HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-07; City Council; 6661; Parking Citation Management Program ServiceCITY Oli' C!\.1U.SHAD A(~f'.fHJ\ JHl.l. ?:Ii, __ :_Cf::'_C:>_L ____ , _______ "7_ DA'CE: July 7 ~ 1981 DEPAR'fHEMT: Finance In:i.tin Dept:..H C. At:t: C. Hgr. ----------------Subject: Pa,:k,119 Citation Management Program Serv·ice l\greement St.atement of r1atter The City of Carlsbad is !)resently operating its oarking citation program in a cost inefficient manner. The present system of citation collect.ion operated through the North County Muni'cipal Court results in an annual loss of $4,000 to the city. The court has er~rJraged municipalities to manage their parking citation programs outside of the loca·, court system. In response to the court's direction, and in an effort to optimize the recovery of parking citation revenue, the City of Cat·lsbad has negotiated a contract with Sperce Enterprises, Inc., of Fullerton, to provide a computerized parking citation management program. Spence E~terprises, Jnc., also known as SEICOM, proposes to process all parking citations issued by Carlsbad for a fee of 75¢ per citation. For this fee SEICO(•I will: l, Provide computer orograms and data processing sutJport of the parkin~ citat.ion management program. · 2. Provide daily log files of parking .citation transactions. 3. Provide monthly management reporting and statistical. analysis of data. 4. Process parking citations within the following time limitations: A. 30 days froin date of issue: obtain registered O\\lner's i1.1forn1ation from DMV. B. 35 duys from date of issue: ma,il to registered owner a notice of intent to attach citation to registered O\'mer 1 s vehicle registration at DMV. C. 55 days from date of issue: notify Dtl\l of citation non-payment, and within 60 days from date of issue, attach citation to registered owner's vehicle reg'istration. Once tha parking fine has been attached to the DMV 1 s vehicle registration, the vehicle cannot be licensed until the owner pays all fines and penalties. This process virtually guarantees that as long as the vehicle is licensed· in the stnte of'California, any parking citation ·issued by tl1e city can be collected. The ma,jor advantag~ of tne system proposed by SEICOM is that it provides Carlsbad with a program for ti1c management and controi of parking citations that optimizes the · recovP"'~' :.~ ievenue generated Liy the issuance of parking citations. Presently, Car1sbad :., ... uc.., aporoximately 150 citations per munth, experiencing an average public comp'lianc~ to citation oayment of 50¼. Hith the knowledge that parking citations would be . aggresively cnfvrced, coupled \1ith an increase in the bail schedule to $10 per cite increasing to $20 if delinquent~ public compliance tp citation payment would be ·increased to approximately 95% . . Fi sen l Impact C:mtracting with SEIC0M foi• a parking citation management nroqram will generate $26,000 in annual gross revenue, offset by $9,126 in expenses, resulting in a net gain of $16,074 to the City of Carlsbad. This is a sit,nificant improvemcmt over the estimated annual loss of $4,0fJ0 pr ~sently being exocricnccd by the city in the cit.:r:.ion colle.:tion · program. · r CITY Ol-' CARLSBAD . AGENDA BILL NO. • Initial: Dept.Hd • ---DA'rE : June 30, 1981 -----------------c. Atty. __ _ DEPARTHENT: Finance C. Mgr. ------------------ Subject: Parking Citation t1anagement Program Service Agreem,ent (continued) Exhibit , Proposed agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Spense Enterprises, Inc., establishing a parking citation management program. Recommendation 1. Tnat the City of Carlsbad execute a contract with Spence Enterpris~s, Inc., for the purpose of establishing a parking citation management program. 