HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-04; City Council; 6428-2; LIve Oak Saving Plan Palomar Oakse 0 .A ** 'r 4 c AGENDA BILL INITIAL: MGH:wl *z DEPT. ED.@ ~44 AGENDA BILL NO: b s/z 9 DATE : August 4, 1981 CTY.ATTY. uf& DEPARTMENT: PLANNING W, MGR, < > SUaTECI': LIVE OAK SAVING PLp;N CASE NO: CT 80-38/PUD-22 APPLICANT: PAIX>MAROAKS STATEMENT OF TKE MA!PIER: This item is a request for approval of the proposed tree saving plan whj shows the location of all mature live oaks that will be retained at the Oaks Business Center, located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road. the Council will recall, when this project was approved on December 2, 1 condition was added requiring the applicant to prepare a plan identifyir of the trees proposed for removal. Staff has reviewed the tree saving I: examined the existing live oaks on the site. upon review of this plan E feels that it addresses all of the concerns expressed by the City Councj addition, the applicant has shitted a detailed landscape plan which pr to replace the trees to he removed at greater than a 1 : 1 ratio, These t will consist of live oaks and other natural specimens. 4 field examination of the live oaks has revealed that over half of the -----Q--""trees are so diseased or undermined by recent erosion that they would pi die within the next five years even if no developnent occurred at this : Many of the trees on this site will have to be rmved to construct dra: improvements, access roads and the widening of Palomar Airport Road. I1 unfortunate that so few mature live oaks can be preserved, but staff fec the applicant has made an effort to save as many live oaks as possible. mRONMENTALl REVIEW None required. FISCAL IMPACT *I - e-r-- - I-^ - None RECOMMENDATION The Planning Staff recommends that the proposed tree saving plan be - app the City Council. A'I"ACJ3"T 1) Tree Saving Plan 2) City Council Resolution No. 6378 APPROVED v 2 3 ll' 41 5 61 7 8 9 2.8 3.1 112 2 t3 3-3 n rL .d $ i_ 1 RESOLC~~LON NO, -- 6378 A RESOLUTIOX OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0%' FBE PITY OF CARLSEAD, CALLPORNIA, AP?ROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CY 80-38) AND PLAGXED UNIT DZVELOPiENT (Pun-22) FOR A 20 LOT IXDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY ON THE SOUT'ii SIDE OB PALOLHAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF YARROW DRIVE. APPLICAXT: BIRTCBER WHEREAS, on, ~etober 22, P~$Q, tXie Carlshad Phnnirzg Cdmrissian adopted Resolution No. 1716 recommending to 'c City Council that Tentative Tract. Map CCT 80-38) be appr and V~~QLIJ~~Q~ No, 1717 recornending that the Planned UI Deve1opmen.C: IPUD-~~) for a 210 lot industrial, subdivisior approved; and WHEREAS, the City Coimeil of the City 02 Carlsbad., . I cc Q 0-2 -0 u: * 24 $c 8 d 36 >E .$ 17 "Uq EO v) "4 E u 18 wo 19 20 to Tentative Tract Map (CT 80-38) and Planned 3nit Deve (~~-22) : and F?HEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit i Devdopmenk have been declared to have a nonsignificsnt I on the environment and a Negative Decl-aration has been 23 24 25 26 27 22 NOW, TE-IEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVE:D by the City Counci i 1 City of Carlsbad, California as foflows: 1 A. That the above recitatioas are true and cor1 1 B. That the findings of 'the Planning Cormissior? ' ResoXu-i-ion No. 1726 and Resolution No, 1717 constitute t I findings 05 the City Council in this matter, I 3 4 5 6 4 $1 CJ 10 21 f2 13 J 0 2 V) o3 13~ . c a C. That said Tcatative Tract Map 3rd Planned Vni improvement and subject to the conditions of this resol is consistent with a11 applicable general and specific of the City of Carlsbad,. D, That Tentative Tract Map (CT 80-38) and Plann Development (PUE-22) are hereby approved subject to all able requirements of the, Garllsbad Pluxicsipal Code anC tc satksfaction of the conditions .contained in Planning C Resolution No- 1.716, dated Q@t.aSer 22, 19&0, marked Exk att.ache6 hereto and made a part hereof, and Planning Cc Resolution No. 1717, dated October 22, 1980, marked Ex1 attached hereko and made a part bereof r except that Re: 6L u1 5 1~1 4 J ti * 54 t->uo z:au- 96j $>E:S y;z I 0 e 3-51 w LO G7 -- I- -I >+ c I 3.7 No, 1717, Condition 10 5.s revised as folloxs:: "'0) FJhmever possible, the existing live Gaks on site shall be presezved, In thak regarc?. the applicant shall prepare a plan identifying a: trees proposed for rermvalp The plan shall 1 presented to the City C~uncif for review and 22 .23 1 day Of Deceriber , * ' , -1980 by the following vite, t AYES: Council Members Packard, Casfer, Anear % Lewis and I