HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-01; City Council; 6602-2; Request for waiver- Mola Condominium Conversion0 : 66O3 " O UJu^j^ AGENDA BILL ., INITIAL; AGENDA BILL NO DATE: September 1, 1981 DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE - MDLA CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION PROJECT - CT 81-3/CP-149 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: This item is a request to waive the payment of the public facilities fee for the Mola condominium conversion project (CT 81-3/CP-149) located on the east side of El Camino Real north of Swallow Lane and north of Alga Road which was approved by the City Council at its meeting of May 19, 1981. The applicant requests the waiver based on the proposition that they are providing a low cost housing pro- ject. As the Council may recall, a condition was placed on the approval of the project which restricted the initial sales price of the units from $49,000 to $64,000 for existing tenants and from $50,000 to $90,000 for unoccupied units. This restriction was to apply for one year from the date of sale of each unit. City Council Policy No. 17 states that an exception from the public facilities fee may be granted for a low cost housing project. The City Manager has already indicated to the applicant that he cannot recommend that the fee be waived primarily because the project is not an affordable hous- ing project as defined in the city housing element. Correspondence from the applicant, the City Manager and the City Attorney regarding this matter is attached for the Council's review. One additional item should be pointed out. One of the reasons the Planning Department changed its original recommendation to deny the applicant's request for a condominium conversion permit for the project to a recommendation of approval was because the applicant offered to subject the project to a condition restricting the initial sales price. In other words, the sales price restric- tion was a trade-off for other staff concerns regarding the design of the pro- ject. FISCAL IMPACT If approved, the waiver would result in the loss of $55,296.40 in public facil- ities fees. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None required RECOMMENDATION It is recomended that the request for waiver of the public facilities fee in conjunction with CT 81-3/CP-149 (Mola Development Corp.) be denied by the City Council- DENIED AGENDA BILL September 1, 1981 PAGE TWO ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter from Mola Development to Frank Aleshire dated July 28, 1981 2. Letter from Frank Aleshire to Mola Development dated July 14, 1981 3. Memorandum from City Attorney to Frank Aleshire dated JulyS, 1981 4. Letter from Mola Development to Frank Aleshire dated June 29, 1981 5. Copy of Public Facilities Fee Agreement dated February 5, 1981. MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/808 ADAMS AVE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF 926487(714) 536-2547 6994 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 211, CARLSBAD, CA 92OO8/(714) 438-1157 July 28, 1981 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CT81-3/CP/149 Dear Mr. Aleshire: I am in receipt of your letter of July 14, 1981. I would like to ask that our application for waiver of the public facilities fee for this project be presented to Council in view of the extenuating circumstances confronting us on this project. We feel the concessions made by Mola Development Corporation in qualifying this project for a condominium conversion in fact do qualify the project as "inclusionary" or "affordable" housing. The critical distinction is that although there might not be any discount to buyers beyond the first year, Mola Development is absolutely restricted as to what prices it can obtain at any time it sells its in- ventory. The distinction is that the resale is restricted for a period of one (1) year from the date of sale by the developer. If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck you must draw the inescapeable conclusion that in fact it is a duck. There is also a small piece of property to the north of Swallow Lane that has been effectively rendered useless and we would offer to dedicate this as a City park or other facility in lieu of the requested fees. If you still feel the public facilities fee is due then as previously set forth we would request that you schedule this matter for Council action so that the undersigned may and plead his case. I would be happy to discuss ymatter with you if you feel it necessary. cc: Andy Barber STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 335-113 V % >-y • \ f8^ • — "v• w- 1200 ELM AVENUE : @f***^J$^ - TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 P| ^^^ fl (714)438-5581 OWce o/ ths City Manager Citp of Cartofc July 14, 1981 Peter E. von Elten Executive Vice President Mola Development Corp. 808 Adams Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 • /'" RE: CT81-3/CP-149 This is an answer to your request of June 29, 1981 to waive the Public Facilities Fee. I am sorry that I cannot recommend that, the fee be waived for the following reasons: 1. The fee applies to discretionary planning approvals. Conversion of an apartment house to a condominium, is clearly a discretionary action. 