HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-07; City Council; 6657; Tenative Tract Map La Costa Development Plan Daond w 0 AGENDA BILL AGENDA BILL NO: ($d 57 INITIAL: BH:ar DEPT. ED. t<i+ AT& DATE : JULY 7, 1981 CTY. Am. DEPARTJ!4ENT: PLANNING CTY. MGR. .. . . .. SUBSECT: 560 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND LA COSTA DEVELOPMENT PLapJ CASE NO: CT 81-16/LCDP 81-1 APPLICANT: LA COSTA/DAON STATl3"I. OF- THE - MATIER: This itan is a request for a 566 unit tentative tract map and residential development plan located on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road between thc future Mision Estancia (east) and Olivenhain Road in the P-C zone. The projc is divided into three areas: kea 'A' is comprised of 153 single family detached (zero lot line) units; Mea 'B' consists of 203 single family detacl units; and Area 'C' consists of 204 condominium units. This project is the first to be reviewed under the provisions of the recent17 mended La Costa Master Plan. The Master Plan provides greater developnent flexibility than either the PUD or Condominium Ordinances. Because of the different development standards, staff has developed a new application callec La Costa Development Plan. All applications which choose to use the flexiblt standards of the La Costa Master Plan will henceforth be processed as La Cosi Development Plans. Upon review of this application, the Planning Commission found the applicatic to meet all requirements of the La Costa Master Plan, Subdivision Ordinance E Zoning Ordinance. No other problems were found with this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated May 27, 1981, which was approved by the Planning Cormissic on June 10, 1981. A mpy of the environmental documents is on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant will provide all required public improvements to the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other public services. RECOMMENDATION Eoth the planning staff and Planninq Commission recornend that this applicati be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPRCFVING CT 81-16/LcDP 81-1, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1820. ATGAC€"I'S 1. PC Resolution No. 1820 2. Staff Report dated, June 10, 1981 4 0 0 AGENDA BILL NO. 6657 July 7, 1981 Page 2 Council Action; 7- 7- 81 Council directed the Attorney to prepare documeslts approving CT 8: LCDP-1, with the provision that the use of reclaimed water, if fox be feasible, be included in the approval of the final map. II (. m 0 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1820 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA , RECOMMENDING APPROT OF A 560 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND RESIDENTIAI DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED 01 EAST SIDE OF RANCHO .SANTA FE ROAD, BETWEEN OLIVE1 ROAD AND THE FUTURE MISION ESTANCIA (EAST) IN THI P-C ZONE. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY/DAON CASE NO: CT 81-16/LCDP 81-1 7 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain prop( . 8 wit: * 9 Portions of Lots 4 and 9 of Rancho Las Encinitas .. .. . 10 I1 San Diego, according to Map No. 848, filed June )I has been filed with the city of Carlsbad, and referred to 11 &a. il 12 /I Planning Commission; and 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 ' 22 23 -. 24 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 10t June, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescri to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing an considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all p ' desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact relating to the Tentative Tract- Map and La Costa Develop NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pla Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are. true and correct, B) That based on th6 evidence presented at the public he 25 Commi.ssion recommends APPROVAL of CT 81-1O/LCDP 81-1, the following findings .and subject to the following c 26' (( Findings: 27 .. 1) The project is consistent with the city's General PI 28 the proposed density of 3.25 du's/acre is within the /I :* e .* . .. . .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 range of 0-4 du's/acre specified €or the site as ind. the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the 560 proposed does not exceed the 704 allowed by the La Cc Plan. 2) The site is-physically suitable for the type and den: accommodate residential development at the density p- still meet all of the requirements of the La Costa M; 3) The project is consistent with all city public facil: development since the site is adequate in size and SI policies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of- an 2 condition to this project, insured that the fina: not be approvsd unless the City Council finds th; service is available to serve the project, - In a( Planning Commission has added a condition that ; be placed on the 'final map that building permits issued for the project unless the City Engineer ( that sewer service is available, and building cal within the project unless sewer service remains 2 .the Planning Commission is satisfied that 'the rec of the public facilities element of the General E project. been met insofar as they apply to sewer service f b) School fees will be paid to ensure the availabilj school facilities in the San Dieguito school dist an existing school agreement between the La Cost? Company and Encinitas School District will ensure of elementary school facilities, c) The dedication of park land and the payment of pa fees is required as a condition of approval.' d) All necessary public improvements have been provi will be required as conditions of approval. e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the i of an appropriate condition to pay a public facil Performance of that contract and payment of the f enable this body to find that public ..facilities b available concurrent with need as required by the Plan. f)' Assurances have. been given'that adequate sewer fo project will be provided by the Leucadia County W District. 