HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-07; City Council; 6658; Carlsbad Research Center-Koll Company4, $ ,’ I1 1 ,’? * AGENDA BILL, INITIAL: BH:LS 0 &d .2 66st DEFT, HD, O‘.; e It AGENDA BILL NO; DAllE ! JULY 7, 1981 CTY. ATTJ. DEPARTMENT : PLANNING V cTYo “*(A SUBSECT : CAlUSBAD RESEARCH CENTER - KOLt CQMPANY - 559 ACRE INDUSTRIAL AT EL CAMINO REAL, N0FTI-I OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. CASE NO: SP-180(A)/ZC-236/CT 81-10 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: Tnis item is a request by owner to: 1) Amend a previously approved Specific Plan by making changes necessi additional city actions subsequent to the original approval of the Plan. The revised Specific Plan text is attached as Exhibit 1 to Resolution No. 1808 @ 2) Change the zone on the portion of the property (194 acres) recently annexed from the county from GC, Limited Commercial, to C-M, Cme Manufacturing. (Resolution No. 1809). Approve a tentative tract map for a 115 lot industrial subdivision entire 559 acres. (Resolution No. 1810) . 3) Planning Commission reconnnends approval of all three requests. All of conditions listed in the Planning Commission resolution are acceptable applicant with the exception of condition 12 in Resolution 1810, Condi requires applicant to grant an easement protecting the city from any li caused by noise impacts from Palomar Airport, and to identify the noise on the final map. The applicant feels that such an easement would redc marketability of the lots and therefore requests that this condition lx deleted. lb public opposition was received during the Planning Commiss hearings , ENVIRONMENTAL RevIEw The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a cant effect on the environment because of the mitigation measures ident EIR 80-3 for SP-180. Also, a Negative Declaration was issued for this on May 1, 1981 and approved by the Planning Conmission on June 24, 1981 of the environmental documents are on file in the Planning Department o FISCAL IMPACTS The applicant is required to provide all necessary public improvements the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities suring that the cost of providing all other public services will be off 1 e kl JULY 7r 1981 e Page 2 of 2 b AGWA BILL 1-1, RECOMMENDATION Both the Planning staff and Planning Commission remmend that this app be APPFOVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents - VING SP-180(A)/ZC-236/CT 81-10 per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1 1809, and 1810. ATTACHMENTS 1 a 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1809 3. Planning Conmission Resolution No. 1810 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1808 Staff Reprt, dated June 24, 1981, with attachments COWCIL ACTION: 7-7-81 Council directed the Attorney to prepare doaments approving S ZC-236/CX 81-10, per discussion. Council requested additional with regard to the question of access to the Hieatt property. . <. ', 'C l$ * .I-*.- >I 'i 1 2 3 4 5 1, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 19 - * 0 I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1808 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SP-180A AMENDING THE SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMIN0 REAL, NOR': OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. CASE NO: SP-18OA APPLICANT : KOLL COMPANY WHEREAS, a verified application for certain pro. wit: Those portions of Lots "F" and "G" of Rancho Ag S in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, according to the partition map ther filed in the Office of the County Recorder of s November 16, 1896. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred t ning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; anc WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 2' May, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing and a coni hearing on the 24th day of June, 1981, as prescribed by sider said request; and I 20 21 22 23 , 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing ing all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons be heard, said Commission considered all factors relati Specific Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the E mission as follows: (A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correcl (B) That based on the evidence presented at the public Planning Commission recommends that the City Counc ordinance approving the amendments to SP-180 as der Exhibit 1, "Revised Specific Plan 180", incorporatj reference, based on the following findings and con( 4. 1 ' ii' 'I 1 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 E3 9 10 11 12 13 I* 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 ,* ' Findings 1) The proposed changes incorporated into the Revised S Plan 180 are necessary and desirable for reasons sta the staff report. The proposed changes will not be detrimental to adjo properties for the reasons outlined in the staff rep This project will not cause any significant adverse by the Planning Director and approved by the Plannir sion on June 24, 1981. The project is consistent with all city public facil policy and ordinances because the Specific Plan pro1 development on the site without the proper public'ir ments. The amendments to the Specific Plan are consistent I Carlsbad General Plan and with Sections 65451 and 6' the Government Code which regulate the use of Speci Plans. Cond it ions 1) 2) - 3) ' on the environment because a Negative Declaration wa 4) 5) That all findings and conditions contained in City Ordinance No. 9561 originally approving SP-180 shal valid and are applicable to the amendment to the Sp Plan . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, Californiz the 24th day of June, 1981, by the following vote, to 1 Farrow, Schlehuber, Jose, Friestedt, L AYES: NOES: None . ABSENT: Marcus, Rombotis ABSTAIN: None JONATHAN D. FRIESTEDT, Vice-C CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES c. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PC RES0 #1808 / -2- 9 1 e l I Exhibit 1 ’I e 0 L’ ,I I ,I b ?, i’ Revised Speci CARLSBAD SPtrnC RESEARCH PLAN CENTER c . - .. PREPARED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF GARLSBAD AMENDED: JUElE 24, 1981 e ..- t I I I VI e ii e , fS3 r ,I 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose 3 3 I Location General Plan and Zoning Designations r LAND USE, CIRCULATION, AND PHASING General Devel opment Concept Statistical Summary Ci rcul ati on Phasing PERMITTED USES Area I Area 2 Mastewater Reclamation Facil i ty and Reservoir - 3 1 1 3 * .- GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4 Buil ding Setbac ks Site Coverage Building Height Parking Landscaping Sign and Graphic Requirements Storage Areas Metal Structures Refuse Collection Areas Telephone and Electrical Service Nuisances Screening of Equi pment Mini -Parks Amendment to Plan Loading Areas GENERAL NOTES AND MITIGATION MEASURES General GradinglFoundation Design Drai nage/Erosi on Control /Water Qual i ty Biological Resources Archaeological Resources Pal eontol ogical Resources Land Use Circulation Noise Services and Uti1 ities * .LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 1 L 1 1 .I 'I 11 e e 1 >I >a fii LIST OF FIGURES I Figure 2 - Project Site Map Figure 3 - Land Use Plan Figure 4 - Street Setbacks - €RtePieP Collector Street Figure 5 - Street Setbacks - Special Landscape Street Figure 6 - Street Setbacks - Local Street Rgure 6 7 - iypical Street Landscaping Figure 7 = Location of Vernal Pools 1 Figure 1 - Regional Location Map ! 1' 11 1 -2 2 - * .. 6 I a . .*\ iv k, #I 0 ' r ,I :1, ,, PLANNING DEFARTMENT STAFF James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Charles D. Grimm, Project Coordinator Thomas C. Hageman, Pri nci pal PI anner \ INFORHATION SUPPLIED BY: Wif 1 i am Fol ey , Annette Sanchez Larry Seeman Associates, Inc. (LSA) 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 525 Newport Beach, CA 92660 - . OTHER INFORMATION The Koll Company 7330 Engineer Road - San Diego, CA 92111 Ri ck Engineering Company 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, #201 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lowry ?X Associ?.tes 550 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 . 9 *. .. . I I I I 1 .. 0 .. IC e , I I ,:. ,L 88 I . .INTRODUCTION .. .- PURPOSE The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide for the design, c rnent, and operation of a high-quality industrial park within the Carlsbad. The land use plan and development regulations contained wil Specific Plan will result in the creation of a -physical environment wh conform to and complement the goals of the community, facilitate e. busjness and industri a1 'operations, create a working environment sens' 'This Specific Plan is intended to he' a 'io01 to imp1emellt the gi . polidies of the General Plan. The Specific Plan is a set of stand development and does not provide a guarantee of approval for future tionary acts or projects within its boundaries. The area covered by t shall be known as the Carlsbad Research Center. This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Ci Government Code Sections 65450 et. seq. and of the Land. Use Elernen, City of Carlsbad General Plan. The area covered by this plan is within the Palomar Airport Special Treatment Area specified in thf Plan; therefore, this plan is also prepared xcording to the special &ea requirements established by the City's General Plan. This Spec e.stabl ishes detailed regulations, conditions, and programs for de within the area specified herein. L OCAT I 0 N - -* human needs and values, and protect adjacent land uses from adverse .. . \ .. . .. The Carlsbad Research Center contains 558.6 'acres and IS locat .west side of El Camino Real, north of Palomar Airport in the City of ? be-.&er4y- -pc+&k+n - a*- -!&e - s 4% e- -iS- - E Ywe ~t 4y- -h- - aR - W-&ICW~=& 4 sf and T - but- -is- -wi-t-kb -tk - 64 't y is - spke~e- +f- -M-henc+e.-a& - wi -1 4 - -be -i % k e - €4 $9. - - -Tbe - Spe-~i Si E- -Phi- -w + F F - a? p 4 y- -te- -kh : s- sea- -ckj-l.-b,+w - ai The general site location is shown in Figure 1. The project site i! Figure 2. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS ' The site is designated in the Land Use Element of the City's Ge . as a combination district Nhich includes Planned Industrial, Regiona Comnuni ty Comerci a1 , and Trabel Service Comerci a1 . AI so incl uc combination district is a floati'ng public utilities designation. wh . placement of a utility within one kilometer of the "U" designatio' I the land use map. ._ *. .. ( t I 1 I. et 0. 2 0 ' < : x*n ,L I - .. - I e 3 0 .. , ... .. *I I ,I, ID .. .. _._ -----. - . .& .-. .- - .. Siurce: usGs Topo Quads, San Luis R~Y and Enci'ni tas .. 1 ! .. I 1" 1% 0 m .. ,I 4 I LAND USE , CIRCULATION , AND PHASING GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COKEPT The Carl sbad Research Center i s a comprehsi vely pl anned i ndusti development containing a bal anced mixture of i ndustri a1 , research a. development, office, and commercial uses. The project will offer i trial development sites for users of all sizes in an organized and pleasa.nt setting. The industrial sites wi11 be complemented by a f range of industrial and conmercial support facil i ties. The land us (Figure 3) designates the location of various land uses. All devel shall conform to the -1 and use'pl an. The development will feature extensive landscaping, .incl udini landscaped hems a1 ong designated' streets , parking lot 1 andscapi ng , land scaped building sites. Setback requirements and sign control 5 further serve to create an aesthetically pleasing and sensitive env future resi denti' a1 devel opments, Pedestrian and bicycle pathways and a series of mini-parks will prr public recreational facilities. In addition, individual industria' are encouraged to provide private recr2ational facilities for emplc Many of the steeper canyon areas will be preserved as natural open and habitat areas. reservoir will be constructed on the west end of the project. Prior to locating a waste:qater treatment pl ant, environmental revi be conducted and a ZGRG 6kar;gs a4 %&he+ necessary approval s shall obtained. Approval of this Specific Plan does not commit the city approval of the wastewater treatinent plant. * .* . ... -. ' ment. .Special design standards will be applied to areas adjacent t If approved, a wastewater treatment plant and STAT1 ST1 CRL SUI."I-?ARY Acres Area 1 - Industrial 322.0 Area 2 - Commercial 30.0 62.9 Streets Speci a1 1 andscape areas 23.5 33:l . -. 