2. CP-149 is not an affordable housing project, as defined in the city housing element because the discount to tenants does not apply beyond the first year. We could, if you wish, explore the possibility of some type of rent control or resale price control mechanism if you are interested in qualifying the project for affordable housing. So the bad news is that I cannot grant your request . However , there is some good news. The Public Facilities Fee for this project is based upon the? 1977 valuation of $2,764,820 which translates into $55,296.40. That amount will be due upon recordation of final map, The. accessory buildings have not been valued in calculating the fee which means no extra charge for the modifications you are now making. Also, no park in lieu fee will be charged for CT 81-3. On CT 79-28 a Park Fee of $23,000 was paid in addition to a $54,000 Facilities Fee. The $23,000 will be refunded to you by Engineering Department. Please let me know if you have any questions. FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager FA:gb cc: City Attorney City Engineer MEMORANDUM DATE: July 8r 1981 TO: City Manager FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT: CT 81-3/CP-149 MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION You have requested that we answer Mr. von Elten's letter of June 29, 1981 requesting an exemption from the public facilities fee. Because the request involves policy decisions, we are providing you with some information upon which to make the policy decisions and request that you provide us with direction prior to making the response. Frank J. Mola, President of the Mola Development Corporation, signed a Public Facilities Fee Agreement for CT 81-3/CP-149 on February 5, 1981. For some reason that agreement was not processed according to the Council policy and has been sitting in the Engineering Department. Our information is that the agreement has now been processed and is in the City Clerk's Office. Pursuant to the Council policy a determination of exemptions should be made at the initial stages of the project, not after the project has been approved by the Council. In answering Mr. von Elten's specific pointsr which he believes indicate that the project is not subject to the public facilities fee, we provide the following comments: 1. The fact that Policy No. 17 was issued and became effective on August 29, 1979 is irrelevant in the case of an apartment conversion to a condominum. The fact that the project was approved and under construction as an apartment project is irrelevant because the public facilities fee is being paid on the conversion to a condominium. We have case law which supports the imposition of fees on condominium conversions. To be exempt from the public facilities fee requirement because the project was approved and constructed prior to the effective date of the Council policy the project would have to remain as apartments. 6 City Manager -2- July 8, t98T 2. In order for the exception for low cost housing to apply the City Council must find that the project is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan and that such exception is necessary. The Council may impose conditions with regard to low cost housing to ensure the continued availability of the housing to low income tenants and if the Council finds that the project is not being operated as a low cost housing project the fee which would otherwise be imposed shall become immediately due and payable. In the present situation the applicant voluntarily limited the initial sales price of his project to a certain level. However, after one year, this price restriction is removed and the project is no longer a low income housing project. It would appear inappropriate to set a precedent that the public facilities fee would be waived for projects which will not continue to provide low cost housing. 3. With regard to Mr. von Elten's statement regarding accessory improvements, it is our opinion that the public facilities fee is paid for conversion of the apartments to condominiums and not for the addition of accessory structures that are necessary to bring the apartment project into conformity with the condominium ordinance. The sections that Mr. von Elten cites with regard to accessory structures do not apply in this instance. Section 6(b) applies only to mobilehoree parks. Section 6(c) applies to discretionary approvals for minor additions to existing projects, not to projects which were converting to from one use to another use, 4. The equitable considerations that Mr. von Elten cites in his final paragraph of the letter would equally apply to every development in the City and I find nothing unique in the considerations that Mr. von Elten has stated. We have attached three pages of the Public Facilities Fee Agreement for this project. We hope that providing this information will assist you in making the appropriate policy decisions. Once those decisions are made, if you choose to have us respond to Mr. von Elten's letter, we will be happy to do so. JR., City Attorney By_ City Attorney DSH/mla Attachment .. .. MOtA DEVaOPM£NrCORPORATK3N/3O8AOAMSAVE, HUNTJNGTON BEACH CAlf • (V;june 29, 1981'"• y «jVjjrf^jiiA.w.iJr » 1; 3T<SXuC .«:X.A,S. '''^^!< City Manager ITY OF M, 1200 Elm Avenue ^FjSfc• Carlsbad, CK 92008-y> '^jijflWMrva ^ • •* • • ,,', "'^$i&&* i ••-.''- - h\::e: - CT81-3/CP -1.49 ft///*- ^ &&P *> • <) ' • ~ "••'<K*-t •' M -•* f-'.-' , -.Jit^/ Dear M<r Our co^any wan rouontty granted apprcv^J by the Cor.1 abaci City Council to convert an existing 80 unit cspertinent pro- ject into coitCiomin Lnrns. The property is generally Joeated on tliss east aldo oi: El Camino Real, south of Swallow Lane. Conditions of approval for this project are descr.ibcd in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1787. The intent of thif= letter is to question the determination that, we must: pay a Public Facilihifjs Foe as per Council Policy fjtatement No. 1? which became effective August 29, 1979, It is our belief 'that we are not subject to paying the PuhJie Facilities Fee for this particular project due to tlu~ fo3.lowing rea.^om;: \ Policy No, 17 xvas issued anct j^ecaine effective Auges'fc 29, 1979-after the Ki-'i>;]ect project \vas approved and under construe{>on. Policy Wo. 17 provides severe;.! exceptions f 3 oiu payment of the Facilities Fee. The policy states that the City Council may gir.nt an exception from the) fee for a low cost housing project when the City Council attaches conditions or limitation?. on tha rent or income levels of tenants. TIP-.a condition of approval, there i« a limitation on the sales prices for this conversion which was Imposed by the City Council and which we agreed to. Sales prices for this project will be re- stricted from $49,900 to the $90,000's. T f swre COKHWCICSS uCEfist ajs-ro Mr. Frank Aleshi City Manager ,CITY OF CARLSBAD page 2 uuU We are planning several major improvements to the pro- ject as also dieated by the conditions of. approval and we feel" these improvements to be "accessory18 improvements which are not subject to a Facilities Pee. Accessory improvements avo identified under Section 6B and 6C of Policy No. 17 ..... i v* , -We. respectfully* request you to examine this Matter and -provide us with your decision as to payment of the fee. We have gone to great lengths, and expense, to in-provc the quality of life at the/ subject project, and we sincerely hope i;he payment of a Facilities Fee wi31 not 'be an'.additiona I" financial burden for our company. 3f ' : you have-: any questions regarding the contents of this • letter, or re^ulco additional information, please do not hesitate to- convict mtj at any SinceraKy, Pe^er E. von Elf-.on, Executive Vic:o ^ces .ftfV.l • r «.* v, -"* Heir t, W recording return to:.• - f City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92005 AGREEMENT BETWEEN DF.V£LOPER-OWN£R AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE '.. PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACILITIES FES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 5th day o£ FEBRUARY 19 81 t by and between -CITY OF.CARISBAD R . MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (name of developer-owner) a CALIFORNIA CORPORATION .hereinafter referred to as (Corporation, partnership, etc.) "Developer", whose address is 808 ADAMS AVE. :_LM...,_ (street) RP&PM P.AMF 92648 : ^ r and THE CITX OP (City, state, zip code) . CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the.State of California, hereinafter referred to 'as "City*, whose address is 1200 Elm Avenue. Carlsbad,: California, 92008. • " . * - * * •• ' W I T N E S S E T Hs* • WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the real property described • * on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this agreemenfcr hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of Cityj » •and ' ' . WHEREAS, Developer proposes a development project, as followst. .'AH 80 UNITS AIR SPACE CONDOMINIUM DIVISION LOCATED ON THE '. EAST'SIDE OF EL CAMIMO .REAL NORTH OF ALGA ROAD. . 7 on said Property, which development carries the proposed name Of N/A AT THIS TIME. _ : _ : _ _ and is hereafter referred to as "Development" ; and WHEREAS, Develeper filed on the 5th ' ^aY o£ .fE.RRUARL.-. t....... • • 19 81 i with the .City a request for 80 UNIT CONDOMINIUM _ CONVERSION. (hereinafter referred to as "Request1*; and ' «* : WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the- City General * Plan requires that the City Council 'find that all public ; facilities necessary to serve a' development will be available concurrent with need or such development shall not be approved .(said element is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated by this reference; and . • *- 'WHEREAS, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, .on file with the City Clerk and Incorporated by this reference, and that the City's public facilities and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommodate the additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Development; and . . • . . WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to find that public *. facilities and services v/ill be available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is presently proposed; but the Developer is aware that the City cannot and will not be a*ble to make any such finding without financial assistance to pay for • Liich services and facilities; and, therefore, Developer proposes ' ' . ' 2. '.'.•- /o • .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, California as of the date first written above. DEVELOPER-OWNER:CITY OF CARLSBADr a municipal corporation of the State of California By.City Manager CORP. (Title) . ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk , . ebgUary—2_j 1.98 I £ laid State, personally appeared.. . . f-R£UM&~J., known to me to be thJTPS Ident p^..;^nl anc|_ f known to me to be the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be (he persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and ac- tknow'edgod to me that such corporation executed the wilFJi instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution directors. WITNESS my hand Wt&t ILA SHARONlCA R must ^ _ I. » M U f I P(in:ipnl Office .In ' OKANGECOUNTY My corninission cxpi/es 11-I6-3- Name gyped or Prinrcd) («'t«no^id t.»l)