4) The proposed project is compatible with the surroundi land uses since surrounding properties are designated residential development on the General Plan and .the L Master Plan. ~ PC RES0 # 1820 .2 ~ I / -1 W 0 i I 3; 5) This project as conditioned> will not cause any signif environmental impacts and 2 Conditional Negative Decl approved by the Planning Commission on June 10, 1981. '2 has been issued by the Planning Director on May 27, 1 3 4 Costa Master Plan. 6) The proposed project meets a11 development standards 5 6' General Cond-itions: 1) Approval. is granted for CT Sl-lG/LCDP 81-1, as sham c 7 ' Department e Devel_opment shall occur substantially as 8 Exhibit(s) A-C, dated June 4, 1981 and Exhibits D-Z, d 6, 1981, incorporated by reference and on file in. the unless otherwise noted in these conditions e 9 10 3.1 12 13 2) All references to Areas 'A'# 'B' and 'C' in these cor shall mean those area's indicated'on Exhibit 'A', date 1981 e 3) -This project is approved upon the express conditicn tE final map .of any phases shall not be approved. unless -1: Council finds as of the time of such approval that self is available to serve the subdivision. I la 4) E!5 1 16 2.7 18 5) 19 I 20 21 22 This project is approved upon the express condition ti permits will not be issued for d.evelopment ~f the sub: property unless the City Engineer determines that se~7c facilities are available at the time of application f( sewer permits and will continue to Se available until occupancy. This note shall be placed on the final mal This project is approved upon the express condition -tl applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as requirt Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on filt City Clerk and incorpcrated herein by reference, and ; copy of that agreement dated April 28, 1381, is on fi. City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. If ! not paid as promised, this application will not be col with the General Plan and approval for this project s' void. e the agreement executed by the applicant for payment o 23 . . 24 25 26 '2 7 ! 6) The applicant shall dedicate land to be located in S Park pursuant to the existing parks agreement betwee! Costa Land Company and the city of Carlsbad prior to approval of the first phase of Area 'A', 'B', or 'C' occurs first. All remaining park requirements for t shall be satisfied by the. payment of park-in?lieu fe required by Chapter 20.44 prior to final map approva first phase of Area 'A' , 'B', or IC', whichever occu ~ //// 28 I) I/// I1 - PC RES0 #IS20 .3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 V 0 9 10 5-1 32 a3 14 15 16 2-7 l8 I 3-9 i 20 21 7) The appl-icant shall provide school fees to the San Di School District to mitigate conditions of overcrowdin of building permit application. These fees s'I?all be the fee schedule in effect at the time of building PE application. Also, the applicant shall comply vith t requirements of the existing school agreement betweer ~ Costa Land Company and the Encinitas School District, I - 8) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance, the La ( P1a.n and all cther applicable 'city ordinances in effc of building permit issuance. Planning Department a 22 23 ' . 24 25 26 27 28 9) The applicant shall prepare a reproducib1.e mylar of J 'B' r 'C' , and 'D' incorporating the conditions contaj herein. Said plans shall be submitted to and approvec Planning Director prior to the issuance of building 10) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associat: correspon.ding covenants, conditions and. restrictions CC&R's shall be submi'cted to and approved by the Plar Departnent prior to final map approval of the first 1 this project. 11) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and. plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the Director prior to the issuance of any building permit plan shall includ-e all comnon areas to be maintained homeowner' s association e 12) The applicant shall prepare a detailed site plan, Ear and irrigation plan for the open space corridor indic Exhibit 'A' . Said plan shall include additional lanc meandering trail sys-i.em along its entire length and j facilities. Said plan shall be approved by the Planr Director prior to final map approval of any phase. I landscaping and improvements shall be installed i-mnec after grading of any adjacent phases in Areas 'A' or 13) All landscaped areas shall be maintained .Gin a health thriving condition, free fron weeds, trash, and debr. 14) Any signs proposed for this development shall be des. conformance with the La Costa Master Plan and shall review and approval of the Planning Department prior installat.ion of such signs. 15) Any trash receptable areas within the condominium de (Area IC' ) shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high rnasonr gates pursuant to city standards. Location of said shall be approved by the Planning Dir, actor. 