2. That the revised bail schedule be irnple111entE!d with the court revised bafl recommendati.ons. 3. That the City Council adopt Resolution No. (,"°5: authorizing the ~or to execute an agreement with Spence Enterprises, Inc. for the purpose of establishing a parking citation management program. COUNCIL ACITON: 7-7-81 Cotncil adopted Resolution No, 6605 I i I . _ _I e i. SEICOM /. COJRT DATA SERVICES Parking Citation 'Management In-State and Oit-Stah; SEICCM P.O. Box Z380 Fullerton, CA 92633 (Zl3) 258-7004 (714) 522-3111 . \ ' ' t 1 1 j '• f, ; ,,_ ' I - " ,,:, ~:~ <~ ' ,, Page 1 of 6 INlRD.'Cl'IOO Court Data Servicea (CDS) offers tvvo autam.ted parking citation management system;. The objectives of both systems are: speed in data transmission; inproved efficiency; increased effectiveness; and increased cmpliance. Each system provides several benefits to the court/city user: Daily Qi-Line entry ell-Line access and retrieval .Account ab i 1 i ty Decreased li>urly Labor Increased Revenue to the user Statistical .Analysis and Muiagement Reporting Both systems are described briefly in this proposal. The In-State Citation Management (Is::M) system is fully autamted and totally carprehensive. All citatione are entered the day they are written and managed until disposition. Users may forward source data to CDS for entry or enter data directly on-line with a arr Terminal provided by a>S at the user's location. The Oit-State Citation Management (OOCM) system is also fully auta:nated and provides a previously untapped source of revenue to the user. Entry to the O&ld system is the same as the Is:M system. I Z of 6 IN-S'fATE CITATIOO MANIGIMENr DATA ~iRY ~ A special word processing program allows the user to enter citatioo inforDBtion directly into the lllta Base on the day it is was issued. On-line access to the system is provided by CDS through a mr terminal at the user's location. The program is very fast, efficient and error proof, thus saving user tine and labor. If desired, the source data may be forwarded to (l)S for entry. A Illta Base is created for future processing of records on file and for Data Base Analysis. Statistical analyses prepared fran this Data Base will include: City <Ade Ci tat ion Nmber Olte and Tim! Reporting District Vehicle Information Violation Location Violation <Ades Officer I.D. tbmer D:lta Base storage allows on-line access for status review of the files. Updates, de let ions and file review may be done remotely by the user on the CRT. After the initial entry of citation inforzmtion into the system, our Dt.ta Base Minagamnt System wil 1 process all output frcm the cooputer. / 3 of 6 N:YrlCEOFINI'FNT As citations are paid, the user, via au, wi 11 update the files by deleting those records fran the Data Base. The file will rdlec:t the disposition and no further processing will occur. If the citation has not been paid after a specified period of time, the record will auto- matically be changed to a" failure to pay" status. Im. aut<Dlltic re- quest for registered owr.er infornation is generated to the Department of M>tor Vehicles (I:MV). The return infortmt im fron IMV autcxmt ically updates the Ill.ta Base. A N>tice of Intent is processed and nailed to the registered o'R!ler as verified by IMV. The ~otice instructs the re- gistered owner how to cmply and also states the consequences for failure !o coiq,ly. Along with legal obligations, the following is also provided: Vehicle Infonm.tion Illte and Time of Violation Violation Location Violation Code& Mlnicipal Court Jurisdiction lOTICE a" FAIWRE 10 PAY If the citation ts not paid a Notice of Failure to Pay is generated and transferred to IMV. The citation bail is then attached to next vehicle registration. When the vehicle registration is renewed or the citation is cleared through the court/city, the failure to pay status is automatically cleared. / 4 of 6 N:>TICE CF DISIOSITIOO Aa citaticns are paid after the Notice of Intent to the R/0 the user will update the record to reflect the payment. A N>tice of Disposition ia generated to D.W. lf an affidavit of ownership change has been filed the record is placed in a hold status until verification at I:MV. Dispositions fran IMV are also updated in the Data Base. t.WVGJMFNr REECRI'IKi and STATISI'ICAL .ANALYSIS Toe Data Base tmkes available custan designed rmnagement reporting and citation accountability. A ccnplete audit is autonatically avail- able and accessable. Statistical analyses may be designed pursuant to user specified criteria. Variables of the Data Base tmy be analyzed according to user specified requirements. DlDJLE OF FEES Ci tat ions,'Mlnth Cost/Ci tat ion under Z,500 $.75 Z,500 -4,9S9 $.70 5,000 -9,999 $.65 10,000 -14,999 $.60 15,000 -19,999 $.55 ZO, 000 or more $.50 The tmnthly price is based on the highest voltnne attained during the 1 """"" tmnthy billing period ( Exan:ple: Z,600/month x $.70 each= $1,SZO.OO). . , ............ ---•~- 5 of 6 oor-srATE CITATION MAN/Ga.mfr mTA m'lRY F.ntry ar.d N:cess to the 00CM system is the same as the ls:M system. Entry for both is made at the same time by using the sane program and entering into the saim Data »ase. Statistical a.nalysis and Dllnagement reports wi 11 include both systems. li>wever, the cethods for processing and service fees are separate and independent for each system. N>TICE CF OO'ENr Payments and dispositions are entered and recorded just as in the , , lf(M system. As out-state citations bec<me delinquent, requests for ) ' ? R/0 infonmtion are processed and sent to each state IMV. All expenses for securing this data will be incurred by CDS. Return R/O inform- ti~11 is added to the Data Base and Notices of Intent are generated and nailed to each R/0. Information pursuant to clearing the citation wi 11 be provided to the R/O. The bai 1 am>unt and a service charge for out- state handling and processing wi 11 be requested frcm the R/O. SERVICE FEES Fees are charged to the jurisdiction only on those citations that have a return. Pa,ments on out-state citations DllY be returr1ed to the court/city or returned to CDS and deposited into a spedal account. The court/city user wi 11 receive half of the ball armunt collected ~ a:>S wi 11 retain the other half and the service charge. 6 of 6 M>st jurisdictions currently dismiss all out-state citations. By using our system you can recover untapped revenue and off-set costs incurred for in-state citations. Let us show you how \re can process all of your parking citations for less than $.25 each. ~...,..-.----~-------------~--r/- .. ( I •.. , ' I ; ! I I ! f ' i I ' ! ,·i i SEICOM I ..... Who is SEI? What have we done? What are we doing no•v? Spence Enterprises, Inc. 152.5 W. Commnweal th P.O. Box 5969 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714)522-3111 (213)256-7004 SPEM:E ENTERPRISES, If'.C. FULLEKfa',/, CALIFWJIA Included in this Package: I. Business History I I. SEICD'J III. Police AutClll'.lted Software Systens (PASS) IV. Court Data Services V. Individuals and Q!alifications VI. Collection·and Recovery VII. Statistical Analysis VIII. Cmputer Center Installation IX. nork Statenent (California Ci tat ion Processing) X. Processing Ti~table XI. Statistical Analysis and Mznag011ent Reports XI I. Scl1edule of Fees XIII, Temts and Authorized Signers ., ,. Page 1 of 7 I. BUSINESS HIS'RR{ Spence F.nterprises, Inc. was incorporated April 12, 1979. The business was established in 1965 as a sole prCJprietorship by Jerry N. Spence who is now Chairman of the Board and President of the corporation. SEI is a privately held corporation solely o.vned by Jerry N. Spence. SE! has provided services to the aut0100tive, banking and financial industries for almost t'M:l decades. Sotm of the div is ions and services of SE! are: Spence Auto Recovery Spence Investigations cn.MJNI~' Graphic 'M!ssage Service SPB:;IAL DELIVERY ~ssage Service SEICCM -Cormunications Division of SEI Court Ihta Services Many of our clients use several of our services in the areas of credit and collecti.ms, investigations and security. Feel free to contact any or our current clients and inquire about our CCXJFany and the level of services~~ provide: Bank of Anerica Security Pacific Bank Crocker Bank United California Bank Bank of California Ll<'}'ds Bank Caiifornia First Bank II. Carte Blanche ~rex Corporation Robinsons Departroont Stores National Subscription T.V. Allstate Savings Hughes Credit Union City of limt ington Beach SEICXM C'a\lJNIQ.lE' and SPECIAL DELIVERY are services of our canmnicat ions division which are used very heavily by credit and collections depart- roonts of our clients. They are both electronic rressage services using very extensive word processing programs which