HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-06; City Council; 6769; RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSION, ZONE 1Q 4-1 m 0 2 ? w m a, d h x m c -4 a c a, E E 0 u a, Q m a Dl a 0 z c 0 .d c, rl m a, 9 0 p: a sa ac a g u.4 e; 3 OQ ?i a, 4J Oc, 4-P -4 e urd 03 I a I 0 d z 0 .. - G a d 0 z 3 0 0 i CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL DE MTG. 10/6/81 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL CI1 DEPT.cs CI1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: AB#= TITLE: RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO COMbKLSSION, ZONE 1 Adopt Resolution No. b673 , recommending the appointment Les Evans to the San Diego County Flood Control Commission Zone 1, representing Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Bob Mosier has resigned as Carlsbad's representative tc Diego County Flood Control Commission, Zone 1, and the Cit) Carlsbad is the nominating authority for this vacancy. The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors on matters relating to water and resource cons and flood problems. Zone 1 consists of South Carlsbad, Del Oceanside, Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, a portion of San 1 and some unincorporated areas. Any city with any portion v within the Zone is entitled to a representative. Therefor€ vacancy will be filled by the Board of Supervisors, but thc the nominating authority. The Commission holds regular monthly meetings at the San Mz Water District on the second Thursday of the month at 9:00 Commissioners receive compensation amounting to $10 for ea( not exceeding two meetings in any calendar month, and reiml: for such actual expenses incurred, such as mileage. The Board, in accordance with their Policy A-74, asks that nominating agencies take into consideration gender, age, el and geographical area of residence in addition to interest abilities of nominees to that committee memberships are rej of the County population, and adhere to provision of the Cc Decree with the federal government. As a result of recent difficulties the City has experience( maintaining a representative, and due to the technical nati inuch of the material the committee discusses, staff recommf that the City Engineer be recommended for appointment as tl representative on the Commission. EXHIBITS: 1. Copy cf letter of resignation from Mr. Mosier dated 9/1 2. Letter from the County dated 9/18/81 regarding the vat( 3. Resolution No. CC,?3, appointing a member to the San 1 County Flood Control District Zone 1. [G2+ .P . 1 0 *I5 198lJg& Carlsbad, Cz.iif 3e?tern5er 4, 1 Ssr, Diegc Ccunty 3'1002 Ccntrcl District Ccunty C3eraticns Center 5555 Werland Avenue San Diegc, CaYf ornia Pi. I.jillim J. SLtinscn, Chaiman : - Eezse acre?$, E;- reslgriticc Zrorr the .%E Xegc rl-od ScI2trc.l 3lstr - Zcne ,,effective U?OL rezeiq5 of this Letter. necessity cf tkis resignsticr as i w-s locking fcrv~ar~ tc serving cr. thl I sincerely regwet the - - DO LYd . 1 will be ncving at the Pnd of %'his ncnth from Szr, 3iep Count$ ti Sari JxLnto Ir, Riverside Scunty. T7KF -' kr? /A- , -' -7 RoSert L. E. 2*:6?i-&? 3. 1. E. Xczier Sarlsbad.: Ca'Af. "2002 3L76 Lcr. L'9ertc DT. I I- .-- - 3, Accept& r-- -' ?,- .% - .¶ - #f,f,Aa.;L&&x &Ac M . - -- Cler;: F-" - - ~ BOARD 1 TOM * e FIRS PAUL SEGO CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS * 1600 PACIFIC HWY. ROOM 402 ROGE THIR SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 0 (714) 236-2321 JIM B FOUF 1 MRS. PORTER D. CREMANS September 18, 1981 CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Attn: City of Carlsbad, City Council Re: Resignation of Robert E. H. Mosier from the San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone Enclosed is copy of resignation of the above member of the citizen committee for which you are the Nominating Authority. Also enclosed is copy of the notice of Unscheduled Vacancy relative to this resignation advising that unless an emergency exists an appointment to fill the vacancy will not be made by the Board of Supervisors before October 2, 1981. In addition there are enclosed copies of applications from the Clerk's records of persons expressing interest in the subject area of your committee. At the time you submit nominations to the Board please indicate in your letter whether Board Policy A-74 has been considered: if not, you should explain why and ask the Board to waive Policy A-74. In addition, a completed application form should be forwarded for each nominee unless our staff has verified that one is already on file with the Clerk of the Board. PORTER D. CREMANS clerk of the Board of Supervisors Deputy By edJNrh m:cc Enclosures T 0 0 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (7 Office of the City Clerk October 8, 1981 R.J. Massman, Director County of San Diego Department of Sanitation and Flood Control 5555 Qverland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Re: Carlsbad 'Representative to the Sara Diego County Flood Control District Due to the resignation of its representative, the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting sf October 6, 1981, adopted Resolution No, 6693, recormending the appointment of Nr, Zes Evans as a Commissioner of the San Diego County Flood Control Cornmission for Zone 1. Board Policy No, A-74, was considered, and enclosed is an application, which has been completed by Hr. Evans. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not he te to contact this office. A Clty Clerk ALR : kr s Enclosure 7 14/729-2800 are more common than evening meetings, Will you be able to schedule your time a I \&at are your principal areas of interest in our County government? L f 1 i PUBLIC WORKS . I 1 r- boards, couxnissions or committees of which you are a current mal COMMITTEE NAN?, DATE APPOINTED t NONE On August 8, 1978, the County Board of Supervisors directed that the selection o committee appointees adhere to provisions of the Consent Decree with the federal ment, If no legal restraints exist. In compliance with this directive, please p' following informatfon: - AGE GENDER ETHNIC BACKGROUND 15 - 25 Female Caucasian X Asian/Pilipino - 26 - 50 X Male X Hispanic her. Indian Over 50 Black Other - (Please complete reverse side.) -- "_ . ~ of interest? List past County appointments with dates served, and any other past or present co or public service appointments. CITY ENGINEEil, C 1 mpleted €om to: I I 1 a 1 i - 1 2 3% 4 5 6 I' F3.3SOI;tJTIOTJ~ NO, 6693 A RESOL'JTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TT-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD B CALIPORNIA I P?COKJ.'ENI>IMG THE APPOINTIWNT OF' A CG&5P1TSSIONER TO %HE SIiN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FOR ZUKE 1, -- - .. VJEGREAS p BOB MOSIER h.ss resigned as ~r Cornmissioner an Diego ~c;unty ~lr?od Ccn-tml fer ~~nc I-, effective ~eptc 7 1 i7, 1.981; and %a 12 City of CarlsSad, CaLifornia,, as fol~l"o~Js: 1, That th.2 abo.:re recitations are -tme and CGX-~~C. l3 II 14 I 2 a That th.e following-named pcrsm is hereby recoi I fo:~ appoine[!en-t by the Board 0% Superl~isors to serve as a l6 17 18 19 fill the unexpi.re6 tern which will expire October 5, 1984, L, e s $2 ~~ay~ s -------.- I_ PA.SSED, APPRo'\rEB AND ADOPTED by the City Council. 0 of Carlsbad p California, at a. regular meeting thereof I he G?:h &ycf u___II_- Octobe1: d 1981, by the following votep 'c AYES: council. Me~bers Paelcard, CasPer I Ancar, Lew I 26 1 ATTEST': j I (SEAL) 1 1 SAY IT INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORAD A anyone who needs it ~nTE9-23 '%l P PHONE NUMBERS TO CONTACT THE FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ARE AS FOLLOWS : 565-- 5/77 565-5120 and 565-3839 Y ON THIS SHEET