1 ll PC mso #1820 / .4 I/ W 0 I 2 1.6) All roof appurtenances I includ-ing air conditioners, s architecturally integrated 2nd. shielded from view an6 satisfaction of the Planning Depar'cment and Building 2 buffered from adjacent properties and streets to the 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 j 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 3- 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17) The applicant shall submit a 'street name list consist . the city's street name policy subject to tne Planninc approval prior to final map approval. 18) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at locz subject to the satisfaction of the North County Tran: District. Said facilities shall at a minimum Fncludc free from advertising and a pole for the bus stop. sic bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as tc detract from the basic architectural theme of the prc said design shall be subject tb the approval of the E Director and North County Transi'c District. 19) The honlanite/concrete treatment is specifically not E public streets. All streets shall be designed and pz pursuant to existing city s-Land-ards e 20) The lots located on the cul-de-sac on E Street in Arc on J Street in Area 'B' shall be redesigned as folloi a) One 1o.k on each cul-de-sac shall be deleted. 'b) Tlze remai;ling lots shall be evenly spaced out to rnaximEm street frontage for each lot. A revised tentative map showing this redesign sh.all 3: suSnitted to and approved by the City Engineer and P: Director prior to final map approval for this phase, 21) The zpplicant shall reconstruct and lmdscape all cui slopes in accordance with Secti'on 11.06.130 of the C; Municipal Code so that they appear in a natural statt in with the natural slopes. Such grading shail be SI City Engineer and Planning Director approval prior tc of any building pernits in the phase being graded. ! City Engineer and Planning ,Director sha$l.have the d: reqire additional grading work to ensure that this ( met. R 22) A revised plan for the recreation facility in Area 'I submitted to and approved by the Planning Director p: final map approval of the first phase in Area 'B'. 23) A detailed streek sjlgning and street lighting plan s: submitted to and approved by the City Engineer and P Director prior to final. map approval in the first ph< Area 'A'F 'B', or 'C'.' The street lights shall mee. stclndards relating to illumination and light type. applicant proposes street signs and street lights in right-of-way which differ in. appearance and type fro1 I ~ PC RES0 #1820 ' *5 II * I1 w I) a I! a 2 3 4 5 6 7 standaxds, then said signs and lights shail. be mainta separate maintenance district to consist of the homeo this development, established by the appl-i~ar~t and ap the City Council. Said maintenance district shall be first phase of each Area 'A'; 'B', or 'C'. approved by the City Council prior to final map appro 25) The recreation facilities in Area 'C' shall be instal accordance with the follow.ing: a. If Phase 1 records first., the easternmost recreat facility shall be installed prior to final occupa this phase. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 b. If Phase 2 records first, the westernmost recreat facility shall be installed prior to final occupz this phase. c. Both recreation facilities shall be installed pri final occupancy of any units in the khird phase G Engineering Cond.itioi?s: 26) The developer shall obtain a grad.ing permit prior to comnencement of any clea-rj-ng or grading. of the site. 27) Th.e grading for this project is defined as ''CcntrollC by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipa'l Coi shzll he performed. u,nd.er the observation of a civil 2 whose responsibility it. shail be to coordinate site : and testing to insure compliance of the work with thc grading plan, submit required reports to the City En? verify comnplknce with Chapter 11.06 of the Carisbad Code n 28) Upon completion of grading, the developer shall insu: Engineer, The plan shall clearly show all the geoloc exposed by the grading operation, all geoloqic corre( measures as actually constructed and must'be based 01 map which represents both -the pre and post site grad plan shall be signed by both the soils engineer and engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared 01 similar drafting film and shall become a permanent rl 29) No grading shall occur outside' the limits of the sub1 unless a letter of permission is obtained from the 0' affected properVies. "as-graded" geologic plan sha1.L be submitted to the ( ~ I 30) No slopes shall be steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 ve 31) The cornmercial site labeled "SE17" shall be graded a buttressed in accordance with the .recoImnendations i.n report prior to the- improvement of Rancho Santa Fe R to the approval o€ the City Engineer. site must be planted or hydrosecdcd to miniinize em 11 PC RES0 #2820 . -6 'I m 6 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 'Eo 11 12 13 14 15 15 2.7 I.t3 I 19 I 20 21 ' 22 I 23 24 25 26. 27 . 28 ~ 32) Additional drainage easements and drainage struckures provided or ins-talied as may bg required by the Count Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cit Engineer. 