HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-26; City Council; 6880; Energy audit implementation-- - Cll OF CARLSBAD - AGENDb- BILL hB# brfD TITLE DEPT. B.D. MTG. 01 /26/82 IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY AUDIT DEPT. HD.~ CITY MOR..& CITY ATTY!!d& RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council consider implementation of the San Diego Gas and Electric Energy Audit and report from the American Heating and Cooling Corporation. STATEMENT OF MATTER In accordance with City Council goal to "Develop a policy statement for the accomplishment of energy conservation programs through the City's Energy Conservation Committe,e," the Energy Committee, in conjunction with the Utilities/ Maintenance department had an energy audit performed on the City Hall buildings by San Diego Gas and Electric Company. Using that audit, we have had a preliminary cost estimate prepared on several of the items by American Heating and Cooling Corporation. The Energy Committee finds that the items are cost effective and recommends the City Council make appropriate selection of items to be accomplished by the Maintenance department. FISCAL IMPACT The total estimated cost for completion of all items listed on the audit is $14,385 Annual projected savings to the City are $4,760 Funds to carry this program would need to be appropriated from contingencies. Approximately $ 15,O.OO would be required. EXHIBITS: 1. San Diego Gas and Electric City Ha 2. Cost estimate American Heating and 1 Energy Audit. Cooling Corporation. h. ~971. CCIAZT L1IS:RICT OFFICE August 20, 1981 Mr. Bob Miller City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Energy Management and Conservation Recommendations for 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Dear Mr. Miller: Thank you for the opportunity to assist you and the City of Carlsbad with your Energy Management Program. Attached are our recommendations for reducing your energy consumptions and costs. I included sections on the heating, ventil- ating and air conditioning systems, as well as interior and exterior lighting. Any estimated savings figures are on the conservative side, meaning that actual savings may be slightly more. I look forward to working with you on future audits, Bob. When I may be of further assistance to you, please call me. Sincerely, SAM:mb Enclosures STEPHEN A. MAYBURY Associate Commercial/Industrial Representative , 62’2 MISSION AVENUE - PO BOX 27 - OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92054 SAN L,-C;O GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ENt. ,t' AUDIT HEATING. VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING HVAC) Install a time clock to reduce air handler operating hours for the southeast wing to about 45 hours per week (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.) This will reduce your energy bill by 32,100 kilowatt hours (KWHRS) annually, about $3,275 at today's rates. Also, consider installing a by-pass timer to allow the unit to operate evenings and weekends for short period of time (2-3 hrs.) Use time clocks and/or by-pass timers to limit the operations of the air- conditioners serving the Council Chambers and Mayor's office. only when they are occupied. Condition these spaces Install an economizer unit on the air handler serving the Police and Planning Departments. for free cooling, when the outside temperature and humidity conditions permit. An economizer will allow the air handler to draw in cooler outside air Reset all your thermostats to the same temperature: and 74 to 76 degrees F for cooling. 68-70 degrees F for heating Continue to shut off your hot water boiler each year when the warm weather begins and leave it off until heat is once again needed in the fall. Install reflective solar window films or solar shade screens on all south and west facing windows and on the north doors and windows of the main lobby. the solar heat gain into the building and reduce cooling loads and costs. This will reduce INTERIOR LIGHTING Replace the five 75 watt PAR floods and three 150 watt incandescent bulbs in the main lobby with 50 watt Elliptical Reflector lamps. Your estimated annual savings will be 3,720 KWHRS or about $375 at today's rates. Install a 3 to 5 minute by-pass timer on the hallway lights used for night access to the coffee room. This will eliminate the probability that these lights will stay on all night. fl uorescent 1 amps. Continue replacing standard 40 watt fluorescent lamps with new, energy-saver EXTERIOR LIGHTING Replace the 15 incandescent two-lamp wall units (120 watts each) with 28 watt indestructible fluorescent fixtures similar to those shown in the attached literature. Your annual energy savings will be approximately 6,050 KWHRS or about $610 at today's rates. Replace incandescent parking lot and area flood lights with more energy and light efficient High Pressure Sodium Vapor (HPSV) units similar to those shown in the attached pieces of literature. flood light units now being used. A 70 watt flood light will be more effective than the 3-150 watt By using all 70 watt HPSV replacement units, your 3 Page Two minimum energy savings would be about 4,950 KWHRS a year or approximately $500 at today's rates. of fixtures used. Paybacks would range from 2% to 5 years depending upon the numbers and types Metal Halide or fluorescent units rather than HPSV may be necessary in some Install a photo-electric control (s) for your outdoor lights. This will eliminate locations to promote the esthetics of the building. the need for time clock changes and longer than necessary operating hours. c JAY D. CURTIS AidlERICAN COOLING AND HEATING CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 962 3091 ROOSEVELT STREET CARISBAD, CALIF. 