87.9 Reservoir Total The specific Plan determines land use for the site ,by defini fic land use areas within the combination dis.trict. This plan SE implement the C-M zoning classification which exists on the site, permi tted uses, - Uses - .' Natural open areas - , 559.4 -. .- . .. .. 4 c t I ',I, I (1 e e 6 .. I, I' .. 'development standards, and environmental considerations contained in thi are more stringent- than those found in the underlying zoning; therefor provisions of this plan will take precedence over the existing zoning provisions of the C-M zone shall apply to subjects which are not cove this p?an. CIRCULATION .' Primary access to the site will be from Palomar Airport Road, El Internal .circulation will be prot four-lane public roads designed and built by the developer in accordar A11 local Streets will be constructed by the developer to City s loca'l Streets are not show specific plan land use map, but shal-l be shown on. the applicable sub maps. ,. 'Real, and future College Boulevard. . City standards. . - .. .* . ..,.in conjunction with adjacent development. PHASING The project is planned to be developed in four phases, each c approximately 100 net acres as shoiw on the land use map. It is that each phase will cover approximately two years. The phasing schedule has been developed in accordance with information av?.ilabIe at the time of adoption of this plan. Changes ing may be approved by the Planning Director. If a change may cause icant alteration to the development plan, or creates a problem with the availability of public utilities or services, nr may have othei . cant impacts, the Planning Director may refer the change in phasi Planning Lomission for approval. Development of the Carfsbad Research Center will begin with ' shown in Figure 3. Phasing wi?l be completed sequentially as show 3. The Planning Director may approve non-sequential development that public facilities have been completed to. the satisfaction c Engineer. Public facilities include streets, a dual 'water system f . and reclaimed wastewater, wastewater facilities, .mini-parks 1 drainage facilities, - electricity, gas, and telephone. Specific plans will be prepared and submitted as required by condibions of 'the tentative tract map and each final map. In order to accommodate the overall grading requirements far site, cut and fill may occur outside the boundaries of each phast approval of the City Engineer. In order to accommodate the ove' requirements of the entire projbct, utility construction may occur boundaries of each phase, subject to approval of the City Engineer . I Specific public improvements shall be Constructed in dccord; following schedule: . - .. .. I 1 I,' t x1 0 0 I, I' c 7 A. Streets 4 1. All local streets shall be constructed in conjunction with ad 2. College Boulevard, as shown in Figure 3, shall be extendt from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road. Consistent the General Plan, College Boulevard shall have a finishe width of six lanes on a total right-of-way of 102 feet. struct and dedicate Col1 ege Bod ward to ti ty standards City may request instal 1 ation of Col lege Boulevard base( the occurrence of one or more the following events: 1) Increase of 5,000 VPD in ADT (based on Fall 1980 tra counts) on €1 Camino Real between Tamarack and Palomar Road; 2) Increase of 5,000 YDP in ADT (based on Fall 1980 tri counts) on Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real Paseo del Norte; 3) ApDroval of a final map for Phase JI, 111 or IV. In lieu of construction of the full width of College E at one time, the City Engineer may at his discretion t the devel ope? s request permit construction of a 32-fc portion of road in conformance with City standards. road is constructed in this manner, the developer sha' install or guarantee the full width prior to issuance final map for property abutting any portion of the ro if traffic counts warrant, the City Engineer may requ tional construction of the full width at any time. Regardless of whether the road is constrkted to full any one time, the dcvelcper shall dedicate the entirc right-of-way at one time. At the time any portion of College Road is Eonstruct developer shall construct and dedicate a two-lane ro conformance with City standards, from the Specific P daries to Palomar Airport Road. This roadway shall minimum width of 32 feet and a'52-foot right-of-way shall constitute a portion of the 102-foot total ric To assist in acquisition of ttle PrOpCrty necessary right-of-way, the developer may request that the Ci cent devel opmen t . a. - I b, I The developer shall, at the time requested by the City, those portions of the road within the Specific Plan arei * c. b I , fL 7a 0 3, I t ,I its power of eminent domain, provided, however, that the developer shall bear the cost of such proceeding. The City Engineer may at di screti on approve another addi ti onal connection between the proj site and Palamar Airport Road provided that the alternate provide: adequate ci rcu7 ation. If thi s a7 ternative i s approved, Col1 ege Bc vard shall be constructed in concurrence with adjacent devel opmenl - I 1 I,. I 8% 0 0 ,I I' 8 , d. The developer may, at his option, install the full road from €1 Carnino Real to Palomar Airport Road at any portion of College Boulevard is developed. To roadway, the developer may initiate an assessment under City jurisdiction or may request in writing City take advantage of the provisions for reimbursc major thoroughfares pursuant to the Subdivision Map City will use its best efforts to obtain reimburs the developer for those porti.ons of College Boulevar the boundaries of the specific plan. The terms .. reimbursement shall be upon mutual agreement betweer and the developer. 6 Stre?t, as shown in Figure 3, shafl be constructed an ed between El Carnino Real and College Boulevard at tht portion of College Boulevard is constructed, provided that the portion of B Street abutting Phase I shail be ed and dedicated before any final map for property in - .* 3. . issued. 4. 0 Street shall end in a cul-de-sac and shall not intc El Camino Real. 8. Traffic Signals 1. Signals at Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, F port Road and College Boulevard, and College Boule\ Camino Real will be paid for by the City through appri and/or agreements. Signals will be installed at such City feels traffic warrants them necessary. 2. The developer shall 5ian a signal agreement, secured favor of the City, which guarantees that costs for College Boulevard and B Street, and College Boul Street, will be borne by the developer when the Cit that traffic warrants them necessary. The developer shall sign a signal agreement, secured favor of the City, which guarantees that one-half th signal at El Carnino Real and B Street will be borne oper. This sipal will be installed prior to is: building permits for the site. The other half of . this signal will be borne by the City through apr and/or agreements. I i I 3. C. Mini-Parks Mini-parks will be considered the same as other public . relation to phasing. Mini-parks shown along spec & < , '1 9 0 ,,I 11 streets, as shown in Figure 3, shall be built by the devell conjunction with those special landscape streets which they ab Condition D, Landscaping), Mini-parks on interior streets constructed by the developer prior to development of 60% of the of the entire phase within which they are located, 0. Landscaping Landscaping for speci a1 1 andscape streets shall be instal 1 ec developer in conjunction with development, except for El Cam- adjacent to Phase I, where special landscaping shall be it ,prior to any occupancy for the first phase of development. - . * * w 0, I. .. r I 0 IQ 0. *, II . ,. 'I I PERMITTED I USES AREA 1 Area 1 is designated for light and medium industrial uses as si research and development uses, industrial support and service uses! ness and professional office uses, provided that such uses are conf a building or buildings and do not contribute excessive noise, dl vibration, odor, or toxic or noxious matter to the surrounding envi contain a high hazard potential Uses permitted in the Carlsbad Re ter will not produce any'of the following: . 1.- Noise in excess of 70 decibels (American Standard for nois - c * 1 eve1 meters) : a. .. .. for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour; or b. plus 5 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any hour; or c. plus 10 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any hour; or d. plus 15 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any how-; or e. plus 20 decibels for any period of time. In the special treatment area abutting the residential at- to the north (Figure 3), the standard shall be 60 decibe plus a-e above. 2. Vibration, heat, glare, or electrical disturbances bey( the boundaries of the site. . 3. Air pollution detectable by the human senses wi.thout ' aid of instruments, beyond the boundaries of the site. Emissions which endanger human hea?th, can cause damage animals, vegetation, or property, or which can cause spi ing at any point beyond the boundaries of the site. 5. Odor detectable by the human sen'ses without the aid instruments beyond the boundary of the site. All. wastes discharged into the wastewater discharge system v . .. .. 4. . standards. t 0 0 11 *, 8, , SI I ,I Prior to any development within the Carl sbad Research Center, tl oper shall prepare covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) a These CC&iis shall be approved by the Planni tor prior to approval of any final map for the property. No developm occur until the CC&Rs are approved. All uses shall conform to the general development concepts fo qual i ty business park, with a1 7 standards and restrictions establ i shc 1 .. to the entire park site. plin and with CC&b Specifically, the following uses are permitted in Area 1: 1. . Uses engaged. primarily in research activities, including patible light manufacturing such as, but not limited to, the fol1 owl ng: a. Biochemical ; b. Chemical; c. Electronics; e. ' Medical and dental; f . Metal 1 urgy; g. Pharmaceutical ; h. X-ray. .i?* Manufacture, research assembly, .testing and repair of COP ponents > devi ces, equipment .and systems, and parts and con ponents. a. Coils, tubes, semi-conductors; b. Communication, navigation, guidan,ce, and control equi ment ; c. Data processi ng equipment y incl uding ccmputer softivar d. Glass edging and silvering equipment; e. Graphics and art equipment; f. Metering equipment; g. Radio and television equipment; h. Photographic equjpment; i . j. Optical devices and equipment; k. Filling and labe?ing machinery. following or similar products; a. Food products; ' b. c. Lumber and wood products; db Furniture and fixture products; - I . research acti vi ti es y devel opmental 1 aboratori es, and com- .. . . .. .d. Film and photography; Radar, infrared, and ul travi 01 et equipment ; . ,' 3. tight manufacturing; processing, and/or assembly of Apparel and finish products .. from textile products; .. .. -. I e- 0 12 ., It . , \I , .. #L .I .. e; Chemi cal and a1 1 ied products; f. Plastic and rubber products; g. Stone, clay, and glass products; h. Fabricated metal products; i, Professjonal, scientific, controlling, .photographic, and optical products or equipment. Service industries or those industries providing a service as opposed to the manufacture of a specific product, such as the repair and maintenance of appliances or component parts, tOOIingj printers, testing shops, small machinc shops, shops. engaged in the repair, maintenance, and ser * viding of such items, excluding automobile and trucl repair, and excluding equipment rental yards. 5. Industries engaged in the distribution and/or storage o warehousing of products similar to those listed in othc permitted uses in this group. 6. Construction industries such . as general contractors, elel trical contractors, pl urribing contractqrs, etc., and. the, accessory and incidental office uses4 7. 87 ueprinti ng, photostatti ng, photoengraving, printing, pu lishing, a.nd bookbinding. 8. Administrative and professional offices , limited to: offices which. ar2 associated with any permitted industr use, or b) offices w'nich do not attract nor are primar dependent upon business customers vi si ti ng the offi Permitted offices include, but are not limited to, cor rate offices, regional offices, genera? offices, and F fessional offices as accountants, attorneys, engine€ architects, and planners. Prohibited offices include, are not limited to, banks and financial institutions, mf cal and dental offices, employment iigencies, real es. agencies, and trave? agencies. 