store and forwartl letters like Mdlgrarm. The diffel'ene;~ is that the cost per roossage is less than half that of Mli !gram. List naintenance is also available to clients for storage of f~equently used trailing lists for irenbers, sales staff or other errployees. SEia:M als~ has two najor projects nearing ccnpletion by our soft~are systens development group. Autamted Collections Systems (/CS) are being developed for the banking industry. Police Automated Software Systems (PASS) is a very corq,rehensive corrputer software package for law enforccrrent agencies, ,A I 2 of 7 III. roLICE AUICMATID roFIW.ARE SYSTIMS (PASS) PASS will autormte police calls for service and all necessary follow-up information totally through the cooputer. Written reports could be ·;rirtual ly eliminated with th is " paper less po 1 ice department ". Sotre of the najor programs offered are: C.omrunicat ions/Dispatch Management ( aka CAD System ) Records Managemmt System; Field Report Processing Investigative Fol low-Up Reporting Case Mmagement System Parking Citation Managamnt Traffic Resources Allocation Management Fire Dispatch and Resources Minagarent Statistical .Analyses/Mlnagement Reporting The Carlsbad Police Departmmt in San Diego County will be the first police department to itll)lement PASS as a total operating system, IV. COJRT DATA SERVICES Parking Ci tat ion Management (R:M) and Records Management Systems (R.18) are to be offered both as software programs and as services. Court Data Services will be provided through our COITJ)Uter service center in Fullerton, R:M and ~ are both on-line systems with direct access to the cmq>uter. The City of lhntington Beach in Orange County is our first user of R:M through Court Data Services. We have several bids and and proposals in with pol ice departments, cities and courts with indi- cations of forthccming contracts for the fiscal year. V, OOIVIIXJALS and QJALIFICATirnS Jerry N. Spence, President and Olainnan of the Board Military Intelligence and O:innunications background Extensive Collections and Investigations experience in the Banking and Financial Industries Gary E, Ward, Executive Vice President, Corporate Secretary Ret i r~d Fu 1 ice Sergeant -Carlsbad Pol ice Department M,P,A. fr\111 CSULB with enphasis in Criminal Justice Administration Larry J. Fukurroto, Ph.D., Systems Analyst Data Base Managerrent Systems orientation with extensive experience in Hardware/Software Systems Design Richard Ra!m.!sson, Sales and Mi.rketing Representative Retired Police Investigator Experienced in Patrol, Recortls, Comrunicat ions and Supervision .. 3 of 7 VI. O'.)LLECTIONS and RBXJVERY SERVICES The invesigations am security division of SEI offers two nationwide services to the banking and financial industries. Court Data Services is a service offered, for both In-State and nit-State parking citation collection, through our camunications division, SEICCM. .AUlO RBX>VERY This service is offered on a nationwide basis with the rrajority of our business in the western states. Accounts are referred for investiga- tions, skip tracing, recovery of vehicles and recovery of personal property. The service is offered to banks, savings/ loan associations, credit unions, finance caq>anies, leasing coopanies and auto dealer- ships. One of our trajor clients in this field is United California Bank and u:;B Leasing a division of l.hited California Bank. A statistical analysis for the first quarter of 1981 for Auto Recovery is listed below. <mDIT CAID RBJ)VERY Most of the rrajor banks on the <M?st coast use our Credit Card Recovery service through their bank card divisions. This is also a natiomvide service ooich provides our clients with field investigations and card pick-ups if they have revoked the credit card, Listed below are our recovery statistics for three of our clients for the first quarter of 1981. <XMvlJNI~' and SPB::IAL D:sI.IvmY M>st of our banking and financial clients use our electronic 1ressage services as tools in their collection efforts. They store often used letters ( 30 day late notice) in our conputer and then send them to their custo1rers as required. Many of them use a series of letters and alternate between Comrunique' and Special Delivery. 