HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-01; City Council; 4053-5; REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME ON TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 76-15 |SUNSET PACIFIC|. 3 t k" 8 5 [I] m Q) 13 F= .rl 2 VI VI 8 E % NO G-8 %i VI s$ 3\ 4J grl 4Ja E!$ $g k aa $3 as a, ki3 88 34 b I4 03 r;' c\l rl I 2 0 4 2 0 z 3 0 0 5 ClrllbF CARLSBAD - AGENDhLL RHA :n AB# q053+-*5 TITLE: REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME ON DEPl MTG. 12/1/81 TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 76-15 (SUNSET PACIFIC) CITY DEPT. ENG CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.b7qODENYING a request for an extension of time or Tentative Map for CT 76-15 for the reasons stated therein. ITEM EXPLANATION : The subject tentative map is due to expire on December 30, 1981. Normal tentative map is valid for 18 months. A maximum of two, one-year extens may be granted and this is usually done as a consent item. In this case, the sewer moratorium has increased the length of time sinc val to 4% years. During this time there have been a number of substanti changes to City Code, policies and standards. Many of these changes aff design of the project and the cumulative effect would be such that, to I: approved by current standards, a major redesign would be required. Dete these design inadequacies are contained in the attached staff report. E Planning and Engineering staffs concur that this project is unacceptable current standards and recommend denial.of the extension. A part of Unit 1 of the project, Tamarack Avenue from Skyline Drive to E Drive will be constructed completing the missing link in the street. AI completing this link in Tamarack Avenue is a goal of the City Council, E extension of this map will not ensure its completion. On March 4, 1980, project was granted 48 EDU's of sewer under the second phase sewer alloc system. This allocation was subsequently forfeited due to lack of progr with the development. The time on the tentative map started running wit lifting of the sewer moratorium, grading improvement plans were submitte have been checked. Although nearly 18 months have passed and checking i essentially complete on Unit 1, the deve1operdoes;not wish to final the this time in order to avoid paying fees. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The developer will undoubtedly object to the recommendation of denial. the City Council concur with staff and wish to deny an extension, the de will attempt to get final map approval for Unit 1 on the next Council ag Only some minor revision to the plans, bonds and fees remain to be done. POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES: 1. If Council deny's the extension and the developerfinalsUnit No. 1 a approved in May 1977, the City will lose $36,000 in public facilitie but ensure the construction of Tamarack Avenue within twelve months. 2. If the Council approves the extension of time, the City will ultimat receive the $36,000 in public facilities fees but delay the constru of Tamarack for up to two years. A list of proposed conditions of a is attached as Exhibit E. The Council may wish to condition an extension of time with both the of public facilities fees and the construction of Tamarack Avenue wi months. 3. I 0 Page -2- M~WE!~ m awmR EYBM~MM 8~ WM a~ TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 76-15 (SUNSET PACIFIC) DECEMBER 1, 1981 FISCAL IMPACT : Denying the tentative map extension will require the developer to incu costs involved in preparing and processing new plans €or a totally rev project . EXHIBITS : A. Letter requesting extension. B. Location Map C. Staff report, dated November 20, 1981. D. Resolution No. 5050 and 5051 approving the tentative map (CT 76-15 planned unit development (PUD-6). E. Conditions of approval for extension. F. Resolution NO.