9, . Empl oyee ' cafeteria, cafe, restaurant, or auditorium ac sory with and incidental lo a permitted use (intended marily for the express use of those persons employed ai firm or use where such incidental 'use is applied). ' 10, Accessory uses and structures when related and incid to a permitted use such as, but not limited to, food p ration, food service, and eating facilities. 4. - * .... .. I .. , B . AREA 2 Area 2 'is designated for community, regional service, 'anc -commercial uses, industrial support uses, and business and pro uses 0 13 I, 0 li. ,I -I _. .. Comercial areas in the Carlsbad Research Center are intended to ' the needs of the employees and businesses located in this business par Commercial Uses are not intended and will not be designed to draw trafi El Camino Real. Permitted uses in Area 2 are: 1. Retail commercial businesses (oriented to needs of park 2. Comercial service businesses (oriented to needs of park 3: Personal servic? businesses; 5. . lishing, and bobkkeeping; 6. Administrative, professional , and business offices; 7. Health or athletic club facilities; 8. Service stations; 9. Hotels and motels. Permitted uses that draw patronage from outside the park sho peak operating times after normal business hours so as not to interf normal traffic progression. Uses in this category allowed in Area 2 i 1. Restaurants; 2. Theaters. In order to ensure that the entire commercial area adjacent to Real is developed in a safe, efficient, and attractive manner, a site ment plan shall be submitted for Area 2 adjacent to El Cmino Real pu Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Mtlnicipal Code (Q Cverlay Zone). No de shall occur within Area 2 until the site development plan is @pro\ development within Area 2 shall conform to the site development employees) ; employees and businesses); B1 uepr i nt i ng , photos t att i ng , photoengraving , pr inti ng , pub- - 4. Financial service businesses; * - . approved. MASTEWATER RECLAMTION 'F=ACILI- cy MI RESERVOIR of the Carlsbad Research Center,, if approved, shall be developed s The wastewater reclamation facility and reservoir shown' on the the standards of the Public Utility Zone, Section 21.36 of !he Carlst d Ordinance. The wastewater facilities may actually be located within meter of the proposed location, as shown on the Carlsbad Pacific plan. Approval of such facility may require addition of conditions to cific Plan to provide for such items as odor easements, CC&R amendme harmless agreements for plant operation, and other conditions nec accomnodate development of such a facility as part of the Specific The City Manager may add such conditions whic.h shall become a pal plan with Council concurrence. It will provide stor; ty for reclaimed water and will serve LIS a flood control and drain The reservoir will serve a dual purpose. i ty. - ,a 14 a * *I II I '8 8 I: . GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The intent of this section is to provide the maximum opportunity ative site planning and building design on individual parcels, while that the development is established and maintained in a manner consist a high-quality industrial park development. Due to the curvilinear n the ,street pattern, difference in pad elevations, range of lot sizes, ture of proposed land uses, there will be.a pleasing variety of setbac . * . arations between buildings, building heights,. and architectural style! counterpoint to this variety, visual continuity will be provided b, - . landscape treatment along the special landscaped streets. - . * BUILDING SETBACKS . .. All setbacks shall be measured .from the prop.erty line. For the of this ordinance, a streetside property line is that line createc ultimate right-of-way line of the frontage street. . -. '1. Streetside Setback. No, structure shall be located within 30 feet of any streetside property line, adjacent to an arterial or co?lector street or within 20 feet of any streetside prsoerty line adjacent to a iocal street as defined in Lancscax section, except tnat unsupported roofs or sun screens may project six feet into the setback area. The following improvements are specifically permitted in the streetside setback: a. Walks; . . b. Paving and associated curbing, except that vehicle parking areas shall not be permitted within 30 feet of. the streetside property line or lines of special land- scaped streets or within 10 feet of the streetside property line of other streets. . c. Landscaping; d. Planters, architectural, fences, or walls not to exceed %kt=ee-Fee$ 42 inches in. height. s In the case of through lots extenijing from street to street, both street frontages shall be treated as a- street- side setback. For purposes of this section, an arterial street shall mean 11 Camino Real, Colleqe Boul'evard, and 8 Street; i collector street shall mean any interior street which loop: -or is part of a loop; and a local street shall mean all cu' . de sacs. .. - 8, 0 14b 0 'I Ii, % .. ~r 2. Interior Setback. No setback shall be required on interior lot lines, except that if any setback is provided it shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 3. Figures 4, 5, - and 6 represent a graphic example of how set- backs on speclaf streets and interior streets should be treated. Treatment is not limited to the method depicted in this graphic, however. , - * * . e. 6 e 4B ., I, . *. *&.' I .I 15 .. 4 Collector Street St a - e -. et S et b ac k s - 4&e+oF -%e et- - -. .. - . .. .. I .. . I .. , - e .. e a ., 8, e 4 '? a. .. Special Landscape Street . . . .. . I I;. , '. I I. 16 .. 5 'Street Setbacks - , - .. . .' .. -. .' .. - .* . .. . .. .. .-/ . . . .. :: e- ., .. .. .2 ' * * ., .. .. .. .. , / 1 0 '? ., t 1' I 1.- , .. ,I 'r 16a I - .' '. .. - .. '6 .- Street Setback - Local Street .. - .. -. .. .. - * .* .. .. .* c . -. .. e . .. .. - . I L, ‘I * e 18 It I -I7 ” SI DENAL KS wal ks meeting City standards on both sides of the street. streets may have sidewal ks on on1 y one side of the street. SITE COVERAGE Arterial type streets (B Streit and College Boulevard) will hav Local-tg Maximum building coverage shall not exceed 50% af the lot area . BUILDING HEIGHT The maximum height of structures within the industrial park sh P ’ exceed 35 feet, However, it is recognized that this project may c sites where tal 1 er buildings WOU~ d be appropriate. Any request f0 structure in excess of 35 feet would require an amendment to the C and to this Specific Plan. PARK1 NG Offstreet parking shall be provided to accommodate a1 l parkin for the site, No parking shall be allowed on arterial-type stree Street and Col1 ege Boul ward) . The following standards exceed the regular City standards ar be used to determine parking requirements. Uses not cwered bel( comply with requl ar City standards as required by Chapter 21.44 c Carl sbad Munici pal Code. I) Manufacture, Research and Assembly. One space for each %et of floor area. 2) Warehouse. One space for each 1,000 square feet of flc Tor the first 20,000 square feet; one space for each 2, feet of floor area for the second 20,000 square feet; ( for each 4,000 square feet of floor area for areas in f the initial 40,000 square feet of floor area of the bu‘ One space for each 350 square feet of gross f . 3) Office. 4) Commercial. a a. Retail and Service Commercial. One space for eact b. Restaurants.‘ One space for each 100 square feet . c. Hotels/Motels. One space for each guest room. d, Multiple Use. feet of gross floor area. 77 oor area. I Where two or more uses occupy a sj structure, the par king requirement shall be deter calculating the requirenmt for each use individr on tts proportional share of the total floor are to a use requiring inore parking will a. 18 0 .I I. 'I 1 A I 41 4 . .be allowed unless the additional parking for the new use is provided. If additional parking is not added as required, the City shall deny any license or permit applications required for such uses' by the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .' LANDSCAPING .. 4 accordance with the following standards. As a portion of the total All development within the park shall be landscaped by the devr . . ing scheme of, the Carlsbad, Research Center, certain streets have bec: nated as "Speci a1 Landscaped Streets .'I Landscape treatment along the es of said streets requires specjal consideration and therefore is re: * under separate sections in the following landscaping. standards. The Carlsbad Research Center will contain and. the developer shal a dual water system so that all landscaped areas will be maintai rec 1 aimed wat et-. - .... 1. . General Requirenents. A minimum of 15% of each building site shall be landscaped. All .landscaped areas shall be provided Lqith irrigation systems and shal'l be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. The required landscaping may be distributed in any fashion, but shall at a minimum include th,e following areas. 2. Streetside Setback Area a. General Statement. Landscaping "in these areas shall consist of an effective combination of street trees, trees, groundcover, and shrubbery. b. Special Landscaaed Street (El Camino Real, College Boulevard, and Street 8). The entire area between thc curb and the building setback line shall .be landscaped, except for any approved driveway in said area. point 10 feet in back of the front property line shal' be landscaped except for any approved driveway in sai. area. 'd. Berms. The landsdape plans for all streetside setback shm' include landscaped berms except as noted below The average height of such berms shall be 42 inches fC special landscape streets and 30 inches for all othc . streets, The height of the berm shall be measured frc .the street curb or parking lot curb, whichever is higt er. If the parking area is more than 36 inches. belc street level, the berm may be 18 inches (above tt .. c. Other Streets. The entire area between the curb and .' .. .. e. c e 19 '. ' L, e Ir street). Where the entire area between the street and the building is to be landscaped and is free of park- ing, the berms may be lowered or eliminated (see Figure . -4- 7 for graphic example of typical streetscape and beGing). e. Intersections. Landscaping and berms, except trees, along all streets and boundaries shall be limited to a height of not more than 2-1/2 feet within the triangle bounded by a line drawn between points 35 feet distant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines pro- - * 'longed. * 3. Interior Setbacks a. General Statement. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking and storage, or designated undeveloped areas , shall be landscaped utilizing groundcover and/or shrub and tree materi a1 s. b. Undeveloped Areas. Undeveloped or unpaved areas pro- posed for future expansion shall be maintained by developer/Owner/lessee in a weed-free condition, but need not be landscaped. c. Screening. Areas used for parking shall be landscapec in such a manner as to interrupt or screen said area: . from view from xcess streets and adjacent properties Plant m aterials used for this purpose shall consist o- lineal or grouped M~SS~S of shrubs and/or trees. 4. Parkin Areas. Trees, equal in number to one per each fiv hs, shall be provided in the area. The tree may be distributed evenly throughout the area or may b grouped or clustered in order to create a random patterr All slope banks greater than 5:1 br'6 feet . vertical height and adjacent to public rights-of-way sha' be stabilized, planted, and irrigated as required by t City Engineer. 6. Entryways. All pr-imary entryways to the industrial pa shall receive special landscape and sign treatment. SL treatment shall include a distinctive landscape design cc sisting of groundcover and hedgerows combined with contc berming. Signing within the entryways shall be limited ground signs which contain only the name of the industr park and conform to the sign and graphic standards of tl plan, Plans for entryways shall be submitted to the P1 ning Oirector for approval prior to development. . 5: Slope Banks. I 0 e. .I I, ,. I L. 8.1 FIGURE 7 20 T TYPICAL STREET LANDSCAPING - --&- ' ~-=~jcp'kd-Sre et-Lan dwbing- .. t. .. .. .. 2;q SLOPE \WITH .. ,' -* 40' LANDSCAPED AREA - . .. .. 0. -. -. .. / .. .. -. .. c ,I 0. 'e 18 $,a!,n I , .I 21 .. 