HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-04; City Council; 6494-1; General Plan AmendmentsAGENDA BILL / a / a /I **- INITIAL; CG:ar AGENDA BILL NO: 6 *f /7 " .. •*•"<"g.4flT>ifl..f'a*Y DEPT* m- -^ ^ DATE: AUGUST 4, 1981 CTY. ATTY. \) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING CTY. MGR. £ SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS (LAND USE ELEMENT) SCHEDULING STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: In January of 1981 the City Council approved a Resolution (No. 6426) establishing hearing dates for amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Two schedules (attached) were adopted under this resolution. The first schedule was for 1981 and the second was for the years following. Since the schedule was adopted the city has received three requests (two attached in letter form) to revise the date for the December, 1981, meeting. The letters are requesting that the December hearing be rescheduled in September, 1981, which would move the hearing forward 3 months. Staff feels that September would be too early because there are several applicants (Sherman, Santa Fe Co.) held over from the last hearing. These applicants will not have their environmental impact reports (EIRs) completed by September. As a result, staff is proposing to move the hearing forward to November 17. This will save several weeks time and should ensure that the Sherman and Santa Fe applications will make the agenda. The Planning Commission meeting would be moved forward to October 28, 1981. Staff would also recommend that the schedule for future general plan amendments be modified to change all future December amendments to November. This would allow time for the documents to be prepared and approved prior to the new year (Land Use Element amendments are permitted 3 times per year). Staff is further recommending that the revised schedule reflect deadlines for projects requiring EIRs. These times are provided on the revised schedule (see proposed schedule attached). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve Resolution No. &(p3 \ / revising Resolution No. 6426 (January 20, 1981), adopting a General Plan Amendment schedule. EXHIBITS 1) General Plan Amendment Schedules Existing and Proposed 2) Letter, Jim Goff - April 20, 1981 3) Letter, Bob Ladwig - April 20, 1981 4) Resolution No. 6426 5) Resolution No. tf(»3\ APPROVED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (LAND USE ELEMENT) HEARING DATES EXISTING SCHEDULE COUNCIL HEARING APPLICATION DEADLINE 1981 1981 1982 until revised GPA 1 January 1981 (1/20/81) GPA 2 June 1981 (First Meeting) GPA 3 December 1981 (First Meeting) GPA 1 June of each year (First Meeting) GPA 2 December of each year (First Meeting) GPA 3 Reserved for Council and scheduled by separate resolution. February 27, 1981 August 31, 1981 February 28th of each year. August 31st of each year. 1981 1981 1982 until revised PROPOSED SCHEDULE COUNCIL HEARING GPA 1 January 1981 (1/20/81) GPA 2 June 1981 (First Meeting) GPA 3 November 1981 (Second Meeting) GPA 1 June of each year (First Meeting) GPA 2 November of each year (Second Meeting) GPA 3 Reserved for Council and scheduled by separate resolution. APPLICATION DEADLINE February 27, 1981 August 1, 1981 (May 1, 1981 if EIR is necessary). February 28th of each (November 1st of previous year if EIR is necessary). August 1st of each year (April 1st if EIR is necessary). EXHIBIT 1 WON CORPORATION 4O41 MacARTHUR BOULEVARD, P.O. BOX 277O. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 9266O TELEPHONE (714) 752-7855 Our file Number: April ^ Ig81 James C. Hagaman Director of Planning City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Jim: I am in receipt of your letter of April 15 regarding the processing schedule of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan and General Plan amendment. The time problem you have outlined I can well recognize and appreciate. In your letter you indicate a possibility of rescheduling the next City Council hearing on this matter from December to a date in early fall. As you are well aware, a great deal has been accomplished on the Rancho Carrillo project, particulary major revisions requested by your staff which we have been able to make within the last three or four weeks. I feel the momentum that has been generated in revising this project should not be lost. Expeditious processing of this project I know is a desire of yours as it is of the applicant. Therefore, I would urge that you recorrmend a modification to the present December hearing schedule that would permit the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan and General Plan amendment to be heard by the City Council at its first public hearing in September which I believe to be the 1st. Your support of this request would be very much appreciated. Yours truly, RECEIVED Costa Land Company/Daon Corporation JG/mln APR 2 0 1981 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department EXHIBIT 2 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY OTfflft'gS! RECEIVED 3088 PIO PICO DR. • SUITE 202 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O. BOX 1129 • PHONE • AREA CODE 714 • 729-4987 APR 2 7 1981 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department April 23, 1981 Mr. Jim Hageman City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS Dear Jim: The City has recently adopted a schedule for general plan