HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-07; City Council; 6623-1; FRANK'S CAB REQUEST FOR NAME CHANGEb~lr UP LHKLbLSAU a Initial: Dept-Eld. y c- C. Att% Mgr. AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: July 7, 1981 DEPARTMENT : City Clerk Subject: 6623 e - Supplement #1 - d _1 - -- d FRANK'S CAB REQUEST FOR NAME CHANGE Statement of the Matter Mr. Frank N. Barberi, dba, Frank's Cab, has requested an amendmer his Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to reflect a change name of his company. In accordance with Section 5.20.090 of the Municipal Code, Mr. Barberi is; requesting Council approval of his name change. At the City Council Meeting held June 2, 1981, Council approved t Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for Mr. Barberi to opera the City of Carlsbad as "Frank's Cab". Mr. Barberi has requested approval of his requested name change to "Carlsbad Taxicab Compan Exhibits 1. Letter dated June 10, 1981, from Mr. Frank Barberi. 2. Resolution No. (:( A c , amending Resolution No. 6561, to ch Fiscal Impact The only fiscal impact resulting from this request is the staff t involved to process the request. - the name of the company. Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. -'F *f : r: , amending Resolution No. 6561, to g the name change. Ap ;: ;;, c tJ kL_ U _____I B - __I -_ --- ___ __ - I_ ___ - -.-- +_ __-- r- - I _L --- -- --. -- -To? ___- l=eouv\5 __ --___ -_--- - - -- --- .- - - ~ ...-- - I- _. *. ----.I--- --.--.. - ----- G&&-U- -- 8-a-nB..L L--- - - - I- --- - _-_ -, - -----TI- _- -_---- __~- a a 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 I citp of CWIFZ4'biiB CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMFNT July 1, 1981 Frank Be Barberl GarPsbad, CA 92008 This letter is ts inform yau that_ your request for a change of name for your C~J company bas been. placed on t'he City Council- Agenda for July 7, 1981. Your request is number 6 on the Agenda, and has been placed on the Consent Calendar. The meeting begins at 6:OO P.M. If you wLsh to attend for your item, you should plan to bc 5rl attendance at the beginning of the meeting, as your item will be heard shortly following that. If you have any questi.ons 1 please don 't 'hesitate P.O. Box 556 tact this office. K=/ 1 I RT;S(&uy~~~< 133. 6609 ___x- 2l SOLTJTl.CpJ NO. 656:~~ TSSIlTT1G h E )\J9rJ l$EcEssI'yy TO F f2 5i 6, 7 c 9 c_I___I -___ ..-._-I_--- I i 2, 1-98]!, the ~i.tj7 CGITRC~I' by the :ad~pt . c. I 1 Resoi~cficn Eg. 6562.. , ;:pp:rG-Ved the <.SSEZllce of n C'?rtli?-cs c~~~~~F~~~~~ and ~;;.:..ce.ssity to Frank R. Bzrberi, dbz, 'F~21d 1 to ogerate t:ay:<caS sel:\ilce \;qj..-t11i11 CII~ C~CY CI~ ~arlsb2-d ; .: -i-2 I, j ~;i.. . I)~,~L;~~~ &,a ~~~1_~h~~z ~:~-~i.~~b cc I x(-& , ~~'~~y~-'T- .. -.A 1-21 ~f: :iT Ry,SeLvED by p'he Ciry Council. of le 1'1 18 39 1 1 thz n2m.C; chai-ge fro3 Fraj2k 21. Barberi d32 Frdc'S Cab t( 1 a. Barheri dba CarLshad Taxicab CoXpany. 1 I ' PA~SS~-~-J 7 ~JJJ~~':GY~:D, mri ~,.DOPTEI) by the City Council or' 22 ' 17 NOES : I!me e a 1200 ELM AVENUE CAR LSBAD, CALl FORN I A 92008 I City o€ Earlc&ab CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 9, 1981 EL-. Fris?-k N. _- k5arberi P.0, Box 554 Carlsbzd, CA 92008 Thc CawRsbzi! CEty Coilr~~il B at tt-2, nJceLing of July 7$ 1981, appnoved your requested name Char!Ee for yoizlf t:lxi csah company by t-he ad0pCiai-i sf Resolution No, 5600. Enclosed hi- your reccrrds and information 2 s a copy of the above referenced zesolutiun. If you have azay questions -P-ega-rdJrig this maeter, pl-ease do nut hesitate ta contact this office. > Deputy @i ty Clerk krs / En c 1.0 s ihf E 'LWUll I I ,b.LLI\I\ 0 R IC IN AL .F.IL E D .BUS I N.E SS 0 I v 1st ON BUSINESS AT THE SAME LOCATION ' . THE NAME[S] OF THE BUSINESS[ES] :'. . .. ... . ,. , .i , . >'. .. .. * ..... . 1...: : ,'aRL ...................... .Sd?&! +:-44.i.?%Lc&@ ..... :..:. ...,...:Qoi/&RLy.. (7". , .... ..I.. ... _--_I:.. .. .... --: ** .? LOCATED - ........................ . ' AT: ': ; ............................................................................................ (Street Address - If None, Give Exact Location and, P.O. Box or Rural Route) ........................ . ~~~-~-~~-~~--~-~~~~~~-~---~--- -qd&!Q-&?-I---:- ....... ~--~ .................................. .. 'IS' [ARE] -'HEREBY REGISTERED BY THE FOLL0WIN.G' PERSONX ... i. * * . ---~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~, .. .... (Full.Name -:x.:....: - TypelPrint). ............ :; ____; ' _____-; ..... ~ .... ._... i* :: ..... :..: ..... .:.. , ~~~~~-~--~-~-~~~~--~~~~ -_---_- ~ ------- ~ (;tE~.-L*.J, ...... -Ai-+ ~~ .. -9 .ac;14 bi . -::- ...... :- .. :- .............. _3121 -: .......... -1 ................ :- ..... --~ ...... .. * ). .. (Pri.nt Fictitious Business amels] on Line Above) ' ... .... ... .I - rn.