HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-02; City Council; 2144-7; ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RANCHO PONDEROSA (CT 73-18, UNITS 2 AND 4)AB#&!b’l *‘ ‘7 MTG. DEPT. 2/2/82 ENG TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF PURL IC IMPROVEMENTS DEPT. RANCHO PONDEROSA, CT73- 18 CITY A CITY nl UNITS 2 AND 4 + 0 0 mDEmsanoMEs w A member of the Etna Realty Group 2082 BUSINESSCENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 100 0 IRVINE, CA 92715 I7141 833 2180 0 P 0 BOX 2340 0 NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92660 May 30, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , Cal i fornia 92008 Attention: Lee Rautenkranz, Reference: Bond Exonerations - Rancho Ponderosa Gent1 emen : We would like to take this opportunity to formally request exoneration for the following subdivision improvement bonds. All the improvements Deputy City Clerk have been completed and we, therefore, request these bonds be exonerated. Bond Nos. M 79 65 42 - $258,400.00 - Effective Date 1/22/76 I1 'I 12/02/75 I' 7/22/75 I1 M 90 65 06 - 204,000.00 - M 93 46 28 - 101,500.00 - The above bonds should be referenced, in your correspondence back to us, by bond number, and amount. Thank you in advance for helping us in this matter. Very truly yours, PONDEROSA HOMES '. ..\ , - Billie Frank \ -- /-i > LI, . .- ,<%- Engineering Department cc: Sheila Allen, Ponderosa Homes Ron Shackelford, Ponderosa Homes EXHIBIT "A" 0 e mDEmsAnoMEs MA member of the Atna Realty Group 2082 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 100 0 IRVINE. CA 92715 (714) 833-2180 0 P 0 BOX 2340 0 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 May 30, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , Cal i forni a 92008 Attention: Lee Rautenkranz, Reference: Bond Exonerations - Rancho Ponderosa Gen tl emen : We would like to take this opportunity to formally request exoneration for the following monument bonds. All the monuments have been set and we, therefore, request that these bonds be exonerated. Bond Nos. MNR 93 46 26 - $4,300.00 - Effective Date 7/22/75 I’ 1/22/76 I‘ 3/23/76 The above bonds should be referenced, in your correspondence back to us, by bond number, and amount. Thank you in advance for helping us in this matter. Very tru1.y yours, PONDEROSA HOMES Deputy City Clerk 11 II M 79 65 43 - 5,494,OO - M 98 73 20 - 6,834.00 - -, L ,, -.. -- 2- Billie Frank, Engineering Department cc: Sheila Allen, Ponderosa Homes Ron Shackelford, Ponderosa Homes EXHIBIT ”A” e * VICINITY v AP - EXHIBIT ''1 r <,I - " 4'uI* I (V- E:'& 9 7 . I- '\ . I LGCATI&)N Fdf%P 4 ;;QT TO SCKE '. i EXHIBI '1 r TELE (714) 1 0 e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk air)? cr€ asrl€$bab December 9, 1981 Insurance Company of North America P. 0. Sox 1085 Orange, CA 92668 -c Gent leroen: We are herewith releasing the following Monumentation Bonds for Rancho del Ponderosa (Ponderosa Homes): CT 73-19 Unit 2 Bond No. MNR 93 46 26 - 54,300 CT 73-18 Unit 4 Bond No. M 79 65 43 - $5,494 CT 73-18 Unit 5 Bond No. MNR 98 73 20 - $6,834 Thank you for you attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please call this office. Sincerely, F’- YA Deputy EN STEVENS City Clerk Enc. 3 cc: Ponderosa Homes TO: CITY CLERK FROM: ENGINEERING SUBJECT: MONUMENTATION BOND FEWE OFFICE; cuRRENT DEvEmp~ DATE : DECEMBER 8, 1981 I I 1' ,e & \ 1 LOO ELM AVENUE TELEP (71 4) 72 CAT?\ SDAD, CALIFO.?NIA 92008 citp of Car'lsbab JULY 23, 1979 Billie Frank Engineering Department PONDEROSA HOXES 2082 Business Center Drive Suite 109 Irvine, CA 92715 Ice: CarIsSacl Tract 73-18 FANCI!O P ONDEP,OS A Unit j: 5 Faithful Performance 3cnd, No. MNR 79 65 53 - <166,2;0 Labor & Naterials Bond, No. MNR 79 55 50 - $83,100 -- -- -I UocmentFng the response to your June 15, 1979 request fzr exoneration of the above-referenced bonds, we are advise< that the Engineering Inspector does not approve relezse at: this time . LEE RKUTEPXFANZ, CITY CLERK T>K: adm c cc: Eob~rt J. Wojcik Engineering Departnent . FROM : I --- II) a PON~~Es 8 A member of the Atna Realty Group 2082 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 100 0 IRVINE. CA 92715 (714) 833-2180 P 0 BOX 2340 0 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 June 15, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Cal i fornia 92008 Attention: Lee Rautenkranz, Deputy City Clerk Reference: Bond Exonerations - Rancho Ponderosa - Unit 5 Gent1 emen : We would like to take this opportunity to formally request exoneration for the following subdivision improvement bonds. All the improvements have been completed and we, therefore, request these bonds be exonerated. Bond No. MNR 79 65 50 - $166,200.00 - Effective Date - 3/22/76 - Faithful MNR 79 65 50 - 83,100.00 - " - 3/22/76 - Labor & F I1 The above bonds should be referenced, in your correspondence back to us, by bond number and amount. Thank you in advance for helping us in this matter. Very truly yours, PONDEROSA HOMES I. *t ~ i -k f -. L, Billie Frank Engineering Department cc: Bob Wojick, City of Carlsbad Sheila A1 1 en, Ponderosa Homes Ron Shackel ford, Ponderosa Homes @ ai I tkrch 1, 1979 Billie Frank Engineering Department PONDEROSA HOME3 2082 Business Center Drive Suim 3.00 Imino, CR 92669 Re: Bond Exoneration - Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit #l Dear BiILie: Endoaed i-3 a cc;y 05 ~b? letter directed to 'LNA Company this date releasing in full the Faithful Performance Bond covering the abova-referenced eubdivision. Thank you for your patience in this regard. Sincerely, LE8 RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk LR: adm Enclosure SP -a c*&YC:;r 9, 1979 Tnsuriance Company of North America PoBt Office Box 1085 Orange, CA 92668 Re: %ad ExoimnaCloi: - Carlstad Tract 73-13, Unit: $1 %u”iRCi’,O ?,&ST PCWACOSA, ?OIDERGSA IICX.ZS ble arc: rcL.ensir2e3; the remaining twenty-five (25%) percent of the YdtkFiL Performancrib Bond, held as warranty pendfng a ffRal impaction of the above-referenced subject, and returning herevi ?ionc! No. i%X 430328. Thank you for your atte3ntiOR itn eXOner&thg th%S bond. Amzm wick: l.mRPHY, Deputy City Clerk Enclosurs cc: Ponderosa Hones Attention: Billie Frank n 0 e MEMORAN DUM DAT E : FEBRUARY 13, 1979 TO: FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE : CT 73-18, Unit #1 E NG I NE E RI NG DE PA RTME NT Rancho del Ponderosa On February 5, 1979 we requested that you advise if the remaining 25% of the FAITHFUL PERFORMAPKE BOND, No. MNR 930928, issued re the above-referenced may be released. pyu- tJ f-w li I r /A@/ i ;LtJ /tM ita Murphy w /?I t 1, /> i' / February 28, 1979 Ineurannce doqmny ~f ~~~~~~ herim Ret: Bond ~%~~~~~~~~~ - Carleebad Trace 7'3*3.8y Unit $1 ' lUI$CHO DEL ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~A H98if*$ES We am releasing and retumfng herewfth the Labor Q MatorPafaij Bond, Bond kls. BfNR 930928, in the ~~Sgimd amom6 of $125,500 covering. the above-raferenced subject. Bond No. tfi%t 830828, in the ari npa&l mount: QE $257,000, retahed (75%) percent final inqm%jt?tl. Zlke'trwejnt!y-ffv@ (25%) percent of the FaSthfUX P@rfomnCcet Bond, pursuant to wr tten rcalctarse an ? tabruary 24, E9?8 of sevanty-ffve f said bond is still being retained pending a AHHTA DACU l4URPEIY DEPUTY CTTY GUM &%C.$OSUrS CC! Psnbrosa Home8 Attention: B93bli@ Praak I I ! I I I : I ! -_---_I-- __. - I_ - __ _____r- --c--7- ---- -?--I- February 28, 11979 Bfllia Fmmk Engineering Department: PONDEROSA IfQpfES 2082 Businates Center Drive ICrvirm, CA 92660 sak+ 'i 10 0 d Exonerathm - Carlsbetd Traot; 73-18, hie #I As a Eomal response to your February 1, 1979 letter, X want to advise that the twenty-five (25X) gcercant balance of the Feith€u: Performance Bond, Band No. MNR 930928, in the or$.ginal 8m0 $257,00O,,wh"feh the City of Carllsbad still hol& may not b trurril a final inspection has been made. The inspecting depaTtment recently experiencsd pe+k;lontleP change8 which :t(emporarily delayed the completion of fnspections. final inspectfont will be made in the near future and the balence of the bond fernally emronrrettsd. ConjZirming ~QUX 1atEer OE February 27, 1979, the Fafthful Perfort and hboz & Materiala Bonds, Bond No. 930926, fort. the traffic signals w%U be released upon eompletton and finax inspection of Encrl~st~d is a cdpy of the letter ta ZNA Company +eXeaslng.the Labor & Materfetlle Bond, Band Eo, MNR 930928, in the original am01 of $128,500. If you deeire any fireher assfstantm or have any further questior with qegard to this matter, phase do ROC hesitate to contact me The the traffic 8i@lab. Stneerely, EEE MWNKRANZ, CITY CLERK zEE:cadm Enalosuuces ., -.. * ---- I--__-I -_ _RI_ ____ -- . __._ . - a e PoNDEmsAnOMEs m A member of the Etna Realty Group 2082 BUSINESSCENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 100 0 IRVINE, CA 92715 1714) 833 2180 0 P 0 BOX 2340 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 February 27, 1979 Lee Rautenkranz Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carl sbad, California 92008 Reconcerning: Rancho Ponderosa - Unit # 1 - Tract 73-18 Dear Lee: Enclosed is a copy of bond No. MNR 93 09 26, Faithful Performance and Labor P, Materials for your files. I checked with our corporate office and the bond is still in effect, they had never exonerated the Labor & Materials part of it. If you have any other questions please call me. Very truly yours, Billie Frank, Engineering Department cc: Ron Shack1 eford, Ponderosa 9 San Dieao Q e MEMORAN DUM DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 1979 TO : FROM: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE RE : CT 73-18, Unit #l E NGI NE E RI NG DE PA RTME NT Rancho del Ponderosa On February 5, 1979 we requested that you advise if the remaining 25% of the FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, No. MNR 930928, issued re the above-referenced may be re 1 eased. Tt-kank you. t ,I *‘,,,{A Anita Murphy 1200 ELM AVENUE TEI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (711 Cltp of Carlsrbab * 0 q e BMoKANDUl DAE : February 5, 1979 TO : ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM : CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: CT 93-18, Unit #l Rancho del Ponderosa (1) Please advise if the remaining 25% of the FAITHFUL, PERFORMANCE BOND, No, MNR 930928, issued re the above-referenced may now be released. Seventy-Five (75%) Percent was released February L4, 1978 per Engineering Memorandum of February 9, 6578. FAITHFUL PERFOEWINCE BOND, No, ENR 930926 for Traffic Signals remains in full force and effect per our file. TABOR AND MATERIALS BOND, No. MNR 930928 was released in full o July 17, 1978 per your February 9, 1978 Memorandum c 21 (3) \ - y)Mur??hy *.I*.- e * mmmES m A member of the Rtna Realty Group 2082 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE 0 SUITE 100 0 IRVINE. CA 92715 (7141 833 2180 0 P 0 BOX 2340 0 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 February 1, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 9'2008 Attention: Lee Rautenkranz, Deputy City Clerk Subject: Bond Exoneration - CT 73 - 18 Unit #1 Rancho Ponderosa Bond No. 93 09 28 Gent 1 emen : Attached is a letter you sent me one year ago stating the above mentioned bond may be exonerated completely in one years time. Per out bonding agency, Insurance Company of North America, the procedure for formal bond exoneration requires that written correspondence be provided by the Obligee exonerating the bond. Therefore, at your earliest convenience possible, please respond to our request for exoneration in writinq. The above bond should be referenced in your correspondence by bond number and amount. Thank you in advance for any expediency you may be able to affect on our behalf. Very truly yours, -_ I T b. -. ,i L-- I# Billie Frank, Engineering Department Attachment ',,- @e @e -- - 12W ELM AVENUE ' t.-LL iL, TELEF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 7 - ! I ~'~L~l.LLl, ,,b Citp of QZarISbab February 14, 1978 Insurance Company of North America P.O. Box 1085 Orange, CA 92668 RE: Release of 3onds for CT 73-18 Unit #1 Rancho Del Ponderosa The Notice of Completion for the above mentioned sub- division recorded on January 13, 1978. Therefore, we are releasing seventy-five percent (75%) of the Faithful Performance Bond, Bond No. M 930928. Please consider this letter as your notification that $192,750.00 of the $257,000.00 Faithful Performance Bond is hereby released. We are required to wetain the remaining twenty-five percent (25%) for a period of one year. At that time, if no claims have been filed, it will be released. (rt tho e~:=sn+, cf $1?9,E96.23, will Le released sii months from the date of recordation of the Notice of Compl e ti on. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact this office. The Labor and Materials Bond, Bond No. MNR 930928 7- LAf i. . f-g- LEE RAUTENKRANZ Deputy City Clerk LR: ks cc: Ponderosa Homes NccYhy ti4,nenan , ?- Shq i /a 4114~- safi PI-€~c 2* 637 * e 0 DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE NO. (213) 620-2700 In the matter of the application of FINAL SUBDIVI PUBLIC REPOR FILE NO. 3 AE REALTY PARTNERS a California general partnership ISSUED: JULY 15, 19 OCTOBER 31, for a Final Subdivision Public Report on MAP NO. 8145 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-18 EXPIRES: JULY 14, 19 (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA) UNIT NO. 1 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 2ND AMENDMENT: This Report Is Not a Recommendation or Endorsement of the Subdivision But Is Informative Only. Buyer or Lessee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Report. This Report Expires on Date Shown Above. If There Has Been a Material Change in the Offe Amended Public Report Must Be Obtained and Used in Lieu of This Report. Section 35700 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that the practice of discri because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in housing accommoc against public pol icy. Under Section 125.6 of the California Business and Professions Code, California real estate lice1 subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if they make any discrimination, di or restriction in negotiating a sale or lease of real property because of the race, color, sex, religion, or national origin of the prospective buyer. If any prospective buyer or lessee believes that a Ii guilty of such conduct, he or she should contact the Department of Real Estate. Information Regarding Schools can be found on Pages seven and eight of this Repc READ THE ENTIRE REPORT on the following pages before contracting to purchase a lo. SUBDIVISION. R/E Form 618 10/76 YB)w 1 w COMMON INTEREST SUBDIVISION GENERAL INFORMATIO The project described in the attached Subdivision Public Report is known as a common-ii subdivision. Read the Public Report carefully for more information about the type of subdi The subdivision includes common areas and facilities which will be owned and/or operated owners’ association. Purchase of a lot or unit automatically entitles and obligates you as a men the association and, in most cases, includes a beneficial interest in the areas and facilities. membership in the association is mandatory, you should be aware of the following inforr before you purchase: Your ownership in this development and your rights and remedies as a member of its association will be controlled by governing instruments which generally include a Declaration of Restrictions (also known as CC&R’s), Articles of Incorporation (or association) and Bylaws. The provisions of these documents are intended to be, and in most cases are, enforceable in a court of law. contract to purchase a subdivision interest. board. In short, “they” in a common-interest sub is “you”. Unless you serve as a member of the gc board or on a committee appointed by the boa control of the operation of the common ar facilities is limited to your vote as a membei association. There are actions that can be taker governing body without a vote of the member1 quality of life for association members. Study these documents carefully before entering into a association which can have a significant impact u In order to provide funds for operation and Until there is a sufficient number of purchaser maintenance of the common facilities, the association or units in a common-interest subdivision to will levy assessments against your lot/unit. If you are majority of the governing body. it is likely t delinquent in the payment of assessments, the association subdivider will effectively control the affairs may enforce payment through court proceedings or your association. It is frequently necessary and equita lot/unit may be liened and sold through the exercise of a the subdivider do so during the early st: power of sale. The anticipated income and expenses of development. It is vitally important to the OH the association, including the amount that you may individual subdivision interests that the transitic expect to pay through assessments, are outlined in the subdivider to resident-owner control be accompl proposed budget. Ask to see a copy of the budget if the an orderly manner and in a spirit of cooperatio subdivider has not already made it available for your examination. When contemplating the purchase of a dwell] common-interest subdivision, you should c A homeowner association provides a vehicle for the factors beyond the attractiveness of the dwellir facilities which were designed to attract you to buy in this careful thought to whether you will be able L subdivision. The association also provides a means to happily in an atmosphere of cooperative living wk accomplish architectural control and to provide a base interests of the group must be taken into account for homeowner interaction on a variety of issues. The as the interests of the individual. Remembc purchaser of an interest in a common-interest subdivision managing a common-interest subdivision is ver. should contemplate active participation in the affairs of like governing a small community . . . the mana the association. He or she should be willing to serve on can serve you well, but you will have to work the board of directors or on committees created by the success. A ownership and use of recreational and other common themselves. Study the governing instruments a DRE -2- of 7 pages FILE NO. 37. (2nd Amende( 0 m SPECIAL NOTES THIS REPORT COVERS ONLY LOTS 17, 18 AND 24. TAXES: UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX ON REAL PROPERTY THAT CAN BE COLLECTED AN- NUALLY IS ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE FULL CASH VALUE OF THE PROPERTY. FOR THE PURCHASER OF A LOT IN THIS SUBDIVISION, THE "FULL CASH VALUE" OF THE LOT WILL BE THE VALUATION, AS REFLECTED ON THE TAX ROLL, DETERMINED BY THE COUNTY ASSEZ AS OF THE DATE OF PURCHASE OF THE LOT OR AS OF THE DATE OF COMPLETION OF AN IMPROVEMENT ON THE LOT IF THAT OCCURS AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE. THIS PROJECT IS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. IT INCLUDES COMMON AREAS AND COMMON FACILITIES WHICH WILL BE OPERATED BY AN INCORPORATED OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON AREAS AND OTHER PURPOSES. YOUR CONTROL OF OPERATI AND EXPENSES IS NORMALLY LIMITED TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR ELECTE REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE ON CERTAIN PROVISIONS AT MEETINGS. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS AND BYLAWS, BY POSTING THEM IN A PROMINENT LOCATION IN THE SALE: OFFICE AND BY FURNISHING YOU COPIES PRIOR TO CLOSE OF ESCROF THESE DOCUMENTS CONTAIN NUMEROUS MATERIAL PROVISIONS THAT SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECT AND CONTROL YOUR RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLIGATIONS, AND COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. YOU SHOULD READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A LOT. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE (CURRENT BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS, TO INCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS, UTILITI AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IMPORTANT TO THE BOARE ITIES IN THIS SUBDIVISION. SINCE THE SUBDIVIDER STATES HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE SAID PLANS AND DIAGRAMS, THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION SHOULD TRY TO OBTAIN THEM FROM THE CONTRACTORS WHO WORKED ON THE PROJECT OR FROM THE CITY BUILDING DEPART- MENT. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS AN INTEREST IN THE ESCROW COMPANY WHICH IS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OR LEASE OF LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE NATURE OF THE SUBDIVIDER'S INTERESl IS SET FORTH IN THE ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS WHICH ARE TO BE OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR COMMON FACIL- USED. -3- of 7 pages FILE NO. 37 (2nd Amende 0 e THE SUBDIVIDER OF THIS PROJECT HAS INDICATED THAT HE INTENDS TU SELL ALL OF THE LOT IN THIS PROJECT. HOWEVER, ANY OWNER, INCLUDING THE SUBDIVIDER, HAS A LEGAL RIGHT TO LEASE THE LOTS. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SHOULD CONSIDER THE POSSIBLE EFFECTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT IF A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE LOTS BECOME RENTAL PROPERTIES. WARNING: WHEN YOU SELL YOUR LOT TO SOMEONE ELSE, YOU MUST GIVE THATPERSON A COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, AND THE BYLAWS. IF YOU FORGET TO DO THIS, IT MAY COST YOU A PENALTY OF $500.00, PLUS ATTORNEY'S FEES, PLUS DAMAGES. (SEE CIVIL CODE SECTION 1360.) INTERESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specific lot, together with a membership in Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association and rights to use the common area. LOCATION AND SIZE: In the City of Carlsbad. This is the first increment, which consists of 20 acres divided in 62 lots, in addition to the common area which consists of Lot 58, on which community facilities consisting of a gazebo, tot lot and landscaping will be constructed. If the total project is developed as proposed, it will Consist Of a total of five increments and 418 lots, as well as common facilit consisting of two park sites, two gazebos, two tot lots, basketbal and volleyball area, two horesehoe pits and landscaped slope areas There is no assurance that the total project will be completed as proposed. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION: The Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Associal which you must join, manages and operates the common area(s) in acc ance with the Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation, and the Bylz MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: The subdivider has submitted a budget for the maintenance and operation of the common areas. YOL budget, the common assessment against each subdivision lot is $13.5 should obtain a copy of this budget from the subdivider, Under this IF THE BUDGET FURNISHED TO YOU BY THE DEVELOPER SHOWS A MONTHLY ASSESSMENT FIGURE WHICH VARIES 10% OR MORE FROM THE ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT, YOU TERING INTO AN AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE. SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE BEFORE EN- -4- of 7 pages FILE NO. 3747: (2nd Amended) 0 W The association may increase or decrease assessments at any time accordance with the procedure prescribed in the CCGRs or Bylaws. considering the advisability of a decrease (or a smaller increase in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts att able to reserves for replacement or major maintenance, THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AND EVEN IF ACCURATELY ESTIMATED INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES INCREASE WITH THE AGE OF FACILITIES AND WITH INCREASES IN THE COST OF LIVING. Monthly assessments will commence on all lots on theh first day o following the month in which the sale of the first lot to a purch closed. From that time, the subdivider is required to pay the as tion a monthly assessment for each lot which he owns. The remedies available to the association against owners who are quent in the payment of assessments are set forth in the CCGRs. T remedies are available aaainst the subdivider as well as against owners. The subdivider has posted a bond, as partial security for his obligation to pay these assessments. The governing body of th association should assure itself that the subdivider has satisfie his obligations to the association with respect to the payment of assessments before agreeing to a release or exoneration of the se EASEMENTS: Easements for utilities, drainage, tree planting and o purposes are shown on the title report and subdivision map record in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder, July 15, 1975, Fi NO. 75-182895. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to restrictions recorde in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder, June 22, 1976, as File No. 76-193744; and Declaration of Annexation recorded Decemb 10, 1976, File No. 76-414703, which include, among other provisio the following: No clotheslines, refuse containers, or storage or clothes drying shall be maintained on any lot in a location visible from adjoini lots or parcels, except as may be permitted by the board. No external television or radio poles, external antennae, externa flag poles, external clotheslines or other external fixtures othe than those originally installed by Declarant or approved by the Architecture Committee, if any, and any replacement thereof shall 1 structed, erected or maintained on or within any lot or the commo area. -5- of 8 pages FILE NO. 37 (2nd Amende W a Certain of the lots within the development are being sold without the front yards thereof being landscaped. As to those lots, the f owner or owners of each thereof shall landscape said front yards his or their sole cost and expense within six (6) months after cl of escrow, such front yard landscaping to be approved in all resp by the architectural committee. CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a form o deed of trust and note will be used. These documents contain the ing provisions: An acceleration clause. This means that if you sell the property, the lender may declare the entire unpaid loan balance immediately due and payable. A late charge. This means that if you are late in making your mon loan payment, you may have to pay an additional amount as a penal A prepayment penalty. This means that if you wish to pay off your loan in whole or in part before it is due, you may be required to pay an additional amount as a penalty in accordance with the term of the loan. PURCHASE MONEY HANDLING: The subdivider must impound all funds re from you in an escrow depository until legal title is delivered t you. (Ref. Sections 11013, 11013.2(a), Business and Professions C If the escrow has not closed on your lot within twelve (12) month! of the date of your escrow, you may request return of your deposii GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 70, PROVII FOR LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO EXERCISE PREVENTIVE MEASURES DURII - GRADING TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE DAMAGE FROM GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SUCI AS LANDSLIDES, FAULT MOVEMENTS, EARTHQUAKE SHAKING, RAPID EROSION OR SUBSIDENCE. THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE SOME ( THESE HAZARDS MAY EXIST. SOME CALIFORNIA COUNTIES AND CITIES HAVE ADOPTED ORDINANCES THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE AS EFFECTIVE IN THE CONi OF GRADING AND SITE PREPARATION. PURCHASERS SHOULD DISCUSS WITH THE DEVELOPER, THE DEVELOPER'S ENGl THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, AND THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO DE? BEEN ADEQUATE COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 70 OR AN EQUIVALENT OR MORE STRINGENT GRADING ORDINANCE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SUBDIL FILLED GROUND: Some lots will contain filled ground varying to a n depth of 53 feet. These soils are to be properly compacted for the intended use under the supervision of a state licensed engineer. IF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED HAZARDS HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED AND IF THERE I- -6- of 7 pages FILE NO. 374 (2nd Amended 0 0 SOIL CONDITIONS: An engineering report has been filed which indic soil is expansive, and included in the report are certain structu recommendations relative to footings and slabs. Subdivider has ce that he will comply with the recommendations of the engineer, tha the purchasers' funds will be impounded in escrow and that no esc will close until recommendations have been completed. SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Lots will be subject to a service charge of $3.C per month for sewerage. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION : Regularly scheduled pub1 ic transport ation is not available to this subdivision, SCHOOLS: The Encinitas Union School District and San Dieguito Uni High School District advise that the location and distance from t most distant lot in the tract to the nearest schools serving this tract are as follows: Capri Elementary (K-6), 941 Capri Road, approximately 4 Oak Crest Junior High (7-81, 675 Balour Drive, approximately San Dieguito High (9-12), approximately 3-5/8th miles. Encinitas Union School District further advises that bus service provided at district expense to Capri Elementary School. San Dieguito Union High School District further advises as follow; Transportation is provided free for junior high students who live one mile or more from school and for high school students who live two miles or more from the school. Mile- age is measured by the most direct public thoroughfare. At the present time, all school facilities of the San Dieguito Union High School District are extremely over- crowded. Over 20 portable buildings have been added in the past five years in order to keep up with the rising en- rollment. The district has nearly reached the point where the addition of more portable buildings will place a severe strain on the permanent facilities such as gym and locker areas, PE fields, restrooms, etc. The district opened a second high school in 1974. However, the base population from new homes and those scheduled to crowded conditions. Portable classrooms have already been added at the new school in view of these circumstances. For the above-mentioned reasons, the San Dieguito Board miles; 2-3/4 miles; be completed in the future continues to result in over- -7- of 8 pages FILE NO. 37472 (2nd Amended) ,* w of Trustees adopted a policy in May, 1972, calling on the developer to assist the district in providing facilities for students generated from new developments. The developer of Rancho Del Ponderosa Units 1 through 5 has provided such financial assistance to the district. In summary, the quality of the educational program in the San Dieguito District is severely threatened by the con- tinued influx of new homes. The district is currently studying alternative methods of housing the student overflow NOTE: This school information was provided by the school distric prior to issuance of the public report. Purchasers may con the local school district offices for any changes in schoc assignments, facilities and bus service. SHOPPING FACILITIES: Shopping center is approximately two miles f the subdivision. For further information in regard to this subdivision, you may ca (213) 620-2700, or examine the documents at the Department of Rea Estate, 107 South Broadway, Room 7001, Los Angeles, California 90 AW/klm -8- and last FILE NO. 37 (2nd Amende PUBLIC REPOI A. E. REALTY PARTNERS a California general partnership for a Final Subdivision Public Report on MAP NO. 8363 RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA, UNIT NO. 5 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-18 FILE NO. 3 ISSUED: MARCH 1, 19 3RD AMENDMENT : SEPTEMBER 25, EXPIRES: FEBRUARY 28 Buyer or Lessee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Report. 0 0 COMMON INTEREST SUBDIVISION GENERAL INFORMATIC The project described in the attached Subdivision Public Report is known as a common- subdivision. Read the Public Report cixefully for more information about the type of subd The subdivision includes common areas and facilities which will be owned andjor operate owners’ association. Purchase of a lot or unit automatically entitles and obligates you as a me the association and, in most cases, includes a beneficial interest in the areas and facilitie membership in the association is mandatory, you should be aware of the following info] before you purchase: Your ownership in this development and your rights and remedies as a member of its association will be controlled by governing instruments %hick generail) include a Declaration of Restrictions (also hnoun as CC&Rs), Articles of Incorporation (or associa:ion) and Bylaws. The provisions of these documents are intended to be, and in most cases are, enforceable in a COL rt of law. Study these documents carefully before enterjig into a contract to purchase a subdivision interest. board. In short, “they” in a common-interest su is “you”. Unless you serve a5 a member of the j board or on a committee appointed by the bo control of the operation of the common a facilities is limited to your vote as a memb association. There are actions that can be tak governing body without a vote of the membc association which can have a significant impact quality of life for association members. In order to provide funds for operation and Until there is a sufficient number of purchas maintenance of the common facilities, the as ,ociation or units in a common-interest subdivision 1 will levy assessments against your lot/unit. I: you are majority of the governing body, it is likely delinquent in the payment of assessments. the as3ociation subdivider will effectively control the affai may enforce payment through court proceedings or your association. It is frequently necessary and equi lot/unit may be liened and sold through the erercise of a the subdivider do so during the early 1 power of sale. The anticipated income and exTenses of development. It is vitally important to the < the association, including the amount that \‘nu ma) indhidual subdivision interests that the transi expect to pay through assessments, are cut:in:d in the subdivider to resident-owner control be accom proposed budget. Ask to see a copy of the budget if the an orderly manner and in a spirit of cooperat subdivider has not already made it available for your examination. When contemplating the purchase of a dwe common-interest subdivision, you should A homeowner association provides a \ehiclc fo~ the factors beyond the attractiveness of the dwell ownership and use of recreational and other coinmon themselves. Study the governing instruments facilities which were designed to attract you to b:i! in this careful thought to whether you will be able subdivision. The association also pro\ides d means to happily in an atmosphere of cooperatiLe living accomplish architectural control and to problot a bast interests of the group must be taken into accou for homeowner interaction on a variet) ol ~ssdts. The as the interests of the individual Remerr purchaser of an interest in a common-interest subdivision managing a common-interest subditision is v should contemplate active participation in the affairs of like governing a small community . . the mal the association. He or she should be willing to sme on can sene you well. but you will hake to wo the board of directors or on committees created b) the success. A DRE -2- of 7 pages ( 3rdILnended) W e SPECIAL NOTES THIS PROJECT IS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. IT INCLUDES COMMON AREAS AND COMM FACILITIES WHICH WILL BE OPERATED BY AbJ INCORPORATED OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTE- NANCE OF THE COMPDN AREAS AND OTHER PURPOSES. YOUR CONTROL OF OPERATIONS AND EXPENSES IS NORMALLY LIMITED TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTA- TIVES TO VOTE ON CERTAIN PROVISIONS AT MEETINGS. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A 03PY OF THE ARTICLES OF IMCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS AND BYLAWS, BY POSTING THEM IN A TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. THESE DOCUMENTS CONTAIN NUMEROUS MATERIAL PROVISIONS THAT SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECT AND CONTROL YOUR RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLI- GATIONS, AND COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A LOT THE SUBDIVIDER HAS AN INTEREST IN THE ESCROW COMPANY WHICH IS TO BE USED CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OR LEASE OF LOTS THE EXAC NATURE OF THE SUBDIVIDER'S INTEREST IS SET FORTH IN THE ESCROW INSTRUCT101 WHICH ARE TO BE USED. THE SUBDIVIDER OF THIS PROJECT HAS INDICATED THAT HE INTENDS TO SELL ALL ( A LEGAL RIGHT TO LEASE THE LOTS. THE POSSIBLE EFFECTS OM THE DEVELOPMENT IF A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE LOTS BECOME RENTAL PROPERTIES. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE CURRENT BOAFU) OF OFFICERS 01 'I'm HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS, TO IhJCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCA- TION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS, UTILITIES AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BI IMPORTANT TO THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR COMMON FACILITIES IN THIS SUBDIVISION. SINCE THE SUBDIVIDER STATES HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE SAID PLANS AND DIAGW THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION SHOULD TRY TO OBTAIN THEM FROM THE CONTRACTORS WHO WORKED ON THE PROJECT OR FROM THE CITY BUILI ING DEPARTMENT. INTERESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specified lot, togel with a membership in Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association and rights to use canmn area. LOCATION AND SIZE: This is the fifth and last increment, which consists of approximately 26.4 acrf PROMINENT LOCATION IN THE SALES OFRCE AND BY FURNISHING YOU COPIES PRIOR YOU SHOULD READ AND IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE LOTS IN THIS PROJECT. HOWEVER, ANY OWNER, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPER, Hi PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SHOULD CONSIDER In the City of Carlsbad. divided into 102 residential lots I This project now contains approximately 120 acres and 418 residential lots. If total project is developed as proposed, it will consist of a total of five incr ments and 418 residential lots, as well as common facilities consisting of two sites, two gazebos, two tot lots, basketball and volleyball area, two horseshoe and landscaped slope areas. -3- of 7 pages FILE NO. 393E (3rd Amended W There is no assurance that the total project will be completed as proposed. --- ---- I - MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION: The Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association, which must join, manages and operates the cannon area(s> in accordance with the Rest Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: maintenance and operation of the canmon areas. subdivision lot is $13.50. The subdivider has submitted a budget f You should obtain a copy of th budget frcm the subdivider. Under this budget, the monthly assessment against IF THE BUDGET FURNISHED TO YOU BY THE DEVELOPER SHOWS A MOhTHLY ASSESSMEN' FIGURE WHICH VARIES 10% OR MORE FROM THE ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THIS TTRING INTO AN AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE. PUBLIC REPORT, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE BEFORE EN. The association may increase or decrease assessments at any time in accordance the procedure prescribed in the CG58s or Bylaws. In considering the advisabil decrease in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts attribu' reserves for replacement or major maintenance. TrlE INFORMATION INCLUDFD IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DAI EVEN IF ACCURATELY ESTIMATED INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES INCREASE WITH THE AC OF FACILITIES AND WITH INCREASES IN TEE COST OF LIVING. OF ISSUANCE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY An Monthly assessments will canmnce on all lots (numbers 321 through 422) in thiz increment upon the closing of the first sale of a lot. From that time, the sut is required to pay the association a monthly assessment for each lot which he c The remedies available to the association against owners who are delinquent in payment of assessments are set forth in the CC&Rs. These remedies are availabl against the subdivider as well as against other owners. The subdivider has po: bond as partial security for his obligation to pay these assessments. The govc body of the association should assure itself that the subdivider has satisfied obligations to the association with respect to the payment of assessments befor agreeing to a release or exoneration of the security. -- ---- --I - - --- EASEFIENTS: Easements for utilities, drainage , tree planting and other purposes shown on the title report and subdivision map recorded in the Office of the San County Recorder, August 17, 1976, File No. 76-265383. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to restrictions recorded in the Offi the San Diego County Recorder, June 22, 1976, File No. 76-193744 and Declaratio Annexation recorded December 30, 1976, File No. 76-441222, which include, among provisions, the following: No clotheslines, refuse containers or storage or clothes drying areas shall be I tained on any lot in a location visible from adjoining lots or parcels, except i may be permitted by the board. -4- of 7 pages FILE NO. 39381 (3rd mended) e 0 No external television or radio poles, external antennae, external flag poles, clotheslines or other external fixtures other than those originally installed Declarant or approved by the architectural committee, if any, and any replacer thereof shall be constructed, erected or maintained on or within any lot or tk mon area. Certain of the lots within the development are being sold without the front yz thereof being landscaped. As to those lots, the first owner or owners of eacl thereof shall landscape said front yards at his or their sole cost and expens six (6) months after close of escrow, such front yard landscaping to be appro' all respects by the architectural comittee. TAXES: Most of the services furnished to owners and occupants of subdivision erties by counties, cities and local districts have in the Dast been financed or in part from Droperty tax revenues. ProDosition 13 (Jarvis-Gann Initiative severely limits the amount of money available to local government through prop taxation. tail services that have been provided in the past. It is not presently possik DrediCt the level of any service to be Provided to this subdivision by local c ment . CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a form of deed of tr note will be used. An acceleration clause. This means that if you sell the property, the lender declare the entire unpaid loan balance immediately due and payable. A prepayment penalty. This means that if you wish to pay off your loan in who part before it is due, you may be required to pay an additional amount as a pe accordance with the terms of the loan. 4 late charpe. This means that if you are late in making your monthly loan pa you may have to pay an additional amount as a penalty. PURCHASE MONEY HANDLING: 11013.4(a), Business and Professions Code.) If the escrow has not closed on your lot within twelve (12) months of the date escrow, you may request return of your deposit. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 70, PROVIDES FOR LOCAI As a result, it may be necessary for local government to eliminate These documents contain the following provisions: The subdivider must impound all funds received frcm an escrow depository until legal title is delivered to you, (fiefer to Section: OFFICIALS TO EXERCISE PREVENTIVE EASURES DURING GRADING TO ELIMINATE OR MINIM DAMAGE FROM GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SUCH AS LANDSLIDES, FAULT MOVEMENTS, EARTHQUAKE SI RAPID EROSION OR SUBSIDENCE. THIS SUBDIVISIOh3 IS LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE SOMI TaSE HAZARDS MAY EXIST. SOME CALIFORNIA CDUflTIES AND CITIES HAVE ADOPTED ORD: THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE AS EFFECTIVE IN THE CONTROL OF GRADING AND SITE PREPARA' PURCHASERS SHOULD DISCUSS WITH THE DEVELOPER, THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER, THE ENC HAVE: BEEN CONSIDERED AND IF THERE HAS BEEN ADEQUATE COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 70 EQUIVALENT OR MORE STRINGENT GRADING ORDINANCE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS VISION. GEOLOGIST, AND THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO DETERMINE IF THE ABOVE-MENTIONE1 FILE NO. 393E -5- of 7 pages (3rd Amended) e a FILLED GROUND: 33.6 feet. supervision of a state licensed engineer. SOIL CONDITIONS: An engineering report has been filed and included in the rei certain recanmendations. Subdivider has certified that he will comply with tb mendations of the engineer, that the purchasers' funds will be impounded in es and that no escrows will close until recanmendations have been completed. - SEWAGE DISPQSAJ: sewerage. PUBLIC TMNSPORTATION : Regularly scheduled public transportation service is n able to this subdivision. SCHOOLS: The Encinitasunion School District and the San Dieguito Union High Sc District advise that the location and distance frm the most distant lot in tht to the nearest schools serving this tract are as follows: Some lots will contain filled ground varying to a maximum dep, These soils are to be properly compacted for the intended use undc Lots will be subject to a service charge of $3.00 per month Capri Elementary (K-6), 941 Capri Road, Encinitas, approximately 4 miles; Oak Crest Junior High (7-8), 675 Balour Drive, Encinitas, approximately San Dieguito High (9-121, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas, approximately 2-3/4 miles; 3-5/8 miles. Encinitas Union School District further advises that bus service is provided at trict expense to Capri Elementary School. San Dieguito Union High School District further advises as follows: Transportation is provided free for junior high students who live one mile or rnc from school and for high school students who live two miles or more from the scl Mileage is measured by the most direct public thoroughfare. At the present time, all school facilities of the San Dieguito Union High School District are extremely overcrowded. Over 20 portable buildings have been added the past five years in order to keep up with the rising enrollment. The distric has nearly reached the point where the addition of more portable buildings will place a severe strain on the permanent facilities such as gyn and locker areas, fields, restrooms, etc. The district opened a second high school in 1974, new homes and those scheduled to be completed in the future continues to result . overcrowded conditions. Portable classrooms have already been added at the new : in view of these circumstances. For the above-mentioned reasons, the San Dieguito Board of Trustees adopted a PO: in May, 1972, calling on the developer to assist the district in providing facili for students generated from new developments. The developer of Rancho Del Ponder Units 1 through 5 has provided such financial assistance to the distirct. In summary, the quality of the educational program in the San Dieguito District i severely threatened by the continued influx of new homes. The district is curren studying alternative methods of housing the student overflow. However, the base population FILE NO. 39380 ( 3rd Amended) -6- of 7 pages e e _I NOTE: of the public report. changes in school assignments, facilities and bus service. SHOPPING FACILITIES: This school information was provided by the school districts prior to i Purchasers may contact the local school district office: Shopping center is approximately two miles from the subd: For further information in regard to this subdivision, you may call (213) 620-2 examine the documents at the Department of Real Estate, lo7 South Broadway, Roc LOS Angeles, California 90012. FILE NO. 3938( PH/klm -7- and last (3rd Amended) SL!NJE:CT: -- CT 73-18 Unit 1 --I-- - 9ancho Ponderosa - Ponderosa Homes -I_ I -__--__ -_-l-_l DATE: February __ 9, 1978 @ 0 PoNlxmsAm 2082 BUSINESSCENTER DRIVE = SUITE 100 0 IRVINE,CA92715 P 0 QOK 2340 6 NEWPORT REACH CA 02663 February 7, 1978 City of Carlsbad - City Clerk 1200 Elm Street Carl sbad, Cal i fornia 92008 RE: Bond Exoneration - Rancho Ponderosa Unit I Bond No. M 93 09 28 Gent1 emen : In reference to the aforementioned listed bond (s), we would like to take this opportunity to forrral ly request exoneration of bond number M 93 09 28 , effective date 2/19/75 in the amount of $257,000.00 for tract Rancho Ponderosa Unit I Said improvements have been completed and we therefore request that the bond (s) be exonerated Per our bonding agency, Insurance Company of North America, the procedure for formal bond reduction or exoneration requires that written correspondence be provided by the Obligee exonerating or reducing same. please respond to our above request forexoneration in writing . The above bond (s) should be referenced in your correspondence by bond number and amount. Thank YOU in advance for any expediency you may be able to affect on our behalf. Very Truly Yours, to secure subdivision improvement Therefore, at your earliest convenience possible, PONDEROSA HOMES 'I L .