HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-03; City Council; 6386-4; Streetscape plans preliminary reviewi &*X, 1 . 8 % "3.5 khO 3% 38g *34J urn cd Eq q r-l dpl sa Q r0.d P 8l D2 u b.3 a* I? P "3; && a $42 boE cd -- H-2 ; 2g.g l3g a -4 Q{ I Ha a alk 8% .4 -d aa.4r-l F=a R& $ .d -23 "4r0 3 u $23 g 4 (4 A g32A crl4Jco $$sG a0 LId rl CY3 .. r-l z 0 6 4 5 z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~JILL AB#Ip3fi'&L/ TITLE: PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF STREETSC4PE PLANS DEPl MTG. 11/3/81 CITY DEPT. ENG CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council should consider the recommendation in the preliminary report and advise the consultant of any desired revisions and; Instruct staff to give "Notice to Proceed" to the consultant for the preparation of construction drawings. IT€[ €KPLANATION; Council, when approving the consultant for the Downtown Streetscape Stuc specifically requested that the study be brought back to them in prelimi nary form. In accordance with this request, the preliminary draft of tk Streetscape Plan is submitted for consideration. Representatives from t Engineering and Landry will make a presentation to explain and augment t Streetscape document and report. The draft report presents from one to three options for each street. Option I consists of maximum landscaping and use of right-of-way for pedestrian use. Option I1 proposes less landscaping than proposed in Option I. Option I11 represents the minimum amount of change to the street and consists primarily of dress-up landscaping and street furni- ture. The options reflect a range of possibilities for each street. Tk final report will address each street with appropriate option. At th- time, the existing contract with CC- Engineering and Landry calls for prf either decide to proceed with final design for those streets, using the selected option, or await the final report. The Redevelopment Committec considered the report and recommends Option I11 and the construction of Roosevelt and Madison Streets. The attached staff report focuses in on some of the issues and concerns. It also outlines the areas where Council direction is needed at this tir parat:on of construction drawings for Roosevelt and Madison. Council mz FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are obligated for the completion of the consultant contract. No z tional funds will be required unless the scope of the design contract i: changed. EXHI BITS : A. Staff Report. E. Draft Streetscape Plan (to be distributed). EXHIBIT A a 0 &' ? ST.4FF REPORT TO : City Manager FROM: City Engineer r& DATE : October 29, 1981 SUBJECT : DRAFT STREETSCAPE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN / The City Council on May 19, 1981 awarded a two-step contract to CG Engineering/Landry, a joint venture, to prepare a Streetscape Imple- mentation Plan and to prepare construction plans and specifications or the implementation of the streetscape on Madison and on Roosevelt between Elm and Grand. Streetscape Implementation Plan be reviewed by City Council prior to Council may indicate concurrence in the design concepts and phasing prior to finalizing the document. The draft Streetscape Imp1 ementation Plan proposes four (4) construc- tion phases and offers from one to three alternative configurations for each street. mum use of right-of-way for pedestrian-oriented use and maximum recon- struction of curb, gutter and sidewalk. All configurations recommend elimination of diagonal parking. parking spaces. The consultant recommends formation of an off-street parking district to replace lost parking. The first draft of the preliminary Streetscape Implementation Plan was reviewed by staff in late August, early September and forwarded to the Housing s( Redevelopment Advisory Committee. requesting a change in the second step of the contract by designing State and Grand in lieu of Fladison and Roosevelt. have cost an additional $19,000 in design and would have presented some coordination problems. original proposal and now recommends that Madison and Roosevelt be the first phase. relocation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. The Traffic and Safety Commission reviewed the draft plan. They expressed some concerns about turning radii, bike lanes on Grand and the elimination of 48 parking spaces. These issues can be addressed, as necessary, in the final report. Staff Concerns In reviewing the draft document, staff expressed concerns in several areas The administrative plan is not fully developed. The first phase, as recon mended, is not consistent with the initially proposed design project in that it proposes State Street in addition to Madison and Roosevelt. If The contract required that the preliminary its finalization, It is being presented in a draft form so that City The consultant's recommendations provide for maxi- This results in the loss of 48 The Committee considered This change would The Committee, on review, supported the They also recommend the configuration which requires least * a -6a V. October 29, 1981 DRAFT STREETSCAPE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Page 2 Phase I is to be done in two parts, it should be so stated. Another element of confusion is the problem of projecting Block Grant funds to accomplish future phases. There is $300,000 currently allocated to Streetscape work. Council has yet to indicate their intention to earmark future funds for the project. The draft report does not contain a list of proposed street furnish- ings. This can be remedied in the final report. Council Decisions - There are four basic decisions Council should give direction on at this time. They are: 1) The substitution of parallel parking for diagonal parking, and; 2) The location of bicycle lanes on Grand instead of on Elm, and; 3) each of the streets, and; 4) This last item, while not being directly involved in any proposed City construction projects, will set the tone for future storefront remodeling. The geometics (Option I, 11, or 111) for The facade report. -- : * 1200 ELM AL DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES CARLSBAD, GALIF ,@ (I: 0 Assislant City Manager 0 Building Department 0 Engineering Department (714) 438-5596 (714) 438-5525 (714) 438-5541 @J Housing 8 Redevelopment Department August 17, 1981 (714) 438-561 1 D Planning Department (714) 438-5591 The City Council of the City Qf Carlsbad has recently adopted a Redevelopment F for a portion of the City known as the Village Area. Pursuant to Section 3337: of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California copies of the followir documents are transmitted: a) description of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Project Boundary and statement that redevelopment proceedings have been instituted as recorded with the San Diego County Recorder. Ordinance numbw 9591 of the Carlsbad City Council adopting the Village Redevelopment Plan. Map- depicting the boundaries of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Project Area m b) c) Very truly yours, JACK E. HENTHORN D i rector Dept. of Hotlsing and Redevelopment encl osures : JEH:al I) 0 DISTRIBUTION LIST State Board of Equal i zation 1020 N Street Sacramento Ca - 95808 County Assessor's Office County of San Diego 1600 Pacific Coast Highway San Diego County Auditor County of San Diego 1600 Pacific Coast Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Carnino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tri-Ci ty Hospital District 4002 Vista Way Oceanside, CA 92054 County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92101 Mira Costa College One Barnard Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 Metro Water District 1111 Sunset Los Angeles, CA 90054 San Diego \.later Authority 2750 4th Avenue San Diego, CA 92010 Carl sbad Unified School Di strict 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 San D;ego, CA 92101 1600 Pacific Coast Highway I' 6 ORDINANCE NO, 9597- 0 \ AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPSOVING AND ADOPTING THE RBDEVELQPXEMT PROJECT KEDEVEMPMEMT PLAN FOR TKE VILI,AGE AREA WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest: t the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission (her called the 'sCommisslon'8 ) undertake and carry out redevelopment project in the City of Carlsbad referred to identified as the "Village Area Redevelopment Project" (her: called the "Project"); and . WHEREAS, there has bsen prepared and regerred to the C Council of the City of Carlsbad (herein called the "Counci for review and approval, a Redevefopxtent Plan for the P~oj (herein called the "Redevelopent Plan'e)o a copy of which is file in the office of the City Clerk consisting of thirty I (31) pages and two exhibits, supported by the follow supplementary material, data recomxisndations not a part of Redevelopment Plan and accompanied a report dated April, 9. containing information required by Health and Safety Cc Section 33352 of the California Csmniunity RedevePopictit : ( the "Report" 1 ; and WBEKEAS, the Corn-nission has adopted and submitted to t? City Couneil a method or plan providing for the relocation perscjns, families and businesses from the Project Area, t payment sf relocation benefits and the giving of re3ocati assistance to such persons and familiies; and WHEREAS p rules governing participation by and reason? prsferences to oHrners and tenants within the Project Arear copy of which rules is on file in the office of the Secret; of the Commissian, have been prepared and adopted by t Comnission; and WHEREAS, a General Plan has been prepared for the City Carlsbad and is recognized and used as a guide for the gener development of the locality as a whole; and dHEKEAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsk has approved a preliminary plan for the Project on August 1978, The Planning Commission has furkhermore submitted to t Council its report and reroanendations respecting t Redevelopment Plan for the Project has found that t Redzvelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City -.. o e- Carlsbad, and has recommendsd adoption Of the Redevelop Plan; the Council has duly considered the rep recommendations and findings of the Dlanning Commission; and hTtIEREAS, the Draft Environmental Impact Wepurl: Eoa: Vill.age Area Redevelopment Plan has been prepaxed with res] to the environmental issues and impacrts involved in the Fro through the implementation of the RedevePopaent Plan. Draft document has been duly reviewedF and my cornnrents w may have been received thereon have been du3y evaluated responded to, all in accordance with and within the time anc Cityo Toe Draft (together with said comments and, respon! has been duly designated as and declared to be the F Environmental Impact Report by the Ccmtmission with respect the Project and the Redevelopment Plan ("EIR No- 567") an6 preparation and completion sf docurr:erIt have been certified the Comnission as in c0nformit:y with &he Gal-ifoi Environmental Quality Act of 1910, the?- S&ste regulat.: thereto, and -the procedures adopted therefor by %.he City; an( WHEREAS, the Planning Camrnissior of the City CIC CaclsL the manner set forth in the procedures adapted therefor by on Noverriber 74, 1979, held a public hcarirry to consider J31R 567 for the Village Area Redevelopmezk Plan; and WHEREAS, after conducting said hearing the Planr Commission adcpted Resolution Noo 156 1 recommending that City Council adopt EIR No, 567 as the Environmental Xm~ California Environmental Quality Act, State EIE GuideLj-ries Carlsbad Environmental far~tectiofi Ordiiiancc Qf 2972; atid Report for the Village Area Redevelopmsnt Plan pursuant PO WBEREAS, relocation needs have been arialyzed j-11 tcrrris the implementation of khe plan; and WdEREAS, infornation and daka ora relucatiian of zeside and businesses has been presented to khe Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council sf the City CarLsbad also sex as the governing body of the Commission; arid WHEREAS, the Council and the Commission szt the time place for a joint public hearing for the purposes considering the Redevelopaent Plan as 6:QO P,M. c Julie -23, 15 at the City Council Chambers, l%OO Elm Avenuer Ca.rlsI: California; and WHEREAS, the Council and Commission cause& sacdl riotice be published in the Carlsbad Journa.1, a newspaper of gene circulation in the County of Sara Diego, City a)% Carlsbad, c -2- .t 0 .' each week for four successive weeks prior to the date of : hearing, a copy of said notice and an affidavit of publica' of the same are on file with the City Clerk and Commission; i WHEREAS, copies of the notice of said public hearing \ mailed by certified mail (with return receipt requested) to last known address of each assessee as shown on the 1 parcel of land in the Project Area; and equalized assessment roll. of the blcrurky. of an Diego of ( WHEREAS, each assessee, whose property would be subject acquisition by purchase or condemnation under the Redevelop; Plan, was sent a statement to that e€feek attached to notice of the publie hearing; and WHEREAS, copies of the' notice of said public hea~it-~g 5 mailed to the governing body af each t:axing a.gencyp wl levies taxes upon any property in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, each taxing agencyp which: would be affected k division of tax revenues pursuarrt to California Health Safety Code, Section 33670 as called Eor by the Redevelopn Plan, was sent a statement attxhed to its notice that if Redevelopent Plan is adopted, property taxes resultj.ng f increases in valuation above khe assessed V~I<~Q as shown On last equalized assessment roll could bc aXlocated to Commission for redevelopment purpcjses rather than being paic said taxing agency; and HHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the tJxe place €ixed therefor in said notice; and NtfEREAS, the Council has considered all. aspects of s Redevelopment Plan, the Report and khe feasibility relocation, considered all written communications concerr the Redevelopment Plan and provided an opportunity for- persons and organizations to be heard, anti has received considered all evidence and testimony presented for or qai all aspects of the Redevelopment Plan; anc3 passed upon a1.1 oral and written objections v;ith respect to WHEREAS, all action required by 1.a~ has been taken by WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the Council heard Redevelopment Plan by overruling all Such objcct.ions; and appropriate public agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the ( of Carlsbad as follows: -3- -I I e 6’ Section 1- That the purposes and intent: of the Caul with respect to the Project Area are to: A, Create a pleasant, attractive, aecessibh ~;IW&CUII for living, shopping, recreation, civicl cultural and serl functions through restoration and the development sf 1 private/publie development forms which preserve and enhance existing cnaracter of the Project Area and surrauriq conmunity, B, Eliminate blight and blighting: irafluersees 1 presently exist in the Project Area and prevent the rfecurrt of such blighting conditians, C, Encourage a variyty of residential accomsdatisn amenity in the Project Area so 3.s to increase the advantage: close-in living and convenient care shopping, toward the- em encouraging a diversity of age, income and et charxteristics o D. Restxict the highest residential dwiisty @s amac or a ear the Praject Center, E, Introduce prograns to revitalize a411 areas which deteriorating or have high potential to become deteriorated, F, Provide -an organized system of commercia.l land use: be grouped in a village setting, rather than a strip sprawled commercial manner, Such uses should ~RC administrative and prdfessianal offices, mretail outlets, public offices, 6. Provide, within the Project Area, a va.riety of sp and locations for specialty, uni.que, and attractive shops strong pedestrian orientation. Locations and spaces shoulc interconnected with attractive pedestria-n belt s inccBr-psrai landscaping and/or unique texture, H. Provide a variety oE Connerciaf, tx~~rfsnr, recreational activitys specially close to the beach, con junction with special enterts.inment facilities @ restaurq and other uses which will foster a village concept and detrimentally impact residential usage- I. Provide for pedestrian and bicycle access to J. Provide for visual arr,enity through such means landscaped court yardsP attractive and harmonious architect1 forms and vest pocket parks, development clusters and open areas, -4- -. . o e- K. Arrest decay and decline throughout the Project F though restoration and rehabilitation of structures, rp- Guide development to preserve aesthetic and cult[ qual i ty . M, Stimulate and attract private hVeStmento N, Provide a convenient circulation system with emphasis upon ease of access and convenient, safe attractive off-street parking areas, 0, Accommodate existing and future Xorral ana' reg.5~ public transit facilities, 1 I?, Establish the Project Area as Nortlz Sail Dicgo Count focus far specialty goods and services, Q. Establish design contnaal. fra keepincf- with the desi village atmosphere- R, Provide housing for famil.j.es of all income lev^ including low and moderate income EamiPies in accordance E-. the Redevelopment Plan and the Ciky's General Plan- Section 2, The Redevsloprnent Plan, having been d reviewed and considered, is hereby adopted, approved designated as the official Redevelopment Plan for the Vi13 Area Redevelopment Project, and the City Clerk is her directed to file said copy of the Redevelopanent Plan with minutes of this meeting- Said Redevelopment Plan. a copy which is ora file in the office of the City CI.erkf incorporated herein by reference and ~nade a part hereof as fully set out herein, All. written and oral, objections ta Redevelopaent Plan are hereby overruledo Section 3, The City Councif hereby certifies ttrz,t has reviewed and considered the information contained in No, 567 pertaining to the Project and the Redevelopn~ent PI concurrent with its actions as provj-ded in this Ordinance, that EIR No, 567 was prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act 1970, and the State and local guidelines and regulati promulgated in furtherance thereof e The City Council her finds that redevelopsent activities to be conducted within Project Area pursuant to said Redevelopment Plan will not I. a significant effect or a substantial adverse impact on environment because of the availability of mitigating rneas~ as part of the implementation of 'che Redevelopment Plan wI will reduce any significant environmental 5.mpac:ts identif iec -5- -. 0 6’ EIR No, 567 to an insignificant level, The City Council Rei Redevelopment Plan- approves and adopts ExR No, 567 as the Final EXR for Section 4. The Council hergby finds and determines tl A. Upon the record of the joint public hearing on Redevelopment Plan, the Report of the Conmission the1 (copies of which are on file in the office sf the City C: and which Report is hereby incorporated herein by reference made a part hereof as if fully set out at length herein) supporting data theretop the Environmental Impact Report, the testimony received at. the joint public hearing, the Pro: Area is a blighted area, the redevelspmsrlt OE which necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in Community RS~~V~I.O~W~ ~iw ~f the State of California- Project Area is characterized by propertj-es which staffer economic dislocation, deterioration or diseaseb due toB wit1 limitation, the following conditions: 7, Many buildings and structures in the Project: Area aged, obsolete, or deteriorated, 2, Lot sizes in the Project Area are of irregular : and shape and inadequate size for proper usefulness development, and parcels are owned in fee by many diffe persons and/or corporations, thereby making ft difficult assemble land for redevelopment, resulting f ran faulty planning e 3, Economic dislocation, deterioration, arid di! 4, The prevalence of depreciated values, impa: investments and social and econoinie malad justmerit, 5- The existence sf inadequate public impx(svernep~ public facilities, open spacess and utilities which cannot redevelopment, The above conditions have caused a weduc. of, or lack of, propr utilization of the Project Area to : an extent that it constitutes a serious physical, social economic burden on the community which cannot reasonably expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterpi 1 F, The condemnation of real property, as providzd foi I : the Redevelopment Plan for the Project, is necessary to execution of the Redevglopment Plan and adequate prsvis provided by law. remedied by private or governmental action wi tl 1 acting alone, 1 I 1 have been made for payment for property to be acquired 9 i 4 !! 1 1 3 s -6- I I -. . 0 a- G. There are families and persons to be displaced housing facilities in the Project Areap and when any : families and persons are displaced by redeveIopnerit act5vit.i 1, The commission has a feasible method an6 plan for relocation sf families and persons to be tcmporzrily permanently displaced from housing facilities f ii the Pro Area. 2. There are or will be provided in the entire Pro Area. or in other areas not generally less desir2-ble in res to public utilities and public and commercial. fzcilities ~iw rents or prices within the finLncj.31 means of the families persons displaced from the Project AreaY decent, safe, sanitary dwellings equal in number to the i-~uir~ber of available to such displaced famil.ies and persons zrld reascm accessible to their places of employment, B, The Redevelopment Plan for the Prajcct Are?? 1 afford a max.imum opportunity (consistent with the sour16 ~t of the locality as a whole) for the redeve&opment of such by private enterprise and the elimination of bIight:, w could not be reasonably expeeem3 to be accompLishcd wit5 public aid and assistance, I, Inclusion within the Project Area of any la. public health, safety or welfare is necessary for the effee redevelopment of the area of which they are a part.; any area included is necessary for effective redevel.opnent an: not included for the purpose of obt:aining the a13 oc.at.j.orr of increment revenues from such area pursuant to Section 33671 the Co;nmunity Redevelopment Law withorrt other siibstan justification for its inclusionl buildings or improvements which are not detrimntal to Section 5, In the event any occupa-nts re displ, Exon: housing facilities in the Projeck Pxea, the City Gout is satisfied permanent housing facilities will kJe avail within three (3) years from the time occupants OF the Pro Area are displaced and that pending the development of facilities there will be available to such dispiaced occup adequate temporary housing facilities at rents comparable those in the Project Area at. the time of their displacement, Section 6, In order to implement and EaciX-itate effectuation of the Redevelopment Plan hereby approved, it be necessary for the City Council. to take action reference, among other things, to the vacating and rerrrova' streetsp alleys and other public waysr the establishstent street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and w I 1 ! -7- -. 0 0 mains and other public facilities, and other- public: actic andp accordingly, this body hereby: (a) pledges cooperation in helping to carry out the Redevc1op:tlent Epl including the expenditures of money in accordance with provisions of the Redevelopment Plan to effectuate the PI agencies in the locality having adxinistrative responsibiBB1 in the Project Area likewise to cooprate ts such end and exercise their respective functions and powers in a mal- consistent with the Redevelopment Planp and (c) stands ready consider and take appropriate action upon proposals measures designed to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan, hereby declares its intentian to undertake and complete proceedings necessary to be carried out by the community L?!' (b) requests the Various officials, departments, boards the pxavisi~ns of the Wedeve%aprnest PPan, Section 7, The City Council is cor~ineed that. effect of tax increment financing as provided for in Sect VI-D of the Redevelopaen@ Plan wiLZ not c&:.usc z se~ financial burden or detriment to any taxing &igeney deri~ revenues from the Project Area- Section 8, All written arid amE objections to l%edeV€?lQpiile?lk Plan are hereby QVerPuleCi, Section 9, The City Clerk is hereby directed to ser. certified copy of this ordinance to the Commission and Commission is hereby vested withi the responsibility carrying out the Redevelopment Plan for the Village 2 Redevelopment Project D Section IO. The City Clerk is hereby directed to re: with the County Recorder of Sara Diego County witkin thirty 1 days of the adoption of khis Ordinance a description o€ land within the Project Area and a statement that proeee5j for the redevelopment sf the Project Area have been institt under the California Community Redevelopment Law. Commission is hereby directed to effectuate recordation conpliacne with the provisions of Section 27295 sf Government Code to the extent applicable, Section 19. The City Manager lof the City of CarlsGad hereby directed, for a period of two years after the effect date of this Ordinance, to advise all applicants for huilc permits within the Project Area that the site for' whic building permit is sought for the construction of buildings for other improvements is within a redevelopame Project &rei Section 12, That the City Clerk is directed to trarr: a copy of the description and statement recorded by the C: -8- 0 @ -. pursuant to Section 18 OE %his ~rdhznce, a copy of this ora; and a map or plat showing the boundaries of the Project Area the Auditor and Tax Assessor of San Diego County, to the govc body of each of the taxing agencies which levies taxes upon i property in the Project Area, and to the State mard sf Equal Section 13, The City Clerk, in cooperation with the Rec ment Coordinator of the Commission, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of the County of San I' a Notice of Determination, pursuant to 1.4 CaIi-Pornia Admink Code Section 15085 (h) o Section 14- The City Clerk shal.1. certify to the passagc this ordinance and cause a copy thereof to be pnblislnad BS T:< by law in a newspaper of general cii:culat.ion in the City sf ( and this ordinance shall kake ert-feck an& be in force from ~t3c its date of adoption, EFFECTIVE BATE: This ordhance Shall, be effectiv@ thirsj days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to adoption o€ this ordinance afid cause 2i t-o be pubIished at Zc once in the Carasbad. Journal within fr'i.Etcen days after its adoption m INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Ci JuPy -I___ City COWC~~ held on the 7 *Lh day OE and thereafter B PASS;ED ~II ADOPTID at a requ3-m niectincf ol said. Cjity 601 . p 2981, by s.1 J* - 4 held on the ?i8t day of following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: EJme ABSENT: Nme &mJ_ pkctbers Casler, Aamr, Tm5s xd. KukhZn -. ABSW?: Council &xber Pakd AzdgKCLJ iZ%>X5T>~~ ~ajlror ..\" ATTEST : I, .* t .. ., .. I .\ **I * bb ;I. : .,' : ,* ,. ,* "o (SEAL) j. - .. , 0 e L STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) ss. . .. .it\ . (:led of tlit. (;it! of (::ii.lsl)x(l. (iiiiiity c)f S;i11 IIicyo. St:ttc. of (::tlifc I~(~SI)>. c.csr-tif! tliat I ~i:ti.(k <.oiiipir(y1 tlitb for-tsgoirig cop>. u.it~r t~ic, origirtal Ordinace -7?591 . pasty :t(loptc.(1 1)) saicl (:it!. (:oiiiici~. ;it ..a..regul= iiit.(ktiiq ~IIcT(Y~, ;it tlw filii(' ;tl1(1 I)>, [-lit, ttotc, til rnTHA,L. RA-w I. st :lttbcI. \VI \icI b (A gi I lL) I Ordinance.. is II<I\\' OII Filt. iii iii? c>lTic.c.: tl);it tlic- siiiiic' c.o~ltaills it 11111. :I I :r I CY )I'rcYt tr;ltNTil't t 1 Ic.1-c.frOrl I md of tlK. \\.llOIf. tllt~1.c~of. \\-itiit,ss li1). ~i:iiit~ ;ill(! tiits s(s;i~ of sitid (;it). of (:;ir-IsI):\d. tIiis 17thI:i!. t,F . Auom.t , .f981.. . . . . ,' i 5i.:,\i, I (:ity Clerk -""1 -Au*- -__ .- uubivufiP,IES ?'OR 'YHL CITY OF6ARLSBAD. 1200 Elm Aver 0 CarlsSad, CA * T,%GAL DESCRIPTION All those portions of the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California described as follows I EEGIXNICNG at the most Westerly corner of Lot 58 of Granville Park according to Map thereof No, 2037 filed in the Office of the Coun of Ssn Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Northwesterl - i\Tortkcrly and Northeasterly line of said Map 2037 to the most Eas coriier of Lot 133 of said Map 2037; thence leaving the boundary e Lot 133, Easterly to the most Nzsterly conex of Lot 174 of said 2037; thence continuing Eastzrly along the Southerly line of said 174, 20-00 feet more 01 less, to the Easterly line of the State E (Carlsbnd Boulevard) as gr-anted to the State of Calir'ormia in Boc Page 240 of Official Records; thence Northeasterly along the East Line 02 said State Highway and along the Easterly line of the Sta fiigiixay (CasLsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State of California dzed recorded in Book 31G, Page 309, 05 Official Records to the IT Northwestexly corner of land described in deed to McNakan Furnitu a California corporation, recordzd January 3, 1975 as File No. 75 beiny also a point of interszetion between the Easterly Line or' s State Iiiyiiway and the Southwesterly line of State Street, 60.00 f wide, as showra on the records of the County Assessor of said San County; thence Northeasterly, radially fxom said Southwesterly li of State Strget to a point on the Northeasterly line of said Stat being also a point in the boundary of land described in Parcel 7 223547; thence Southzasterly along the Mortthzasterly line of said Street to a point in the Northerly line of Lot 19 of Seaside Land according to Map thereof No- 1722, filed in the Office of th2 COL Recorder of San Diego County, July 28, 1329, thence Easterly alon Nor"r;Iierly line to the Northeast corner or' said Lot 19, being alsc pint in the Easterly line of hand described in deed to R,R, Robi et ux, recorded July 6, 1972 as File No. 174347; thence along the Westerly boundary of said Robinson's land North 0°03p00" East eo Nor-Zhw.est corner thereof; thence South 89°50100" East along the Northerly line of said Robinson's land and its Easterly psslongat the znost Nesterly corner of Lot I of Buena Vista Gardensl accord2 Xap -there02 No. 2492, filed in the Office of the County Recorder Diego County, August 4, 1948, thence along the boundary of said L South 56°57'40" East, 89-97 fzet and South 77"39800" East to a li pazallcb with and 90.00 feet Westerly of the West line of a 40.06 easement for private road 2s shown on said map 2492; thence South said parallel Line and its Southerly prolongation to a point on t ly lhe Of Laguna Drive as shown on Map of Seaside Lands EO, 1722 also a point in the Northerly line of Lot 20 of said Seaside Land thence South 89"50'00" East alon5 the Southerly Pine of said Lagu to the EOS-t Easterly corner of Lot 46 of said Seaside Lands; then continuing South 89°50'OO" East along the Southerly line of said Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line of Fourth Street (Jeff to the State of California recovded August: 19, 1974 a!: File ~o, 4 a' c c b' -.x 0. 0 I Street) as shown on Xap of Carlssad Lands, Map 1661; file6 in th~i an2 Southeasterly along said Northeasterly line to the most West& corner of Lot 1 of Schcll and Sites Addition to CarlsSad, accordi :-:aF tnereo? No. 2145, filed in t3e office of the County Becorder Sari Diego County, February 20, 1929; thence continuing Southeast€ Lot ;J of said Plap 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Norther corriei of said Lot 14; coxiter of Lot 26 of said Map 2145; thence Southeasterly to the rnc Easterly corner of said Lot 26; thence Northeasterly to the most ly corner of Lot 27 of said Xap 2145; thence Northezsterly to thE Zastexly corner of Lot 31 of said Map 2145; thence Northwesterly sorthzast corner of said Lot 31, being also an angle point in the Kesterly boundary of land described in deed to W. Joseph ?arisi, recorded Novmber 10, 1969 as File No. 205432; thence Northerly c said. iqesterly boundary and its Xortherlly prolongation, 330 feet -t Northerly line of Tract 1x7 of said Carlsbad Lands, according to thereof No, 1661; thence Easterly along said Northerly line to ax seckion with the Southwesterly line of California State Highway 2 2B; thence Southeasterly a10115 said Southwesterly line of the Stz HiG'nway to the most Easterly co-rfler of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1.31 1973, being a portion of said Tract 117; thznce along the SoutI-~i houndary of said Parcel 1 South 48"22'27" East 26.59 feet to an c poimit in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel 1; thence cor Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway Norkheast corner of land described in deed to the State of Calif( recorded February 16, 1968, as File No, 27350; thence along the i: westerly line of said State of California Land, Southwesterly to intersection with the East line of land described in deed to Vert Ayuilar Soto, an unmarried woman, recorded June 3, 1968 as File I 92031; thence Xosthwesterly along said East line 10,OO feet to a in the Nor'zherly bine of that portion of Oak Avenue as vacated ai closed to public use; 'chace Southiiesterly along said Northerly : to a point in 'the Westerly fine of land described in Parcel 11 0' nent of Final Distribution on Waiver of Accountinc; in the Estate Darrell Alexander Welch, also hoTm as Darrell A. Welch, decease( Superior Case No- PN 1232, a copy of which was recorded May 5, l! File No- 75-106699; thence Southwesterly in a straight Sine to ''I Norkherly cornGr of Lo-k 17 in Block 58 or' Town of Caxlsbad, acco. to Map thereof NO, 775, filed in the Office of the County Recsrdi San Diego County, February 15, 1895; thence along the Northweste: fine of said Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prolongation, to the mc Xostzrly corner of Lot 17 in Block 40 of said Map 775,- thence So. easterly along the 5outhvesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, a: Southeasterly prolongation to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 Block 42 of said Xap 775; thence Southwesterly along th2 Southwe prolongation of the Northresterly line of said Lot 1'9, Block 42 point of intersection with the Kortheasterly line of Lot 8 of In County Recorder of San Diego County, January 3, 1923, thence alo Northezsterly line, Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 8; -kher,cc Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said and its Southwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the westerly line of the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Right - of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence alony said Zast-zrly line of Fourzh Street to the most Iv;jes-c?rly ec 02 Lot 20 or' said Xzp 2145; thence Northessterly to the most Nor: thence Southeasterly to the most Westerly _- in tile Office of the County Eecorder of San Diego County, F2bruai m Iract, accob-ding to Map thereof No, 1743, filed in the Office 05 .. 13 e t. I' -2 .I 0 .' 9 Street) as shown on M2.p of Carlsjad Lands, Map 1661; filed in the - of ",'ne County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence ane Southeasterly along said Northeasterly line to the most West€ corner of Lot 1 of Schell and Sites Addition to Carlsbad, accord: :-lap khereof Xo. 2145, filed in the office of the Counky gecorder Sari Diego County, February 20, 1329; thence ccntinuing Southeast€ along said Sastzrly line of Fourzh SLree-i to the most Kesterly cc Lot 14 of said Map 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Northei corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the most Xesterly of LO~L 211 or' said i3ap 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Nor; corner of Lot 26 of said Map 2145; thence Southeasterly to the mc r;astezrly corner of said Lot 26; thence Northeasterly to the most ly corner of Lot 27 of said Nap 2145; thence Northeasterly to thc hasterly corner of Lot 31 of said Map 2145; thence Northwesterly Northeast corner of said Lot 31, being also an angle point in tht Kesterfy boundary of hnd described in deed to W. Joseph Parisi, Yecorded November lof 1969 as File No, 205432; thence Northerly 4 sai& Wesker3.y boundary and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet . Northerly line of Tract 117 of said Carlsbad Lands, according to thereof No- 1661; thence Easterly along said Northerly line to a: section with the Southwesterly line of CalPfornia State Highway : 2B; thence Southeasterly alon5 said Southwesterly line of the St< I-Iicfhway to the most Easterly cD,rner of Parcel l of Parcel Map 13 in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Februa 1973, bein5 a portion of said Tract 117; thence atlong the South2 jmundary of said Parcel 1 South 48O22'2-l" East 26-59 feet to an poizit in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel I; thence co Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway Nor2Aeast corner of land described in deed to the State of Calif recorded February 16, 1968, as File No, 27350; thence along the westerly line of said State of California Land, Southwesterly to intersection with the East Line of land described in deed to Ver Aguilar Soto, an married woman, records6 June 3, 1968 as Pile 92033,; thence ?k~~thwestexly along said East line 30,OO feet t~ a in the Xortherly line of that portion of Oak Avenue as vacated a closed to public use; 'chace Southwesterly along said Northerly Lo a point in the Westerly 1-5.112 of land described in Parcel I1 o ment of Final Distribution on Kaiver of Accounting in the Estate Darrell Alexander Welch, also known as Darrell A, Welch, decease Superior Case No, PN 1232, a copy of which was recordad May 5, 1 File No- 75-106699; thence Southwesterly in a straight line to t Northerly corner of Lot 17 in Block 58 or' Town of CarPsbad, acco to Map thereof No, 775, filed in the Office of the County Record Szn Diego County, February 15, 1895; thence along the Northweste line of said Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prolongation, to the m Xesterly corner of Lot 17 in 3lock 40 of said Map 775; thence So easterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, a Southeasterly prolongation to the most Westerly comer of Lot 97 Block 42 of said Map 775; thence Southwesterly along the Southwe prolongation of the Northwzsterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 pint of intersection with the Kortheasterly line of Lot 8 of In ~racf;, according to &lap thereof No. 1743, filed in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County, January 3, 1923, thence alc Northeasterly line, Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of Loiz 8 ; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of saii and its Southwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the weslexly line of the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Right ii - 3 z L' -P .> 0 e thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly line to an intersec with the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeast line of Bloc of Town of Carlsbad, according to Map thereof No. 535, filed in t Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 1880, t Soiithwesterly along said Southeast iine and its Northeasterly pro to the no st Southerly corner of the Northeast half of the Southea hali of said 3lock 16; thence Northwesterly along the Southwester line of said Xortheask half of the Southeast half to the most Wes coxner of said Northeast half of the Southeast half of said Block ~l€?llCe Southwesterly along the Northwzsterly line of the Southeas of said Block 16 to the Northwest corner of the Southeast half of Block 16; thence Southeasterly dong the Southwest line of said S half of Block 16 to tbe most Southerly corner of said Southeast h thence Northeasterly along the Southeast line sf said Southeast h Block 16 for an intersection with the Northwesterly prolongation ( Xortheasterly line of the r'725terly 150.00 feet of B9ock 17 of sa2 535; thence Southeasterly along said North-desterly prolongation a Northeasterly Line to the most Easterly corner of the Northwester 100-00 feet of said Westerly 150,OO feet of Block 17; thence Sout along the Southeasterly line of said Northwesterly 100.00 feet an Southweskerly prolon5ation to a point in tzh2 Southwesterly line o east 150-00 feet of Block 18 said point being the most Southerly ( land described in deed to John W. Rodgers, et al, recorded July 2, as File No, 75-193415; thence Southeasterly along the Southeaster prolongation of the Southwesterly line of Rodger's land to an ang in the Northerly Boi-mdary of Trract 100 of CaXlsbad Lands, Map 166 also a point an *he Ehrthweskcxly boundary of land dzscribed in. Pi in deed to Thelma B- Williams, eiz al, recorded March 9, 1964 as P: 43052; thence along the boundary of said Parcel 1 of said Willim: Southwesterly 31.50 feet to the most Westerly corner thereof and i easterly 64-00 feet t~ the most Easterly corner of Parcel 2 of sa Xilliains deed; thence leaving the boundary of said Parcel 1 and a boundary of said Parcel 2, Southwzsterly 148-50 feet to an angle 1 the Southerly boundary of Tract 100 of said Map 1661; thence Soutl along said Southerly boundary 04 said Tract LOO to its-most Southe corner, thence Southaastesly in a straight line to the most Nortf. corner of Block 20 in said Hap 535; thence South 34*33'0Q8' East a: the Northeasterly line and the Southeasterly prolongation of the F easterly line o€ said Block 20, 160.00 feet to the most Northeaste corner o€ land descraed in deed to Ciebis Properties, a partnersf rccoxded September 12, 1977 as File No, 77-371495; thence along tl borzndary of said CiebZs' land as follows: Southeasterly 53-00 feet, more or lzss, to the most Easterly corne LbcreOf; thence SOu*kb 55'27'DO" West, 6Oo0O feet; thence South 34' ~as-t, 7-00 feet; thence South 55"27'00" West 60.00 feet to the moc XoWnerly corner of land described in deed to Ciebis Properties, a partnership, recorded September 12, 1977 as File No. 77-371497; tk. leaving the Ciebis Iand first above described and along the bomdz the Ciebis' land lase described above, as follows: Southeasterly along the Northzaskerly line thereof, 210.00 feet tc most Easterly cornex thereof; thence South 55"27'00" West, 128-59 to the beginning of a tangent 10-00 foot radius curve, concave Nor thence Southwesterly Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve t a central angle of 90" an arc distance of 15,71 feet; thence leavi boundary of said Cizbis' land Northwesterly in a straight line to I ..- - iia' P b L' f 0 e , xost Southerly corner of land described in deed to the State of ( recorEzcl Ai~gusl 25, 1967 as File No. 128584; thence along the We: houn6arqr of sai6 Stat2 05 California land North 30O39'55" . feet to -;he Northwesterly corner shereof: thence leaving the boui of said State of California lax? Northerly in a straight line to siust Southerly corner of Tract 24 or' Carlsbad Lands, Map 1661; ti Xoxtheascerly along the Southerll? line of said Tract 94 to the in( corner sf said Tract: 94, being zlso the most Easterly corner of j of the Town of Carlsbad, Map 535; thence Northwesterly along the - easterly line of said Block 13 to the most fu'ortherly corner of Si Ijlock 13; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Ea: corner of Block 8 of said Town of Carlsbad, according to said &fa] thence Xorthesterly along the Kortheasterly Pine of said Block most Xortherly corner thereof; thence continuing Northwesterly ij straight line to the most Easterly ccrner of Block 7 of said Map thzmce Northxcstcrly along the Kortheasterly line of said Block nost Xortherly corner thhereof; thence continuing Northwesterly i: straight line to the most Easterly corner of Lot 86 of said Gra: Park No- 2, according to said Map No- 2037: thence continuing No weskerly along the Norkhsasterly lines of Lo-ts QG, 87, 88, 89, 9 92, 93 2nd 94; thence continuing Northwesterly in a straight linl Tats 95, 96 and 97 to a point on the Westerly prolongation of thc line of Cypress Avenue as shown on said Map No. 2037; thence aloj Kesterly prolongation to the Soctherly line of Del Har Avenue as on said Kap No- 2037; thence Westerly alcng said Southerly line point in the Southwesterly line of said Lot 74 being the Southwe terninus of a line in the Northwesterly boundary of said Lot 74 .I distznce of 70-21 feet; thence leaving the boamhry of said Lot continuing Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Southerl: of Lot 69 of said Hap 2037; thence continuing Northwesterly alonl Southwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 66, thak portion of La C Avenue adjoining Lots 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the Po West, B2ginning, - _- Proceedings for the redevelopment of the Project Area have been inst: description of the Project Area. under the California Community Redevelopment Law. The foregoing is i P r ./b!LJ&%- /I /" 4 2 k2&z!LL- ALETHA L. RAUTENKUNZ, City Cler3: J 81-21 F t t El P At3 5- H El. 829% t981 R-CQ rea ?,EQtrESS OF &$x-: ---- L .QLd CiTX @LEW auc 17 12 53 PH '81 OfjqCfAt %Ec;'jRDS $ji,g OIEGD GOUttTYI CAI iiii VEkA t. LYLE' tjrrhRPr9 N6 FtE d b L' 2 .. 