@/L$ /?.'.SC5Z SP .. ,. .. CflTRL349.94 4! ... .. 2.. i , . , I IN: , .- &. (City and Zip Codel .. .. p 'oz ?s6: LA&/ .r49A3/ip: (F II Name - TypePrin 1 .. %?OW,' ............................................................................ __ (Residence Address,or, if corp.. state.of incorp.) . ' . , ' (Residence Address or, if corp., state of incorp.) , ". - ... .' . I, (City and Zip Code) -. -- .. .. ,. '(City and Zip Code) 1. I. .... ... .. - -. ___z -.--L..14 ................................................................................. ............................................................................ (Full Name - Type/Print) .. .. - .. <. .I. J. .I (Full Name - Typehint) .. : I. _- '. . .. .. + *- ............................................................................... .. ............................................................................ .. .. . (Residence Address or, if corp., state of incorp.) (Residence Address or, if:corp.; state of incorp.), 7 .. .. - .. ................................................................................ ........................................................................... 1. ... (City and Zip Code) . (City and Zip Code) 6. Individual 0 Individuals - Husband and Wife 0 a General Partnership :%%* This bushes is conducted by: d. 0 ,. a. Limited Partnership 0 a Corporation 0 a Business Trust 0 Other (Specify) ________ -'__________________________________ I.' I-. . : .. .x 2 .. dZ--~&&-:--* 1 ....... ............................... ... (Print Name of Person, Signing and title)---^^^^^^-----^ .. ..... ~~~~~~~~.--_---~---~- .. d' -&&?E< ....... /TJE(ijQ. 31 9 I@@@ SIGNATURE OF' REGISTRANT:---- - -7-4%?- - . .- -3: e -. THIS STATEMENT WAS FI-LED WITH ROBERT D. Z.UMWALT, COUNTY CLERK OF SAN .DIEGO COUNTY .~ . Y ' . .- ON DATE -INDICATED BY FILE STAMP ABOVE CERTIFICATION . I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fult, true and , correct copy of .the original on file in this office, ROBERT D. .ZUMWAlT, County ' Clerk I .. . -_ .. STATEMENT EXPl RES ................................ By O\@W\ ___ ___ __ ____ ____ - - ___ ___ - - - - - - - - - ____ - - - - - - - - - __ : - , - nepufi 81 lC283 . " *. D. TIBW-'- A "ED FILE NO.--.-------------------------------- ' CERTIFIED COPY FOR BANK OR, OVER AGENCY ' ~ ~ ~~ x. 1 .- Form 231A CO. CLK (7179) , ~ ~ ~~~ ~ IAME AND ADDRESS @F AGENCY I THE ABLE INSURANCE AGENCY 2136 EL CAJON BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92104 IAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED FRANK BeERI DBA: CARLSBAD TAXICAB CO. CARJLSBAD, CA. 92008 2917 "B" STATE STREET (COMPAWOES AFBORDOWG COVERAGES COMPANY A COMPANY @ LETTER COMPANY c LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COfflPANY E LETTER LETTER ZALE INDEMNITY COMPANY of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. POLICY TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE :OMPANY LETTER GENERAL LIABILIYV 0 COMPREHENSIVE FORM 0 PREMISES-OPERATIONS EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD 0 UNDERGROUND HAZARD PRODUCTSKOMPLETED 0 OPERATIONS HAZARD BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE 0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS 0 CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE 0 PERSONAL INJURY AUVOMQBILE LlABlLlTV 0 COMPREHENSIVE FORM . A OWNED ZIGL013922CL04-142 6/3/83 El E~~~NED . EXCESS LlABlLlTV 0 UMBRELLA FORM 0 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS' COMPENSATION end OTWEW EMBLQVEWS' LlABBLlTV afforded by the poltcles described herem IS subject to all th Limits of Liability in T~OMS~~I~S (000) EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGAT BODILY INJURY s s PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ BODILY INJURY AND COMBINED . PROPERTY DAMAGE I s PERSONAL INJURY '5 BODILY INJURY (EACH PERSON) '$100 BODILY INJURY f 300 PROPERTYDAMAGE s 50 (EACH ACCIDENT) BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTYDAMAGE $ COMBINED BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ '5 COMBINED STATUTORY s IEeCHACClDI NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK OF CARLSBAD. 1200 ELM STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 DATE .ISSUED: 6/1/82 G/,.i5/ 81 _. - <'V. r' E!:?;ncPd js "Q- I.--) (3/e:,se a;fac/b 7-1 Piease - and :ettrrn c3nclosecl fom, ..I ,. ,.,- - -. a!-,.;:::?'- ;-c,j:+-. r-1 Enclosed is E 2.. t" JQaa- --------DS 'C :I. :--~i +:!i;? 11 c CcMhrte-d .insura.nCL I--! r- TC: m I 1! m Ad j L! $1; 7- E : 1 ' .__I D sign --: I--_ Secen'i Cieim. Frank Rarberi on '72 rlhry d National her. Policy #2~. Thanks. RC ;J EnclOs?d is check f~: ~~ I City Clerk, City of Jndurance Un& 3-63 Carlsbad OF S4N DIEGO COUb 1200 Elm St. 1821 So. Hill St. P. 0. Bi Oceanside, California 928 Phone 433-6424 - 9414 Yarlsbad, ca 92008