HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-21; City Council; 6671; National Endowment For The HumanitiesIni t iaP : Q CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 e' Dept .Hd.B; be AGENDA BILL NO. - 46 7/ DATE : July 21, 1981. C. Atty.?)r'-/: - C. Mgr. -2 % Library - DEPARTMENT : Subject: National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Application Statement of the Matter In February 1980 the Library received a planning grant in the amount of $10,000 f the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project title was, "The Cultural Doesn't Stop Here Anymore" - and four research documents resulted from the year o work under the planning grant. The Library is applying for a second grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The purpose of the one-year project is to increase community awarene of the Library's uni-que local history resources. This project is the implementat phase of the planning grant awarded by NEH in 1980. Scholars who completed the original research will lead a series of public outreach programs. Fiscal Impact The estimated cost for the year-long project is $24,848. This grant, if approved will cover $11,480 of the cost. in-kind contributions make up the balance of $13 $5,652 in staff salaries, $6,000 office space, publicity, promotion, utilitie phone and bookmobile van $1,716. Heritage of Carlsbad and North San Diego County", A twenty minute film - "The Tr Exhibits 1. NEH application. 2. Resolution No. kk/{ Re commen da t i on If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. dd// application for the grant. authorizing staff to submit APPROVED _-----I_ ----. .t 1. Individual AppIicanliPrincipili Project Director a: Name and hlailing Address mur, Geoffrev {lasl. first. initial] 1250Elm Av6n-w r2,-i q h-.-d- p2? < fp,--i 2 93nn, Q, -- - ~ -- {slate] (zip1 'cJ1yL~lec&-s brb+or titktposition 2. Citizenship . f. Teie hone 1. WUSA 2.n Other Specify: f 71$ 438-567iS,,,,. ~~ ~ - -- ~ b. Dale of Birth (For NEH use ONLY] II rno day year Date Received iI -c. Major Field of S!udy ' Applicalion '. Initials 2. Type of Application d. Highest Degree Attsined 1. 0 New 2. 0 Revision '3. menewal *4. 0 Supplemen! 'If 3 or 4 [above) enter previour I mo year e. Education PL-00042-80-0311 4. Type of Applicanl 3. Program TO which Appiication Ia Being Made z' Puslic Libm Zcqram 5. Requested Period ~~t~l 7. Requested Amounl Months sv '* 1 Outright 1,1 I 82 1,: i 82 from: mo day yr To: mo day :'I 5. Audiences (Direct Beneficianes) s s 11,480.00 8. &?m&pubLic I. D fndividual ~25 Institution/Organization [T Congressional District * If (2) above finst.forg.) enter - Type: m Status: Lary Other Contributions S I C. Carlsjad, CA 1 n/a 139. Haveyouaubmittcd.ordoyoupl~n tosubmit asimilarapplication tr, another NEH Program? If yes, provide nama[s):[year[s) when epplicabicJ ~ m. 135. Have you submitted.or do you plantosubmit 8 simiInrappli to another government or privmte entity? If yes. provide na [yearis) when applicable] no 111. Date Prepared IV. Project Titie PROJECT BUDGET WaLhington. D.C. 20506 ~ Natior:al Endowment for the Humaniti The Cultural Heritage of Carlsbad: An Outreach Pmg?.Xm. PT appiicztian budget budgc! revision V. Project Director Geoffrey Arm3ur pant or spplicaG~ 11. Applicani Organization. VI. Grant Period From 1 1 82 To 1 1 f --- --_ Carlsbad city I;lbrary monrh day ycar month day y DiilECT COSTS Salaries and wages Consultant fees Fi30 8,066 24,848 Total Dircc: Ccs~ INDIRECT COSTS (I) Requested from Endowment: Outright funds $ 11,480 Gifts io NEH Federal Matching 11,4 Total Requested from Endowment $ (2) Cm Sharing a. Cash Conrriburjcns . b. In-Kind Contributions ' , ' (lis1 applicant's amicipated cash ourlay and Ihe sources and amounts of :hirc'-party donations, pnts, etc.) (lis! each major ikm, source. and value) staff salaries 5 5165 Office Space b,uu publicity/Pmtion 45 utilities/Piione 54 mkmbile Van 72 -__- Total CQSt Sharing $- 3rd twelve-month period ending ___ - __ 5th twelve-month period ending __ __ - 4th lwelve-m'onth period ending - - - X. Authorizing Official 743 4/1/78 Name and Tirlc (plcase rypc or print! 2d- Signarum D FEU& Aleskire,. City. Pknager ____ _I_ __ to __ DIRECT COSTS (Please refer to the instructions on Direct Costs before completing this section.) r $l:ibS (1 1 T37-7- (1 1 Geoffrey A~E Patricia msm. Christine HOL~ me mff (1 1 (1 1 r&-& Z*rn&?i’ $+ -c ( 1 - ( 1 - ( ) ( 1 1,215 $0,500 Total Consultant Fees ......................................................................................................................................................... 4. Travel Costs transportation subsistence days in Amount ( destination costs costs rravel status + subsis .- < ) s AI baGs/rnethod of cost computation tYPc 525 5- Graphic &s nWerhlSr . $175/pwarn x 3 programs - . -- paper, etc. 2Ior present&aTs __ Xprmbm -. - Gzzd..me t0rm-b ile __ -... --5/Progr~ x 3 Programs 105 - __ Total Cost of Supplies and hfaterials $- 630 _________r__________-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_-_-------------------------------------. s- - Total Cost of Services f- _--________-_-__--_---------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------~------------------------_--_--------------- 7. Other (lis! each major !:ir< 225 cost computation) Vpe basis/m'ethod of cost computation A Office Space $500/mnth x 12 mnths ' $- 6 ,OC Publicity/Pmtibn $ 38/mnth x 12 mnths 45 Ecokmbile Vm. $ 6G/day x 12 days 72 Wray aquzi+ion 02 Luq sum 35 duplicate :mtsrial Total Cost of Other 5 8 7 OE -l & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'EO 23. 12 13 3.4 15 16 3-7 18 19 20 * 21 22 z3 24 25 26 27 28 * w RESGLUTION NO. 6611 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TtlE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTtIORIZlNG STAFF TO SUBPIIT NATiOKr\i El;GOit!I4EEr;T FOR TIE HUMANITIES GRANT APPLICP,TIO!J D -___- I4HERERS 7 the Carl sbad Ci ty Li brary received and comp? etcd a one-ye Planning Grant 'iron: the Nztional Endowlnent for the Humanities (NEW); an WI-EREAS, the Library t?sw wishes to submit an application for a one Implementation Grant from NEH; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Councfl of the City of Carlc California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That staff is hereby authorized and directed to subrn'l'c said a1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADGPTED by the City Council of the City of C at a regular meeting held the 2lst day O-T JUJ_Y 9 1981 9 by following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Lkore ABSENT : N~*e Council Ymbers PacLdrd, Casler , hear, Lewis znd Kulcl Xi @d/flgkL/ &,Lb ./L . RONALD C. PACKARD, %yor ATTEST: iql 4 [ ALE HA L. RAU ElkR$ZyzCkq (Seal )