HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-23; City Council; 6646; Adoption of 1981-82 BudgetCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO . DATE: June 23. 1981 _ _____ _ _ c- Atty. DEPARTMENT: Finance C. Mgr. Subject: Adoption of the 1981-82 Budget Statement of the Matter The final budget for fiscal year 1981-82 totals $17.0 million: $12.9 million general funds, $1.9 million water funds, and $2.2 million other special funds. This proposed budget reflects the preliminary budget figures as discussed by the City Council on June 15, 1981 adjusted for council directed changes to travel and auto allowance. Reductions in the amount of revenue loss due to state budget reductions has been reflected as an increase to contingency funds. The redevelopment and community development Block Grant Activities have been reduced to reflect the loss of 2.5 new employees. These changes are summarized on Table I. The attached agenda bill adopts the budget as shown in Exhibits A through E, and adopts the continuing appropriations as shown on Exhibit F. Fiscal Impact The fiscal impact of this budget adoption is .reflected on Exhibit A of the attached resolution. The appropriation of $17 million for operating expenses will leave a balance of approximately $9.2 million available for capital improvements in 1981-82. Exhibits Table I changes to preliminary budget. Resolution No. &$~JL adopting the 1981-82 budget. Recommendations Adopt Resolution No. £6~?£> adopting the 1981-82 budget. COUNCIL ACTION: 6-23-81 Council adopted Resolution No. 6596. Council also approved requested funding for the following: Chamber of Cccrmerce, Senior Citizens Association, Project Oz, andWomens' Resource Center. Council added $3400 to the Parks and Recreation Budget. TABLE I SCHEDULE OF CHANGES TO PRELIMINARY BUDGET General Other Summary Total Fund Fund Council directed changes: TRAVEL - Council directed staff to reduce travel ($10,300) ($10,300) by 10% or about $5,000. The City Manager directed staff to go beyond the council target where possible AUTO ALLOWANCE - All auto allowances were reduced ($9,260) ($7,060) ($2,200) to the 1980-81 level Additional changes: REDEVELOPMENT - The City Manager instructed staff ($33,949) ($33,949) to reduce the redevelopment budget by the cost of 1.25 new employees - Program Manager and a Clerk. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - The ($26,973) ($26,973) City Manager instructed staff to reduce the HCDBG budget by the cost of 1.25 new employees - Admin. Assistant and a Clerk. CONTINGENCY INCREASE - Due to $10,300 reduction in $572,960 $572,960 travel plus $7,060 reduction in auto allowance, and reduced impact of state budget cuts $555,600. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS $492,478 $555,600 ($63,122) 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6596 2 - . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE5 FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR '4 THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS. • 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed the proposed 7 final operating budget for fiscal year 1981-82 and has held such public 8 hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final operating budget. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 10 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 11 1. That certain documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk 12 of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad 1981-82 Budget," as 13 amended in accord with Exhibits A through F attached hereto and incorporated 14 by reference herein, shall be and the same is hereby adopted as the final 15 operating budget for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1981-82. 