33) Concurrent with grading, drainage control structures installed subject to the approval of the City kginee . ensure that the peak rate of runoff from a 6 hour dur storm that has a recurrence frequency of 10 years be after development than bef.oore development. Circulation and. Phasing: 34) The subdivision has been divided into three areas. (la and C) which may be developed independently. All imy: must be constructed within a phase prior to the occu-g any units within that phase. Except as noted in cond below, final maps may be recorded in any sequence if Engineer determines traffic circulation and fire acce adequate. Minor adjustments to the phase boundaries approved by the City Engineer if traffic circulation affected, " "_ 35) Area A: Phase I shall be recorded and constructed fi Phase TI shall bc second and. shall- be recorded and cc concurrently with Phase V or the dedication and imprc "D" Street. within Phase V. 36) Area BE Phase L shall be recorded and constructed fj Phase VI may record at any Lime after Phase I. ?has€ and V shall be recorded and constructed concurrently l'J1'p "K" p and "L" Streets shall be dedicated and imp1 Phase IiI must be record-ed concurrent with or subseql Phase V or the dedication and improvement of 'IL" Strc Phase V may record after Phase 1 but shall be concurl Phase 111: or the construction of 'HI Street. concurrent with t112 recordation of any of these phasc 37) Area C: Either Phase I' or Phase I1 shall be recordec "El" Street shall be completed. a5 a loop street concw Phase IT. Phase I11 must be recorded concurrent wit1 subsequent to Phase I. "0" Street must he compieted street concurrent with Phase 111. 0 39) "A" Street must be dedicclted and improved (full widtl Rancho Santa Fe Road to 'IC" Street with Phase AI, to with Phase AII, to 'IF" Street with Phase, BI and to C; with the recordaFion. of any other phase in Areas B 01 39) Mission Estancia from Rancho Santa Fe Road to'Calle i Calle A.cervo from Mission Estancia- to "A" Street sha: dedicated and improved concurrently with the final mi seventh phase to record within' Area B and C. I 4.0) Cal.le Acervo along the subdivision boundary i.n Area : dedicated and improved concurrent with the last' phast B. ll Dfi DVCA & 1 .)c)n .7 /I W I) 1 41) 21 3 4: 5 6' 7 8' 9 10 13. 12 44) 1s 14 15 45) 16 l? 4-2) 4 3) 46 1 l8 i 4.7) a9 1 20 I 21 22 48) 23 25 2n, I 49) 26 27 28 50) The east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be widene striped to provide a separate southbound left turn lz Street. The widening and/or striping shall extend ap 600 feet north of the intersection and approximately south and shall be designed. to the satisfaction of t3n Engineer, This work shall be done concurrently with improvement of any portion of "A" Street. Similar wi and/or striping shall be done 02 Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection of Plission Estancia at the time Mission constructed. Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be improved between Oliven and blision Estancia at the time the final map is appr the fourth phase in the subdivision or at the time tk: signals are installed at either Rancho Santa Fe Road Street or Rancho Santa Fe Road and Mision Estancia. TI~E~ developer shall sign an improvement igreernent and half street improvements at the intersection of Ranck Road. and Olivenizain Road at the time Rancho Santa Fe imqroved. Land for all public streets and easements shown on tk tentative map shall be dedicated at the time of the f approval for the phase requiring said dedication and encumbrances D Direct access rights for all lots abtzk'cing Rancho Sar shall be waived on the final map. granted to the city free and clear of all liens and. A.11 public streets shall be improved by the develope1 the typical sections shown on the tentative map and i conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards prior to of any buildings within the phase requiring said. imp1 The developer shall cxnply with all the rules, regul; design requirements of the respective sewer and water regarding services to the project. The design of all private streets and d-rainage syster approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of t7 map. The structural section of all privake streets I conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-vall All private streets and drainage systems shall be in! the city and the standard improvement plan check and fees shall be paid prior to approval of the final mal All private streets and drainage systems shall be ma: the homeowner' s. Thi.s resporYsibi1ity shall be clear: the CC&R' so All concrete terrace drains shall be maintair,ed .by t' owner's associat.ion (if on common]-y owned property) ( individual property owner (if on an individually own( An appropriately worded statement clearly identifyint responsibility shall be placed in the CC6tR's. II nn nvpn JL~ o?n Q ' I/ e * .. a 2 51) 3 4 5 6' 7 8 10 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 53) 313. 