92008 (714) 729-1246 CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 314267 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING(HVACJ Proposals: 1. Install a time clock to reduce air handler operating hours for the southeast wing to about 45 hours per week (7~30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday). This will reduce your energy bill by 32,100 kilowatt hours (KWHRS) annually, about $3,275.00 at todays rates. Also, consider installing a by-pass timer to allow the unit to operate evenings and weekends for short periods of time (2-3). Recommendation: This is an extremely cost effective procedure. Based on above savings, implementation could pay for installation in less than seventy five days. cost: $1,340.00 for all controls, wiring and labor. Cost includes a by-pass timer that must be manually turned on to make the equipment run but will automatically turn off even if forgotten. operations of the air-conditioners serving the Council Chambers and Mayor's office. oc cup i ed . Recommendation: 2. Use time clocks and/or by-pass timers to limit the Condition these spaces only when they are A cost effective procedure. than a year. off is cost effective. Could pay for itself in less By energy management standards a two year pay cost: $Ij95.00 for all controls, wiring, 2 by-pass timers and labor. i JAY D. CURTIS - &_ Ad ERICAN HEAT1 NG COOLING CORPORATION AND POST OFFICE BOX 962 3091 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 92008 (714) 729-1246 CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 314267 '3. Install an economizer unit on the air handler serving the Police and Planning Departments. the air handler to draw in cooler outside air for free cooling, when the outside ternp3rature and humidity conditions permit . An economizer will allow Re c omme ndat i on : A cost effective procedure in view of number of hours during the year that the day time outside ambient temperature ranges between 680 to 74O. cost; $4850.00 for all duct work, metal modifications, motorized dampers, enthalpy controls, wiring and labor. Note: This can also be done for the Administrative area of the City Hall at the same price. 4. Reset all your thermostats to the same temperature: 68-70 degrees F for heating and 74 to 76 degrees F for cooling, a matter of resetting the zone thermostats. 3. Continue to shut off your hot water boiler each year when the warm weather begins and leave it off until heat is once again needed in the fall. This procedure will continue. - 6. Provide hot water to the administrative area with an "Lectra Saver" installed in the air conditioner that is used for the computer room. for cost for gas used in the hot water heater and approximately 1% decrease in electrical consumption of the computer air conditioner. Result: Little or no cost cost; $1750.00 - Includes controls, heat reclaim components, piping, insul-ation a.nd labor. JAY D. CURTIS AidERICAN HEATINC AND COOLING CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 962 3091 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 92008 (714) 729-1246 CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 314267 Install reflective solar window films or solar shade screens on all South and West facing windows and on the North doors and windows of the main lobby. This will reduce the solar heat gain into the building and reduce cooling loads and costs. Interior Lighting: Replace the five 75 watt PAR floods and three 150 watt incandescent bulbs in the main lobby with 50 watt Elliptical Reflector lamps. Your estimated annual savings will be 3,720.00 KWHRS or about $375.00 at todays rates. Install a 3 to 5 minute by-pass timer on the hallway lights used for night access to the coffee room. This will eliminate the probability that these lights will stay on all night. Continue replacing standard 40 watt flourescent lamps with new energy-saver flourescent lamps. JAY D. CURTIS AMERICAN HEATINu AND COOLING CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 962 3091 ROOSE VELT STREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 92008 (714) 729-1246 CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 314267 Total Cost: $l,4385.00 for all HVAC energy saving systems. For a 12 month payoff, the utility bill must be reduced by $1198.75 per month. A 24 month ay off would require a utility reduction of $599 . 38 After the above are installed - the next step of energy reduction refinement is to incoporate a computerized master control system that will take into consideration holidays, special hours, council meetings, bath exhaust fans and lighting. 8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTJ OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF cARLSE3AD AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NcrTICE ANi ORDER Martin Orenyak, being duly shorn, de,pses and says: That he is over twenty-one years of age and is the Building Official of the City of Carlsbad; that as such B~lding Official he caused to be posted COnSpiCUOUSly at and mailed by Certified Mil to the owner of the? building, a Kotice arid Order, and that said notice hereto attached is 2.n exact copy in vards, figures and size of type of the notice so posted and mailed, and that the posting was completed on February 19, 1982 . 7204 Ponto Drive Official of the City of Carlsbad, California Subscribed and mrn to before me this JLL day of I 198% 1 Not- Public in and for the County of Sin Diego, State of California OFFCIA1 SEAL KAREN n. STEVENS Notal) Public - Cdifocnie fhcipal Office In sen @egg0 Golay krv Cammsa Elercs SIPt 21 l9EK -DEVELOPMENTAL SE RV I c ES- 0 Assistant City Manager (714) 438-5596 XI Building Department 0 Engineering Department (714) 438-5525 (714) 438-5541 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ' NOTICE AND ORDER 0 Housing L Redevelopment Department (714) 430-5611 0 Planning Department (714) 4365591 date: February 19, 1982 Name: Mr. Edward Boersma Address: 7204 Ponto .Drive Re: Carl sbad California (92008) 7204 Poqto Drive/Assessors Parcel Number 214-1 60-20 21 Dear: Mr. Boer'sma Pursuant to the 1979 Uniform Building Code wl;ich has been duly'aiapted Plunicipal Code, Title 18, Chapter 18.04, you are hereby given notice cf bcir.g in violation of Chapter 3, Section 307 and 302. It reads in pai-t as follows: I by the city of Carlsbad City Council and is a part of the Carlsbad "Appl ication for Permits. Sec. 301.(a) Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm reinove, convert or demolish any building or structure regulated by this code, except as specified in Subsection (b) of this section, or cause the arc? to be done without first obtaining a separate permit for 3.ach building Gr structure from the building official. Sec.. 302. (a) Application. file an app;ication iti2refor in writing on a fot-rr! fur:tished by' the csdc en- orc cement agency for that purpose. Every such application shall: rJ I. I corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, inprove, .I I To obtain a permit, the applicank.sha1l first c 1. Tdentjfy an6 describe the work to be covered by the pernit for w3ich application is made. 2. Ccscribc the land on which the proposed work is to be don2 by legal descriptiori, street address or similar dcscripticn that will read.ily identify and definitely locate the prcposed Ixild- inI: or work. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DIndicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended. Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations and specifications and other data as required in Subsection (b) of this section. State the valuation of any new building or structure or any addi- tion, remodeling or alteration to an existing building. Be signed by permittee, or his authorized agent, who may be re- quired to submit evidence to indicate such authority- Give such other data and information as may be required by the- building official." THE FOLLOWING ACTION IS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN: 1. Removal of wood structural members attached to existing metal building including rafters and columns, shall be removed immediately. 2. Plans and specifications by a licensed engineer shall be submitted for approval by the enforcing agency of the City of Carlsbad. 3. Any new construction shall be halted imnediately and procedure will be granted when all proper permits are issued by the Building department, City of Carlsbad. I .- You are ordered to make the necessary corrections and or obtain a11 required permits and inspections, as stated above within (IO) ten days of this Notice and Order. Violation of the provisions of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the city is a misdemeanor punishable upon conv-iction by fine, imprison- ment or both fine and imprisonment. Each day during which a violation is commit ed, continued or permitted may be deemed a separate offense. A cc: 'City Attorney ACM/Devel oprcental Services -2- -- I STm OF CALIFORNIA aXJ"lY OF SAN DIECO AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NOTICE AND ORDER Martin orenyak, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is over twmty-one years of age and is the wlilaing official of the City of Carlsbad; that as such Building Official he caused to be posted conspicuously at 2801 Roosevel t Street, Carl sbad, Ca. and miled by Certified Mail to the owner of the building, a Notice and Order, and that said notice hereto attached is an exact copy in mrds, figures and size of type of the notice so posted and Ailed, and that the posting was completed on Apri 1 7, 1982 . Subscribed and mrn to before me this 7-day of &e/~ , 1982. DEVELOPMENTAL ' ' SERVICES 0 Assistant City Manager (71 4) 43&5590 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 0 Building Department (714) 4385525 0 Engh88ftnQ Department (714) 4385541 D Houslng & Redevelopment Department 0 Planning Department (71 4) 438-581 1 (714) 438-5591 ' NOTICE AND ORDER Date: April 7, 1982 Name: Mr. William H. Smith Address: 2801 Roosevel t Street Carlsbad, California (92008) Re: 2801 Roosevelt Street, Port. Lot 31, Seasi.de Lands Map 1722, AKA 203-181-07 Dear: Mr. Smith: Pursuznt to the 1979 Uniform Building Code which has been duly'aiopted by th?, citv of Carlsbad City Council and is a part of the Carlsbad Mrinicipal iode, Title 18, Chapter 18.04, you are hereby given notice 0: being in violation of Chapter 3, Section 301 and 302. It reads in pcrt as follows: "Application for Permits, Sec. 301.