~~L/ODENYING an extension of tentative map CT 76-15 J r- November 3, 1981 Mr. Richard H. Allen Jr. Principal Civil Engineer City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Allen RE: TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 76-15 We are requesting a one year extension of Tentative Map CT 76-15, and would appreciate being placed on the November 17th agenda. please find a check in the amount of $50Q.00 for the filing fee. It is my understanding that upon execution by Sunset Pacific, an agree- ment waiving any prohibition against any new condit-ions may be required If this is necessary, please notify me and I will see that the form is executed and returned to you prior to the City Council Meeting. Please send confirmation when this item has been placed on the City Counci 1 Agenda. Enclosed t hesitate to contact me. BS:sw Enclosure I F'-'!' I* c 3 fgB CITY OF CARLSZ Engindng Departn 17701 Mitchell Avenue North I Irvine, California 92714 I(714) 966-0651 EXHPE 0 W EXH16tS e e STAFF REPORT DATE : NovemSer 20, 1981 TO: City Manager FROM: Principal Civil Engineer, Current Development LW- SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION FOR CT76-15 (SUNSET PACIFIC) Since the approval of the tentative map for this project on May 3, 1977, thc have been numerous changes to City Code, policies and standards. Clearly, 1 recent requirement of payment of a public facilities fee could be handled b) the addition of a condition. would require a revision to the project and the sum of these revisions woulo require a total redesign of the project. Therefore, this memorandum will di cuss those design changes and why both the Planning and Engineering staffs are recommending a denial of the request for extension. 1. However, those items that affect its design Grading: The current grading code requires terrace drains in an 8-foot mnch on slopes over 30 feet high. This subdivision has high slo~ which do not have these drains and there is no room to add them. Althc the code permits slopes steeper than a ratio of 2 horizontal to 1 verti with a report of stability by a soils engineer and approval of the Cit) are more prone to slope failure. This project has a number of steeper 1k:l slopes and a slope stability geologic report has been submitted. The City has had a consultant soil engineer review the reports and they were found acceptable with the cat that adequacy of the grading depends on "actually conducting and reporl on in-grading inspections of the geologic conditions." The margin for error in grading the proposed project is very small. Staff has also reviewed 7 development projects (some old and some receI for a comparison of grading quantities. This project has the greatest amount of grading per acre of any project reviewed (23,900 cubic yards acre). Others were as low as 9200 cubic yards per acre and averaged 17 cubic yards per acre. Common Recreation Area: The zoning code requires 600 square feet of u: common recreation area per unit for this project. The Planning staff E calculated that there is actually only 575 square feet per unit and tk of this, only about half actually usable. Therefore, the project is SE iously deficient in this regard in meeting the planned unit development requirement of the City Code. Engineer, Engineering policy is to strongly discourage such slopes as t 2. €.XHIC e e 3. Fad Sizes: The area graded for each dwelling unit is very small due, i part, to the very narrow lots (typically 50 feet wide). This means the is little or no room for recreation on the individual lots, further mag fying the deficiency of the common recreation. Lot Sizes: The narrow lots will create some problems with sufficient p ing on the street. Also lot lines are sometimes at the bottom of slope while if at the top of slope better maintenance would be encouraged bec the homeowner who looked at the slope and could be endangered by a slop failure would also be the one who owned it. Revisions: Dispite the fact that the project is substandard, there hav been a number of requests for minor revisions. Setbacks have been revi the street right-of-way is only 56 feet, not 60 feet, and some re-tainin walls will be built to avoid even steeper slopes. 4. 5. Recommendations: This project should be reviewed as if it were a new proposal and the questic asked "Would you approve this project today?" The Planning and Engineering would recommend denial. As an alternative, the Planning staff would recommend a clustered, multi-fan development. This would create better recreational facilities, minimize gr: and probably retain at least the same number of dwelling units. The Engine6 staff would recommend that no slopes steeper than 2:l be permitted. RIA: Is 11/ 20/8 1 - 2- +. - -- 8' .. 2 3 4 5 6 +7 8 9 - 10 11 12 2 Y tS 13 -Q : E$ Q) (-j&utfl 94 0032 z> $0: zzzs 15 u:, 3c *$% 8 6 16 ;:E=!$ 55 z 17 18 >s n wo 20 co t 0 39 20 21 22 23 2.3 w N3SOLUTION NO, 5050 e 3.' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUJXIL QF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPXOVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 76-15) FOR 13 5 SINGLE-FX'YILY DETACHED DWELLINGS ON APPROXIMATELY 43.99 ACmS GEMERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE 8F EL CAMINQ ELEAL BETWEEN KELLY DRIVE AND CHESTNUT AVENUE. APPLICANT : DOUGLASS-SOUTHWEST CORPORATION !fl%UAih on March 9 J 1977 the CaslsDfid City Plannina Commission adopted Resolution N0.1335 secaawmenaing to the ( Council that Tentative Map (CT 76-15) be csnditionally app: and b 4 WHERZAS, the City Council of the City of CarLsbad, ez; April 5, 1977 considered the recornmendations of the Plannii Commission; and .. .. WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was certifiec complete for a previously issued entitlement for this &ojI and the Planning Director has found the Tentative Map (CT to be in prior compliance with the City of Carlsbad Envixo Protection Ordinance-of 1972: L9 NONB THEREFOIU, be it resolved by the City Council o City of Carlsbad as 'follows: A, That the above recitations are true and correct. B, That the findings of the Planning Commission in 'Resolution KO. 1335 constitute the findings of the City Co in this matter except as they relate to the public facilit 25 26 . 27 28 element of the General Plan regarding the availability of service. The City Council finds that sewer service is not ava for this developlnent as of the date of this approval, How sewer service may be available in the future. The City Co EXHblC e 3. 2 3 4 5 6 '- .' - - 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 n s 2 g 13 e% 8 ;:us 14 no2z z I" OC@ =Ci i 15 u: 5=z wo -5Zx6 16 $$zs 17 <2 L b 18 :z$! 5 - >I- 0 19. 20 T will, by inclu r ion of an.,appropriate condition to this Ten Subdivision Map approval, insure that the final map will nl approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service available to serve the project. In addition, the City Cou will add a condition that a note be placed on the final ma providing that building permit may not issue for lots in.t subdivision unless the City Engineer determines that sewer is available. Since the final. map cannot be approved unless sewer is available and building cannot occur within the subdivis unless sewer service remains available, the City Council i of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to Tentative Subdivision Map approval. satisfied that the requirements of the Dublic facilities e 6, That said Tentative Subdivision Hap, together wi provisions for its design and improvement and subject to t ditions of this resolution, is consistent with all applica .general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D. That Tentative Map (CT 76-15) is hereby approved to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad I4urricipal C to the satisfaction of the following conditions: ~ 1- The approval is granted for the land described i application and any attachments thereto, and-as a on plot plan submitted labeled CT 76-15, Exhibit * dated February 22, 1977, on file in the Planninc Department and incorporated by reference herein, 2. Lots 116 and 117 shall include the remnant prop€ adjacent to them unless, prior to final. map app~ . the adjacent property (shown as not a part) can incorporated into the subdivision to aBlow propc configuration - P 21 22 23 24 -3- Street names asshawnare not approved, Street I shall be submitted to the Planning Director for pursuant to the Street Name Policy (City Counci: Policy No, 20) prior to approval of the final mi -4, In order to provide for reasonable fire protect: during the construction period, the subdivider ! maintain passable vehicular access -to all build. 25 26 27 28 and adequate fire hydrants with required fire € shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Dl . 5, Ornamental street lighting shall be provided fo required by Municipal Ordinance The developer deposit cash in the amount necessary to energizl said street lights for an eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incorporation 2. 1 .- . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .- 3-2 Q, 3 g 13 e2* % ;:US 14 z 0QDz E= !?E>? mGC5 15 u: 2s 'kzas. 16 : "ups 11 zc 5 >I- c aa 0 c - 0 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 25 26 27 28 w- - - -e of the subdivision into a maintenance district. 6, 'All land and/or easements required shall be gran- to-the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City free of all liens and encumbrances, No easement be recorded prior to recordation of the final ma approved by the City Engineer, report of a geological investigation and a compl grading plan of the entire site, when required b Cit En imeer. The repst and plan shall be pre civil engineers licensed by the State of Califor experienced in erosion eontrol, who shall be acc to the City Engineer. They shall certify that t: have investigated the site and prepared data.wit consideration of the consequences to the include neighboring properties and in conformance with t Geologic and Seismic Safety Element Q€ the Gener ' 8. - El Cdno Real shall be dedicated and improved a the subdivision frontage on the basis of a one h twenty-six foot street section, according to Cit Carlsbad standards. Prior to issuance of a grading permit €or Unit 5 a forty foot waterline easement centered on the existing fourteen inch waterline crossing Unit D shall be granted to the City between the propose Tamarack Avenue and Skyview Drive, .b 7. The improvement and grading plans shall include X? + 9. 10. Slopes adjacent to public streets shall be 2:1 n 11. The stom drain systea is not specifically apprc as shown; designs of stom drains, ditches, cro: and other appurtenances shall be as approved OR improvement plan, 12, All contractors' and construction material supp: vehicles shall take all access from El Camina RF during the construction of the improvements reli to this tentative map. 13. Proposed Palisades Drive, proposed Terrace Drivt between Palisades and Skyview, and proposed Sky' Drive, between Terrace Drive and Tamarack Avenuc shall be dedicated and improved on the basis of sixty foot street section according to city of 1 14. The proposed three units shall be recorded and I in sequential order as shown on the tentative 15. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of standards- map for Unit No.,P: * .- 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 -9 10 3-1 12 n 51: g 13 r22 g &J5 14 no3z z f" :kg 15 rr:. 36 tu0 -52s~ 16 2 .o v a. @marack Avenue shall be dedicated' and improT shall be secured within the subdivision bounc the basis of a modified e2ghty-four foot strc section as approved on the amended Tentative within the subdivision boundary. 1- b. Tamarack Avenue right-of-way and improvement: be secured to its intersection with Skyline I The right-of-way width, street section width general alignment of Tamarack Avenue in the 7 of its intersection with Skyline Drive shall. as shown on qxhibit A, of City Council hiesob Na. 3856- c. The applicant shall enter into a secured agrc to install a northbound left turn lane on El Real at Tamarack Avenue as approved by the C. Engineer p # d. The applicant shall deposit funds for the st of the left turn pocket required in (c) abovi and on Tamarack Avenue from EL Camino Real ti Skyline Drive, as approved on the improvemen e, The applicant shall provide revised water sy calculations,' prepared by a Registered Civil. €or the entire three wit tentative map area shall be based on cusrent design criteria to furnished by the Cityp and lines shall be si according to fire flow requirements and hydr . locations approved by the Fire Marshal. = 8Eq ze y - >$ K 17 0 < E - 0 18 19 20 16. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of t final map for Unit No. 2, the applicant shall: a. Dedicate and improve El Camino Real per eond No, 8 above, along the subdivision frontage, on approved improvement plans for El Camino Dedicate a fifteen inch wide sewer easement b, 21 22 23 Lot No. 93 from Palisades Circle to the nort curner of the lot. 3.7. If the existing fourteen inch waterline lies und ' within four feet of the curb, gutter and sidewal 24 25 ' 26 Skyview Drive, as approved on the improvement pl for Unit No- 3, the applicant shall deposit fund or enter into a secured agreement to relocate th to an alignment to conform with City of Carlsbad 18, Waterline improvements for each unit shall inclc . 27 28 loop system outside the unit boundary and interi appurtenances, such as blowoffs, as required by City Engineer, based on the Engineer's calculati required in Condition No. 15 (e) above, or suppl thereto . 4. I- .. .- a 3 4 5 6 w @ 3,- . 19. Dedic ion.of El Camino Real and Tanarack Avenue .include a waivsr of direct access riGhts from the lots shown on each final map as abutting thereon. 