 B$;{ lq 3 5'-5 PETITION TO: The Honorable City Council/ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIlON City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California We, the undersigned, are owners of real property located within the project area of the proposed Village Area Redevelopment Plan. Specifically, we are the owners of real property located in the one-block area bounded by Garfield and Ocean Streets and Cypress and Beech Streets. proposed plan. We deny the existence of blight in our block. Accordingly, there is no need for revitalization. Our block is located on the most westerly boundary of the proposed project area and its exclusion would not material11 affect the balance of the redevelopment plan. This block is well-maintained and is, with the exception of two lots, fully developed. in our beach-oriented block, a continual upgrading of individual properties takes place rather than a deterior- ation. We object to the inclusion of this one-block area in the Because of increasing property values WE FSSPECTFULLY URGE THAT THIS ONE-BLOCK AREA BE I )&.e&& 2CcG 4 (."& LyP&?d .c~f- JLS/,&~ -Kc7 { _e fL" /wc EXCLUDED FROM THE PROPOSED PLAN. 2677, &r 9g&*f17+&77 x%&/ d * 4&9&G&@ t&!h& A$> 7 sdn &34 c ,gL. "1 * + -&yl. (24 -q&,i4 / f, ' ;) ~ 9-y i' 2 ~m eccci vc1 I La .I A,- I C$-ZL> A:;- &?4- L'-r-Ak.hLq/zL;*f cd ./ / $' b/,< c TUL .;i-./& -5. r -- *' p$yfl, t il 3LqC*- L( $-, --F,&/&) "\ /Z-L-/2 @--=- J2-2 (' Y2-%{ 2dL73rAJL f%b - c 3,, 2 %$L%4zL && LOGS/ - )&&d/-iX /U/A J&ry G&d& ?*A [Jk/&j&'L4 &U&/&AA- 6 y/&j (gir;kkn /?+ .=;-r , /zc/, (&j&?&,J J q LbWJ-JW ?, L + ', / /;/&zq - I/ --- - I / I[- 5tfL :9 ' 'IL 11. L - ff - 6 I /I '. . / x' 3 <.A L 4- j+$ 0 - ./ - 6- -cF\ . .,- z. 1- L.. - - ~ - /- a/, --% :' - ,' , ' -_ L II e 99 1, We are writing you in reference to the downtown redevelopment praject, are very much opposed to it. could lose our properties by "Eminent Domain". How would you feel if it were your property? We have heard of redevelopment projects that have failed and been left with many empty stores due to higher rents and owners left with large redevelop- ment debts. We love our downtown Carlsbad and realize it does need some uplifiting but please don't do it at the expense of those of us who have struggled to pay for our businesses and properties and can ill afford to lose them, We hle feel it is very unjust for those of US who Sincerely, (d>?#f .! 8: 5 ++> ,A r, ,2 LU* L- ..,- I L:$(',src ~~ p Lf,& m-c Odd-, G$24&i/ .. \ -, IPWODLA OCEFJ 4-052355SISs 07/@7/~1 ICs IPPMTZZ CSP PF?S HOUSIMG AND REL)EVELO?wE!!T COyYISSION COUNCIL CHAM3ERS, ATTN CHAIRVAN F! C PACKARD RpT p~y NG~, DL~ ~y 61 1200 ELW AVE CARLSBAD CA CONTI FJEWTAL IS NOT OPPOSI ?IC TVE PROPOSED CARLSEAD REDEVELOPYEF!T PI BECAUSE JACK HENTHO~~I HAS PROYISED CC!NTItlFMTAL A LETTER COiJFIPPyI! CARLSBA5'S COMMITENT THAT NOTWITHSTANDING THE Pt4?1, OR 6.flYTVIb'C ELSE, COPITI RENTAL'S FXISTf FIG OPEQATIOMS, STRUCTUPES 4ND USFS VI1 OF STRUCTUQES, COULD COE?rTIPJEF!TAL SE SURJECT TO SAID PLAI!. HE?ITHOT HAS APPROVED OUP SUBtJITTIkJG THIS TELEG!?AV P.T TMIS TIYE. - 0. L. 9149674747 TOMT !?YE NY 72 07-07 0403p FST BEFORE RUSH, DLR C IVIC CEteJTER PEFlPITTED TO COWTIF~JUE AT ?YE PRESEMT LOCATION WITHCUT TIYE L IKITATI ON, A$ID TH.4T ONLY IF C ONTI NEFITAL SUPSTAUTIALLY I NC*EASES ITT COhlTINE!>lTAL 34KIW CC 3Y AL4V C DAVIS PO BOX 731 RYE GY 1Q54G r I .- 1605 EST ~ I PM QDLA OCE N ? * Property within the Redevelopment Project Area is subject to acquisition by emint domain and could be acquired subject to terms and conditions of the Redevelopment P: - 1- ~~ - -~_ .~ -