HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-05; City Council; 6858; CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TENTATIVE TRACT CARLSBAD BLVD AT TAMARACK, CT 81-44 CP 190 AMERICAN WEST DEVELOPMENTTITLE: CONDOKINIUM PERMIT/TENATIVE ___- TRACT AB# lbx ST CARL~BAD BLVD, AT TAT~RACK CT 81-44/CP-190 American West Develop- MTG.1/5/82 DEPT. PL ment. DEI CIT CIT k 3 g 4 $ k PI c, 0 & 0 uu 4 8 E 3 a a, c, c) a, k $ 4 rl 8 E& 3.s a,a, *s a, aa i$J !#$ z 4 .$ 00 uc6 rl ca I m I t-l .. z 0 6 e a z 2 0 0 CI U OF CARLSBAD - AOEND~L RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hear the appeal. If desired direct City Attorney to prepar ments: (1) denying appeal and upholding Planning Com,ission or, (3) overruling the Planning Commission and disapproving th (2) approving the project with rn-odified conditions or, ITEM EXPLANATION The Planning Commission on December 9, 1981, by a 4-2 vote, an application for a 19 unit tentative tract map and condor permit on the east side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack Sequoia. The project was opposed by residents in the neighborhood ~71* objected to the size of the three story structure, the lack parking in the area and the congestion of local streets. Mr. William Bonas I1 of 241 Olive Street appealed the Planr Commission decision to the City Council. On September 1, 1981 the City Council denied an applicatior 21 unit condominium on the same site. That project also WE approved by the Planning Com.ission and opposed by neighbor residents. The Planning Staff and Planning Commission have found that 19 unit project as proposed complies with develop-.. ment stanc of the City Condominiun Ordinance. The proposed density i: dwelling units per acre. Allowable density in the existinc zone is 20-30. The building height is 33 feet above grade feet above Carlsbad Blvd, and 32 feet above Sequoia Avenue Allowed building height is 35 feet above grade. ENVIRONMEPITAL REVIECg - Planning Commission on Decernber 9, 1981 approved a Notice ( Environmental Corrpliance issued by the Planning Director 01 November 16, 1981. EXHIBITS A. Letter of appeal from Mr. Bonas, dated December 11, 19 B. PC Resolution No. 1896 C. Staff Report with attachnents dated December 9, 1981. 1 e e City Clerks Gffice heceinber 11, l98l City of Carlsbad 1200 Zlm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Re; Appeal to City Council Pursuant to regulations, this letter servm as notice to the Carlsbad City Council for the- a~peal ofl ths City ?,land ning Conmission decision of December 9, 1981. This deciS: approved a ''High-Dsnsity" condominium project sgecificall: identified as calendared, No, CT8l-!&/CP-190, American Wt (Borderland by Tamarack Ave,, Carlsbad Blud. 2nd Sequoia i This atmeal _I requests the Carlsbad City Council to hear ani give arqments in oppositior, to the construction of the a' name5 3rojec-t. This apFeal is predicated onp but not lim to, -Lln.e exercise of constitutionally protected rights und Due lsroczss for the benefit of thpv Health, Safety and 'del of t3e citizens in t'ne community of Carlsbad, Ap-,ellant, ,// (-.- CI k.*-, hlll.Z23 x, 133ilas I1 u J::' - -- ~ - -'I3 A-73 7s-, '/ . d, fi-& 4 7 .- c C-3 tr, r; ---;, =-?a - cz 92GQ3a (71+;) 729-3137 *Pleas=. fizd enclos52 $50 appeal fee. cc/ ;.:ayar's Cffice * Carlsbad EXHIBIT ''.A" r 1 2 3 4 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1896 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A 19 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE. APPLICANT: AMERICAN WEST OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BETNEEN TAMARACK AVENUE CAE3 NO: CT 81-44/CP-190 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 in Block H of Palisades in t of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed Februa 1923 has been filed with the city of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and a WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a reque provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 9th day c December, 1981, hold a duly noticed public hearing as pres by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cons all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiri be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning sion as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public he: the Commission APPROVES of CT 81-44/CP-190, based on t following findings and subject to the following condit //// //// //// EXH I B IT "B " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 Findings: - 1) The project is consistent with the city's General Plan the proposed density of 23.7 du's/acre is within the d on the Land Use Element of the General Plan and can be fied for the reasons stated in the staff report. range of 20-30 du's/acre specified for the site as ind 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and densi the development since the site is adequate in size and to accommodate residential development at the density posed. cies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an aF ate condition to this condominium permit and tenta subdivision map, insured that the final map will n approved unless the City Council finds that sewer Plannj-ng Commission has added a condition that a n shall be placed on the final map that building per may not be issued for the condominium project unle City Engineer determines that sewer service is avz and building cannot occur within the project unles service remains available, the Planning Commissior satisfied that the requirements of the public faci element of the General Plan have been met insofar apply to sewer service for this tentative map and minium permit approval. 3) The project is consistent with all city public facilit is available to serve the project. In addition, t b) School facilities will be available to this projec indicated by the Carlsbad Unified School District letter dated December 3, 1981. c) Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of i Val. d) All necessary public improvements have been provic will be required as conditions of approval. e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the il of an appropriate condition to pay a public facil fee. Performance of that contract and payment of will enable this body to find that public facilit be available concurrent with need as required by i General Plan. 4) The proposed project will be coinpatible with future la in the area since all of the surrounding properties h, designated for high density residential development. 5) This project has already been considered in conjunctic a previously certified environmental d0cumer.t arid a Nc PC RES0 7896 -2- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO b 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e of Prior Environmental Compliance was issued November 1981, which was approved by the Planning Commission on December 9, 1981. Conditions of Approval General Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for CT 81-44/CP--190, as shown on E reference and on file in the Planning Department. Dev ment shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwi noted in these conditions. bit( s) "A" - IIK", dated October 23 , 1981 , incorporated 2) Thj-s project is approved upon the express condition th final map shall not be approved unless the City Counci as of the time of such approval that sewer service is able to serve the subdivision. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition th building permits will not be issued for development of subject property unless the City Engineer determines t sewer facilities are available at the time of applicat such sewer permits and will continue to be available L time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the f map. 4) This project is approved upon the express condition tf- applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as reqnir~ City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, or with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by referer according to the agreement executed by the applicant f ment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated Decemt 1981, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, tk plication will not be consistent with the General Plar approval €or this project shall be void. 5) The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the city, to the approval of the final map as required by Chaptc of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 6) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance 1 sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applic; city ordinances in effect at time of building permit : ance. 7) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of tl site plan incorporating the conditions contained here. Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by 1 Planning Director prior to the issuance of building pf The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associatic CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Plan] Department prior to final map approval. 8) corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. PC RES0 1896 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 9) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and ii tion plan which shall be submitted to and approved by t Planning Director prior to the issuance of building pel 10) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debriz 11) Any signs proposed for this development shall be desic conformance with the city's Sign Ordinance and shall I stallation of such signs. review :nd approval of the Planning Department prior I 12) Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 foot 1 tion of said receptacles shall be approved by the Plar Director. masonry wall with gates pursuant to city standards, I 13) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, SI architecturally integrated and shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets tc satisfaction of the Planning Department and Building I tor. 14) The open parking area shall be redesigned to provide ! backup space for cars located at the end of the stall: Engineering Department: 15) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior t9 4 commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. 16) The grading for this project is defined as "regular gi by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Codc developer shall submit a grading plan for approval wh shall include all required drainage structures and an. quired erosion control measures. The developer shall submit soils, geologic or compaction reports if requi. shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 11.06 of i Carlsbad Municipal Code. 17) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the haul route be submitted for review and shall be approved by the ( Engineer. A separate grading plan shall be submitted approved and a separate grading permit issued for the or disposal site if located within the city limits. 18) Additional drainage easements and drainage structures be provided or installed as may be required by the Co Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cit neer. 19) Land for all public streets and easements shown on thl tative map shall be dedicated on the final map and sh granted to city free and clear of all liens and encum anccs. PC RESO 1836 -4- *. 1 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 b * e 20) Direct access rights for all lots abutting Carlsbad BI vard shall be waived on the final map. 21) All public streets shall be improved by the developer on the typical sections shown on the tentative map an conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards prior to pancy Of any buildings unless otherwise modified pur: to Condition No. 23. 22) The dedoper shall install a wheelchair ramp at the street corner abutting the subdivision in conformance City of Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any ings. 23) The improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack i required by these conditions and as shown on the ten4 map may be revised or delayed by the posting of an ai priate bond if found necessary and is approved by thc Engineer. These revisions may include increasing thc to curb width to 68' and constructing a 4' wide raisi median island on Tamarack Avenue. 24) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regul and design requirenents of the respective sewer and agencies regarding services to the project. NO slopes shall be steeper than a ratio of two horiz one vertical. 25) Fire Department: 26) A local fire alarm system shall be installed in the ings. All proposed security gate systems shall be providec "knox" key operated override switch, as specified b: Fire Department. 28) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishin? terns, automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertii the project shall be submitted to the Fire Departme approval prior to construction; 27) Parks and Recreation: 29) All landscape material shall be rated "1st sea coas 30) A minimum of twelve (12) specimen trees of the same shall be planted prior to occupancy of any units at tions'approved by the Parks and Recreation Director 31) A third retaining wall shall. be added between the t taining walls shown on Exhibit "A" if required by t and Recreation Director. The areas between the wal sure". PC RES0 1896 -5- 1. *t 1 2 3 4 b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e be level and landscaped to the satisfaction of the Dj of Parks and Recreation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, 1: the 9th day of December, 1981, by the following vote, to \ Chairman Marcus, Commissioners Farrow, Schleh Jose and Friestedt. AYES: NOES: Commissioners Rombotis and L'Heureux. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MARY MARCUS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI ATTEST: JAXES c. EAGAKAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION -6- np DVCA ~QQC; e a ,,, I +. STAFK REPORT 7 DATE : December 9, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 81-44JCP-190;AMERKCAN WEST - Request for a 19 uni tentative tract map and75ZEiiinium permit on propert located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard betwee Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue in the RD-M zone. b I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND- BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct a 19 unit condominium pro: consists of a number of parcels with a single family dwelling the southernmost parcel. The subject property gently slopes t the west until it gets close to the surrounding streets, then slopes down steeply from a few feet to nearly fourteen feet a1 the southwesterly corner of the property. The proposed project will result in a density of 23.7 dwellinc units per acre which is within the General Plan designation 0: 20-30 dwelling units per acre for this site. The property to north is occupied by a restaurant while the properties to the south ad ed5i are occupied by a rnixture of single family res dences and apartments. The project itself will consist of a three story building ove underground parking garage. All of the units will be oriente take advantage of the ocean views offered by this site. Most the common recreation area has also been oriented to take adv -- on a .8 acre parcel located as described above. The project : tage of the views. On June 4, 1980, the Moir Devco Company submitted a similar E ject to the Planning Department. At that time, the project c sisted of 21 units and the building height was slightly high€ than this project. The Planning Commission recommended apprc of the proposed project at their meeting of August 12, 1981. The proposed development was considered by the City Council E their meeting of September 1, 1981. At that time, a number c people who lived in the vicinity protested the project. Man! these people were concerned about the present lack of parkin5 the vicinity. Also, a number of the citizens complained abol the massive appearance of the proposed structure. Based on project's design and the public testimony, the Council deniec EXHIBIT I e @ project because they felt that it was incompatible with the SUI rounding development. The Council suggested that the applicant redesign the project t minimize its massiveness, lower its height, and redesign the parking areas. 11. ANALYSIS + Major Planning - Issues 1. Does the project conform with the development standards an design criteria of the condominium ordinance? Discussion Development Standards All of the required resident and guest parking for this projec will be provided on site. All of the resident parking as well two guest parking spaces will be provided in an underground pa ing garage entered from Sequoia Avenue. Additional quest park will be provided in an open parking area entered from Tamaracl Avenue, When this project was previously considered by the Cc mission there was a concern about the lack of available on-st1 parking. In response to these concerns, the applicant has prc vided three extra on-site guest parking spaces beyond the eiyl. required by the condominium ordinance. At least 480 cubic fec of storage per unit will be provided in the underground parkir garage. Approximately 250 square feet of recreation area will be prov for each dwelling unit. As shown on Exhibit "C", the majorit the common recreation area will be located in the northwest p tion of the project. The recreation area includes a sundeck rounding a jacuzzi and an adjacent grassy area for picnics an barbeques. Also, a set of horseshoe pits will be located in flat area in front of the units. As shown on Exhibit "C", th applicant proposes to locate a wet bar and sink in the passag between unit "CRrL and unit "AR" . An additional deck area wil located on top of the roof of the southernmost part of the bL ing. Each of the units will. have at least one patio or balcc oriented to take advantage of the ocean views, Ilesign Criteria As previously mentioned, this is essentially the same project that was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their August to the surroundinq residents and the City Council, the applir has reduced the.number of dwelling units from 21 to 19, As I by Exhibit "G", the southernmost part of the building has hec -2- 1981 meeting, In an attempt to make the project more accept; 0 e ,b reduced from three stories to two stories, while the height of the northern portion of the building