16 2. That the amount designated as Department Total for each department and 17 each fund in said document is hereby appropriated to the department or fund 18 for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall be neither increased 19 nor decreased except as provided herein without approval of the City Council. 20 All amounts designated as Personnel Services,.Maintenance and Operations, and 21 Capital Outlay in said document are hereby anpropriated for such uses to the 22 department or fund under which they are listed subject to the controls herein. 23 3. That the amounts designated in Exhibit F as Continuing Appropriations 24 are hereby adopted for the purposes indicated. 25 -4. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfer 26 of budget funds:. 27 XXXXX 28 XXXXX 1 a. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient 2 funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described 3 in paragraph b below: 4 b. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds from account 5 to account and department to department within any fund in an amount up to 6 $5,000.00 per transfer. 7 c. The City Manager may authorize the expenditure of funds for 3 various purposes in amounts up to $5,000.00. Any expenditure of funds in 9 excess of $5,000.00 will be governed by Section 3.28 of the Municipal Code. 10 d. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the 11 budgeted contingency account. 12 e. The City Council must authorize any increase in permanent 13 personnel positions above the level included in the final budget. The City 14 Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or.part-time staff as necessary 15 within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 16 f. The City Manager may approve change orders on Public Works 17 contracts in amounts up to $5,000.00, if sufficient appropriated funds are 18 available. The Manager may delegate the authority to approve change orders of 19 $1,000.00 or less if funds are available, to the Public Works Administrator, 20 as described in Administrative Order Number 7. 21 5. All additional revenues that may be received in the City General 22 fund during the 1980-81 fiscal year are hereby appropriated and transfered to 23 the General Capital Construction Fund. 24 XXXXX • 25 XXXXX 26 XXXXX 27 XXXXX . 28 XXXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 23rd day of June . 1981, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin. NOES: None ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: 1A L. RAUTE/IKRANZ, City Clerk R. STEVES, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT - A en 0) CMc u oo•r- C IT3 «J O Cr— COuj <a iCO US too COto a: o >~to 4- (A (U C •O X/lai <u -l-» 3<a cE <u•r- >4-> C(S) C£ oo CO UJ oo i--a ooa. <u i 3 O•— ceo a. oid cjo enC O) 1-4•r- O COc c ic ro r-i•i- i— io><u coca a =9 toaz: u. 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CD cnCO 3 S- CO * VOO "O 3 </> rH OC +J QJ rH ft tO OV~ S- </> CMc c ~a wco •<— c: o «+J T3 QJ -O QJ C C Q- 08 C JC•r- 3 X 3 H-,0 H- co s: u.E «+J »*- ,_ t— C +J O O' to IO O QJ QJ O S- S- T- QJ T-j O QJ CO •!->i. O rH C CO+J S- • QJ . QJ 3tf? PT_ m VM3 CU *-OJ 4->i- 1— CM ai o v> O <O «/> 4Z +•> Cif- +J 4-> O•r- T3 X CJ•a o. c n- toQJ (O «3 O 1— r-in cj to ••"3 cn c in +J coCO C o nj 'r- O>> E >f~ •!- to o. cr— . O 4^ •(-> tO lOr— in <O IO E CJ r—ro 1- c O KJi. v> QJ -r- S- r— -Q C 0 0 .