7. Landscape Plans. A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits for each development. SIGN AND GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS 1. General Standards a. Only one single or double-face permanent sign will be allowed per street frontage per tenant (except as * otherwise indicated). .. ..' .b- Signs wil7' be resfricted to advertising only the per- son, firm, company, or corporation operating the use conducted on the site or the products sold therein. The area of a wall sign will be measured by a rectangle around the outside of the lettering and/or pictorial d. All signs attached to the building will be surface- mounted. Signs visible from the exterior of any bui?ding may be lighted, but 30 signs or any other contrivance will be dzvised or constructed so as to rotate, gyrate, blink, moue, or appear to move in any fashion. f. Public service devices such as clocks and temperature . .. . c. symbol 0 .. .. e. indicators will be devoid of advertising. 2. Mall Signs a. No wall sign will exceed an area equal to 1-1/2 square 'feet of sign area for each foot of lineal frontage of the bui'lding or store. Total signage shall not exceed 200 square feet in area or comprise more than 10% of the area of the elevation upon which the sign. is locat- ed, khichever is less. . b. In multi-tenant .industrial or office buildings, each individual business may have a' wall sign over thc entrance to identify the tenant: -Said sign will givf only the name of the company and will be limited tc letters six inches high. Said signs will be orientec toward the parking or pedestrian area for that bui.ldin( feet . In multi-tenant commercial buildidgs, each ground-f loo8 business may have one wall sign .per building frontage .. * and shall not exceed a maximum area of five squart c. .. ..- I, 0 e 'j '4s.' t ,I 22 Said signs shall not be located above the ground-floor facia. Each sign shall be limited to an area equal to 10% of the business face upon which it is located, or a maximum of 35 square feet. 3. Ground (or Free-Standing) Signs ; a, Ground signs shall not exceed four feet above grade in height or more than 1-1/2 square feet in area for each foot of lineal frontage of the building or store. How- ever, no sign shall exceed 200 square feet in area (100 square feet per faw, e two-face maximum). Every lot may have at least one ground sign. Additioi- a1 ground signs may be added for every 200 square feet of street frontage in excess of the'first 100 feet of c. No ground sign shall be located within 100 feet of - .* b. . street frontage. another ground sign . 4. Miscellaneous Signs a. Temporary Identification Signs 1) Sale or lease sign. One sign not ta exceed 15 square feet in area advertising the sale, lease, or hire of the site will be allowed. One sign not to exceed 20 square feet in area denoting the architects, engineers, contractor, and other re1 ated subjects wi 11 be allowed at conmencement of construction. Said sign will be removed at the time the building is fit for occupancy. One sign allowing the identification of future tenants and other person: will be allowed. Such signs shall not 'exceed 21 square feet in area. b. Special -Purpose and Directional Sians. Directional an( -special-purpose signs (such as those identifying mini parks) shall be allowed, subject to approval of tht Planning Director. 2) Construction sign. 3) Temporary future tenant sign. LOADING AREAS 1. On special landscaped streets, no loading shall be allowe which is visible from adjacent streets. .. / c 0 23 0 '1 I .* , I' .I 2. On other than special landscaped streets, streetside loading be allowed provided the loading dock is set back a minimum feet from the street right-of-way line. STORAGE AREAS 1 1. All outdoor storage shall be visually screened from a6 streets and property, Said screening shall consist of a EeRE~~~e--ef--RaseR~y-w~~~ wall constructed of durable mater approved by the Planning Director not 1eSS "clan SIX i Tieight. Outdoor storage shall include the parking of all cc owned or operated motor vehicles with the exception of r passenger vehicles (automobiles) . ).lo storage shall be permitted between streetside and the b line, - - 2. .* METAL STRUCTURES No structures with metal or sheeting exteriors shali be permitte REFUSE COLLECTION AREAS 1. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be completely f and screened from access streets and adjacent property by #a'&+ wall constructed of durabl e matxri a7 as aDprovei Planning bireccor mt isss d?an six feet in h?igilX, I areas siiail have concrete fioors, and shall be of suffici to contain all refuse generated by the business. The shall be.no less than six by eight feet in size. 2. No refuse collection areas shall be permitted between st and the building line. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICAL SERY ICE . All "onsite" electrical lines (excluding transmission lines) i phore 1 ines shall be pl aced underground. Transformer or terminal f shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent pro NUISAEXES No portion of the property shall be used in violasion of th mance standards of this plan or in such a manner as to create a private nu; sance. SCREENING OF EQUIPFZENT Exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling tilating systems (including but not limited to piping, tank .-- 0. 24 e .' I, . ' 7 '. ,,*, ' I I' #I collectors, heating, cooling and ventilating equipment fans, blowers. work vents, 3 ouvers, meters , compressors, motors, incinerators, oven etc,) shall not be directly visible from a height of five feet above ground or groundfloor elevation at a distance Closer than 500 feet f closest building on any lot. '' MI tlI -PARKS .. Four mini-parks of approximately 20,000 square feet in area s! be constructed to provide passive rest and picnic areas for emplt and visitors to the Carlsbad Research Center. Each park shall be developed accorhincj to the requirement! City's Parks and Recreation Director. .Prior to development of an; plans for construction of all parks within 'chat phase shall be subm' the Parks and Recreation Director for approval, The specific location of each mini-park shall be determined by tative map or maps for the property. The locations shall be co The mini-parks shall be maintained by the property owners .F property owner's association according to standards establ i sht Parks and Recreation Director. Each mini-park will incorpora; landscaping, and furniture (to include picnic benches, tables, i receptacles) . - *' .... .with the land use map of this plan. AMENDt4ENT TO PLAF4 If the County of San Diegro purchases a portion of the site f sion of the Palomar Airport facility, an arnendaent to this plan required. Developent of these remaining portions of the site af the County's acquisition shall not proceed until the amendment approved by the City Council. .. I * . 8 .. 0 25 I, * 0 '9 .A,' I ,I GENERAL NOTES AND MITIGATION MEASURES The following general notes and mitigation measures shall contro dweloprnent of the Carfsbad Research Center. The developer shall be ible for implementing the mitigation measures of this part of the plI is based on the EIR for the project, GENERAL 1. Except as specified In thls plan, the requirements of the C-M all other applicable provisions of the zoning, subdivision, gra building codes of .the City,of Carlsbad shall apply. 2. Where .minor questions w15e regarding interpretation of thi's Plan, the Planning Director shall resolve .them in a manner c with tho Municipal Code, adopted City Plans, and with City pori decisions by the Planning PireetoP may be appealed as present( 3. The developer or a%ssclatlon shall be responsible for mainta natural canyon areas, mini -parks, fi 19 and cut slopes adjacent streets, and special landscaped areas as outlined in this text. - 4 .CarlsSad Municipal Code, GRAD I NG/ FOU N DAT I ON DE S I GN 4. The conclusions and recsmmndations of the final geotechni required by the Subdivision Elap Act shall be incorporated into ect . 5. The ultimate engineerlnq design of the prsject will incorporat cific recommendations af the ge~l~qy consultant relative to dl 6. Clearing of groundsaver In advance of actual grading operatioi teria and foundation develgpment, avoided. DRAINAWEROSION CONTROL/KATER. -- _I. -I QUAUYY _---a 7. A master plan of drainage for the site shall be prepared and SI the City of Carlslmd for approval in conjunction with the firsi tract map. Such plan shdll be consistent with the Master Dri of the City as adopted by the City Council. lhe developel responsible for constructing any drainage Caci lity required tentative map approval. 8. A plan for siltatiori control of all storm rtinoff froin the prop construction and initial operation of the tract, and maintcnai .control facilitics duririg noma1 operation, shall be prepa developer and sulm i t t ed to the City of car 1 sbdd for approv a approval of the final inap for each element of the developincnt. -. r 0. 26 ,, e I f, '1 ,e, ' I ,I 9. Drainage and siltation control facilities shall be constructed developer prior to or concurrent with gradinq operations. 10. Groundcover suitable for slope erosion control will be planted a tained by the developer immediately following grading. A regular streetcleaning program will be implemented by the devc the property owners' association to minimize pol 1 utant runoff frc 11. na1 roadways related to the project. - BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES -* 12. Recspizing that a vernal pool protection plan is now being pr' the City of San Diego in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wild .- vice and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which will nore a delineate the critpria fnr ax! a&!md.s of nrotectina wrnal BOO~ -5f-e southeastern -h-< 2 fied pools (Figure 7) will be left undeveloped until such tin vernzl pool protection plan is made available and appropriate rr measilres are impfenented based on the findings of the protect ARCHAEOL9SICAL RESOYRCES 13. A qualified a-chaeolcgist will conduct the surface collection i disposition of the rhyof ite flake scatter (CA-SDi-7230) prior tc + of a grading permit. 14. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall hirc fied archaeologist to conduct test-level investigations on sit1 6832/\4-1892/\*~601 and CA-SDi -6833/W-1893 which 1 ie within th boundary. These investigations will deternine the signifi research potential of the sites. Results of these tests shall ted to the City. Based on the findings cif the test-level inves final mitigation measures wi 11 be developed. Such measure2 cot of recnmnendztions for preservaticn, salvage excavation of a r -.tive portion of the site, or clearance for development. The shall be respmsible for implementing the mitigation measures from said tests. 15. The developer will refrain from any activity which may cause i direct impacts to W-123 (Page 31, EIR 80-3). Drainage, gradin1 sion control plans will be reviewed for offsitc intpacts. If temporary fencing will be installed around the perinleter of I site adjacent to the archaeological site, as identified in the u PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES *. 16. A qualified paleontologist will be present at all pregrade m reqcired by the City's grading ordinance) to determine at wha gradinq and at what locations the paleontologist will be pre grading operations. 0 '0 .' I, '1 '* ,a, I, I 27 .. ; ',7 .. . .Loc@ion .. of Vernaf Pools .. - .* . .. . .. .- . .... I, e 0 1, . ,-b, ' I ,I 28 Pal eontol ogical si tes uncovered duri ng grading operations and tc significant by the inspecting paleontologist will be left exposed I fossi7 collection and appropriate investigations are accompl ished. LAND USE 17. The northwesterly portion of the site is adjacent to an area desig for future residential development (Figure 3). This portion o project site shall receive special design consideration, and a showing special setbacks, 1 andscape requirements, and other design tures map. At a minimum, the following standards shall apply: a. AI7 structures shall be set back 30 Feet from the exterior pr b. No loading docks, outdoor storage areas, or refuse colle areas shall be permitted within 70 feet of the exterior prc line of the industrial park. All areas within 70 feet of the exterior property line of tt- dustrial park not used fer parking shall be landscaped. d. All ground-level and rooftop mechanical equipment shall bc pletely screened with concrete block or wood material. e. All lighting 'shall be located and shaded in order to preclui direct illumination offsite. It should be noted that the adjacent residential development sharl responsi bil i ty for ensuring that an adequate. buffer area is proi and the design of that project should prevent residential use conflicting with industrial uses. dance with a landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape arch Said plan shall be submitted in conjunction with the final rn each element of the development: shall be submitted to the city prior to recordation of the - .I' ty line of the industrial park. 