HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-17; City Council; 6812; CP 36A - LA COSTA VALE LTD - 336 UNIT AMENDMENT TO AN APPROVED CONDOMINIUM PERMIT=-- .. z 0 ~ ..J 0 z ::, 0 0 CIT'4 CARLSBAD -AGEND::t.LL @.l AB# t,P I?.. MTG.11/17 /81 TITLE: CP-36(A), LA COSTA VALE, LTD - 336 UNIT AMENDMENT TO AN APPROVED CONDOMINIUM PERMIT; PIRAGUA AND VENADO STREETS, WEST OF CADENCIA IN THE P-C ZONE. t DEPT. HD.~~ -4"4-~ CITY A TTY~) t=· J?) ' DE.PT _P_L ___ _ CITY MG _,, :::}~ f l<... . . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend that this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be di- rected to prepare documents APPROVING CP-36(A), per Planning Com- mission Resolution No: 1882. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is an amendment to an approved condominium permit lo- cated as described above. The project consists of 336 units which is greater than the 243 units originally approved. The ·project's density is 8.2 dwelling units per acre which is greater than the 5.9 du's/ac originally approved, however, is still less than the general plan density range of 10-20 du's/ac designated for this site. The project ''s design differs from that originally approved in that it consists of entirely attached units whereas the original project contained a combination of both attached and detached units. Staff believes the amended project is better designed than that originally approved. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all issues on this matter have been satisfactori.ly resolved. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the environmental ef- fects of this project have been considered as part of a previous- ly certified Negative Declaration and, therefore, has issued a Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance on October 5, 1981 which was approved by the Planning Commission on October 28, 1981. The environmental documents are on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant will provide all required public improvements to the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay ·a public fac- ilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other public services. EXHIBITS t A. PC Resolution No. 1882 ·.,,. B. Staff Report, dated October 28, 1981, w/attachme-nts I I f i I 1 i f I i f i t: ' ' ' ~ i fi i· !1 F f ~ t: !• >'I ,. !I ! ;I )• " 1 r: ~ .. 1 ti ii fl ~I •• LI !• t! " l I I I f 11 II II !! 1, . .,.. • • 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1882 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBADr CALIFORt.~IA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF 3 A 336 UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON PIRAQUA AND VENADO STREETS, 4 LA COSTA APPLICANT: LA COSTA VALE, LTD. 5 CASE NO: CP-36 (A) 6 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, to 7 wi.t: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lots 274 through 289 and 291 through 295 of Carlsbad Tract 72-20 (La Costa Vale Unit No. 2) according to Map No. 7779 filed in the office of the San Diego County Recorder on October 26, 1973 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 28th day of October, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, to consider said request; and WHEREASr at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Condominium Pennit; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commis- sion as follows: (A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. {B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CP-36(A), based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1) The proposed project is consistent with the City's current General Plan and with the Specific_ Plan which has been EXHIBIT A J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,.,.. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2) 3) 4) • • applied to this property, since the.proposed density of 8.22 du 1 s/ac does not exceed the density limit of 10-20. du's/ac established for this site and previous grading activities and the topography of the site precludes a higher density. Also, as conditioned, the project conforms to the requirements of all other. applicable General Plan Elements. A Subdiv.ision Map for the site (CT 72-20), designating all lots as 11 Condominium Lots", has been finaled and approved by the City council and a condition has been included which re- quires the applicant to file for an adjustment plat in order to remove all lot lines which would intersect a proposed dwelling unit. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the proposed den- sity and still meet all the requirements of the City's Condo- minium Ordinance. The project is consistent with all City public facility poli- cies and ordinances since: a) One hundred fifty sewer connections have been reserved for the first two phases of devei'opment by the Leucadia County Water District. b) A condition has been added that building permits cannot be issued unless sewer service is available and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service re- mains available. Therefore, the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. c) An agreement exists between the La Costa Land Company and the Encinitas School Distr~ct whereby a school site has been made available ta this district covering the subject project. Also, a condition of approval requires that certain school fees must be paid to the San Dieguito Union School District prior to the issuance of building permits. d) Adequate water and gas and electric service will be available to serve the development. e) All necessary public improvements have been either pro- vided or will be required as conditions of approval. f) The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. PC RESO 1882 -2- , ... J_ 5) 2 3 4 5 6) 6 7 8 9 10 11 • • Based on an initial study of the project, including a field investigation of the site, the Planning Director has deter- mined that the project will not result in any adverse envi- ronmental impacts and has issued a Negative Declaration on December 19, 1979 (log No. 626) and a Notice of Prior Envi- ronmental Compliance on October 5, 1981 which was approved by the Planning Commission on October 28, 1981. The proposed condominium project meets the criteria of Chap- ter 21.47 (condominiums) since: a) The condominium meets the design criteria of Chapter 21.47.110 since the overall plan is comprehensive, em- bracing land, buildings 1 landscaping and their relation- ships, the driveways are not dominant features and suffi- cient circulation and on-site amenities are provided. b) Storage space, laundry faciiities, open recreation areas, parking facilities, refuse areas, separate utilities and all other requirements of Section 21.47.130 have been met . or will be made conditions of approval. 12 Conditions 13 General Conditions: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1) 2) 3) 4) Ill Ill Approval is granted for CP 36(A), as shown on Exhibit(s) 11 A" -11 F 11 , dated September 17, 1981, incorporated by reference and on file in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these condi- tions. The conditions contained herein shall supercede all condi- tions of CP 36 (Resolution No. 1629). · This project is approved upon the express.condition that building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such sewer permits and.will continue to be available until time of occupancy. This project is approved upon the express condition that the applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for pay- ment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated October 5, 1981, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this ap- plication will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall-be void. PC RESO 1882 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 5) 6) • • The applicant shall provide school fees to San Dieguito Union District to mitigate conditions of overcrowding as part of building permit application. These fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable city ordinances in effect at time of building permit issu- ance. 7 Planning-Department: 8 7) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of the final site plan incorporating the conditions contained herein. 9 Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the 10 11 12 13 8) . Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permitso The applicant shall establish a homeowner's association and one master set of corresponding covenants, conditions and re£trictions for the entire project. Said CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits in any phase. 9) The followng provisions shall be included in the CC&R's 14 required pursuant to condition No. 8: 15 16 17 18 19 20 a) No individual lots may be sold separately unless they are sold in groups of at least two lots and are contiguous. b) All lots shall be subject to the CC&R's in perpetuity~ c) A common architectural theme shall be maintained for all lots. d) All lots shall share common· recreation amenities. 10) All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons in 21 size. 22 11) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. 23 12) Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high 24 masonry wall with gates pursuant to city standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Direc- 25 tor prior to the issuance of building permits and shall be shown on the final site plans required pursuant to condition 26 No~ 7. 27 13) The recreation facility located on Lot 291 shall be installed prior to occupancy of any units in Phase 1. 28 Ill PC.RESO 1882 -4- ,,., • • 1 14) The barbeque facility within lot 274 shall be relocated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The new location 2 shall be shown on the final site plan required pursuant to 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15· 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) condition No. 7. An additional recreation facility, including a jacuzzi and barbeque, shall be provided at a location subject to the ap- proval of the Planning Director. The location shall be shown on the final site plan required pursuant to condition No. 7. A minimum of 24 feet of backup shall be provided for all parking spaces within this development. The applicant has agreed to provide improvements on behalf of the city for lot 290. Said lot shall be improved by the ap- plicant concurrent with the construction of the units in Phase I, subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Director. No individu.al lots as shown on CT 72-20 may be sold separate- ly and all lots are to remain in common ownership. A condi- tion requiring this shall be placed in the CC&R's. Prior to the issuance of any building permits within a speci- fic phase, the applicant shall submit.an application for an adjustment plat and have a certificate of compliance record- ed, removing any lot line which intersects proposed dwelling units. A separate adjustment plat is required £or each lot line to be removed. Unless otherwise approved herein, the subject property shall be subject to the RD-M zoning standards as they relate to permitted and conditional uses, building height, setbacks and yards. Prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase I, the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape, lighting and irrigation plan for the entire project subject to the approv- al of the Planning Director. Said plan shall utilize drought and salt tolerant plant species to the maximum feasible and indicate methods of low intensity lighting of common recrea- tion areas and pedestrian walkways. Fprther, said plan shall include a 6' high decorative block wall separating and screening lot 290 from the adjacent ·parcel to the west. The proposed pathway connecting the proposed development (lot 279) with the existing La Costa Canyon Park shall be improved by the applicant and maintained by the homeowners' associa- tion. This requirement shall be noted_ in the CC&R's. 23) The specific location and design of the community identity signs shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Direc- tor prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase I. Ill PC RESO 1882 -5- .... • • 1 24) All parking structures having individual garages shall be equipped with garage door openers. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Environmental Conditions: 25) The applicant shall grade in substantial conformance with the approved grading and drainage plan. 26) All grading and land clearance operations shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall obtain and strictly abide by an approved grading per- mit. 27) In order to reduce human and domestic animal impacts on the San Marcos Canyon, the applicant shall erect a minimum 42 inch high, dark black chainlink fence for the length of the project along the San Marcos Canyon rim. This fence shall be placed near the top of the Canyori, posted with 11 Danger/Keep Out11 signs, and the fence shall not be visible from the bottom of the Canyon. Access to the San Marcos Canyon shall be limited to lot 290. 12 Engineering Conditions: 13 28) No grading-shall occur outside the limits of the subdivi- sion. ·14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) Concrete terrace drains shall be installed at the top of all major slopes where required by the City Engineer. All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by the home- owners' association (if on commonly owned property) or the individual property owner (if on an individually owned lot) in perpetuity. An appropriately worded statement clearly identifying the responsibility shall be placed in the CC&R- ' s. Additional drainage easements and 'drainage structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the City Engi- neer. All buildings shall conform to minimum~ slope setback stan- dards as specified in city of Carlsbad standard GS-14. The design of all private streets and drainage shall be ap- proved by the City Engineer. The structural section of all private streets and drive\vays shall conform to th~ city of Carlsbad street standards based on R-value tests. The mini- mum width of the private streets sha11· be 24 feet and, where determined necessary by the City Engineer and Planning Director, each shall have a sidewalk along at least one side with a minimum width of four fee~. All private streets, driveways and drainage shall be inspected by the city and the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees shall be paid prior to the_issuance of a building permit. PC RESO 1882 -6- + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · 10 11 12 13 14 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) • • Lighting along the private streets shall be installed prior to occupancy of each phase and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Sidewalks, street light heads and any other public street improvements not.presently existing shall be installed to city of Carlsbad standards by the developer along all public streets adjacent to the subdivision prior to occupancy of any units which abut said frontage. A report of a soils investigation of the site and a grading plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading permit. All cut and fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizon- tal to one vertical unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. No fill slopes shall extend outside the subdivi- sion boundary adjacent to San Marcos Canyon. Care shall be taken in grading to ensure that no debris crosses the subdi- vision boundary and goes into the Canyon. All exposed slopes shall be hydroseeded or otherwise stabil- ized iTILmediately upon completion of grading activities. All previously manufactured slopes which are to remain essen- tially intact shall be smoothed, stabilized and hydroseeded as may be required by the City Engineer. 15 Fire Departrnent Conditions: 16 40) Street addresses for each cluster of buildings shall be posted at the driveway entrance to each cluster subject to 17 the approval of the Fire Marshall. 18 41) An all weatner access road shall be maintained throughout 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 construction. 42) All required fire hydrants, wat~r mains and appurtenances shall be operational prior to combustible building materials being located on the project site. 43) Brush clearance shall be maintained within a minimum distance of 30 feet to each residence. 44) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing systems, automatic sprinklers and other systems-pertinent to the pro- ject shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to construction. 45) Buildings exceeding 10,000 square feet aggregate floor area shall be sprinklered or have four-hour fire walls with no openings therein which shall split the building into 10,000 square feet (or less) areas. 46) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all structures. PC RESO 1882 -7- • • 1 Parks and Recreation Department Conditions: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 47) 48) 49) The applicant shall provide a 30 foot landscape strip along the perimeter of the project creating a transition from the project to the natural vegetation of San Marcos Canyon. Said planting shall include a minimum of 80% drought tolerant plant species and established by an appropriate temporary irrigation system subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. The developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of this landscape area adjacent to each phase up until the time of the sale of the last unit in each phaser at which time the homeowners' association shall be respon- sible for this maintenance. ~ Any existing street trees presently missing or subsequently damaged or removed shall be replaced with a tree equal in size subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. Approval of this permit shall expire 18 months from the date of.City Council approval unless building permits are issued. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said exten- sion shall be approved or denied at the discretion of the City Council. In approving an extension the City Council may impose new conditions and may revise existing conditions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 15 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on 16 the 28th day of October, 1981, by the following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: . Marcus, Rombotis, Farrow, Jose, Friestadt, L'Heureux 18 NOES: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: Schlebuber ABSTAIN: ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PC RESO 1882 -8- MJl~RY MARCUS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION • • STAFF REPORT DATE: October 28, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CP 36{A) -VALE III -An amendment to an approved con- dominium permit for a 336 unit condominium project located on Piragua and Venado Streets, west of Cadencia in the P-C zone. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This item is an amendment to a previously approved 243 unit con- dominium permit located as described above. Since the original approval, the ownership has changed and the new applicant now requests to increase the number of units by 93, totalling 336 for the project. The Planning Commission may recall the original project which consisted of a combination of 107 detached units and 136 attached units. A colored exhibit of the original plan will be on display at the Planning Commission meeting. The project as now proposed is substantially different than the original. Besides the increase in the number of units, the pro- posed project consists of entirely attached units. The project's proposed density is now 8.2 dwelling units per acre which is greater than the 5.9 dwelling units per acre approved for the original project. The proposed density is still less than the 10-20 du's/ac range designated for this site on the Land Use Ele- ment of the General Plan. As shown on Exhibit "C", five unit types are proposed, ranging in size from a 2 bedroom, 1160 square foot unit to a 3 bedroom, 1880 square foot unit. Of the 336 units, 56 would be one and two- story townhouse units. The units are arranged in clusters cor- responding with the existing graded pads on the site. II. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Does the project meet all development standards of the Condominium Ordinance? 2. Does the project meet all design criteria of the Condo- minium Ordinance? ... -~--·-·· --. • • III. DISCUSSION Development Standards As proposed; the project meets all development standards of the Condominium Ordinance. Two parking spaces per unit will be pro- vided in carports located adjacent to each building cluster tor 280 of the~ units. A two car garage will provide the required parking for each of the remaining 56 units. The 87 required visitor parking spaces will be provided along Venado Street and Piraqua Street. Staff can support the location of the visitor parking spaces on the two streets becc1.use they are conveniently located to the units they serve and, since the streets are entirely within the project, there would be no demand for visitor parking on this street by other projects in the vi- cinity. Also, visitor parking on Venado and Piraqua Streets was approved on the original plan and no concerns were expressed by either the Planning Commission or City Council at that time. The recreational requirements for the project-would be met by a combination of common and private recreation facilities. Two large common recreation facilities will be located on either end of the project. The first, adjacent to Cadencia Street, consists of a swimming pool, jacuzzi, tot lot and two tennis courts. The second, located on the opposite end of the project, consists of a swimming pool, jacuzzi and multi-purpose court. In aqdition, two jacuzzis and several barbeque and bench areas would be inter- spersed throughout the development. Along with the common facilities, each unit would have a balcony and/or patio. Overall, the required 200 square feet of recrea- tion area per unit is met by this project. In addition, all other development standards are met by the proposed project. Since the project is in the P-C zone, no specific setbacks or other zoning standards have been established for this site. Staff is recommending that the standards of the RD-M zone be ap- plied to the project. The applicant has been made aware of this recommendation early in the process and has designed the project to conform to these zoning standards. Additionally, all applicable conditions of the original condomin-. ium permit relating to grading, access to La Costa Canyon Park and fencing around the perimeter of the project are incorporated into the new resolution of approval. Design Criteria Staff believes that all design criteria of the -Condominium Ordi- nance have been met by this project. Specifically, the units, recreation areas and parking areas are well integrated and tied -2- .,. • • together by a pedestrian circulation system. Also, the common recreation areas are interspersed throughout the site so that they are accessible to all the units. Each cluster of units shares an access driveway to Venado and Piraqua Streets with only three units on lot 289 having indi- vidual access to a public street. Staff believes that traffic conflicts will be minimal since no through traffic will exist on f these stre'ets. As designed, the units are oriented to take advantage of the view of San Marcos Canyon which wraps around the site to the north and ·west. The majority of units will have a view to either the Can- yon or the open space created by the SDG&E easement adjacent to the south. This particular site provides some of the best views in La Costa. Overall, staff is satisfied that the project meets all design criteria and development standards of the Condominium Ordinance and, therefore, is recommending approval. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVI~~ The Planning Director has determined that the environmental ef- fects of this project have be.en considered as part of a previous- ly certified Negative Declaration (log No. 626, dated December 19, 1979) and, therefore, has issued a Notice of Prior Environ- mental Compliance on October 5, 1981. The environmental docu- ments are on file in the Planning Department. V. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Notice of Prior of Environmental Com11liance an.d ADOPT Resolution No. 1882; recommending APPROVAL of CP 36 (A) to the City Council ·based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein . Attachments Planning Commission Resolution No. 1882 Location Map Background Data Sheet Exhibit "Xn -Proposed Phasing Plan Reduced Site Plans and Elevations Environmental Documents Exhibits "A" -11 F 11 , dated September 17, 1981 BH/wl 10/15/81 ..,.3_ ..... , .... :- . .. ~ . . .. . · .. -. : . . . .. ·:. ... . ·-· .. · . . . .. . . . . . . . .... CASIE NO. CP 36{A) Af?fPllll·CANi LA COSTA VALE VICJNJTY MAP . . .. \ ·-·· ., ·-~ .. ,------.-·----...... ___ ,.,.._,...,"'_ ----:--·----- ... .. . . . . ... ·-· . . . --. . . -· -... _,... • .. . .. • . ·1-• .. . :' .. ... .. . .. .. ---.. . . -.·.· .. . ·. .. . ✓• •• -·:. •• -. .. ..... ' ' .. '. . : . ' . : ... ·. ~ -. . CASE L\110 .. _CP 36{A) .. . . . -. -... . . . --.: ·-------~ ... --- Irv~ lP.· .. ·,- P. C -_ Easement· .' ----. ---------· . . .. .. , . - . . . :. . . .. . . . . - . " " --·• . ~ . ~ . . -1 . .. ~-: -._ . ' : -~ ,1' . -. -.. . . \' .. 1: . -.. .. _..,,._-__ -· .. . . ·-... -· . . . . . -... ... . . . ·-. . . ' . . . ' • i ---- 0 -C: 0 ti) l\ t0ron n ir ~ t\'il LA ___ COST A VALE VIC1N1iY MAP • BACKGROUND DATA SHEEI' • CASE. NO: CP 36(.8,) APPLICANT: La Costa Vale Ltd. REQUEST AND LCCATION: An amendment to a tentative tract inap and condominium permit for a 336 unit residential proJect located on Piragua and Venado Streets in La·costa LEGAL DESCRIPI'ION: Lots 274 through 289 and lots 221 through 295 of CT 72-20, Unit No. 2, County of Sap Diego, filed October 26, 1973 Assessors Parcel Nurrber: ----223 190 02 through 22 Acres · 40. 8 No. of Lots 336 airspace units ·and 20 lanq .lot,s GENERAL PIAN AND ZONING ~eral Plan Land Use Designation __ RM_H _____ _ Density Allowed 10-20 du/ac Existing Zone ---~P~--c~-------- Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Density-Proposed 8. 22 du' s/ac Proposed Zone ------------ Zoning Land Use ·Nor& _ _.p""'"-..... C--San Marcos Canyon ·:snG&E easement -vacant South P-C . ;: ~ ----- P-C Fast West P-C San Marcos Canyon. PUBLIC FACILI1TES School District Encinitas Union ·Elementary and San Die•gui to High School· ·oist Water District Olivenhain ___:;.;...:;~~=='------------- Sewer District Leucadia Coun~y Water District .EDU's·_-=5~0'------- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated __________________ _ (Other: -------~-------------------:-----'} ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT x Negative Declaration, issued 12/19/79 _ __;;a:_ _ Log No. 626 ..;;...;;;;..;;_.. ____ _ ____ E.I.R. Cer.tified, dated _________ _ Other, Prior compliance, issued 10/5/81 -----:----------..... _ ............... .._ .. _,. .. , ~......-~::i;..-...... ..._, '""'"""'' -~ l. Applicant and CWner/De'veloper IA COSTA VALE LTD. DISCT.OSURE STATEMENT MAJOR 00.'IDOMINiu-1 PERL'ilT APPLICATION File:l September 10, 1981 ~--.. -... .. .,. Pagel of 2 La COsta Vale Ltd. (a Ca1i~omia Limited Partnership) Address: c/o Dart:nnor Developnent co. /con Am Properties, Ltd. 1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 Attention: Kenneth A. Lipinski or John Cooper .. 2. Parties with Beneficial Interest in Applicant: Name/Address/Phone Numrer Continental La Costa Properties, Inc. Co-V.anaging General Partner 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Dartm::or Develoµrent CO., Cc-Managing General Partner 1764 San Diego Avenue, Suite 217B San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Continei.tal la Costa Equities, Inc. • Ge.'1eral Partner 17 64 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 % of ewnership Interest 37½% 25% . 15% 15% Telephone: 714/297-6771 714/295-5201 State of Incorporation California California Ca1ifomia California Date of Inco-92. 3/17/81 12/5/80 3/17/81 3/17 /81' corporate Number. 95-3589823 95-3596073 95-3589821 95-3589827 Shareholder(s) Information Daniel J. Epstein 100% c/o ConAm Properties Ltd. 1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Kenneth A. Lipinski 100% c/o Dartrroor Developrent Co. 1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 714/295-5201 Lester B. Kam 100% 1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Richard M. Ferry 100% • continental La Costa Invesbnents, Inc. GA...neral Partner 17 64 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 • continental American Y.ianageroent Co:rp. Limited Partner 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 -·-,. -~ ~ ----... __ ,cc 3/4% --------·-------~ --------· -~ --~ --""' --~--~ ~- california 8/1/75 95-2949467 1· ----~~ --~ -----~ -- Kam/Ferry International, a California cxi:q:oration ·1900 Avenue of the Stars 21st Floor Century City 100% Ios Angeles, CA 90067 213/879-1834 ·----· -·----. -·· .. '"'•··'-·· .r· ' L ' i i ! ! i -·--~ ••• ~"7"· 2. Parties with Beneficial Interest :in Applicant (continued): Name/Address/Phone Nunber Con A-n Investors Ltd., Limited Partner , 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 % of OWnership Interest 6 3/4% State of Incorporation califo:rnia Da:te of Incorporation 12/29/75 Corporate Number 95-3005655 I declare ~er penalty of perjury· that the infonnation contained :in this disclosure is true and correct, and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct \mtil amended. . La Costa Vale Ltd. , Applicant By: Dartm::Jor Develo:i;:rrent Co., Co-Managing General Partner ~L~, M- Page 2 of 2 Shareholder(s} Infonnation Continental American Management Corp. 1% ...__ 1764 San Diego Avenue ' San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Paul Putney 44% 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Bernard Schulte . 22% 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 John E. Lohnes 11% 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 Daniel Axlerod 11% 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 714/297-6771 J. T. Warring 11% 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 ·, • • • • €)(,~tB('r I~ • It>{ t"-/Bl Proposed Construction Phasing & Sequencing l. lo, '5, 4. t St1-e.; ~o ... 't\, lto, 11, IS, I"!), 'Z.o, 2. l. Phase Site No. I 1 thru 5 II 6 thru 7 III 9 thru 12 IV 13 thru 16 V 17 thru 21 Phase Proposed Start of Construction I January 1982 II January 1983 III January 1984 IV January 1985 V June 1985 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 County of San Diego 220 west Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 • <tCitp of <tCarl.sbab NOrICE OF DETERMINATION • 438-5591 This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad on November 17, 1981, approved the following project: Project Description: An amendment to a previously approved condominium permit to build 336 condominium units on 40.8 acres located as previously described. Project Address/Location: Piragua Street and Venado Street, west of Cadencia Street. The City made the following determinations regarding the environmental irrpact of the above described project: 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of this project. 3. A statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for this project. 4. 'Ihe project went through prior environmental review of was part of a larger project which went through prior environmental review. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supporting document is available for public review at the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. DATE: November 18, 1981 CASE NO: CP-36(A) APPLICANT: IA COSTA VALE, • • . . . . . • VICINITY MAP ' NO SCALE SCALE, I LEGEND GID ~ -290- 221 -- rrm -. \ PQOPOSED BUILDtfl.G ELE:V. r:,r:;;oJ:OSED aJNTOUR · I f;XISTING CDNTOLJQ 04YLJGUT LINE ~D SPOT f!l.J!V. PQOPOSED STOPM DRAIN Q CL.EAWCUT Pf<OPOSE.0 STOl2M DQAIN ~ INLET EX1STING, STOJ.'M DQAIN PROP::>SED FIIlE UYD/U,.NT B:ISTING ARE HYDl?ANT t'i£TA.JNING WALL WT LINE tD'T LINE 70 BE ELIMINATED WTS PE.t:< MllP NO. 777~ SI TE 00.WOtl RY -·---------·----· ------------ ---···--------------------------------- ~ .r ( ., ,. _ •• f ; ;'_/ ', - 1/ (NJ) ,r __ •• -.,_., ' -------·· ·----. ------··----· '• ,oa. ,02 CT. 7'5-f7 MAP ,5,;;9 (CANYON ~QK) <./:, ...1:,: .-.- rl'\\1·1 '·.·,·, '.·\1 1 ', jl!!i/P-',_ 1 " · \ ,.·.\ \ \\ · '. l_i_l __ : \ ~ l'.!-s·J ',' \'1•' :: l ,...._. ·1 ' ' ' \ \ \ ·, ,.,· \ \ \ \', \ •1,: \ --.. ' \ \ ·, \ '\, \ '.l' 1 ' r\ ' . \ I\' 0 '• 1 •~ )./U ', I '. ,, ..,-' 1, 1 i .: l: ( ...;I ~•., ' '1 ', ' ' 1' Ii: ' I :,, I i t ,, I' j 1 ' ! 'I ! i/ i ', 11 l ii 1,', i '' ' I , ' ' : i I , 1 !' • ' I Ji: \'ii II, l, I, I , l · 1;: !i': ·, ;1 \ I ii: q \ I ' I 'i ]l ',I ' .· w-.....-✓:~4• '",, I "a.. .,, ( .i.·R:C. SIDEWALK ' 0,10NOLITl-flC CJ.JR6 lil GUTTEQ g_ SIDEWALK ooru SJ DES> /N.'SECnCJNS PfQCITYCF~8AD sms. TYPICAL STREET SECTION (EXISTING) FOR CADENC/A ST., VENADO ST $r P,RA,GUA $L ... j ~-,2· ,_ MW. secnON'S ·rrPE·G·cu !3-CAQLSSAO ? (iGIRTER.BD71-JSIOE5 .,,,_~- Vdl;t ~4 I ,, V. M'll:'3 PEQC/TYOF ,~ ,~E "' ' II II I I I{ I I Tr'PICAL DRIVEWAY SECTION Pfi'CJl:OSEO NO """-" L.----...!Me,,N,<.,!4S,:_· __ · ___ -ll n-r->e ·G· cu~ r r"GuTTE.R: - _MIN. AdVl'NG SECTION \ t,t-~~- PEP CITY STQS. · 1-·,\ A IES --~ol!!' PER s:JILS RE.PORT 1YPICAL PAQl(ING SECTION proroseo "'"""-" GENEJ:?AL NOTES 1.srr::;EET Q/GWTCJF W4YWTDn.JS AS SJ.IOWN. 2.ALL 5ml=E!T 'ii-OQIVEWAY DESIGN 70 CON-RJQM TCCITYOFCAOLSBAD STlJ.NOA,109 Uf\ll.ESS Q'TlJERWISE SHOWN. 3.EXISTING CONTOLJl1 INTERV431... IS 2 FT. (MEAN SEA LEVEL). 4, pt;il(JPOSED CONTOUrl l~AL I~ SFT. ~i 5 RNISH GQADE-5 SI-IOWN HEREON .tJ.Ql: PQE- UMIN/lRY ONLY ~ AQE SUBJECT 10 MOOIFI- CATTON IN Tl-IE FINAL DESIGN. G..atrQ-RLL SUJPE. RATIOS 2=1 UNESS OTUER· WISE" SJ.OWN, "'r-~ 1 <1 C. ,-<1 s-:. ~ 7. EASEMENTS AS QEQI.JIOED 8'Y TUE CITY" EJ./GfNEER. dGPADl"6'i QUJ1NTITIES •45.000~CY. 9.SOll.S INFURMA.TICJN WAS OBTJ:JINED /:ROM T1-IE s::,tLS REPORT PQEPAQEO BY BENTON e,.GINEErJING INC CUlTED NOVEMSl:R Z7. l!J74 pQQJECT NO. n-12-so. ~ uCJD.tJ.TED MAY 13 · '9B1. PQOJE.CT W-: Bhi-3F. ' ll OQd.JN.AGE SYSTEM lO CONFOQM ID CITY OF C.dQLSBAD ST,tJNDA.r:20S. fl.RQE UYDQANT LOCATIONS PER CITYOF C.,H?LSBAD ~QE OEPT. APP,l;t)VAL. \'--.ll-,r\ I ,,.# ----~_, - oarE 9-3-81. 12. Ml5CEU-ANEOUS EXIST. Ol<AtNll.GE FAQLJTfES 10 SE REM:NED .ANO/QR REPl..ACED. . ____ , '"'------,. _, rA/~f ,107 11 100.11/~~ SEA POINTE VILLAGE AT •" OWNER I DEVELOPER LA COSTA VALE. LTD. 17G4 SAN OlliGa AVENUE: SAN DIEGO. CA. 92101 LEGAL DESCRIPTION l.!1TS 274 • 289. 291-295 CF MAP NO. 7779 IN TJ.IE CrTYOFC4Qt.SSAD. CA. ENGINEER OF IMJQK _,,p --·--- LA COSTA GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONDOMINIUM PERMIT EXHIBIT PREPARED BY: RICK. ENGINEERING COMPANY SAN MARCOS/CARLSBAD DATE: SEPT. 10, 1981 FOR: LA COST A VALE SAN DIEGO Ci+y <"'f Carlsbad L f • Plaoo;,,g Co,•,mission I ./A ~f'.,, A; ·····-·----------·-· Dato ........ ~--::17._~J_ ,· . ' ; ~·,x:'·);ll Kiyotoki Associates .,.~~\~· .. ~ ~? ,, ~} ,· Architects and Land Planners --·->:,:~:j.'i-;:;; 17748 Skypark Blvd. Suite 165 Irvine.Calif 92714 714 751-8185 ----------------~--------------- ~-------- ~-----77C.C ~ --~· e== re:~ LA COSTA VALB 9 LTD@ 117?®~ ~£~ lli)Jl~@@ &Wm~lQJ~ ~£~ m)Ir~@@9 (g£ [711141] ~®~= ®717111 VY~T /,'<:o'V ~c.,, ' ! \ ' I ', I ' ' ,, ' '' ' /1. -----_ _.. ' f ' i \ \._ - I -.-.._- C Plam,: .kf}_{b:sf_A ~ Case tlo, 9:l-.:M&)_ .. '·I_;,~· E ' '~.,, ---'=CC--- ,, ,+. . '7 fl-vi_ '· a v ab a.J Costa.J \. •, ----· I ' . I I • I ! . '~/ .: :·:7..J~ Kiyotoki Associates ' ""' , ., Planners y· '·" Architects and Land ~~ 17748 Skypark Blvd. Suite 165 lrvine,Calif 92714 714 751-8185 . fu m~l ~ -., ,. ~ . I 11 I I WETIJ BAR. I fu 0 GARDEN FATIO W.1. GATE 1508 SQ.FT. 2Ji Du@~~ .. &:;®~ .. ~ lb~-~& o,r=-EN ~kYLIGHT I -1---- / BALCONY ABOVE''.) +---X---1 I I I I I ,, / ,1 / ' / -.....-.. ~=r=\''"'r_J : WET BAR. up- 1. _J 1880 SQ. FT. ® 13@cf\,8~ " d1@@ " ~ll,/Zb U:l~IBr LANDING +-____ ABa.:::_e7 ____ -t -....--4'===t-a,.,..:;-..... 0 ( J LA COSTA VALE f LTD& 117?®~ ~£~ IDTI~@@ £WrnW&~ ~£~ WITIB@@~ Cg£ cr~n41J)~®~=®7?]711 I t------~!3ALCONY ABOVE B/ILCONY ABOVE . _______ Jl __ .c. ---,:r---. ----J:t_ . l I I o .;;;,o....1p===-1-r==~~r==-'ltt I I i'f __ J:t I LANDING ! ABOV.E, I f lGO SQ. FT. 00 ~ ~@@1wtw. .. ~ Tu:i~~ra r-- LA.tv'D(NG Al30VE ' . ! 145G /V07c=' 8'c:n' CNTT 7c=> #"'vB ~CVElCl"'T a/'=. w/ ~ e:::,;:;:; ~L:::e:7 ,.-v 8-trl C,PV/75 /'CSSl::SVEc:> ~ . ~/Y-3, t"=r',..-,c:::E ~ ??-IE ~~_ES. e 7rfe ~ c,P ~ =.c:>"-/= W'V/T >-- >-- C .2-b ,.,. -. -~--·-·------ Ci!y of C-"~1sbad Pf.ar.n;:rg Co,~imiss.ion L/J~ 1/4££ c.,. No. .C(?...~1 fal,:S,t No. ,=-············--····--- o,, • ... 9-17--.3, ·- J ,;Z.-f" av ab _a.J Costv ' ,.