1his is an on-line system with on-site terminals to our cooputer, Please contact any of our clients using this service and ask them what type of results they have experien.::ed. Enclosed you will find so1re descriptive naterial for both cOOllllnications services. <XlJRT U.\TA SERVICES We offer Parking Ci tat ion Management for both In-State and O.tt-Statc citations. A description of this service is enclosed for your exami- nation. For nit-State processing~ send a series of letters fran our system. First we obtain the R/0 infornntion fran the foreign juris- diction. We then generate a Notice to Cor:ply with the court require- m:mts. This notice explains to the R/0 how he can carply with the court requirements and clear the violation. Thirty days later we send a second notice, via Omnunique', regarding the delinquency. A third notice is generated on Special Delivery if the citation is still delinquent after sixty days. VI I. STAT! STICAL .ANALYSIS FIRST QJA1UER 1981 CREDIT CAID R.RXJVERY: MNIH Kl:XlNTS JaXlJNI'S .t£J:aNI'S .ACCaNI'S NnJ.NI'S OPEN REFFRRID vm<ED a.DSED(%) PENDIN:i Bank of lmerica January 251 318 569 ?.67 (47%) 302 February 302 211 513 310 ( 60'/o) 203 Much 203 212 415 238 (5'7°/4) 177 Crocker Bank January 90 143 233 106 (45%) 127 February 127 89 216 119 ( 55'/o) 97 March 97 129 226 139 (6 i'/4) 87 United California Bank January 92 70 162 105 (65%) 57 February 57 0 57 53 (93%) 4 March 4 93 97 41 (42ro) 56 AUIO RB:X)VERY MNIH KXD.JNfS KXCUNI'S KXlJJNTS JaXlJNI'S JaXlJNTS OPEN REF:mRID v.rnKED C!OSED~) PEN)tN} January 11 41 52 42 (80'/4) 10 February 10 44 54 49 (90~) 5 March 5 46 51 43 (8,f/o) 8 / 4 of 7 su:r::ESSFUL CTDSES(%) 228 (8s>lo) 217 (70'/o) 172 (7l'/o) 97 (91%) 80 (67%) 103 (7 4'/o) 95 (90'/o) 27 (51%) 37 (9Wo) sux:ESSFUL CIDSES~) 38 (9CY/o) 41 (83'/o) 40 (93'/o) ... 5 of 7 VI I I. <XMPlTI'ER CENI'ER INSfALLATICN Oir coaputer center is located in the City of Fullerton. 'Yk use dual Digital F..quiprent Corporation (DEC) systems for full security back up capabilities. All of our processing is done in-house and we do not de- pend on outside sub-contractc-rs. We have an in-house staff of systems and applications programrers. We also maintain a full-time staff of data entry operators. HAIU'I.ARE DB:: pdpll/70 C.P.U. DEC pdpll/34 C.P. U. (Z) ax; Disk Drives (5) CUHER Tape Drives (3) TIY 40 Line Printers (3) DIABIO Letter Printers (6) TFLEVIDID C.R.T. (60) S'.::>F1WARE RSfS/E Q,erating System RT-11 " " RSX " n DB: Basic Plus DK:: Micro 11 DA~ffiIEVE-11 DIMS \\Cro-11 IX. "lflCR< STATlM1!NI' (California Ci tat ion Processing) 1. Citations will be picked up and processed on a weekly basis or as designated by the city/court. If desired a C.R.T., on-:ine to our COtll>Uter, will be placed in the city/court for data entry, disposi- tion and access ibi Ii ty of in format ion. z. Issue registered O\vner's inquiries on delinquent citations as required. 3. Notify R/0 by first class mail. 4. Notify leasees/renters by first class mail. 5. Notify rMV of non-paying citations, per rMV requi retrent s. 6. Submit nx>nthly report to the city/court showing: a. Date b, N.nrber of citations picked up and processed c. Nun-her of R/0 inquiries d, M.nrber of R/0 notifications e. Ntnmer of leasee/renter notifications f. N.nmer of r.MV notifications on non-paying citations 7, Am>nthly listing of each entered citation by citation nurri>er (ascending order) by date the citation was entered into process- ing system. There will be a rronthly total that will correspond with the billing total. 