HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-15; City Council; Info; Proposed San Marcos Water district outfall linei .. z 0 E a i 0 z 3 0 0 - iJ- CIT OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 1 TITLE: THE PROPOSED SAN MARCOS WATER MT@/L I DISTRICT OUTFALL LINE AB# .EN DEPP.L~ I RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY A& ==6= None. This is an informational item only. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 19, 1977, the City Council approved a resolution establishing a procedure to review the conformity of projects to the General Plan. The Planning Commission determines if the project conforms and subsequently reports its findings to the City Council. On July 22, the Planning Commission determined that this project, the proposed San Marcos Water District outfall line, is consistent with the General Plan. The staff report and Planning Commission resolution are attached. FISCAL IMPACT: None. The project will be financed entirely by the San Marcos Water District. EXHIBITS: A. Staff report to Planning Commission dated July 22, 1981. B. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1832. DATE: . TO : FROM : SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM July 22, 1981 Planning Commission Planning Director General Plan Consistency (PCD/GPC-12) Government Code Section 65401 requires' the governing body of any spe- cial district or school district whose jurisdiction lies wholly or partially within a city with an adopted General Plan to submit to the city a list of their proposed public works recommended for planning, initiation or construction in the ensuing fiscal year. The deadline for submitting the list is May 1st of each year. How- ever, many of these special districts approve their budget on July 1st .of each year. There are sometimes changes in projects which require subsequent determinations of consistency with the General Plan. The item before you is such a case. San Marcos County Water District is proposing to realign a portion of an outfall line. The easement is approximately 150 feet wide. The portion which requires realignment and a General Plan consistency determination runs from the eastern border of the city south of Palomar Airport Road to just north of the Carrillo Ranch house (see attached map). The Planning Commission must determine if the realignment is consis- tent with the General Plan. (It should be noted here that the realignment traverses the Rancho Carrillo property whose owners are currently preparing a General Plan amendment. If construction does not begin before the Rancho Carrillo GPA is approved, and if the GPA affects the realignment, the San Marcos County Water District will have to return to th? Planning Commission for a new consistency determination.) GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The Public Facilities Element of the General Plan states that public facilities must be "available concurrent .with need in conjunction with the development of the city." The realignment of the outfall line is necessary to serve planned deveJ.opment in the eastern portions of the city. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE Resolution #1832 finding the project consistent with the General Plan. Attachments Resolution #1832 Exhibit A, map . . _.. . 3. 2 3 4 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .L -: 14 15 16 17 18 . . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for .. @ . I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 1832 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PINDING GENEWiL PLAN CONSISTENCY FOR PROPOSED OUTFALL WATER LINE APPLICANT: SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CASE NO: PCD/GPC 12 WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 65401 provides the preparation of a coordinated program for proposed public works, and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65401 provides that the governing bodies of any special district or school distsrict whose jurisdiction lies wholly or partially within the city iind whose functions include remodeling, preparing plans for, or construct- ing major public works, shall submit a list of the proposed pub- lic works recommended €or planning, initation, or construction during the ensuing fiscal year to an agency designated by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Government Code Sectkm 65402 provides that no real property shall be acquired €or public purpo‘ses and that 110 real property shall be disposed of by a public agency unless such property has been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to conformity with the adopted general plan; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1977, the City Council. resolved as - -._ follows: -----.- 1. That special districts and school districts located wholly or partially within the City of Carlsbad submit a list of proposed public works recommended for planning, initiation, or construction during the ensuing fiscal year to the City Council” of the City of Carlsbad prior to May 1 of each year. 4 .I E 'i ZC li 12 .. 14 15 ... '17 1E . ' 19 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. That the City Manager cause to be prepared a coordinated xogram of proposed public works far submittal to the Planning :ommi s s ion. 3. That the Planning Commission review the coordinated pro- !ram for conformity to the General Plan. of the City of Carlsbadl . ind report its findings to the City Council. WHEREASp a program of public works has been prepared and has I )een submitted to the PlAnning Commission for'review of conform- .ty to the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad, NOWp THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Corn- - iission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as folJ.ows: 1. The attached proposed project: is consistent with the larlsbad General Plan. 2. Said finding of conformity of the proposed project ;hall be reported to the City CounciL, PASSEDl APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the :arlsbad Planning Commission on the 22nd day of.Yul.y, 9981, by :he following vote, to wit: AYES: Marcusp Rombotis, Farrowr Schlehuber, Jose and NOES: NOne L ' Heur eux ABSTAIN: None ITTEST: .. 'C RES0 # 1832 c .-