'c. 18. All landscaping along street rights-of-way shall be installed in CIRCUI'PX ON 'I 19. All recornmcndations included in the traffic study regarding int tion geoinetrics and roadway assignments will be incorporated in project as a requirement for development unless otherwise address . NOISE I__ 20. Noise-sensitive uses (e.g., recording studios, some medical of etc.) will be advised to locate away frotn areas experiencing hi< muni 'cy The devcl oper shall gr; propriatc casements or execute ctpproDri ate aqrcwent tiocurncnts f * portion of -- the subject pt.opcrty located wit'F7i-n the 65 CXL ranqc Zed by airpor3 rtoisc) so Biat the city arid the airport will not t rcsponsib7Tfor ai rporc noi se in thi s area. Noi sc €qui val ent Level s (CNEL) . c_ / e 29 I, a ') ' ,J, ' I >l SERVICES AND UTILITIES 21. No development in the Specific Plan area shall occur until the Cit ci7 has determined that sewer service will be adequate to serve th The City of Carlsbad has approved in concept a Masteldater Recl Master Plan. The project sponsor will conduct a site-specific s determine the feasibility of implementing part of the plan by cor ing an onsite satellite treatment plant to service the site and SI ing area. All appropriate environmental and planning analysis conducted in relation to the proposed treatment faci 1 ity. . * 22. This project shall be app:eoved under the express condition t . applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by CSty Policy No. 17, dated August 24, 1979, on file with the City-C' incorporated herein by reference, and accordi'ng to the agreement A copy of that ag dated June 25, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and is inco 'herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this tion will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval project shall be void. I L - . by the applicant for payment of said fee. I .. , -. ..- & , @ 0 30 '$ 3 ,a', ,I LEGAL DESCRIPTION This plan shall apply to the following described property: Those portions of lots "F" and "G" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, par City of Carlsbad and part in the unincorporated area of the Count: Diego, State of California, according to the partition nap thereof filed in the office of the county recorder of such county, November 1 described as fol lows: Comencing at point 1 of said lot "F". as shown on said map: ther the boundary line of said lot 'IF" south 25'33'56" east, 229.00 feet * 23 of said lot "F" and south 54"40119" east, 1347.00 feet; thence lea\ .- boundary line south 35'19'44" west, 41.28 feet to the true point of bc which point is the true point of beginning, of the land described in Japatul Corporation recorded December 8, 1975, at recorder's file/ 345107 of official records to said county; thence along the boundarq said land south 35'19'44'' west, 2216.46 feet and fiorth 53"02'49" wesl feet to the northeast carner of the land described in deed to Japatul . tion recorded December 8, 1975, at recorder's file/page No. 345103 . --official records; thence along the boundary lines. of said land as . West, 1550 feet, more or less, to the boundary of said lot "F"; soul 00" west, 550 feet, more or less, to point 5 of said lot "F"; south east along a straight line between said point 5 and point 14 of said .to point 14 of said. lot "F": thence along the boundary of said lot 52'15'45" east (record south 51"OO'OO" east) 1860.74 feet more of le most vlesterly corner of the land conveyed to James L. Hieatt, et ux thence along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundary of Hieatt ' . follows: North 25"CO'GO" east, 594.00 feet and south 52'15' 45" eas south 51'0O'0Oi' east per deed) 1348.51 feet to a point of intersec the northerly line of Pafomar County Airport, said point being on the of the land conveyed to 3aDztul Corporation by deed recorded December at recorder's file/page Yo. 345107 of said official records; thence a boundary as follows: North 79"lO'OO" east, 4052-.22 feet north lO"50' 500.00 feet; north 79"7iO'OO1' east 262.00 feet, south 10~550'00" eas ' feet; north 79"10'00" east, 1005 feet, more or less, to the wester1 the land conveyed to the County of San Diego by deed recorded May 28, recorder's file/page No. 93075 of said official records; thence ( along the boundary of last said Japatul Corporation's land north west, 2510.58 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1845.00 foot rad concave northeasterly; aiong the arc of said curve through a central 14"25'52" a distance of 464.70 feet to a point of the southerly bc the land allotted to Thalia Kelly Considine, et al, by partial fina- said official records; thence continuing along last. said Japatul Cor1 land south 67"50'28" west, 1392.80 feet north .33"08'52" west, 915.1; north OO"30'53" west, 1290.37 feet to the southerly line of said lam to. the County of San Diego, being,also the northerly ?ine of last. sa - recorded June 11, 1913, in Book 617 page 54 of deed, records of sai in partition, recorded January 18, 1963, at recorder's file/page Nol . I ' a 4 ,a* I ' (I 0 31 0 7 Corporation's land; thence along said common line north 74"57'25" west feet to the beginning of a tangent 2045.00 foot radius curve concave ly; and westerly along the arc of said curve through a central cl 16"59'24", a distance of 606.41 feet to the true point of beginning. - * * .. I * . -. c 1 * 0 , 0 "c c.d I t 'Y DELETIOMS/ADDITIONS (Reference to Exhibit 1, Revised SP-180 Text) Exhibit 2 iils tions* 1 - Reference to unincorporated area under location. 4 - Reference to zone change. 7 Delete l1 tentative", change to "final" 14a - Planter height, 3 feet 23 - "block wall" to "durable material" - 15 - . Title "Interior Street" . * Mditions** Page iii - Addition of "Collectorf1 and "Figure 6". 4 - Chanqe in statistic on acreage 3 - Reference to final map. 7a - Reference to alternated route by City Engineer. 6 - Reference to local streets, paragraph 3. 13 - Reference to dual Purpse reservoir ("mttom). 14a - Streetside setbacks, planter height a& street definitio 14b(3)- "and 6" reference to Figure 6. 15 - Title. 16a - Figure 6. 19 - Reference to Figure 7. 20 - Figure 6 to 7 (number change) 23 28 - Requirement for noise attenuation standards. Map mhibit (at rear of text) change in minipark locations. - Addition of "durable material as approved by the Plannin Director. * ** Additions indicated in text by underlining. Deletions indicated in text by broke line (wmp3e). 1 2 rrnl 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? * 28 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1809 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APE VAL A ZONE CHANGE FROM L-C (LIMITED CONTROL) 'I C-M (HEAVY COMMERCIAL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) ON PRC PERTY GENER ALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMIN0 REI AND NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT. APPLICANT: KOLL COMPANY CASE NO: 2C-236 ' WHEREAS, a verified application for certain pi wit: Lots "F" and "G" of Rancho Agua Hedionda acco. ~ap 823 filed November 16, 1896 in the Office County Recorder of San Diego County. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a reque vided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 2 May, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing and a cc public hearing on the 24th day of June, 1981, as presc law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearins sidering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all I siring to be heard, said Commission 'considered all fac ting to the Zone Change; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Commission as follows: (A) That the f0regoin.g recitations are true and corre (B) That based on the evidence presented at the publi the Commission recommends APPROVAL pf ZC-236, to following conditions: Council, based on the following findings and sub] //// 1 2 3 4 5 Vb 6 7 8 9 -10 11 12 13 14 .I5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e Findings 1) I, ' The proposed change of zone to C-M is consistent wi General Plan designation of a commercial-industrial tion district since a designation such as this is ? an area which is suitable for both industrial and ( development. 2) The C-M Zone is compatible with surrounding proper' other properties are presently vacant and will dew industrial in the future. 3) The applicant has agreed and is required by the in1 an appropriate condition to pay a pubic facilities formance of that contract and payment of the fee w this body to find that public facilities will be a concurrent with need as required by the General PI 4) The Planning Director has determined that this zon will not have a significant impact on the environm therefore, issued a Negative Declaration on May 1, which was approved by the Planning Commission on M 1981 . 5) The proposed change of zone is consistent with a11 Conditions 1) This project is approved upan the express conditic applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as reg City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 197' with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by re according to the agreement executed by the applic ment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated J 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and incorpor by reference. If said fee is not paid as promise plication will not be consistent with the General approval for this project shall be void. All uses in this zone are subject to the*provisio fic Plan 180(A). ments of the General Plan. 2) //// //// //// //// //// //// PC RES0 81809 -2- 4 y )!#'*, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 >I r) * PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California the 24th day of June, 1981, by the following vote, to w Farrow, Schlehuber, Jose, Friestedt, L' AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Marcus, Rombotis ABSTAIN: None JONATHAN D. FRIESTEDT, Vice-Chi CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ~ 1 PC RES0 #1809 -3- c 9 ,' 1, . I) 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , 0 0 . PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1810 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COVMISSION OF TE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 115 UNIT INDUSTRIAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ON 559.4 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF PALO- MAR AIRPORT. APPLICANT: KOLL COMPANY CASE NO: CT 81-10 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain propel wit: Lots "F" and "G" of Rancho Aqua Hedionda accordin< filed November 16, 1896 in the office of the Count of San Diego County. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referrec Planning Commission; and . WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a 1 provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 27th 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing and a contini hearing on June 24, 1981, as prescribed by law, to cor request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons d( be heard, said Commission considered all factors relal Tentative Tract Map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by'the Plan1 sion as follows: (A) That the foregoing recitations'are true and correc (B) Th'at based on the evidence presented at the publi( the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT-81-10, tc Council, based on the following findings and subjc following conditions: //// '. % &I 'I I. -3 I, I' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 0 Findings 9. 4 1) The site is physically suitable for the type and dc the development since the site is adequate in size to accommodate industrial and commercial developme still meet all of the requirements of the Subdivis nance . The project is consistent with all city public fac cies and ordinances since: __ - - a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of 2) priate condition to this -tentative subdivisic sured that the final map will not be approvee City Council finds that sewer serviee is ava! serve the project. In addition, the Planninc has added a condition that a note shall be p: final map that building permits may not be i: the project unless the City Engineer determii sewer service is available, and building can1 within the project unless sewer service rema. available, the Planning Commission is satisf requirements of the public facilities elemen General Plan have been met insofar as they a sewer service for this tentative map approva b) All necessary public improvements have been will be required as conditions of zpproval. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by sion of an appropriate condition to pay a pu ties fee, Performance of that contract and the fee will enable this body to find that r ities will be available concurrent with neec by the General Plan. 3) The proposed project is compatible with the surrc uses for the reasons stated in the staff report. This project will not cause any significant envii impacts, and a Negative Declaration has' been iss- Planning Director on May I, 1981 and approved by Commission on June 4, 1981. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the era1 Plan and with the Specific Plan approved on for the reasons stated in the staff report. The design of the subdivision and type of improv through the subject property. . 4) 5) ' 6) not conflict with easements for public use or pu //// //// - 2-- PC RES0 #1810 71 ,'I,, IS 1 e 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 :lo :11 :I. 2 :13 24 , I 0 >I General Conditions 1) Approval is granted for CT 81-10, as shown on Exhib dated May 6, 1981, incorporated by reference and on the Planning Department. Development shall occur I ally as-shown unless otherwise noted in these condi 2) This project is approved upon the express condition final map shall not be approved unless the City COLI as of the time of such approval that sewer service This project -is approved upon the express condition building permits will not be issued for development 8' subject property ugless the City Engineer determice sewer facilities are available at the time of appli such sewer permits and will continue to be avail'abl time of occupancy. 4) This project is approved upon the express condition applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as reqr City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by ref( according to the agreement executed by the applicai ment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated JUI 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporal plication will nct be consistent with the General 1 ' able to serve the subdivision, 3) by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2-8- approval for this project shall be void. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliant sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other app. city ordinances in effect at time of building perm The applicant shall establish an owner's associati responding covenants, conditions and restrictions maintenance district if approved by the City Counc association or maintenance district shall be respo maintenance of all private common areas. Said CC& be submitted to and approved by the Planning Direc to final map approval of Phase I. 5) , ance. 6) Planning Department 7) The applicant shall submit a street name list cons the city's street name policy subject to the Planr tor's approval prior to final map approval. 5 ///I //// //// PC RES0 #I810 / -3- ’ 81 -I 1 1, 8) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at lo 3° 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - J $4 3.5 16 17 18 $9 20 21 22 23 * 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 0 subject to the satisfaction of the North County Tra trict. Said facilities shall at a minimum include ‘free from advertising and a pole for the bus stop s bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as detract from the basic architectural theme of the p said design shall be subject to the approval of the Director and North County Transit District. 9) Approval of Tentative Tract No. CT 81-10 is grantec to approval of Zone Change 236. 10) The developer shall submit a detailed map showing I locations for the mini-parks required pursuant to f proved Specific Plan on the property. Said locatic be approved by the Planning Director prior to fina: proval of Phase I. 11) The street alignment of that street located betweei and 5, 6 of Phase 4 shall be redesigned to allow mc ient access to the adjacent property to the east. said realignment shall be submitted to and approve City Engineer prior to final map approval of Phase 12) The applicant shall grant an appropriate easement isfaction of the Planning Director, and approved b Attorney, for those portions of the subject proper within an airport noise impact area’as defined by Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport or updates there that the city will not be held responsible for air ted noise impacts. A note identifying the noise i shall be placed on the final map. 13) The approval of this map shall expire eighteen mor the date of City Council approval. The applicant an extension and such extension may be approved 01 the discretion of the City Council. In approving sion, the City Council may impose new conditions i vise existing conditions. . I Engineering Department 14) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior commencement of any clearing or grading of the si! ///I //// I //// //// //// PC RES0 # 1810 -4- 'I -8 .'I.< 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 12 12 13 14 95 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 15) The grading for this project is defined as "control ing" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Munici Grading shall be performed under the observation of engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordi inspection and testing to insure compliance of the the approved grading plan, submit required reports City Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 1' Carlsbad Municipal Code. 16) Upon completion of grading, the developer shall in! an "as-graded" geologic plan shall be submitted to Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geo. exposed by the grading operation, all geologic cor1 measures as actually constructed and must be based tour map which represents both the pre and post si engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared or similar drafting film and shall become a perman cord . This plan shall be-signed by both the spils engine 17) No Grading shall occur outside the limits of the s unless a letter of permission is obtained from the the affected properties. 18) Additional drainage easements and drainage structL be provided or installed as may be required by the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the neer. 19) The developer shall pay the current local drainage prior to approval of the final map or shall constr age systems in conformance with the Master Draina! City of Carlsbad Standards as required by the Cit: 20) Land for all public streets and easements shown 01 tive map shall be dedicated on the final map and : granted to city free and clear of all liens and el ances . 21) Direct access rights for all lots abutting El Cam College Boulevard '(Street A) shall be waived on t' map . 22) Except as stated below, all public streets within shall be improved by the developer based on the t tions shown on the tentative map and in conforman of Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any b within that phase. Street improvements shall inc walks along all frontages, street lights, street foot median on College Boulevard and a 9-foot.ha3 ian on El Camino Real. The median islands may bc the City Council modifies their policy relating t improvements. //// PC RES0 a1810 x -5- 'I 0, 1, -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :lo :11 :12 :13 l4 fL5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2r 28 !* 0 0 23) College Boulevard shall be dedicated - based on a r way width of 102 feet - from El Camino Real to the tract boundary at the time of approval of the final Phase 11. Fifty-two (52) feet shall be dedicated f Boulevard, based on an ultimate right-of-way width feet, from the southern tract boundary to Palomar P Road at the time of approval of the final map for E The City Engineer may, at his discretion, approve 2 connection between the project site and Palomar Air provided that the other connection provides for ad€ culation and also provided that if this other connc tion with adjacent development. 24) College Boulevard shall be constructed to a ninimun 32 feet of pavement from El Camino Real to Palorilar Road prior to the occupancy of any buildings in Phz or IVI whichever occurs first. 25) The developer shall enter into a traffic signal agr post a bond for one-half the cost of a fully actuat signal at the intersection of El Camino Real and SI .prior to approval of the final map for Phase I. TI oper shall install this signal prior to the issuanc building permits for any buildings' in Phase I. Thc half of the cost of the signal shall be borne by tl through appropriate fees and/or agreements. 26) The developer shall enter into traffic signal agrec post bonds for fully actuated traffic signals at tl sections of Street IrB" and College Boulevard (Stret prior to approval of the final map for Phase I1 an( "N" and College Boulevard prior to approval of the for Phase 111. 27) The developer shall comply with all the rules, reg1 and design requirements of the respective sewer ant agencies regarding services to the project. 28) All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by perty owner's association or the individual proper An approximately worded statement clearly identify responsibility shall be placed'in the CC4R's. 29) Street ''B" west of Street "A" shall be connected t city street (to provide a second exit from the are to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Chie the issuance of a building permit for any building 18 through 38 of Phase IV. The construction of a treatment facility is specifically excluded from t ments of this condition. approved, College Boulevard shall be constructed ir 2 //// ///I - -6- PC RES0 #1810 ', 3'1. 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 19 20 21 22 z3 * 24 25 26 '27 28 I * 9 Fire Department 30) Prior to the issuance of building permits, complete plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for and approval. 31) The applicant shall submit two (2) Copies Of a ,Sit€ showing locations of existing and proposed fire hyd on-site roads and drives. 32) An all weather access road shall be maintained thrc construct ion. 33) Water for fire protection shall be available to tht the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall before combu: placed on the building site. 34) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishii automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent ject shall be submitted to the Fire Department for prior to construction. 35) All roof top appurtenances shall be architectural1 grated into the design on the building and shieldi vent noise and visual impacts, subject to approval issuance of permit. Parks Department 36) The median islands along.El Carnino Real running a: length of this property shall be landscaped per CI dards. The median islands may be waived if the C: modifies their policy relating to street improvemt 37) Street trees shall be installed throughout the prr suant to city standards. The types and locations street trees shall be subject to approval of the Recreation Department. 38) All graded slopes shall be planted or hydroseeded mix approved by the Parks and Recreation Departme ately after grading e //// //// //// . //// //// //// PC RES0 a1810 -7- *' I *\ ., a/ I. 21 3 4 !5 6 '7 8 '9 110 11 12 13 94 15 16 . 1.7 1.8 I. 9 ZIO i!l i! 2 2 3 . ,24 2 5 2 6 27 :18 Iq e 4B PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, the 24th day of June, 1981 by the following vote, to wit AYES: Farrow, Schlehuber, Jose, Friestedt, L'F NOES: None ABSENT: Marcus, Rombotis ABSTAIN : None JONATHAN D. FRIESTEDT, Vice4 CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PC RES0 a1810 -8- * '1 0 I' .# 'e 4 '3 ,I I, STAFF REpoliT DATE: June 24, 1981 To: Planning Commission FROM:. Planning Department SUBTECT: SP-180(A)/ZC-236/CT 81-10 - KOLL COMPANY - Request to amend cific Plan 180, a zone change from GC (Limited Control) to (Heavy Comercial-Limited Industrial) on approximately 194 of land, and a 115 lot industrial subdivision on 559.4 acre ted west of El Camino Real and north of Palomar Airport. C 4 ued from the Planning Comission meeting of May 27, 1981 . 1 I. DI!XUSSION The public hearing on these applications was continued from the Plan Cormnission meeting of May 27, 1981 in order to allow time for the aF and staff to meet ard discuss several issues raised by the applicant previous meeting regarding the conditions of approval being recomen staff. 1. Maintenance District - The applicant is requesting that they !x the opportunity to propse to the City Council the formation of maintenance district to maintain all amn areas rather than I- the areas maintained by an owner's association. Although presc &unci1 policy (City Council Policy No. 23) discmurages the use mahtenance districts for large, heavily landscaped comn arec applicant only wishes to have the opportunity to present their sa4 for a maintenance district to the City Council for consider Planning staff believes that the aplicant should be given this thty with the understanding that the formation of a district be approved by the City Council. Staff is therefore recommefidj wording be added to Condition 6 of Resolution No. 1810 that an nmce district be allowed only if approved by the City Council, 2. . Sidewalks - Staff was remmending that sidewalks be provided c sides of the major streets, The Planning commission concurred the applicant concurs with this. - ?bise - Staff was reamending that an easement or other agreer executed on the proposed lots which are located within a noise area of Palomar Airport. This easement or agreement would relc (3mnlssion concurred with this requirement but the applicant i: .. ?&e issues and the present disposition are as follows: 3. city and county from any liability related to noise. Tne Plani OErposed. 6 b. 0 0 It 'li 1. C '9 I< 1, 4. Vernal Pools - The original Specific Plan deferred any decision 1 disposition of the vernal pools located on the project site unti adequate criteria for detemining the significance of the pools be obtained based upon wrk being done by the city of San Diego conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers. The Army Corps ha viewed the pools located on the Koll property and have indicated they do not wish to take jurisdiction. It was suggested at the ous Planning Commission meeting that the applicant hire a biolog analyze the significance of the pools. 'Ihe applicant has indicz staff, however, that based on the lack of adequate criteria, it hpossible to contract with a biologist who muld state that anj nal pool is insignificant. It is staff's feeling that the applicant should not be held up i determining the Significance of vernal pls, As a mitigating n for developing in the area of the vernal pools, the applicant h; dicated a willingness to contribute financially to a fund to prc mre significant vernal pools. If the Planning Commission and ( Council determine to require a financial contribution from the ( per, an appropriate condition can be added to the resolution ap] the project. Mini-Parks - specific Plan 180 originally required 8 mini-parks located within the developent. The developer was recommending alternative that 4 larger mini-parks be remired. The applican not now wish to provide any mini-parks and would rather encoura individual developnents within the project to provide passive a active recreational areas for their employees within the indivi developments. provided in this project for the following reasons: a. . d longer because of the lack of adequate information and criteria I 5, Staff feels strongly that the mini-parks should Tne mini-parks were a trade-off for the open space lost bec the addition of the 27 acre reclamation and reservoir site. ?he proposed Parks and Recreation Element contains policie: muld discourage the city from providing and maintaining nt hood parks and which would require developers to provide ST park and recreation areas for employees witlhin commercial i dustrial areas. me outcome of the development of Macario Canyon as a park b. C. known at this time. Staff fecls that the mini-parks will be heavily used by em] of the project. e d. 6. Acr-css rights on proposed College Boulevard (Street "A") - Sta recommending that all direct access rights for lots abutting C Boulevard be waived, The Planning Commission concurred with s the applicant now agrees to this condition. .- -2- e e I* 'T 7. 'I I I* bcation of mmercid area/htute eakeneion of "B' Street to in' sect with El Cain0 Real - Staff was remmending against the re tion of the commercial area on the property and the extension of Street to intersect with El Camino Real because of the uncertain IDS Manos Road being realigned to the east. As staff previously cated, the City Council has approved the hiring of a consultant study aspects of the circulation element of the General Plan inc the realignment of Las Manos. If , in fact , a realignment of La5 is recomended and approved in the future, the relocation of the mercial area and extension of Street "B" might be reasonable. '1 applicant could then propose an amendment to the Specific Plan c time. The applicant is in disagreement with this approach and wuld li Specific Plan to be amended at this time to allow the relocatioi the mmercial area if Los Manos is realigned and not have to Q back at a later date and amend the Specific Plan. Staff believi this is too significant of an issue to make a determination at time especially since the City Council specifically deleted the section of 'ID" Street with El Camino Real on the original Speci Plan. The Commission concurred with staff at the meeting of Ma 1981. Additional access €or westerly prtion of proposed development was recommending that a connection to Street "B", west of Collf Boulevard (Street "A"), to another street be required prior to issuance of any building permits for Lots 18-38 of Phase IV. Z previous Planning Commission meeting, the applicmt proposed tc this portion, of Street "B" back to College Bulevard. Staff a< with this proposal in concept although the details would have t wrkd out with the City Engineer. Condition No. 29 of Eesolut 1810 can remain the same since once the details are worked out, mndition muld be satisfied. Access to Hieatt property - A preliminary plan for the develp me Signal Landqarlc. ProFrty which is located adjacent to the project has been submitted to staff and shows public street fr, being proposed for the Hieatt property which is presently land Since there is no assurance however that the Signal Landmark p be approved, staff would recommend that a condition be added t Koll project which would require access to be provided to the property unless the Signal Landmark plan is approved. 4 . 8. 9. In summary, the only items which appear to still be issue$ from the cant's standpoint are the requirement regarding noise, and the pro\ formini-park? i. Staff !.as attached a copy of the previous staff report for Planninc sicr's reference. Staff has also updated the resolutions of appro1 >.ll three applications in order to reflect the issues previously dj cussed. . , -3- , e (I) ’ J‘ ,* ‘I 11. RECOMMENDATION It is recomnded that the Planning Cmission’approve the Negative De ation issued by the Planning Director and adopt Planning Commission Re tion Nos. 1808, 1809 and 1810 reconmending approval of SP-l80(A), ZC-2 and CT 81-10 based on the findings and subject to the conditions conta therein ATTACl3E”E 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1808 (SP-l80(A)) Planning Cammission Resolution No. 1809 (ZC-236) planning Cammission Resolution NO. 1810 (CT 81-2) Previous Staff Report of May 27, 1981 Revised draft SP-180 as recommended by staff (Exhibit 1) Bletions and additions (Exhibit 2) . 4 7. Dhibit A (CT Map), dated May 22, 1981 I4JH:Is 6/18/81 I -4- * I ( I: I,,* ' . - 0 0. STAFF REPORT DATE: May 27, 1981 TO: . Planning Commission FROM: P1 anning Department SUBJECT: SP-l80(A) - KOLL COMPANY - Request to amend Specific Plan relocate the commercial area, to eliminate the mini-parks a minor adjustments to the text. - a .I. PROJECT 'DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND .' .. In November of 1980, the City Council approved a Specific Plan (SP- a 558.6 acre industrial park located just north of Palomar Airport of El Camino Real. The Specific Plan was required because the prop located in the Airport Influence Area as designated by the General general plan combination district was approved on the site with the fic Plan regulating the general location of the various commercial trial and utility uses, The Specific Plan also contains developmei dards, requires the development of 8 mini-parks, and makes provisir satellite sewage treatment plant on the site. The applicant is re that the commercial site fronting El &amino Real be relocated to t of B Street (see attached Land Use Plan at rear of text), that the approved mini-parks be reduced in number to 4 and that rilinor adju: made to the text (Exhibit 1, Revised Specific Plan Text). Deleti to the text are indicated by a broken line typed through them and are indicated by underlining. A list-of these deletions and addi attached for reference purposes (Exhibit 2). I I I. ANALYSIS Pl anning Issues . 1. Ax the proposed changes consistent with the intent and the Specific Plan? 1s the proposed modification to the commercial area apl: at this time? iilt the elimination of the park sites reduce the! qual business park as approved and reduce recreational oppo for the employees? 2, 3. . .. ' Discussion - Most of the changes proposed for Specific Plan 180 are "c7ean-t items and have been necessitated by additional city actions su' the original approval of SP-180. Staff feels these changes ar . and are consistent with the intent and put-pose of the Specific Basically, the intent of SP-180 is to provide for the dcvelopir quality industrial park and .to implement the goals and policic era1 Plan. Major changes proposed are discussed below. q yntst 1 1 >. I' e '0 Cjrculation and Commercial Area 'The approved circulation system for the eastern portion of the busine park designates B Street (see Land Use Map at rear of text) as the ma entrance from El Camino Real. Street D ends in a cul-de-sac and does connect with El Camino Real. The applicant is proposing that the corn cia1 area be relocated south of B Street along El Camino Real. The c is based on the assumption that Los Monos Road, a secondary arterial, be extended westward from Helrose Avenue, across El Camino Real into Koll project. There has been discussion at the staff level regardin$ possfble realignment of Los t4onos Road. A realignmennt of this arter . may never occur. As a result, staff is recommending that the proposc relocation of the coixmercial area not be approved at this time. The cant could amend the specific plan-lowing approval of such realigr in the future. The appropriate- area could be reserved in the busine: park to accommodate a i-ea1 i gnment. The existing specific plan requires the developer to provide a serie "mini -parks" in the busi ness park. The parks , approximatel y 3,000 - square feet, are designed to provide passive eating and relaxation a and small active sports areas. The parks were originally a trade-of the city for the loss of open space resulting from the proposed trea plan. The developer is proposing that the number of parks be reducc four but increased in size to about 20,000 square feet. Staff suppc this proposal. The location, number and size of the parks are adec to service the emploJees and the fewer nLimber of parks will reduce devel oper/assxiati on maintenance costs. Noise Staff is requesting the addition of a requirement to the Specific P 28) for those lots affected by noise from Palomar Airport. Portion area ' are in the 65 CEIIEL range and for this reason staff feel s. developer should grant appropriate easements or execute appropri at ment documents for any portion of the subject property located with airport noise impact area so that the city and the airport will not held responsible for airport-related noise impacts. XI1 .ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE1.I The Planning Director has determined that this project wi41 not ha1 significant effect on the environment because of the mitigation me, identified in EIR 80-3 for SP-180. A negative declaration was iss SP-180 (A) on May 1, 1981. * .' - .* .o . Parks .. - L__ . 4. : "2" -. / c a *I. ., .. I .. r,;,,,* ,t ,,, ' - IV. RECOMMENDATION : It is re.commended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative ration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPTmtion No. 1808 draft. ATTACHMENTS .' mending approval of the. changes to SPmas presented in the r 1. Resolution Noa 1808 2. Revised draft SP-180 as recommended by staff (Exhibit 1) 3. Deletions and additions (Exhibit 2) * * I e. ... CG:ls 5'1 12 1 8 1 .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 1 a ,. .. I .. * .e .. .. -3- . ., . * i /-- : 2. -=== .u *. 0 r 4: Y 8, L " . --_ .. 1 t2 '8 --_ a I STAFF REPORT DATE: Nay 27,. 1981 TO : . Planning Commission FROM: P1 anni ng Dcpar tment SUBJECT: ZC-236/CT-81-10 - KOLL COMPANY - Request for a zone change fr ' C (Limited Control ) to C-M (fieavy Commercial-Limited Indust. on approximately 194 acres of land, and a 115 lot industria' division on 559.4 acres located west of El Camino Real and of Pal omar Ai rport . The .applicant request; approvil of a zone change from L-C (Limited '.' - trol ) to C-M (Heavy Commercial -Limi ted Industri a1 ) on approximate .... acres, and a 115 lot industrial subdivision on 559.4 acres on proper cated as described above. Because of the size and complexity of tk ject, this report is divided into tv/O sections: discussion of tl change and discussion of the tentative nap. - .* . * . .. ZC-236 I. PROJfCT DESCRIPTION The requested zone .change is for 96 acres of land as shown on the .; 1ocati.on map. This property was recently annexed into the City of f under 'a holding zone designation. The applicant would now like LC the property to bring it into consistency with the recently amended plan land use designation. .. 11. ANALYSIS ,. . . Planning Issues 1, 2. Are uses allowed in. the proposed zone consisient and c Is the proposed zone change cons1 stent with the General Use Element? with surrounding land uses and zoning? . * 111. DISCUSSION The City Council recently approved a General Plan Amendment on t .property from NRR (Non-Residptial Reserve) to a speci a1 commerci 1 . trial combination district. The City Council's intent was to a mixed commercial and industrial development within the Koll pro^ . City Council also .approved a Specific Plan on the property whict 'to be consistent with the General Plan, . I ' 0 'I c \ 0 -6 ', .* .l '* I 8' L s4 I, ,I The C-M Zone classification is consistent with both the General Plan Use Designation and the Specific Plan covering the property. Uses all in the C-M Zone allow both light industrial and commercial uses. Also. use restrictions of the adopted Specific Plan would supersede the reqi ments of the C-M Zone. As a result, the land use restrictions on the perty would be more stringent than other property within the City thi zoned C-M. Surrounding land uses include Palomar Airport to the south and undeve land to the north, east and west. The property to the west is desig as Non-Residential Reserve and is likely to be rezoned to industrial a time of future development. Staff believes that uses allowed in tP Zone ire both compatible and consistent with surrounding land uses and Staff .believes the issues addressed in this discussion have been sat' tori ly resol ved, and i so theref ore recommendi ng approval of ZC-236. ' *ins, both existing and futurel .* .* .. CT 81-10 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The. proposed subdivision consists of 115 lots on 559.4 acres of land created over 4 phases (Exhibit A). The lots range in size from 1.3 to 33.1 acres. The majority of lots are between 2 and 10 acres in Lots 29 and 30 of Phase 4 would be the site of a satellite sewage trc plant whi ch woul d serve the enti re Pal omar Airport drai nage basi n. of Phase 4, the largest lot, would serve as a reservoir site. The t der of the lots would be for corrmercial and industrial purposes a1 open space corvi dors would be located throughout the project. The circulation system consists of two main arterials; Street "A" (! Avenue) which runs north-south, and Street "5" which runs east-we addition, secondary loop street system (Streets "C" and I'D'') ser ' southern portion of the site. As shown on Exhibit 'A', the appli - reserving land to extend Street "D" to El Carnino Real. This inter could potentially tie into the future Los blanos Road if a realign Los I4anos is approved in the future. The Planning Commission is not a decision regarding the relignment of Los Manos at this time. A alignment would have to be determined at a future date. In addit.ion to the primary and secondary street systeins, a number * de-szcs are proposed throughout the project. These cul-d&sacs WOI vjde access to the majority of the lots and reduce the need'for dii cess onto the major streets. To provide the street system and to create buildable pads, a sub dirt will be moved. The average amount of grading would be 36,E yards per lot or 7,508 cubic yards per acre. a + amount Of grading will take place, Approximately 4,200,000 cubic Approximately 75% of -2- .. c c * 0 0 .. ., 'a 8. 't tj , '4 I. I, will be affected by grading. An Environmental Impact Report was previc approved .for this site when the Specific Plan for the property was 01' nal ly approved. This report addressed gradi ng and determined that adec .. mitigation measures would be provided to reduce the environmental imi of grading to an insignificant level. .. 11. ANALYSIS PI gnni ng I SSU~S 1. Is the street circulation system designed to provide effc emergency access and adequate access to adjacent properties? 2. Is the subdivision designed to minimize noise impacts from P' - * Airport? * ... 111. DISCUSSION .. .. Street Ci rcul ation .. .Staft= has three concerns with the project's street circulation SJ First, , Street "B", west of Street "A", is essentially a cul-de-sac will one day be connected to another public styeet. Staff believt the length of this cul-de-sac (over 4,500 feet) is.-too long to provic ,emergency access to development on this street. Staff is recomine .condition of abproval requiring the connection 0.f tkis street lo public street prior 'LO the issuance of any building permits for lo .38 of Phase IV.. . The most likely street connection would be ei .Cannon Road or a future arterial , which would connect Cannon R Palomar Airport Road. Although the .connection of this street to city street may delay the development of this portion of the project feels this connection is critical in the event the street is cut of1 an emergency. Second, the construction of Street "A" between Street "6" and E' Real is projected for completion during the last phase of the p Staff has concerns regarding fire. access to Phases 2 and 3 without pletion of Street "A". The Fire Department would 15ke to see St built to El Cainino Real prior to the comp?etion of Phase 11 Such a . . ' tion r*roiild provide two alternative .fire access routes from El Camir . The closest fire stations to the project are.located on Chestnut/€ Real and Estrella de Mar in La Costa. The Fire Departmen't.is look the possibility of locating a fire station in this vicinity, In X -Fire, Department has contacted the KO11 Company to discuss the PO! of locating a station'within this subdivision. Before such a s' ' built, if a major fire occurs, the Fire Department could .more ef. ': fight the fire if both routes were available for fire access. therefore recornmendi ng a condition of approval requi ring that -3- .. I I. 0 0 , , L1 I1 I1 paved access road be provided to El Camino Real prior to the issua building permits in either Phase 2, 3, or 4, whichever occurs first Fire Department's concerns are expressed in the attached memo. Third, the project proposes a 60 foot wide street to be built as 1 Phase 4 between lots 1, 2 and 5, 6. This street is intended to I accecs to the property to the east. The road is located at the bo' an existing drainage basin and would not provide adequate access properky to the east because of steep topography. Staff 1s recom this road be redesigned to enter the property at a higher eleva allow easier access. Such redesign would be subject to the approval City Engineer prior to final map approval for Phase 4. Subdivision Design Staff's primary concern with the subdivision's design is the pc .* noise impact of Palomar Airport on lots which abut the airport prr e This issue is also addressed in the Specific Plan amendment which being considered by the Planning Commission tonight. Staff is recoi .. . a condition of approval on the tentative map holding the city I against complaints of airport noise impacts. As condi ti oned, staff bel i eves the su bdi vi si on sati sf i es the requ and intent of the city's Subdivision Ordinance and is consistent goals and objectives of the General Plan. Staff is therefore reco approval of the tentative tract map. IV. ENV I RONMENTAL REV I EW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not ha -nificant impact on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Declaration on May 1, 1981. Also, an Environmental Impact Report 3) has been certified by the City Council in conjunction with ap the Specific Plan for this project. V. RECOMMEFIDATION .. - It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Negati ration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Resolution Nos, 1810 recommending APPROVAL of ZC-236 and CT 81-10 based on the fir subjcct to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS 2. 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Location Map 5. 6. Envi ronmcntal Documents ' 7. Disclosure Statement 8. . * . 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1809 (ZC-236) Planning Cornmission Resolution No. 1810 (CT 82-2) Memo from the Fire Department, dated May '19, 1981 Exhibit A, dated May 22, 1981 * * BH:ls -. 5/13 /8 1 / 0 0 . toa a* , 11( h' 81 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO; CT 81-10/ZC-236 APPLICANT : KOLL COMPANY REQUEST AI4D LOCATION: Tentative tract map and zone change from L-C to - west of E7 Camino Real between Palomar Airport and Rancho Csrlsbad LEGAL DESCRIPTIO\!: All that portion of Lots 'IF" and "E" of Rancho Agr Hedionda according to map 823 filed Noveiilber 16, 1896 Assessors Parcel Number: , 212-020-24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 - Acres: 559.4 No. of Lots: 1 '(115 proposed lots) - GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING '* General Plan Land Use Designation: Combination District (Commercial/ Industrial) Density A1 1 owed: N/A Dens: ty Proposed: Existing Zone: L-C Proposed Zone: C-M Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use North: EIA Vacant South: A1(8) Palomar Airport East: C-M Vacant and light inaustl West: E1A Vacant PUBL I c FAC I L I TI. ES School District: N/A Water District: Costa Real Water District Sewer District: Carl sbad EDU' S: . Public Facilities Fee Agreeinmt, dated: (Other: June 25, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - XX Negative Declaration, issued: . EIR Certified, dated: May 1, 1981 Log No: / e e I. .,(rf s , *I t ,' 4 nala - '< I'j. .* I ** - .* a. . CASE N e cTB\-lo/z- A I$ P L P c A NT&L / / 1) a ** r . '* I . 4* I III, CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: I P1 anni ng DATE: May 19, 1981 Fire Department \ %. SUBJECT: KOLL , 81 -1 0 The project location is in excess of the currently accepted emergency response standard of five minutes. recom-nendcd for the vicinity of the project, there is presently no land owned or being purchased by the City for this purpose. This project alone would not generate the need for an additional However, when looked at in conjunction with other existing and proposed projects, we feel that a fire station must be built in order to adequately serve the area. * While a station site has been .* . fire station. b / * . 5. L ; , . .. m m: rnvicvc,cl, j t is .# I, 1f ,-,f*c.l- tile inform;;tion yo11 h:ive submittd 11.1:; ttlat i urtf~er infornati.oi: is rcijoired, you will bf? so ativir.cd. 3 I' 81 p21.LIcxJT: Carisbad Research Center (fna Carlsbad - Pacific Business - 11a;:c [individu:il, prtIie!:si1i;J, joint vcnrurc, cori:eracj c/o The Kol'l Company, 7330 Engineer Road, San Diego, -- CA Eusi ne 3 s ?d i! r cs s 7th-292-5550 Telel:.ia::c :!mLcr .I --- ---_ -- -. B.E. Fipp - I_----_- ___ ---1__. AGE1IT : Ilaaa The Koll Company, 7330 Engineer Road, San Diego, CA 5 ---- .- pjsi:,?Ss ::5~r:ss c -- 714-232-5550 p:lc;konY- :.~?:kc~ -- 9 3ElEEI'S : See Attached Partnership Exhibit- -- - ~. .. .. ::a?c? ti~idi-iriduai, partzer, joir,t lion-; A: ven CL:I;T~, ccqorat ion, s y ndica t icn) 325i1,er;s >ydrc SS -. . mleyhQr;* ?.IGmb€?r Tel epho:; TI t - -- - ..=.- -.- ..c - Xon2 ---.- Brsir.?ss >lckzss .. -_c- . Te1epSor.c Xuiib?r Telegiwi]? -- - -- -_ .__I__- - (rattach mort? shec;s if cecessar. I/WC ficclare ,x2scr penalty of pzr jury :jlat the informtion cx closiii-e. is true and CO;:~GC~ ;lid tiltit it: will rcmsin tru;, nnd 2 rel.ied upon as being txe arlci correct. ur:til -?icnr?cG. )I . .. @ ,. *' k ., ~1 ,I- in .. -. BY iq~irt, Owncr, .* ., *