HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-10; City Council; 6697-2; Grant Projects Requesting Funding for Eighth Year Blockrn 00 r4 CIl . OF CARLSBAD -- AGENDA BILL AB# TITLE: DEPT. HDI� MTG.-1-1/ 1 0/81 REQUESTING FUNDING FOR EIGHTH YEAR CITY ATTYv DEPT. N & R BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS CITY M G RECOMMENDED ACTION: After considering information presented, Council should recommend and prioritize projects for Eighth Year CDBG funding and adopt the attached Resolution No. 6719. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its meeting of Augus' 4, 1981, the City Council took action noticing the County of San Diego that it desired to participate in the Urban County's Eighth Year Block Grant application. At that time staff advised Council that all proposals for funding would be analyzed. The following projects are eligible for consideration. COST ESTIMATE PROJECT Chase Field Development, Alternative I $108,000. 36,200. Chase Field Development, Alternative II Pine and Chase Field Stree:scape Improvements, 30,000. Phase 1 Pine Field Development, Phase II . 000, 70O0O 70 0. 45,040. Maxton Brown Park Development Jefferson Park/School Development 9, Storm Drain Right-of-way Acquisition 36,0.740. ,000. 4040,000. Alley Improvements Sidewalk Construction 5050,000. Commercial Rehabilitation ,000. Streetscape Improvements FISCAL IMPACT: Eighth Year Community Development Block Grant represents appro-imately $204,000. in federal funds for the City of Carlsbad. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1 - Memo to Housing and Redevelopment Director dated October 22, 1981, with attachments. Exhibit 2 • Project Descriptions Z Exhibit 3 - Resolution No 0 with exhibit. v a J U Z n O 0 6719 requesting funding Eighth Year Block Grant Program Exhibit 1 . M E M O R A N D U M TO: A. J. Aitken, Housing and Redevelopment Director FROM: Chris Salomone, Administrative Assistant/Bl.ock Grant SUBJECT: EIGHTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATION DATE: October 22, 1981 BACKGROUND: At its meeting of August 4, 1981 the City Council took action notifying the County of San Diego that it desired to participate .in the Urban County's Community Development Block Grant Application. As required under HUD regulations, public meeting's were held on September 3, 1.981 and September 13, 1981 solicitirq citizen input and proposals for funding under the Block Grant Program. Public announcements were made and notices distributed throughout the community at: that time. The County estimates that Carlsbad will receive $204,000 for CDBG projects this year. staff received a number of proposals for funding under the Eighth Year Block Grant Program. These proposals were analyzed and are now presented for consideration. it is the purpose of this report to explain the analysis process and the rationale for arriving at the staff recommendation. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AREA The area designated as eligible to receive funding from this program is Federal Census Tract 179.00, and is shown on Attachment "A". Page 2 PAST ACTIVITY: The City's first seven year funding has been allocated to the inner-city area (.CT 179.00). A brief synopsis of prior years' projects is listed below: 'First' Year Projects - Magee House Restoration 'Second Year Projects - Harding Street Community Center; curb, gutter, sidewalk and wheelchair ramps. .Third Year Projects - Residential Rehabilitation Program 'Fourth Year Projects -- Streetscape Master Plan, Parking lot construction, core area property acquisition. Fifth Year Projects - Streetscape improvements construction, Commercial Rehabilitation Pilot Program. Sixth Year Projects_ - Streetscape improvements construction alley improvements. Seventh Year Projects - Facade Study, Commercial Rehabilitation and Sidewalk. Construction Program. ANALYSE,: Attachment "B" sets forth the general type projects received at the public meetings and*as a result of Community announcements. Staff has reviewed these projects in light of existing HUD guidelines and past Co+:nty strategies. There are four general areas to which funding has been previously allocated. They are: Housing Development, Residential Rehabilitation, Public Improvements, and Economic Development. Some of the proposals received were ineligible because they were located outside of the target area (Census Tract- 179), while others had been funded under previous year's programs. Attachments: p Y2 1 Mile Attachment "A" ti�b �:,s-L Neighborhood Revitalization Area 'for County p' San Diaga Sth year C©rnmuni tV D o1ialopmaat Block Grant Attachment B TO: Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee L` . FPOM: Chris Salomone, Auministrative Aide/Housing & Redevelopment VIA: A. J. Aitken, Director, Housing & Redevelopment SUBJECT: Projects - 8th Year Block Grant DATE: October 21, 1981 APPLICANT PROJECT Parks & Recreation - Chase Field Development (eligible) 11 Department Pine Field Development ( ) is Maxton Brown Park Development ( ) Jefferson Park/School Development ( ) Carole Stewart - Remodeling/Outreach N. C. Ballet Co. (not eligible) Roy Sanchez - Alley improvements (eligible) Sidewalks on Tyler St. (funded 7th year) Engineering Dept. - Storm Drain Property Acquisition (eligible) Thelma Hayes - Plan for Pedestrian Circulation (eligible) Harold Clarke - Roof Gutter Drains under Sidewalks (funded under existing Streetscape) Jeff Crisman - Improvements to Facilities at Carlsbad Schools, Inc. (ineligible) i Alan Jacobs - Undergounding of Utilities (SDG&E monies availabi•.) Hal Zack - Grafitti Abatement (eligible) Frances Dixon - Sidewalk Construction (out (eligible) of Project Area) Bus Shelters Litter Control (not in strategy) Roy Sanchez - Police Foot Patrols (not in strategy) Harold Clarke - Village Area EXHIBIT 2 PRO rCT DESCRIPTIONS CHASE FIELD DEVEOPMENT, ALTERNATIVE I - Construction of community park areas on the Northwest and Southwest corners of Chase Field. Improvements to include: street improvements, landscaping, picnic tables, barbecue units and recreation equ )ment. ($108,000.) CHASE FIELD DEVELOPMENT, ALTERNATIVE II - Improvements to include: installation of auto -irrigation system, planting of trees and turf, concrete picnic tables, trash cans, fencing, and barbecues. ($36,200.) PINE & CHASE FIELD STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I - Parkway and sidewalk improve- ments to include: concreted parkways, fencing and irrigation on Harding Street and Chestnut. ($30,000.) PINE FIELD DEVELOPMENT, PHASE II - Construction of a restroom facility. ($70,000.) MAXTON BROWN PARK DEVELOPMENT - Rehabilitation of the existing vest pocket park to create an ecological -educational window park to the lagoon. ($45,040.) JEFFERSON PARK/SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT - Rehabilitation of school grounds to provide an active play field for soccer and softball. ($96,740.) STORMDRAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION - to acquire 42,000 square feet of right-of-way from AT & SF Railway, beginning at a point just North of Bauer Lumber and extending North approximately 1,400 feet. ($336,000.) ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS - PAVING OF ALLEY between Madison and Roosevelt, South of Elm to Chestnut. ($40,000.) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - For construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalk at scattered residential locations in target area to improve pedestrian circulation. ($56,000.) COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION - Additional funds for commercial rehabilitation program in village area. Code improvements/facade implementation. ($50,000.) STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS - Consultant's estimate of funds needed to complete street- scape in core area. ($75,000.1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY COUNCIL MEEIING NOVEMBER 10, 1981 The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 established a program of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). The primary objective of this program is "the development of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and an expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income". I More specifically the objectives are: 1) The elimination of slums and blight and the prevention of blighting influences and deterioration of property and neighborhood and community facilities. 2) The elimination of conditions which are detrimental to health, safet.- and public welfare. 3) The conservation and expansion of the Nation's housing stock. 4). The expansion and improvement of the quantity and quality of community services principally for persons of low and moderate income, which are essential for sound cormnunity development. 5) A more rational utilization of land and other natural resources and the better arrangement of residential, commercial.. industrial, recreational, and other activity centers. The area that meets Federal requirements for CDBG assistance in Carlsbad is Census Tract 179.00. Roughly, this is the area west of I-5 to the railroad tracks bounded north and south by Buena Vista and Aqua Hedionda Lagoons. A review by H.U.D. officials found this area to have blighting conditions and low-income concentration to warrant CDBG funds. All Carlsbad CDBG funds must be expended in Census Tract 179.00. In the past seven years Carlsbad has spent Block Grant monies, on various captial improvement programs. Magee and Harding Street restorations, commercial and residential rehabilitation programs, streetscaping and sidewalk construction projects have been selected for funding. The City Council recently entered into a three year cooperation agreement with the County. This means the City will be eligible for approximately $210,000 per year for the next three years. 1: Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, Section 101; paragraph C. 2: Housing and Community Development Act, Title I, Section 101, paragraph C, Sec.1-5. 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT • EXPENDITURE REPORT I .i November 2, 1981 • } i COUNTY CITY AVAILABLE ALLOCATED EXPENDED BALANCE FIRST YEAR Magee House Restoration 35,000 35,000 - 0 SECOND YEAR Harding Street Center 68,000 68,000 - 0 THIRD YEAR Residential Rehabilitation 103,000 16,000 87>000 FOURTH YEAR Streetscape 137,OnO 103,000 34,000 I FIFTH YEAR i .Streetscape 104,000 Surplus from fourth year 34,000 138,000 11,000 127,000 1 Commercial Rehabilitation 33,000 - 0 •• 33,000 SIXTH YEAR Streetscape 123,000 Surplus from fifth year 127,000 250,000 -• 0 - 250,000 Alley Paving 6,400 16,000 - 0 - Housing Development Fund (City Share) 38400 - 0- 38,000 SEVENTH YEAR Streetscape 2.1,000 i Surplus from sixth year 250,000 272,000 -- 0 - 272,000 ! Cort'anercial Rehabilitation 22,000 ' Surplus from fifth year 33,000 55,000 --0 - E,001 . Residential Sidewalk Construction and Property Acquisition 38,000 34,000 72,000 - 0 - r _72,000 Housing Development Fund 62,000 Surplus .from sixth year 38,000 100,000 - 0 - 100,000 indicates balance available for each project • i it e RESOLUTION No. 6719 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING FUNDING FOR EIGHTH 3 YEAR BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS. j 4 i 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on November 10, 1981, 6 considered the City's Eighth Year Block Grant application; and 7 WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. 8 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the program of funding outlined in 9 Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though fully set forth 10 is hereby approved. 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby directed to forward i 12 the program outlined herein to the County of San Diego for inclusion in the ? t 13 Eighth Year Urban County Block Grant application. 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this loth day of November, 1981, by the 15 following vote, to wit: 16 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 3.7 NOES: None + J.8 ABSENT: Nome eel f 19 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 20 21 a�� ' Q ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN, City Clerk 22 i 23 (SEAL) 24 25 26 27 28 E ~ .bit A to Resolution No. 6719 CITY OF CMUBAD SEVF M Wa COMB =TY DEVEL pMU BLOCK GEC PROM M OF RWING JEFFERSON PARK/SCHOOL DEVELM ENT 96 740 For rehabilitation of school grounds to provide an active play field for soccer and softball. AIM II�R OEM $40,000 For construction of alley improvements between Madison and Roosevelt from Elm south to Chestnut., STREErSCAPE IMPROVEIMM 67,260 For completion of Streetscape improvements in core area. TOTAL RMING 2041000