amendment hearings for 1981/1982. The next general plan hearing will be in June and the one following that will be in December of 1981. Because of the long time between the last two meetings of the year, and because of the potential for a lengthy pre-application time because of the environmental process, I would like to re- quest that the next general plan hearing be moved from Decem- ber to early September of 1981. I would also like to ask that you review with your staff, and possibly amend the cut-off dates for applications for general plan amendments. Because there is a potential for a very lengthy environmental review process on major projects, you may want to consider re-analyzing the submittal dates, along with adjusting the actual hearing dates. I would think that you should look at your 1982 schedules also, for any potential revisions. Thank you for your consideration on this item, and I again would like to ask that you process a request to amend the application and general plan hearing dates. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this further with me, please feel free to call. Thank you. Sincerely, •Oo^- Robert C. Ladwig RCL:rc EXHIBIT 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY" COUNCIL OF .THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ' ESTABLISHING CITY COUNCIL HEARING DATES FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS . _ _ _ . . WHEREAS, Chapter 21.52 and Section 21.52.160 of the Carlsbad 5 Municipal Code outline the procedures for amending the General fi Plan; and 7 WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the General Plan is 80 a policy statement for the entire community; and o9 WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the value in a compre- •*• 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6426 hensive review of the General Plan Amendment proposals and realize "LI ••*• the time required to adequately review periodic General Plan IP•*•** Amendment proposals; and WHEREAS, the City Council perceives the value in reserving •" unto itself at least one annual General Plan Amendment; and . WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the value in establishing a schedule for General Plan Amendments and -application deadlines. 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Carlsbad, California, as follows:» 1. That the above recitations are true and correct; . 2. That the following schedule for General Plan Amendment Council hearings and General Plan Amendment application deadlines be established: //// //// //// //// //// //// 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 •21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1981 1981 1982 until revised COUNCIL HEARING GPA 1 January 1981 (1/20/81) GPA 2 June 1981 (First Meeting) GPA 3 December 1981 (First Meeting) GPA 1 June of each year (First Meeting) APPPLICATION DEADLINE February 27, 1981 August 31, 19F1 February 28th of each year GPA 2 December of each year August 31st of each year (First Meeting) GPA 3 Reserved for Council _ and scheduled by separate resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of.the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the ^ntK day of January 1981, by the following vote, to wit:• AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None "DONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: <ft - ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City CleJtF (SEAL) -2- 1 RESOLUTION NO. ' 6631 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 6426 3 ESTABLISHING COUNCIL HEARING DATES FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN 4 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that a need 5 exists to establish hearing dates for amendments to the Land Use 6 Element of the General Plan; and 7 WHEREAS, the City Council has in Resolution No. 6426 8 established a schedule for General Plan Amendments and 9 application deadlines; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that a need 11 exists to revise the existing General Plan Land Use Amendment 12 Schedule; and 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City 14 Council of the city of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the following schedule for amendments to the Land Use 17 Element of the General Plan supercede the existing schedule on lines' 1-10 (page 2) of Resolution No. 6426 as approved on 18 January 20, 1981. 19 COUNCIL HEARING APPLICATION DEADLINE 20 1981 GPA 1 January 1981 (1/20/81) 21 1982 ' GPA 2 June 1981 February 27, 1981 (First Meeting) 22 GPA 3 November 1981 August 1, 1981 23 (Second Meeting) (April 1, 1981 if EIR is necessary) 24 1982 GPA 1 June of each year February 28th of 25 until (First Meeting) each year (November revised 1st of previous year 26 if E!R is necessary) 27 GPA 2 November of each year August 1st of each (Second Meeting) year (April 1st if 28 E!R is necessary). GPA 3 Reserved for Council and scheduled by separate' 2 resolution. 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the 4 city of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of 5 August, 1981, by the following vote, to wit: 6 AYES: Council Members Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 7 NOES: None 8 ABSENT: Council Member Packard 9 ABSTAIN: None 10 11 RONALD C,y PACKARD, Mayor MARY H. CASLER, Vice-Mayor 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerfe 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28