52) 54 1 3-9 I 20 I 55) 21 22 23 24 25 57) 26 27 28 56) Islands at the east and west ends of "A" Street shall d-esigned as median islands and shall be subject to the of the City kgineer. The street section at the west median and the median shall provide a left turn pockel Santa Fe Road and a left turn pocket at the entrance i school site which shall be directly opposite 'IC" Stre( otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The street : the east end shall provide for a travelled way of 20 i the entrance and 24 feet for the exit and. the median : shall extend fron Calle Acervo west a distance approvc City Engineer. Curbs along the areas with a med.ian s? posted or painted red to prohibit parking. The islanc irrigated and landscaped as approved by the Planning 1 and be maintained ,by the homeowner's association. Tht maintenance requirement shall be stated in the CC&:R'S The island- on "33" Street must be ,d.eleted and, the stre designed to city of Chrlsbad standards. The cul-de-sacs bulbs in public streets may have an i the.is1an.d be no greater than 15 feet; b) the street radius be no less than 45 feet and the property line shall be 55 feet except, if not feasible, 50 feet wit utility easement; c) the cul--de-sac bulk otherwise cc Standard Drawing GS-3; d) the islands be irriga.ted a landscaped as approved by the Planning Director and k m,aint.a-in,ed by the homeowner's associationo The maint requirei-nent shall be stated in the CCEtR' S. The entrance islands on 'IC", I'D", 'IF" and. 'IL" Streets subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Tine tr way shall be 20 feet minimum on each side of the isla shall be posted or painted red. to prohibit parking ex residential units face the street the travelled way s feet wide and parking shall be permitted. The two entrances to-"N" Street (private street) sha: designed subject.to the approval of the City Engineel entrances must be d.esigned to permit a U-turn of veh: outside the gate with a minimum outside radius of 40 Note Number 20 (regarding phasing) on the tentative I deleted e A fully actuated traffic signa'l shall be' designed an( at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and ''A" ~ the sole expense of the developer. The developer sh traffic signal improvement agreement and post a bond signal at the time of final map approval for the fir the subdivision. The developer shall install the si' time the city Eqgineer determines the intersection m warrants for the signal. This condition covers a si provide for a travelled. way of 26 feet on each side 0: the center if all of the following are met; a) the / e9 PC RESO it1820 ' li I! v e .. I I; provide for the incremental increase in the cost for 2 the three-legged intersection shown. If M;sion EsCar 3 is constructed prior to the need for a signal, t%e cj legged intersection by fees or agreements. Reclaimed Water Use 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 aa 12 13 1, 58) The applicant shall agree to utilize reclaimed water, form, on the subject property in an amount that equa: exceeds the amount of sewage generated by the projeci otherwi'se approved by the City Engineer. 59) The reclaimed water irrigation system shall be mainti operated. by the Leucadia Water District consistent w ' requirements of the city of Carlsbad, under a contra( agreement with th; homeowner's association that is tc district total assurance that they would .always- have abiliky -Lo discharge the eGf1uen-t. 60) Construction of the reclaimed water system shall corn: Title 17 of the California State Adrr?inistratiolz Code connections, Low trajectory sprinklers shall be uti the irrigation rate shall be regulated so that there runoff e i requiring a water master on the job to monitor pipe 14 Fire Department; ll a5 16 17 18 19 I 1 61.) The applicant shall provide ei'cher one of the follow mitigation measures: a) Provide a temporary 1 acre graded site. to the ci temporary building facilities for an 'interim fir The 1-ocation of this site shall be either llear 'c corner oE Rancho Santa Fe Road and Mision Estanc or at a location subject to the approvzl of the of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue; nea 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .2 7 26 The specific site and facilities to be provided approved Sy the Fire Chief prior to final map aF any phases. in Areas A, B, and C. The facilit-y s operational prior to final occupancy of the 200t Areas A, B, and C. P The si.te and: facilities shall be rent free to tk a period of four years froh the date the facilit operational, If at -the end of the four year per permanent facility has not been bu,ilt to replace temporary facility, then the applicant shall le^ period to be determined by the city, not to exec years c ' temporary facility to. the city at a fair. market The city shall be responsible for obtaining all clearances for this facility. / PC RES0 111820 .10 - Ij 0 * II I h 2 3 4 5 6 7 b) Install sprinkler systems in all dwelling units s the approval of the Fire Chief prior to final occ the units o c) Offer for sale to the city a site for a permanent station. This provision shall satisfy as a fire measure only if the offer for sale and the site E acceptable to both the Fire Chief and the City Cc prior to the recordation of the first phase of AI or C, whichever occurs' first, 62) An all weather sccess road shall be maintained throu: construction - . 8 63) Water for fire protection shall be installed prior tc placement of combustible mater_i.als on the building sj 9 to approval of the Fire Chief. . 10 11 64) The proposed security gate' system shall be subject tc the final map for any phases in Subarea 'Cl0 of both the Police and Fire Departments prior to app1 22 13 14 95 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I I 65) All private streets in Area C, other than the loop st shall be kept clear of parked vehicles at all times, have posted IiNo ParkinglFire Lane/Tow Away Zone" act( the provisions of the Municipal Code. 66) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all strue-k~ subject to the approval of the Building and Fire Gep: 67) Brush clearance shall be maintakned within 30 feet 0: residence. 