20. Prior to recordation of the final nap €or Unit Nc the applicant shall provide for the future abandc the sewer proposed to cross Lot No, 115 when con! of the offsite sewer connection in SkyvLew Drive 21, Park-in-lieu fees shall be paid prior to approva: final map, A credit of 25% of such fees shall bt 7 8 9 for the &liYflt;e LGGL€GtiQfiiiil iiLeia8 @rW&&a iiii ii the development. A credit not to exceed the am01 fees due after deduction of the 25s'credi-t shall be given for park fees paid for those portions Q. CT 73-8 included within the boundaries of this SI 22, This subdivision is approved on the express con& . 10 11 12 0' U Y g 13 -P g ciawQ 34i oo=z z z= u: I ;;r .5tgd 16 u'zz< -50 VI >I- I- d @z 17 <s E 18 19 20 rn sq G) ggek >o 15 0-I UK cl 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 that the final map shall not be approved unless City Council finds as of the time of such approv *. that sewer service is available to serve the sub1 23, This subdivision is approved upon the express eo on the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facllities are available a time of application for suck: permit and will con to be available until time of occupancy. If the Engineer determines that sewer facilities are no available, building pem.its will not be issued u * arrangements, satisfactory to the City Council, made to guarantee that all necessary sewer fxif will be available prior to occupancy, This cond shall be noted on the final map, # that building permits will1 not be issued for dev 24, This Tentative Subdivision Map shall be subject further approvals as n3y be necessary in connect such plan for the allocation of sewer service an competing uses as the City Council nay adopt, I allocation plan is adopted prior to final map aE plan as a further condition of this Tentative SL Map approval o the applicant shall satisfy the requirements of r/// . /// /// /// -. /I/ //I 5. -. 1. .* 2 3 4 5 c -7 8 9 10 11 12 2 5 2 13 !3 e2 g ;:us 14 no3z g>:g Eit~u. 15 . oz-’ u: ’ & *!izsc; 16 - ggzs - z-0 y 4 >E oe 3.7 c G 18 3.9 20 21 22 23 4 w - PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a-regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of Hay #- by the following voteo to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Packarcf, Skotnicki and NOES: Councilman Lewis Councilwoman Casler ~~CEflflr NOne ATTEST : # &ffd dF@&d C GA -T.E, ADLYS, City Clerk @F (SEAL) -. . .. - ’ -. -- ., 1- .. 2 3 4 5 6 a7 . 8 9 - 10 11 12 2 g 13 &% 8 ;:lo. 14 .00== z EK gczc 25 'J. 5c t_zwo wgci IS zzz< 5: e 17 a4 !z 0 18 19 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26 , 27 0 2 .m 02 35 tj >. @ RESOLUTION NO. 505 10- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PEWIIT (PUD-6) FOR 135 SIPTGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS ON 43.99 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON TBE . WEST SIDE OF EL CAVINO REAL BETVEEN KELLY DRIVE AND CHESTNUT AVENUE, APPLICANT : DOUGLASS-SOUTHWEST CORPORATION. CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVEXG WEEmASc the Planniny Comission of the City of Carls on March 9, 1977 hold a duly noticed public hearing go con the application of Douglass-Southwest Corporatian for a PI Unit Development Permit (PUD-6) for 135 single family deta ,dwellings on property generally located OR the west side o El Cdno Real between Kelly Drive and Chestnut Avenue, mo particularly described as: I That portion of Lot '*I1' of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in t City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Calif according to the Map thereof No. 823, filed in the of of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Xoveher 1896, and also listed in Assessor's Book NO- 207, Pag ' 2arcels 8 and 9; and FTaEREASr an Environmental Impact Report was certified t complete for a previously issued entitlement for this proj and the Planning Director has found the Planned Unit Devef (PUD-6) to be in prior compliance with the City of Carfsba Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; aEd * WI~EI~EAS, at the conclusion of said hearing, the Plann Commksion of the City of Carlsbad, adopted Resolution No, and IEiER;EASr on April 5, 1977 the City Council held a put hearing on the matter and received all recommendations ani all persons interested in or opposed to the approval of PI - -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 * -- .- 7 8 9 - 30 3.2 12 n m -18 Q) 13 e2 8 dlL.W5 14 LIo$Z 90 F>W" -zw~ci 16 >F -J c 17 ,, 18 is 2 -0 z $c% 15 UI USA *,-tQ -5g "u2!$ m 4. 4 . 3.9, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 - 28 @ e -. Unit Development Permit (PUD-6) ; NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT *RESOLV?% by the City Council of City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct, B. That the findings as outlined in Planning Comiss 1336 constitute the finding-s of the City Co 1 Xesolutzon NO- e, That the Planned Unit Development Permit is grant the reasons set out in this resolution and subject to a13 able requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to th satisfaction of the following conditions: > -1.- The approval is granted for the land described 'application and any attachments thereto, and as s on the plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit F, dat Februzry 22, 1977, and additional exhibits labele Exhibits G, H and I, dated February 22, 1977. Th location of all rcadways, parking areas, landscap and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibits F, G, H and I otherwise provided therein, 2, All conditions shall be appropriately complete and the project commenced within-eighteen months final City action. 3. all lot dimensions, size and setbacks south of Tamarack Avenue (extended) as shown on Exhibit F conform to tRe R-l zone requirements, 4. All lot dimensions, size and setbacks shall gc conform to the plot plan, Exhibit F, and the typi representations shown on Exhibits B and I. In nc case shall the-standards set forth in Title 21, Section 21.45.120 (13, A, B and C) and Section 21 (2) be superseded. 5. Structures to be built in excess of three feet from any side lot line and five feet from any re; 6, Building height shall not exceed thirty feet. 7. Lot coverage1 including building and structure not exceed forty percent of the lot. * pad level shall maintain a minimum of three feet 2. . I* 1. 2 3 4 .- 5 6 .7 8 9 . 3.0 11 3.2 4 -t8 03 13 0 le2 g -0 dzug 14 noDz z c= -u:. 3a .!&: X6 <zg v) a4 c 3.8 G :E25 15 0 UJV va >t- -I c 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 a . 8. A uni #cm fencing plan to provi fencing at the I of the slope for those lots containing slopes dror down to lower elevations, shall be submitted to anc approved by the Planning' Director, prior to issuai of final occupancy for residences in Unit No.. 1. Fencing shall be provided according to the approw plan prior to occupancy for each affected resident 10, Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City En< 9. I I I shall-approve a plan submitted by the applicant fc interim erosion control on all man-made slopes in excess of three feet within the boundaries of thi subdivision, Prior to this issuance of grading pi the applicant shall post bonds and agreements ens' the installation and maintenance of the erosion-c system until permanent landscaping is installed a maintained. b If. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, th .applicant shall submit a permanent landscaping an irrigation plan.to the Parks and Recreation Direc for his approval, The plan shall include all art slopes, These slopes shall be landscaped by the following standards as set forth in the City Coun Qpen Space Maintenance Policy No. 23, as follows: a, Restored Native Vegetation: 1) All interior slopes; .. - ' 2) These slopes will be naintained by the Honeowners' Association for a minimu3 of three years; 3) At the end of three years, the Homeowners Association may elect to return maintenan responsibilities to the individual lot ow bo Suppfkmental Native Vegetation: - 1) All slopes adjacent to Tamarack Avenue (E 2) These slopes shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association, c. Refined Vegetation; . 1) All slopes adjacent to El Camino Real; 2) These slopes shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association, d. Intensive Vegetation: 1) All park sites as designated on Exhibits 2) and I; These areas shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association, 3. . 31 4 L: 6 7 8 9 10 51 22 n' 2 3 3 13 &Z g ;:US 14 no== 2 fU 0CpP mG 3 15 u: a 3< tu0 .Ssgd 16 ggs$ -ge u) >I- -I c 17 U t 0 18 19 >.5 in units, this condition shall be met on a unit-bj basis with the exception of those lots with slope! adjacent to Tamarack Avenue (extended) and El Cam: Real- Final landscaping and irrigation shall be < on those slopes adjacent, to Tamarack and El Caminc R~ial g~i~ LA itihuanke A€ 4L-d occupancy €or &he homes in Unit No. 1. 13. CC&RBs for the project shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance t building permits. 