^ 4- -0QJ CO r- . >VO 0) C H- O CCM QJ U.W QJ 4- QJ 3 " CO•r- s- x; u- o s-O +-> cn O QJ•a </i o r— in •»-> •»->C t- CD (/» <OV» IO 3 to » +J 1. T3 3u. QJ in o QJ i c >, rH QJ C 3 Q>x oj i— QJ m u, x: to S- <*> f- CD S- +•»>— O Q) QJ i—•r- in t. QJ4- to 4-»in s_ +J j= in i- Orocxo m4->ccoQJtJJ QJ -r- tO C •»-E r- J= 0 i- QJM-QJOt- 1 — -r^H—COld J= S- 0)}»- W_ S— <>• -^» ' *--^ CM CO .•^"N **»^ ^ 11^ i— 1 ^•* Source OPERATING REVENUE: GENERAL FUND" Property Tax (w/bail-out) Sales Tax Transient Tax Franchises Business Licenses Transfer Tax Construction Permits Vehicle Code Fines Interest Rental Income P & R Facilities Rental Alcohol Beverage License Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees HOPTR & BITR (FALA) Trailer Coach In-Lieu Cigarette Tax Other State Grants Disaster Relief Mandated Cost Reimbursement Zoning Fees Subdivision Fees Sale of Maps, Publications Plan Checking Fees Engineering Fees Weed & Lot Cleaning Refuse Collection Ambulance Fees Library Fees Recreation Fee3 Refuse Admin. Fees Street Sweeping Environmental Impact Fees Misc. Reimbursed Expend. Post Reimbursement Sale of Property Miscellaneous Other SUB-TOTAL: GENERAL FUND DEDUCT: Estimated loss of CITY OF CARLSBAD 1981-82 REVENUE ESTIMATE 1979-80 Actual Revenue 2,475,987 2,969,586 578,233 175,257 242,342 116,374 181,839 152,171 823,414 15,163 970 13,430 569,983 181,111 64,371 135,057 -0- 86,41? 12,723 33,463 37,684 17,215 154,685 107,548 480 314,557 53,659 11,221 -0- -0- 7,056 7,010 8,523 11,310 34,590. 613 3,993 9,598,030 ' State Bailout EXHIBIT C 1980-81 Estimated Revenue 2,870,000 3,200,000 600,000 243,000 255,000 135,000 300,000 190,000 825,000 7,000 6,000 20,000 620,000 250,000 50,000 155,000 -0- 38,900 -0- 36,000 25,000 19,000 225,000 200,000 4,800 335,000 45,000 10,000 -0- 15,000 12,000 10,000 90,500 15,000 4,400 100 25,000 10,836,700 funds and state subventions TOTAL GENERAL FUND (Page Iof4) 1981-82 Estimated Revenue 3,528,300 3,662,000 675,000 292,000 285,000 135,000 710,000 210,000 800,000 7,000 6,000 20,000 746,000 274,000 50,000 155,000 -0- -0- 5,000 38,700 27,000 20,500 335,000 300,000 5,000 336,000 55,000 10,000 120,700 18,000 12,000 10,000 30,000 15,000 4,000 100 25,000 T?7922,300 376,000 1^,546, 300 Source OPERATING REVENUE(Continued) GAS TAX 2106 Funds 2107 Funds .2107.5 Funds Interest TOTAL GAS TAX SANITATION FUND Interest Sewer Service Charge Revenue From Revolving Fund TOTAL SANITATION STREET LIGHTING Interest Lighting Dist. Revenue TOTAL STREET LIGHTING LIBRARY BOND Property Tax Interest TOTAL LIBRARY BOND SEWER BONDS Property Tax Interest 1979-80 Actual Revenue 147,917 136,663 6,000 79,073 369,653 6,447 438,294 -0- 444,741 2,799 224,021 226,820 1,914 10,654 12,568 137,280 11,899 ' tXHIBIT C 1980-81 Estimated Revenue 141,000 128,000 6,000 . 50,000 325,000 3,000 545,000 -0- 548,000 500 280,100 280,600 200 8,800 9,000 • 127,500 . 2,500 (Page 2 of -4) 1981-82 Estimated Revenue 145,000 144,000 6,000 30,000 325,000 3,000 576,000 60,00 639,000 •-o- 449,900 449,900 -0- 9,000 9,000 127,500 2,500 TOTAL SEWER BONDS 149,179 130,000 130,000 .XHIBIT C (page 3 of 4) Source OPERATING REVENUE(Continued) HOUSING AUTHORITY (Sec. 8) Interest & Other Grants TOTAL HOUSING AUTHORITY 1979-80 Actual Revenue 39,086 597,948 637,034 1980-81 Estimated Revenue 2,500 595,000 597,500 1981-82 Estimated Revenue -0- 816.200 816,200 REDEVELOPMENT Mis'c. Revenue -0--0--0- OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Library CLSA Nat'l Endowment for the Arts Bristol Cove Assmt. Dist. TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS 32,576 2,518 3,621 38.715 25,100 7,550 87,760 120,410 -0- -0- -0- -0- WATER Interest Water Sales Other . TOTAL WATER TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 233,385 1,479,826 93,606 1,806,817 13,283.557 160,000 1,600,000 40,000 1,800.000 14.647.210 160,000 1,700,000 40.000 1,900.000 16.815.400 EXHIBIT C (Page 4 of 4) Source CAPITAL FUNDS: 1979-80 Actual Revenue 1980-81 Estimated Revenue 1981-82 Estimated Revenue GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FUND -0--0--0- SEWER CONSTRUCTION Interest Sewer Service Surcharges Capital Contributions TOTAL SEWER CONSTRUCTION 149,793 -0- -0- 149,793 70,000 260,000 850,000 1,180,000 20,000 332,000 1.200,000 1,552,000 REVENUE SHARING Interest Grants TOTAL REVENUE SHARING 166,120 461,143 627,263 150,000 448,000 ,598,000 100,000 440,000 540,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES CONST. FUND Interest Public Facilities Fees TOTAL PUBLIC FACILITES CONSTRUCTION FUND 1,711 46.464 48,175 10,000 600.000 610.000 150,000 1,150,000 1.300,000 PARK-IN-LIEU FUNDS Park-In-Lieu Fees TOTAL PARK-IN-LIEU FEES 138.811 138.811 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 HCD BLOCK GRANTS All Revenue WATER TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS -0- -0- 964,042 14.247.599 241.000 -0- 2.929.000 17,576.210 38,280 -0- 3.730,280 20.545.680 EXHI T D (Page 1 Of 3) ' LO CM OO o £- . LO o cri co co co O co co o LO co LO eg i Q^QQio CM >p O cr> in i— i r-N. co LO cvj LO r^ co i— i r-»- VD CM co o co oS Co ^r co enCM^o LO en O^CM t— i «*• LO LO t—t co vo o LO cr> CM i co oo vo co co o ' eg LO co CD co 01 r> co co t— i o vo LOrH -CM co f co LO CMof^oof^i— I CO r^ CO ' CO CM O>t—1i—i r-~^rv^o^.-^ *C3i-4Cn bB.44444 44444 44444 44444 44444 CO 41444 44444 44444 44444 44444 44444 i44 I444§ §44§4 44444 4444' 9fgla >,, al-Ki E gj &t O-s !<£ LO CM8N<co enen LO . «: CM a a i CMi VDi CM CM CM a : I—I LO T—I «tf- "0^^^ S CO CO G> LO CO LO CO I CDr*^ co ^H r*** vo CM co CD coLO r-l CO CM LO LO CT> CM T CO CTl <J2 CM «d" CTl COt* <3" CM VO ^~ LOcoCM i O O O O LO Oi CO CO C7) p*^ 5£ Lp 'LO r^^ co i—i co ^ ' oo LO co o ' 01 CM co i CO CM Oi T—i«—i r-»i r^ O -=3- en . o co LO coVD VD '•J" '—I COOJ CM r^- CTl CO ( CO CM !•»• O "5t" r-H CMCO «* O VD CM »iri,f^>Cvi,'r~» CTI co ' T-l O Q O O LO Q ' r-H LO CO VO LO CT) r^ ' VD O "=}• 5F CO «—I r-H i LOCTt pp -?OrH_. 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CD CO C3 CO CT* C5 10 i— co CM co in «—< <—i in in © c8 8 co lf> O r-< Q101-^.0-00 10csi CD "sfoOOO OO'CM O oo Or^oocri o COL?) >— IP~.T— IIOVD' — 1 r^, t— 1 00 «— 1CMr-H^HrH LO uf)r-07, C\J ' — int—ioo CM en Iro OO <^5 O CM -LQt-H CM 0 **> o^H LQ ID1 — . co cn CO CTi LQ CO O CM ,—I iin t—i oo •* Co «sf ro<3-1—i in CM L?5 Co CM in CM ^- vo CM 10 co 'r*H CO r<* to <—I I—* rH 'i—I O CM O7; ' S & «o l/l«/) ogj *su> «o D_ g § '•i'-i Oi I2< ro g i -^'& Ou EZ 51 Q_ Q- ^•E- ^SSI'•§'•§<u o>Is «/)O 'I O '•5' c rcio _i w -^w J2 4 Di Qi ^^fe %n- Q.IfCL < 10 C g •?43•« &ai i- m .^ ii Et/1 O _c -o !E *o5"Tj Br— <t UU -*i££ °<*•S^CT> IT543 .y 8JE> t3 fe I <D 8 S £££ ^i I EXHIBIT D (Page 3 Of 3) afefe s 11.2-3 g^£io c .« g^ •a CM O O O VO . vo 444444144 444444144 444444444 4 CM O CD O O VD 'OO CTi |>v. 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Administration City Attorney Finance City Treasurer Central Services Purchasing Personnel Building Fire Administration Fire - Suppression Fire - Prevention Fire - Paramedic Developmental Services Utilities - Maintenance Engineering Street Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Building Maintenance - Sanitation Gen. Gov. Building Maintenance Solid Wastes - Sanitation Library - Administration Library - Adult Services Library - Children Services Library - Technical Services .Library - Audio Visual Library - Outreach Planning - Administration Planning - Commission Planning - Current Planning - Advance 1980-81 BUDGET P.T. 5 P.T. 1 3 9.50 P.T. 6 3 4 10 2 . 37 2 9 4 4 18 21 6 1 4 0 3.75 7.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2; 75 2.20 P.T. 7.10 6.70 1981-82 BUDGET REQ. .P.T. 6 P.T. 0 3 10.50 P.T. 8 4 4 11 2 36 2 10 4 4 19 21 6 1 4 "0 3.75 7.50 2. -50 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.05 P.T. 8.95 5.50 E (Page 1 of 2) 1981-82 ADOPTED BUDGET P.T. 5 P.T. 0 3 9.50 P.T. 6 . 3 4 10 2 36 2 10 4 4 18 21 6 1 4 0 2.75 7.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.05 P.T. 8.45 5.50 • ' DEPARTMENT Parks/Recreation - Administration Parks/Recreation - Park Maint. Parks/Recreation - Tree Maint. Parks/Recreation - Recreation 1.980-81 BUDGET 4.50 ' 14 5 2.50 Parks/Recreation - Recreation Fees .50 Parks/Recreation - Aquatics Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Police - Administration Police - Field Operations Police - investigations Police - Technical Services Police - Reserve Officer Housing/Redev. - Administration Human Services TOTAL: GENERAL FUNDS OTHER FUNDS Sanitation Street Lighting Water Operations Housing Redevelopment Block Grant 1 0 4 40 9 15 0 4 1 288.0 . 5.50 0 15.50 1 1 1 Exhitr* E (Page 2 of 2) • 1980-82 DEPT. REQ. 5 14 6 2.50 2.50 2 0 3 41 10 19 0 4 1.50 305.50 6.50 0 15.50 3 2.75 2.75 1981-82 Adopted Budget 5 14 5 P.T. only 5 + P.T. 1.25 + P 0 2 41 9 16 0 3 1 287.75 5.50 0 15.50 3 2.0 1.0 TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS GRAND TOTAL: ALL FUNDS 24.0 312.0 30.0 335.50 27.0 314.75 Exhibit F co O-H-1LUC<:u-cu in•to: ««=3:uj coo i toZ (M«-« =*: O£ UJ«£«-• in or-. oCO O» »co oen oo CM OOo IOr^.in VO CO Cn Oro en UJ Ooo '— cn co o coiriOOOOo«rocooO i£>r-»OOOOO*QO JO Oo cocnooooocoocno enin CO CO i— CO Oco i— i— •— Q coco«i-oocnoCM-cncMiniovocr>r- CM r— ^- i— r~cocncoo**-mco«f r- 300o co co CO I— CO 00«f CO •— ooooo o o 'oo o co o in cn CM cor- CM OOO g O co en oo«$• in co 8 o oin en OCM.<£ =tfc CO U.=30. CMCMUJ =«fc ooo UJ OCcc 4u;CO to CCi—UJ =tfe UJCO • 10in O1en cotn Ooo CM CM 8CO enU3in*tn ooCD 0>10O CO OO O«cj-CM OOin inCM ooo»u>CO cncocn•eo o «oS 18m » •— 00«f CM o«ccnCO ei 5 _ «£ LU O =•cc.. .UJ _ICOo: ujz a: in o r—r~ o »— 'no o O co o •--•* OCM 00 <fiin in o inr»en•.ooen o o oo o oo o o o10CM o oin >o co *00 ooo ooo T— in eg Sr- incoin S3 coinco in oo co10CM o»in co ooCO« CM CM §! Cu c:ocoUJo uUJrjocca- s-a. u> CM o «*o r- ro coooooCO CO CO CO in *r in co in to^J- IO ID f^» CO Opo o o o oCO CO CO CO CO o oCO CO r— CMco«j-mioi>-ooooooo oo en ooo.—CM rx co enen cn cn cn"OOO>— •—•—•—•--•PO co fo co ro co co co co co co co co co r- <M CO r-r— r— ^— O\r- r- r- OCO CO CO CO YWCA PaOJ^CTQZ 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 / (714) 729-4926 June 10, 1981 Prank Ale shire City Council of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Ale shire and Council Members: You have received and analyzed the funding application of Project Oz North Coast. I am aware that city staff has recommended a funding level of $6,600 for 1981-82. Because of more recent events I am asking that the council reconsider our higher request of $9,000. Recently we received word that, due to federal cutbacks, the Youth Development Bureau would, not be refunding the program. This had not been anticipated until 1982T-83 and was a shock. Fortunately, we have been able to negotiate a contract for State Boarding Homes and Institutions funds. However, restrictions prohibit this source from making up the whole loss of $67,410. Therefore I am attempting to secure the remainder from other sources. .We're happy that Oceanside has approved funding for the first time in 1981-82. I'm asking that you reconsider the request of $9*000 in light of the most recent circumstances. Thank you. Sincerely, ' Sharon Delphenich Director SD/ar