HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-18; City Council; 6656-1; Zone code amendment - Mobile Homes in R-1 zoneAGENDA BILL INITIAL,: PI;ENDA BILL NO: / l3wr* HD* DATE : BLK;UST 18, 1981 CTY. ATIY. \)FA SUBfECT:mCODE AMENDm TO ALLOW- CASE NO: ZCA-136 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD . ?his Zone Code Amendment previously was considered by the City Council at its meeting of July 7, 1981 but was referred back to the Planning Cammission for a report on the following three issues: 1. 2. 3. Requiring a minimum width for dwelling units. miring a one car garage rather than a two car garage. Allowing the use of metal exterior siding material. Regarding a minimum width requirement, the Planning Comnission remmends that a minhm width of 20 feet be established for all single family dwelling units so that single wide mobile homes are not placed on lots in the R-1 zone. Regarding the issue of a tw car garage, the Ccrmnission believed that this was a desirable requirement for all R-1 zoned areas of the city irrespective of the mbile home issue and the Conmission strongly recomnends that the requirement for a two car garage be left in the proposed ordinance. Regarding the final issue; the use of metal exterior siding, the Cmnission also strongly urges that the presently propsed wording in the Zone Code Amendment be retained. masonry, mod or brick exterior but allows the Planning Director to approve an alternative siding material if it can be shown that it will be mmpatible with the other haws in the neighborhood. As presently proposed, the ordinance requires stum, ENvI-BL.mEw ?he Planning Director has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated June 7, 1981, which was aproved by the Planning mission on June 10, 1981. Planning Department. A mpy of the environmental documents is on file in the FISCAL IMpAcf No fiscal impacts. Rl3mTION Both th e Planning Staff and Planning Conmission recornend that this item be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPFXXING ZCA-136, per Planning Carrpnission Resolution No. 1817 with one modification to add the following additional developnent standard: "(5) All dwelling units shall have a minimum width of (20) twenty feet. AITAC- I. K Kesolution No. 1817 with Exhibit "A" 2. Staff Report dated July 16, 1981 3. PC Minutes dated July 16, 1981 APPROVED' ', - ', .Y 'I 3 3, 2 4 6 .7 'a -' *. 9 . io 13 12 .. 24 .. .. . 15 I6 17 IS 19 20 . 21 .- .' 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 $ _. 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION. NO- 1817 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMf4ISSIOCI'OF THE CITY ZONE CODE AMENDMENT AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21 -07, SECTION 21.08.010(8) AND '21.08-100, CHAPTER 21.09, CHAPTER 21.10, SECTION 21.2o.OlO(9) AMD 21.10.100, TO ALLOW MOBILE HOMES TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ALL HOMES LOCATED ON SINGLE APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA,- RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A SECTION 21 .070030(5) AND 21 A7J20, .CHAPTER 21-08, . SECTION 21.09, SECTION 21,09.010(5.) AH0 21.09,190, - E-A, R-1, R-A AND R-E ZONES.AMR TO ESTABLISH A SET OF . FAMILY LOTS. ZCA-136 r.r WHEREAS, the Planning Cornmissfan; did, OR the-10th day of une, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearfng as prescribed by law o consider said request; and - r* WHEREAS, at said pub1 ic' hearing, upon hearing and consfder- ng all testimony and arguments, if any, af-all persans desiring to e heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Zon * ode Amentiment. . - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Cb~n- --.* ission af the city of Carlsbad as followsr 1 That the foregoing recitations are true and corrcit. 1 That based on the evidence presented at the public'hearing, the Commission recommends APPROVAL af ZCA-136, according to Exhibit "A" dated June 3, 1981, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: indi ngs: a Allowing mobile homes to be located on single Family lots wfll . provide a more affordable alternative to conventionally built housing. - . ) The proposed zone code amendments will implement Government Cod Section 65852.,3. ) The proposed development standards will assure that all new . homes located in a single family residential ncfghborhood will be compatible with the existing homes in the area, - -.I , $: , 3: . .2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 . -_ 9 10 -. 11 12 ., 13 . 14 20 21 22 23 :e 24 25 26 '27 20 (7'7 6- I_ 4) That the project will not cause any significant envSronmental impacts, and a Declaration of Negative Environmental Impact has been issued by the Planning Director, dated June 7, 1981, and approved by the Planning Commission on June 10, 1931. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the . Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, California, held an. the 10th day of June, 1981, by the following vote, to wit: -. AYES: Chairman liarcus, Caqxisshners Rombotis, Farraw, Schlehuber, Jose, Fr5estedt and L'Meureux, NOES: None I a ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None, . ATTEST: .. * .. a *. - . .. .. -, .* . . EXfiIBXT "A" XJNE 3; 1381 x. _. r' - - ' ORDINANCE 'NO AN ORDINANCE OF TEIE CITY. COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF CARLEDAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21, CIIAPTERS 21.07, 21.013, 21.09 and 21.10 OF THE . CARLSDAD NUNICIPAL CODE BY 'rim ADDITION OF SECTIONS 21.07.030(5), 21.07.120; 2l,O8.OlO(8), .. 21.10.010(9), AND 21.10.100 J.lTc=SPEGTLVELY TO - -. 21.08.100, 21.09.020(5), 21.09.190, AUW MOBILEHOMES ON PEWANENT FOUNDATXONS TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS ZONED FOR SINGLE FAMILY .. D\'?ELLINGS AND TO E STABLI Sfi DEVELOPMENT SI'ANDARDS FOR ALL SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS LOCATED ON LOTS ZONED FOR' SUCH UNITS. The City Council c of the City of Caxlsbad, Caiifornia, . .- does ordain as follows: - EZCTION 1: That 21, Ch'apters 21.07, 21.08, 21.69 and 21.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal, Coclc are amended by the! addition of Sections 21.07.030( 5 1 : 21.08.010 (8); 2L09.020 (5) and 21.10.010(9) respectively, each of which shall read as f 01 lows: 4 "Mobilehomes certified under the National Mabilehome Construction and Safety Randards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section 5401 et seq.) on a foundation system pqrsuant to Sction 28551 ~f the State Health and Safety Code-" . -. SECTION 2: That Title 21, Chapters 21.87, 21.0&, 21.09 *- . and 21.10 of the Cnrlsbad Municipal Code are amended by the addition of Sections 21.07.120, 21S08.3.00r 21.09.190 and 21.10.100 respectively, each of tjhich' shall rcad as follows : .. e,' * "Development standarcls, No one-family dwelling unit, whcther it be convcntionally built;.m&ul-ar or a mobilchornc, shall be located on'a lot in this zonc unless such dwelling unit cornplics with thc Pol lowing dcvclopmcnt standards: wlij.ch is architecturally iiitcgratcd wj th and has. an cxteri.or similar to thc dwelling unit. .dimension of twcnty fcct square. . (I.) ~ach dwcl.1intj unit shall. have a two car garage. acli garacjc slia3-1 have a minimum (2) All. dt~cll ing units shal- I. liave 'q pcrmancnt foundat ion. For mobilc?roinc~o Q fouii(?at ion c;yr;tcm instnl-l-cd pursuant to Scction 10551 of the State 1Jcal.th and Safety CoQe .olmll satisfy thc! xcqu'ircrncnts . of this ucction, -c! f. . b 1 '2 3 4 5 6 :7 E .* .' *' 'S ' If Exterior sicling material shall be stticco, masonry, wood or brick unless an alternative exterior ma$crial is approved by the Pl.anning Director. The Planning Director may appravc a. siding material other .than those listed in this sectioa only if he finds that use of .such material is in harmany with other dwelling units in the neighborhood, inches in twelve inches unless an alternative roof pitch is approved by the Planning Director. In approving an altewnatiGe roof pitch, the Director shall find that the roof is $rchitecturally integrated with the structure and is fn harmony with surrounding development in the same neighborhood. This ordinance shall be ef.fectlve (4) All roofs shall have a pitch of at least three -* EFFECTIVE DATE: thirty days after its Sdoptiooan, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and'cause it to be I, . published at least once .in the Caxlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the ~ 1 Carlsbad City Council held on the day &E c 1981, and thereafter PASSED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting DE said city -. 1981, by .._ .. Council held on the day of .C ' .- the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ATTEST : .. ., I. ._ . . ( S I!:Al,) .. c c -. . .. .. B . ._ ---. *. RONALD C. PACYCllD, Mayor -. *'f I : .. f'; STAFF REPORT DATE : July 16, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department - SUBJECT: ZCA-136;-CITY-OF-CARLSBAD - Amendment to the Zoning Code to allow mobile homes to be located on lots in the single family residential zones, Referred back from the City Council. I. BACKGROUND This item was previously considered by the Planning Commission at its meeting of June 10, 1981, at which time the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment to the City Council (see attached Resolution No. 1817). The item wits considered by the City Council at its meeting OP July 7, 1981 at which time three issues were raised regarding the recommended amendment. The item was referred back to the Planning Commission for a report on the three issues. The three issues are as follows: 1) Minimum width requirements for dwelling units, 2) Requirement for one car garage rather than two car garage, 3) Use of metal exterior siding material, 11. ANALYSIS A, Minimum-width requirement - A member of the City Council suggested that a minimum width be established for all single family dwelling units so that single wide mobile homes are not placed on lots in the R-1 zone. Staff has no objection to this requirement and which recommend that the following additional development standards be added to the ordinance amendment: "(5) All dwelling units shall have a minimum width of (20') twenty feet," B. Requirement for two car-garage - A member of the Council questioned the need for a two car garage and suggested that only a one car garage be required. Staff was recommending the requirement for several reasons. First and primarily, staff feels that all single famiPy residences in the city should be required to have a two car garage for the overall betterment and quality of future development in the city. Even if the city was not considering an ordinance to allow mobile homes in single family zones, staff would have suggested that the existing ordinance for conventionally-built R-1 residences be amended to require a two-car garage. Secondly, very few new residences are being constructed in the R-1 zones make mobile homes compatible, the requirement appears to be a very reasonable one. Staff's review of existing mobile home development indicated that the provision of a two car garage was definitely a feature which added to the compatibility between the appearance of a mobile home and a conventionally-built house, Therefore, staff would recommend thdt the requirement for a two car garage for all new residential construction in the s-1 zone be retained. (It should he noted that this requirement would not affect the off-street parking requirements for development in all the other zones but only the R-1 zones). suggested that the standard for exterior siding materials be reconsidered with the idea of allowing metal siding. Although staff believes that if the metal exterior siding was not made of corrugated aluminum and was of a sufficient thickness, calor and texture, it could be made compatible with conventionally-built units. However, this would be very difficult to review at the time of building permit applications on a routine basis. Staff feels that there would be better protection regarding compatibility with existing single family neighborhoods if the recommended standard regarding exterior siding materials be retained as is. It should be pointed out that the way the standard is presently worded, it would allow an applicant to propose an exterior siding other than StUCCO, masonry, wood or brick and if the applicant can show to the satisfactian of the Planning Director that the siding material will not be incompatible with the SUIXOU~~~KKJ neighborhood, it can be approved. without a two car garage and, therefore, in order to - C. Use of metal.exterior siding - Members of the Council 111. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission reagfirm its previous decision on ZCA-136 as contained in Resolution No, 1817 with one modification to add the following additional development standard to Exhibit "A": (5) All dwelling units shall have a minimum width of (20) twenty feet. ATTACHMENTS: 2) Exhibit "A" dated, June 3, 1981 MJH:ar 1) PC Resolution No. 1817 ? .. ... PLANNING COMMISSION July 22, 1981 . Page 10 Jean Jensen, Planning Consultant for the applicant, ~ addressed the Commission, and requested clarifiFation of Commissioner Rombotis' concern of the improvements on Park Drive. She indicated that otherwise, the applicant is in agreement with all the conditions. Commissioner Rombotis explained that they were pot adding a new condition, as the improvements are required. He addec that under some of the minor subdivisions they took a futurt street agreement, and he did not want same to occur here. The Commission recognized Raymond G. Spangler, 3774 Skyline Road, Carlsbad; owner of the property. Mr. Spangler inquired if they would have to make the improvements now, or just agree to make them. Commissioner Rombotis respondec that he should make the improvements now, and referred to Condition No. 10 of Resolution No.,1838. He also pointed 01 that Ms. Jensen agrees with the condition. The Cornmission approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopted the following Resolutic approving MS-533, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report: RESOLUTION NO. 1838, APPROVING THE CREATION OF TWO PAN- HANDLE LOTS AS PART OF A MINOR SUEDIVISIOK LOCATFa OX THE NORTH SIDE OF PARK DRIVE BETWEEN MARINA DRIVE AND ADAMS DRIVE. APPLICANT: SPANGLER. 11. PCD/GPC-12, CITY OF CARLSBAD. Finding General Plan Consistency for proposed outfall water line. With the aid of a transparency showing the location of the project, Michael Bolzmiller gave a report on the.matter, essentially as contained in the written staff report. The Commission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTIOX NO. 1832, FINDING GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FOR PROPOSED OUTFALL WATER LINE. APPLICANT: SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT. 12, ZCA-136, CITY OF CARLSBAD. Request to allow mobile homes within single family zones. Mic4ael Holzmiller gave a report on the matter, essentially 8s contained in the written staff report. Discassion reflected the individual Commissioners' feelings witkregard to the minimum width requirement, the require- memlt for the two car garage, and the use of metal exterior Si&& StaEE 2assed around some pictures of different types of mobile homes. The Commission concurred that the Ordinance be sent back to the City Council, accepting the 20 foot minimum width as an addliLtiona1 development standard, and strongly recommended thma: the Council require a two car enclosed garage, and the original wording on the siding. :OtVlISSIONERS Marcus L' Beureux. Jose Rombo t i s Farrow Schlehuber Marcus L ' neureux Jose ' Rombotis Farrow Schlehuber . Marcus L' Hcureux Jose Rombotis Farrov Schlehuber