(a) Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cbrporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remcve, convert or demolish any bui'lding or structure regulated by this ccde, except as specified in Subsection (b) of this section, or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate permit for each buildiflg ~'r structzre fronl the building official. See. 302.(a) Application. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an zpplication therefor in writing on a form furnished by the code en- forcement agency for that purpose. Every such application shall: 8 1. Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made. 2. Cescribe the land on which the t,roposed wGrk is to bc done by legal description, street address or sinilar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed build- ing or work. I 3. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended - 4. Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations and specifications and other data as required in Subsection (b) of this section. 5. State the valuation of any new build-ing or structure or any addi- tion, remodeling or alteration to an existing building. 6. Be signed by permittee, or his authorized agent, who may be re- quired to submit evidence to indicate such authority. 7. Give such other data and information as may be required by the building official THE FOLLOWING ACTION IS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN: 1, Plans and specifications by a licensed engineer shall be submitted for approval by the enforcing agency of the City of Carlsbad. I You are ordered to make the necessary corrections and or obtain all required permits and inspections, as stated above within (10) ten days of thi5 Notice and Order. Violation of the provisions of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the city is a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by fine, iaprison- ment or both fine and imprisonment. Each day during which a violation is committed, continued or permitted may be deemed a separate offense. Buisng Off icialy cc: ACblDevdlopment City Attorney -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NOTICE AND ORDER Martin Orenyak, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is over twenty-one years of age and is the Building Official of the City of Carlsbad; that as such Building Official he caused to be posted conspicuously at 2501 Roosevel t Street , Carl sbad, California, and mailed by Certified Mail to the owner of the building, a Notice and Order, and that said notice hereto attached is an exact copy in words, figures and size of type of the notice so posted and mailed, and that the posting was completed on April 9, 1982. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this y&day of #&,L, 1982. c i/n and for the County , State of California DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 0 Assistant Clty Manager d( Bullding Department 0 Engineering Department (714) 438-5598 (714) 438.5525 (714) 4384541 0 Housing (L Redevelopment Department 0 Planning Department (714) 438-5811 (714) 4386691 NOTICE AND ORDER April 8, 1982 Mrs. Ethel Chri stopherson 539 Laguna Drive Carl sbad Cal i fornia (92008) Re: 2501 Roosevelt Street, Seaslde Lands, Page 203-080-02, Lot 20, Map No. 1722 Dear Mrs. Christopherson: On April 6, 1982, property owned by you at 2501 Roosevelt Street was inspected. It was subsequently determined to be both a structural and fire hazard to the public Right of Way and adjoining propertl'es pursuant to Section 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and was posted as such. i The following hazards and deficiencies were noticed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Water closet broken. 6. Waste line vent terminates below window. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Bedrooms used for sleeping are inadequate due to size and width; H-503(b-c) Screens missing from five (5) windows; CHAl7904. Sewer is stopped and broken; sewage on ground. Lavatory drains into the shower. Ceiling and roof rafters over-spanned. Exterior walls do not have supporting members of weatherproofing. Dry rot and termites in all portions of building. Accessory building has no framing members in the wal'ls. There is no gas or electricity to this property at this time. It would be in yours and the city's best interest to immediately initiate the demolition or repair of this structure before someone is injured or adjacent property threatened . All the required permits shall be secured and the work shall be physically commenced to either repair the structure or demolish it within thirty (30) days. completed within ninety (90) days. abate the condition by resolution of the City Council as per Municipal Code, Section 6.16.020. The work shall be If you do not, we will have no recourse but to Page 2 April 8, 1982 This letter will constitute final notice unless a person having record title or legal interest in the premise files an appeal from this action in writing provided the appeal is made within ten (10) days and in a manner prescribed by law. to appeal will constitute waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter. Failure MARTIN ORENYAK Building Official cc: ACM/Devel opment City Attorney