68) All fire alarm systemsf fire hydrants, extinguishing automatic sprinklers, and other. systems pertinent to project shall be submitted to the Fire Department fo: prior to the issuance of any building permits. 69) A master set of CCStR'S covering. the entire La Costa I area shall be submitted. to and approved by the Plann: Director prior to final approval of the 'first phase I B, or C, whichever occurs first, €3 70) Prior to recordation of the final map for the first ; Area A, B, or' C, whichever occurs first, a comprelilcn8 recreational storage plan to adconmodate, recreationa including horse trailers, campers, boats; nobile horn shall be submitted to and approved by the Pl.anning D Said plan shall incorporate on& of the three approac outlined in the La Costa Master Plan (P. 111-10) c 27 //// 28 //// 11 PC RES9 #I820 e 11 // * 0 I 1 PASSSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, California, k 10th day of June, 1981, by the following vote, to wit: AYES ; Chairman Marcus, Commissioners Rombotis, Fa NOES: None. ABSENT: None o ABSTAIN : None * Schlehuber, Jose, Friestedt and L'Heureux, - @b * I %& MAKY lM-h~RCUS , Ch.a irli CARLWAD I'. PLANNING ( ATTEST: X!. 12 3.3 JAMES c B FAGN-~EN, Secretary 1 14 25 a_6 3.7 la I I CARLSBAD PLANNING cownss~or~ 19 li 20 2 1- 22 23 2 4 25 26 2 7 28 PC RES0 !I1820 - * 12 B .. e e. STAFF REPORT f" .,! p :I 'G DATE : June 10, 1981 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 81-16/LCDP 81-1, LA COSTA LAND CO./DAON - Request for approval of a 562. unit tentative tract map and L8 Costa residential development plan on 172.9 acres of land located on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Roal between the future blission Estancia (east) and Olivenhain Road in the P-C zone. I. PROJECT .DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUXD This item is a request for a 562 unit tentative tract map and residential development plan located as described above. The project is divided into three areas which are indicated on th tentative map (Exhibit "A") o Area "A" is 'comprised of 157 single family. detached ( '0' lot line) units, Area "B" consist of 201 single family detached units, and Area "C" consists of 204 condominium units. References will be made throughout th report to the individual areas by letter to ease in the discussion of this project. Area 'A' is made up of single family detached dwelling units a '0' foot side yard setback on one side. The average lot si for this area is 4500 square feet and the density is 3. 3 dwel units per acre. A recreation facility would be provided with this area consisting of a swimming pool, jacuzzi, cabana and barbeque. A detailed plan of the recreation areas is contain on Exhibit F. Staff believes the recreation facility is an important tradeoff for the reduced lot sizes of this area. Area 'B' consists of ,the single family detached units. The . average lot size is 6000 square feet and the density is 3.1 du' s/acre. This area also contains an 'active recreation facility ..,/;:ich is detailed in Exhibit F. Also, a pedestrian trail- system and a vista view point would be incorporated int tX.s area. Again, staff believes that the.recreation ameniti , are necessary to provide recreational opportunities to reside who may not have sufficient area on site to provide private recreation facilities. 0 e Area 'C' is comprised of the condominium dwelling units. Thi area, unlike Areas 'A' and 'E' will be a private comunity wi ' . Fire and Police Department approved security gate system at t entrance. The buildings will all be six-plexes with view orientations to the west, north and east L The density is 3. 3 units/acre which is substantially less than a typical condomi project. Two recreation facilities will be provided to serve project. The amenities include swimming pools, jacuzzies and other active facilities as indicated on Exhibit 'F'. The str within the condominium portion of the project would be privat and maintained by the homeowners association. The project also includes a large open space corridor running along. the length of Rancho Santa Fe Road. This corridor .has perennial stream running through it and would be developed as passive park with a meandering trail system and rest stop facilities. Adjacent to this corridor is a future elemdntary school site which will eventually be dedi.cated to the Encinit School District pursuant to existing agreements between the 'applicant and the district. The street c,irculation system consists of a collector street through the middle of the project which separates Areas 'A' a 'B' from Area 'C'. This street would connect to the future Mission Estancia (west) at Rancho Santa Fe Road. The interic street system is designed to segregate the three product type The streets of Areas A and B would be public and maintained 'c the .city. As mentioned, the streets of Area 'C' would be private. This project is the first to be reviewed under the provisions the recently amended La Costa Master Plan. This plan establishes density, development standards, and design criter which applies to ali residentiai projects within the boundari of this plan. The Master Plan establishes a site review'for residential projects. Because the standards of the Master P1 and the Condominium Ordinances, staff has developed a new application called a La Costa Development Plan (LCDP). All residential applications .processed within the master plan arc will hc,=:cLor-th be processed as a La Costa Development Plan. differ in many respects from both the Planned Unit Developmen .' Staff has had several meetings with the applicant over the 1? few months to discuss the concept and the details of this project. Many changes suggested by staff have been incorpor? into the project and only a few issues. remain to be resolved. . The working relationship with the applicant has been exceller over these past 'few months and staff believes the amount of t spent in review will result in a better project. -2- . x 4 e 0 11: ANALYSIS 1. Grading a. Can the impacts of grading be satisfactorily mitigated? 