HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-15; City Council; 6740; Purchase of Office FurnitureCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. (, 11{0 DATE:_.;;.. ___ s_e_p_te_m_be_r---'-15_,_1_9_8_1 _ DEPARTMENT: Purcha_sing Department ·SUBJECT: Purchase of Office Furniture Statement of the_Matter Initial: ~ Dept. Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr • .d6:::: Th~ 1~81-82 City or Carlsbad Budget include~ $11,929 for the purchase of office furni.ture for variqus departments .. The bid package include~ desks, chair~, filing cabinets and bookcases. In accord~nce with· Section~ .28.120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published and Re4uest. for Bids was made._ Three resp9nses were r~ceived, opened, witnessed and recorded on August 25, 1981. The lowest bid on a 11 i terns was submi tted .'by Lewis an9 O' Nei 11 , 3102 S~ri ·lui s Rey Road, Oceanside, California 92054, in the ·amount of $8,807.63, plus. tax, for a total of $9;336.09. ~· .. i: • -. ,-\ :Fi seal jmpact The cost of the furniture is within the $11,929 that was budgeted by• Vqrious ,departments. Exhibits J. Tabulation of bids -:-Exhibit "A" 2. R~sol ution No. t,, 1 ~ ·Recommendation ·Staff recorrmends the Council adopt Resolution No. ,, ?_:, , awarding the bid for the office furniture to Lewis and O'Neill in tlieaiiiount of $9,336.09. APPROVED ------V - - 9 I) Exhibit 11 A" Summary of Office Furniture Bid Item Raymond Allyn Eastman, Lewis and San Diego Stationers Dieterich-No. Business Svstem Inc. O'Neill Office Suoo 1 v Corooration Post Co. 1 No Response No Response $ 283.27 $ 320.65 No Bid Late Bid ,, 2 481.14 546.23 't ,· .,. ,. ,. 1 f 3 633.00 No Bid l 4 696.00 No Bid l 'f 5 343.00 No Bid l l l i ., i i 6 236.00 No Bid l r , I .. \ 7 194.20 245.24 r. ~ 8 565.58 723.82 1 \ J, ' 9 535.86 779.52 ' I f j ,.{ 457.92 571. 50 t I 10 "' ,f No Bid l ! ,. n 354.00 It ! .., t 91.50 No Bid '). I ·12 >:; 1 l f 13 467-.00 586.10 $ l .l l , I I . 14 1,740.69 2,853.00 ~ I l I I 15 154.QB 185.80 I ! ~ r : 16 226.00 262.7.6 t ' r -~ I 17 107.99 131. 70 J ::• 18 158.00 No Bid l ~ ,, ' t 19 24.00 No Bid I 20 240.00 410.20 I ' f 21 818.40 1,301.00 ' 9,898.52 ·, 1 subtotal 8,807.63 l \' t l Tax 528.46 593.91 Total 9,336.09 10,492.43 3 f' ,, I ~ f ' Ji. ~ ... ., ' ~ 'i', ', }, i' i 1 l f l ; I t ' ! I ! 1 f l l r \ l , i l \ ~---¥ RESOLUTION NO. ~-5~52~2~- A·RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORtiIA, ACCEPTING A BID ANO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 6 as follows: 7 1. That the -bid of Lewis and O'Neill, 3102 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, 8 California 92054, is hereby accepted and the Cfty Manager is hereby authorized 9-to execute a contract for the purchase of office furnitur~ in the amount of id $8,807.63·, plus tax, for a ~otal of $9,336.09 •. 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Counci ·1 of the City of Car 1 sbad 12 _ ~t a regular meeting held on the 15th day of Septanber , 1981, by the ~3 .. f9ilc;,wing vote, to wit: 14, . AYES: Coutj.cil Menbers Packard, Casler, Anear 1 Lewis and Kulchin 15 NOES: None 16' ABSENT: None ~4'~~ 17 ia RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 19 ATTEST: 20 21 22. (SEAL) 23. 24 2,5 26 27 28 ---~ .. ·-' :)__ ·' ~ ,, ,, :} •, ' 1 .• "! \ J .J ,1 J I s' ), ' l . ·1 ~ , 'i -! j 'f f ., \ " ,1