HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-01; City Council; 6725; Recreation Fee Supported Budget RevisionsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6 ~^ ~ DATE: September 1, 1981 DEPARTMENT: Finance Subject: Budget Revisions - Recreation Department-Fee Supported Statement of the Matter In :the past few years, the recreation division has operated a fee supported activities program out of several city trust accounts that collected fees paid and disbursed payments to instructors or group leaders. This year these fee supported activities were included as part of the recreation budget. The revenues and expenses previously accounted for as part of the trust account are now shown in the regular budget accounts. , An error was made, however, in the classification of the payments that are to be made to instructors and group leaders. These charges were reflected as part time salaries in the budget under the assumption that these people would be part time city employees. In reality, these people are contractors with the city and not employees. The payments made to all contractors should be made against the professional services account not part time salaries account. Recreation has asked that the Council approve a transfer of $30,130 from part time salaries to professional services to allow proper accounting for these charges. Fiscal Impact None - Appropriation transfers greater than $5,000 require Council approval. Recommendati on • Adopt Resolution No. & b £\ . approving the appropriation transfer of $30,130 from the Recreation-Fee Supported Part Time Salary to the Recreation-Fee Supported Profes- sional Services Account. Approve Finance Department appropriation transfers #9 & #10. APPROVED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6659 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE RECREATION-FEE SUPPORTED FISCAL 1981-82 OPERATING BUDGET. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: That the transer of thirty thousand one hundred thirty dollars ($30,130) be made from the Recreation-Fee Supported Part Time Salary account to the Recre- ation-Fee Supported Professional Services account in order to provide funding for contract instructors ($23,230) and sports officiating personnel ($6,900) utilized during the current fiscal year. That Finance Department appropriation transfers #9 & 10 on file in said department and incorporated by reference herein are approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of September, 1981, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTESTED: ALETHA RAUTENKRAN7, City Clerk j (SEAL) 1981-82 CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDED CAPITAL EQUIPMENT DELETIONS Department Finance .Central Services ;Purchasing Fire - Suppression Fire - Prevention Building Street Maintenance General Government - Building Maintenance Library - Administrative Library - Adult Services Library - Technical Services Library - Audio Visual Parks & Recreation - Administrative Parks - Maintenance Parks - . Tree Maintenance Recreation - Fee Supported Recreation - Aquatics Equipment Cost Filing system improvements to finance department $ 10,000 Compact Sedan to replace pool car 7,400 CRT Terminal - compatible with finance computer 5,000 Typewriter for Account Clerk 1,185 Compact Sedan - diesel power test vehicle 8,500' Replacement vehicle for F-080 station wagon, 4-wheel drive 16,000 Sedan - to replace Battalion Cheif's vehicle 8,900 600 sq. ft. addition'to Station 1 - reduce from 30,000" to 20,000 • 10,000 Sub Compact vehicle - Code Enforcement Officer 6,700 Broom-type sweeper - to accommodate additional sweeping requirements due to street acquisitions 65,000 10;cu. yd. dump truck to haul heavy equipment 65,000 2-way radio in dump truck 1,600 Utility Box - carpenter's" truck 2,500 Public Address System - Council Chambers 10,000 Exhibit case - to match existing cases in conference room 2,500 2 Lateral Files ' 1,250 Shelving - east wall geneological library 6,600 Shelving - south wall geneological library 2,500 2 Microfilm Readers 3,000' File Cabinets & Shelving 4,875 2nd OCLC Terminal ' 3,700 Multiplex Slide Storage System ' 1,690 Carpeting for office . 3,800 Dump Truck - 2^ ton, 5 cu. yd.' • 15,000 Stump Chipper - utilized in removal of tree stumps currently contracted out • 16,500 3 Trencher Attachments - attachment to root, prunner machine 3,570 Intrusion alarm - Harding Community Center 4,500 Outdoor Marquis - Harding Community Center 3,500 Recording Resusci-Anne 1,200 4 starting platforms • ' 4,000 Typewriter . . . 1,180 Swim Lane Lines ' ' 1,600 Department Equipment Recreation- Start Lane Reels $ 1 »°°° Aquatics (continued) Pool Vacuum ' T'000 Portable Bleachers . 7>650 Police - -- SK-9 Intelligence Recording System 3,000 Investigation Services Police - Word Processor 20,000 Technical Services TOTAL. .. ............. $331,400 CO o o OQ_ CM 00 COCTi CJ <tO- CJ U.o co oi r**» r~i fn h-j ^ t~ —l ui<c i-: oH- t— CO«— « o. toO. t-i •»^c r~^ f*<_> 0-UI LU <2 yc5 o£? 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C _J_J tUid -4JJ: 4J>4*:CX ,>l<_JCa <Cw>O IQJI IDCColO'CfUS- Is- o> -r- c •*-> •• naj-i-cuQjooxjfljc ['CD cr» i c i 01 i .0 • c • o.o • oo -4J E > j— c: > <u r— 01 ' tOCI 'I- 01 -r-U'r-OOJCUO CtTJC QJCJCiiCJ'r- UJ•r- -CT: - S- cn-<' cr. 01 ajid aiaifx QJ i/> T- <t t— i i-tJU i 01 — J r— 01 C <UC C <U C!i 2; DS CCOlOl tOO.CT.-4->CO 2 ldH3-r- OJT- T-Q~^ -^»J-S-~-^-i— ^"CUCUCOI ~ ^ O £—j-j:T3 c c ' • cr oioioioooi-M o u ci j* «; •!- n g ct--r- cin} id-ui. i-J-ccs-rJOi— r— •— OJ-r-nu+J ' OJ !3 13 C « — * — •»— rdnl H3QJC1J rtJO'O O O O t — t- ' O <J *r- •<_>CLca LU ex. o-ooo. cxa.oooofxcj;ix .a. o. cu o <_> s: «;•(/> ^ in 10 _in CMO. in to LO CM t- * r— • r- «-»• »r— r~ <— • t •. r— i— • CMf— •• QJ Summasiy o<$ Evaluation* Budget Wotfeihcp The fallowing a>!.e *tati*tic* and comment* taken j$iom the eua£uat£oni tusined -tn at xthe Budget Wo-tfeihopi held on May 20th and May 21*t, Statistic*: (26 evaluation .iheeti wete .tece-tved) ^ei Mo 1. Wai the wotik*hop u*e^ul? -. 21 .1 2. Wai the. information pie*ented ea*y ^;o undeMtand? H 7 3. t?^d you. /tece-tve youA newti£etteA >c.n the. mail? 2J 2 4. Would you havz attended ;tne woftkbhop -i^ you had not -tece/cved a newi£etteA.? J2 5. P-td i/oa ^^d the newi -tetter tn&oimative.? J3 Comme,nti> and Suggestion*: On the. woik&hop: 0 Jit >ti a aiet$u£ too£ -tjj the tnput ^eee<.ved geti paired on ^:o Council * tt should have, been mo^e -6;£tuatuAed — p/teient -ipecx-^xc ateai ^ci -Input the budget tn&oimatlon should have, been mo-^e detached, x^.e. , balance -iheet, to piev-toui ye.au t CIP budget * -en the e^o/Lt to AJjnpLi&y , it appealed that the octt/ wai tsiying to COVCA up membe^i should have, attended • -the woikihop should have, been dei^gned to educate, not to /ieee£ve input-- <input should go dlfi.e.ctly to Council. membeAi • • "heed the input" • better publicity ^on. La Co^ta (notice* in matketi, adi on cab£e T.I/.) • have a bi-lingual p^eientatcon UeveAa£ ^.equeiti )Jo^ th/6i) • end at 9:00 p.m. 1* note.: The. City'* cAe.dibili£y wa* queitxoned by *e.veAal ci£lze.n* becaaie 0($ the conflicting budget in&ofunatlon. Se.veAal citizen* had accei-i ^:o mo^e cuAAent budget information than p^eiented x.n t/ie newi£.etteA. Evaluation Summary page. 2 Comment and On the. newsletter: How could the. nemletter. be improved? • it. should have, been available, -in Spanish 9 -6 end cop-ieb to public agencies 0 tie annual budget to short term goal!, of, each de.paAtme.nt 9 the. information was needed earlier § should have, been more specific editor's note: Because o^ the. nature. o£ the. qu.uti.oh po^ed, the. ate all cfUttcal; how&veA, the. overall reaction to the. wad o&sUtive. and Mc6ce££aneoa6 commenti and * ihe ckaAt£ and giaphb weAe, good, but -6ome could have, aied b-cgge/z. ptu.wting » continue, the. ou&i&ack pwgfiam to the. pubLic — the Qtiapkic& asie. a good j,de.a, •i.e.., planning, t/ta^ic circulation ^-ic -input faiom the. e,valuatiom,: Do not buy Macasu.o Canyon. Save. the. 2 mWLiovi dollau (2 comment.) • Keep -6 eAvicu at pn.ue.nt level and -improve, what we. have. im>te.ad oft money on luxuAy i « Keep the. Libtuviy -in Juti, pumnt location--"'R.ejally like. the. li Note.'- The. public Deemed to appfte.ciate. being included in the budget pnoce&&. The following comment, taken ^fiom an evaluation &heet, Aecmb to lefilect the x.e!>pom>e we wene trying to achieve: ". . .the opportunity to participate is as important as participation i. Evaluation. Budge-t Wo/i/M/iop Please jj'Cll out th&> evaluation and to/in Lt -en toitlglit. We appA.ecx.aie and :6uggc<5ttO)i4 /io -that we mat/ ptovude public j.nfioJun&'tion v,\ a. way tliat / and -cnicAe^^cng. . Space ^-6 ptLOv-ldud below eacfi qaeA-f/tou ^o^ you/i cominenti. Thank. you fati IJOUJL Plead e ^.ndccate wfvtc/i wo/ikshop t/ou attenciecf. _ fiay 20i/z, Handing St. Community CeitteA j _ Mat^ 2Ui, &£. Elizabeth Seton CcJJiotlc Church The. Budget . Wai 2. Wa& ^ie Jb\{iOtmaAJiovi i&><Lntzd &if>ij to 3. How could' the. wotiht>hop be improved? Cant&bad Re.poit'- tha I. f-cd you /iecex.ue you/i netuile^tte/'t ^ot £he r/iatl? , Would t/oa haue atteudecf ^e wo^fe^/top ^;^c6 waiting Ji^ you had not lece-tved a 3. t?^.cf you j$-cnd ^t/ie neK'4let-te/L ^n/jo^Jiatcve? How could -c£ Jbe -unp^oued? OthcA Comme.ntt>_ and Sug j e6 t-co it6