2. Street Design a. Are the median islands at the ends of collector street properly designed to mitigate traffic saf hazards? b. Are the cul-de-sac landscape islands designed to allow adequate turnaround? c. Does the landscape island on the local street adjacent to the recreation area create unaccepta traffic hazards? d. Are all of the cul-de-sacs of a sufficient lengt to allow adequate lot frontage and on-street parking? 3. Lot .Design a. Do the lots located on the cul-de-sac at the end 'E' Street in Area 'A' 'have adequate street frontage to allow street parking? 4. Fire Response a. Can the project be adequately served by the Fire Department? Discussion Grading As proposed, approximately 1.9 million cubic yards. of grading would occur. This arnount is an average of 11,000 cubic yards per acre, or 3380 cubic yards per unit. The amount of gradin . is required tc stablize the high number of ancient landslides the site. 'these landslides were identified as part of a geotezlmical report conducted for this project in April of tk ye:.r. The geotechnical report indicates that all landslides b" adequately stablized by buttressing and reconstruction. Staff's concern is the aesthetic appearance of the hillsides after grading. < -3- e 0. To mitigate grading impacts, staff is recommending a conditior of approval that the applicant reconstruct and landscape all ( and fill. slopes so that they have a natural appearance. This would require contoured grading to blend with the existing hillside and the pia-nting of native vegetation on all slopes. With this condition, along with the standard grading conditior staff is satisfied that the grading -impacts of this project ci be satisfactorily mitigated. Street Design Staff has a .number of concerns with the design of the streets the project, Specifically, the design of the median islands i the ends of the collector street, the landscape islands in thl center of each cul-de-sac, the landscape island in Area 'A' ii front of the recreation area, and the short .length of the cul, sac's in Area 'B' . The median islands located at the ends of the collector stree are intended to provide an entry statement to the development The applicant proposes to provide dense landscaping and a kio structure. Staff has concerns with the design of the islands with respect to traffic flow. Specifically, the median must certain width requirements, allow for a left turn pocket and allow for four lane traffic. Also, the design of the island must facilitate a free flow of traffic without, causing sudden slow down on turning manuevers. Staff is reconmending that t median island be designed to meet all traffic standards of th Engineering Department. Also, staff is recommendhg the dele of the bomanite/concrete treatment on the public street aroun the island because of the high maintenance responsibility to city. The second concern of staff's is the circular landscape islan in the center of each cul-de-sac. Although these islands are attractive, they do not allow an adequate turning radius for trucks. The minimum curb radius for a cul-de-sac with a landscape island to allow sufficient turning radius for a fir truck is 45 feet. The applicant has proposed a radius of 40 constructed. In order to keep the islands, the radius would to be increased to 45', and correspondingly, the property lin would have to be adjusted five feet inward. The applicant dc not desire to adjust the property lines and instead suggests parkway (the area be.tween the curb and property line) be redc to 5 feet. Staff feels a 5' parkway is not desirable since t $5 Che area used for utility lines and' street trees, staff i therefore recommending that the. landscape islands in each cul-de-sac be deleted or revised to comply with Engineering Department specifications. . . which meets city standards if no landscape island was to be -4- 0 0 The third concern is the proposed landscape island in front c the recreation facility in Area 'A'. This island may create traffic hazards. Cars would have to unexpectedly slow down make unorthodox turning manuevers to drive around the island. Also, due to the island's proximity to the recreation area, children could be expected to play on this island,thus, creat a potential for pedestrian/vehicle accidents. Finally, the island would block the view of the visitor parking area for t recreation center. These parking stalls back directly onto t street and there would be a possibility of traffic collisions this location because of the lack of site distance. Staff se no useful purpose for this island other than as a visual elerr and feels the traffic hazards.outweigh the aesthetic appearan and, therefore, recommends its deletion. The final concern staff hgs with the design of the street sys is the short cul-de-sacs off 'J' Street in Area 'B'. Each cc de-sac provides access to at least five lots. Because of the short length of these cul-de-sacs, limited on street parking .available in front of the lots. Visitors are either forced t park in individual driveways or on 'J' Street itself. Staff be.lieves the lots on these cul-de-sacs to have less than desirable street frontage and therefore, recommends that thes cul-de-sacs be lengthened to allow sufficient on street parki and lot frontage to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Lot Design Staff has a concern with the design of the lots fronting on t cul-de-sac at the end of 'E' Street in Area 'A'. These lots narrow street frontages with little room available for or,- street parking. The number of lots are maximized along the e of this street at the expense of street frontage and visitor parking. Area 'A' caritains the narrowest lots of the detache single family dwellings and as such, on street parking become increasingly important. The problem is compounded because mc units will have reduced front,yard setbacks and there will be room for on-site visitor parking. To mitigate the lack of on street visitor parking at the end this cul-de-sac, staff is recommending that these lots be redesigned by first eliminating lots 14 and 19 and then even1 spacing the remaining lots to. increase .the lot frontages and allow more on-street parking. Fire Response The project site is located outside a five minute response ti from the nearest fire station. As such, adequate fire .protection.is not available to the site at the present time. / -5- 0 I) The Fire Department has indicated two mitigation measures eitl one of which would ensure adequate fire' protection. First, tl location of a temporary fire station to be located at the cor1 of La Costa Avenue extended and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Second, the installation of a water sprinkler system in each dwelling unit. Staff, therefore, recommends that the applicant either instax1 the temporary fire station or sprinkle each dwelling to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. If a temporary statio installed, the applicant would provide the site to the city a provide temporary structures. The city would provide the equipment and manpower and would be responsible for acquiring necessary permits. .In spite of the issues raised in this report, staff feels the project is a unique and innovative one and, as conditioned, represents a good residential development. The project does provide a balanced housing mix, is well designed overall and provides substantial amenities. Staff believes the project complies with the provisions of the La Costa Master Plan and therefore is recommending approval. Environmental Review This site was reviewed under EIR-307 for the La Costa Master Plan. In addition, the applicant has provided supplemental environmental information including studies on archaeology, biology, soils and geology, hydrology and traffic. Based on information provided, the Planning Director has determin'ed t . this project contains sufficient mitigation measures to ensu that no significant environmental impacts will be created. Director has therefore issued a Negative Declaration, dated i 27, 1981. All the supplementary envifonmental materials are available €or review in the Planning Department office. Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ado Resolution No. 1820, recommending APPROVAL of CT 81-16/LCDP to t7--. City Council based on the findings and subject to the ccaditions contained therein. Attachments 1) Resolution No. 1820 2) Background Data Sheet 3) Location Flap 4) Environmental Docum6nts' 5) Disclosure Statement 6) Exhibits: A, B, C, E, & F,..dated June 4, 1981 .7) Exhibits: D, G-Z, dated May 6, 1981 BH:ar 6/ 3/81 I 0 U1bL.LI1.W"L.Y y"AL1 """- (21% KC): CT 81-16/LCCP 81-1 'I) - " A..FLZS,";"C: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY/DAON "_"". - lvj-'; -*-J :El' ,AN3 SL?2i'l1~~j?~: Site Development Plan and. Tentative Tract Map to cor condominiums, 157 zero %t line detached hms, 202 single family detached On "I."""- the east side of F?ancho Santa Fe Road, south of fission Estancia. Lee".. DIZ~~~TOR: Portions of Lots 4, 9 ,' 10 of Rancho Las Encinitas accc c -7" - - Map 848 filed June 27, 1898. 255-031-07 - 264-220-49 %&.<qcp- d,a3txs Parcel Kmkr: 737 - ~6n - 1 q ACZG 173+ __ ??a. of Lots 561 - / GE2EXV-L - PLW F=L1T, ZOfiIXG Genera1 plan Lard Use Designation Iu%I 'Density ZJ-IG;E~ 0-4 Wac Density ProLwsed 3.2 dU/ac misting Zone P-c Proposed Zcne - . " Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use N0rth P-C I EQU Ul P-c Vacant "- Vacant .,: East p-c west. p-c Vacant Vacant .. "" PUBLIC FACILIT'IES SS-ZG~ r)istri..rrt - San Dieguito and Encinitas Union . .. Fy-L" ,2La- District - Olivenhain " qr.-.'a?- ~0~'s 563 du's .. . -,."-. District:. ISUC~~~ county _"" p&,lic ~~~~i~~t.i~:; pee &pccii.~nt, dakd April "."_."._."" 28, 1981 (0 t-her : "_"""" ."."""...""".- " ~J.~q:[l~mm!'P;L, I?G'ACY x;sE9:;!43\T "- -.".x_ _""."_ X ~qp t-ivc ~.z_clara tion, i ssu~t. 5/27/81 La1 139- " "_."".." ""_"_ "__" ' X _. E.I -I<- Cortif ird, dntd . ____.___. EIR -. 307 _. . . . _. . .. .. . - . 0 tA K!1-, _." "....___""" ".- "__."_"__."~...."~ "."""--.--.- ---.-- 4 0 e. 1 ((9) tT pyf ;] (pJ >g t jj !> 1.J'L-i \ '1 '; . p:. ,\ [(=J ~- &a. ".J" 2'2 &f , ' w t; . i$ tt P <k ... .. .. c1, \ \/:; !.;d ". .. 1' CblSE p?joe -C,T d ~3!,?/!,*CxP "" GI- I .! 1 / ;;A .' Y <I t\ $, \ j, h; .' 1 TI kJ\ &, Ic Lc-)':. 4'. 'j 7 j$pp~~&$.~pJ*ir L.4. r,r,.!!TI/?*. 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