HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-19; City Council; 6868; Appropriation of Prior Year EncumbrancesCIT,..-pF CARLSBAD -AGEN~BILL -~-6-o fj-~-/'......;;.;.··.....-T-IT---'LE--: - G. 1-19-82 DEPT. FINANCE Appropriation of Prior Year Encumbrances 0 UJ ~ c:: 0.. ~ z 0 § < ..l 0 z ::, 0 (.) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.1, 1, (, appropriating funds to cover prior yea:r encumbrances. ITEM EXPLANATION Due to a change in accounting practices, the City must revise its proceedure for handling encumbrances that carry forward from one year to another. Previously, ~ncumbrances were considered to be an expense in the period in which the encu.ilbrance occured. Fund balances were reduc~d at year end to reflect this expense and payments made during the next year were treated as prior years expenses. Under the new practice, the City can no longer consider an encumbranc•; an expense of ~peration. An expense occurs only when the encumbrance is cleared by payment for goods r.ecei.ved. The audit report for 1980-81 treated all er.curnbrances under this new method and therefore did not reflect reduced fund balances for encumbrances treated as expenditures. , This action appropriates fuude from the fund balance to tile various accounts having outstanding encumbrances at year end. Without this act.ion, as encumbrances are paid, there are r.o appropriations available to fund the p~,rments for goods received. This action will appro~riate $964,426 ~.om reserved f~~d balances to various operating account~ t~ fund outstanding prior years encumbrances. This action does not chan ;;~ the City's yea.r end t>Osi tion since a portion of fund balance was re'.3erved at J•.1ne 3 0, 19 81 for this purpose. EXHIBITS Resolution No. ~ 7(, ~ appropriatincr funds r prior years encumbrances. ..... ·-· I ' l. 2 3 4 RESOI,UTION NO. · 6766 . . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0~ THF CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIE'ORNIA APPROPlCATINu FUNr,..; TO VARIOUS ACCOUNTS TO FUND PRIOt" YE?, •~S ENCUMBRAI\JCSS. ------- WHEREAS, a change in national standaro~ for governmental 5 accounting have necLsitated a cfiange in practices=~ accounting 6 for encumbr ;1.nc~s ,. t year end; and 7 WHEREAS, this change requires that expentlitu~os be recorded 8 in the per:.od in which the payment occures rather tl.n::i when an 9 order is pJ.aced; and 10 WHEREAS, this change also necesitates the appropriation of 11 funds in the current year to ~u~d all outstanding encumbrances at 12 ·year end; and 13 WaEREAS, funds for this specific purpose are available in the 14 reserved fund balance accounts as shown in the 1980-81 annual 15 report. 16 NOW, THEREFOP.E, BE IT RESOLVLD l~at the City Council of the 17 ,City ot Carlsbad, California does l,~reby approve the appropriation 18 of $964,426 to the accounts shown on exhibit I. PASSED., APPROVED ]I.ND ADOPTED at. a regular meeting of the City 20 Council on th~ 19th day· of Janb:sry , 1982 by the fc:,llowing 21 vote, to wit: 22 23 24 25 AYES: Council Merrbers Packard, Casler, Anear, Lew:is c10d Kulchin · 26 NOES: Hone ABSENT: None ATTE,SiT.~~ !-~ ,I~ :-1---l __ {Lfr~ ~ t/4<A..t~~ 27 ALETHA L: RAUTENKIZ 1 Cit~• Cle{k 28 (SE1\L) . ~ #/ _c,,,q ~ ft~~~~ RONJ;.,LD c. PACKARD, Mayor; FUNDS 1-104-2550 $ 1-105-2550 1-106-2550 1-108-2670 1-108-2550 1-112-2550 1-114-2450 1-118-2540 1 .. 121-2450 1-121-2550 1-121-2670 1-121-3 9.0 0 · 1-125-5450 1··126-2550 1-127-2450 1-127;.5450 1-128-3900 1-128-2680 1-141-2670 1-141-2672 1-141-5670 1-142-2672 1-144-267 3 1-)52-2670 Resolution No. 6766 Exhibit l CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PRIOR YEAR ENCUMBRANCES 1981-82 . AMOUNTS FUNDS 31.80 1-153-2450 54.86 1-153-5450 31.80 1-·161··?620 274.28 1-161-3900 1 ,63!) .i~ 1-165-2670 274.30 1-165-3900 2,500.00 1-170-3037 1~168.87 1-170-3115 480.33 1-170-3095 31.80 1-170-6030 742.00 1-181-3900 123,960.58 1-183-2670 1,500.00 1-184-2670 31.80 ::--200-2410 3,620.00 2-200-3073 365.00 6-140-2672 17,362.80 6-140-2520 46.19 12-116-3900 213.27 15-170-3117 700.00 22-170-3030 3,566.54 22-170-3045 1,595.43 25-170-3107 2,048.54 40-170-3702 109.70 TOTAL AMOUNTS $ 29,977.00 l',350.00 183.30 13,310.74 4,500.00 17,063.51 3 ,531,40 14,200.00 2,521.40 5,800.00 48,286.84 380.01 1, 6'4 7 .11 81,477.00 3,500.00 9,538 .. 67 2 ,896-. 00 15,900.00 4,130.00 418,211.41 63,147.50 14,375.00 46.150.00 $964!426.00 ' " '•.:: 1 , ., ~: ', ~::-. ', ~ ~ ~1 ; } .. ~ ., ~ • j : :~ :, ,~ i ,; s 4 $ t i ~ " ~ ., < i 1 ;~ ·l ~ 1 >. ~ d ), ~ 1 ~ ' ';~ ,{ ., ~ t~ 'i ,1 ' ~ ' ~ ., ;I '· :i ,:. ~