has been reduced by four feet. As shown on Exhibit "G" and r'EI", the applicant has at- tempted to "stair step" back each story of the building to redl its massive appearance from Carlsbad Boulevard. The redesiqnec project will be 33 feet above grade level, 39 feet above CarPsl Boulevard and 32 feet above Sequoia Avenue. Staff still has concerns about the size of the project in rela tiOn to the existing structures in the vicinity. As mentioned the previous report, there are no other buildings in the neigh borhood that are as high or massive as the proposed project. of the surrounding property, however, has been designated for high density residential development by the Land Use Element o the Carlsbad General Plan. Many of the surrounding properties have older single family dwellings and apartments located on them. As these properties start to redevelop, there is a stro possibility that they will develop at a density similar to the subject property. In addition, the proposed project is adjace to the beach, is served by public transportation and represent an infill type project that will be constructed on a vacant lo relatively close to the center of town. As redesigned, with a lower density, additional parking, over; lower building elevations and a stair-step design, this projec has a less massive appearance than that previously submitted. Since the project complies with all of the development standar and design criteria of the condominium ordinance and, as rede- signed, is more compatible with the existing surrounding devel ment, staff is recommending approval of CT 81-44/CP-140. 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project has a1 ready been considered in conjunction with a previously certif environmental document and, therefore, has issued a notice of Prior Environmental Compliance dated November 16, 1981. A co of the environmental document is on file in the Planning Depa rnent . IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resoluti No. 1896, recommending APPROVAL of CT 81-44/CP-140 to the Cit Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions c tained therein. ATTACHMENTS 1, Planning Commission Resolution No. 1896 2. Location P'lap 3. Background nata Sheet 4, Disclosure Form 5. Environmental Documents 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A" - "K" dated October 23, 1980 MH:ar -3- b I UL .. , ._ 0 CASI:CJXITJNII mm ___I sr irmr 0 (msu NO: CT 81-44/CP-190 A~~L~--JQJT: AMERICAN WEST - wmST Avd m2TIoN: Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit to constr 19 units on the east side of Carlsbad Rlvd, between Tamarack and Sequoia Ai IEGTJ, ~~~c~p-~I~,~~ Lots 1 > 2,3,4 j 5, and 20 in Block H of Palisades accordj I_ - ----- ' c Map No. 1747, filed February 5, 1923. 206 - 011 - 1,2,3,4,5, Ei 20 Assessors Parcel IJimker: Acres NO. 0fW6d 19 units .8 - -- CEXZI?.RL PLEN X33 -- ZC?NJEC . General Plan Lmd Use Designation R-H - Density Promsed 23.7 Proposed Zsne Msity Allaced 20-30 N/A RD-11 Existing Zcme Surrounding Zaning and Lar,d Use: Zonincr Land usc -L Res taurant SFD + Apartments SFD + Apartments c- 2 RD-M RD- 1\1 Ocean Beach ---- -- N9r th S0d'i.h East West PUI3LIC FACILJlICS - Carlsbad Carlsbad Schml District Water Dis k-ict __----- Sewer Distrj ct Carlsbad EDU'S Public Facilities Fee Ayrecmznt, dated jfmrl-, 1981 - (Othcr: ENVIKk!PlCN TAL IPJPACl' -- L7SESSMEbX.' IWJ No. ---v - Necjal-.j.ve' Dcclam ticm I issucd E. I. 13. Ccr ti fi.eci, dated Prior Compliance November 16, 1981 OklIcr, ---- , If after the informatio u have submitted has been rev’ @;:, it is detem that: further informstio * required, you will be so ad\ APPLICANT : -5mdm npv fJaIne (individual ,woint venture, corporation, syx 309 18th Street, Santa :vlonica, CA 90402 11 us ine s s Address __-. (213) 274-0953 Telephone Number _I AGENT : Howard Anderson 8 Assoc. * Name 2194 Camel Val ley Rd, 9 Del Mar, CA 92014 Business Address (714) 276-8790 Telephone Nunber MEPlBEFS : Preston F, Thurtle, Pres, Name (individual, partner, foint Hone Address venture, corporation, syndication) see above &&.ness Address (213) 274-0953 Telephone MmSer Telephone Number -.”- . Jeffrey Palmer !;an2 Home Address see above a>L;siness Address (213) 274-0953 Ts lephonc NUT& --CY Telephone Sunber - -- - - _-_I- (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/klc dec?x:c ur.dcr penalty of perjury that the infomation contained in thj relied upon as being true and correct until amended. closure is true anJ correct and that it will remain true and correct and rnc --- ~GI. icant ny --_ @$!!&&L--- qcnt, O>:iwr, Partner ) m e .. TE 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 CI aitp of CwrZSbrzB b PUBLIC N~ICE;: OF PRIOR ENvImmwr-G CO~WLIAP~'CE -- Please Take Notice: The Plannhg Department has determined that the environmental effects of the project descriked below have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental docuxents and, therefore, no additional enviroaintal review will be rcquired and a notice of determination will be filed. Project Title: Ai.erican West Project Location: and Sequoia Avenues. East side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamrack Project Dosclription: permit. Justification for +his determination is on file in the Planning DeparZTent, Citq %ill, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. the public are iwitd. Planning 93partiient within ten (10) 19 wit tentative tract map and condominium Cments frm Please suhit comments in writing to the Dated: lWc~ker 16, 1981 Case No: a 8i-G/c?-190 AppIFcait : Jixricai West Publish Date: Xmz?ker 18, 1981 PC 1 0 3) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 aitp of ~~~~$~~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION e PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Carl sbad Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A tentative tract map and condominium permit to allow for the construction of 21 dwelling units. Construction of the proposed project will require approximately 6,850 cubic yards of grading. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for thc subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the P1 anni ng Department. A copy uf iiie Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Depar CA. 92008. Comments from comments in writing to the date of issuance. Southeast corner of Tamarack Avenue and of the Cal i forni a Environmental Qual i ty Act and the Environmental As a result of said DATED: July 9, 1981 CASE NO: CT 81-22/CP-168 APPLICANT: MOIR DEVCO PUBLISH DATE: July 18, 1981 MD-4 5/81 z .. . / a. e ! .. .' * 1;. .. .- . ., . 0.' '. ,. * I 1 $:E@ a f I ri li i: 6! 1% "il t$r B '8 ! lB i" 'a O! NU 1 w :I,l!; I, ;fi 1,' E p- 3 $ik ~~ p 33.g ,! O P' 9 a I I I T--- E$. ---- I * I- I %‘I6 ed @I iF; I in% f’ 1 ll I ‘~~,l~ ! i‘ /; $I t I- I II lr d f; I :!If: 1, ‘L I I all 3 Eni g L- ‘ tg 41 I -e 3 E !i -- L- I m, City of Carlsbad January 5,1982 1200 Slrn Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92OOe Res Notice to the City for Re-zoning ap2lication City of Carisbadr This document represents Notice of Intent to file a Zone Change pursuant tcthe Subdivision hap Act and the Carlsba Kunicipal Code. Please take notice that the above application will be fil within a legally reasonable time from the above date. Very truly yours, William A. Bonas I1 211 Olive Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92008 _I //L-$, - - -A//’’ 1 ,y,i ,. P /- ’>/ c ’Z City RECE Cferl 9 city of ( %?&; 0 0 City Clerks Gffice Deceinber 21, 1981 City of Carlsbad 1200 Zlm Ave, Carlsbad, Ca 92008 fie8 Appeal to City Council Pursuant to regulations, this letter serves as notice to the Carlsbad City Council for the appeal on the City Plan- ning Commission iiecisiofi of December 9, 1981, This deci61 approved a "High-Density" condominim project specif icall; identified as calendared, No, CTS1-44/CP-190, American Wt (Borderland by Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad Blvd, and Sequoia 1 This appeal requests the Carlsbad City Council to hear anc give arguments in opposition to the construction of the a1 namec? Froject, This appeal is predicated on, but not lim: to, the exercise of constitutionally protected rights sndt Due Process for the benefit of the Health, Safety and del: of the citizens in the community of Carlsbad, Appellant, William A, Eonas I1 241 Olive Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92008 / / A (/ /i I 7-, ,* < f, /, / T(/-- (714) 729-8137 *Please find enclose6 $50 appeal fee. cc/ ?#;ayor's Office , Carlsbad W W \; 3T* 2 1, , 9d9 )-+??zY; L L+ . CLL<( /.//.//1/ '/ Y s 4 0 0 1200 ELM AVENUE 1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ( Offjce of the Ctty Clerk aitp of CarI$baB December 31, 1981 SJilliam A. Bonas 11 241 Olive Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CT 81-44/CP-190 This is to reaffirm the fact that your item has been noticed for the Carlsbad City Council meeting of January 5, 1981. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ALZTTKA &&/@* L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR:krs Enclosures e 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL CT 81-44/CP-190 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carl California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, January 5, 1982, to consider a of a Planning Commission approval of an application for a 19 unit te tract map and condominium permit on property generally located on th side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Taxarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenu more particularly described as: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 20 in Block I1 of Palisades in the City of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. APPELLANT: Bonas PUBLISH : December 23, 1981 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL @ c--2 .. TAMARACK AVE 0 B [n B .. a ‘P G m < tl P SEQUOIA -1 -. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsba will hold a public hearing at the City Council Charhers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlshd, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, Decenker 9;1981, to consider approval of a 19 unit tentative tract map and condominium prmit on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue and more particularly described as: Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Block H of Palisades in the city of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. mose persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invlted to attend the public hearing. Planning Department at 438-5591. If you have any questions please call the CASE FILE: CT 81-44/CP-190 APPLIrnT : American West PUBLISH : Novenber 28, 1981 CITY OF CARLSBiriD PUNNING COPMISSICN e 0 (31) iatint'ine, Emily 148 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (32) MASUDA KAYO 4561 CENTINELA AVENUE LOS .ANGELES , CA 90066 (33) LEDGER\!OOD, CHARLES & VIOLET 3862 CARLSBAD BLVD. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (34) REMLEY, ZITA . 10 % MIRA MAR AVENUE LONG BEACH, CA 90804 (35) MARANTZ, ANNA, CALVIN & MYRA 159 REDWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (36) FORD, EDDIE, EDITH, MELVIN & ELAINE 5111 JAMESTOWN ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (37) CARLSBAD ANCHORAGE, INC . 3878 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I -/ /I / .r' r, // +, I, / r I ? 11) LARGE$, SUSAN H. 11) BLACK, LILLIE M. @ (21) OGDEN, ALI 136 SEQUOIA AVENUE a( 3921 GARFIELD STREET 169 SEQUO. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD , (2) WINTER, JEROME H. (12) BRIERLY, MARY M. (22) LULL, JW 3955,GAkF: YRL3/B)W 4176 TERRY STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 4020 CRESCENT POINT RD. (3) HARRIS, JAMES T. & BETTY E. (13) HOWELL, ORA A0 (23) HALL, JAC 144 SEQUOIA AVENUE, UNIT 2 3905 GARFIELD STREET 2619 COVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 COROKA DE (4) ELG, DORIS (14) MCLAUGHLIN & SANDIFER (24) TRUITT, R 5900 CANTEBURY DRIVE L-255 P.O. BOX 4271 P.O. BOX CULVER CITY, CA 90230 GLENDALE, CA 91202 CARLSBAD , (5) HARRIS, ELEANOR J. (15) TAYLOR, FRANK & JEANETTE (25) DURO, IRE 144 SEQUOIA AVE. UNIT #4 30502 VIA LA CRESYA P.O. BOX CARLSBAD, CA 92008 . RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA 90274 (6) RYAN, PAUL M. & DOREEN (16) GILLINGHAM, ROBERT & BERT. (26) LULL, JEA 152 SEQUOIA AVENUE 2628 WILSON STREET 3955 GARF CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD I (7) SNYDER, AMY M. (17) DUEY, ROBERT & RHETTA (27) FRINCWAB( 3032 SKYLINE DRIVE 418 VISTA ROMA ALICE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 3981 GARf CARLSBAD : (8) KAMPTNER, GUSTAV J. & JEAN (18) MCCONNAUGHAY, HELEN W. (28) MELTZER, 3185 MONROE STREET 143 SEQUOIA STREET 1011 CAM CARLSGAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DEL MAR, (9) TINNERSTET, LARRY & GAYLOR (19) HEARD, JUTRSON & EVELYN (29) PRENTICE I 3941 GARFIELD STREET 1306 BASSWOOD AVENUE 4022 H LA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD o I (10) BONAS, JOYCE (20) LITCHFIELD, ERNEST (30) BROWN, A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD 3931 GARFIELD AVENUE 159 SEQUOIA AVENUE 5157 SHO 0 P E T I T IO N e f a{ ____ __---__ - Re! Application of American West Developvent Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarclck and Secuoiu Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 19Si We the undersigned residents of Carl sbad arid suw-ownding coimiir request the City Council, on or about January 5, 7982, to again der application of American Aest Hutising Froject as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of siniilar nc that would degrade our Carlsbad cadstline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already suffer from ingress and egress problems creatd by present h.iQh density )IC and heavy influx of beach and recreatisr? visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in r,hc area dre owner- and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high i residences will adversely effect the healthy safety and we1 far? of citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. We urge the City Council to bi. more demanding of de~ul~~p?rs ant architectural designers dnd consider quality rather thzn quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on c scenic route. It would be -large and obtrl;sivp and wob?d cause mas: traffic and circulation problms on two rjf Carisbad's busiest thorr NAME (Signature} PRINT A 3 u 9 E s s J LA-- 2 - '3 :x\{- FI <\d I __I__- I 0 0 t PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnunii request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nati that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferit from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou! and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-oc and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS f e 0 ( PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding communi request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Cairlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS A / 1 0 0 I PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of a citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on 01, scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thoroL We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS 1 < e e PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS I/ w-/ se tL0/;3 z_ 9 -u*7A. ~/~WK*N? A Le,&# Ti. 8 f 1 i a a PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar natl +$.? Lliat would degrade our Cdrisbaci coast7 ine. We hold that this area known as the Palisa,des is already sufferii from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of 01 citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS --- I b * PETlTIOR ___-__I - --- --_ __ Re: Application of Arner<can Nest Developnienz Project for Carl sbad Blvd. Detween T&-.nardck diid Sequoia .<tree$s in the Carlsbad Palfsacies, County of San Diego State sf California December 18, 1981 We the undersigneu tesicients SF Car-'! sbad a-~cl su-rounding COI~UI request the City Council, on 01' about Janlrary 5, 1922, to agail? der application of American West hod:sir,g Froject ds p\~pc~';t?d~ We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of simr7c;r P( that would degrade our CarlSbad co;.stline. We hold that tnis rlrea known as the Pafisades is already suffer from ingress arid egress problems created by present hiqh density hc and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coas'c. The majority of single family residences 'n the arfz.a are owner- and are being refurbished and upgraded. The cotxtruction of high c residences will adversely effect the healiql, sdfety and welfare ~f citizens and the surroupding neighborhood. Ne urge the City Cowcil to be more deirlanding or developers arir architectural designers and consider quality rather thdri qu?r?tity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a build-rng on I scenic route. It wauld bo large and obtrusive and m~id cause mzs: traffic and circul atiori probieps oa two 01'" Carl shad's busiest didr( NAfrlE (Signature) PRINT F, ci 3 ii E 5 s -- --_I__ / _- -___----I_-- .-__ i -___I_ __ __^_ . __ , - - ____ - _____ _I___ 1 I - - - _--_- -.~ 1 I -r -__.___-_ ____ ___ -_II.- ------- I - -- -- 1 I _-____-_ ____- L - ----- ---__- I I _ll_l-__ -,--I-- _- _I_-__ l_l I 7 - __-- I __- __I _- I ___I __I____ ____ _^--._I_ 1 i I .~___- &.-- ---_II-_____ ~ ---__----- i-- - - - - - --- __-I-- \ 1 a PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 in the Carlsbad Palisades, We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS I. I 1 0 0 PETITiCN _--____---__I ___ Re: Application of Anerican West Development Project for Carlsbad Bfvd. between Tarnardck and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned res idents of Garisbad and suvroundi rig com~n request the City Council, on or about January 5, 7982, to again den app? ication of Aniericar, West Housing Project ds praposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of sirrlilar na Me hold that this area known as the Palisades is already siiffer from ingress and egress prcbleins created by pre\e!rt high density ho and heavy influx of beach and recreation vis,to:-s to ti-It? codst. that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. The majority of single faniily residence; in itre ared are ov.:~er- Tne constrt-ictian of high d and are being refurbished and upgraded. residences will adverse'ty effect the health, safety ani: welfdre of citizens and the surroundf rig neighborhood. We urge the City Ccilrlcil to be ~JIQX dsrrmirlirg aj- wvelcpers arlcl archit,ectural designers and consider. quality rather thc qudnti ty proposed project is not estnetically compatible for a building cn i) scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive a~d would causi! mass traffic and circulation problems on two of Car:sbao's busiest thorc NAME (Signature) PRI t\iT 4DDXESS __- c I 0 0 PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi ti-a:-;ic &ilk, c-;rcu ;st;sc, bTC,h:.,E;; c;i ;,,,,;, of Zs:.! s'2z.cf's bL;s;ec-b tyrCL We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS I e 0 PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS I 1 0 0 PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council , on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS \ I e 0 PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coast1 ine. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS /I /I / 1 0 PETITION Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnuni request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again deny application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nat that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already sufferi from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hou and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner-o and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high de residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of o citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers and architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on ou scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause massi traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorou NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS ~ 1 e m ---L_ PETITION Re: Application of Aicerican West Development Projcc~, for Carlsbad Blvd. rsetLvueen Ia,iiardck and 5eGgQIz Streets in the Carl sbctd Pal i szdes 1 County of San Giegci State of California December 18, 1931 We the undersigned residents of Carl chad 2nd surrowiiing cornmui request the City Council, cn or 2bout L3aiiuar.y 5, 1982, LO asain der appfication of American Mest Housing Project as propscd. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar na that would degrade oar Car: sbad coast1 i ne. We hold that this area know as the Palisacks is a;ready suffer from ingress and egress problem created by present high density ho and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to thc coast. The rnajority of single family residences in the area are owner- and are being refurbished and iipgracied. The constructioi\ of high d residences will adversely effect the ha1 t\1> safet31 and we1 Fare of citizens arid the surrounding neighborhood. We urge the City Council to be i:Iore cierrandtng of developers anc architectural &signers ar;d mi5 idcr qual i ty rather than qtiantity. proposed project is not esthetics114 coinpatsizfe for a iuilciiny on o scenic route. It would be large and Gbtrusive and ~:ould cause mass traffic avld circulation problems on two of Cd~lsbad's busiest thorij NAME (Signature) PRIk7 ADDC;ES ; -___-_I- --- ----__-______I-- __-_ - .__ ___ __ ___ - I --__I_-____I_ 'I- __ - _lll__ - ^___ I --I-. L.- ---__ -_--______- --.-c--- __ .__-__.___ I_ 1 --_I__ 111 ___--__- , e 0 PETITION - RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds., December 9, 1981 - 7:OO P% City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny tt application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and desigr ~e, furthermore wish denial of any other project of siniilar naturi that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only froin Carlsbad but froin surrounding coun' should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold this area is already suffering froin ingress and egress problems crc by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: I expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete accomnodating the public. Also, please note police records for nul of accidents created by this already crowded drea.) We have an op tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densi low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of sout, California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architt designers and consider qualiky rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OL scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically coinpa to the Carlsbad Palisades residential comnunity. It is an excessii inultlplt! d~li it-iy ad a iridssive c ircuiation probier11 un one of iari, busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diniin quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Pol Fire Oepartinents and the general public. Ddte Signature Address e- (( r L-L v A,.! __---___-~ - _.___ 1----- - - - - - - .____ \ --- - -- _- _-- .- - - __ - - 1 - -___~I-___ --_ ___ i i __-__I_ --_---_---- - --I___ .._ ._ - ----_ --..- - ---. -. ._____ ..~~ 1 --- ----_ -----I_--_4r ~..--__-_I.__ -3- ---___- I 1 --__ I _____^-.- -- .______ ____- --- - _____I__- - I__._-____. ___ ..~__ - -----_7__-__ -.---- ___ __.--. -I_ __.__ _____ . -_._ ___ - - ______._._ .~ ____..-.-. l e 7 PETITION 0 RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny th application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: B expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete f accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for nur of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an opp tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain “low densit low profile” and thus unique among the coastal communities of south California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and archite designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on ou scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compa multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carls busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Poli Fire Departments and the general public. We further hold to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessiv Date Signature Address - -”-. 3izi 1 - ,' * PETITION RE: Appiication of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carlsbad Palisades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the appl ication of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designed We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that thjs area which provides access to the natural resources for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding countie should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold th this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems creat by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bea expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete for accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numbe of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppor tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low density/ low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of souther California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architect designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN WE HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on our scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power P1 and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compati to the Carlsbad Palisades residential comnunity. It is an excessive multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsba busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diminist quality of our neighborhood addingito safety problems for our Police Fire Departments and the general public. , 0 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds. * December 9, 1981 - 7:OO PM City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carl sbad Palisades, wish the Planning Comission and City Council to deny tt application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and desigr We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar naturf that would degrade our Carl sbad Coast 1 i ne. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counl should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cr( by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: k expanded parking area completed in 7981 which is already obsoleke i accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for nuti of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an op~ tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit low profile" and thus unique among the coastal comnunities of soutl California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architt designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on 01 scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically camp( to the Carlsbad Palisades residential comnunity. It is an excessii multiple dwelling and a mss'sve circulation problem on one of Cart: busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Poll Fire Departments and the general public. - Date Si gna ture Address --- __ @ c- 2 TAMARACK AVE 0 b i3 F vi 0, b U 0;I < 0 I- SEQUOIA RD-M 4) - AV E ['-2 TAMARACK c, > 73 r cr, D b W m I- < i--L-,-- SEQUOIA W - - ---___ KD-M 0 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny th application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: B expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete f accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for num of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an opp low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of south California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and archite designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on ou scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compa to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessiv multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carls busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini quality of our neighborhood addingrto safety problems for our Polil Fire Departments and the general public. tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit Date Signature Address Ai 1 --P - #4 J /" \ I X' 8'' I ' *? e /i A 1' e e PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carl sbad Pal i sades Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds., December 9, 1981 - 7:OO PM City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny ti application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and desigr We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counl should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold this area is already suffering froin ingress and egress problems crt by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: fl expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete f accomnodating the public. Also, please note police records for nuii of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an opl: tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit low profile" and thus unique among the coastal comnunities of soutb California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architc designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on oi scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically coinpi to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessiu multiple dwelling 2nd a rmssi;.e circulaijon prohlelli on OW of CdTiS busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dieiini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Pol1 Fire Departments and the general public. Date Signature Address t - _-- - id f x. . ~ - "i 0 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chmbers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, December 9,-1981, to on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue and more particularly described consider approval of a 19 unit tentative tract imp and condminium permit as: bts 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Rlock €1 of Palisades in the city of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. Those persons wishing to speak on this propsal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If yoti have any cpestions please call the P~XI~RCJ DPFartWRt 2.t 438-5591. CASE FILE: CT 81-44/CP-190 WPLICANT : American West PUBLISH : November 28, 1981 CITY OF CliRLSSAD PWiNNING CO!,'IISSION EQCAT~~~N R.4 A P AVE TAMARACK ---__ L, ~ ... vc *. , ,, CASE 6\10, CT81-44CP130 nrx*-lt it- P p.1~ P,..~.~:,,,., I!,i,,,b @ -_ __ TAMARACK AV E - - ___ LC-z 0 I 1-T- ‘I ‘11 I b I ?J r VI a, > U ‘jl -RD-MI - ’- -- “I !!I Ill m 0 r- < --L-L_L.__ - SEQUOIA KD-M -_ ----___ * PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds., December 9, 1981 - 7 :00 PM City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Conmission and City Council to deny tt' application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJlCT as proposed and desigr We, furthermore, wish denial cf any other project of similar naturc that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but frorri surrounding couril should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crt expanded parking area completed in 1981 which 1s already obsolete f accomnodating the public. Also, please note police records for nuii of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an op~ tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit low profile" and thus unique among the coastal comnunities of soutk California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architc designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on 01 scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically coinPC to the Carlsbad Palisades residential comnunity. It is an excessit inuitiple dwelling and a IildS51ve circuiation probiein 311 one ui Cdris busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dilllinl Fire Departments and the general public. by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Not$: E s! quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Poli - Ddte Signature Address -___ _______ - ___ I 1 -- t 1 -~-__~ -____- -___ - -_ - - - ___ - - - ~-._---_____ T-- -__ _._ - _I_ t --___ - _--_ _. __--_ __ _- - __-_ _- __- _^__---- ~~--. -_ - -_ _________ - - _I__ -- - - __ _________- 1 , __-_ -- -~ -__-_ - -_-__-- ---__- _.-__ . .___._ - - - - _. - _-__ - -___ ---._ ~.___ .______ - __ .. . .. - .--_-_. 1 ~__ .. - .. .. .-~ _._._ --. I __.__I______ _-.__---- --_-- __ ____.____--._- ___---- - - _-_.--________I_-.- I --. ---I--- -____ __--_.________._.__I __ r--- - -.-. ._______ -. _--___.__I_- ____..___--._._-.__. ~ ._-.__------_ 0 0 PETITION RE: Appiication of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny thc application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designc We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourci for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: B expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit: low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of southc California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN I HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OUI scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compa to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivi multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dirnini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Polil Fire Departments and the general public. We further hold Date Signature Address r -- yz ' . .- <" _- ! ,, - ._ ;. -,L /' i t - \" -, 1#* i- I -. I 1 I 0 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 . We, ihe undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny tht application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designt We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourcc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre4 by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: BE expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain “low densitj low profile” and thus unique among the coastal communities of southc California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN C HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OUI scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compa. to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivc multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Polil Fire Departments and the general public. We further hold Date Signature Address I I *- i . e 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designel We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carisbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold t this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crea by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bei expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete foi accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numb( of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppoi tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low density/ low profile" and thus unique among the coastal comnunities of southei California. Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the .A We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN WI HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on our scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power P and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically cmpat to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessive multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsbl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diminis quality of our neighborhood addingfto safety problems for our Policl Fire Departments and the general public. /* "L., , L. L L L' 7 A c J.9 8-u I L #2 c . y JL-L: , " & '. i-_ e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGc WICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Charrbers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Weclnesday, December 9, 1981, to consider approval of a 19 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue and more particularly described as: Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Block El of Palisades in the city of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. Those persons wishing to speak on this propsal are cordially iniritd to attend the public hearing. ~f you have any questions please call the n7 rl;lnriir-q - hpart-wnc zt 438-554 1 . CASE FILE: CI’ 81-44/CP-190 APPLICANT : American West PUBLISH : November 28, 1981 CITY OF CTiRLSBAD PIXWING 03GfISSIcN LOCAT n 0 N MAP . - AVE (c) TAMARACK c) P W r Ln co B t3 tn < r t, SEQUOIA 7 i I 1 ( lofla&~ ,i r.6, F t$ -$-a \ 3- ’.. .I.+.. 37- ..e,. \ CASE 610. CT81-44C/’l90 I\ n-)t ir I‘ p.1-7 fl r..c ,;,,a., \AI,,,b .. @ --_ __ AV E ;(I TAMARACK 0 - - ’7-T IjI It b ;c1 v, 1 P ‘I ; -RD-Ml - 1- -- W I “I [/I III m W r < --LI_!___--~_ SEQUOIA RD-M -----_____ 0 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design6 We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count1 should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold 1 this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre? by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bf expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for nurnt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of south( California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN 1 HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on oui scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compa to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivc multjple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini! quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Polii Fire Departments and the general public. Date Signature Address f\ Q qxm L g ,) PETITION ** H(z&Cu a- I t) RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designe We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold t this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crez by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bc expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsoiete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN b HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on out scenjc route and will be exceeded in size only by the Enciria Po~r f and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be estbeticaily cw,pal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivt multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem un one of Cdrlst busiest. thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will di:!iinii qualit,y of our neighborhood adding,to safety problems for our Polic Fire Departments and the general public. low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of south[ Date Signature Address I :x ' 1 a 0 PETITION RE: App7 ication of American lest Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 *. We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designe We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. Me hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold t this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crea by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Be expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fo accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numb of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppa tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "!ow density low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of southe California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and iirchitec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The ARERICAN k HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building CP, our scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power F and the Encfna Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically cci;ipal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivt multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on or:? at !,arisi for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dixini: quality of our neighborhood adding, to safety problems for our Polic Fire Departments and the general public. Address - -- Date Signature 1 0 0 PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carlsbad Palisades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds., December 9, 1981 - 7:OO PM City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carl shad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design€ We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourct for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count. should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold 1 this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crei by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bc expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numl of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate&from California,to remain "low densit. low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of southc California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN I HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OUI scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically coinpal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivt multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini! quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Polic Fire Departments and the general public. > e 0 b 'i PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 PLANNING COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING, Weds., December 9, 1981 - 7:OO PM City Counci1/1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Comission and City Council to deny th application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design %e, furtherinore, wisil aeniai of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: 6 expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete f accomnodating the public. Also, please note police records for nucn of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an opp tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densit low profile" and thus unique among the coastal cornunities of south California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and archite designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on ou scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power and-the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically canpa to the Carlsbad Palisades residential comnunity. It is an excessiv wltiple dwe!!iag and :i :!!aczis(e circ2lation prclb1e:c BR me cf Carl. busiest thoroughfares. We further hold this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cre We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diiiiin; quality of our neighborhood adding' to safety problems for our Poll Fire Departments and the general public. Date Si gna ture Address / ?/(i vet *- /L Lfii 1% ' 0 0 NOTICE OF PUDLIC MARTXG NorICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Cmission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chmkrs, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 1981, to consider approval of a 19 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit between Tamarack Ave;iue and Sequoia Avenue and more particularly described as: a property generally located on thc east side of Carlsbad Boulevard . Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Rlock 11 of Palisades in the city of Carlsbd according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. Those persons wishing to speak on this prows21 are cordially invited to att-en(j tile p&,iic i~~~j--~,~q. IF yb,i i,< a:;L' ,-,,,- y.Ac-'LI c+;nn7r .._ ",lrJlc.e f - --.~ A~ai! the rJlmnin.; Eepartwnt at 135-5591, CASE FILE: CI' 81-44/CP-190 APPLICANT : American West PUBLISH : November 28 I 1981 CITY OF cARLs13AD PLANNING COI+lISSIcN LOCAT n ON KI A I10 (CI 0 3> 23 VI m 5 U P t;n < W F SEQUOIA KO-M __c- ------ - 1 3 gbc,qo;; \-A ,/- i- 1 a+t \( 4" \ .,.*.III.C ,..,, i C A 5 E PJ G. CT 81-4 4 CP 130 I\ rrl-lt SP P -.IT r ...r..:cr.,, IAI-*+ ar -__ ;r. - TAMARACK AV E 0 b m v1 r a e "1 2' PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carlsbad Palisades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designe We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nGtui-2 that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. Me further hold t this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crea by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Be expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of southe California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN b HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on our scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power F and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivc muiCipie dweliiriy anti ii r1iassit.G e5rLcuiat;ot.l problem sti GF~E af Cai-?sl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diminir quality of our neighborhood addingrto safety problems for our Polic Fire Departments and the general public. Date Si qnature Address ,I '7 -- .\' * I %--- A- - --_. e .- . f-&,&- ~ ~ I" .1 3c.u /3- 74rnC,&Lh-< I, - ,l,..f**.'i- -1 12.i 7/8j 9-s- ,h, 0 0 * 'I . PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carl sbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designec We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource! for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti( should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold tt this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems creal by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Bei expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fot accomodating the public. Also, please note police records for numb6 of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppor tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low density/ low profile" and thus unique among the coastal comnunities of southei California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architecl designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN WI HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on our scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power P' and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compat busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will diminisl quality of our neighborhood addingito safety problems for our Policl Fire Departments and the general public. to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessive multiple dwell'og 2nd a m.s5;;fe c;rcu?ztisn 3rsblem ci: one 2.f !k?!Sb Date Signature Address 1 , s' 1 W 0 NCrrICE OF MJBLIC HEARING 7 WICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Comnlission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chan-bers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 1981, to consider approval of a 79 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue and more particularly described as: Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Block €1 of Palisades in the city of Carlsbad according to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923, ???cz~ permzs wishiq +-o syak on thi..; prr\py821 are ccq-4iall.y invited to attend the public hearing. ~lanning Departwnt at 438-5591. If you have any questions please call the CASE FILE: CT 81-44/CP-190 APPLICANT: American West PUBLISH : November 28, 1981 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAiiING COlMISSION LOCAT n ON h?, A P 1 -=' c- 2 - TAMARACK AV E 0 ;D v, co * CY 5. +- r m < P -_ - U SEQUOIA 1. PIL- \ kq?ck+ ! ~ 9 /-To "0-\ $C9@ %nSE PIO. CT81:44CP130 I\ rXnt IP r pI1-r fi,..r.,:,,s., \(i-.b .I._ ,. .-c ...,, NOTICE OF PUHLTC HFARING ------I- NarICE IS HERE:BY GIVEN that the Planning Cmiission of the City of Carlsba will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 1981, to consider approval of a 19 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequola Avenue and more particularly descrike as: Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 in Block FI of Palisades in the city of Carlsbad acmrding to map thereof 1747 filed February 5, 1923. 2xx:? permzs wishiny el> S?G+~- on thic: proy?,21 are mr.iial_ly invit- to attend the public hearinq. If you have any questions please call the Dlannir?rj DPpartnent at 438-5591. CASE FILE: CT 81-44/CP-190 APPLICANT : American West PUBLISH : November 28, 1981 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLSiNNING COIIMISSION LOCAT n 0 N diy'9 A P I-. --.__ L2 e- ---__ TAM A RACK AV E 0 .- P XJ (n CD P cf m r- < -i--L--- - U SEQUOIA 1. ~ -- - 0 Cb lorn@- I""-- : ?? /-To \!? &,\L+Q '4 \ 0 OQ \, , ,. .~ ,., ,, \ CAS~: NO. cr31~4r,c'p_i~o ~rrr-lr it- r T1-r n......:,, ,, \AI,,,& 0 0 1 1, , PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carl sbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal isades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design€ We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding count1 should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold 1 this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems cret by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: 0c expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of south( California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN li HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on oui scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically compai to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivt multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini Fire Departments and the general public. quality of our neighborhood addingfto safety problems for our Polit Date Signature Address 0 PETITION a 8 '. , RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal i sades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carl sbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and design€ We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carl sbad Coast1 ine. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resourcc for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. kle further hold I this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crec by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: Be expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of south6 California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN \ HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OUI and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically cornpal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivt multiple dwelling and a massive circulation problem on ofie of Car'ls! busiest thoroughfares. We crf the Palisades also find that this housing project will diminii quality of our neighborhood adding( to safety problems for our Polic Fire Departments and the general public. scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I Date Signature Address 111 * a 1.. PETITION RE: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets Carl sbad Pal isades County of San Diego State of California December 1, 1981 We, the undersigned owner-occupants and residents of the Carlsbad Palisades, wish the Planning Commission and City Council to deny the application of AMERICAN WEST HOUSING PROJECT as proposed and designe We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar nature that would degrade our Carlsbad Coastline. We hold that this area which provides access to the natural resource for all citizens, not only from Carlsbad but from surrounding counti should remain a respite in an urbanized Carlsbad. We further hold 1 this area is already suffering from ingress and egress problems crec by the heavy influx of beach and recreation on the coast. (Note: BE expanded parking area completed in 1981 which is already obsolete fc of accidents created by this already crowded area.) We have an oppc tunity, as well as a mandate, from California to remain "low densitj low profile" and thus unique among the coastal communities of southc California. We urge the City Planners to be demanding of developers and architec designers and consider quality rather than quantity. The AMERICAN C HOUSING PROJECT is not esthetically remarkable for a building on OUI scenic route and will be exceeded in size only by the Encina Power I and the Encina Treatment Plant! It would not be esthetically cornpal to the Carlsbad Palisades residential community. It is an excessivc xultiple dwelling and 3 massive circulation problem on one of Carlsl busiest thoroughfares. We of the Palisades also find that this housing project will dimini quality of our neighborhood adding to safety problems for our Poli Fire Departments and the general public. accommodating the public. Also, please note police records for numt Address - Gate PETITION q a 8 '** Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding cornnut- request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again der application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar na that would degrade our Carlsbad coastline. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already suffer from ingress and egress problems created by present high density ho and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences in the area are owner- and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high d residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers anc architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on c scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause masc traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorc PETITION 9 rl) 'I.* Re: Application of American West Development Project for Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Streets in the Carlsbad Palisades, County of San Diego State of California December 18, 1981 We the undersigned residents of Carlsbad and surrounding comnur request the City Council, on or about January 5, 1982, to again der application of American West Housing Project as proposed. We, furthermore, wish denial of any other project of similar n; that would degrade our Carlsbad coast1 ine. We hold that this area known as the Palisades is already suffer from ingress and egress problems created by present high density hc and heavy influx of beach and recreation visitors to the coast. The majority of single family residences 'in the area are owner- and are being refurbished and upgraded. The construction of high E residences will adversely effect the health, safety and welfare of citizens and the surrounding neighborhood. We urge the City Council to be more demanding of developers anc architectural designers and consider quality rather than quantity. proposed project is not esthetically compatible for a building on c scenic route. It would be large and obtrusive and would cause mas2 traffic and circulation problems on two of Carlsbad's busiest thorc NAME (Signature) PRINT ADDRESS i 1 I