1 * CAWLSBAD VILLAGE AREA BOUbjDARY i?vb+P - FROM ~~~~ - __ -- -----= REPLY OM THIS SHEET LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 'LLAGE AREA REDEVELOPPTENT City Clerk 'BOUNDARIES FOR THE CITY bCARLSBAD. 0"" I200 Elm AVa Carlsbad, CA LEGAL QESCRZPTION All those portions ot the City of Carksbad, County of San Diego, Caliloxnia described [IS folLows : BEGINNING at the most Westerly corner of Lot 58 of Granville Park according to Map thereof >To, 2037 filed in the Office of the Csun of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Northwester1 . Northerly and Northeasterly line sf said Map 2037 to the most Eas COICIIC~; o€ Lot 133 of said Map 2037; thence leaving the boundary o Lot 133, Easterly to the most 97esterl.y corner of Lot 174 of said 2037; d'nence continuing Eastarly along She Southerly line of said 17.2, %r),Or) feet more or less, to the Easterly line sf the State B (Carlsbad Boulevard) as gzankad -ko the Stake sf CaLiSornira in BOO Page 240 o& 02$Z.cLal Recorllis; then~e Nwztheasixxly along the za& line of said State Highway and along the Easterly Line sf the Sta Highway (Caxlsbad B~ulevard) as granted to the State! of California deed rzcorciied in Book 316, Page 389, of Official Records to the m Norti~weskzrly corner of land described in deed to McMahan Furnitla a California corporation, recorded January 3, $975 as File No, 75 Stake Biiykwaay and +,he SouthweskerLy line oE State Stzee-t, 60,0(3 f beiny also a gois1-t of iatexsec-kion between the Easterly bine of 9 wide, AS shown on the records of the County ~ssesssr of said Sari County; thence Northeasterly I radially from said Sou%kwester%y 3i of State Street to a point on the Northeasterly line of said Stat Being also a pint in ths bomda-ry of Land described in ??arcel 7 ko the Skate of California recorded August 19, 1974 as File No, 7 223447: thence Southeasterby alhcsng %he Northeasterly line of saii Skwzzt to a point in %he Northerly line of Lot 19 of Seaside Lms acCt>rdinT to &tap there02 80, 1722, filed in the Office of the est Zecurder of $an Diego County, July 28, 1921, thence Easterly alor Northerly Line to the Northeast corner of said Lot $9, being a%sc r~bn.ir in the Easterly Ltne of laad described in deed to R,R. Robj et ox, :~zcsxded JULY 6, 1372 as ~ike NO, 174347; thenbe along khe Westerly boundary of said Robinsonws land North Oo03000e' East to Norkhwes-k corner thereof; thence South 89O5OW 00" East along the N~ntkesrly line of said Robinson's land and iks Easterly prolungaf &he d"izost wastexly corner of Lot 1 of ~amena Vista Gardenss accord: Map Charmxf No, 2492, filed ia "cha Offiee 0% *he Cs~ty RtxmdeIr Diego County, August 4, 1948, thence along .&he boundary of said 1 South 56"57140'* East, 89-93 feet and South 77°%9e00" East to a 1: parallel with and 90-00 feet Westerly of the West line of a 40,0( easeirmt %or private road as sho7m ~n said map 2492; thence Soutl said parallel line and its Southerly prolongation to a point on d I-y line of Laguna Drive as shown on Map of seaside Lands NO, 172: also a point in the Northerly line of Lot 20 of said Seaside Lanc thence South 89"50'00" East along the Southerly Sine of said Lag1 to the most Easterly coma of Lo& 46 of said Seaside Lands; the1 con$inu.hg South 89°50'OO" East along the Southerly line of said Drive fio a point on the Northeaskerly line of Fourth ~treet (Jef i r e e 'J 38 Street) as shown on Flap of Carlskad Lands, Map 1661; filed in the of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence and Southeasterly along said Northeasterly line to the most Weste coraes of Lot 1 of Schell. and Sites Addition to Carlsbad, accordi Xnp thereof No, 2145, filed in 3?e office of the County Iiecorder Sari Diego Coimty, Febri-iary 20p 1329; thence continuing Southeast€ abony said Easterly line of Fourzn Street to the most Nesterly cc Lot 14 of said Ma? 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Norther corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the most Westerly of Lot 20 of said Eap 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Nort corner of Lot 26 of said Map 2105; thence Southeasterly to the mc Easterly corner of said Lot 26; thence Northeasterly to the most ly comer of Lot 27 of said Map 2145; thence Northeasterly to the Easterly corner of Lot 31. of said Map 2145; thence Northwesterly Northeast corner of said Lot 31, being also an angle point in the Kestserly boixndary of land described in deed to W. Joseph Parisi, recorZed ?k-(le%iker LO, Z.959 as File NQ, 205432; thence Northerly z said Westearly houndasy and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet t Northerly bine u$ Track H.4 sf said Car%slkrad Lands, according to thereof No. 1561; thence Easterly a%~ng said Northerly line to an secGion with the Southwesterly line of CaSifsrnia State Highway X 2s; thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly Line of the Sta Highway to the most Easterly comer of Parcel 1 of Pareel Map 3.331 in the Office of the Coimty Recorder of San Diego COUR%~~ Febmar 3.373, being a 90ztion of said Tract 1117; thence af~ng the Southza boundary 0% Sinid Parcel I South 48*22*%%" East 26-59 feet to an a point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel. 1; thence cor Soutiieastexly along said Ssuthwester3.y line of the State Highway Northeast cor ne^ of land described in deed to the State of Califc recorded Februaxy 16, 1968, as file Mop 27350; thenee along the b westerly Pine of said State of California Land, Southwesterly to intersection with the East line 0% land described in deed kc Vex? Aguilar Soto, an tanmarried womano recorded June 3, 1968 as File 1 92033,; thence NosthwzsterLy along said East line 10oOO feet to a in the Norkherhy line sf that portion of Oak ;avenue as vacated a Lo a point in the F7estzrl.y li~e of land de~~~ibed in Paaseb I1 01 men% of Final. Distribution on Waiver of AccsmtCiny in the Estate Darrell hlexaiider Welch, also ham as SaLphrell A, Yeleh, deceasec Superior Case No, PN 1232, a copy of which was recorded May 5, 3.5 File No, 7s-106699; thence Ssuthwestxxly im a straight line to t% Northerarly c:omer of Lot 17 in Block 58 of %om of Carlsbad, aecon to Map there05 HO, 7-75, filed in the Office of the Comty Reccgrdc San Diego Co~-m-ky, February 15, 1895; thenee along the Northwesten line 0% said Lot 14 and its Southwesterly prolongation, to the mc Wesksrly corner of Lot 14 in Block 40 of said Map '77'5; thence Sot easterly along the Southweskerly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, bar Southeasterly psolongation to the most kJester1y comer of Lot 17 Block 42 of said Map 775; thence Southwesterly ahor~g the Southwe: prolongation oE the Nortf1t+72sterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 t point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 of Inc T~clct, according to Map thereof No, 1743, filed in the Office of Coiuaty R~CQ~~CX of San Diego CsDty8 January 38 1923, thence al~r LvC 8; thence SouthwestarLy along the Southeasterly line of said and its Southwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the : westerly bine oE the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Right c clc3sed to pu.bJAc= use; thence Southwester%y along said Mortherly : N~Xthcastexly line, Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner sf ii A 4 * I 985 thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly line to an intersec with the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeast line of Bloc of Town of Carlsbad, according ta Map thereof No. 535/ filed in t Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 1880, t Southwesterly along said Southeast line and its Northeasterly prc to the most Southerly coiner or' the Northeast half of the Southea half of said Block 16; thence Northwesterly along the Southwester bine of said Northeast half of the Southeast half to the most We2 corner of said Northeast half of the Southeast half of said Block thence Southwesterly along the X~rthwesterfy line sf the Southeas of said Block 16 to me Northwesk corner of the Southeast half oJ Block 1-6; thence Sou%heasterly dong the Southwest line of said 5 half of Block 16 to the most Sn~xkkerPy corner of said Southeast h thence Northeastex-ly alony %'ne Southeast line of said Southeast b Block I6 for an in-kzlrsectisn with the Northwesterly prolongation Nortkastexly line of .the Wzskerly %50,00 feet of Block 17 of sai 53 5; thence SouthaasterLy along said Northwesterly prolongation a Nsr%heas%erly line to the most Easterly corner of the Northwester ID0,OO feet of said Hesterly L50,OO feet sf Block. 1'9; thence Sout along the Southeasterly Line of szid Northwesterly %OO,OO feet an SoutSwesterly prolongation to a point in the Southwesterly line c east 150.00 feet of B_hock 18 said point being the most Southerly land described Ln de& to John We Rodgers, et al, recorded July 2 as File 1doa 75-1934E5; thence Southeasterly along the Southeaster prolongation of the Southvestexly line of Rodger* s %and to an an: in the Northerly Boundary of Tract 180 of Carlsbad Lands, Map 166 also a point on the @orthwesterl.y boundary of land described in 4 in deed to Thelma B, 'Williams, et a9, recorded March 9, 1964 as pi 43082; thence along -&he boimdapj af said Parcel 1 of said Wi13ia-r Sonthwesterly 33,,50 Beet tu %ha most Westerly corner thereof and easterly 64,QO feet %s the most Bastesly comer 0% Parcel 2 sf sa boundary of said Paxcel 2, Soi~th~a~terly 148.50 feet to an angle khe Sou.isi1e~ly bsundaaty of ~xac-k LOO of said Map 166%; thence Sout along said Southerly boundary of said Tract 100 to its-most Soutk corner, thence SsutheasterJ-y in a straight line to the most Nora comer of Block 20 in said Map 535; thence South 34°3380Q" East a %he Northeasterly lhe and the Southeasterly p~olongati~n of %he easterly line of said Block 28, L4(%.,00 feet to the most. Northeast ar;;conded Septe&er Ita, 1977 as 263e NO, 77-371495; thence ale>ng- t borxndary 0% said Ciebis' land as follows: Southeasterly 53-00 feet, more or less, to the most Easterly corr thereof; %hence Soukh 55"27'00" 547est, QQoOO feet; thence South 34 Eastr 7,OO feek; tha$ce South 55d27q06" West 60,OO feet to the mc Xortherly cosnex of land described in deed to Ciebis Properties, partnership, recorded September 12, 19'74 as File No. 74-371497; t leaving. the Ciebis Sand firsk above described and along the bound the Ciebis' land last described above, as follows: nost Easde~ly corner thereof; thence South 55"27'00" West, 128-59 ko the beginning 05 a tangent 10.00 fosk radius curve, concave Nc %hence Southwesterly Westerly and Nox-izhwesterly along said curve a central angle of 30" an arc diskance of 15-71 feet; thence leal boundary of said Ciebis' land MszthwesterEy in a straight line tc Kdliarns deed; thhesrce leaving the bomdary of said Parcel 1 and il coxn2% of land described in c3eed to Ciebis Properties, a partnazs Ssatheaste~ly along the Nor%heasterly line theresf B 210 d 88 fwt t -- - i ii k '* 9 * e mst Southerly corner sf land described in deed to the State of C recorded August 25, 1967 as File Yo. 128584; thence along the Wes bounchry of said State sf California land North 30°39'55" West, 3 feet to the Northwesterly corner <hereof; thence leaving the boun of saic! Stal'le, of California land Northerly in a straight line to nust Southerly corraer of Tract 94 or' Carlsbad Lands, Nap 1661; th Northeasterly along the Southerly line of said Tract 94 to the mc corner of said Tract 94, being also the nost Easterly corner of E of the Town of Caulsbad, Map 535,- thence Northwesterly along the easterly line of said Block 13 to the most Northerly corner of sa Block 13; tkeiice Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Eas cor ne^ of Block 9 of said Tom sf Carlsbad, according to said Mag thence Nort'nkes@erIy along .the Northeasterly line of said Block 8 most h7orthexl-y corner thereof; thence continuing Northwesterly in straight line t~ the inust Easterly comer of Block 7 of said Map thence Xor%iixrs%zrly along the Scrtheastexly line of said B9ock. 7 most Northerly comer thereof; thence continuing Northwesterly ir straight line to the most Easterly corner of Lot 86 of said Grar Park No. 2, according to said Map No. 203'9; thence continuing MOT westerly along the Norkheasterly lines of Lots 86, 87, 88, 89, 9C 92, 93 3~d 94; *hence continuing Northwesterly in a straight line .Lots 95, 95 and 34 to a point on the Westerly prolongation sf the kine of Cypress A~enue as shown on said ~ap NO, 2837; thence alor K2S-kera-y prohxiga%ion to the So~therly line sf Del. Mar Avenue as on said Kap No, 2037; thence Westerly along said Southerly line t point in the Southwesterly line of said Lot 74 being the Southwes terminus of a line in the Norkhwsterly boundary of said Lot 74 P distance of '70-21 feek: khanee leaving khe boaasldary of said Lot * continuinq Nortiwesterly in a straight line $6 the most Ssutkaerlj of Lot 69 of said Map 203'9; thence continuing ~o~thwesterly alms Southwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 66, kkiak portio^ of &a Cs Avenue adjoining Lots 66 and 41, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the 303 Beginning, Proceedings for the redevelopment of the Project Area have been insti under the California Community Redevelopment Law. The foregoing is E description of the Project Area. u 81.- 2( FMWWE go. t:O@X t58t 1% I7 12 53 FH '81 FftQIAL ;IEc,ORDS V%RA L. LYLE #@f?rTRnCR hpQ FLU: 8At a1E $Ei CffGfifYa CAI iiii 1 t 0 e 1200 ELM AVENUE GARLSBAD, GAblFOWNiA BPW8 CENTRA k SEW VICES DEPA RTMEN 1 August %7# 1981, Vera %*> kyle c,ouBty Recorder P, 00 Box %75Q San Diego, CA 922.12 Pnrsuaa.t: to Section 33373 sf the BeaI,t:h and Safety Coc3-e the State of California, please find eiscSbosed a copy af legal description of the bounda3:ies af the ViL%a-ga Area ~@~~V@~~~~@~~ Br0-j ect , i In addition, pixssuant to the above noted section, you a I hereby notified that pr~ce@dir~~s have heen instituted, ff redeve%opment of the area within the boundaries as desc in the aittacrkraent- Fvosding to this effect is also iucl' I in this attachen% for recordation purposes, i Our staff has determined that the recrorc3atial-r of this is of benefit to the City; thePefsre, it is reqjuestec; t. the fees be waived, Thank you FOP your assistance in this matter, I i i B I i WEE'RH.24 E. aZBUTEM City Clerk ALR: ar ElX%o.§IXe L~~AL: unaLfsiyi. LULI WE ~n5 v LU~UG ~bwn ~uwb w LUWC LULX A JJC-J'I *&x -A..-A- QOUNDARIES FOR THE CITY 0 CWRLSBAD o 0 IZW8 Elrri Am car3*3&, a LEGAL DESCRXPTPBM Ail thase px-ti~ns of the City sf Carhsbad, County sf San Di.egQr BEGINNING at the mast WestePPy CO~CT$~F af Est 58 cif GrazlVifeb Pax according ta Map thereof NQ, 2037 filed in the Office of the Cox Northerly and Mg~%hsa%$e~ly Pine of said Map 2Q37 ta the most E; corner of Lot 3.33 0% said Map 2037; thence leavirxg the bmmdary Lot 133, 2037; thenee cokatinuhg Easterly along the S&guther%y %ke af saj 117.2, 2OeQO feat mre QX ~BSS~ t,~ the Ea~tel~By Xi.r~e of the State {Carlsbad ikn.tlsvard) as granted to the State of Ca3.ifamia in Bc Barge 248 of Official Re rds; thence Nor&fieastexXy a%ong the Ear line 0% said State Highway and along $he EastexXy line of the SI Highway ~~lsbad Bsuaavasa] as granted to k.he Stake of Ca%Ikfam: deed xece%rded in Bask 316, Page 309, 0%: O%$icPa$ Records tm the HQ*hWe%taly c @K of lad de%CXibed i deed to Mc$Bhan Purnjhf a Ga;bmb$kxnia 68 ati is^, recsraed JZ~US 31 I375 as Fib m= o hing aabsC3 a paint of inI=ezsectian between the Eas;teab-3.y Xhe of State Highway and the Ssuthwestsr%y line of State! Street, 610.00 wide, as shown am the records of the Csuxsty Assessos of said Sa County; thence NortheastsrPy, radially ~KGK~ said. Soukhwasterly : sf State Street to a point on the Northeasterly line sf said Stl -being also a point in! the bo*%ndary of land described in Parcel ' to the Stste sf Ca%ifomia recorded August 319, 3974 as %LIE Na, 223647; thence SsutkeasterPy along the N~eheast~xly line of sa 19 oE Scas&de La: CdlifOrnh described as fQllOWS: Of Sari Diego CoPaKIClpk JUrne 18, 1927; *E%lCtZ B%Oq el&? h4QX%bJ€?SteX - EasteXAy to the mst Westexly CQrn@PT Qf Est a74 of saic Street to a point in the Northerly Pine of Lot acc03Pding to Map thereof No, 1722, filed in the Office of the c point in the Easter%y line of land described in deed t-0 R*W, Ro w~?steuiy bomaaq of said RO~~~SO~WS imd NO*^ 0~03~0(i= mst t meherxy kine of said XO~~~SO~PS ~ad =a its ~aste~xy px~~bong &E?COKdeP Of Sar% Diegro COUYl%ypB JKdy 28, x92"l8 thence Ea.S;&eX%Y al NortherPy line to the Norkheast ~omer sf said Lot 19, behg al . et ux, recsirded Yuly GiP 9972 as File No, 174347; *.hence z3~ng t Nslrthwest comer thereof; thence South 89a50sOQ" East aXoag the the aost %e%terly ca%ne:% 0s' Lot %. of Buena Vista G8FdenSJ 2!eC01 Map t'mereesf No, 2492, filed in The Office of the County Recarde Diego Coamta-ky, August dB 1948, thence along the boundary af said South 56°57p40'0 East, 89-97 feet and South %7*39tOOtt East Lo a parallel with and 90,OO feet Westerly of the West line of a 40, easement for private road. as shown on said map 2492; PHnem~e SQX said parallel Pine and its Southerly prskmgation to a paht or By line of Laguna Drive as shown on Map sf Seasb%z Lands Bo- 17 ab0 a point in the Northerly line of Lot 20 of said Seaside Lle thence South 89°58800'e East along the Soutker%y line of said Lz to the most Easterly corner or' Lo% 46 of said Seaside Lands; tf continuing South 89Q50'OO'n East along the Southerly Line of sai Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line of ~ourth street (Jc i e. 0 Street) as S~XQ~ OF$ M~P of G~XIS~XI~ Lads, ~3.p 166%; filed in t5 of the Camty Recorder of San Diego Csuty March 1, 1915; thence and Southeasterly along said ~~;s"~heasterLy Line to the mast West corner sf Eat P os" SckaelE and Sites Addition to Carlsbad, accor2 xap thereof No, 2145, filed in the office of the Caunty Recardex San Diegrr Cowt-y, February 28 p 9923; thence continuing Southeast along said EastesPy line or' Fowzh Street to the mos@ Xesterly c Lot 14 of said Nap 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most Northe cornex of said Lot 14; thence Soutkeaste~Ly to the must Westerl~, of Lot 20 or" said Xap 2x45; thence Xsrizheaster~y to the most NO1 corner of Lot 26 of said Map 2145: thence Saut-tieasterly to the II Easterly earner of said Lot 26; then~e NsrtheasterXy to the most Py cornex of Lot 27 of said mp 2x45; thence Northeasterly ta tf Easterly cornex= of Lot 31 of said Map 2145,- thence Noxthwesterlj Northeast comes of said Lot 31, being also an cmgle point fn tf: Gesterly boundary sf %ad descraed in dsa& -ix W, Joseph Parisi, recorded NQPd88 10, 1969 as File Ea* 205432: thence Northerly said Wested,y bsmdaq and its ~ao~th~~xy pxoln~ngati~~~, 33Q feet section with the Ssuthwes%erly line of Califarnia Stat32 Eighway Northerly line of Txack 117 sf safid ea.mb-ksk~S- %ansli%s, according kc thereof WS, 166H;- then- Easterly ~S~CIWCJ Said EOrt:herIy I-ine ts i 2]sr;; thenee SQlXtheaSt9Ply Ellong Said SCSUthWeSterly Lhle of the s. Highway- ts the most Easterly comer af Pareel, l. of Parcel Map 1 in the QffGze af the Cea-mty Recorder cjsf Sari Diego Csuaty, Febrm 1973, being a parti~n of said Tract 2.17; thence along the South boundary of said Parcel 1 South 48e22e27se East 26,53 2eet to an paint in said. Southeasterly boundary sf sa.i& Parcel 1; thence cc I ssuti~easter~y along said SO~~IIW~S~~LL~ line CI~ the state ~ighwa. Northeast comer of land daseribed in deed .%ea the State sf Cali secordesd February 16, 4968, as File No, 27550; thence along the westerly fine 0% said State of Ca%ifsrnia Lard, Southwesterly t intersection with the East line of land d.escrfizd in deed to Ve Aguilar Soto, an married WOAI~~ recorded. June 3, 1968 as File 920331; thence 2kxk.hwesterly along saiB East Xiam 16.8Q feet ta in the NortherBy She of that portion of OSJE Avenue as vacated closed ta public use; thence Southwesterly along said Northerly t0 a Point ill the WeSteKS&y fine Of land d@SCX&b@d fn ParCel II ment of Final Distribution on Waiver of Wcccrwting in the Estat DarrelP Alexander Welch, also known as IP~K%GL% A, Welch, deceas Superior Case No, BN 1232, a copy of which was recorded May 5, File No, 75-106699; thence SouthwesterZy in a straight line ts Northerly comer of %st 17 in Blsck 58 of Town of Caulsbad, aec to bfap therh-eog Na, 775, filedl in the Office of the County Recmr San Diego County, February 15, 3.895; thence along the Northwest line nf said Lot 17 and its Sontlnwesterly pro60ngabion, to the Westerly cmrne;~" of Lot E% in Block 40 af said+ Map 975; thence S easterly aBong the Southwesterly line sf said Lot 17 Block 40, Southeaster$y prolongation to the most Westerly comer of Lot I Block 62 of said Map 775; thence Southwesterly along the South% prolongation sf the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 point Of intersection with the Northeasterly fine of Lot 8 of I Tract, according to Map thereof No, 9743, filled in the Office c CslxnCy Recorder of San Dieyo County,, Jarmay 3, 1923, thence al Northeasterly line# Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner c Lot 8; thenm Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of sai arid its Southwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the Westerly Pine of the Atcheson Topeka md Santa Fe Railway Right ii 4 0 0 thence Nor-thwesterPy along said, ~outhwesterly line to an kn.i=Eirsei with the Mortheasterly prolengatian of the Southeast line sf Bloc of Town of Carlsbad, according to Map theseaf No, 535, fixed in Office af the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 2880, Southwesterly along said Southeast line and its Northeaskerly pr~ to %he most, S~uthe~Py corner of the Northeast half of the Southe ha14 of said BPocK 16; thence Northwesterly along the Sautfnweste Bine of said Northeast half sf the Southeast half to the ~10st Ice corner sf said ~ortheast half of the Southeast half of said Bloc thence Sauthwesterly along the Northwesterly line of the Sauthea. of said Block 16 to the Northwest. corner QE the Southeast half Q Block 16; -khenee SaukheasterLy along the Ssuthwest line sf said half of Block 16 ta me most Ssutherby corner of said Sotsthedst thence Nar+keas$erly along &e Southeast line ok said Setutikeast: Block 16 foz an inat Noxtheasterly line the Westerly 156.Q6 feet of REeck $7 of ss 535; thence Southeasterly ahang said NorthwesterLy pra%ongztion Nsrtheastexly line ts the most Easterly corner" S€ the Nsrthweste lQ0,OO feet sf said eX3.y 158,OQ feet Qf Elsck 17; Q~E~CC SOU along the Southowt line of said NoraWestePly 100,08 .feet a Southwestexly prola an $a a pain% in the Southwes$erI.y %Brie east 150,OQ feet of k 18 said point being the most Saukherly land des~ribed in d to John E- Rodgers, et a$, recorded Jnly as File LJa, '85-1934 hence Southeasterly itl;errrg the Ssutheaste pKQlOngZ%tiCZ% Of &he thwestexly line of Rodger's land. ts an an in the NOraePly Bo ry of Tract PO6 of CarEshad Lands, &!ap 16 also a point on the ~&~th~~~&erly bsmdary sf land described~ in in deed to 'PkeXma B, Williams, et a9, recorded March 9, %9G4 as 43082; thence along the bamdq of said Parcel S. of said FTi%%ia ection w@h tbe Naxthwesterly prcsrZorLg8tioa SQUthWeSteP%y 31-58 feet to the mQSt k&S8ber1X CQrI3XX thereof and easterly &4,QO %e@& 4.32 th@ mast East@rSLy comer of Parcel, 2 of s Hilliarns deed; therrca leaving the Bscamdary af said PaseeP E and boundary sf said Pareef 2, Gsukhwestesly 148-56 feet to axL angle the Soufzherly bound- sf Tract 180 of said Map 1661; thence Sox along said Southea~Py bo-mdaqy of said Tract LOO ta its- mast Saut ((LJoxnes, thenee South-sterPy in a straight line to the mast wox corner of Black 28 b said Nap 535; thence South 34'33'00'' East the Northeasterly Pime and the Southeasterly pmlengatioa of the easterly line of said, Blcek 20, E40,QO feet ta the raoat Northeas 438X14&L" of Band deser*ed in deed ts eiebis Properties, a parknes xeeordsd Septembax 12, 1977 as File NO. 71-371495; thence along boundary of said Ciebis' land. as r'ollaws: Southeasterly 53-00 feet, more or less, to the mast Easterly cor thence Sou3z.h 55Q27g80'a West, 60,OO feet; thence Sautk 3 o feet; tln-~e south WYWOO'~ west amo feet to than Northerly corner of land descrfied in dead ta Ciebis Properties, partnership, recorded September 12, 1977 as File No, 77-37X497: leaving the Ciebis Qmd first above described and along- the born the Ciebis' %and last described above, as fallawsr SQUthG?a%t@XBy along $Pre NoktheaskerSy line thereof, 216,OO feet mask Easterly corner thereo€,- thence South 55"27'00" West, l28.5 to the beginning of a tangent 90-06 foot radius curve, cancave E thence Southwesterly Westerly and Nsmthwesterly along said curve a central angle of 90" an arc distance of 15-71 feet; thence le? boundary of said Ciebis* land Northwesterly inn a straight fine t -.- - i ii 7 0 * XlQSt SOU$he.HPfy Ce$TIBel" Sf IbaIId described- in deed t0 the SkEtts of recorded August 25, 1967 as File No, 128584; thence along the WE boundary of said State of California Eard North 30" 39 s SS" Wesk, feet to the Ns~th~esterfy earner thereof; thence leaving the bot of said Stake 02 California %and Northerly in a straight line tc most Southexfy COKT$BP of Tract 94 or' Caslsbad Landsp Hap 1661;- : Northeasterly dong the Sautkerly Pine ~f said Tract 94 to the I; sf the Tam of Carlsbad, Nap 535; thence Xor-Cskwesterly alsnq thc easterly line of said Block 13 to the must Northerly corner of 5 Block 13; theme Northwesterly in, a stn.~igk& line ta the mask Er corner of B%~ck 8 of said Tom of CarPskrad, according ta said Mz thence NorthwestexPy along- the NortheasterS*y line of said Block most MartaPexLy camex- thereof; thenee earrtinuing ~ort%wes&erly : straight Use to the IQOS% Ezsterly carfi~r of Block 7 af said Mar thence Nazthwesterly along the NortPdea~ter3-y line of: said Block most Na*erly comer thereof; fitlence continuing NorthwesterXy : straight -e! to the most Easterly camex of Lo$ 86 of said Gr; Park No- 2, according to said Map No, 2037; thence csntinaxing &?( westerly along tke Northeasterly lines of Lots 86, 87, $8, 89, ! 92, 93 ad 94; thence continuing M~rthwesterly in a strai;gk$ Pi1 Lots 95, Pine of Cypress Avenue as S~QWCI an said. Map Ea.. 2037; thence ah Westerly prolongation %O the Saa;?$$nerPy line of Del. Mar Avenue a! 011 Said Eap WQ* 2037,. *kh.esCe W@%teiX'%y &Long Said S0UtherJ.y J,bn@ point. in the S~ut3xwestesly line af said Lot 74 being the Sc~uthw terminus of a line in the Msrth~esterLy bonndzray of said Lot 74 distance sf 70-21 feet; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot continuing Northwesterly is a skxaight line to the most Souther: of Eat 69 of said Hap 2837; thence cosstinut5-n~~- Narthwestez:1.3~ a901 Avenue adjoining LQ~S 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 ta the PC Beginning- corner af said Tract 94, being 29~0 the rfiast: Easterly cor~ica of 96 and 97 ts a point oa the weste3:lI*Jp prskangation of tl Southwesterly Bines of Lots 69, 68, 67, Gf5r t3lZi-h portion of La t - - __ Proceedings for the redevePspment of the Project Area have been inst under the California Cornunity Redevelopment Law, The foregoing is r iiii 0 a 1200 ELM AVENUE CARCSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92088 CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMEWT July 28, 1981 Vera E. LyPe sari Diega, CA 92112 CQUX'Ity ReCQrder P.0. Box 3.750 EncG~sed far recardatfan 2s the falh&~g desci5bed dQ CUSIl632@ : Legal Description for the Redevelopment Plan for the Village Are2 Redevelopment Project in the City of GaxZsbad, CaliEorii-a. Bear staff has determined thae the recordation of this doewent is sf benefit tcz the City; therefore, it is requested that the fees be waived. Thank you for your assistance 3x3. ehis matter. ALW : krs Em e lo sure --ty Clerk 600 li;h Avt% Carlsbsd., CA 92008 0 KiGAL DESCRIPTIQM AH1 those portions Of the City of Carlsbad., Cou.rtfiy OE San Diegi . California described as f~llaw~: BEGINNING at the most WesterXy dorner sf Lot 58 oE Granville 3?< .according %o Map thereof Ne- 2039 filed in the Office of the CI of San aiegs Courttyp June 18, 192%; thence ahmy the Eoxthwest Northerly and Nastheastesly line of said Mzp 2037 ta the most : - corner of Lot 3133 of said &&p 2037; thence leaving tAe bourrdar . ' Lot 133, EasteEly to the most Westerly carnex of Lot 9-74 uf sa: 2037; thence CQIIgiZlUiXlg Easterly along $he S~~th@~~~~ lhe sf Si A741 20eQB feet mQZ6 QE BeSSo tQ %ka EaZJt%XJi>r &in@ of the Sttlti . (Carlsbad ~o&~evard) as granted to the ~tate-os~ ~a~i~ornia in I paye 240 of Offiefa1 Records; thence Morkheaskerly aluny the E . Pine of said State Highway ad along .$'ne: Easterly Stine of the : . Sighway (Carlsbad Bou1evard)as granted $a the Se$te of ~aligo~1 deed recozded in Book 316, Page 309, OE etffickaL RecaxcSis to thc Hortkawesterly corner of land described in deea to Is,:&iahrrzs: Prxm. a Californfa ~arp~xakicm, sseeorded January 3, 1975 as ~ik NO- being also a, paint of intersection Betwemx kl-r: Easterly- ljhe CI State Eligyhway and the Southwesterly li~e sf State Stireet, 60-01 wide, as shswn on the records of the Csun!%y Assessor of aaicl Si County; thence Northeasterly, radially from said Southwester3-17 of State Street to a point on the IWIZ~~~~S~CXI:~~ line s% said $1 being also a point in %he boundary of land &escribed--h Parcel to the: State of California recorded Augns'c 19, X974 as File No 223647; theace Southeasterly along the MorkheasterXy line of sa Street to a point in the Northerly line af Lot 19 of Seaside L, according to &lap thereof Mo, 3.722, filed- in the- Office of the i Recoraer of Saag Diega Caunty, July 28, 1922, thence Easterly a Northerly line %a the Northeast corner of sari,it Lot 19, being a . point in the Easterly Bine of Band described in deed to K,R, 3x1 et ux, neecrrded July 6, 11972 as File Eam 3-74347; thence along Northwest coxnez thereof; thence South 89"50 E- 00'' East along thc Northerly line of: said RO~~I-EOR'S land and. itxi- Easterly polon! the mos% 'Cu'esterly corner of Lot 3. of Buena V2sta Gardens, accu: Map thereof No. 2492, filed in the Office Q€ the County Recardc Diego County, Au~p~t 4, 1948, thence along the boundary of saic South !56°57840g' East, 89-97 feet and South 7?"39'00" East to a parallel with and 90,130 feet westerly of the Rest line of a 40 eas=.ment for private road as shown on sa% map 243%; thence So. szid parallel line and its Southerly pro%ongat%on to a point o 1.1' Line of haguna Drive as shown on Map of Seaside Lands No, 1 also a point in the Northerly line of Lot 20 of said Seaside-x thence South 89°50'00nv East along the SOut.her~-y line of said 3; to the most Easterly corner of Lot 46 af said Seaside Lands; ti contiriuing South 89"50'00" East along the Southerly line of sa Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line Of J?ourth Street- (51 Westerly bo'h~rldihry sf said Robinson I s: land NCSC~ 0 * 0 2 t (1 01s izast . - ..___-. - -. __-____ ~--~ ___ - - . -- - ---- -- ~ - -- .- - *- .-- , - - - - _,.-_ ..-..I - , .’ 0. e .i ‘3 ’ Street) as show on Map of Carlslbad Lmds, tkzp 1661; filed: in t-1 of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; *LhenG‘~ and Southeasterly along said Northeasterly bine to the most Wesl corner of Lot 1 of Schell and Sites Addition to CarPsbad, accorc Map theresf No. 2145, filed in the office of the county Wecorde; San Diega Countyp February 28, 1929; thence continuing Southeas1 along said Easterly line of Fourth Street t5 %he most WesterS-y ( Lot 14 sf said Map 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most North corner of said %at 14; thence Southeasterly to the most Westerl; of Lot 20 of said. Map 2145; thence Northeasterly to the mast No: corner of Lot 26 of said Map 2145; thence Southeasterly to the1 Easterly corner of said Lot 26; thence Morkheasterly to the mas- Easterly corner of Lot 31 of said Map 2145; thence NorthwesterXg Northeast COKner of said Lot 31, being also an angle point i.n tl Westerly boundary of land described in deed to W, Joseph Parisi,, recorded Navember 3.0, 1969 as File No, 205432; thence N~rther3-p said Westerly bowdaq and its Northerly praPorqatian, 330 feet Northerly Line of Tract 117 of said Carlsbad Landso aceording tc thereof No. 1661; thence Easterly along said Northerly line ta i section with the; Southwesterly line af California State Highway 2B; thence Southeasterly along said SouthwesterLy line of the Si Highway to the most Easterly corner of Parcel I af ParceX Map I: in the Office of the County Recorder sf San Diego Countyl Pebmi 1973, being a portion of said Tract 117; thence along the Southt boundary ~f said Parcel 1 South 48Q22e27’8 East 26-59 feet %cs a.n point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel I; thence c( Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line sf the Stake Highwai Northeast corner of land described in deed to the State sf Cali, recorded February 16, 1968, as File No, 27’350; thence a.lang -i&e westerly f;ne of said State 05 California and, Southwesterly tc intersection with the East Bine of land described in deed ta &res AguiPar Soto, an unmarried woman, recorded June 3, 1968 as Pile 92031; thence Northwesterly along said East line l0,OO Eeet to i in the Northerly line of that portion of Oak Avenue as vacated z closed to public use; thence Southwesterly along said b3ortherl.y to a point in the Westerly line of land described in Parcel 11 c ment sf Final. Distribution on Waiver of Accounting in the Estatc Darrell Alexander Welch, also known as DarrePl A, Welch, deceast Superior Case No. PN 1232, a copy of which was recorded May 5, : File No, 75-106699; thence Southwesterly in a straight line to. f Northerly comer of Lot 17 in Black 58 of Town of Carlsbad, aca to Map thereof No, 775, filed in the Office of the County Recorc Sa2 Dlego County, February 15, 1895; thence along the Morthwestc Ihe of said Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prolongation, fa the KI Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Block 40 of said Map 775; thence Sc easterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, t slock 42 of said Map 775; thence Southwesterly along the Ssuthwc prolongation of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17, Block. 42 point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 Of It Tract, according to Map thereof No, 1743, filed in the Office 0: County Recorder of San Diego County, January 3, 1923, thence alc Northeasterly line, Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner oj Lot 8; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of saic and its Southwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the westerly line of the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Right ly COTXPE?~: s€ Lot 27 of said Nap 2145; thence N~rtheasterPy t~ ti Southeasterly prolongation to the most WwterQ corner of LQ~ 1‘ , .\ * -3- 0 -%I thence NoxthwesterEy along said Southwesterly line to an intersc with the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeast line of B1c of Town of Carlsbad, according to Map thereaf No, 535, filed k. Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, ~ay 2, Si880, Southwesterly along said Southeast line and its Northeasterly pi to the most Southerly cornel: of the Northeast half of the Sou.thr half of said ~loclk 16; thence Nosthveste~1y along the Southwestx line of said N~rkfnea~t half of the Ssutkeast half to the mest w corner of said Markheask half of the ~outheast half of said lot thence Southwesterly along the Nsrthweste%%y line of the Sauthei of said Block 16 to the Nokthwest earner af the Southeast half c Block 16; thence Southeasterly along thie S~uthw@st line of said half of Block 16 ts the mast Southerly corner of said Southeast thence Northeasterly along the Southeast line of said Southeast Block 16 for an intersection with the Northwesterly groPongatior Northeasterly line of the Westerly 150.00 feet crf ~z~aek ET a~ si 535; thence Southeasterly along sai6 Mort%me~te~fy pr~Long~ition Northeasterly Pine to the most Easterly eo~z1er of the Nox-thwestc 100.00 feat of said Wester%y 95Q,00 feet of Black 17; thence Bo\ along the Southekster1-y line of said S~r~w~ste~~y $00.00 feet i Southwesterly prolongation to a point in the Southwesterly line east P50.00 feet of Block 18 said point being the most south ex-^^ land described in deed to aohn We Readgers, et ax, recorded July as File No, 75-193415; thence Southeasterly abng the Soui&a.stc prolongation czf %he southwesterly line of Redge;c;-'s iand to an ar in the Northerly Boundary of Tract PO0 o€ Caxfsbad Lands, Map IC also a gdnt on the Northwesterly boundary of land. described in inA deed to Thelma B. Williams, et aE, recorded March 9, 1964 as 43082; thence along the boundary of said Parcel b of said WilS__ie Southwesterly 31-50 feet to the most Westerly corner there02 anc easterly 64.C9 feet t~ the most Easterly c~rndlex sf Parcel 2 of : Williams deed; thence leaving the boundary of said Parcel I and bounda-ry of said Parcel. 2, Southwesterly 148-50 feek 'LO. an anglt the Scut-hesly boundary of Tract LOO 05 said, Map 1661; thence Sor aloq said Southerly be~undary of said ~raet lo0 to its mast sout cornero thence Southeasterly in a stwaight line ta the most or corner of Black 20 in said Map 535; thence Souizkr 34"33'00" East the Northeasterly line and the Southeasterly prolongation sf the easterly line of said BPQc~ 20, 140.00 feet to the most Narkheas corner QE land described in deed to Ciebis Propertfes, a pa.r-knex recor2eZ September 12, 1977 as File No, 77-371495,- thence along boundary of said Ciebis! land as follaws: Southeasterly 53,OQ feet, more or lessg to the mast Easterly cox thereof; thence South !55°27'00" West, 60,QO feet; thence South I East, 7.00 feet; thence South 55°270Q0n West 6OpO0 feet to the TI Northerly corner of land described in deed to CieSis Properties, partnership, recorded September 12, 1977 as File No. 77-371497; leaving the Ciebis Ian6 first above described and along the bou~ the Ciebis' band last described above, as ~O~PQWS: Sautheasterly along the Northeasterly line thereof, 210,OO feet most Easterly corner thereof; thence South 55°27i00" West, 128,s to the beginning of a tangent PCI-OO foot radius curve, conca~e A thence Southwesterly Westerly and Northwesterly along said CUIVE a central angle of 90° an arc distance of 15-71 feet; thence Pez boundary of said CiebisM land Northwesterly in a straight line P -. 0 -4- c 9 . ;@ uib - most SouthexPy coxner 06 land describe& in deed t~ the State aS recorded August 25, 1967 as File! No., 12tE.584; thence along the t baurtdaq of said State of California land IJortEd 30°39 6 55tt West1, feet to the Northwe~ter3.y comer thexeof; thence leaving the hc of said State of Cahifcsmia land Northerly in a straight line .k most s0u;tharly carneff sf TKact 94 of Cafflsbad Lands, Map XG61; Northeasterly along the Southerly line a% said. ~ract, 94 to the corner of said Tract 94, being also the mast Easterly cumor of of the T~W of CaxXsbad, paap 535; thence NCX~~VXZS~CX~~ ~%QECJ th 'easterby line sf said Block 13 to the mast ~axthearly comer of Block 13; th@fice: NO~~@%tex'ly in a straigWf &he to the most E corner 02 Block 8 of said %awn of Carltsbad, accor&inc~ to said l4 thence Morthweste~ly al~ng &e Moxtheaster.3-y line of sajtd B%o& most Naeexly camex fzhexeof; thence cont3huing mxrth~cske~3~y straighk line %Q tihe mast Easate~3.y comer aE BPoek 7 of sa23 Ha thence Haz%hweskerl.y along the Northeaster1.y- line 02 said Block most Na~%he~'ly c0~11er the~~~~f: thence continuing Northweskerly st=Qhe Line %a the mat Easterly c~melr of LO^ $E of iaid CY ' Park No, 2, aiLCcmFding It0 said Hap Ma, 20376 -Wienca cont~nu~;ang N westerly along me Eo&heas%erly lines off &5ts 8G, 8-2# 88, 89, ' 92, 93 and 94; thence continuing NoatbweskerXy Laz a straigk'zs XL: Lots 95, 96 and 97 to a point an $he Westerl-y -~XX&QIICJ~~~O~X of 'c: line of Cypress Awenu@ as shown on said Hap'No- 2037,- thence a1,1 Westerly pxolsnga%ion -to the Souther3-y line of Del Elax- Avenue a on said Map No, 2037; thence Westerly along said Southerly line point in the Ssuthwsster%y line of said Lot 74 being the Southw terminus af a line in the Northwesterly bsundalry of said LO& 74 dcstancrt of 70.21 feet; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot contiming Northwesterly in a straight line to the most SOU~~C-K of Lot 69 sf said Map 2037; thence cantk.cs,ing ~orthwestesZy ab: SauthxestePPy kh'kes Qf Lots 69, 68, 67, 6GR that portion, of La b Aver1122 aiijsining Lots 66 and 61, Lot $1, GQ, 59 an& fit: LO the PC Beyinningo -- .. Proceedings %or the redevelopent of the Project Area have been .instituted under the California Cornunity Redevelopment Law, The 'foregoing is a description of the Project Area- , * "Z - *- --. J. * '*, ' I( 3, ,*". '. Q 0 mwm 573: Housing and Redevelognent- Ck.xm6.ssi.m m: City Clerk w: July 28, 1981 RE: Ad~pt%~i of ]Re&V@bFt Ph - OXY&^^ NO. SS9E Tn accordance e131 Section 9 of Brmce %. 959i, &lch approved ad adopted the k&velqment Plan for the frillage &ea Redevelopent Fmjc attached is a sertmed copy of 0r-e %. 95%. 72dk.s' i.. ," I, 0 /L^, " d Y. 1 LL,, / L Y, c r I) a-Lc December 29, 1981 Mayor Ronald C. Packard City Hall, 1 200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Mayor Packard: Over the past several weeks, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and members Carlsbad City Staff have worked with the property owners of the bl property in the "Village" area, bounded by Elm Avenue, State Street, Avenue and Roosevelt Street, to discuss the possibility of develop1 parking facilities within the interior of that block. Several of the property owners have expressed support for such a program each property owner would participate by mutual use of other properties the block for parking of automobiles. The City Staff had prepared and pr several options which could increase the amount of interior block park about 100 parking spaces. It would require agreement among the property to achieve such a program. Several of the property owners have spc outside storage facilities which would require screening and protect equipment. At the last meeting, it was agreed among the property owners, that con study and discussion would to be beneficial to all concerned. The p: owners listed below request the City Council to authorize continued support toward an equitable solution to development and utilizat off-street parking within the described block. There are some enginel legal and technical questions that still need to be developed and preser the property owners and leaseholders, prior to final agreement to E program. We realize that timing is important as several proje-ts are 5 under planning and design, and therefore ask that the City Staff be direc make this a high priority project over the next several months or ur agreement can be completed or the project dropped due to lack of partici on the part of the property owners. We commend and extend thanks to the City Staff and the Chamber of Commer their efforts todate on OUT behalf. review potentid alternatives to the parking problems of the l'Villagel' , particularily on properties within the above described block. Sincerely, and Carlsbad City Council Members concerns about parking of vehicles used in their business operations w At this point, we agee -to contj NAME - FIRM - ADDRESS