14. A final Recreational Vehicle Storage Area Plan shc fencing, stripping, paving speeificatidns and accc shall be submitted to and approved by the Planninc Director, Parks and Recreation Director and the .for Unit No. 1. # City Engineer prior to issuance of building permi. 15, Recreational vehicle parking shall be provided an1 available to residents prior to the first final occupancy permits for Unit No- 1. a) If the applicant does not wish to build the permanent Recreational Vehicle Storage lot as shown on Exhibits F and G prior to occupancy Unit No. 1, a temporary facility may be estab * to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, and Recreation Director and the City Eng$neer b) A plan for this temporary facility must be su to and approved by those mentioned in (a) ab0 prior to occupancy of any residence in Unit N 16. The Recreational Vehicle Storage Facility shall b ' .20 21 - 22 23 . 24 25 26 made available to only those homeowners within th PUD area. 17. A final parks plan for all three park areas (show Exhibits F, G and I) and approved by the Parks an Recreation Director prior to issuance of building ._ . permits on Unit No, 1. 18, On lots north of Tamarack Avenue, five foot acces easements shall be granted between property owfier adjacent to a zero-lot-line to allow for building maintenance. 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on thLe day of -- *p u.7 * 1 2 3 4 * s 6 -7 u a by the followiny vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : Counei 7 man Lewi s ABSENT :: None . Councilmen Frazee, Packapd, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler ATTEST: 9 10 11 12 ci d 3 5 13 22 g ~~ws 14 oo=z z 3= .u:. 3a b> LU u ,zugci 16 6222 17 zzg 3 - a2 c U 18 39 20 - 21 22 7 $zg 15' VJ >€- K t I z ,z I 24 25 3 26 z $: 23 1 x ~ 21 '? f 1 * 1 ? i 28 5 i a , d 3 L , (SW') .. - - - - 9 I L . 5. e 0 CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE -WP EXTENSION FOR CT 76-15 I1 This projeGt hs approved up~n the exprws condition that applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required b City Council Policy No, 17, dated August 29, 1979, on fil , with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, according to the agreement executed by the applicant for ment of said fee a copy of that aqreement dated November 1981 is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated here by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this cation will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void, 2) The applicant shall provide a school availability letter the Carlsbad Unified School District prior to the issuanc any building permits for Unit 1 or prior to the recordati of a final map for Units 2 or 3, whichever occurs first, 3) Any signs proposed for this development shall require rev and approval of'the Planning Department prior to installa of such signs. 4) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at locatior subject to the satisfaction of the North County Transit f free from advertising and a pole for the bus stop sign. bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to not detract from the basic architectural theme of the project said design shall be subject to the approval of the Pfanr Director and North County Transit District. 5) Condition Number 21 of Resolution No, 5050 is hereby rep3 trict. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a benc by the following: The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the Ci-f;y, prZor to the approval of the finaZ mqp as required by Chapter 20.44 of the CarZsbad Municipal Code. EXHIBIT '1 2 3 5 6 4 7 8 RESOLUTION NO. 6 7gto /, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP CT 76-15 l\ / WHERE&, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 3rd day oj 1977, adopte Resolutions No. 5050 and No. 5051 approving, with condit: Tentative Map CT 76-15 and Planned Unit Development PUD-6; and \ \ /3 i \ WHEREAS, the‘isubdivider has reques a one-year extension of time ‘1 \ map from December 30, 1981 to Decembe 30, $982; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 as follows: A. B. \. i That the above recitations are trr$e and correct. That the request to extend TentativqMap CT 76-15 and PUD-6 is “i \ a ! ‘\ DENIED. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Counkil of the City of Cai \ a regular meeting held the day of /( 1981 by the fol vote to wit: /\ / AYES : NOES : ABSENT : RONALD c. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: \ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL)