HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-26; City Council; 6775; Joint use of San Marcos Effuent Disposal line- - ClTt .3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA JILL hB# 6775 MTG. 10/26/81 DEPT. CM TITLE: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR DEPT. HD. JOINT USE OF THE SAN MARCOS EFFLUENT DIS- POSAL LINE CITYAmvfA CITY MGR;/~~' RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council adopt Resolution No. 6701 approving an Operations and Maintenance Agreement with the San Marcos County Water District for the joint use of an Ocean Failsafe Treated Effluent Outfall Pipe1 ine. ITEM EXPLANATION: In June of 1980, a Memorandum of Understanding was entered into by a group of landowners and the San Marcos County Water District. Daon-Shadow Ridge holdings within the Buena Sanitation District and, within Carl s- bad, Lake Calavera Hills Associates representing their holdings within the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area and large group including Koll, La Costa Land Company, Mary Bressi, Carrillo, Carlsbad Oaks, Palomar Airport Business Park, et al, all within the Palomar Sewer Service Area. The Memorandum of Understanding provided for payment by the landowners to San Marcos' contractor for the purpose of oversizing an effluent disposal line (EDL) being constructed by San Marcos. The Memorandum of Understanding also provided for transfer of the developers' capacity rights to Carlsbad and Buena and for a future agreement between San. Marcos, Buena and Carlsbad for the operations and maintenance of the EDL. The landowners included the The net effect of the agreement would be to allow for Carlsbad to accept, from the developers who funded the oversizing, up to 67.4% of the capacity of a 24-inch pipeline. gallons per day (6.2 MGD). We would also assume the responsibility for paying our share of maintenance and operations expense. The terms of the agreement, as modi- fied, are in conformance with the tentative agreement negotiated by the City Manager. That capacity is estimated to be equivalent to approximately 6.2 million FISCAL IMPACT: The City would assume their fair share of the operations and maintenance expense for the line. No estimates have been furnished by San Marcos but, based on past experience, we estimate the cost to be from several hundred to several thousand dollars per year, depending on how much we use the line. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. 6701 w/agreement attached. \ c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6701 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MENT FOR THE OPERATION AND YAINTENANCE OF AN OCEAN FAILSAFE TREATED EFFLUENT OUTFALL PIPELINE OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREE- WHEREAS the San Marcos County Water District and certain property owners within the City of Carlsbad have entered into a memorandum of understanding to provide for the enlargement of a treated effluent dis- posal line, and; WHEREAS the memorandum of understanding provides for the transfer of ownership of capacity rights in the treated effluent disposal line from the property owners to the City of Carlsbad, and; WHEREAS a condition precedent to the transfer of capacity rights is an agreement between Carlsbad and San Marcos for the operations and main- tenance of said treated effluent disposal line, and; WHEREAS the operations and maintenance agreement for the treated effluent disposal line is necessary to determine the respected agencies capacity rights within said treated effluent disposal line and for the distribution of operations and maintenance costs for the line; NOlJ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carl sbad approves the operations and maintenance agreement identified as Exhibit A and attached hereto and made a part hereof and authorizes the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad to sign said agreement on behalf of the City. Ill /I/ //I //I c ” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 1. c . -. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 26th day of October , 1981, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None Comcil Phbers Padcard, Casler, hear, Lewis and Kuldhin ABSENT: Nme RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: &ilizL ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, 2*d7,r+ City Clerk (SEAL ) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office, of the City Clerk November 2, 1981 Mr. James F. McKay General Manager San Marcos County Water District San Marcos, CA 92069 . 788 San Marcos Boulevard TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of October 26, 1981, adopted Resolution No. 6701, approving an agreement for the operation and maintenance of an ocean failsafe treated effluent outfall pipeline. Per your letter, dated September 29, 1981, enclosed are three executed copies of the Agreement between San Marcos County Water District, Buena Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad. As soon as they have.been fully executed, please return one to this office. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR:krs Enclosures .. . .. : , > AGREEMENT . I SAII IMRCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTEilANCE OF AN OCEAN FAILSAFE .TREATED EFFLUENT OUTFALL PIPELINE '9 . . I. .. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by an4 between the -. .SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT (SAN MARCOS), the BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT ._ . ' , '.(BUEM) ,' and the CITY OF CAnLSBAD (CARLSBAD), collectively referred to as .... . PARTIES. ... .. -. .. ... .. .... ... ., .._ .. .. ' . ' .. ... ... ..... .. .. .. .. I.. . - '. ...... ,' .I . .. .. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... , ._ .. .* . : .... .-- .. , . .. . .-.RECITALS ~. .. .. . -------- .. .. .. .. -. THIS AGREEMENT between the PARTIES is entered into'in view of . . 2. *. .. -. the following facts and purposes. .. .' .* . z .. ...... -. .. . 1. SAN MARCOS is a public entity .organized and functioning pur- * . suant to the COUNTY WATER DISTRICT LAN, California Water Code 30000 et seq.; . BUENA is a.public entity organized and functioning pursuint to the COUNTY J SANITATION DISTRICT ACT, Health and Safety Code 4700 et seq.; CARLSBAD is a General Law City, Government Code 34102, organized and functioning pursuant to the provisions of the California Constitution, Article XI '2 (a) and Government x -. . . .. .* I -. . Code 36500 et seq. 2. The SAP1 MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, pursuant to an agreement .. -. dated March 3, 1980 (Basic Agreement) .. with DAON' CORPORATION, a Delaware Corpora- tion, authorized to do business in California (DAON), is having an ocean outfall, fail-safe pipe1 ine sewer constructed from SAN MARCOS MEADOWLARK treatment plant to the coast to transport treated sewage into the Encina Ocean Outfall, by-passing - '. 'I '. .. the Encina Treatment Plant; the contemplated routing of this pipeline is set forth in Exhibit "A" to this agreement which ,is made a part hereof. ** 3. Pursuant to the Basic Agreement, DAON and SAN MARCOS agreed to permit an enlargement of portions of the pipeline, the cost to be borne bx the PARTIES requesting the enlargement. .. .. 4. SAN NARCOS has entered into a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 7' with a number of owners of real property, collectively referred to as "DEVELOPERS", dated June 16,. 1980, (E4€!4ORANDUM) whereby developers have re- quested and agreed to pay for the enlargement of portions of the pipeline. t *_ 5, The enlarged sections of the pipeline are designated to .. . handle treated sewage generated' in lands served by BUENA and CARLSBAD and .- . '. . . . .to be treated in plants operated and owned by BUENA and CARLSBAD. The point .of connection of the treated sewage transmission lines of BUENA and CARLSBAD * at the propdsed point of joining with the $AN MARCOS outfall is depicted on I .. Exhibit "AH. .. .. -. 6, The MEMORANDUM provides for the assignment by developers of . -. .. the:ir ownership of the right to use the capacity of the enlarged pipeline to -.. .. ,. .... . .. ..,- 'd.' .. a. .. . . BUENA and CARLSBAD. -. . ... ' . .. . . .., .. 7. BUENA wishes to accept the assignment of capacity in the pipe- , *. *. . . . line to serve both a separate project of DAON'known as Shadowridge, located . .' 8. .. . ... within the BUENA service area' and the BUENA service area in general. arrangements between BUENA and DAON-Shadowridge for such assignment are matters The .. .. .. . . of. . of . -. separate'agreement ,to be'rcached between DAON and BUENA and are not a part this Operation and Maintenance Agreement. .I . 3. .* --r .. - ,. 'e'.. .' .e . # 8. CARLSBAD wishes to accept the assignment of capacity in the plpeline to serve proposed developments knowfi as Koll the arrangements between CARLSBAD and the participating developers for such assignment are matters of separate agreement between developers 'and CARLSBAD Calavera, and others; *. .* -e . .. .and are not a part of this Operation and Maintenance Agreement, 9. SAN MARCOS, BUENA and CARLSBAD are entering into this Agreement 6 -3 .. . k in order 'to delineate their respective rights and duties kith respect to joint .. .. . ownership of capacity in the enlarged portions of the pipeline . i which are to. . serve the respective parties and the operation and maintenance of those portions ... of the pipe?.ine which are subject to said ownership, when construction is com- -1 'I pleted and the assignment by developers .to BUEMA and CARLSBAD 'is complete and 't .I . * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. c .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. , .. .' . .. .. . .' . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. effective. i ' . . .. . ... *. .-. ... . .. . '.. . .. ._ . .. .. .. .. .. COVENANTS .. c . '- . ' ---I----- .. - 7. .. 'I . -. .. .. . *' . .. .. ._ ' ... * -. 1. ;.. ' .. -. . IT is, THEREFORE, AGREED BY AND BEWEEN THE 'PARTIES, SUBJECT TO THE .. . :. .. ~ .. -. .- .. ' MUTUAL COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN, AS FOLLOWS: -_ 1. .. .. 3 .. *: .. * I .. .. . ... . 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS .. .. . : .. .. -10.1 SAN MARCOS shall be the lead agency and shall be responsible ' ._ .. .. : .. , : .. '. ' for supervision of the construction of the pipeline as enlarged and for the opera- .. .. . ,: '. - .. tt The percentage of capacity owned by each party in the .. tion and maintenance of the pipeline after construction. . ,. -. . ' 10.2 .. .. .' .' 7 .,.I ; : . project is. set forth in. this section. The final capacity will be determined by * i. .* ' applying-the percent.ages of this section to the pipeline as finally constructed. .. .. $AN MARCOS BUENA . CARLSBAD .- a .* San 'Marcos Reach 1009: -0-% '. -0-X. Buena Peach 50% 50% . . -0-% 67.4% ' Carlsbad Reach 16.3% i 6.3% Capacity is defined as the maximum instantaneous flow rate in millions of . a'. gallons .. per day: -. . 11. CONSTRUCTION .. .: r ! t * .z ., .. .. 1 -. 'Z .. , .. .. .. .. :. . .4. ' 1l.1 DAON is responsible for construction of the outfall as .. .. .. -- .. enlarged .. pursuant to the Basic Agreement and the .tEMORANDUM. r .. .. .. '. .. . 11.2' -SAN MARCOS shall administer the construction contract, .. - .. .- . 'DAON shall notify SAN MARCOS of the total amount and basis for each progress .i. .. -. . .. . .. .- . .. . . e. '* *. . ._ . .. _; . ' .. ... .. .. . payment. .. -. ' 0.. -..', . '11.3 Change orders in or amendments to the approved plans .. .. .. i . .and specifications and change orders or extra items .- will be authorized by con- -'..I , .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 'current action of DAON and SAN MARCOS. .. .. .. ._ 11.4 SAN MARCOS shall monitor' the construction .of the project to fnsure compliance - by the contractor with the approved plans and specifications or approved changes or amendments to the approved plans and specifications. - .- 11.5 Under the basic agreement DAON, with the assistance of 6 'SAN HARCOS, shall take any and a17 steps necessary to acquire easements of rights of way for the project; in the event eminent domain proceedings are necessary,' . then SklJ MARCOS shall take any necessary legal proceedings; all PARTIES agree to . -i- * . .. z. .i L adopt any necessary resolutions connected with said 1-egal proceedings; the cost of all such legal proceedings shall be part of the construction cost. .. c 12. ROUT1 NE PlAI NTENAGCE AND OPERATION OF THE PROJECT ? 12.1 On cornplction of the projcct, SAN MARCOS shall own the . . line and shall maintain and operate the project in.accordancc with this agreement- I .. .. .- . . .. .. .. -. - .. I, 4 12.2 This agreemelit, when executed by SAN MARCO: :nd CARLSBAD, shall be effective as to CARLSBAD, upon acceptance by CARLSBAD.of the assignment of capacity right in the enlarged pipeline from bil, Calavera, and others. shall provide to'SAN MARCOS a copy of the executed assignment. when executed by SAN MARCOS and BUENA, shall be effective as to BUENA upon acceptance by BUENA of the assignment of capacity rights in the enlarged pipeline fr.m Daon-Shhdowridge. ,* .* assignment. 'BUENA,,and CARLSBAD in proportion to their respectiie capacity rights on a reach by reach basis and as specified in Section 10.2 hereof. __ CARLSBAD This agreement .. BUENA shall provide to SAN MARCOS a copy of the executed Costs of maintenance and. operation shall be shared between SAN MARCOS, . 12.3 Costs of expendables for all PARTIES, such as, but not limited to, power, chemicals, etc.., will be borne and paid by each of the PARTIES in a ratio of their flow to the total flow of water transported through the project for each of the PARTIES for the preceding calendar year; *. until 'such time as a preceding .* . calendar year Ss available, the period of time shall be the cumulative preceding months of operation. be borne by the PARTY or PARTIES concerned. . . - Costs of expendables benefitting less thin all PARTIES shall 12.4 SAN MARCOS shall bill BUENA and CARLSBAD periodically (but not less -. . .. . than annually) for that PARTY'S share of such costs and maintenance; BUENA and .. .) .- .. ?. . z .. . .- CARLSBAD shall pay such statement within sixty'(60) days after receipt of the. billing. 12.5 SAN MARCOS shall keep and maintain proper books of account and records in which complete and current entries shall be made of all transactions, including all receipts and disbursements , relating to the - administration, mainten- ante, operation and repair of the project; BUENA and CARLSBAD shall have tlic right, . ' at reasonable times, from time to time, during regular business hours to inspect L all such books and records to verify any statement rendered by SAN WARCOS to BUENA or CARLSUAD for charges payable by thosc PARTIES to SAN MARCOS. utijizc thc "Uniform Ackounting Program" of the State Controller's office for this purpose. SAN MARCOS shall *. .. - 1,2.6 BUENA'd consent to'the common use of .-NA'S right of way, *. attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit IIB", is conditioned on payment of special costs to BUENA for maintaining BUENA'S existing pipeline due to the close proximity of the joint use pipeline until July 7, 2000. incurred, shall .be allocated as a maintenance and operation expense based on the *. This cost, if 0. .- . ., percentage of ownership of capacity on a reach by reach basis in the affected area . $" .. . difficul't to establish in advance a detailed plan ,for .accounting and allocation Maintenance and operating costs shall mean . the necessary costs of maintaining and operating the outfall based on generally .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.7 .It is acknowledged and'agreed by the PARTIES that it is .# . t* '- .. . . of operation and majntenance costs. _-, . .. . . accepted accounting pri.nci pl es , i ncl udi ng , but not 1 imi ted to, expenses necessary to maintain and preserve the outfall in good repair and working order, as we71 . as' insurance, taxes, administration, and any costs attributable to its maintenance .. -. . .. .. . . c .. .. .. . and operation. .&- - .- .I .. .. .. ... . . .- . .. .. . , .- _.. :.z . . .. . .. . .-. .. .. ~. , . .' . '13. -REPAIRS OR REPLACENENT . .. . .. . .- . .' 13.1 Except in cases of emergency repairs, prior to making any .*, .. .. .- - : ., '- repairs to any part of the pipeline in which BUENA or CARLSBAD have capacity .. -iights which are estimated to cost in excess of*Ten.Thousand Dollars, SAN MARCOS -. '- shall obtain prior approval of BUENA and CARLSBAD for any such expenditures. , . i 13.2 The expenses of repair shall be charged to each PARTY on tFe .. .. .. . basis of percentage of capacity in the reach involved and shall be substaniiited by customary accounting procedures and shall be paid by-BUENA and CARLSBAD within .. ~ sixty (60). days after bill'ing; provided, however, such costs benefitting less than all PARTIES shall be ' : borne by the PARTY or PARTIES concerned. -. .- .- .. '. -6- . .. I . .. , : . .* .* 13.3 The cost of replacing any portion of the pipeline shall be allocated on the basis of the percentages of capacity as set forth herein for theerespective reach of the outfali being replaced. .. < t ... , 13.4 SAN MARCOS shall undertake any necessary repairs or- -. .. -: replacement at the earliest possible date. 3 .; t a 5, 14. METERS .. .. .. -: replacement at the earliest possible date. 3 14. METERS a .. r. ' .. .. 14.1 SAN MARCOS, BUENA and CARLSBAD shall maintain meters to f. . measure the flow of their treated effluent into the pipeline. Any PARTY removing tfeated effluent from the pipeline shall maintain meters to measure the amount of t r. ...I .' . .'; .f ... .. .. effluent being removed. .. . .. .'14.2 Each PARTY shall bear the full cost of the water meter . -. .. .. . ' . :' . ', .. .. . : and appurtenances installed for the use, of that PARTY in measuring the amount of 1': .. . .. ._. .. .. .t .. .. -.. .: :: 'water discharged into -or rernobed from the pipeline. ' . , -.. 0' .. . ._ .a .. -. 15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS . ..._ .' . , .. 15.1 In the event that the Ca1i.fornia Regional Water Quality -. .. .. . .. . Control Board, San Diego Region, its successor, or any other Agency having -.. .. .jurisdiction over the operation, maintenance and use of the outfall other than ' the PARTIES'requires that additional facil ties be constructed as a condition of' .. .: pl'peline use or that the pipeline be modified, the costs thereof shall'be'borne * '* by the PARTIES on the basis of percentage of capacity for the particular reach _. .- .. .. -. .. .. * r i' .. .. . for which the expense is required to be Incurred.' .- . ' 15.2 No structural change.or modification of the outfall lying . .. .- outside the boundary of 'SAEI NARCOS shall occur without first obtaining the . written consent of all of the parties to this agreement . use. Said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. involved in that joint = I- *. .. .. *- .‘ .- -. .. -_ .. .. -. * -. .. .* 16. .. ’. .. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 16.1 The PARTIES shall norhally maintain a quality of effluent that complies with’standards established in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit of Encina or the provisions thereof as amended from time to time by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, on behalf of the State of California and the Environmental Protec- tion Agency. t \ 4 The PARTIES further agree that they will not deliver to the pipeline 4- any paterial or substance which dirrlctly or indirectly or .in combination with .. other material or substance delivered to the pipeline by others to this Agreement which would prevent Encina from complying with said permit. . .- .. .L * 16.2 The PARTIES may mutually agree to maintain a quality of effluent that complies with standards for reuse of said effluent as defined by Title 22 California Administration Code 60001 ,* et seq. as amended from time to time, provided the modified standard of quality of effluent complies with the e. ’ c S * effective discharge permit for the Encina Outfali’. .. .> 16.3 During the period of temporary connection to the Leucadia-Carlsbad ‘bypass of the Encina Treatment Plant, the PARTIES shall CO- operate to insure that the baximuin hydraulic head at that point is less than .1 13.0 psi.‘ I 16.4 Each PARTY agrees to exert its best efforts on a con- tinuing basis to enforce regulations prohibiting the dischzrge of toxic materials to Erlcina. Each PARTY agrees to enforce rules and reguiations relative to the ..discharge of sewage and waste water to the pipeline to insure that anything . introduced into the pipeline is consistant with the‘ Encina NPDES discharge permit. 16.5 Any PARTY failing to comply with the provisions of Section 16 shall pay any costs directly or indirectly resulting therefrom, -0- s ,. .. . ,' . e. including the cost of ascertaining and establishing tbt such did occur as well ' as any fines, penal ties, engineering, accounting, administrative and legal costs, - as wel'l as any resulting increased operating,'. maintenance and replacement or . repair costs that are incurred. .17. ONNERSHIP, USE YGlD SALE OF RECLAIMED WATER - -- 17.1 BUENA, CARLSBAD and SAN MARCOS, individually, shall be ' sole-and exclusive owner of the treated effluent which they discharge into the pipeline and shall be the sole judge of the manner of distribution or sale of r' . the treated effluent owned, respectively, by each of the parties within the territory of such PARTY; no other PARTY shall have any right, title or interest or claim with respect io any other PARTY'S use or disposition of the treated' P effluent which is owned by that individual party within the territory of such PARTY. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .a. a .. .. .. . .' 0. ' 17.2. Each PARTY now or may in the future reuse or' reclaim its .. .. .. .. i sewage and wastewater. Neither execution of this Agreement nor use of the SAN MARCUS outfall. shall be construed as a dedication of any sewage, wastewater. or -..,. 1 resulting effluent or reclaimed water for public use. Ownership of such sewage, ,a .I ' : wastewater or resulting effluent or reclaimed water shall remain'in its proper :quantity as to the PARTY delivering or causing such to be delivered 'to SAN MARCOS outfall until it is discharged from the Ocean O.Litfa11.. -. */? . 6. .. .. .. I. - 18. INDEMNITY OF BUENA AND CARLSaAD - -- -. .. " .. 18.1 SAN HARCOS shall indemnify; assume the defense of, and .) hold free and harmless, BUEFIA and CARLSBAD, their officek, directors, agents and employees from any and all obligations, liabilities, liecs, claims, demands, losscs, IZmited to, attorney's fees and all litigatibn costs arising out of SAN f4ARCOS' damages and expenses, of whatever type or nature, including, but not. '. -: . a. .s .. ._. . .. .. . .. .- *. - .. .. , .. - *. . .- .. ~. .* .* .. .. operation or maintenance of the pipeline or any other act or omission to act by SAN MARCOS, its agents, servants, employees, invitees, or independent .- . . . c,ontractors relating to'the operation .and maintenance of the pipeline. .. .. 18.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemn-ity agreement created by this Paragraph 18 shall not indemnify BUENA or CARLSBAD, their directors, agents or employees against any liability arising from the negligence .. .. .a. ' . Or willful misconduct of BUEtlA or CARLSBAD, their officers, directors, agents, . . .. .. .. . 'emplolees or independent contractors. . , .. .. *.' . .. -. .. .. 19. . $AN MARCOS TO filAIl'lTAIN INSURANCE . .- .. -. .. .. . : . 19.1 SAN MARCOS shall maintain in force during the'full period .. .. .. , of this agreement a full comprehensive, public liability and property damage .. insurance policy insuring against any and all. claims for injuries or death of pkrsons or damage to property occurring in, upon, or.'abo& the 'property Subject .. :'to this agreement. e. .. .. i' ... 19.2 The insurance contract shall have limits of noi less than . . $1,000,000.00 single-limit coverage, BUENA and CARLSBAD, their officers, directors, agents and employees, shall be listed as additional insureds, and it shall pravfde for at least forty-five (45) days no!ice of cancellation or modification of .- -. . .- '- . coverage or limits. Said insurance shatl be included as an operating and main- .. . -. .' '. tenance expense as provided in Section 12.7. . , .. .. 0 .. .. .. . .. .. 20. , NOTICES , . .. .. 20,l Notices which any'PARTY is required to give or desires to ., ... gfve hei-eunder may be served upon another PARTY by personally delivering a copy * thereof; or by mailing any such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, .. . postage prepaid, addressed as follows: . 0 -1 0- . . .... .. - ,. $AN MARCOS COUNTY MATER DISTRICT 788 W. San Msrcos Boulevard San Marcos, California 9206'3 .. '. . :. ., - *. .. .. . . -. BUENA SANITATION DI STF! I CT 7. .County of San Diego County Operations Center 5555 Overland Avenue c/o Department of Sanitation & Flood Control [0384) . -. I .- .. - .' . .. .., . '. .. , .- .-. -. . . . . .. San Di ego, .Ca 1 i forni a 921 23 .- ' .. ** -. *. CITY OF CARLSBAD .. .. . =. .. . .. . _- . : .f . . , '. .. . .. *. - .. .. .t... I200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 .. - 20.2, Any PARTY may from time to time designate a different ':address for notice by notifying the other PARTIES; any notice mailed by regular mat1 shall be deemed received by the PARTY to whom such notice is addressed forty-eight (48) hours after ;he mailing thereof; any. notice maited by certified e.* . *. . '.. mail, return receipt requested, shall be deemed received by -- such'notice is addressed on the date of the returii receipt. .. .. .. 21. . MODIFICATION 0- .. .. .. . - .' .. ; :This Agreement may not be-altered in.whole .'-.: :by modification .. in writing, executed by all PARTIES to this .. .. 22. ATTORNEY'S FEES the PARTY to whom . _. .. .. .. - . .. or in part except agreement. . . 4 c - 22.1 In the event any arbitration proce2dings, administrative proceed.ing or litigation l'n law or in equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is'brought to enforce or interpret the provisions or performance of this agre'einent, the prevailing PARTY shall be entitled to the award of a reasonable .. a. .. . attorney's fee and the costs of the proceeding, which shall' be determined by the Court or the prcsiding officer having authority to make this determination. .* . .. .. -1 I- .I . *- 1 .. .. * .a *a .. - .'. .* 22;2 If any PARTY to this agreement becmes a party to any litigation, administrative proceeding or arbi.tration concerning the enforcement or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement 6r ,the performance of this Agreement by reason of any act or omission of another party or kuthorited repre- sentatives of another party to this Agreement and not by any act or omission of the party thdt becomes a party to that proceeding or any act or omission of its -*authorized representatives, the party that causes another party to become involved in the proceeding shall be liable to that party for reasonable Attorney's.fees and &ts of the proceeding incurred by that party in the proceeding. . of reasonable attorney's fees and costs shall be determined as provided above. I The award 22.3 In the event opposing PARTIES have each prevailed on one .. .: or .more causes'of action actually contested or admitted by pleadi.ngs or pre- . . hearing .docuknts on file, the presiding officer shall make an award of attorney's fees and costs, but the presiding officer may prorate such fees and costs between . prevailing parties based on the necessity of the proceeding and the importance .. . ._ . .- .. . .. .. .:. *. .. .- .. .* .. - of the issue upon which'each party has prevailed. ._ .. .* . 23. . ENTIRE AGREEhENT .* .. .. __ . This Agreement, together with the exhibits hereto, contains all . representations and 'the entire -understanding between the PARTIES with respect to . . .. 1. - .~ . . ' . .- . .. . ..' the subject matter of this Agreement. Any prior correspondence, memoranda or . .. . .. . .. agreements are replaced in total by this Agreement and exhibits hereto. .. .. .. , .. .. . .24. NO t4ERGER .. . .. .. .. .:. The.obligations herein contained shall not merge with transfer of title but shall rercain in effect until fulfilled. -, ,. *. * .. .. .. *I, .. . . . No party to this Agreement shall be entit1,ed to assign all or .. a. J. any portion of their rights or obligations contained in this Agreemect without obtaining the prior written consent of the other PARTIES. . ., . .. a. .. e/ .. .a ' .. 26. BINDING EFFECT .-. . This Agreement shall, inure to the benefit of and be binding . .. .. .. 'upon parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, and assigns. . . . .- . .. . .. . .. r' .. .. .. .. ' 27. APPLICABLE LAW . .. .. *' ' .f . -. This Agreement and any disputes relating to this Agreement .. :. _. . .. . -. shall be.construed under the laws of the State of Califonia. .. . .. '? . .. .'. . ._ -- .. .. . .. .. L .. 28. UNENFORCEABLE PROVISIONS . .. .. .. ~. .. .. . 28.1 The terms, conditions, and covenants of .this Agreement .. . ,.\. . . should be construed, wherever possiblei -consistent with applicable 'laws and .. 0 * .. .. regulations. . .' . .. .. 28.2 To the extent that any provision of the Agreement violates . any applicable law or regulation, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be carried into'full force and effect and remain enforceable. % .. -29. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES .. Any controver'sy or claim between the parties to this .. .. .. 29.1 - ..- .. .. . Agreement including, but not limited to, any claims, disputes, demands, differences, -controversies, or misunderstandings arising under, out of, or in relation to this Agreement, or any alleged breach of this Agreement, shall be submitted to and determined' by arbitration in accordance with the California Arbitration provisions -. . -. - . . .- . . contained in Civil Procedure 1280 et seq., as amended from time to time. .- 29.2 The arbitrator or arbitrators shall determine the rights 8 of the PARTIES in accordance with the law and the award shall be subject to revicw .. .. .. .. .. a ,.. . : ..-. * - * .*,, .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .I .as to the arbitrator's application of the law by any court having. jurisdiction of the matter, whether or not any mistake of the law shall appear upon the face ' -of the award. As to all question of fact, however, the determination of the - .. . . -.. .. arbitrator or arbitrators shall be binding upon all PARTIES and shall be deemed final and conclusive. Each PARTY shall be entitled to written'findings of fact I T.' .. . . and conclusions of law as tb all issues determined by the award. Subject to the above limitations, the award granted by the arbitrator shall be binding upon all PARTI& to the arbitration and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator . .. I .. . ' .or arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the matter. . . 30. -VENUE. - For the purpose of 1itiga.tion or arbitration, venue shall . a. . . '.i .~ ... . .- .. , .. . i -- ll'e in the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego, State of Calif- . . .. -. . ornia, or, if such venue cannot be exercised, in the Federal or State Court -. . '-'nearest to the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego. .. . ... ' . ' 31. I_ TERM This Agreement is executed and is to be performed in the -.? North County Judicia7 District, County of San Diego, State of California, and ..- '.e ,* -' _. _. ' terminated by mutual agreement of the PARTIES. . consists of 22 pages (including exhibits),*and shall continue in effect until .. 4 ..i .: . ;; . ,-# ;..; "t .. ... .. .. -.. .. . .~ - .- .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the respective PARTIES have caused this instrument . .. .. . to be executed by their respective officials .- . seal pursuant to motions duly adopted by the .. . .. .. .. .. .. I' I . : and'to be sealed by the offici-a1 Board of Directors of each PARTY. .. .. -1 4- . A - Signature page to Ag- ,ement titled "San'Marcos iter District, Buena Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad Ag,zeement for the Operation and Maintenance of an Ocean Failsafe TJeated Effluent Outfall Pipeline. SAN By: By: (SEAL) MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT DATED : * r' Approved as to form: Margaret E. Ferguson, President 8. James F. McKay, Secretary .. .' . ' Vernon A. Peltzer, District Counsel (SEAL) DATED : BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT .. By : Porter D. Cremans. Clerk of the Approved as to form: Board of Directors i County Counsel .. (SEAL) DATED : CITY OF CARLSBAD n .. 1 .. Mtorney .. .. .. .. . .' .. .. - - .. .. , tXtIlUlI 0 *.:. . :. ... ...... -. -. .... . . *. ... .. ........ ... . ..I: ? .. . : .* '. .. ... .4* i .: . '.. .- *. .. ' ' .. .. * .. ;5. r. '. . .. .. * . :: - ... .. -* . .. . '.. * 'r .. - 0.. e. .. 2 ... ... .. ....... .. .... ... ...... :. , .. CO?ISEilT TO COt+XO?l USE AGREEPIEF:T . ' ' ., ... .a .. ... ... .. ... .. ........ .. : . .... ' a. ,.. /* .. .. .. .......... .... .. .. ..: .. ....... .. ... '.. ,' .... .. ., .. 8. ... r .. .. a. .I ' I '.. .. .. .. ' THIS AGREEI.:jflT, entered into-this 7th day of ' July , 19 80 -> by '- . -. *. -* .. .. . .. and bctween Cuena Sanitaticn District, hereinafter called 'fsuena,.", z:nd the .... .- , Sp 'Marcos County Water District, hereinafter called ''Sari j4arcos,n ... ...... .. .;. . . . - .I .. *-. :: :e .. : .... ... .. .. . . -. .. .... .' . . ._ - .. .*. .. .. .. ... ... ._ . ... ...... .. ..' . .. .' . .. ............ .. 1. ... *. ... *. ..... ... . *. .. .. -. * .. ... .. ...... .. - .5 . -. .... .. .. .. ._ . '. ' .. ... . .'. * NITNESSETH ...... -. ..... -. '. ' .' ...... . -. . .. ._ ..... .. .. .. .. ........ . .- .. . :. , ..... . ,*e. ..... 'I .. .. .... -- . i .. 0. - . -.. .. - *. . .. .. .. .. . -.. .- . .- . .- .._. . , .... ... .- .. .- ... . .- - .- .. ,I .... -'Whereas, Buena is the owner in possession of certain rights. of way' md !. .- .... .: . -. : . .. .-. .- - I. . 5- . -- - easements, hereinafter referred to*'as' '''Buena's easement," 'and describgd ... by.' .' <:-- . -.* . the following easement documenFs: . . ... - .- . -. ... . . .,. * ....... 'i - .. ...... . .; . . . . -'- .... -1 .... . -.: . . -. - ;' .. .. ........... ..... .. . C . *. i .......... . :- .. .- .. .._ .. .. .-. .. ... .......... .. .- ..'-: ........ .... : ..... c-4 . -. . ._ .- .. : . - ,. ..... ..... ..... ' -. .... ... ... . ......... ~ _. ' '-- .- . ....... .. . #. .. .... .. . .. .................. .:: ...... *s. . T ._ . .*- . - .. . .- . recorded . July 14, 1964 . and : by' .Superidr Court. . Case' '286258 ::.. recorded ... as" ... .... ... ._.. :. ., .... ..... .. ..,-: .. - :. .. *:.:-.:a*'. . - . *_ .. .. .. 0. . 8. ... -- . . ,. . .. L . .-. .--.. .* .. . : I ... .. 5 -. .- , .. -. . - .' . . FijefTage No. 126866 recorded July 14, 1964 and. by Superibr Cou&"Case '28525a - . . recorded as File/Page No. 212128 an November 20, 1964; FilefPage .ho. 12685! ., . ~. _- ....... ....... :: . --- ... .. ..... . -. - -_ -. ,. i. -* .- . r. .. _. .. :- ..... .. ..... ....... .. .. '. .. 4 .. -. . .- -. .. ..... .... .... ..' . '. . -~ .. .. .. - -. ........ -File/Page No. 672 . on January 4; 1965;. Fildpage No. . 28663 recorded' ... February 16 1965 'and Superior Court case 286258' recorded as ' FiiejPage No. , . 27924 recorded February'l6, 1365; .File Page/flo. 1288 recorded January 5, -1965 . ... .and File/Page No. 17135 recorded September 21, 1965; all in the official - .. -. : .. .. .. ... ..... , _. -_ -. -. . .. .. .. .. ..: .. -. .. 1 ...... .. ... ...... .' .- '.. .. -. ..... .. .- . ... - ." ... ........... ", .. .. .... ..... .. ? *. , .. ... .. . . records OF San Diego County. .. : * .. -. .. -. ^. .- a. .# - t.lhereas, San Marcos has scqitircd certain lands for reclaimed sewage pur- * .. -. .' poses in the .vicinity of San lh-cos, County of Sm Diego, near Palomar Air- .. pori Road, hcrcinafter 'refcrred 'to as &n klarcos R/\J,'' and ' .. 0.. .. . d. . 'm . U *' .. I. *. -. Whereas, the San .- *. L . .; *. f.!a-cos righ5 of *. .. r. 9 .. 0 -d ... my occupies a d. .. pot t ion : ' . .. '. .. . '. . .. .. .... .., . c .. of -Buena . .' ... . I. .... .. .. ' .' '. .. 's ease- .\( ,. 5. . ,A. ..... Q . .* ., .. ment and is subject to said easement Hhich said portion is hereinafter re- -*" .. , .is ,* .. ' . Ferred Eo as "area of cornon use," and is descr-ibed as follows: a portion of . .. .' .... :I ... ..?. s... ...... .... ..s '.> ... . ,.k . 7'. ..... . ;d ... .. .. . :. .. " existing easement from station 10f-50 to station 147+33,79, - '. " c . ._ .. '.' -* . .... ..... :J .. ....... .. .. .* ... ... ... .*.. '. , .... :..y . .-,. .. . .,. .. a a, .. .. .. . r.? . . tion, 'Therefore, Buena dd San Marcos,' heieby mutually agree as. fdlons:' .. .. 5 - .L. . . -.. :.:: . '.1 .... .. . . L. . ,. .. .. ... . -. .... .. ,. ' ... .. . .:& .. . ,. . .,. .. a. .,. .. . . .' .. _. I. .. .. -.. .. I ... .' . ... .' 1 i. Buena hereby consents . to the construction ;. reconstru]c'tion ,' main- .......... ... .* . . and upon Buena's easement in the area of common use upon' and subject 'to the ' .. , ... .- .-!. .: , .. .- .. ."., .. *. . .. -i . $: tenance or use by San 1-larcos of a reclaimed sewage failsafe iinh, over, along .' . ... . . -* .... . . i .. ..... .. .. - ._ ' . -.$? .., .*- , .:.:.-- . ...... ..... .. .. ..... .:, ... -.& ...... ....... .. * ** ., .\y' G,.:. t ............ . . :*:, , :. ., , :.- -w * , - ' ... ...... ... .. .... .- ..,. . _- .. _. i. .--e.. ,. . .. .. c . :+ i .. ....... : .. ..... .. -' .. .. .... .. ....... : terms and conditions herein contained, .. .... e- .. ' r.., *. .- .. '- .. : ..$ . -. .* ' . .. . *. .. . .. .. - -. .* . -.: .. 2. * San Marcos acknowledges henat's title to Buena's easement 'in said .-. . ,'.. 'i.. .. .., .: .. -. .. .* . : . area of comon use and the priority of Euena's title over the title of San.' .. -. .. . *. .... . -. .* .... .. .... . -:' Narcos therein. Buena has and' reserves 'the right and easernent'*to use, 'in ... -: ' .I ' ... .. 2; . ,*- comnon kith San Marcos's use of said failsafe line, said area of comon use ' :for all of the'purposes for which Buena's easement was acquired, without need ' . -'for any further permit or permission. from San Marcos. Buena shall give reasonable notice, to San'Marcos before performing any work .. .. . .- Except in cmergincics, e .. . .. -..; .... :. ... .. :: . , . .-:r . -2. .id .. .... .. ' ... .... ~ .. :. . .( -: - . G.4 'C ' ..' . on Buerm's facilities in said arks-of cornon use. .. .. .... 1 .. - I.*' ' .: ;. '* ~ .. . -. .. .... .. '. .. .. .. . ,. .. I 3, a) TV Inspection of Existing Buena Outfall Sewer. At San Harcos expense, a TV inspection of the sewer will be made prior 'to .the .start of . . construction, along tile length of sewer that placement of the proposed .pipeline will occur, to establish the existing condition 'of said sewer. Upon 1. . , .1 cozplction of construction, a second TY inspection will b2 made to dctcrmine * .. ----- L-J An Ft-- t\iiI-F~11 'cpwpp- os'*,- \f, ,.* ' .. _- . Sho~ld the second inspection reseal any damage to outfall sewer, San Marcos will be responsible for the reoairs necessary to restore the sewer to its * .* .. ..... e.. .. ... .. ... 8.. ! :.' previcusly existing condit'm. ,. ... , .. *: . r :. ... . ..'... . . .. .I *. .. . .. .. .* ... .. .. .. b. Excess Cost of Future Maintencnce to Outfall Sewer, San Marcos ' ;. ... .- . . , .. ..... . '.. .. .- .. . .agrees "' to reimburse Buena for excess costs, both direct and indirect, for ...... _. * excavation, shoring, or bracing incurred during maintenance or repair. work to .. . the 6u6na outfall sewer, 2s -a result of the presence '.bf the failsafe . ,. .. - -. *..'. . -pipeline. The term of this excess cost reimbursement agreement shall €e 20 ... ... .... ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .... .. .... ... .. .. ... .... ' .. .. .... .. . .. .... ... - .. ... .. : . ... .. .* .. ... ........ <. ..- .. .. .... 'I .i. ; , .. .. .. .. - - years, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... -. ...... c.' 'San Marcos agrees to. hold Buena harmless from damage. claims by others due to construction of 'the San .Narcos failsafe 'line; damages inciude but are not limited to darnzge to agricultural crops near the construction .. .. .. .. .. .- .. .. ~ -. - .- ..... .. .- -- . . . . ... -& ... .. .. .. .. .... . ._ . .. ... ...... ...... .. -. ........ .... _. ... .. .. -. - c - .. .. .. - .. .. .. ..... - . site from dust, interruption of irrigation systems, etc, .... ..... .. ........ .,i. . .: ....... :': *' .. ... ... .. -,... . - .... * ... .... . ... ... ... ,. . ., .... .... ,_. . _- .. .. .. -. .. .... -. .. .. '. .. ..-. .. '.. .. .. .e .. .. .. .. 4. ' In the event that the future'use of said, failsafe line shall at any' ' ' . ' - .... - .. . .' .- . ... tine or times necessitate a rearrangemGnt , relocatjon, . reconstruction or re- ..... 1. ' '. .- .. moval of any of Buena's facilities then existing. in said area of. coccnon use and Ssn Marcos shall notify St,zna .in writing of such nxessity and. agree to . . ... . . -.i . .- -. - reimburse Buena on demand for its costs incurred ii' complying with such no- '. . tice, Buena will provide San Marcos with plans of its proposed - rearrangement and an estimate'of the cost thereof and, upon approval of such .. ,' -. * -- *. . -. plens by San Marcos, Buena will promptly proceed to effect' such ... rezrrangement, relocation, reconstruction or removal. No further pcrmit or - permiss.ion From San Narcos for such rearrangement shall be required and if .. " . .... . . .... ..-. ..... .. .. - .. ... * .* . - .... '. . - e., . . e. .. .. 9. .. .... *a .. .. .. such rearrangement shall require the relocation of any-of Buena's facilities . 9. .. ogtsidz of said area of conirnon use, San Martos will (1) enter into a standard icriil of joint use agreement covering th2 new locatiori of ~3,~";'s easement within the San Marcos right of 'way, (2) provide exiuted document(s) granting to Buena a good and sufficient easezent eoutside of the San Marcos right of wzy if necessary to replace 8umi'S easement or any part thereof, and (3) reimburse Buena for any costs it may k required to expend to acquire such c .' a. -. . ,. *@- easemgnnt, provided it is mutually agreed in writing that Suena shall acquire . a. .. ... ... ... .. .. ...... .. .. .. . '. . ... ... ..: I .* . ,.. .. ... '. ..I .. ...... . -. . .- . .. .. .. ,f .. .- ... .. - such easement. :. . .. '. .. 5. . Except as expressly set forth herein,'.this agreement shall not .in any way after, modify or terminate my provision of BuenaIs. easement. .'Both' ' ' .: .. .. i SUI Marcos and 5uena shall use said. area .of comnon use in such a manner as -' .. :- .- .. .. not 'to inerfere unreasonably with the .rights of -the. other, contained shall be construed as a release or. waiver of any claim for,. ' Nothing herein .. -. -. .. .. compensation or damages which Buena or San 'Narcos may nov, have or may . . .. hereafter acquire resulting from the construction -of. additiona.3 facilities or .. ., .. .. -the altetation of existing facilities by either San Marcos or Duma in such a rnbnner as to cause an unreasonable interference with .the use of said area of cowon use by tk other party. .. .. '. -- n .. ... ... .. - .. ....... 6. .. *. .. .. 6. THIS AGIIEEMEMT shall hurt? to the benefit of and be binding upon the -1 .. successors and assigns of both parties. .' : - - .. - 0. .. .t . -. .. . . IN WITHESS MIEREOF, thc'partics hereto have caused this agreement to 12 , executed in duplicate by their respective officials ' ttwreunto duly '.. '. '. .. *. 9 author i zed. .. .4 . .' 4' . *. .. -. .. .. .. - .. .. .* '. .. .. .. .- .. , .. . .* .. .. . -.. . .. 2 .. . *. .. . .. * ..