HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-18; City Council; 6704; General municipal election April 1982CITY OF CARLSBAD .-* AGENDA BILl NO. ro4 __ ^ Dept^Hd! DATE: ____ . August 18, 1981 c> Att:y\/jgg) DEPARTMENT: __ citu Clerk _ _ ' C' Mgr Subject: GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - APRIL, 1982 Statement of the Matter The last General Municipal Election in the City was conducted using paper ballots which required hand counting. The poll workers manually counted the ballots after working a 12- hour day at the poll. The final returns were not received until 12:45 A.M. . To avoid a similar situation, the next election can be automated by the use of punch ballots which can be counted by a computer. If neighboring cities establish a multi-city counting center, the costs of the computer, the program, and operator can be shared. We can participate with the cities of San Marcos, Escondido, Vista, and possibly Oceanside using the services and equipment provided by Diamond International Corporation. RECOMMENDATION Council approve the co.ncept of the multi-city counting center, and approve the use of Diamond International's equipment and' services at the next General Municipal Election. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated cost for services and supplies to be provided by Diamond International is $6,600. Estimated cost for postage, polling places, and poll workers is $5,700. Sufficient funds have been budgeted for this election. EXHIBITS Memo from City Clerk, dated August 18, 1981. APPROVED MEMORANDUM DATE: August 18, 1981 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY CLERK SUBJECT: GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - APRIL 1982 I'm sure Council remembers the last Municipal Election when we still used paper ballots. After working the polls for 12 hours, the workers still had to manually count the ballots. The final precinct delivered their results to the Council Chambers at approximately 12:45 A.M. The obvious solution to that problem is to automate - use the punch ballots so they may be counted by a computer. This would save a great deal of time as well as wear and tear on the people. The most cost effective method to do this is by establishing a counting center so costs of the computer, program, and computer operator can be shared with other cities. There are two methods which may be used to automate the next election. One method would be to allow the County to conduct the election. The County would provide all necessary election supplies, including the punch ballots. They would also count the ballots using their computer. They are, as yet, unable to determine the location of a counting center for placement of the computer. It could possibly be in a north county city, or in San Diego. The actual location would be determined when it is known how many, and which, cities would be utilizing the County's services. To date, the County's best estimate for providing the election services for Carlsbad is $12,000, which does not include the additional costs for postage and poll workers. Estimated cost for postage is $2,000, and for polling places and workers, approximately $3,700. August 18, 1981 Page 2 Total estimated cost if the County conducts the election is $17,700. The second method by which the election could be conducted would be to utilize the Datavote equipment services of our election supplier, Diamond International Corporation. 0iamond ' s Datavote equipment and services were used successfully during the last Municipal Election by the cities of San Marcos, Vista, and Escondido. A counting center was established, and costs were shared by the three cities. Diamond is offering the same service for the next election to the cities of San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, Oceanside and Carlsbad. If all cities utilize the equipment, all will share the expense of the equipment. If all five (5) cities participate, it is anticipated the center will be located in Vista. The cities of San Marcos, Vista and Escondido were pleased with the system and the speed in which they received the election results. All three have indicated their intention to again use the Datavote equipment and services of Diamond. Oceanside is undecided to date. Diamond has estimated the costs to the City of Carlsbad for all supplies, services, and participation in the multi-city counting center to be approximately $6,600. Total estimated cost of the election using Diamond's equipment, services and supplies, including postage and poll costs would be $12,300. I recommend that Council approve the concept of the central, multi- city counting center, and approve using the Diamond International equipment at the next General Muncipal Election.