8. The system will provide the city/court with imrediate ac~essibility to current status of any selected traffic citation by citation nurrber or vehicle license nuni>er. 6 of 7 X. m:x::ESSINJ TIMEI'ABLE DAYS w.o.c.J.o. Processing 0 1 -15 16 -30 31 35 36 -50 51 -55 56 -60 61 -430 431 N.o.c.J.o. Processing 0 1 -30 31 -60 61 -65 66 -80 81 -85 86 -90 91 -460 461 JCrIOl TAKEN Citation entered into system Payment per i od Request to ThN for R/O Info. Notice of Intent to R/0 R/0 response period to IDI Not ice of Non-Payments and Notice of Dispositions to DAV Citation attached at I:MV Ci tat ion/Registration disposition period Data purged from the system XI • S1:.1\.TI STICAL .ANALYSIS and Mt\N/GEMENI' RERRI'S The following Statistical and Managerrent Reports are available: 1. Daily Data F.n try Log 2. M.:mthly License Cross Reference (Milti-Agency Capabi Ii ty and Milt iple Violations) 3. M:>nthly Citation Status Report (I:MVC.Ollection, Deletions and Lein Status) 4. M::mthly Managemmt Report (Status,Dispositions and Statistical PercentaP,es) 5. M:>nthly Classification and Revenue Report (Officer Production and Revenue by section cited) PLEASE REFER 'IO 1HE REIORrS :ecI.OSED RR FUR1HER INFOMA.TIOO / /,', •. 7 of 7 XII. oc:HEDULE OF FEES Utr service is based on a unit cost per citation processed. The unit value is determined by the highest volurre of citations entered into the system fo?' the month billing period. Once a price break is attained that unit value is 1rultiplied by the total nurxi>er of citations entered for the nx>nth to reach the IXX>nthly fee. Ci tat ions/M:mth under 2,500 Z,500 -4,999 5,000 -9,999 10,000 -14,999 15,000 -19,999 20,000 or IIO?'e Cost/Ci tat ion $.75 $. 70 $.65 $.60 $.55 $.50 (Exruq,le: 5,100/montb x $.65 each= $3,315.00) A arr Terminal and other necessary data transmission equipment wi 11 be provided without charge to the court/city user based on the above price structure and a minimim of 1,000 citations per rmnth. For those users with less than 1,000 ci tat ious per month the data entry wi 11 be provided by SEICXM. XIII. T:EIMS and AUIH:RIZID SICN'mS BIILIOO PER.IQ): Full preceeding month prior to the designated billing date. BIILINJ D\TE: 1st. or 15th. of each nDnth. TElMS: All Invoices are due and payable upon receipt. DISXXJNT: 2.% if paid within 10 days of the Invoice date. LATE Cl!AR}E: A 1. !J¼ per month late charge wi 11 be added to all Invoices not paid within 30 days. a:M'AN:{: ADm.ESS: SICN.ED: TI'ILE: Spence F.nterprises, Inc. -SEl<XM 1525 W. c.omronweal th P.O. Bo~ 2308 Fullerton, CA 92633 Jerry N. Spence President and Oiairrmn or SIGrnJ: NJME: Gary E. Ward Tin..E: E.~ecutive Vice President ,":Jd DATE: .Apr i 1 3 0, 1981 / f f • I .· . . ,. • 1 I- , .. ~ " ~~ . ., !" .. .. . . ., ,. • ,;) , :.1 '1 1 •.~ • J ... .,'\,....:,, ... ,. -:.·• ..• ,...;·1 ..,;: • ~,.••.I''·••' .... ; .. ,r.· .. i,.J'••~' _.il-..t~;..w..;.J1..-...«,i,.M" ·. .. . . . .,, .. ~ ........ -. \! 1 {' ~;.• .. -I . -~·:1r· -1•'t .. , ,; r.;.'°, •1• iJ,,\ \ ~, .. : .. ~.~f.1qtit~~C:... ·: : ---~ /:: ·~~ ., .• ;e:.·~,..•!·t·· ,\,; r:,;. \r}··,>.,-,..,, ;t-:~'°,', .... •~r," .s .. .,.-, .. ~~-•;.'-'·:~~ ,,,. ;,, ;,·~ .. -:.,> .··· / l ,,. .. ...... \ .. I . ~ ' l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 10 t /' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6605, __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF C,l\RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE M.A..YOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREE·· MENT WITH SPENCE ENTERPRISES, INC., PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF. OELINQUEMT PARKING CITATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Pol ice Department issues parking citat~ons for violations of the Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, the current system of collection of delinquent parking cit~tions is inadequate towards promoting public compliance to citation~ payment; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to ope~ate a parking citation col- lection system in a cost effective manner; and WHEREAS, Spence Enterprises, Inc. currently operates a comp uteri zed ci.tation collection system available for usage by the City of Carlsbad, such system that will greatly enhance Carlsbad's parking citation collection effort. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby authorizes the lfiayor to enter into the attached agreement with Spence enterprises, Inc. providing for the collection of delinquent parking citations. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of July, 1981, by the following· vote, to 1'lit: AYES: Council Menpers ·Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABS ENT: None ,.,..RONALD C. PACKARD, M/\YOR ATTEST: