HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-20; City Council; 6671; Three Year Community Development Block Grant Cooperation AgreementCITN OF CARLSBAD - AGENDk 31LL DEPT. HD. MTG. 10/20/81 THREE YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY ATTY DEPT. H&R COOPERATION AGREEMENT CITY MGR• RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that Council express its intention to continue to participate in the Com-.jnity Development Block Grant Program by adopting Resolution No. wr This authorizes the Mayor and the City Attorney to execute the Cooperation Agreement and HUD Assurances as requested by the County of San Diego. STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: The County of San Diego is requesting that the City of Carlsbad express its intention to participate in the San Diego Urban County's Community Development Block Grant Application process by signing a three year Cooperation Agreement. In the event that Council desires to continue to participate, the County requests that the Cooperation Agreement and HUD Assurances Form #7068 (6/78) be approved via Resolution and executed by the Mayor and City Attorney. This is the initial step in the annual application process. For the last seven yL: rs the City has participated in the Community Development Block Grant Program resulting in almost $1 million in funded local projects. FISC.+i IMPACT: Adoption of the Resolution would reserve approximately $210,000 per year in Block Grant funds for the next three years. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. 66 Cooperation Agreement HUD Assurances County letter dated September 30, 1981. 0 w 0 cc n. a. YOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY F S`EL/��1f N D I E G® TOM HAMOR O .Iw.t o1.Twlct ►AUL L "FORDEM sscewo a.Twlcr HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ROGER HEDGECOCK Tw1wo 010TR1cT 7917 Ostrow Street, San Diego, California 92111 (0.231) it GATES o° IOU"" OHTw1CT GABRIEL G. RODRIGUE2 PAUL ECKCRT Director nrrw oMTR1CT September 30, 1981 The Honorable Ronald C. Packard Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Packard: On July 14, 1981, I notified you of the opportunity to participate with San Diego Urban County in the Eighth -Year (1982) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program by executing and submitting a participating city/Urban County Cooperation Agreement before September 1, 1981. Approximately two weeks later we learned quite inadvertently that HUD was revising CDBG regulations and policies to require a three year Cooperation Agreement rather than the one year Agreement required in previous program years. I immediately notified city staff to hold off further processing of Eighth -Year Cooperation Agreements pending HUD clarification. On Thursday, September 17, 1981 we received interim effective HUD Regulations 24 CFR 570.105 and a HUD Policy Notice CPD 81-9, outlining the new requirements. Copies were immediately transmitted to all participating city staff for their information, and to County Counsel to initiate revision of the draft Eighth/Ninth/Tenth-Year CDBG Cooperation Agreement. That revision has now been completed, transmitted to HUD for review and HUD's approval received. In compliance with HUD requirements, I am therefore again notifying the City of Carlsbad of the opportunity to participate in San Diego Urban County's Eighth -Year CDBG Application by executing the attached three year Cooperation Agreement. COOPERATION AGREEMENT Assuming the City of Carlsbad chooses to participate in San Diego County's Eighth -Year CDBG Application, the Ronald C. Packai - 2 - S - zember 30, 1981 attached "Cooperation Agreement between the County of San Diego and the City of Carlsbad" must be approved by your City Council by resolution and returned to this office'no later than November 1, 1981. That will allow time for execution by the Board of Supervisors and transmittal to HUD by the final December 1, 1981 deadline. Please note that the Cooperation Agreement also requires execution of HUD "Assurance" Form 7068 (6-78) by the Mayor and City Attorney. A copy of HUD 7068 (6-78) is attached. In all, four copies of the Cooperation Agreement, a single copy of the City Council resolution and a single copy of the HUD Assurance Form with original signatures are required. If your city chooses not to participate in the Urban County CDBG Program, notification of that choice must be in writing and submitted to San Diego County and HUD no later than November 15, 1981. HUD's new interim effective regulations and the Notice CPD 81-9 emehasize that this election to participate or not to participate ve for the enti aualifies as a IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Although we have previously provided you with a copy of the Urban County's Eighth -Year Community Development Block Grant Implementation Process Schedule, we again remind you that `the deadline for submittal cif"°proposed CDBG projects -to the County Community Development Office"has been advanced to Novembe .li,_ 1981.' This is to assure that projects are submitted prior to the holiday season, when work interruptions often occur. Because we notified you two months earlier than in previous years there will be sufficient time for your staff to identify local needs and for city councils to select proposed projects despite the earlier project submittal deadline. It will also allow County Community Development staff sufficient time to review those proposals, determine compliance with HUD regulations and the County Strategy, and to arrange the necessary public hearings and reviews of the total Application. Finally, I would point out that the Eighth -Year Urban County CDBG entitlement amount remains uncertain due primarily to further federal budget cuts recently proposed by the President. As soon as more definitive information Ronald C. Packar-- - 3 - S,—':ember 30, 1981 1 is available, this office will advise pertinent city staff persons. If your City needs additional information, please contact me or Jane Takahashi at 565-3469. Sincerely, JAkMH. iCOOMBS Community Development Manager SHC:JPT:ars cc: Drew Aitken City of Carlsbad 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6695 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARSLBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A THREE YEAR COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THE HOUSING 4 AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. 5 & WHEREAS, the County of San Diego has requested that the City of Carlsbad 7 express its intent to participate in the Housing and Community Development Block 8 Grant Program for the next three years; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to express its 10 intention to participate; 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 12 that the Cooperation Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as though 13 fully set forth is hereby approved and the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad hereby 14 authorized to execute the document. 15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad and the 7.6 City Attorney of the City of Carlsbad are hereby authorized and directed to 3.7 execute HUD Form #7068 (6/78) "Assurances". 18 PASSED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 19 26th daffy of October, 1981, by the following vote, to wit: 20 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 21 NOES: None 22 ABSTAIN: None 23 ABSENT: None24 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 25 26 LETHA L. R UT NK A , City Cler 27 28 (SEAL) 8