-' j ^t '=. Billie Frank Bond Department A member of the m Realty Group * m e 6 Inti' r - C' f f ice C o L: r e s pc.7 ,J- nc e - - --- ------ --- ----- ----- - - - __ ---_-_ ___ -__- - __ - - - _I- - - --------e- - ----. ----_ -- _-_ .I ____ ---I ---- ------- --_ _I__I -_ - -_ OFF ICE : - kE.WG. --- -- -- _l--__--ll_ -.-- .--- I-II- - a -I__- TO: c \TY LLER'X. FROM: L.J. R\'QDLE -E,J&\~ ~lXXU'Xk (r 7 3- 1a (flAULl-b ~EL%~JD~ $ATE: 2-7- -7% Uk.)\T#3 \ --_ bIESSAGE : -&/++E-&GA?E -fttE; ~owqEui-AT~o13 Lub ohs 5U3J€L3- TACS-, 'i5DM-o D&L- Ub. 40 bS 05 AIJIouuT% ~ \ bq = CoqPAWl \.L --- I_ - Attachments : Reply requested: - ---I ------- --__I- -_-__ REPLY: Date: Signature: - -1- I_ l___l__I--- - - - -- - OI m (L1 6 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE (714) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 a:@ of QCarIgbaB January 12, 1978 Mr. Harley F. Bloom Cmnty Recorder P.O. Box 1750 San Diego, CA 92112 Enclosed for recording are the following described documents: Notice of Completion Public Improvements for CT 76-1 (Chesnut Gardens) Notice of Completion (Ponderosa Unit 81) Notice of Completion Public ImFrovements for M.S. 283 & 284 (Along Park Dr. and Monroe St.) Our staff has determined that the recording of these documents is of benefit to the City; therefore, it is requested that the fees be waived. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Public Improvements for CT 73-18 LEE RAUTENKRANZ Deputy City Clerk LR: ks Enclosures (3) b a I’JOTICE OF CO?4PLETIO;\i a * E?\IGIfiiEERING . To A1 L Tactborers and Platerial Men and to Every Other Person Interestt YOU WILL PLEASE TtWE NOTICE that on January 3, 1978 the Engineering project consisting of Public street inFrovekents (CT 73-18, Ponderosa Unit 1) -- on which Ponderosa Homes was the contractor, and Insuraqc e Com?any of Yorth America xias thc? surety, was completed - CITY OF CARLSBAD / City Engineer 9 ’ VERIFICP1TIOX IC, the undersigned, say: - I am the City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad; the foregoing -. smtice of! Cornj?letion is true of my own knowledge, J declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true E,:ecuted on ~l~~~.z~ ;--{ : I G at Carlsbad, California, correct, -/I /:{e , / y -7:’ 4 -&y.ps/- _,+9+7Lcr./ ,q I </5L&kd-df. u 1’ d #/ VERIFICATIOX OF CITY CLERK/‘ -/XF I, the undersigxed, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; th- City Council. accepted the zbovs described wo szic! City on e:/, , g2 ~ by kts c:oropleted gd orqLrZ/tkik a Notice of Coxpletion 53’2 filed, f’?,?? I declare under penalty of pzrjury that the foregoing is true cQfr(’c L - at Carlsbad, California, /c 14:xecu tcd on dpa~~+ ,k, /77f 7 \ Lp%,dd / .I y &4&,,& ( s;/ e CITY OF CARLSBAD @ < AGENDA RILL NO. 214a - Supplement #6 \ - Initial: Dept. Hd. DATE : January 3, 1978 DEPARTMENT: Eng i nee r i ng C. Mqr, Subject : - C, Atty-\ - CT 73-18, Unit I (Rancho del Ponderosa) Acceptance’of Public improvements Statement of the Matter The developer has requested acceptance of the secured public improvements included with CT 73-18, Unit I. City staff has determined that the public improvements are acceptable, as-built drawings are on file in the Engineer Department, and final accounting is complete. Exhibits 0 I. Final Accounting 2. Letter requesting acceptance 3. Location map Recommendation If Council concurs, they should accept the improvements as completed and direct the Utilities/Maintenance Director to commence their maintenance Traffic signal agreement to remain in effect. and the City Clerk to release the bonds for public street improvements, Council action 1-3-7’3 The improvements were accepted as completed and the staff directed to commence maintenance and to release bonds for public street improvements. 4 e 0 * FINAL ACCOUNTING CT 73-18, UNIT I, RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA ACCOUNT NUMBER 65-16-129 - No. I tern Depos it Charge Ba I ance I FINAL MAP $ 151.00 $ 151.00 $ -0- 0 2 IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2,579.00 2,570.00 -0- 0 3 I NSPECT I ON FEE 4,839.00 5,140.00 301 .OO 0 FILING FEE CHECK FEE 4 PARK- I N- L I EU FEE 2,806.73 2,806.73 -0- 6i 5 GRADING PERMIT FEE 1,665.00 1,665.00 -0- 0 6 STREET LIGHT ENERGY 1,551.78 1,551.78 -0- SI 7 STREET SIGN DEPOSIT 896.25 907.35 11.10 01 8 DUPLICATE TRACING DEPOSIT 100.00 -0- ( IOO.00) 9 STREET TREE DEPOSIT 2,550.00 -0- D' (2,550.00 ) IO CLOSE OUT REFUND -0- 2,337.90 2,337.90 6: $17,129.76 $17,129.76 $ -0- :\ICT TO SCL1-E I N c7- 7349 $iAY" ZAUCHO DEL /Qod=pos& I:r u/u/7- 1 1T;ICT ' LOCATION.' S% F€flCE POST TRAFFJ'C /SLAND AT /?-9-75 mrmf MARK - DESCRP TION.' //2" ST: PIN SET IN CONCR€T€. /2-3- 75 /?-9 75 /?-9 -75 yVLG75 -lQ-/6-75 /22.6/2 DATU!4= U. S. C. 6 G. S. /U16'-75 TZ47-E - /NTERSECTlOPJ OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD ANL3 c1I_IVEf~IHAlAf ROAD. RECORD FROfd..' COUfdTY 3E'NCH LEVELS OC. 0076 F/ F VA T/ Oj'd' _L - GY e Il)OW - ~___ . 1206 Elm Ave Carlsbad Ca 92008 kttn: City Clerk NOTICE OF COMPLETION EEGINEERING . To All. Laborers and Material Men and to Every other Person Interestc YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 3, 1978 the Engineering project consisting of Pub1 ic street irnyovements (CT 73-18, Ponderosa Unit 1 ) on which Ponderosa Homes was the surety, was completed. W~S the cantractor, and Insurance ComgaUy of "2rt- ?merjca CITY OF CARLSBAD st City Engineer . VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: J am the City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad; the foregoing Notice of Completion is true of my own knowledge, J declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true Executed on at Carlsbad, California, correct - - VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the City Council accepted. the above described wo. said City on Ls/u&&. , 3 as completed dnd or&red'that a Notice of Completion be filed, cyq I declare under penalty of perjxry that the foregoing is true F:xecuted on .L/ ,,Lrci~ I/ /7,47 California, corlrcct - &7&..&&& dLz+3& : .. "--------- w I - dL ..n v W VO( ;.,.*>,;.- ,s j :- $.....A . .. - ,;L 6 ci (? v, RrCn?,QE3 ;i T CF i J~H i:. .; :. t$ 1; $5 y\{ g]$ 4- paG >:?? .I. e @ I‘ e0 pc./&A5- - p/ec- ~ -. Wp 0)Jj I 7 CENTER DRIVE OSiJlTE 100 0 IRVINE.CA92664 0 P 0 BOX 2340 0 NEC’PSWT BE4CH. CA 92E63 September 20, 1977 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Bond Reduction - Rancho del Ponderosa Bond No. M 93 46 28 Dear Tim: This ic your copy of the rider for a 50% reduction from the Insurance C0mpai.y ct N=i-th America. Thank you for the letter stating it may hc reduced. Yours truly, This is for your files. . ../\ k ?.&.J.j r ,l @x-..-. Billie ‘frank Bond Department Ri$ c $q A.4 p 3J -JJ. SEP z 3 1977 CITY OF CAtiLsr’jb: Eragitreee-ing Dcparfme; .. , v To be attached to and form a part of - CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, NO. 2 Bond No: M 93 46 28 dated the 22~1d-a~ of JULY 19- issued by the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOETH AMERICA, as Surety on behalj KAISER AETNA (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA) , as Princi] and in favor of CITY OF CARLSBAD In consideration of the premium charged for the attached bond, it is hereby agreed that the attached bond be amended as follows: WHEREAS, the above described bond was filed in the amount of TWO HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND AND NO/lQ0THS--------Do1lars ($203 ,QOO,QO as aboved described (with subsequent amendments amending ‘the amount said bond to Dollar ($ ) , and WHEREAS, said Principal has now been requested to DECREASE penalty Of said bond to the sum of ONE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUN1 AND NO/loOTHs------------------- Dollars ($ 101,500.00 1; NOW, THEREFORE, it is zgreed between the Principal and the Sur that the amount of the said CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, N0.2 heretofore filed, shall be, and the same is hereby DECREASED to t Of ONE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND-Dollars ($101,500.00 N0/100THS Provided, However, that the attached bond shall be subject to all it agreements, limitations and conditions except as herein expressly mo and further that the liability of the Surety under the attached bond and the attached bond as amended by this rider shall not be cumulati This rider shall become effective as of the22~~ day of AUGUST gned, sealed and dated thiS22ND day of AUGUST 3 192 ‘JEPTED: ‘7 c c ahT”Ir Lke LJ,,i R&gRER8E/DEC??FASE RIDER 1-651 0 e TELE (714) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Qitp of QLsrt$bab August 9, 1977 Bond Department Insurance Company of North Arneri ca P. 0. Box 97 Carl sbad, Cal i fornia 92008 SUBJECT: Reduction of Bond MNR 93 46 28 Gent1 emen: It has been determined that the subject Faithful Performance Bond may be reduced 50 percent, to $101,500.00, according to Section 20.16.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A copy of this section is enclosed. This bond may - not be further reduced until the public improvements for Carlsbad Tract 73-18 Unit No. 2 are accepted for maintenance by the CT 73-18 Unit No. ‘2 (Rancho del Ponderosa) City Council a Very truly yours 3 J?2kLc Tim Flanagan City Engineer TCF:RCM:ms Enclosure c: Ponderosa Homes City Clerk u \ e 0 T€K (714) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 aitp Of aarI$bab August 9, 1977 Ponderosa Homes P. 0. Box 2340 Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Billie Frank, Bond Department SUBJECT: CT 73-18 Units 1 & 2 - Bond Reduction Gentlemen: Your July 18, 1977 request for exoneration of the following bonds has beer reviewed: MNR 93 09 28 - Subdivision - $128,509 - Unit No. 1 MNR 93 46 28 - Subdivision - 203,000 - Unit No. 2 MNR 93 46 26 - Monument - 4,300 - Unit No. 2 According to Section 20.16.090 of our Subdivision Ordinance, these bonds may be reduced as follows: 1. Subdivision Faithful Performance Bond No. 93 46 28 may be reduced a maximum of 50% until such time as the public improvements are ready for- maintenance. We will initiate the 50%, or $101,500, reduction of the bond. $128,500 reflects a 50% reduction and may not be further reduced until the public improvements for CT 73-18 Unit No. 1 are accepted for maintenance by the City Council. Monumentation Bond No. 93 46 26 may be released subject to the engineer of work submitting a letter to the City stating that the monuments for CT 73-18 Unit No. 2 are set and they have been paid for their work. 2. Subdivision Faithful Performance Bond No. 93 09 28 in the amount of 3. Meanwhile you are encouraged to complete the public improvements, get a "punch 1 ist" and then request acceptance of the pub1 ic improvements for CT 73-18 Units No. 1 and 2. "AS built" drawings must be submitted before ' acceptance of improvements. u \ 0 0 -2- August 9, 1977 Ponderosa Homes Re: CT 73-18 Please call Rene Munar or me if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, I /' /3 I* //' --, .! 4 *', /,*,A \ /., L . 8 , i I_ 1. .. t-.,,. A-"~-:-:< % - /+ is Tim Flanagan ,> City Engineer TCF:RCM:ms c: City Clerk m e DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA , TELEPHONE NO. (213) 620-2700 FINAL SUBDIVISIC PUBLIC REPORT FILE NO. 393' ISSUED: MARCH 1, 1977 EXPIRES: FEBRUARY 28, ' I I In the matter of the application of KAISER-AETNA a California general partnership for a Final Subdivision Public Report on MAP NO. 8362 RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA, UNIT NO. 4 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFD3NIA CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-1 8 This Report Is Not a Recommendation or Endorsement of the Subdivision But Is Informative Only. Buyer or Lessee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Report. This Report Expires on Date Shown Above. If There Has Been a Material Change in the Offerin! Amended Public Report Must Be Obtained and Used in Lieu of This Report. Section 35700 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that the practice of discrimir because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in housing accornrnodati against pub1 ic pol icy. Under Section 125.6 of the California Business and Professions Code, California real estate license( subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if they make any discrimination, distin or restriction in negotiating a sale or lease of real property because of the race, color, sex, religion, anc guilty of such conduct, he or she should contact the Department of Real Estate. or national origin of the prospective buyer. If any prospective buyer or lessee believes that a licen Information Regarding Schools can be found on Page five and six of this Report. READ THE ENTIRE REPORT on the following pages before contracting to purchase a lot ir SUBDIVISION. R/E Form 618 10176 0 0 SPECIAL NOTES THIS PROJECT IS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. IT INCLUDES COMMON AREAS AND COMPD FACILITIES WHICH WILL BE OPERATD BY AN INCORP3RATED OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTE- NANCE OF THE CObIMON ATiEAS M?D OTHER PURPOSES. YOUR CONTROL OF OPERATIONS AND EXPENSES IS NORMALLY LIMITED TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTA- TIVES TO VOTE ON CERTAIN PROVISIONS AT MEETINGS. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS AND BYLAWS, BY POSTING THEM IN A PROMIIRNT LOCATION IN THE SALES OFFICE AND BY FURNISHING YOU COPIES PRIOR TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. THESE DOCUMEIJTS CONTAIN NUMEROUS MATERIAL PROVISIONS GATIONS, AND COSTS OF MAI"\fTENANCE AND OPERATION. UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUrJIENTS BEF3YE YOU OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A LOT. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS AN IkTEREST 111 THE ESCROW COMPANY WHICH IS TO BE USED I1 COWECTION WITH THE SALE OR LEASE OF LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE EXACT NATURE OF THE SUBDIVIDER'S INTEREST IS SET FORTH IN THE ESCROW INSTRUCTION: WHICH ARE TO BE USED. TKE SUBDIVIDER OF THIS PROJECT WS IVDICATD THAT HE INTENDS TO SELL ALL O! THE LOTS IN THIS PROJSCT. HOWTVER, ANY OWNSR, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPER, HA: A LEGAL RIGqT TO LEASE THE LOTS. THE POSSIBLE EFFECTS ON TYE DE'JELOPXENT IF A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE LOTS BECOQ RENTAL PROPERTIES. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE CURRDJT WARD OF OFFlCERS OF TION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS, UTILITIES AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IMPORTANT TO THE BOAIiD OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR COMMON FACILITIES IN THIS SUBDIVISIOY. SINCE THE SUBDIVIDER STATES HE WILL NOT FURNISH T% SAID PLANS AND DIAGRAM: THE BOA9D OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOQJER ASSOCIATION SHOULD TRY TO OBTAIN THEM FROM THE CONTRACTORS WO WORKED ON THE PROJECT OR FROM THE CITY BUILD. ING DEPAR'MEFT. INTESESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specified lot, togetl with a membership in Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association and rights to use ccmmn area. LOCATION AND SIZE: This is the fourth increment, which consists of approximately 24 acres divided . 81 residential lots, in addition to the common area which consists of Lot 252, ( which community facilities consisting of a tot lot, slopes, park site, gazebos, basketball/volleyball area, and horseshoe pits will be constructed. This project now contains approxinately 93 acres and 316 residential lots. If ' total project is developed as proposed, it will consist of a total of five incrc ments and 418 residential lots, as well as common facilities consisting of two 1 sites, two gazebos, two tot lots, basketball and volleyball area, two horseshoe and landscaped slope areas. THAT SUBTANTIALLY AFFECT AN9 CONTROL YOUR RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLI- YOU SHOULD READ AND PRQSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SHOULD CONSIDER TYE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS, TO INCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCA- In the City of Carlsbad. -2- of 6 pages FILE NO. 3937' 0 0 There is no assurance that the total project will be cmpleted as proposed. _----^------__------_--------~~-~---------~---------_ _--l-------)_l------______f__l ------l----------l_-_I______ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION: must join, manages and operates the cmmn area(s) in accordance with the Restr tions, Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws. MAINTENANCE AND OPE8ATIONk EXPENSES: The subdivider has submitted a budget fc maintenance and operation of the cmmn areas when the subdivision is substanti cmpleted (built-out budget) and an interim budget. You should obtain copies c budgets from the subdivider. Under the built-out budget, the monthly assessmer against each subdivision lot will be $12.13. Under the interim budget, the mor assessnents per lot will be $12.81. According to the subdivider, assessments L the interim budget should be sufficient for proper maintenance and operation of canmn areas until the development is substantially cmpleted, at which time it anticipated that assessments will be lowered to conform to the built-out budget According to the budgets submitted by the developer, assessments will fluctuate each increment is annexed in the project, until completion. Assessments are ex The Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association, which to vary with annexations, from $12,81 to $12,13 per month, IF THE BUDGET FURNISHED TO YOU BY THE DEVELOPER SHOWS A MOPJTTIILY ASSESSMEN? FIGURE WHICH VARIES 10% OR MOBE FgOM THE ASSES3ENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THIS TERING INTO AN AGREERENT TO PURCHASE. PUBLIC REPORT, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE BEF3RE ?31- The association may increase or decrease assessments at any time in accordance the procedure prescribed in the Cc&Rs or Bylaws. In considering the advisabili decrease in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts attribut reserves for replacement or major maintenance. THE INFORMATIOV INCLUDZD IY THIS PUBLIC REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DA? OF ISSUAFJCE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AK EVEN IF ACCURATELY ESTIYATD INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES INCYEASE WITH THE AC OF FACILITIES A??D WITH INCREASES IN THE COST OF LIVING. Monthly assessments will cmmence on all lots (numbers 239 through 251 and 253 320) in this fourth increment upon the closing of the first sale of a lot. Frc time, the subdivider is required to pay the association a monthly assessment fc lot which he owns. The remedies available to the association against owners who are delinquent in payment of assessments are set forth in the CC&Rs. These remedies are availabl against the subdivider as well as against other owners. The subdivider has pos bond as partial security for his obligation to pay these assessments. The gove body of the association should assure itself that the subdivider has satisfied obligations to the association with respect to the payment of assessments befor agreeing to a release or exoneration of the security. - -I---_~-l------___-____l-------l--------I--- --_-__--_I_------_______________111_1----------------- EASEMENTS: Easements for utilities, drainage, tree planting and other purposes shown on the title report and subdivision map recorded in the Office of the San County Recorder, August 17, 1976, File No. 76-265382. -3- of 6 pages FILE NO. 3937 I 0 0 RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to restrictions recorded in the Offi the San Dieso County Recorder, June 22, 1976, File No. 76-193744 and Declaratic Annexation recorded DeceTSer 30, 1976, File No. 76-44 1221 , which include, among provisions, the following: No clotheslines, refuse contaiqers, or storage or clothes during areas shall be tained on any lot in a location visible from adjoining lots or parcels, except be permitted by the board.' No external television or radio poles, external antennae, external flag poles, clotheslines or other external fixtures other than those originally installed t Declarant or approved by the architectural camittee, if any, and any replaceme thereof shall be constructed, erected or maintained on or within any lot or the mon area. Certain of the lots within the development are being sold without the front yar thereof being landscaped. As to those lots, the first owner or owners of each shall landscape said front yards at his or their sole cost and expense, within (6) months after close of escrow, such front yard landscaping to be approved ir respects by the architectural committee. TAX ESTIMATES: you my approximate your taxes as follows: If the subdivider is unable to give you the current tax inforn TAKE 25% OF THE SALES PRICE, DIVIDE BY 100, AND THEN MULTIPLY BY THE TOTAL TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE FOR THE 1976/77 FISCAL YEAR IS $10,394. THE TAX RATE A!!D ASSESSD VALUATION MAY CHANGE IN SUBEQUENT YEARS. FOR EXAMPLE, ANY BONDED DEBT OR SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT APPROVED AFTER THE ABOVE TAX RATE KAI) BEEN SFT COULD INCREASE THE FUTURE RATE. CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a form of deed of trL note will be used. These documents contain the following provisions: An acceleration clause, This means that if you sell the property, the lender n declare the entire unpaid loan balance immediately due and payaSle. A mepawent penalty. This means that if you wish to pay off your loan in who1 part before it is due, you may be required to pay an additional amount as a per accordance with the terms of the loan. A late charpe. you may have to pay an additional amount as a penalty. PURCHASE MONEY HANDLING: an escrow depository until legal title is delivered to you. 11013.4(a), Business and Professions Code.) If the escrow has not closed on your lot within twelve (12) months of the date escrow instructions, you may request return of your deposit. ---_A_11---- GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 70, PROVIDES FOR LoCAI OFFICIALS TO EXERCISE PREVENTIVE MEASURES DURING GRADING TO ELIMINATE OR MINIK DAMAGE FROM GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SUCH AS LANDSLIDES, FAULT MOVEMENTS, EARTHQUAKE SI RAPID EROSION OR SUBSIDENCE. THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE SOEII This means that if you are late in making your monthly loan paj The subdivider must impound all funds received frcm J (Refer to Section: -4- of 6 pages FILE NO. 3937 0 e L. THESE HAZARDS MAY EXIST. SOME CALIFORNIA CX)lJNTIES AND CITIES HAVE ADOPTED ORD THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE AS EFFECTIVE IN TH", CONTROL OF GRADING AND SITE PFEPARA PURCHASERS SHOULD DISCUSS WITH TYE DEVELOPER, THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER, TKE EN HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED AND IF THERE HAS BEEN ADEQUATE COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 70 EQUIVALENT OR MORE STRINGENT GRADING ORDINAYCE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS VISION. FILLED GROUND: feet. vision of a state licensed engineer, -I SOILCOJDITIONS: An engineering report has been filed and included in the rep certain recmmendations. Subdivider has certified that he will cmply with th mendations of the engineer, that the purchasers' funds will be impounded in es and that no escrows will close until recommendations have been cmpleted. -___-- SEWAGE DISPOSAL: sewerage. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: able to this subdivision. SCHOOLS: District advises that the location and distance frm the most distant lot in t to the nearest schools serving this tract are as follows: GEOLOGIST, AND THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO DETERMINE IF THE ABDVE-MENTIONE' Some lots will contain filled ground varying to a maximum dept These soils are to be properly canpacted for the intended use under the Lots will be subject to a service charge of $3.00 per month Regularly scheduled public transportation service is n The Encinitas Union School District and the San Dieguito Union High Capri Elementary (K-6) , 94 1 Capri Road, Encinitas , approximately 4 miles ; Oak Crest Junior High (7-81, 675 Balour Drive, Encinitas, approximately San Dieguito High (9-121, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas, approximately 2-3/4 miles; 3-5/8 miles. Encinitas Union School District further advises that bus service is provided a trict expense to Capri Elementary School. San Dieguito Union High School District further advises as follows: Transportation is provided free for junior high students who live one mile or I school and for high school students who live two miles or more from the school is measured by the most direct public thoroughfare. At the present time, all school facilities of the San Dieguito Union High Schor District are extremely overcrowded. Over 20 portable buildings have been addei the past five years in order to keep up with the rising enrollment. The distr has nearly reached the point where the addition of more portable buildings wil place a severe strain on the permanent facilities such as gym and locker areas fields, restrooms, etc. The district opened a second high school in 1974. However, the base populatioi new homes and those scheduled to be completed in the future continues to resul overcrowded conditions. Portable classrooms have already been added at the ne1 in view of these circumstances. -5- of 6 pages FILE NO. 393' 0 e .. For the above-mentioned reasons, the San Dieguito Board of Trustees adopted a PI in May, 1972, calling on the developer to assist the district in providing faci for students generated from new developments. The developer of Rancho Del Pond1 Units 1 through 5 has provided such financial assistance to the district. In summary, the quality of the educational program in the San Dieguito District severely threatened by the continued influx of new homes. The district is curr studying alternative methods of housing the student overflow. - NOTE: of the public report. changes in school assignments, facilities and bus service. SHOPPING FACILITIES: This school information was provided by the school districts prior to is Purchasers may contact the local school district offices Shopping center is approxinately two miles from the subdi For further information in regard to this subdivision, you may call (213) 620-2 examine the documents at the Department of Real Estate, 107 South Broadway, Roc Los Angeles, California 90012. PP/klm -6- and last FILE NO. 3937 * . 0 e DEPARTlICNT OF REAL ESTATE OF TIIE - >-- ____ - +..- - -. ..”& ,__- .--_ ~ _....,.- I - - _,___ ~ . STET CF CALII.‘ORI\TIA Telephorie Nuiber (213) 620-2700 In the matter of the application cf FINAL SUBDIVISI( KAISER- ASTlu’A PUBLIC REPORT A California General Partnership FILE NO. 37472 ISSUED: JULY 15, 1976 AflS!\TDEr); DECFMBEFi 29 j 1 for a Final Subdlvislon Public Report on ElkP b!O. 8145 EXPIRES: JULY 14, 1981 (RAPiCllO DSL POIJDER3SA) UNIT NO. 1 SAN DIFGO COUNTY, CALIFOP,PJIA CARLSBAD T9ACT EIO. 73-18 This Report Is Not a Recommendation or Endorseinerit of the Subdivision But Is 1r.foriiiative Only. essee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Repmt Expires on Date Shoviii Above. If There Has Been a Material Change in the Offeri Amended Public Report Must Be Obtsined and Used in Lieu of This Report. Section 35700 - of ____ the California __ Health - and Safety Code provides that the practice of discrir because of rare, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in housing accommod? again st p~i b I i c po I icy. Under Section 125.6 of the California Business and Professions Code, California real estate licen subjcct to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if they make any discrimination, disl or restriction in negotiating a sale or lease of real 9roperty because of the race, color, sex, religion, a or national origin of the prospective buyer. I; any prospective buyer or lessee believes that a lic guilty of such conduci, he or she shouid coiifdct the Gepartrnent 01 8eal Estate. Information Regarding Schools an br found on Page 5 and 6. - READ THE ENTIRE REP@%T on the follovJiny pages before contractlng to purchase a lot SUBDl VI SI ON. RIE Form 618 -1- lOf7G e .. .~ .- a SPEC1 AS NOTES .I. .. . fT " I I!CL-IJfiZ S-~CQ!$.~~IJ !iRgiks .-j\l$D-^'co . -"._--".__l._. ... THI-,,-p-R6-JFcT . Is- -K -pLJi FA C1 ],IT1 E S Wtj~ GI3 1.U I2I3 AN ii.jc'3.L:poHA'xD om~is' RsaCIAryIop;. THE ASS]CIATION HAAS T !iSSESSSE!,iTS AGE %ST YOU Fill] Ij AIS% EiJ .&tj CE OF THE COTIIMON AYEAS AlJD OTHER P!JI3P3SCS. YOUR C3VTiiOL OF OP53ATIONS AID EXPENSFS IS NO ALLY LLMTTET, TO TXF WGHT OF YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO \[()'!'E C)p] csyy)Jpj PfiO\"q-SPC))!S !AT ?Egp.:GS. TI-IE DE?%OPE3 X!!? ST ED rHAT fE VILL P VIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE ARTICLE IN TYE SALES OFFICE AfXl BY SUWISHING YOU COPIES PRIOE TO CLOSE OF ESCiiOir!. Ti M Cu !,prJT;< Co r,JT A i ?,I !,,I u [,jEpJ US /,iiT 2 R I Ai p go VI S Io ;,j S THAT Su 8,TT AjjT I KjiY AFYi C;T A],j jj ( YOU5 3IGHTS 9 AND COSTS OF MUINTENMICE AND OPERA': YOU SFjarJLp? F,EAT) jJJD UF]DEF,STPLTTD TEESE D3Cs;$ErTTS Bs:f.'3P,E y3lJ @ELIC:C'Ty YOGHSELF T( PURCdASE A LOT. TYE SURI)T?!IDZ!? ST!iTST? UE !.!ILL rTJRYZS'! E!! CtrEP, T E3AW OF OFFIC3'3S @F THE OF It\JCORP33ATICF], 3E 'iicygjss, 2;;3 SyL T 3y F.3STI;iG T1I;Ei.f I1.j A PEI;a:jI:JEJJT L,a( Q7 PFIIVILEGES, USE 9 OSLIGATIONS , jjg!Fr\%,rt b,,~,d,'q[2jl f ? 7 ASFaCILrl[]p.J YJjZ glJILDx:;G PL,QJS, TO IrjcLEDS Di,Lysij/;)jS OF LgcjA'rIOpJ OF TS, IJTILITIES ArlO !?F,LATX DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IIPORTA?lT To THE mrm OF OFFICEYS 03 THOSK wiro ILL MANAGE 03 WAI~ COKE,!XQ.J FAcILmEs IbJ THIS SUBDlVISrOM. SINCE: TBE SUSDIVI!lEFI STP,TFS HF !:JILL ?TOT FU!?F!ISH TFTE SAID PLANS MID DIAG5PJ4S, T9E ROA3D OF OFFICE% OF TFiE i43C33VT3 AYXICIATIOW SI!OULD TRY TO OB?'AIN 'YldkM FRO:! T:-IE CSP?TSAz$RS \::-IO ',E?K% CtT TEE ?22:zC'T OP, F-yO).I THE z:TILDIi,'S J>Z:PA%'?E THE SUYIIVTDES 'rIAS AN ItJTSREST 13 TElC ZSCFi90I.J CQi.IPA!JY WHICH IS TO RE USED IPJ COp.Jp]~C'r~~p,J i;JITCj THE SALE 09 LTjAS3 (jF LOTS ipj TRIS ,?ijBDIVISIOfl. THE pjATu3E OF THE S1JRDIVIDU?'S INT?F,EST IS SST FC)FITIi IN THE INST!WCTIONS \fJ!ECii ARE TO BE USED. THE DEVELOPEX OF THIS PROJECT dAS IT,,3lICAT23 TYAT HE INTYIDS TO SELL ALL OF A LEGAL RIGF-IT TO LEASE THE LOTS. PROSPECTIVY PURCHASERS S-COULD CONSIDER THE POSSIRLF EFFECTS C)N THE DEVELOPt4"slJT IF A SUBSTA!ITIAL PO9TION OF T3E LOTS BECOME REMTAL PROPYRTIES . THE LOT^ IN THIS P~O JECT . ~01wm~ , RJY omm, INCLUDING TYE DEELOPEFI , HAS __._. INTFRESTS ____~_______ TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specified lot, togetiiei membership in Rancho Ponderosa FIorrieo;mers' Association and rights to use the commc LOCAT1Gi.j MI SIZE: This is the first incrennent, which consists of approximately 20 acres divided in'cc lots, in addition to the cormon area which consists of Lot 58, on which comnlunity facilities consisting of a yazebo, tot lot and landscaping will be constructed. ...- . - -..-,.... ~ .~- ~~ --. - -~---- - - ~ ,..- ~. ..._._-_.... ____ -_ .r .._.__ q m_ .. .. -... ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~~~.~~- .. .~-~ -... _.___. ....._. ~ In ihe Zit,y ol" Carlsbrid. If thc totzl ;2;\rejcnt 5% &:~~;elgi?c,4 y'" .AI 214 n~~:-zsp.j ,-- , t - t - ;.Ti .,--- 11 cng=i=?-. ,..- i ~ .~ of =_ t.nt.21 r,f five il and 413 lots, as well. as common facilities consisting of two park sites, two gazebo! tot lots , baske'cball and volleyball a:$ea, two horseshoe pits and landscaped slope a! There is no assurance that the total project will be cornplet,ed as proposed. -2- of G pates FILE Id0 ( Arncnd 0 0 __ _______ __ .____ ~._____ ___._.___________-__________.___ ____ __ __-_ ~___ _- __ll_ - - - - - - __ ____.__ __ ___ ___-__ - ______ Pi.:'--' The.-!?anc'ho- Ponderosa -H:~~e~vnei's' - Association ,--which yoi . , .. .. .. . , tes :;,he CO;;~~;O:: ZT~Z( S) in ZCC~~~ZKC~ i,Tii;h thc Restrictions! Articles of Incorporation and the 3y12:-:sf __ MAli?T'TEi..?j..i.!CE _______.____ AND 0PEF';A~IIOi:Ai. ~____ -..- : The subdivider has subrnitted a budget for r and operation of the cmmn arcas ::ken thz subdivision is substantially co~pleted f rorn the subdivider. Uncier the built-out budget, the i?!onf;hiy assess:iietit agahst [ subc'.ivision, ?~t, is $12.12. . CT~dzr the interim hurl~et, .* the m3nthly as,3ess:w;?ts 1 will be $22.45. According to the s!uhc?ivider, assessaents under the intellin buc should be suffiei-cnt for proper r~lntenanee md qeration of the comzon ,?yea wt. ioprnent is substantially cwipl?'ied, at which time it riay be anticipated tl rit.s will be I..mgwg~ tc. cgnfom to the kc5lt-ssk hudazt. (built-out bud%et} and an interiin budset, You should obtain copies of these budgt - Purchasers of lots in the first incremtmt will be assessed only $13.50 per month 1 the su.bdivider iPiF11 subsidize the project and has made financial arrangeTents by 1 the sal5 of the first lot in the secoqd Fwrerrent or on March 1, 1977, whichever OCC1Ji"S. According to the budgets submitted by the developer, asssessments xi11 fluctuate each increment is annexed in the project until conpletion. Assessnents are expec a bond ta gijqrzntee that pgr.:'c;asers ' ;ys:;t?>l;; asscss.-qz:qt,s :~i1l not cxcee:! $l3.5(2 g.! At that tine, purchasers will be assess& their Pd.1 share of the budget JL" ,,ar,y \~,iJLi, a~l,,e,,~i;ic~,!is, Thz 2ssoziation ma:; inzrz~~ CY c'ecrease ~sess?~ents at an,!! ti22 i? accorila~e ~i *--.-- AT-! l!C --.. .---.^ L1- L- A?- 1- -.-.- .-.-L-4.TL. I l.U!'l ,113. 9;) VEi. iliiiliili blJ .>)IC. LC PC1 LilUIlb.1. the pi'oCeciiJ.rt': prescribed ijI ti112 L,,,Y?s OCo or Cy1zi;rs. In considerins tL;e ~dvisabillty decrease in asszssnents, czre shoul.! be t&er, not to elininit? .~?olints =ctt,rihut,=lb reserves for replacement or major mai2tenmce. THE IPJFORI~IATION INCLiJDZD 111 TSIS PUTLIC 8EPClRT IS APTLICACLE AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUAblCE. FZPEI.JS!L? OF ClP9.5ATIOt.! AYE QIFFICIJLT TO PFiEDICT ACCUFATTLY AIJD EVE31 IF ACClJr!ATELY ESTIYATFD IlITIALLY , V9ST EXPEi:!SES INC9SEASE IdIT3 THE AfE OF FACILITIES AND WITH INCREASES IiJ TYE COST OF LIVING. Monthly assessmnts will comence on all lots (1 through 57 and 59 through 63) on first day of the monYn following tkc ~mkh i;? :;h?lzh thc szlz of thc first lot tc? purchaser is closed. From that tlve, the subdivider is required to pay the assoc: a monthly assessrnznt for ea.& lot vihich he 07.;Tns. The rsnedies amilable to the zssociaL_i.on against owners who are deiinquent in tn payment of assessments are set f0rt;l.i in the CCScRs. the subdivider as ;re11 as against other 3:iners. The subdivider has posted a bond partial security for his obligakion to pay these assessments. The governing body the association should assure itself that the subdivider has satisfied his obliga to I'Z 1 Vi' exaj*,ci-z'L~Gi~ 3if ::is sec.drii--~-. -. - - -- - .---- - ..~ - '-_~-...- ...... ~ ___. ~- .,... - .-,. - - - .. .~_~~~ ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~- ... . ~~~-~.. -~ ~ .~. . . ,__ .~. . . - - .-- ~ ~ These reriledie..; are available association with respect to the rayrnent of assessments before agreeing to .I __-~ __.-___________ ~~___ _______---____ ___ _______.._____-_.______ ~ ..________..______________________________----------- ___ -_---- ~__-- -3- of 6 pclzes FILE h!O. ( Ayend x e 0 ______ EASFWX:NTS: Exsements for utilities, draiiiaee, tree plantin3 and other purposes : shown on the title report md subdivision nap recorded in the Office of' the 5an 1): n. 7 Co~!!it)r ?,ecorder, July 15, 1975, _r lie IT0 ' 75-182895. --I-.-. - -- . . ,. . ~-- ~ -~----.- .- -.---.--.. - -- - --.---- ~. --~.--.~ . . .,.. -._._. .__-.___._. ___ ___ ____.. ...- __ ._______._. -,,- ..., .~ ___,_._ ~ ___. _______ SES?'RICTIGi>!'. __ : TtiiS ~!jijdi\~fL~~L~~n is siibjei.', to r.es:;r-.ict,io!-!s :r:ecolyjed til t.!?p Offlee the Sail Diego CoilntjT !3eCCiiq,5Zr, Jiln:. 22, 1975, as File IJo. 75-1937'iQ; 2nd neelarat Annexalion rleeorded De~~tibe~ 10, 1976, File I:o - 76-hlt703, idii2h inCIiJc?e, amoiig 0' provisl.cs!?s I the folloihiin?; Ilo clotheslines, refuse containers, or storagz or clothes 5rying areas shall he ma on aiiy lot in a location visi.ble frm a",oinin!; lots or parcels, except 2s may be by t3:e b0.2-2. 1u0 ext,e.rna?, tele-i.iisi~n o~ radi12 ~9le.s~ s;-;terfial antefinae, e:.:teri-;.a: flaz poles, ?X clotheslines or other external fixtures a,thzr than Lhose origiiiallj: installed by D cr approved by he archiiectur.al 50 it,i;~e . if my, and any i~epl~.cei-fiel~t thei-eof s'ci,, be constructed, erected or maintained on 0; r.iithin any lot or the cornrnon area. Certain of the lots within the developlnat are being sold '\Lil L"L,i<j ,.;, lan&-c-z,p2i. 4.: tp L1- !d:Ju'Iz - - - ;,>ts ;!-!e sirst o;.inej- si- 0 scape said frcnt yards at his or. their scle ccs5 and ex??!? clove of escmv!, such fro!i'L yard lnnds~a~lrig 50 be approved in all Yesgects bjT tlie architect u ra 1 c ormi t t e e. ___ TAX - -_- EXTl~lA'T?~: - .- - .-- _ ma.y approxi-?ate your isxes as r^oliows : X1 -. .. If the subdiviier is iinab1.e to give you the current Lxx inf'oripi~itioi mn L*JL:; 7- 25% or TlIE ,?AL?:S ?RICE, 91y 2y lQ2, .LA::? T[:::;: yu!,TIpLy 3-f T'iE 1375;77 FISC;\!- "EA.? 1;3 $16.39;;. 7-- 1"1 !Ai TiiX 3[i.r-7. -.-- - "7 - 1-- -- i~i; i~i 5.q~: r'~ T IhL 1P T i A:< RATS A;(:: j!SS'iSSi-JD :]*4,L[:&T A&-: ::'l:.::SE 11: S:;RSE:J[jE:JT YEAJ5. FOF~ EXIIYPLT;:, PJY 33r1~~ ~EBT n? ,AA!> T)IST?IC'r ASS?,SS:4E>IT A.PPRO\TED AFTER THE A39V3 TAX TIAT5 Fiji;? %E?\! SST SO'V'LD IXC3EAS3 T?E FUTUFtE 3bn. If your purchase involve's financing, a form of deed of trus'c ___ CONDITIONS --~___ OF - - _- SALE: - will be iused. These docuwnts contain Lhe ?allowing provlsions : ___-_________.___ An acceleration claiise. ___ the entire unpaid loan Sslance i!-?ze.diately due and pay3hlp. A ~re~~~~,~~~t-~~~~~~-. Thjk rieans that if you VJis'n to pay off your loan in whole o part before it is due, you may be required to pay an additional amount as a penalt: This rieani; that if YOU sell the property, the lender may .-. ,~. 7 ::,~(y$;?~~ $1. ;;;; b:]:; >:;: \,, VIlU .L\,- .I ' .. . ... . .L.. . . . -.. l..." ,..,, ,. .. ,_ . ... ,-,, i r,w i ,-;: .-> .,I,> , __ A late ___ - ch;lT..Te. -_ -.- - ~1a.y haije to p2-y an arjditirjnal a~~:~;~? 3s a nc' p ,ac. I' L. +- "17. This romfls that i.f ys!~ ape late in raai:in? you-r i:ionthly loail papen' PURC!-IAS13 MOWY HAFlDLIFK : The subdivider iwst impound all funds received from you escrow deposltnry until legal. title is delivered to you. 1101?.2(a)> Rusin.es.s 2nd Profzssions Code,) If the ewrnw has not cl-osed on your I.ot wj~thin tweIve (i2) nonths or^ t3e date of escrw, you my reyues1; reiurti of your' deposit. __ - - - - _- __ - - _~_ - -._ - - - (BeTer Sections 11013 an -4- of 6 pages FILE NO. (Amended . ~ . . ~~ ~.. . .~ e 0 GFOL,()Cl:T (; Q)p,]!) 'r!$K upJT)~;j?rj ~$\J~!,~j~j~;~ CQDE PiiBiTRy 79, pH3lJ1!>ES ~JJ? LOCI' __---- --.---._-- > L'' J1'- I L '. OFF1 Cl: A\ ,S 'YO tdC (IRAD1I:G TO Eld [~VIIA'I"K 02 IMPNCb -. - . . .-. . - .D Pi! 4A5 5: 1.' ! ii3 M. GEO I,OG I C F? A Z 4 9 DS ,?'ti r,il TJDSLIDES, .FlillLT F~O'JE?XlKS 7 EA3T'HQ;J i Y/pJl? E:y:)SIT)t\i 03 WY3Ir)l3JU{. TFi;l Ts Lc)!:/i,Ti'i) IisJ ji1.i ,fij<i<i\ i2Kjc,ql TIIESE I-IAZnlrllIS MAY 43XLS'T. SOM? C4LIFldY~!I~4 UlLJi4'Ut.:S AND CI'YLES 'rlP,VE A1)3P'ri<i) 981 'TLjA'I' pq/.-y OR [@\Y '\JQT 913 F;s TFp>Ec'-;I\fz Ip; Tqz ca> OL OF: G?,ADI!',,iG ,';pi9 Sl'rK PREPkfii pU'$~;ip~E'~Ly SHOii';,]> T.Tc.c.,,"rn lirn'l rnl. ni7llnr TiiE E. GEOi,Owsi , AL~U i tip> IAJLU ~?GLLI)NL UP ricikLS TO ~x, L'WYJLI~L ir I nc A,KJVWT,I~I ;LWZ KTZ, C$,:pL?-,;"~1< q'jq ~qfiyww? 7: IJJ.~L[JX> \.JJ. L rl j i& JIG u c;GPER ? THE DE:/ZLOFE~~ ' 3 Ei.JGi!XEE, T.-?,.- ...- ,-.-. ~ r ^_"_ -.--. __..^ -..._--- ------.,-..- -- ?- ... ? _-l_l_ .-,_,--^_-- ijE1P.j; THE CQXSTSUCTIGM 07 y:Xi2 . FI.LLED--G?O.UiLTD: .- Sone lots will contain filled r;round vwjring to a naximum de; feet. These soi1.s properl.y co:~p=_ct,c~? f~r the in.tpr?d;.d ~.*e ~~~der the si~yer-~rl a state 1-icensed engineer. __ SOIL __ CO!.IDITIOI;S - __ __ : An engiiie?i-hg repoint has been filed xhich indicates soil i.: 2nd s!~SS. 151 th t,he r\~~i~fi:~? d-, . the ergineer , that the pr.i!qcilaset22 ' "unds tjill be impoui?decl i!? escrox, atid tha.1 escroiis will C1.0SC until. recomendations 'nave been completed. af-l,ri ~~-~~'~~j<~& in t;-ie rf2pGi-t ai-e cei-tZii-1 sti-;Qctijl?al iq?cO1 jid 2 t if2 j?s in el. 2 t <--<e i; 0 .q. > ,. . . Sij.hdi,v?-der h2.s IEP~X IEC L~ZL X? \.;ill COC,~ 2. . Lots .&ll be ti^ -..>- <--L ,c,.u to 2 service chai-ge of' $9 i 3 *uLJ nn per ----&!- ltl'"'ilL,,i _.____ ___ - - . s~:,,J(xi?~%~,~. -.- P1J'd - ,Ti: - .-- 'T'qAI~SPOFITA',"TC)M - - __ - - - - -- - __ : available to this subdivision. ?eyjl-=irly schediil.ed public transportation service is 1 __- SC.RQ?-L.S-:- - The ?n~!itlika~ lJTjiotpi S:C\?~I^J~ Eist:c.ict 2nd the Sa2 Dier;;~~ito ;'i?iofi IIiqli Dint;rict, a,<.,: VL,3x- -0 &'a,.+. bl,31, the loza'igy a?? dist,c;nce fyc; thc ;n,o~t di,yt;i~?, lo!; in ti to the nearest, school-s serving t3is tract are as fOl19kJS: Capri Y1emrnl;wy (K-5) , 941 Capri goad, approximtely 11 niles; Oak Crest Junior illgh (7-8), 57'; Blow Drive, approximtely 2-3/4 miles San Dieguito High (9-12), approxiTately 3-5/8th miles. Enci.nita.2 TJnion School District fur'iher advises t1mt bus service is provided : exyense to Canri Elementary School. __.-_- San Die~riito -6 __ ... - __-- Urlion _.__ --Au- Fiilrh Sc'nmi - ____ _- District __ -_ -~ _.____ further __ __ __ advises _~_ _~_ __ __ as __ - follows' .. _--I . . . . ... . . . __ _. . __ _" , . .._- . . . ~, .. . .. ~ . . - _~. . . . . . . .. . . -,: -.~ In: -i7 "L>:.Jp,;m+-m --hr, 7 ;\r,,> .n r-7 1 <l ,I,- l,.", ""j2L LJ"yllUl>',"*J .,,.L.d LL"d .> la.?.-, >r.-.--?.J--+4 ,-.>- L E ...-,-,-,- --.A i-..r,.,n L'n:q I I Cil :\J;J\JI biibLiJJI L.., ~JL V v L..IGU I : LL I iii schoo.~ and for high school stij.42n.t.s ~5o live two rnj.1.e~ or more ?row t,he scboo' I ~rleage is T----,---~ At the present time, all school facilities of the San Dieguito Union High Schc are ex+;rexely overcro~.,rded. Over 20 port3ble buildings have been added in the yezcc; iir! order to iceen .- ~ln vitk the ?-$six - e!?rollment. The district has nwrl: the point where the addition of wre portable buildings will place a severe s' prmnent, faci1.i~tie.s s:ich as zvx an.3 1 ncirer areas, PR Yields, r-estrxms, etc. ,,Ud>,Jl C" bji the rai-js'i direc'i ,p,,L.: ic <.--- ,x<-!- Ul r.- L;lW Ou~!,fare. h/ . -5- of G p?rra~ ti0i.L) FILE NC) (Amendl 0 0 .x Tne District opened a second h5@ school in 19714. However, the base populati from new hoines atid those szheduleci to be colyleted in the future continues to result ii? o\iei-cj-G,<,-jed co1;ditiofis. poi-table classrooms have alrea;i:,i \leeji adde -.. ~.. ... ... . ..~ .. at the ne~q sci?ool in -view of ';!lese ct:;i-cupjst,ances~; .,-. , - - -- - , . ----.----_-- - - .- L --..-. .--.--- n For thc aiiovti-::gntlmec! rexo?~, the ;>a:? Jlieguito 99:ixj of Trustees adolitzd 3 policy in Wy, 1972, calling o:-i ti?? dewloper to assist the district ii? prmvi facilities for students generated fron ne:.! devel.oprnents. The developer of' 9ar;cjio 921 I'ondEyosa V;.,j-ts 1 thr.-.,I.-lT uwgii C: J 17-c IIL-IL) --ovid& pi such financial Zssistanec the district. In strl?!!l..ry, t.h? qU?.lity Clf the pd12.c .:on21 yrogr..! i!? the Sin Df531-I.if9 Distri st;xjp;,lz alternative y;::2';:2=d.s =f ::o\:sinq :+e stu.ient oyerflo:.:. cevere1.y threztened by ';!?e contime i!?flux .if !m howr,. The District is CL: .i _-._ FIX": This school i:?forinat,io;? :.;zs p;-cvirie:! by tLx sehool di.stricts prior to issuance of the public report. Purch.isers may contact the local school distr offices for any change:; i-i sc'mal as,5iS.iiaents I fwilitie:: and hrls service. c: ,!- v w LL 1rhrT: T-TCS . ~1,-,,---~ 1 !I".L'.J L ;. .L. J.2 . 'ii I" sun D D - - __ __ - ._- - 'JII".' L ____ For fur'cher inFomatiori in re,<x? kc, ",is .~:ibdi-~~isiori, ya~ z~y call (21.3) 625 examine the docil;.~?!its at IC7 So~tli ~~-GZ<::?>T, Foorfi $135, Los Ar,g:eles , iz2lifori: PP/ai.i -6- and last FILE F; ().mer .. . . . .. - .~ , . . , ..~.~. - .. . .. . .~ - . .. . . . . .. .. . . ..,. .-.. I.. . .. --. .. - ~. _.__ __ HAGENAN _.__ ___ -__- H1EL-D ___ -I_- -____ MEA C ~ALgf- ___- _PALE-- i -+-- ’/ +P ___. L END ____._ E R - ZANDER ___ -_ 1 ____-_- __ /I - r * 0 $f3d ~ -- TEL ‘711 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSSAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 -- I ’?-: citp of CwrTdR3B 3-p ~- ““C&jy-Ea city OF‘ CARLSBAD F1annin,p Department December 20, 1976 ?EC,. i 1976 Nancy C. Schultz 2404 La Macarena Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mrs. Schultz: Your letter requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of El Camino Real and Olivehain Road has been forwarded to this office. Since all three legs of this intersection are under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego, we are forwarding your request to their Department of Transportation. Thank you for your interest in traffic safety. Very truly yours, .4 --flq>r /L// 6 ?.Jk.L/.: cr r’ .? .-</”-/ Kent A. Whitson Assistant Civil Engineer KAW : ms cc: Donald A. Holmes ! Dept. of Transportation San Diego A @ @ -.. t 8&,B ) P?: - ~~ _______ ~~ - t?$ - CdJ C %k2pz7r ?Jr uy&- AHA.)- ; 3 mW-J-7 & r) d&J&A J && PwdY- A &c?i.--”d-.p 4L a+T-U-.r Y4 &dL &*Y--&*+ - ~ -.#A 2&/ 7t&=&+m -A+ JZuL?d /4-4d+&--p 1 -ZL& AHh Av - J e:”-? dl+& -1 - /Pa I A& dJAAA %”z diu 2 -+ OL&Pdd OUUAA ’- , m-m +?Wd& =-&%$ 1 Yd- WAU p9-pL * qp &JL Jwf;tcze &%& .-L3 - b--z: &M & & L?/ 622 4a -4!L -w A’ &MALP--J d-4-f-J 4- w-+ 4k- 4 &Bum/ - -__ k&”+ J scLC@Je, 2-7 %I ;7 Ud 3 b8 l. /4LAL-& DEE 13 1976 3 ?%I f & h-44 CITY OF CAFLSE,!!~ UWd J ebf 7 Flmrri ng Eepari;nti,r '1 *'t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ib c IMPROVEMENT AGREEmNT DATE OF AGREEMENT: NAME OF DEVELOPMENT: Carlsbad Tract 73-18 Unit No. 3 (Rancho NAWE OF SUBDIVIDER: Kaiser-Aetna, a California PartnershiD ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT: $204,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF MONUMENTATION: Ponderc $7,169.00 TIME LIMIT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMPLETION: 12 months PARTIES: The parties to this agreement are the City of 91 10 11 12 13 11 Carlsbad, California, a Municipal Corporation of the State c California, hereinafter referred to as CITY; and the subdivi named on Line 3 of Page 1 hereof, hereinafter collectively r to as SUBDIVIDER. 16 17 18 19 21 *O I 22 23 24 Carlsbad Tract 73-18 Unit N (Rancho del Ponderosa) WHEREAS, SUBDIVIDER proposes to construct street and ot public improvements in connection with said subdivision as r by the Carlsbad Municipal Code and as hereinafter provided; City of Carlsbad to be known as WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 20.16 of the Carlsba Municipal Code provide for an agreement containing certain provisions as hereinafter set out: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promis the parties hereto agree as follows: 25 I I 28 1 29 NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties hereto follows: 1. SUBDIVIDER agrees to ccmplete all improvement work in 30 31 32 1 accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Engineer, including all improvements required by the Mun Code which were not specifically waived by the Planning ( a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9l '*I 11.1 E ~ I 13 1 141 15 I 1 l6I 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 m II) or City Council in approving the subdivision, plus any a( improvements required by the Planning Commission or City as a condition of approving the subdivision. The condit imposed by the Planning Commission or City Council are ii ated here by reference and made a part hereof as though set forth . 2. SUBDIVIDER shall furnish to CITY good and sufficient imp security on forms approved by CITY, in the amount of 100 said amount stated on Line 4 of Page 1 hereor to assure performance of this Agreement, and in the additional amo 50% of said amount stated on Line 4 of Page 1 for securi payment to the contractor, his subcontractors and person equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for t improvements required to be constructed or installed her and shall deliver or pay to CITY a bond or cash deposit amount stated in Line 5 of Page 1. hereof guaranteeing th of setting subdivision monuments as required by law. 3. The City Engineer or his duly authorized representative, request of SUBDIVIDER, shall inspect the improvements he agreed to be constructed and installed by SUBDIVIDE4, an determined to be in accordance with applicable City stan shall recommend the acceptance of such improvements by C 4. Any changes, alterations or additions to the Improvement or improvements, not e: eding ten percent (10%) of the estimated cost of the ,)rovement, which are mutually ag upon by CITY and SUBDIVIDER, shall not relieve the imprc I security given for faithful performance of the improvcmc the event such changes, alterations, or additions cxcecc percent (108) of the original estimated cost of thc imp1 SUBDIVIDER shall provide improvemcnt security for faithf performance as required by Paragraph 2 of the Covenants in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the total estim; -2- I k 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 111 12 ' I 13 14 I 15 ?P @ cost of the improvement as changed, altered, or amcnclcd any completed partial releases thereof as allowed by tht Subdivision Map Act. 5. SUBDIVIDER shall guarantee such improvements for a peric one (1) year following the completion by SUBDIVIDER and acceptance by CITY against any defective work or labor c or defective materials furnished, in the performance of agreement by SUBDIVIDER. In the event that SULDIVIDER fails to per€orm any oblig< hereunder, SUBDIVlDER authorizes CITY to perform such 01 twenty (20) days after mailing written notice of defaul SUBDIVIDER at the address given below, and agrees to pa: entire cost of such performance by CITY. 6. I' I 7. In the event that SUBDIVIDER fails to perform ai?{ clblig; I /I hereunder, SUBDIVIDER agrees to pay all costs and ex7enz I 16 17 l8 I 19 1 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 incurred by CITY in securing performance of such obligal including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. SUBDIVIDER hereby binds itself, its executors, administi and assigns, and agrees to indemnify and hold CITY harm from any losses, claims, demands, actions, or causes of of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way c with the improvements agreed to be constructed and jnsL; hereunder by SUBDIVIDER, including costs of suit and re; attorney's fees for a period of one (1) year following 1 acceptance of said improvements by CITY. 3. Said CITY shall not, nor shall any officer or employce I be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damic happening or occurring to the work or improvcments spcci in this agreement prior to the completion and acceptancc same, nor shall said CITY, nor any ofiicer or employee t he liable for any persons or property injured by reason work or improvements, but all of said liabilities shall -3- , ' 1. <.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a e assumed by said SUBDIVIDER. Said SUBDIVIDER further agrc protect said CITY and the officers thereof from all liabj or claim because of, or arising out of, the use of any pa or patented article in the construction of said improvemc 9. It is further agreed that said SUBDIVIDER will at all tin the acceptance by the City Council of the streets and/or 7' 8 ments, offered for dedication in said subdivision up to t completion and acceptance of said work and improvements I: Council, give good and adequate warning to the traveling 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23{ 24 1 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 improvements herein agreed to be performed each of said s and/or easements not accepted as improved shall be under charge of said SUBDIVIDER for the purposes of this agreem and said SUBDIVIDER may close all or a portion of any str whenever it is necessary to protect the traveling public the making of the improvements herein agreed to be made. SUBDIVIDER hereby agrees to pay for such inspection of st and/or easements as may be required by the City Engineer City of Carlsbad. . SUBUIVIDER ayrees to complete said improvements within th limit specified on Line 6 of Page 1 from the date hereof. is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that event it is deemed necessary to extend the time of comple the work contemplated to be done under this agreement, sa extension may be granted by the City Council and shall in way af€ect the validity of this agreement or rcleasc the . or sureties on any bond given for the faithful perforinancl this agrccment. -4- ., .. 1 2 3 4 51 I 6 7 81 9 10 I-1 I 12 I 13 14 15, , 16 17 18 19 2o I 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 * 30 31 32 * c e Kaiser ketna, a California partn OWNER arcia, its duly aut1 as OWNER CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Munici Corporation of the Slate o Gal i fornia BY .4 ._- -- L;/ Msi: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COlJNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) , in the yea On this \ before me ?he undersiqnea, a iuotary Public in and for saia personally appeared Paul D. Bussey, known to me to be the C Manager of the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of State of California, known to me to be the person who execu within instrument on behalf of said wnicipal corporation, acknowledged to me that such City of Carlsbad, California, the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ) ss. day of becte-ber CI 4h ------CC-Sr zITu-rp-PPeur-*-.--~/ -+ Notary Pub1 ic a@--@- APPROVED AS TO FORM: i d i Vincent F. Biondo, Jr.' City Attorney (Notarial acknowledgement of execution or owner5 must be at -5- STATE OF California 1 COUNTY OF Orange ) ) ss. , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in on December 2, 1975 and for said State, personally appeared Elias John Garcia known to me to be the duly authorized agent of all of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said partnership and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 4 OFFICIAL SEAL I .*8*QO*Z*9**Cv****+*+~+.+v~~~- DIANE D. COFFIN : t 4 + Q 4 * \s I agu DUaLIC CALtFORNtA i QkANCE COUNTY My Comrnisslon Expires Apr 1.1977 o Signature * 4 ,,i .brls******4*4***4*4*~*4444~~4 4 i 4- r (9’. <// I ’ - q-#F-t cc ;-c D;tane D. Coffin (Notarsdl Sed) e* .. . 0. * *. * .. *. ,. .: ,* , ~ .. .I [?I- 1- c<- a . 4. p&j5- L2 -- u-u --..pj 4'..-.,- 1 <.; I'r v,.,\.,q 2, .+q 7 K I*. * ,. . . . ., *. .. !. 1-U*--.A .. rnCo w. OPEENLAW PIEUIDLNT . .. Elins John Garcia . Subject: Delegation of Authority .. pursuant to Sectj.ons 6.5.G and G.G of the Kai.scr Etna Partncnsllip ~y~:-ecmcnt cIatecI YUI~ 9, 1969, ;IS amended, and Section' SIX Of the Iiii-tial DcLegation nnde pursuant thereto, X hexeby Gelegate to you the follos.:i.ncj power ,and authority subject only to the limitations 1. To prepare and execute applications to appropriate governmental bodies for licenses, perinits and approvals :IS may' be necessary . . to governinental bodies having the power of cfainent -dolnainl and - . further, to make applications to city and county authorities for zoning, zoning variations, and changes in zoning, and make . application' arid sign maps for preliminary and final parcel or' subdivision maps. ' 0' To- enter into and execute, on beh.alf of Kaiser Et.nar*all docu- ments' rcquired for processing subdivision agreenents and in-' demnity agreements for amounts not in .excess of $100,000; but onlY in Connection with the developncnt of residential. housing of all types by Ponderosa Eiornes i. . expressly set forth hereinafter: -. : .. - .- -. and approFriate and, .further, to grant easelnents and licenses Division of X2liSP-l" ztna. Provided only that the forego?-ng authority sl?a11 be executed only in connection with the assets and affairs pertaining to the projec of Kaiscr Xtna .known as Ponderosa iiomcs and provided , further, thz .you shall not enter i.nto any contract, acjree~~ent or undertakinq, * inc;l.udi.ng , v~ithout 3.iinitation , a11 subdivision bonds or app1icatj.c to city, county or state authorities by which the patners11ip Knir . ]~tna or any partncr is subjected to possihlc claiins and vhich are. iiot' e>:pressl.y limited to the assets or' thc partncrship except:. coni . involving lcss than $50 ,000 anc3 v:hich c:.:pi.rc in less than twelve inonths and which are in thc oxdinary course of business of the ' ponc~erosa ~iorn.~.s project; provided , furtl-lcr, that all contracts in e>:cc:;s of $5,000 and not on Kaiser .;C'ina forms shall- have pxior ap pxoval of counscl.. .. .. Jc7-i 1; '.",/:,r 5 *(. i, , / ' fi -.; */ Dntcd: April 28, 1975: /--' e~ I_ .- Yrcd \*; . Gl:cC~n.Law prcsiGcnt and C11icf Exccutivc: 0ffj.cc ' @~;~)ir 0 . cc: : ]I G. Gal1 CIW;~~ ' I<. G. snydcr .. I ;I. \J, 'A.'c!lnp.lc .. w .a .-. . 11 9 . , .. /I, KTIU vvr CaSL*Sukf" .. .. . i .. .. . '-..in. ' .- . .,. . * - . * . .. \ .. Elini; Jokm Gzrcia subject: Daleg;xtion of Authority . .. . -.- -.. .s - - .\. ..-...,-. - .. . _. I .. -. . puxEwfik t-0 Secticns i;,S-G sn3. 6-6 of thil-! KZ~SP-X EkiIa Pzrtnership - Agrcg&qent dcted Jt:l>? 9,' 196'3, ZX3 ZJBZndC?f!i .r:zd s<:cki<>T; XIT of the znitial ~elegakPon mse pursuant ~SI~TQ~O~ i hereby deler;~tte to you the fc~>alcjwing ~XCT zn.3 a-il"thoriw: 1, kiada far ~~~~di~isi~n~ r~f ~&e fiaiz~r Zen=.: p~~~'jcict K~XRJTI ag ponde;c~sa ssi~es; k€?mT of: 24 mrl#Ei c7z hnger, 90 enter iilea ~jid 2i:Pcute s&di~isi~n bstids of ab1 ,. j :--:.I IP*,*;-1 ?* -..* The r;Sdivisian b~~ci;E;.~l;iy be far ry .. . <- Y,.;(/ .. --x f -- ^._ --..= './ jib L-- - .L ,.,.--- 6 pateti: lJov€?;ni2c?Y 4 8 l97S A / -. , ... . . . 0 ... K. Til2 "ec pmreaidwt azd C~~,L.E xr;ucut,iV<< Offi.cl :\ .. 4.. KTS: Ax .... cc: . 32. E& cz.lloway , , 4. 5- . Kr G, SnyGr-r . .. . ..I,$ *. .L. c'c&ey. . . . . . . . , . .. . .. . .. I .. . et * e ....... *. .. . I.. . ~(tc ilp(~upv ~<ui~~~r:<<~, W,A~:.ER cctacrn, OAKI.AUO. CALICO~V<IA b4< .I . .. . . .. _- I. - n e e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELi (714: CARLS3AD, CALiFORNlA 92008 citp of Carl5fiab October 22, 1976 Ponderosa Homes 2082 Business Center Drive Suite 100 Irvine, California 92667 Attention: Ron Shackleford SUBJECT: Sidewalks, CT 73-18, addendum to June 11, 1976 letter Gentlemen: In addition to the difficulty of meandering sidewalks in areas with only 10 ‘ right oE way behind curbs, we are having equal difficulty with meandering sidewalks in areas where driveways are located (within the 14.5’ of right of way behind curbs). Thsre is not enough room to obtain the desired effect for the meandering sidewalks, too much conf:_ict with driveways and utilities, and no sid,walk to step on for persons exiting from parked vehicles. Therefore, in all areas with more than 10’ of right of way behind curbs and with no conflict with driveways along that street, meandering sidewalks will be required as shown on the improvement plans. Very truly yours, -. - -_ ., Tim Flaaaqan fA i-2 City Engineer TCF : KAW : ms 7T - .1 I, dn-7 i YF Enclosure: June 11, 1976 letter c I-r’j: 3 F C/4;: ;.-.3 5 q D I 31 ! $, 1173 2 3 35 > ‘If mt: v :- I”-. ’ cc: Rick Engineedng SDG&E; PT&T Olivenhain County Water Dist. Russ Morrison/Can Groth -Planning Director > . 0 9 JXZ~ XIt L936 "rorj&r'.3I3a gi(=.rss 2032 3uslr,e23 Co3t:zr 3rf- SZZk 100 Ir~hs, CA 92867 Attsnti~n: Zcq~ Sk:dc!:Pe ford a -. ,. s"'ti>+%.t: ri&?g&?Js, CT. 73-18 ,yc* 1 + ? e k... - . V,.f -2. --..=?I: .-. uce to E:a e.iffLca;tlr of ~:~>:~~~~~~iq ~~~~~+:~>;~ 1G' of ri~-P,t of X~YJ .. r;zzi.n< czr5s# -gas sre E<;T:S& ';,'?st in +2-zle~e zr.2~~~ si&:,;zzrg yflx 3a ccn+icdc;.z_c t- f-25 1s ell zzezs b*ith 33re .t-LFiz~ lof d5%% of *-;q ,. ss-.iie c~zk, k-.a13;s W.-'Ef f;e r2-&?zrj 2s 5?;2-&.3 on %-~r~~~z~2~ c:93s, La s;-c-,as .:+i",h ~_p\17 y;;?t~~=~t~it <>= 525 ii<=y ::>~.E.e:pg ;4L:~,9~>r~ s. sap &2d e>e=%yis fa.&li",ic-s, ke ~~-- cl_ 3 r e"_c * I &---.Lp.gAc >e -=~-.=.~---- 7 .--La$ faziLi"=;--.E i ~;~'~u~~ x-.=-c.- LA - - =. -- LC -..=A&.aL-u i e .* i ,. c.T.:~ -- 7 en e.-=? r*c..-: ec.P.flic'P, ylth tfiis cy co e r>.y;>??cz* -- \ ,&*T y-:-t:;y y.s::.s, " z- F! >,l<L:?*.q - d.5 I r-; - _*y tT ?I, &-> c.,-an Cl ty EX$:;::er sc: RLck Zng. s .E. G, &E. y3'3. - ?5>* co* FlaztlFq DL+* 0 z i-,! E-,yiy z f p. .c ,>nTL ",t* x 25 2r 3 5 5 t * a yc"/E,:;":/e L-g lli < 4 e 6 DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA . TELEPHONE NO. 21 3-620-2700 FINAL SUBDIVI PUBLIC REP0 FlLE NO, 37932 ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 29, EXPIRES: SEPTEMBER 28, I I e In the matter of the application of KAI SER-AETNA, a Cal i fornia general partnership for a final subdivision public report on MAP NO. 8258 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73- 18 (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA) UNIT NO. 3 SAN D I EGO COUNTY, CAI, I FORN I A This Report Is Not a Recommendation or Endorsement of the Subdivisior But IS Informative Only. Buyer or Lessee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Report This Report Expires on Date Shown Above. If There Has Been a Material C1 in the Offering, an Amended Public Report Must Be Obtained and Used in of This Report. SPECIAL NOTES INFORMATION REGARDING SCHOOLS CAN BE FOUND ON THE LAST PAGE OF THfS REPORT, THIS PROJECT 1s A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. COMMON FACILITIES WHICH WILL BE OPERATED BY AN INCORPORATED OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE COHMON AREAS AND OTHER PURPOSES, YOUR CONTROL OF OPERATIONS AND EXPENSES IS LIMITED TO YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE AT MEETINGS, ?HE DEVELOPER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS AND BYLAWS, BY POSTING THEM :N A PROMINENT LOCATION IN THE SALES OFFICE AND BY FURNISHING YOU COPrES PRIOR TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. THESE DOCUMENTS CONTAIN NUMEROUS HATERIAL PROVISIONS THAT SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECT AND CONTROL YOUR RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLfGATtONS, AND COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. YO5 SHOULD READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU OBLIGATE IT INCLUDES COMMON AREAS AND THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO LEW ASSESSMENTS . YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A LOT. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE CURRENT BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS, TO lNCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS, UTILITIES AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IMPORTANT TO THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR COMMON FACILITfES IN THIS SUBDIVISION. - 1- WE FORM BIB isms nos IP 7s - e SINCE THE SUBDIVIDER STATES HE WILL NOT FURNISH THE CURRENT PLANS AND DIAGRAMS, THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHOULD TRY TO OBTAIN THEM FROM THE CONTRACTORS WHO WORKED ON THE PROJECT OR FROM THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS AN INTEREST IN THE ESCROW COMPANY WHICH IS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OR LEASE OF LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE NATURE OF THE SUBDIVIDER'S INTEREST IS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUC- TIQNS WHICH ARE TO BE USED, THE DEVELOPER OF THIS PROJECT HAS INOlCATED THAT HE INTENDS TO SELL ALL OF THE LOTS IN THIS PROJECT, HOWEVER, ANY OWNER, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPER, HAS A LEGAL RIGHT TO LEASE THE LOTS. SERS SHOULD CONSIDER THE POSSIBLE EFFECTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT IF A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE LOTS BECOME RENTAL PROPERTIES, PROSPECTIVE PURCHA- INTERESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specified lot, toge with a membership in Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association and rights to USI the cOrmK)n area, LOCATION AND SIZE: This is the third increment which consists of approximately 31.95 acres divide1 105 residential lots, in addition to the cormon area which consists of lots 15 158 on which community facilities consisting of a tot lot, slopes, park site a open space will be constructed. This project now contains approximately 69.3 acres and 227 residential lots. the total project is developed as proposed, it will consist of a total of 6 in( ments and 418 residential lots, as well as cmon facilities consisting of two park sites, two gazebos, two tot lots, basketball and volleyball area, two hors pits and landscaped slope areas. There is no assurance that the tota? project will be completed as proposed. In the City of Carlsbad. -P MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION: The Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association, which must join, manages and operates the common area(s) in accordance with the Rest1 tions, Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: The subdivider has submitted a budget fc maintenance and operation of the comn areas when the subdivision is substant' completed (built-out budget) and arr interim budget. You should obtain copies < these budgets from the subdivider. Znder the built-out budget, the monthly as5 ment against each subdlvision lot is $12.12. Under the interim budget, the mor assessment per lot is $12.17. According to the subdivider, assessments under t interim budget should be sufficient for proper maintenance and operation of the cmn areas until the development is substantially completed, at which time it be anticipated that assessments wi?l be lowered to conform to the built-out buc According to the budgets submitted by the developer, assessments will fluctuate each increment is annexed in che project until completion, Assessments are exF to vary with annexations, from $12.17 to $12.81 to $12.13 to $12.12 per month. -2- of 5 pages FILE NO, I w e The association may increase or decrease assessments at any time in accordance the procedure prescribed in the CCQR's or Bylaws. In considering the advisabi of a decrease in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts at butable to reserves for replacement or major maintenance. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AND EVEN IF ACCURATELY ESTIMATED INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES INCREASE WITH THE AGE OF FACILITIES AND WITH INCREASES IN THE COST OF LIVING. Etonthly assessments will cmence on lots (132 through 154, 156, 157 and 159 1 238) in this third increment upon the closing of the first sale of a lot. Frc time, the subdivider is required to pay the association a monthly assessment 1 each lot which he owns. The remedies available to the association against owners who are delinquent ir payment of assessments are set forth in the CCGR's. These remedies are avail: against the subdivider, as well as against other Owners. The subdivider has r a bond as partial security for his obligation to pay these assessments. The < Ing body of the association should assure itself that the subdivider has satii his obligations to the association with respect to the payment of assessments agreeing to a release or exoneration of the security. EASEMENTS: Easements for utilities, drainage, tree planting and other purpost shown on the title report and the subdivision map recorded in the Office of tt San Diego County Recorder, February 17, 1976, File No. 76-045208. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to restrictions recorded in the Ofi of the San Diego County Recorder, June 22, 1976, Fi le No. 76- 193744 and Declai of Annexation recorded August 25, 1976, File No, 76-277396, which include, am other provisions, the following: No clotheslines, refuse contains, or storage or clothes drying areas shall be tained on any lot in a location visible from adjoining lots or parcels, excep' may be permitted by the board. No external television or radio poles? external antennae, external flag poles by Declarant or approved by the architectural committee, if any, and any repi, mnt thereof shall be constructed, erected or maintained on or within any lot the comn area. Certain of the lots within the development are being sold without the front yi thereof being landscaped. As to those lots, the first Owner or owtiers of eacl thereof shall landscape said front yards at his or their sole cost and expensc within six (6) months after close of escrow, such front yard landscaping to b( apprrlved in a1 1 respects by the architectural comi ttee. ?AX ESTIMATES: If the subdivider is unable to give you the current tax infon you may approximate your taxes as follows: ternal clothes1 ines or other external fixtures other than those originally in! -3- of 5 pages FILE NO w 0 TAKE 25% OF THE SALES PRICE, DlVlDE BY 100, AND THEN MULTIPLY BY THE TOTAL TAX RATE, THE TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION MAY CHANGE IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS, FOR EXAMPLE, ANY BONDED DEBT OR SPECJAL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT APPROVED AFTER THE ABOVE TAX RATE HAD BEEN SET COULD INCREASE THE FUTURE RATE. THE TAX RATE FOR THE 1975-76 FISCAL YEAR IS $10.645. CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a form of deed of tru note will be used. These documents contain the following provisions: An acceleration clause. This means that if YOU sell the property, the lender n Clare the entire unpaid loan balance immediately due and payable. A prepayment penalty. This means that if you wish to pay off your loan in who1 in part before it is due, you may be required to pay an additional amount as a in accordance with the term of the loan. A late charqe, you may have to pay an additional amount as a penalty. PURCHASE HONEY HANDLING: The subdivider must impound all funds received from y an escrcw depository until legal title is delivered to you. (Refer Sections 11 11013.4(a), Business and Professions Code.) If the escrow has not closed on your lot within twelve (12) months of the date 4 escrow, you may request return of your deposit, GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: THE UNIFORH BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 70, PROVIDES FOR LOCAL OFFICIALS TO EXERCISE PREVENTIVE MEASURES DURING GRADING TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMI; FROM G EOLOG IC HAZARDS SUCH AS LANDSL I DES , FAULT MOVEMENTS, EARTHQUAKE SHAKING, I EROSION OR SUBSIDENCE. THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE SOME OF TH HAZARDS MAY EXIST, SOME CALIFORNIA COUNTIES AND CITIES HAVE ADOPTED ORDINANCES MAY OR MAY NOT BE AS EFFECTIVE IN THE CONTROL OF GRADING AND SITE PREPARATION. PURCHASERS SHOULD DISCUSS WITH THE DEVELOPER, THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER, THE ENGl GEOLOGIST, AND THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO DETERMINE IF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED AND IF THERE HAS BEEN ADEQUATE COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 70 ( EQUIVALENT OR MORE STRINGENT GRADING ORDINANCE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS 5 VISION. FILLED GROUND: Some lots will conLain filled ground varying to a maximum depth feet. These soils are to be properly compacted for the intended use under the 5 vision of a state licensed engineer. SOIL CONDITIONS: An engineering report has been filed and included in the repor certain recommendations. Subdivider has certified that he will comply with the mendations of the engineer, that the purchasers' funds will be impounded in escr and that no escrows will close until recomnendations have been completed. SEWAGE DISPOSAL: sewerage. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: able to this subdivision. This means that if you are late in making your monthly loan pay e Lots will be subj2ct to a service charge of $3.00 per month fc Requlzrly scheduled pub1 ic transportation service is not -4- of 5 pages FILE NO. 3 . ., 0 e SCHOOLS: The Encinitas Union School District and the San Dieguito Union High 2 District advise that the location and distance fran the most distant lot in the to the nearest schools serving this tract are as follows: Capri Elementary (K-6), 941 Capri Road, Encinitas, approximately 4 miles; Oak Crest Junior High (7-8), 675 Balour Drive, Encinitas, approximately 2-3/4 n San Dieguito High (9-12), 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas, approximately 3-5/8 mi Encinitas Union School District further advises that bus service is provided a1 expense to Capri Elementary School. San Dieguito Union High Scnool District furth%r advises as follows: Transportation is provided free for junior high students who live one mile or n school and for high school students who live two miles or more from the school. is measured by the most direct public thoroughfare. At the present time, all school facilities of the San Dieguito Union High Schoc are extremely overcrowded. Over 20 portable buildings have been added in the F years in order to keep up with the rising enrollment. the point where the addition of more portable buildings will place a severe str the permanent facilities such as gym and 'locker areas, PE fields, restrooms, et The district opened a second high school in 1974. However, the base population new homes and those scheduled to be completed in the future continues to result overcrowded conditions. Portable classrooms have already been added at the new in view of these circumstances. For the above-mentioned reasons, the San Dieguito Board of Trustees adopted a p in May, 1972, calling on the developer to assist the district in providing faci for students generated from new developmenrs. The developer of Rancho Del Pond The district has nearly Units 1 through 3 has provided such financial assistance to the district. tn sumnary, the quality of the educational program in the San Dieguito District severely threatened by the continued influx of new homes. The district is curr studying alternative methods of housing the student overflow. - NOTE: This school information was provided by the school districts prior to is: of the public report. Purchasers may contact the local school district 1 for any changes in school assignments, facilities and bus service. SHOPPING FACILITIES: Shopping center is approximately two miles from the subdi For further information in regard to this subdivision, you may Cali 213-620-270 examine the documents at 107 South Broadway, Room 8136, Los Angeles, California FILE NO. : PP/eh -5- and last , /,/ p e e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) citp sf Carl5ibaB Septemher 27, 1976 Insurance Company of North America P. 0. Box 97 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Bond Department Re: Reduction of Bond, MNR No. 930928, CT L- 73-18, Unit No. 1 . (Rancho del Ponderosa) Gentlemen: It has been determined that the s-ubject Faithful Performance Bo 20-16.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A copy o€ this sectit may be reduced 50 percent, to $128,500, according to Section is attached, This bond may not be further reduced until the public improveme for Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 1 (Rancho del Ponderosa) are accepted for maintenance by the City Council. Very truly yours, q i / --*. I.6 li -. Tim Flanagan ' City Engineer TCF : RM: ms At t achnen t cc: Ponderosa Homes :\ 4 , ,: e 0 PoNDEmsAHOMEs 2082 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE SUITE io03 IRVINE,CA~~~~~ (7141 833-2180 0 P 0 BOX 2340 0 YEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 September 3, 1976 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Rancho Ponderosa (Tract 73-18 Unit I) Ccn tl emen : Bond # MNR 93 09 28 - $128,500 - Labor 6 Material In reference to the aforemectioned listed bond(s), we would like to take this opportunity to formally request reduction of 90% of bond number MAR 93 09 28 , effective date 3/10/75 in the amount of 128,500 to secure completion and installation of certain designated public improvements for tract 73-18 - Rancho PondeKosa Unit I. Said improvements have been 98% completed and we therefore request that the bond(s) be reduced to 10% of Qriginal a~ Per our bonding agency, Insurance Company of North America, the procedure for formal bond reduction or exoneration requires that written correspondence be provided by the Obligee exonerating or reducing same. please respond to our above request for reduction in writing. The above bond(s) should be referenced in your correspondence by bond number and amount. Thank you in advance for any expediency you may be able to affect on our behalf. Very Truly Yours, PONDEROSA WclMES Therefore, at your earliest convenience posssible, RE~EI k 6- - /4 fi I_ - I< Diane Coffin Bond Department e CITY OF CARLSBAD f e AGENDA BILL NO. J/ '#/- Initial: Dept. Hd. C. AttyL- DATE : August 17, 1976 DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING C. Mgr. Subject : - - ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS REQUIRED BY CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, UNIT No. 3 APPLICANT: PONDEROSA HOMES Statement of the Matter The portion of Lot 199, designated "portion of Lot 199 reser for future street," Carlsbad Tract 73-18 (Rancho del Ponderc Unit NO. offered for dedication but was rejected and never accepted b the City. Acceptance of the abovementioned reserved future streets is necessary in order to complete the street requirements for Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 5 3, Map No. 8258, recorded February 17, 1976, was EXHIBITS: A. Resolution No. 8 5fL B. Easement Plat C. Location Map I RECOMMENDATION: - Adopt a motion approving Resolution ~0.d7f6 acceptance of Lot 199 reserved for future street of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No-3. regarding Council action 8-17-76 Resolution #3986 was adopted, accepting for public street purposes certain previously rejected easements required by C/T 73-18, Unit No. 3. /--------- -________---@*-I' c- -- -- &4wkJ a!zF -7 d- a-. ..’ , .( :’, I r I ‘-\h’cNLAJJL, YI-IVY-NY cw DEL PO,VD -. ~ ~~ . .____ ~~ ~.. ..__ - - - ~-~__~ _-._ ~ __~ ~--. y_----- ---_I--- -4 ----.-- I -..-.-Ld .i c 1 z I _?/V_h --N_n- -.-,- - YL v---u--v-- \. I d,-- TY L4.P -~- ~--_ -- - -____-~-~-~~__~--=--- Y/ -.~- - -~ rim- TO 52hLE 1. Ij 2' 3 4 5 e 1236 v RF:SOLCTION NO. 3926 ---_ A RYSOLIJTTON OF THE cIn comc:rL OF ~m CITY OF CT!!<:,SB>,D, CAI,II?l>IX?~>. , kCi~E1'TTNG FOR PUBLIC EI.SIC:*:E:NTS I<EQLJIAWD BY C:+RLSBAD TlViCT 73-18, S T R X '."I P UT: iJ e S E S C i.1 i? TA TN P REV1 0 US LY LWJE C TED UXTT Id@. 3 -~--___ ____ -------------- 9 10 I.1 A3 2; e g the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Calif0 particularly described as portion of Lot 199, designa5e.j "portion of Lot 199 reserved €or future street" according 1 13 cu dU x< 14 l5 .c,d 6: lY -.16 ,r*g Q $ u %?; 0 0 d 17 % prcviojJsly rejected by the City Council of the City of Car: 1 for public street ?or;cses, is now hereby accepted for pub: I street purposes. i 1 a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the C I 1 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall ! 1 20 21 221 231 24 25 26 27 ,201 29 -4- 30 31 32 I 1 San Dieso, State of talifoxnia. I PASSED, APPXIVED AND -ADOPTED at a regular meeting I the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held 17th day of August 1976, by the following vote, to w AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki and Counci lwomari Ca;lcr 1 ---- I - NOES: llione AESENT: Councilman Packar f&c2L.&Q ROBERT C. FKAZEE, May ATTEST: I Y~!./J,<4,d X&h/?&& 1 l*w2&lk~i' E. ADEJ-SS, kty Clerk I (sealli/ 123'7 0 - 2. ,kTr DRESS E2 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) ss. Deputy I, NORA ... K.. .. GARDINE.R/, City Clerk <)[ tile City of C;ar.IsIxttI, (;oiirity of si111 I)icgo, Sliitc: of ~aliforiii; ~it.rct)y ('(ai tify 't~iat I ~iave coiiii)iwcl hie fowpirig col)y \:.it~i 11ir8 origiiiii~ P,esO.l.uti.O.n...~.39.6... p:;se(~ ;iill ;itIoptc.d 17y siiitl C:ity C:otincil, at ....................................... a reqular iiic~*iirig tlici-c~~f, at tlie titiic. aricl I)y tlie vote tl~~rc,ii . .st:itc*cl, w1iie11 original ...... R.eS.~.l.~.tj.o.n ._..._...._ is ~iow on filth in illy oificc: t~iat ~II(, same writairis ;i fill!, ti-li( :rritl corrcx,t tixii:~c~ipt tli(~rcf'roi~i aiitL of' tht? wlrol~ thtwof. \iiitiicss iiiy ~iiiitc~ iint~ tlw st>;ti of .said (:ity OF ~iu.tst)ati, tltis 25th. clay of .... . ..f:uquS.t.x .!9 ( SlSAl,) ......,...... %.: .._ .. .._ ./d& .. __..._ Deputy. , City (;!c.rk e CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 /4+ Initial: C. Atty., DATE : July 20, 1976 C. Mgr. L DEPARTMENT: Enqineerins Subject: FINAL MAP - CT 73-18, UNIT No. 4 and 5 (RANCHO DEL PONDE 8 Dept.H@& AGENDA BILL NO. - + +7 - r ,Le' - ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS. APPLICANT: PONDEROSA HOMES Statement of the Matter I. Engineering Staff has completed checking the final map of Ca: Tract 73-18, Unit No. 4 and 5 (Rancho Del Ponderosa) for con. with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicable local ordil of the City of Carlsbad. The final map conforms substantially with the conditions of 1 tentative map approved by the City Council on July 2, 1974, I: Resolution No. 3449. A tentative map time extension was granted for a period of or by City Council action on July 6, 1976. Lot "A" designated "Lot 'A' reserved for future street" Carl: Tract 73-18, Unit No. 1 (Rancho Del Ponderosa) Map No. 8145, recorded July 15, 1975; portions of Lot 68, designated "Porti Of Lot 68 reserved for future street" Map NO. 8154, recorded August 15, 1975; and "Portion of Lot 238 reserved for future Map No. 8258, recorded February 17, 1976 were offered for ded but were rejected and never accepted by the City. Acceptance of the abovementioned reserved future streets is n order. This will complete the street design requirements for Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 4 11. (Rancho Del Ponderosa). EXHIBITS : A) Final Map B) C) Easement Plat D) Location Map Resolution No. 3743 , 37& , and 376L RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a motion approving the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 73-1 Approve Resolution ~0.346 1$. , dzc, and 3 yL/p , reGardFng acceptance of Lot "A" reserved f r future street of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 1; portion of Lot 68 reserved for future street of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 2; and portions of Lot 238 reserved for future street of Carlsbad Tract,73-18, Unit No. 3. Unit No. 4 and 5 (Rancho Del Ponderosa). Council action 7-20-76 Resolution #3964 accepting previously rejected easements in connection w CT 73-18, Unit #1, was accepted. Resolution 93965 accepting previously rejected easements in connection w CT 73-18, Unit #2, was accepted. Resolution $13966 accepting Dreviously rejected easements in connection W' CT 73-18, Unit #3, was accepted. ------==- \\, /?=5rnfL=/8L25' .- - I------ -- --_ -_.- N e7°3:5;g ffAK& p= /Q3Yt&25qoa e7 73-/R /J&/T N6 c 4 //iIDEx /dAP ______ AND -_ PROC€DURE of SURV€Y __._- --_-._ a [F,q~/~~T~3 Kg7 %'!Em Id -~ ~~---_ -~__ --____ SCIOL, 5 q * ---_NVvv- -a- RANCHO DEL POND! -_ ____-___ -~~ -__ ~_~-- __ -- . _- N _-- ---- ----- /VI---* NU4 . _-VI--.--_ NU~-'-h,L'UVJL,- .-.I NL,LflULhU--.,.---/ NI_Ny-N-_--v c Y/C/N/TY L44P ~-___- ___. - /m- 70 324LE &&p >Ld# &* as.:_*. -- -.- # :,’;7.A ; ;yJ(-r ,coupJ#g 4i$ /Jj?&v 8 IldE, ,I ,7T 6 f 3416 “;y/T g GF 5 ; &t/&.p ;4& 8245, $,& ! L- I ,\j 3Tz’/5pE /?. QF 3. ( 0L-L ->of-/. 2. \ I L - - . -.-...- .-- I- - d 1 2 3 4 51 61 r/ 0 863 0 FXSOLUTION NO. 3964 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN PREVIOUSLY REJECTED EASEMENTS REQUIRED BY CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, UNIT NO. 1. - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does here I i resolve as follows: 1. The folloriing described real propt;rty located 8l 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 c 26 27 2a 29 30 31 32 City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californj particularly described as Lot "A" designated "Lot 'A' res €or future street" according to Map thereof No. 8145, rec July 15, 1975, which was previocsly rejected by the City of the City of Carlsbad for public street purposes, is no accepted for public streei purposes. 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall c cciiizicd copy 0: this RLz;olution ts tc j--o;r.-2cZ In :5c c the County Recorder of San Diego County and to cause a cc of to be forwarded to the County Assessor or the County c Diego, State of California. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held the day of July , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Skot NOES: Councilwoman Cas1 er AESZKi : i\ o n 2 .gwc %$A ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Ma ATTEST: qA4&7iLYY /@.X& MAR ARFT E. ADAMS, it17 Clerk (seal) j/ \ . -. --------- , I .. 2‘ / \ \ \ .I -/------ LGT 2 ‘‘R~~~flp~~ I mg I / , 0 0 0 I ----___ .I=====-= 1 . .. , . . I f v-k -.___I ~ 1 :. e 665 ' . e '. ! !;EST '2 : EEC . .- .I . 9. t ' . i.*& "7 3s E E JUL 215 9 37 i4l j; R etli Ti7 ':a /' ?CK,,,q ( ( ; .i ( \ , d. [,: ('[: ( ; /,ilj...iq ""\ c. .A- . ' L i 2 ' ($ . ~ i LC. , (: (<'l ( ,;I,(( i,; d- t' <* / * , t. .-: I-. . B 1.) i', i < c STATE OF CALliOflNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAX DIEGO ) ss. XIRA K. GARDINER, Deputy I, ...J ..................................... City (:tcik (!i t11c ciiy (if c;~~I,,I,:\(I. (:ciiiiiti. (if ~ari ~icp). Si:itr. of ~.iti~ori>i~,, ' h t.rcl,y CY r t i I>- t 1 t:1 t I I I. t VI- CY B I I 1 i x r1.C I t ! I r f( )rt.;;( > iri 1; LX q'y \vi i It i i i +.- 1 rri;;i i I ill .Re S.O.!.~.$~, On. .. ?.!$ !. p;metl :,,,(I adop!rtI ~)y saitl c:i:\.. (;oiii!cit, at ..r.~~.u.l.a.r .____._._.__.____,_ 11ieting t!i<.rc.c>f. ;it tlic tiirrc. ;\nt~ ~)y (I,< vote tllc.rt.ir, , tvliith orij:fii.i! .. . ...... !kS.O.l..Ut.~..Qn ._._ is no\v (111 fils. i:t 1:iy of1ic.c.; t11.1t tlie snrrie C(!:I[.\~~;X ;, f,lp, tri,<. )ir<-c.t tr;ril\cri,It tl~<.rc~fro1ir ;tii(t of [l~c ivf~oIt. [/lc.r(.ol. ii'itrw\s rrij ~i:iii(: :\ii(! II~(. >(,;it rir .\.\;(I (;i:y (:I (:xrt\li:i(1, tliix .??$3!iiy trf _._...._.._..__ July ...? ....._..___.____..______~~.._ la76 ~ __,,_.. (SiC.2 w .! 4 L 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161 0 866 e RESOLUTION NO. 3965 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTPJN PREVIOUSLY REJECTED EASEMENTS REQUIRED BY CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, UNIT NO. 2. -_ The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does here I resol.ve as follows: 1. The folloving described real property located City of CarlsSac7, County of San Dieqo, State of Californi particularly described as portions of Lot 68 desicrnatcd " of Lot 68 reserved €or future street" according to Map th No. 8154, recorded August 15, 1975, which was previousll7 by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for public st purposes, is r,ow hereby accepted for public skrcet purpos 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shali c certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the C khc Ccznty 2nccrdcr cf San Dicgo Csunty zn6 t:, cz':sc 2 cs 17 18, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7- I of to be forwarded to the County Assessor of t-he County o Diego, State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular mezting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held th day of July , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Sk NOES : Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None x$jk.J-c _____-- >$&% ROBklRT C. FRAZEE, &lay& ATTEST: - r *" 0 -. \ \ \ \ .- I ,/' I N87"3D'/5'2 \\ \ \ \ \ \ ', \ \ I \ I \ .I //------ LGT ;.I n~~s~~~g~ 1 9 ' ~?~TURE~~'~Z''FT rlCCE55 fli6//75 /oz- ifLQUi5L/!!O 4A4D fiiWE-Ll ,I I . I / / / --- -___ ...==.==.=------_ _.__._ __ hr.T 74 cPAI E .- i. ..~ e 868 . , 0 I. bU[jfi E 2 f 4 z JUl lid 9 37 ;if? ; 5' '1 3- r! 5;: I {I-: :::>: fi j.;-. /" ,/- , i* \ L '/-)y i'$<%<j (,\JLj [. //i. ./ * / +) f: ?~ :i '. . b, y X\, \ .,f c L i J.'.\L Q . $.~< i,: 1. -LL --I .I {'j // : j' : (,.p c;! r- - . ,. 2 ,1. , . j,/rL 3.f L .4 I ~~ t STATE OF CALIFO,CZNlA, ) CCUIJTY Oi SA?{ blEG0 ] sc. N0P.A K. GAPDINER, Dewty ................................. City <:tc;k of tlic City (if C:\i-l~l~:t~l. Cottiity of S;iri Dfvgo, St:ltc of C.:Iiforlji;t. * lit.rcl>y crrtifg tl.l;it I It.tv(b coiIii).iruI t~ita forqy)itic wpy \a:itli tliJ: origiii:il ..P.eso~.utl.on...3.~6.5. l;;:s\ec~ ;iIlcl ncIoi>!rtl I)J~ .witi .~,:i:>' (:oiiticiI. :it .__.... r.eau.l..~ ___....__...,. .ii)evtiri;: tilc-rc.of, iti tile tiirir. an<t 11y t~tc votr tltric.ir, R~S.QTO.~~.Q.?... ..._. ix i)o\v on file! ill i:iy ci[!ic.c: tli.it tlie haiiic cc!:>t.lir;.i :t 1111!, trllc. 11 I! tlrrchiil ;tid (it 111c d~olt til(naoI. ' . \^I" \ 1::1c>y itiy 1l;iti(1 ;1rit1 [tit- .\t.:tl or :\,ii(I (:iiy 01 ~::ir~\ti;i(~, t!ii\ .?'.&h~<ty of. .,_ Julv, ..__,_ N __._.._.___.,,.._._,_..._....._______. 1976. (SIXl!) ,. ~~ > :a,' ........ -L/& ..... ........ .. ..... ... ...,.,.. .. . .. . Deputy City C:I,,rk ~ ' - x, , 1 2 3 0 869 0 RESOLUTION NO. 3966 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUt?CIL OF THE CITY OF PURPOSES CER'i'?L,lN PREVIOUSLY REJECTED EASELENT'S CARLSBAD, CALI.FORNIA, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET FG5QUIKED BY CFiRLSBAD TRACT 73-16, UNIT NO. 3 41 -. 'I1 8 9 10 11 2.2 resolve as follows : 1. The following described real property located City of Carlsbad, Cocnty of San Diego, State of Californi particularly described as portions of Lot 238 designated of Lot 238 reserved for future street" according to Map tl No. 8258, recorded February 17, 1.976, which was previousl! by the City Couricil of the City of Carlsbad for public st. poses, is now hereby accepted for public street purposes. 14 l3 I 151, 2. The City C!.erk of the City of Carlsbad shall c8 certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded In the 0 l7 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .. ib'/the County Rscorder of San Diego County and to cause a co] of to be forwrded to the County Assessor of the County o Diego, State of California. I PASSED, APPP.OVED AND ADOPTED at a regular xeeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held th' day of Jti]v , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Pa5kard and Sk AYES : NOES : None ABSENT : N 0 11 e ATTEST: 28 29 30 31 .32 ______ u/;, &,L,.d ,x- MARFAR T E. ADliMS , City Clerk (seal) F c *e 0 .' / .. I .- ---------. I ,/' '\ \ \ \ \ , .t FV 7UR€.57Gf €7 .. ' / I , , . AIGT 70 .WA/ F FlLfi/P?cC': f4@4>Z Joi 213 g 37 p-4 2001', 1g7c RECdRDEO REQUES 871 * ,- r , a,' ,. ADD~ESSEE &&.ma to; (-* ~c-' r-. L "4- (&&&J l.-y+/(;. 1, [ 4 &>? , k.3, (-( ic . L c-. ' , fci y, c si i! <<j kr<t ) I CcpiY 5 . t .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF sm DIEGO ) SS. NORA K. GARDINER1 pepqtv 1, ..I ............ ____. City C er . o t ic'City of Carlhl,atl. County of Stin Dichp), Siatc of Californi;r. hereby certify t1i;it I liavc. cwiip:ir(d tlit. forep)iiiK ~opy ivitii tlic origiiial .R.eso:!.uti.on...3~.66 pnsscd and adoptctl I,y s;iic! City Cciiiiicil. at ._.__ r.W!J.!.CK ..__._.......... iiir~.tirig tlicrcwf. at tlits tiiiie aiirl I)y tlw vote tlicrviii stitcd, wIlicIi ctri~itr:rI ........ Res.o.1.u.t.i.o.n ...... is now on fib in riiy offici.: &;it tIic saitic toiitnins a fdI, triic and cwrc*ct triiiiscript tlirrvtrctni iriitl cif tlic ~liulr tlicrrof. 1 . . tvitiirss my ~i:iii<t niitl ttw s,*:i~ of s.iitt ci'ty (11 (!:tri\i),icl. t1ii.s ..2.7.th:ty of ......... J.u.~.Y a.... (W,l?l,). ... I .e .*, c DEP.4RT3IEST OF REAL ESTAT J< OF THE STATE OF CXLIFORNIA FINAL SUBDIVI PUBLIC REPC FILE NO. 3; ISSUED: JULY 15, 19; ’ E;XyIiG; JULY 14, I?( In thc matter of :he appiicatlon of FAIS 2-A:T.L. a Ca5f;r-c: a ??..I qral TertEnrshia for a final subdivision public report on / MAP NO. 8145 CARLS3AD TP-4GT 73-78 (?&.wiiW LA I“.. SA) -Zz7! 30. 1 . *.fl--- - c -17.. SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFOmIA T& %2pQfft 1s Sot a ReC!OX2Elen m3-nent of the Subdivisiol But Is Informative Only. Buyer or Lessee 3lust Sign ilhat He Zas Weceived and &ad This Repor1 This Report Expires on Date Shown Above. If There Has Been a Materid C: in the Offering, an Amended Public Report Must Bc Obtained and Used in of This Report. - I SPZXAL s3xs INFORMATION XEGARDMG SCaOOLS CAN 3E FOEGD ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS 2DOli THIS RspoKJ! SOVE% GXLY ms 1 T‘iiiOiiG3 16 iu*f;c 25 *23kGLiZ-i 63. m--, -- -. Ti ,--.. - 7 THX Pm-xT 15 A zxi;:a u2d~up,.-hA. Iy ~IC~~~~ CC c:i A-i?Z.As AiiD cc:2 , rTf T--.--“ , .---,,.-I . ‘7- T --7 ,- 3 -J zy L;; vinn A I*\, TLYJY AS~SsS ZE’ .L~S~L~TIt.X~. T pog l-32 wmT2- Fd-,.JAdA-&--w x*:-*.-* I*^LY -- CI ~ THE ASSCC~~TIC~~ FJS ?‘:E3 ?LC NANCE 07 THE CC;.I:*;C)l: JJG& i!&;i> CZLX. FTi22GSE5. YCJZ ZC:;;‘ry)L Or“ L‘ES?ATICI:~: &;D wz:ss 1s LI 3 TC YC.2 kI(3.T T3 ‘COT6 AT I~‘ETI2:GS. im DEVET.,OPE;II US STATZD TXAT 1% NiLL PROVIDE YOU WIZ k CQP’I O? ‘TIE Ai?Z: QF T?ICO&T)aTIi)::, ~ZTL~~~~~ AI;D EYL,?<AS, j3Y FOji“I:<;i TIiZ.: IPI A F2Cfi1zi5?l: CATION IN YES 2JJ.Z GZICZ t;,‘lC BY FIJ2lISE?3G YOU CCPIZS PRIOX % CLOSE ci c23:;. *-LdL J”“- Ly :1TECT ?AnXI COS p--,-’.-. -.n?lY-,--,r:T ,le..-* 7.- \--n*r-n.-- C‘”T‘-”T CnT 1 T $1”. Sf- * -7 -d w’-’ ,Ad*-.* h’---Ad-*.L-’h ~’,:Ep~L -Ai b2-’3Ac’’’s ‘I-’%- L ‘‘*‘.-d‘‘’ 1P32L.T TO PUECHASZ A LOT. i YO:^ SIZXTS, Pm:G=, css, CSLI _- c--l I- - e_ -. I ._ . l“ ,-,,-,J *->-a A‘AJ L _I-._ -24 rd WILL Nlyr &q-?!imA T-!i CURl?S.;T 60AI;;D GF aTIc35 9 T“‘7LW5 I)IXG”.I _&_L.f - _- - ..__-d&_ - k-.. _. , -_ i’:iLSL 11. 7-TW-T n17r.”, -- , \.p “HE SUBDIVIDES S *-c1.7 ,T“- . - ,?.. <--,vT -- ---.-. 1 .,l- - I ,I-,;> -, - - . - __ __ - - ->&. &..- 1 i--- u-. ,,3 ,,.+-?.%r ”- I-- ” k!L<I 2a*A-* (8300 50’ -1- .e eo % ...*??-7- *I.- ---- --.. -4--- .- ,-.- ~- .- .or+. r,rq yW.””’rq mr_- pT-T->-,,q DT 7 LtUd i..- W., ”,+<_...*A -n..A“-- a*- ‘--J 3.. . _- *&>A --- 4 e-- .* SI E?%::, y-;x ..& r;? f7 .->~~~.l’--- __ - -”---l> C2 Y?: EC:.’ZC‘+?:L? ASSCCDTICN SHCQLD TRY TO OB- T C? --e\? V.’n ”TWJ ~ - - . --- 4A- L r-r F--- 2:: ,I*T-. __-.._ _-. -”_- --.- - I-,.-,..--. ..-...r.-C rZ.-> *I _.- A- I -:- *” ” ---- I-- . _-_ * I.._-- v. -_e- BiJlLDid ilrLExkI i*&\i? * -I-r--.-.--- *-. ,. . .. -\.----?- - ,_ - -=- T,rt 7-e i4dil .--a3 Ib, *.,* -- 4.s &.A --“ -_-* I- I - -- _- --- _- - ..-- __. ___“ I___&. -_- *I “_ &. -- - -. -Ad ~ OF THE SUBDIVIDER’S INTEEST IS SZT FQRIX IN THE INSTIiUCTIONS WHICH AIiL TO 5; G-* c -* TTrr-7- --.- -.- _- -- - - -.- -_-_ - -- - - -- -- - - .--_ , --- I- -- -_ --. ;? 7”” ,-5 p-- rn LoTi‘s E\ 1 - .__- PI-- - - I_ THE LOTS ECOtE ???TAL PEOPZiiTIES~ INT”S33TS TO E’; CQNVZYZD: You will receive fee title to a specified lot, togeti a membership in Pancho Ponderosa Homeom-erst Association and rights to use the c area. LAXbTQN 6”79 STZF: In the City of Carlsbad. on wnicn coinxuni cilities consisting of a gazebo, tot lot ana iaiiseaping wiil be constructed. If the total project is developed as proposed, it will consist of a total Of Si rnents and 418 lots, as well as comon facilities ccnsis’cing of two park sites, gazebos, two tot lots, basketball and volleyball area, two horseshoe pits and 1 scaped slope areas. There is no assurame that the total project will be conpleted as proposed. MANAGWdIT AND OPZZ’LTTCI;~ : join, i<a-AcGs ~ii~. ;>Ei-ktes Eils CS~LGE ~TCZ(S! is ZCCC~-*.-” ,,,,e ui th the iiestrLckLbz Articles of incoAqmratisn and tne LXLaws. MAINTEiL’XNCE AND OPER4TIONAL LXPZ3SG: Tne subdivider has submitted a budget fc maintenance =*a oscration ai :.;e ccc’.mon areas msn the sdbdi-iisicn is subs:~~~t; coiqleteci (bdilt-out bx6;r.t) axii ax interin; b;uc~~et. You should obtain copies i budgets from the sibdivider. Under the b-,ilt-out budget, the nonthly assessner each subdivision lot is i12.12. Una?r tne irL.te:rin b~~ge-t, the moiifnly aGsessz( lot is $22.45. According .to the ssjdizider, b3gessi~::ts W~W the interim bud, be sufficient for proper maintenance and operation of the comon areas until ti opment is s;iSst~~tially ccn;lcjt-d, at wk-isl.1 tix? it my be anticipated that as: will be lowerea to conform to the built-rut budget. Purchasers of lots in the first incrcrnent will be assessed only 813.9 per monl the .c.;bdivir’,cr will sckstdize the rro’cct a::d hs mde financial armxpments 1 a bond to guarantee tirat purcnawrs’ ffiont‘iiy assessF-ents will not excecu ai>.>\ th~ n.,?.p cr til? fir-.? l?t i- ?-:-e zcccr.d inrlrerr-nt or ox f.r,rch 1, 1977, wkichevc oczurq. A’. that tine. nsirc>;ers will ’ce ajsec;sed their full. share of r;he DUG Tne Zancno Zoncierosa Iioceowners ’ Association, k-sizr, -. TT- r.’ *.Ad ?,‘;3. 3 - -*c- - ’r - .. y- =. .e n According ta the budyets sub4tted by the develoaer, assessaents will fluctu3fe increment is annexed in the project until completion. Assessments are expectec with annexations, iron 513.46 ?~r nonth to 812.12 per mor,th. sr,, Az-- a-e-.*:--!- 4-~-A~--v~. xy.r i==x-~~-s~ GZ ciecrezse assesszents az azy tin& ir- accorbnse p,.- - T procdire ?,res:ritc-.', ir: t!:~ vu~--s or qlaws. In corLsideriYAg the advisability c crerze in ESE~LZJOZ~S. c-lre s>o.~ld te t&ez not to eli5.l.^.it.e zccocrits attriSu",': reserves €or repiaceaent or major rainterance. 17---*. --- .- ,I I - .-- __--- -. -~-- --- ---^ l-lh-3 -L7-r --- rL&i Lr," ii--.n* AAtddL--u A., --L-J r-LIaly ~LLL.- IS fi.rrLIu8-w A5 Or" !ZiZ ZAZ --.I T\T A?--- * mTn7, A h? n-?r-rn-rr m nn rn-"Tn,y J TCTY? 1 m - --- -.-- d LI ---- d-, &-&I- b".-*,dd LIV*u.-d I*-&- -*--.I a&. I -- _I-_ __ ~ -" - -- - -_ - -_ -- - _- c.l -.- - - - --. WITII IIXREAS3S LY TIE COST OF LIVING. Monthly assessments will coclmence on all lots (1 through 16, 25 through 57 and 63) on the first day of the month following the month in which the sale of the to a prchs5r is clcsec. 2x2 tkaz tics, tse sE'cdivider is reqiireci to pay ti ation a monthly assessment for each lot which he owns. ment of assessments are set forth in the CC%Rs, partial sec~iritv for his obfipitio? tn nsv -~ theqe ~~ce-~-~ntq, Th.5 YYD~-.<P- ?? tne associaxim a;oiLd a5sz-e i;aei.f xaz tiLe sUs 2a-z :~a st;slied rLs OClii to the assocktion -&th respect to the Fajxeilt of assesz,ents before agreeixg i lease or exoneration of the security. .--, * -. 2.. - .. - A:1e r2;-.2xEs s-;~=~z;-? to S~L~Z A~~~xzZ D.%Y-~z~ i .-c ~~t3- c~,LT-z~Lz;,Z ix These r , ,. - C., -*qcv rQ * .. . . p Q C') *; ,. * It0 t:L. OL.i-UJ1 LL r. 2: Yi'J-, 5, <::-cFf;. I*_- - 4 EASEXEXTS: Easements for utilities, drainage, tree planting and other purpose: on the title report and thz subdivision map recorded in the Office of the San I Ccrunty Recorder, CG..I~ 15, 19'75, File Iio. 75-i6~5~== J J. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject tc restrictions recorded in the Offj San Diepa County Racorder June 22, 1976. File No. ?6-19:744, which ir,clude, a~?: pro7 Is; GT.zj, i, :: t f c 1: 3 r;lz 6 : No cloth?slixs, rezuse c~ntz$z~rs, or sicrage or clatkes dryirig arr3zs skill bt on any lot in a locatio9 -gisible froa adjoining lots ~r _cartels, exce?t, as my aitted br tne board. I_ No external television or radio p~lez, external atenme, external flag Foles, clotheslines or other external fixtures other tha,, those originally installed t Declarrt?", or a~ji3roireii by kce arcnitectcral coacLttee, if ai;, an3 any rc&a:edic shall bu constructed, erected or maintained on or within my Pot or the corur.on Certain of the lots within the develoynent are being sold w;;thout the front pi being landscaped, As to those lots, the first owner or rs of each thereof close 0; escrow, such front yard landscaping to be appr in all respects by architectural committee. TPX ESTIMATES: E;C~~C u~j3 frz-t zz-piz ~3t ";s Z? ::<:_X ;;:i, ~2;'. c-2 c-i ,,:t:;i... L: f': L.2" If the subciividel. is unable to give you the current tax inform .<~;!is~t' yoar taxes as fGiiodb: -3- of 'j pages FIbE NO. '7 -0 00 - ---_-. TA"Z 2>* LX YtiZ JAIL Y~LLL,. DI7'IEZ BY ?OO. AhjD TiZd MIKEPLY EY T23 I --- -.-- - - - , - --- -__ -_- rpw AL-& Itz L-~.~u. &..& OSI .-&.--i . ~i'r ,LL 1),>/76 zis.&L >-&z Is SlO,blt5. -^-_I .~ 2-2 __--_I . y- . I_ .'L.Y 2 ,.' -- - -I - - - - - -- - - - - -.- - -... - -* - ---.\--:.- U-- --__ itCL-.-- _--_ r..r*:G.AA , -p-- m. ., 7 -- --. - ---., r-- "p---- -....-- -1 v-7 -.-y-- ,-, - . -, ~ ._- - "2. I.. ._ I_ -" __-_- AT-? --^U .*.:<,.- .-- - _-,i- __..I z--, --. JL -* __ ---~-- -.1- sa- -.- --*--. -.-h I " I __ , *_ . A_ .L-Ge irvcl--es fl~znci-:, =i for- of dFed sf trr CCi--m-Tmrq t~ P:--. 7.p -I-..p h..-p~I-- P. -- -- ab CICC;Z,~Z~,S .=~~tam tse following provisions: .- 2 ::*e pc~zrzy, :.?e l?:*2eF t -- . " ..-_ - -- _- .-. . --A*& .&.--a e-*.-* && 73, 1^3"0 k*z:..,?-.. :y-eP:?'s:*- Sle. A prepayment penalty. This means that if you wish to pay off your loan in who1 p3rt b..E^?-f- it 5- ;re< t^ "?,-' 2: :",Lt-onal ar;.,c.;rt zp- 2 y,3: ascordaxe with tne -a me! I. *z,..* .I CLnC 71 ,."., 7' ' - *_-I_ -_-_ -3 ---- -- ,/dd Z?Q -22% L'I t.d-:iz& pu.. socc'rrly lCZ2 22" you may have to pay an additional amount as a pe-dty. - I_ - . I -,*- -__ -=" -.- -_ - -_ . ". - -- --. I- ~ - -- I."_.. __- Id".-y + - .- . - __- -~ _. - - -- - - -. _- - -. - I -- -* -.Iu_l. -- -I - itle is delivered to you. (Refer Sections 1' +^ \ until 1 --. u-..:. .- .- ---A * i -- *; t;*z C.--."-'r ..a"rJw 14s :;;JcL ~~~~ez ,, ,S'.Z ,c: -&-L:Llr* Tile:;' L:2j Z,C,".tLS 31 ::-< ZLZG GEOLOGIC C~:XIITIG:LS: rm uii~~osi BUILDING CGDE, CHAFER 79, PROVIDES FOR LOCXI 8?FI<L:!LS TQ ~~~~~J~:% PA L~Z~AA~U -.--.G--> L-2- .. .: p, __ s x ZI!::YZ c: XIXY: FWM GE0LLXiI.C SXZX?DS S'JCH AS LU3SLID3, FATAT' !.!G'd'X'E?U!S, EA-R'XqYAKE SZAKII;Z, EROSIOX OR SU3SIDE:JZS;. THIS SLZ3IVISIGN IS LCCAT";D I?i APi A?fi tiEiZ?S SO:-Lr, OF 5 A?z3 E'&'{ y,!Is':* z'3:r ;;L:-z;:;T&:- *2.s L.r* ' - ?-"&*--- YLi iiCj2 22 A5 A-i...*dAA*ii ...( &+&A i a&rW L31*2 b;-- ezcrcw, yo!; ZL~ ret.izst rct.;~~~ ;f jrc;~~ ~E;CZ:.L,. n-.-.,mTlp ,+f- I "T'T-'" -*IT)-.." ?.T" 7yT - .,-A, -_ I-- .,. 1- - --- _-I-- _I-- ... __- . - - I - - - - I - I LD DISCVSS WITH !Ill3 DEEUPLR, TKZ DEGLCPER'S EGRlZZ8t THE EN': -- --- -- -- - - -------._- ^I--_ - - - -- - - - "I-_ - - _. ._* . ~ AATd TF y=;cT, u Es; xjj,;bw;L c; -.-,----,. ,lr. --- ,.,..--.- -.- r- .--.. ~ p-.---. . _- -1-- -...,, cz ~&VA-Y &I;LIIIU-~~ d~-i&A-lS W-&AL~.L.$~~A ua&LAaed .--4.7 Y A~AL;~ FILLED GRQUXD: feet. vision of a state iicecsed engiceer. SOIL CGhDlTLONS: An engineering report has been filed and included in the repc ;;ciatAons. amiiviat-r 'm.5 certified trut ne wLll coupiy with LAC mendations of the engineer, that the purchasers' funds will be irqo-mded in esc that no e;craCc"s dill clcze 1-1-ki.l r:zor-.~nc.~t:sns :'~L;.G 5i 3n cor-,-ll.ted, Some lots will contain filled ground varying to a rrnximum deptk Zrltse soils are to be properly compacted for the intended use under tne ,- . _I -, : Lots we-- ce ztii~ect ta a service ::-az+ge of ;;.CL -,er xssntr, ; : FnFdarly szk-edile.3 pblic: tranrprtatlon service is ai II- ao1.e to tiiis siluz~i vision, -4- of 5 pages FEZ ru'o. 3; 4 .e 00 -LA.-o _. -- - CAiiGL Lcnooi Lstrict and the San DieTAito Unicn Eigh S -2 ir-+ eL4- -r2 ____ l.,wL-A-~a ,--...+-p =-a CiStanze frm tne most distant lot in the to the nearest schcols servisg tnis trzct are as follows: ?"?y (Y-<)* ?k Sl:rl F223, p~::~.-~~z~;- i, r-les; ye, zyzrs:<i;rately 2-3,/4 Eiles ; ur-~cr ~i-3 (7-81, 575 Ealzxr San Cieguito iiign (9-121, apprcrdmte~.p 3-5/8 ri~m- Encinitas Union Scho~l District further advises that bus service is providsb. at I ;-.- I z- c I .-. -~ - _- '- -.&-- cl-llr>Gy a;: IGLLOWS; . --.a ,. -_-, ~ i- ...4.d-. ir---*-..l- Transportatior, is provided free fer :1::50~ 3ir.2 st;;S~nC,s vhr! live :ZL' -11e CY zx sc-msi and lor high scnool students iv';~o live two miles or uore from the school, is measured by the most direct public thoroughfare. At the present time, all school facilities of the Sari Dieguito Union High School are extremely overcrowded. en added in the ?-e* ;i'e=-rs :T. C" - .. -_._ - tne point wnere the aadition of more portable buildings will place a severe stra Over 2c) ,ortable buildings have - -- Y --- -- > Y* . I_& .- *--_ ___ -___--I. - ~ &'-- ...I r+2zt..- e--- G - - -- . - Fe.TZl-E2t f?.?;",iti?Z C2Ch 22 ZZ Ei-ll lZZ:-ZT Z.3.r-.??=,5. zd :l?.-ZZ. 4_--.,. -I-. 2:s:r::: ;L ~l>i I ZC:-ZZ> i.22 'i3~. -:G rer, ti;^ Lase popayation es and those I.;ted ir. ?:_e fctcre cc;nr;lnucs to rzs.,lt in o e already been added at the new school in vi conditions. Portable classro these circumstances. For the above-mentioned reasons, the Sa? Dieguito Board of Trustees adopted a PO students generated fro3 new deve2o:sezts. The de-~el~rer of zclnc%s 2.c;i I-'cz~er~;z I thro.;,-h 5 kzs ~~c~~ird such ::za-+c~a~ szslstar*ce to the disxict. In summary, the quality of the e severely tlt-n-te --. I^ st.zZyi<* - a,te--- A -AawA*;e ~ cc;;n~;;s ~i r,ousing tne stuaent overflow. %y, 1972, calling on the developer to assist the district in providins faciliti - .- e. .- Diemito Distric\k j -.- ~ -? -...-..-.- -- k-4-z 57- f_h? -,,J-J i, vvm---. rn . P,J-,,. is s;chL informtlcr, w&s provided by the school districts prior to isst tyist GILL: .-. the public repo~t e PLX;-Z -4r' '? =cr:rst, t3.5 ISCL;l sc.-.ro: any crianges in school assignments, facilities and bus service. SHOPPING FXILITIES: Shopping center is approximately two rxiles from the subdivl For furthcr infomation in remrd to this subdivision, you may call (2.13) 620-276 examine the documents at 107 South Broadway, Room 8136, Los Angeles, California 5 P2/'k1 :a -5- and last FILE NO. 3747 6" fZ%q+J @ CQI*ENC GP\Rt<2 bc*6 * CETY OF CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) JLJ~J' '9 '97' Meeting of: ~$te of 14ecijng: Time of Mcet,inrJ: 7:oo f'+lfl. Place of Nee unci 1 Chambers . __ _- I_^_ -- -.-- ------ -UCpr_lrr')--X-n--~*-r*--9L--- --- - ~ - - ~*~%%wK¶7.s-&m~- m"wi 1. AGENDA BILL #2144 - Swlement if8 - TENTA- T I V E-f-;irF-rXT E-NFI 0 N - R A N Cl{ 0 ~L--P-O-fi~~~A~~ NITS #4 AN17 #!; - PONIICROSA liOf4ES. Resofution No. 3941, approv'itiq an extension of Tentative Map (CT 73-18 for a 360 unit residential developnrcnt of a pro- lject generally located northerly of and adjacenr to Olivenhain Road and t: Chniino Real, was ildO!?i cd. -I- --_I__-__.__ ___- ____ ________ ________ __ _____ --I_---__ --_____ _l__l .II t e e ( )y I ACCEPT TtiE NEGOTIATIOII PACKAGE AS PKCSENTED ( )N I -- DO NOT ACCEPT TIPE ':EGOTIATION PACKAGE AS PRESENTED e CITY OF CARLSBAD e Initial: 4 Dept. Hd.A - AGENDA BILL NO. B - DATE: Julv 6, 1976 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Enqineerinq C. Mgr. ~ Subject: TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 73-18 (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA NORTH OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND RANC SANTA FE ROAD APPLICANT: PONDEROSA HOMES Statement of the Matter -___ On July 2, 1974, the City Council approved the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract 73-18 by Resolution No. 3449 (which was granted a year's extension by action of City Council on July 1, 1975). subdivider has requested that the subject tentative map be exten for an additional period of one year to July 2, 1977. The City Engineer advises that the Engineering, Planning, Buildi and Fire Departments, L.C.W.D., O.M.W.D., and S.D.C.F.C.D. have viewed the request. Having received no objection, it is recomme that the City Council approve the extension of the tentative map ject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditions o Resolution No. 3449, Resolution No. 3679 and Resolution No. fp./ Exhibit A. Letter requesting extension B. Resolution No. 3449 C. Resolution No. 3679 D. Resolution No. 394/ E. Location map Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 374/, approving with conditions an extensi the tentative map. Counci 1 action 7-6-76 Resolution #3941 was adopted, approving with conditions an extension of tentative map for Carlsbad Tract #73-18. I e a E N G I N E E R I N G C 0 M PAN Y 1 %';:'iY; Lc~K%Ti%sS 5620 FRIARS ROAD - SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 TELEPHONE . AREA CODE 714 . 291-0707 May 13, 1976 Mr. Daniel Groth Public Works Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Rancho Del Ponderosa Units 4 and 5 Dear Dan: I hereby request an extension on our tentative map CT 73-18; approved July 2, 1974 and due to expire July 2, 1976. Units 1 through 3 have recorded but units 4 and 5 have been held up since January 1976. drainage easement from Oakview Land Development Company. They have indicated that there is no objection to this easement, but until they sign the necessary agreements we are unable to record. The enclosed fee of $l58.50+ calculated on the basis of 184 lots. unrecorded as of this date. The sole problem has been in securing an offsite 4 t Sincerely, AH /44fld+ Norman C. Arndt NCA:cs Enclosure cc: Terry Teeple s CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-18) FOR A 4 2 0-UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT I i I' 8' 9 10 11 12 . 13 L11 14 2 2 arE g 15 16 ,us -+4k "0 J 17 . .I,4 >uv S86 u"2 18 r; 64 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 60, u JoXz +Eu >o om 0 E 1 0 26 27 za 29 30 WHEREAS, on the 24th day of January , 197 - 4, Carlsbad City Planning Cornmission adopted by motion a recommf tion to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 73-18) be COI tionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, o 18th day of June , 1974, considered the recommendati' the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the granting of said entitlement does not i any environmental considerations not previously covered in t Environmental Impact Report (No. 122) which was certified fo this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council c City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-18) is hereby approve6 subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The development of the property described he shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations forth herein which are in addition to all the requil limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordin; and state and federal statutes now in force, or whic hereafter may be in force for the purpose of presen the residential characteristics of adjacent propert: 2, The C.C.& R,'s for this development shall bc nitted to the Planning Director for review and apprc prior to the issuance of any building permits. I 31 32 3. Park-in-lieu fees shall be granted to the C prior to approval of the final map. I 5j to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria l Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other ( standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer w 8 9 10 6. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided as required by Municipal Ordinance Code. The develo; shall post a bond in the amount necessary to energizc said street lights for an 18-month period after cons tion to permit the incorporation of the subdivision 11 l1 I 12 13 n 14 2 15 yg CE 'tL w8 o~z 16 >tE >o 17 L<E "Ib >&I !$ 8 a- 18 K=$ om t 6 2 19 >$ 20 40, 0 I- u - maintenance district. 7. All land and/or easements required by this 0 nance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad witho. cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbran utility districts after approval of the Tentative Ma: the City Council. This requirement shall include all easements dedicat 8. The subdivider shall dedicate to the public rights of ingress and egress from lots abutting upon restricted access streets and roads aver and across lines of said lots abutting said streets and roads. dedication shall be so designated on the certificate of the final map with the intent that the owners of lots will have no rights of access whatsoever to sai streets and roads. The words "access rights dedicat the City" shall be lettered along the road adjacent lots affected on the map proper. Olivenhain Road sh be considered a restricted access street in this ins 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 9. The proposed street names are not approved. i I names shall be subject to approval and shall be desi in accordance with the standards and, policies adopte the Planning Conmission on file in the Planning Depa Said names shall be approved by the Planning Direct0 to recordation of the final map. 10. ~ll setbacks on the individual lots shall c to the requirements for lots in the R-1 zone distric 11, The applicant shall provide a fully actuate traffic signal at the intersection of El Camino Real Olivenhain Road. 12. All lots having double street frontage shal the access to one of said streets relinquished to th of CarlsSad in a manner acceptable to the City Engin 13. Olivenhain Road shall be dedicated and impr on the basis of a 51-foot half street for the full f age of the development to City standards. 2. 1 site. The report and plan shall be prepared by civi. engineers licensed by the State of California and ex] enced in erosion control who shall be acceptable to * 7 /I 8 9 10 11 12 13, n 14 ;w A 8 15 Le2 2 &A 003* 16 z 2" 17 czzg mCIJ +>WU zs8d 3.8 3CES 20 I", 9 i I JQ + = 19 > 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 t 26 27; 2i' 28 'I 30 31 32 15. The locations of parking, one side only, as cated for porz-ons of Los Pinos Street, shall be sub to the approval of the City Engineer. 16, The horizontal alignment of the indicated L Palmeras way and Las Palmeras Street in the vicinity proposed lots 280-298 and 320-331 shall be revised t eliminate a potentially hazardous curve in a manner able to the City Engineer. C. That said Tentative Map, together with the provi for its design and improvement and subject to the above cond is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of day of July r1 Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd by the following vote, to wit! AYES: Counci lrnen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None I ATTEST: ?f2&?J4dLd F @Addb&/ 1 ,;' d ; I ,* i I PI+JrlGljTCET E. ADAPTS,, City Clerk (SEAL) ' I I I I I I 3. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 I* 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,il) RESOLUTION NO. 3679 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CON- DITIONS AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-18 FOR A 360 UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRO- PERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTHERLY OF AND ADJA- CENT TO OLIVENHAIN ROAD APPROXIMATELY 2,080 FEE EASTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLIVENHAIN ROX EL CAMINO REAL. APPLICANT: PONDEROSA HOMES (KAISER-AETNA), WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carl.& 2nd day of July, 1974 adopted Resolution 3449 approving wi tions Tentative Map (CT 73-18); and WHEREAS, the subdivider has requested a one-ye; sion of such map from July 2, 1975 to July 2, 1976; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to ex1 map subject to additional conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cour City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and COI B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-18) is hereby ex1 subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the COI I of Resolution 3449 and the following condition: I 1. A five-foot bikeway shall be provided I parkway of the Olivenhain Road improvements. C. That said tentative map extension together provisions for its design and improvement and subject to conditions, is consistent with all applicable general and plans of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet Carlsbad City Council held on the 1st day of July by the following vote, to wit: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : .lo ; ,. '. 1 'rll 'e, 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 <- .I 23 24 25 26 27 28 . I tw 11 AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotn Counci 1 woman Cas1 er None NOES : ABSENT: None Yd*K .ALL& ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor ATTEST : P4ZL f L4 YflL44Ld mqA T E.~gms, City cler/k *: 7 9( ? (SEAL) . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 f 27 28 29 30 31 32 a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 3941 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP GENERALLY LOCATED NORTHERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO OLIVE ROAD 2,080 FEET EASTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF QLIV ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL. APPLICANT: PONDEROSA HOMES 73-18) FOR A 360 UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF A P WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, o second day of July, 1974, adopted Resolution No. 3449, app with conditions tentative map CT 73-18; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on first day of July, 1975, granted a tentative map time exte a period of one year: and WHEREAS, the subdivider has requested a one year ext of such map from July 2, 1976 to July 2, 1977; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to extend s NOTu', ?';IEXEFOE, BE IT RES3LVC2 by the City Council o of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That tentative map CT 73-18 is hereby extended, to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditions lution Yo. 3449 and 3679. C. That said tentative map extension together with visions for its design and improvement is consistent with plicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsba PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 0 4 Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of July by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnic NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Cas1 er PMC &dp ROBERT C. FRAZEE, 114 yor b 0 0 I \ I ~~~o~L:y-m-Ag- - - - (FUTURE L~ I LQCATiON FdAB d NOT TO SCLLE . r v 9 e TELE (714) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 6x2 of Carls'bab June 11, 1976 RECEIVED Ponderosa Homes 2082 Business Center Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92667 JUM L4 79'76 CITY OF GARLSBAD P 1 ann i ng Depart M e n t Attention: Ron Shackleford -I Subject: Sidewalks, CT 73-18 Gent 1 emen : Due to the difficulty of meandering sidewalks in areas with or 10' of right of way behind curbs, you are advised that in thes with more than 10' right of way behind curb, meandering the si walks will be required as shown on improvement plans. All utility locations including gas and electric facilities, t ephone facilities, water meters, etc., should be re-evaluated order to keep conflicts with this policy to a minimum. areas, sidewalks will be contiguous to the curb. In all areas Tim Flanagan City Engineer cc: Rick Eng. S . D. G. &E. Pac. Tel. Co. Olivenhain County Water Dist. Planning Dir. r/ TCF/RCM/S~W - ~~ ~ ---~__~ - ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~- ~ - ._ !I = ~~ -~ _~_______________~. __ ~~- ~~~~~ _______- ____~~ __ __ -~~ ___ ~~~~ -__ - -~~~- -~~- ___-~ 9 - June 8, E 76 88 Zuss mrrison *sf >*-E - Subject: Sidewalks, CT 73-19 Corrfirxing our discussion of June 7, 1976, in Rancho Ponderosa sidewalks which are to be placed in right of way which is 3.0' or less behind curb face, will he contigous with the curb, All others, "meander the hell" out of them, Tim Fla_?_agall City Znqineer s K.37 \% - ,' ~l I AECKj-lJEO ~l Jcllli ;] 8 1976 11 II C'TY OF CHCLSBAD 1 planning Department ZZ<C, ~~~ ~ ~~ ~x_ rJlo:&rp A /~7&!&25 y FROM : E/v6//VaEE/2, bfi*& ~3Epr SUBJECT: -- c:r 73 -/a [J~'L/- /c%, 5- OFF ICE : DAT'E: /c{AgLn( .36 , /*y) / t 4l I * 1 2 3 4 5 6 81 9 10 11 7i 121 0 .a I IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DATE OF AGREEMENT: Carlsbad Tract 73-18 (Rancho del Ponderosa IN.WE OF DEVELOPMENT: Kaiser-Aetna, a California qeneral part NAME OF SUBDIVIDER: Kai ser-Aetna, a California qeneral partnership ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT: $1615,200.00 I ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF MONUMENTATION:$6 ~ 834.00 -?%LJ-uA /L, /4?L' TIME LIMIT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMPLETION: 12 months PARTIES: The parties to this agreement are the City of Carlsbad, California, a Mllilnicipal Corporation of the State o ,California, hereinafter referred to as CITY; and the subdivic inamed on Line 3 of Page 1 hereof, hereinafter collectively rl I to as SUBDIVIDER. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, SUBDIVIDER proposes to subdivide land within t (Rancho del Ponderosc 'City of Carlsbad to be known as Carlsbad Tract 73-18, WHEREAS, SUBDIVIDER proposes to construct street and ot public improvements in connection with said subdivision as r by the Carlsbad Municipal Code and as hereinafter provided; WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 20.16 of the Carlsba Municipal Code provide for an agreement containing certain provisions as hereinafter set out; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of! their mutual promis the parties hereto agree as follows: 25 1 28 29 30 I 31 32 follows: 1. SUBDIVIDER agrees to complete all improvement work in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Engineer I including all improvement:; required by the Mun Code which were not specifically waived by the Planning r) I y. 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 0 a . or City Council in approving thc subdivision, plus any ad improvements required by the Planning Commission or City as a condition of approving the subdivision. The conditi imposed by the Planning Commission 01: City Council are in ated here by reference and made a part hereof as though f set forth. 2. SUBDIVIDER shall furnish to CITY good and sufficient impr security on forms approved by CITY, in the amount of 100: said amount stated on Line 4 of Page 1 hereof to assure f performance of this Agreement, and in the additional amoL I 50% of said amount stated on Line 4 of Page 1 for securir I 12 I 13 14 payment to the contractor, his subcontractors and person: equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for tk improvements required to be constructed or installed here and shall deliver or pay to CITY a bond or cash deposit i l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29 30 3 3. 32 '1 amount stated in Line 5 of Page 1 nereof guaranceeiny thc of setting subdivision monuments as required by law. 3. The City Engineer or his duly authorized representative, request of SUBDIVIDER, shall inspect the improvements he1 agreed to be constructed and installed by SUBDIVJDEX, anc determined to be in accordance with applicable City stanc shall recommend the acceptancc of such improvements by C: 4. Any changes, alterations or additions to the Improvcment or improvements, not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the ( estimated cost of the irnprovemcnt, which are mutually acj1 upon by CITY and SlJBIlIVIDER, shall not relicvc the irny)ro7 security given €or faithful performance of tli~ improvcmci the cv-ent such chanycs, altxrations, or additions ~xcccd percent (102) of the original estimated cost of thc imprc SUBDIVIDER shall provide improvcmcnt security for faithf pcrformancc as rcquircd by Paragraph 2 of thc Covcnarits in tiic amount of fifty pcrccnt (ma) of tiw total cstima ' -2- ,h". I. 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 .9 10 11 12 0 0 cost of the improvemcnt as changed, altcrcd, or amc:ndcd, any completed partial releases thercof as allowed by the Subdivision Map Act. 5. SUBDIVIDER shall guarantee such impxovemcnts for n perio one (1) year following the completion by SUBDLVIDEII and acceptance by CITY against any defective work or labor d or defective materials furnished, in the performance of agreement by SUBDIVIDER. 6. In the event that SUBDIVIDER fails to perform any obliga hereunder, SUBDIVIDER authorizes CITY to perform such ob twenty (20) days after mailing writt.en no'tice of default SU3DIVIDER at the address given below, and agrees to pay entire cost of such performance by CITY. 33 I 14 35 16 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 7. In the event that SUBDIVIDER fails to perform any obliga hereunder, SUBDIVIDEI? agrees to pay all costs and e?;pens8 incurred by CITY in securing performncc =f s-xh ~tllijai;: including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. SUBDIVIDER hereby binds itself, its executors, administri and assigns, and agrees to indemnify and hold CITY harmlc from any losses, claims, demands, actions, or causes of i of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way cc with the improvements agreed to be constructed and instal hereunder by SUBDIVIDER, including costs of suit and rea:: attorney's fees for a period of one (1) year follow in^^ t\ acceptance of said improvements by CITY. 8. Said CITY shall not, nor shall any officer or cmp1oyc:e tl- be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or daniagc happening or occurring to the work or improvcmcntr; spcci f in this acjrccincnt prior to the cornp1IZtion and acceptance sanic, nor shall said CITY, nor any officcr or cmpl.oyc?c t3 be liable for any persons or propcrty injurcd by reason c work or improvcmcnts, but all of r3ai.d 1i.abi.liti.cs shal.1 k -3- I' 2 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21. 22 231~. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a * assumed by said SUBDIVIDER. Said SUBDIVIDER further agrc protect said CITY and the officers thereof from all 1j.abi or claim because of, or arising out of, the use of any PE or patented article in thc construction of said improvemc 9. It is further agreed that said SUBDIVIDER will at all tin- the acceptance by the City Council of the streets and/or ments, offered for dedication in said subdivision up to t completion and acceptance of said work and improvements k Council, give good ana adequate warning to the traveling of each and every dangerous condition existent in said st and/or easements or any of them, and will protect the trz public from such defective or dangerous conditions. That understood and agreed that until the completion of ah1 th improvements herein agreed to be performed each of said s and/or easements not accepted as improved shall be under charge of said SEBDIVIDER for the purposes of this agreen and said SUBDIVIDER may close all or a portion of any sty whenever it is necessary to protect the traveling public the making of the improvements herein agreed to be made. SUBDIVIDER hereby agrees to pay for such inspection of st andlor easements as may be required by the City Engineer City of Carlsbad. SUBDIVIDER agrees to conplete saj.d improvements withi-n th limit specified on Line 6 of Page 1 froin the date hereof. is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that event it is deemed necessary to extend the time of complc the work contemplated to be done under this agreement, sz extension may be granted by the City Counci.1. and shall. in way affect the validity of this agrccrncnt or rclcase thc or sureties on any bond given for thc faithful'pcrformnnc .. tliis agxecmcnt . -4- -L -1' A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8/ e * ... mi torni aGai * p! c 7 & nf OWNER CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Munici Cali"fornia1 Corporation oj the Stdte o 10 11 ' 12 13 BY- zie-- - - ___ - Pau D. Eussey, C):? MSI; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 14 15 ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On this 'I 16 I 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I \ I I /gVL day of 5d&. . , in the yea before me the u Idersiqned, a ivorar PUDI IC in and for said personally appeared Paul D. Bussey, known to me to be the C Manager OF the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of State of California, knoi\/n to me to be the person who execu within instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation, acknowledged to me that such City of Carlsbad, California, the same. WlTNESS my hand and official seal. )----zIc-a-zcI-*c- OFFICIAL SEAL NORA K. GASCINER PRINCIPAL OFFICE -I 4 \ NOTAHV PUBLIC - CA \ /' * c;i - / Notary 'Pub1 &A IC d+dU \ SAN DICGO courrry My COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 29, L-22-EZ-r-.).Zbr APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney JNotarial acknowledgement of execution of owners must be at -5-. i STATE OF California 1 COUNTY OF Orange 1 ) ss. On March 23, 1976 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Elias John Garcia known to me to be the duly authorized agent of all of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said partnership and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature / /, , *i // '. e' *. . e' (I , *:: " .. *. . .' r '3 --yq A,*: L.@i&&AaL2 * 17 :I.; j ; r;: z . ._ a. p. -7' y p.-* r-.-n. ,<.-a7 [ ( ,'X !/, ':-- D-.-;& < . * .. ,_ : L_J---n..\.- l:.:P e .- nwE GwE5 W. BRCEclLA(Y ._ W?Z h In EN T - - Elins8 John Garcia -- subject: Delegation of Aut!iority Pursy1;ln-t: to Sectio'ns 6.5.6 and 6.6 of the Kaiser Etna Partnership Agrcc:-;l:at clF.tcd July 3, 13G9, as * ar:?nded, and Section' );I1 cf the In.i.tia1 Delegation made. pursuant thereto, I hereby delegate to yo^? the following power and authority subject only to the lirnikations . To prepajre and execute apFlications to appropriate goverPlmcnta i.odics for licenses, pernits and approva1.s as may be iiecessarlT -.and. nppxoFriat:e and, further,- to grant. easements .. . ... ~. ~. .~.~~--. and ~ -~ licenses ~. -to govery~rnental bodies hay~i~5 the power of eininent Cioma-h, &?id :fur"chcr, .izo ;mke ~;pplicaticns to city and county authcri-ties for zoning, zcnil?,g variatzz:ls, and chanc;es in zoning f aDd i?ca!c.C> S?hC7Li\Ti.S ~LLII i~~aps o ,j.kl cn ts y E cy11 i -,-c! d, f 0 y p ~'0 C :? s .F; j. i-1 CJ 5 us fj iv j. s i 0 11 a g I- (I) enen t s a n d in--- dcmnji;y ;Iqrc-?emcnts for a.zi:.irli;nts ilot in excess of $109 I 000 I bxxk o~3,ly j.rL cOn!lecti.oj? ~ith the deuelcpxent of residential )lo~sj.il< 02: ajJ_ types by Ponderosa F~G~CS Division of Xaiser Etn.a, - expressly set- forth hereinafter: - . .. .. . -. . ... .. . . . . . . . - - .. .. 9.- .: - _._ - -. 1 . . :lpp~~Lca.~~en' ai7.d sip map:; fcr srelininary ail6 final .. parcel ~r - '4 2. TO ent&r jn<~ aii:i . 7 ~2-~~~l~~; - -- - ---A- wll e-- ~-,~I-'~~I ,,LAAu-.- F cf ~~~-~~pr 7.1:.nFL ~ ..a~]- d~cu-. i. px.c)~,jj_&:rj. only that the foregoicc; authority shzl1 be execrlted os.3.y in conpcci:j.on y7ith the assets 2.n.d a.f 2si.r~ pertaini-ng to the p?:c?f {:C of x,aj.s;er ri,'inn kno>jn as Ponderosz Iiorr;es and pi-ovided I fur'iher .. F tl3.i: you shall not enter into zny contract, agrccrmn'c or undcrtaK~-nq 1' - irIcl..incIj ;~g, ~7.itk0ut lin;itat.:iO:-l i a11 subdivision bor;ds OY np2licat-j-c t.0 c::it-y, county or state authorities bj7 .r.Jhich the partnership Xc5lj-i n~t c>:I>j:c.s:;:L>T "li,mitCd '~2 tils assets .. ~2 thc part:!lcr-sllip CXCP;?~ c ~-~Avo].-L~j-i~g 1~s~; than $5~; , 000 ;?y.:! ie:i>lc]> expire 'in 1 css t-.ha:> tweI.u;.: r~,c>i~f;hs an6 1.ii-ii.ch. zre ' j.~ the orcliriJ:cy COU:CS~ of business of the c>:c(;:;:; of $i;,OOO anti ~?oi: 021 ~ziscr Ztna F-'orms shall havz pri-03: ;IF.. . cy,Lii~L 7,. I- o~ 21iy p;.,rt:-lc,r is r;& jecked to possible clairas and ~:ihi.~ki z>:(:. . j~oj-i<~~~;~>:;<~ Ij? c; pxojcc"; prov~.iic..:i / fa-x-thcr E' thn'c all coxlXLlct:; j-n pyoy;lj. of cc~c:~:ic!l,. ,.I '. . */ /- *j, ,/; &+-2'(. .LA. I: .. ,+ - ( <, , / K -, -_I_ _____._____.-- __ .__._" _I-_. I ,--.------.---.- I-.. Da-l,crld: Aprj.:l 2 !i c 19-15 c b+ l?XC!C!. 12. G~:~C!n.La!~~ PTC: s L CI. C ri t an CI. chi c i: I:XCCL? t i vc: ~f 7' j. c fz j..[.;~;;.~.j~ C . }:' G c :;n~>'c::c..r .c:c,:: 1:- c;, G;!I..?rx;:i-Iy I. Q .. J . \hi L 'j C) i t I LZ 3. C: e ,. .... . . -' .... * ....... .. .. ** i..rru Vt'Y m3~5mt- b .... ... .. .. 1. ... .. \ 1 4 9. I , .. , .... .. -. '. ... ,... ... " .-' .. . .*-..s-. . .. \ '! ' .*- . .. .. .-. . Elici; gofura Gzrcia .. c;uh-j~~_ct'; Dc?.cyn"i;iOr; 01: P,u~?IQc~~Y .... .. ...... ...-a- i .. .. ... . - - - A. ..-.*-- .*, .;-. . ~~~~~~A~,i~~ to I;erJ:j-C3s G c 5 .. G ,%nd 6 .. 6 of a> KX~-SEX T2t;:a ~~(rk~c.rsiijip p1 d;;te6 scj.)! 9,' j..?zg, 23 ~~~n~~~i c:i:j S<:c->i~r; ):IT of khe . ~nir-ci:j~ &.- ;>;iL~~~~i0~: mss n1>:s~~.!7:; ~AP:cP~o~ I herc2by ~.~Le~~t~ to 3-i 70 ez$:e:: i]-lc,rJ nl.td csrr-cu.f2 suMLv.Jisf-zjn )-;\c?nQs of aLL J:;h& ;=cr s\lS:+ljvis;-o:-Li3 05 t;h_e Kzi!3Fr 2.t.3" prrqt?ck kr?o:v-al yrox -~,c ~Q~,J~~;~~:~,~; pci;gc:: z-q< ~AQ~J;Q~~~Z>T: rc " . fisc >?(-jji(j,C;;l;fi32, ~~;~~~;, '1112 ~1~~~di~i~2.3i~ b~i;<t.; ~~iy be fox ii . .. .. :,-d .,. . ?. . .--- f'p2-m 02. 2.4 ~~~:j~~>.;~ 82:: 2TQ$1ge;i:. .-r- Ij I- o .. '0 (1; P? P ... /$.-/ j-+*,. )%..L-_&".. 'i k.9 I, ... L----.- - I ,a=.(- i *.- .. c (.<. ?--- -----.---.-. ---~-- . ~~&~-&~~~ ~<Q\FC~(J:;I~;X: -$ p ?-$Ti;' A .' -- Kc Tj-c Ye.;: pri'l,s: j-<m>t 21; i; (y-3. :bz. f L_/ 2; q <; 1.1 i; 5" i?' c- 0 E f i c c '\ .. .... -... .. .... n .< . .... 4.. - . .. - HTY : i x g?. - d. - r. L. iy io 1 L. u L .\ %. y 0 .-- pl7 5 o - . cr;: ' 2,. r;& fxl!.or.a.i' . . ........ F.5 ( . .T> * sj;cj r;< ); ea-' ... \:$J I ' \, ?&\- \..I ..... ! .- * * 1:,\t\J > j:* (:* ~r;.~~~?e~ ........... lQy\,i'{ ** .. . '. . -_ . . .- .. .I ,' Y ............ .. . a. *., yi:i: ('1s i: :>&v Ilil < L I)! !* <! 1 ,:?.e I.;: r? C.C $4 r:. 16, ;iC- ::I. E. &(TiI L'hL C f 6 ctI( If. .& 4:',' .I I ..) .I , . 1< (4 ..... ....... ......... I * e@ '*OR" c 1: r'iT)lK TIII: e&>. 5% 3 q e!? Oep4$& 4?ec %*@ "?: e -7 ,J/ I, 91: 'yllc !iC I)PJi2.iCri \jF;X'l7 OI; 111: !i, l~~ST.lri~l< 9 i(. 0 sr 1.m OF C.\~,IFOKXA T&LPXC;:L ;:oe (213) 6.m-2700 In tliv rn;ittci- of ~'ti<b :i.pplic.niior: of YdIs~:H-AET?~A Jl/i --, 1'1 i i < L. I 1 I I \ L \ i{yi s 'c' 13 I I 1 \7% 1 + 'I * .. %.> . PI~:BLIC wxwr f?k FILE NO. 3: for a PI dirninarjr Su'tdivision 1'ul)lic Kepcx +%:;'kQ, (i_i ISSULD: PlARCK 18, 15 CA1?LS3AD TrGCT '73- IS EWCLIO POSD2235A L, Slit? DIEG3 COTJi,'Tf, CfiIFOP2!1A Qq4 a California general partnership P L, , %MIS r,EFOF?T is HOT A ~~ECOM~?ENEA~t3N OR ENMORSEMTNY OF F;(E SUED:VISIOQ! BUT IS IMFCRMATIVE C'?:LY "his is a Ppeiiminsry ~nbdivisioc public Report \t.h;si? permifs tile takirrg of reservations to F: OF ieclsc a lop or parre! in this suE7divisiori un6;e.- $he f0tiowir;g conditions: (I) such reservations F suhicct to the c;p~~'avai of the fiinci public rep9t-t by the p13posed purchaser; (2) any valucbEe ercltian in.sn!vecl niust be placed it: a nenircl escrow depss2e-r;. subject to withdruwa! by :he p~ purchrgrek- rri: any time witfsouLj Zet'octions and tin opticn to ielice! his reservaficn cif q~y 'lime I ar,~f-agves (he cna[ !ji,p%Jic i.epap*t; t-qJ (3) q coy" c:? .'he reservnttcn uareerts~r-: si~Lsed by iiie LFQI p~rc:i7ase; an2 by {he sad.zdivider or kis agent musf !-;e ~dased :> tkz ~SCT~W. E<<.~TE: ais repert eXpire.c. 0~1~ yecr Crors: do;<+ LZ Essucncc GF an issuance of C* F'i~~ci I".ep~:'f, WE ts sooner. v.,y fi tail E':L[E.IG OF T[-$iiS SUGL?JIEVISiON WETH T:+E l.>EPARTP&ENT OF WEAL ESTATE [S iXaCOEEPLETE t'O E t c: \,ti I N e5 B 25 i.Yxx: 'I. Copies of recorded nap, recorded Declaration of Covenants, Cmdi-tj-ons and Restrictions, title repart issued wbsequect to recordation of map and Articles of Incornoration besririi; evidence of filing wi th Secretary of State kave not yet bccn submitted. Evidence of finallcia1 nrrmgeaents to insure payment of subdivider's share ol' maintenance and operational expenses has not yct been siibmitteci, 2. 3. The budget for the i;sm.ag;crnent association has not yet been approved. SPES L'IL ?!OTF+S l;iFOl?!XTXOII IEGAI'IDING SCBCOLS C&: BE FOU;.ID OR PJiGES 4 AND 5 OF EIIS amy -1- A e a TIIIS ppcJxcy IS A pL!<l j) DC~,;~~LC~)~,:~;~,~~. IT I>;CLUDxS COFQ!OI( ~$~~~S Ah?) CC>':FIO>! Fj?,CII,ITrx-;S \{i{Ic!{ ';/IX,I, 3X GiXiYJ!ArzX3 3Y A;; I?JC@T!lUiW'ED OtilGK5' ASSCCIATIOS. ' DIE ~SS~I~T~~;~ YTs rt;x >IC:<'? TO L:l;\Jy ASSESSj.;C>JTS Ji('j,!',XTiST YOU FOX 1~fAIp;Tx- ]<~~;./<~ cjF T~~~~ (;ci.:;.;c::{ 2',EzL,s ii;;;) OTITz:?. '&j;'mST:-;S. YOUS C.O;~~i~L()I, CF OFzrG\'j'IQi{S .4?;1) );;<1?z!SLS Its J,Ii.:ITED Ti) Y@X? 2JCII'T TO VOTE AT 1;EETIli'GS. IlIL l?32J.,Di?iX 1i.iiS STi?k"l'3l TiiAT HE WILL PXOVJ.DE YGV VITH A COPY OF TIIZ ARXICI A;I3 fiyl-A-';i'S !:jy POSTI2;G TfEl; I]( c?, PRa.:.:I:'!3!% L( 0- T;ICO:?~pu*L'~TO:; ~ lxsy?~cy.Ip: 2 S>iLzs c"$ICx J.iiD 3' ~~~~~~~s~-~I~<G YO'J CopIE;S PIjTCij "0 CLOs; o'j.' 4 CRO;; I rli-7ro.T' *jluL>a DaC'I);.:z;TS co;;T>.n; ;iIJ:.zpJzs J.liyJ.''C3:I;"LL y~(-j'JIs~o~qs TZ-A,T sussTiJ:I;II'u YOiJR I";IGIiI.'S, Pi?IVILEGZS, USZ, OBLIGATI@~S, COSTS OF YGiT Sl!G'c;I,D RDD CJi) Uf:T)ZRSTiiI6D Ti] aE mCTJ;\lEi5,'S TO PQXGiiAS3 A LOT. m-r LI~L 7 ~~J:~.,?,)~'d~jl33 ci 2 STA,TZj JZ I.!II,T~ Fi.jSi!IS:I TjS CIZ!BXi,YL' E0A-W OF OFFlC3;RS OF TIiE IIO?;~O~..;~\;>~R ASSEII;,~.'ION, UmN F:;sIs ST, ',"El2 BUXLDIRS PL4?IS, TO II!CLUDE: DIAG2?1:S OF LCEAT'IOii OF !L4JOR COl.IP TS , UTILITI3 AND RZL4TED DATA . TiEC SL!!DI',~~DLX Jif'S AN Ij!TILX X< EE ESCHO'J CCXPANY VXICH IS TO 3Z USED II y10;; ;)qy*t E:[z S.tLE fJR SZ OF LOTS IE THIS SVdDYVISI0i.I. y.73 p.IATJ3-z OF T"' Ilx; SZBDI'jID;+J? 1 S IIJTxp?,sr 3:s Sz;T 170' ii 17.1; 'i'iiE aCT?Ol*: Ii:STflTJSTIOI.J,s bz{;.IICB A3-L TO 3E 7JSE;D. TIjS lj:3ELOPxi;R 0' TilIS P3GJX.T EXS iI..ll)ICAY5D TdAT HE IK S TO SELL ALL OF TIiE IJGfS 11: [[.'jiIS I1~.:9,75CY. ~i~~,[~T~~~, A;IY G;,!NER ~ II:GLI;DINrJ cIs n~J~~~O$J>~~~, HAS il LZGAL 2IG:T.Y TCJ U-ASz r-*vT- XU LOTS. PROSPZCTIVZ PURCHASEi& SHOULD CGXSI- DL? 'EX i?ossIm:z ~~FFZCTS ox TIE DZV"LLOFI;ZP;.;T 117 A SLBS'I'AW~TAL PORTION OF mi LSS i3s,;(-J].yA BL;.;:PkJ, PjjCT6R"i'ICS o :T YOU l;/ILL SIG:: TO FZS";iWS A LOT IN TXiS SURDIVISIOX DOES XOT ,T,?<R T(j Sz;LL jiT pj?:izz,S I:! -'n-'-nrl AJ~L~L Or( girOTZ3 TO YOU kY 532 TILL yrJ -',.fm.7" L,.~LL.~ Ti'lTO h !?3SZBV.4TIGS i':GXY%XE;LTT. I3Y T33 TIT*X TIE FIIZAL SUl3DIVISIOH XTWb?C F,.WJHJ? IS :[SSUGD TO DZY:;LOPi.;R TiG ACTUIiL PUXXASZ YiiICE; MAY 13- OX ALL TIE LOTS IN TIES SUaDIVISIO2i. Il\!T'ZQXSTS TO - €33 CCN'iGEID: I You rr5.11 receive fee title to E: specified lot, togetl a ncmbersiiip in ihncb Poiiderosa Ho.reomers' Association and rights to use the ( area. - LEATSO:;T AY3 SIZZ: %'he total project consists of apgroximately 120 acres divided into 418 resident: j.n additicjli to the com~orr areas md coGm.;nity facil-itics which wiIl consist of' . sites, two tot lots, t1:m gazebos, basketball and volleyball area, two horseshoe I.ar,dscapcci slope areas.. Tile total project, if Ickveloped 2.s proposed, will consist of a total of six inc. aid 418 residential lo.Ls, as well as the cormon areas and facilities above-ment: !ibcre is no assurance that the total pr<jjcct will be completed as proposed. In the City of Carlsbad. I_ I_- fWu'AGEbIEPiT AXD GPXPATIOi4 - : The Pansho Ponderosa Hocieovners' Association, which -2- of 5 pages FILE EO. 371 (Pr elimiriar; 0 e I> . join, manai--er LI aqci opexitcs the coz':c;~~l ai-ea(s> in accordaxce witil the Restriction Artic1.e:; of Ii~corpomtion 3!ld the Iiylnvs. The subdivider has subixitted a budget for ii 1' cii s wh CII t h c sub di. vi. di s i o:i I s subs t an t Yo1.1 shoald obt2i.n copi.cs of t;he fiofitl~]-y nsses,5:;:e:;t %itch SU~?L~~V?~:;~.C):~~ lot, is c:; '3 'i * 50. tile r>oyltj;J-y ~:sscss~~:<:~ lot i.s S?i. 53, kccc;xii.rig to the subE.i.:id.?r ~ esscssraents u::dcr tlic interin bu~~: be :;iiffi.cit>rt fct~ ~-~r~)pei- ~~~.:!,Y,'L~;I~~~c~ L<,i-ici ~:~~~at;iofi of tht: (;oiy!!in 8.yka.s unt j.1- ihc api:!cnt is SU\~S~L;? Lj.al1-y co:;.ple-l;ed: 3.t wi.iic!i time it may be ankiciFated 1711a-t ~ssc will. be 10~;e~ed to co:;r'or;n to the built-out budcet, :;,t:c;-im bu&;e-i;. '!lp buj,l.t --ai,;.i, buc'lg.2-t , Er;"r?t' ';he inics:in .budget, ., * d. r ,- rZlrc!?n.,scrs 0; I.c:ts i:i the first inc;xc.ent wS.11. be assessed ~r!?~.y r. I I e -53 pe: r::~:~th the eu?)ciivici.zr L!j.Xl. suksidlze the project p.112 wi13. mdce f2.1ia:icial ariyi:iseiyients ti tirig ~7. ho:id LO para;li;ee tkt purchnsers' nogt'2lg assc5s:i:2nJ;s will not exceec! :> until the za1-e of tk fi~st lot in the second increnent OF on 15:arcEi 1, 1977, w:~-i first OCCU~G. At that ti;:??, pUrC!;?.SerS 1~511. be assessed their full share of the a:! ,s $. ;. ;o;;: n; Ly ;& ,yc;,s s tb )*!.:y& ITL' ,sllc;;;;( 07 I{::.\]A s4sTAQ:'E 5 T TO ~Tj~~~~~~:;~~o r',' lJdl; 6- r>i<T TIVI 1.11.2 11,.J.o it:! .';GR P11 ~i-1~ essociation :m:;. increase or decrease essesm:ent,T at acy time in accordance ~y! ibed in thc CCF.-ik or 3;:3.:ii;lso In co::sid.cri 1;~; the advisability 05 ::;p:its, c1.0 i*r c 2 s]lou: - 6 ?De i;al,. .i en zot to el.lminal;e amounts attributabl :or r?r?:n+0'7nnrPT IC 2zpCRT 1s t~ppLIt~~J~A~ kLs (jP E12 ~}+~.~~~ Tj J)I3--?C-j&T "0 PI,XJ)ICrJ pLct~.g~.;;i"i%~l;'y A?.!D y:;D I;:7T;'I;;yy, );csy ;ypTJ<s>;s -j-;,7~~~pJ~ 1.r-Jt17 iiriiz & .?T C?T'%S;I,S 1:; TIT2 cc13y 07 LI-q-J-rJG. I. up 1s'yJ;y;cy* jy;p -> I: 11 *UII Eantlil.y tic;.Tes,x:ents i~i.11. ccn:.i:c.nce on zli lots op, the first day of thr-: nonth folic thc r2';3:ith. in v;:-iic::i the sale of the first lot to a plx-chaser i.s closed. From tha! the s\j.hdiiviLc?: :'Ls required io pay tILc a;:.s3ciation a r.;ont]iIy ~ssess~~eilt for each 1 which he o'ms. The renicdies a.va.:il;.ble to the a.ssoci.rr';j.on against owners b!ho are de1i;iquent in t'r mc3t of asses .the su'uc!ivj.dcr a:j vel1 2s c:~s$li~t ot!?Cr o;qll~r3~ The sv,bdiT.rider intends ';o post ; as T~*:rbizl sr3cc.:-:ity i'cr his obligatio o pay these assc~~r:lc.;lt~. '~ns go-;eyninc i thc c:r.:;cicia.i;S.~r! s!;oiYl.d a.sso.:-e it SCTP the sul;?.i.v:i.der has mtisficd his c515-t;: to -i;l,e a.:;scc?.: rder~se or' ex 1i.i;~ s.ye sei: Tort;? in 'ihc CC?.:!':s. ?':*lese 1-cnedLer; are a:ra.-jlnble ag: -. ct t9 ::aj.~:l;ey!a:lce of .i;he cor:l;;ioi~ zrcas j)cfoi;.'c: npe,zj.yj - ---I____ --I---.- -C..-p-_--L-----.-..----i--L .-----e Kd CTlrC"!S : 'Jlli5,s :.;iztic!ivisioji will be subject to restrictions to bc recorded i:: ---IYIII---- Qi'fice of the Sm D-cgr) C0u:it.y Recorder. TAX ?ZYli:t"YX: YOU C;XY nppi.ro?:i.i:iat,c> pur LFI.x:~.s as fo3.l.o If' thc subdfvi c:cr i:: r:n 7_c .to give you the current tajc inforzat.5 _U_^_.__I_ -3- of lj pages FIIX IIO. 3747 (Pre~ininnry ) ',' (y? "!X s,;*L;;; I) pI{-JCz, L;I , AT,z *rijs:{ * Yi.j~2~~~~~ Ex- [K;;: l'AK2 2:y, ri 1.- D ';. - 7-. ,,... -c\.. lira y'Lx J,jx :,i,,T / >317*)LR I'jj&; ;,F;()'dL Tii); ;?j;T;, iiAD ;j rjyyTAL ';I' .\ -y i -it. ;y,Ll;d* r- - r;.'r-- --!!;-& - I( ,;; pJi:i,,; ::'(;::; -:KT-,- 1371; ~-J~.;;J~ yz,~;? 1s :,io, G/+rj. AAA Ad ' !L.l,L!J,'l:,l. u1'1 LAY (;;I i; 1i.J ;TJ~;~Q[J~;~~T y&\jis, KL,bu&L DIs:?p;IGT A,SS'C,::'-:'":J:~l Ap'P' -\'-;? >;>>; , Ayf zc;;);:,> DT?;13" c;: c:---m .I& )rr. Id. ??C i UJD si;" CC,CIJ Iycp)ss ,Ti1L r"uriIup; &"LyE. CC::J)I!TPXJS OF >;\x:<: note wI.11 be used. An acceleration cla..,ase. This neans that if you sell the property ox' use it as a curity for a.!Ict?ii.r loan, the leader nay declare the entire unpaid loan balalce i diately due and paj.able. If your purchase in~olves financing, a r"0i-m of c!eed of trgs ..- -ma.,- Tnese 2.ocueents contain the fo2.lowing provisions: -.---- -- k p~~ym?t l.';;v. pwt before i accorchce with the terns of the loan, A 3.a"ie ciia.rce. jou K;~T ha.iie t~ psy an a.6,1G 2.d.A :--; L.. r~r~~ ,.li.i. arnnnr!t as a pEnal't?,:. This r:eans that if you wish to pay off pur loan in billole --A <he, >c71.1 y2.y be ;-eq::jureS to pay an addj-i;ional alr,ourlt a~ 2 pe-m !?his mealis thst, if yo;; are late in ma!cing your nonthly loan pay^:^ -..- ---L 1: yo2 reS.>rye a lot;, t:le sut>d-j.i.rid.er Mijst p3.2.ce all ra!. escroiv at the Xealtj. ~c~~c,pow, 111~. , 2~82 3:v.siness ( Drive, Irvine, Gaiiforn:iri, sij.b;l'ect ,Lo the coabj.tj.ojjb of t;jle ~yltative rescy;a,tio: :n.,-r,t. IDSS FO;l ZGS,:iL --I & '>jy; 'I,,% ;,' c -$r i -.a77 ,,IS", T2;n &~~-i~;:',;.:~~~ riy>b' ]*;fiLy I:c]p zE /is ~)'~~~~~~~~iJ~{ 11: ~~~~~< CC~-'~"?CI~ cz G?sL31iJs .3&iiD SIT:; p~~~~~~'?,TI(J~! ,L<L-L ~~-~~~];A~~>;~ EIiCJY,:} DiSpT'q? ""uL, i.;*';:r- \, -1. <d qlr ,,I, r DZI+','LO TVTT,OFQ I C 'J$;SI~,~~~~, zIz z:GS; G' ii\ I,,-: A~-~L;s.L', r." --,-.r- ALiI ;,;1;4r 13 17's A~o,~z-I.;il;I[%~o~~~~ j CC);::pL-i.<$;C.Z i,;Ixg ~;;$&j~~~< 79 3; ~~&~~~,~~~ C)~~i~{A~A~{c~ DUXIj:!G 3iE QJN;<~l~~TION 07 TjIIS SI VIS :: IC\. SOIL CO?KjI:"iC:.:S: An engineerli?g report !la:: been filed and inc].u.ded in tlie repor. certnir. recc!nc~.eiid:_:'iions. Su.hdivider h3s certified that he y,rj,Jl copply \qit]i the : nenditions o;f -' cILc 1- cn~inew-, -that the puTZbx:jerE' fun& >:ill be i::lpoil.nded :in escr: that :ID escrows wX! close uiitil. recoc;rncildat;ions have been. conpleteci.. S?X:iSE DISPOSAL: nge 1 ---._I--- Lots will. bc su.bject to a seyjicc charge of $3.00 per lnon.th fo: -- -. --. TIC?:: l?egtl:Lzl-ly schc&ll.ed public tr,u7.spori;atic:1 sel:\-ic\_. is not - 1 .. * . u__- able to this ~~iia-ivj.t.;ion. SCII03S;S: Tile Ezlcinitas Uiii3n S:l?~ol District slid the Sari Dleg,.ui-ko Union Iji$ Sc: I>isi-;:ict advise tkai thc I.ccntion aid dis'iance frorn tile most dictnnt lot in the ,' to Chc ilearest schools ecx'ving this tract: are as fcllovrs: .._1.-3- -4- of !S pages FILE P!O* 374: ( Pr e 1 -i xi 11 ary : 0 ? .. ... Capri ;..Li.~cntnry (K.,6) I ?!t? Caj3l.j. Soad, npproxiir;.:itely k ailes; (:ci.k Crest Ju:;ior Yigh (7j-8) , 675 ISnLour Ijr.iy:(t, a.pprosilcately 2-3/11 acres;. SUL Diegtiii.~ IIigh (9-12), appoi5c:&tely 3-5/6 miles. Knciriitas Uniori TJckvl DLstrict further advises thnt bus service is provided at exl;'ct:;se to Chpi Llementary School. Sari Ijj-egu~$o Iinicn Zigh School. District further acivises as follows: Trq ,IlOk,ortatio:i . <.n is provided free for ji;n.ic,r high students who live one mile or ria school and for hilji schm!. :;-tudentE wiio live twc rsiles or r.riore from the school, is t:~.r:nsured by the most direct public thoroughfareo At. ti1.c nresc-nt time all scixool faci1itj.e~ of the Sail a>iepito Lrnion High Scliool are cx'irexly ovc:rcrowicd. Over twerty portable b-L?il.di::gs haye beell added in 'i! five ymrs ir, ordcr .to I:cc-, up with tile rlsxlg c:w.ollineflt. The district has ne: renc!iad the poj.~t \ii!ercl the a.dditj.oiq of K1.3re zort;-;5le bu.i]-di:p-s 1,,~21 place 2 SCI on the perciment; facilitiec mch as cy!? azd locker areas, FZ fields, rest:-ooas, The district; o?c.ed a seco:id htg:: SC~~COI~ in 797';. Eo:.:nvex*, t.l:e base ?o?ulc;tio1: horr,e..-: and th~ose sr,bcd.~.lcd to Se co!'mietcd. in th2e f';:.t:.i.;ye contin::.es to res:>.l$ -jfi c crow d.o c3 c 012 c.::. ti 0;: s . Por f- -, .- - 2 ~'~assroor;:; have a1re:id.y been add.cd at the neyi schc vi cv 0 f t: i; e s e c i _V'CU GiS t o.n c e 3. ?'or th.~ above-mentioned TCCSOTIS, t:ic 2.3.1 ?Iie,pTto 933:rii of Tr:~.stces adopted a pc .. . - '1' .. . $72, Call.iilc on t c'irveloper to assist i;ile ~,.i~.';yi~t .. ovid.ing fa.cilij t #% g;ei-1er..t..::ct. I;*o:r. ;.; dr.-irel.or.a:el_i;c. T'e Scii eloper of c) Bel Po,r&roc2 tkLe qui.lity of t;:~ cdiica-,~ a. cxd :)3~3gc",;:: ir- thnc Sa.ii l)iesuj.'co Ilisi;rj-ct - 1 *- -. I . .I .1 1 1 ... . .. I LLLi'uz[,:J. 5 :I J Y i i;.t: (1 >> L). <; i; A. 1 i=:ls 1.2.~ 2 :j 2 1s ~s.:i~; 3 L u TI? e 02 s 1; z.:j2 c i; . ry, 111 L s ev c?:r c.3:; thr eat 6 by tile coy:i;ini1ed. tr,f:Lu:,: cf rAcw i;o.r!csl Tiie c:is$rj.cf: 5-5 Cijrrt s tg. d y i. x c al: 13 yna~; 2- 7,- c ;x c t;llc) 2.s 0 2 ho;: s 2 :'j r t] ! e s <;u. 6-21 i i, 0 ~7 eTfi 0i.j. I;gr;<,; rl, J.US - *. b sc3.ooJ. inforxztioc 1~1.s pr";:-,f.ded by the .scho31 d.is'tricts prior to is: --. the ptlbl.<.c repor-';. x1y ch?.n[;r;s 5-11 school a.ss-ig;nrieni;s, I'aclLi.t?:.cs and bus senice. h.rchascrs :.:ay contact .LLc local school. dj-str-ict off: SIIO1'E'I:iCr TBCTLTT'I:..I:S: Shcp~~Lng centci: is a.p?ro>:iii:2tely tvio miles fro% the s12.bclj.T ----_.A+ ,yl_I For f+.ither L?fa~.xtioii in re~a-cd. to t3j-s sub~.T;is:i.on, you :nq- call (213) 620-2; <~:xx,Irl;; e thi. ciocu ts ~;i; 1<,7 SCU~!? 3rc,;tdy:ny, i;oorfi - :I "-7/ I,J, Los >,:lg;e].es, Cslifoi-liia H?/ltn.s; ->- and last FILE x?, y' (Pr ei i~iiil~ar; 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD * AGENDA BILL NO. 2144 - Supplement NO. 7 Initial : DATE: February 3. 1976 I Dept . Hd Jc - C. Atty,kG _I DEPARTMENT: Enqineerinq C. Mgr, _ri .' / Subject: CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, UNIT NO. 3 (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA) FINAL MAP ACCEPTANCE Statement of the Matter 1. Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Ca bad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 3 (Rancho del Ponderosa) for conforman with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicable local ordinanc the City of Carlsbad. The final map conforms substantially with the conditions of the tive map approved by the City Council on July 2, 1974 by Resolut No. 3449. The tentative map time extension for a period of one was granted by City Council action on July 1, 1975. 2. Portions of lots 91 and 111 designated "portions of Lots 91 111 reserved for future street'; Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 2 (Rancho del Ponderosa), Map No. 8154 recorded August 15, 1975, w offered for dedication but was rejected and never accepted by th City. Acceptance of this reserved future street is now in order (see E Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 3 (Rancho del Ponderosa). bit "B"). This will complete the street design requirement for Exhibit A. Final map B. Resolution No. Jg+d C. Easement plat D. Location map Recommendation Adopt a motion approving the final map of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, No. 3 (Rancho del Ponderosa). Approve Resolution No. 3 regarding acceptance of the portions Lots 91 and 111 reserved * or future street of Carlsbad Tract 73- Unit No. 2- (Rancho del Ponderosa). Counci 1 action - 2-3-76 The final map for Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 3 was a Resolution #3840 was adopted, accepting portions of Lots 111 reserved for future street of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, # *. 1 2 3 4 5 I *4.d--z 4% i / '1 4kaQs, JUL B I 24 FIL&/BAFE NO, Ltl tloox 1971 RECOWQEb ReQU e n'CI'Ug x'4 ""aA I I 1 t?dl19 . .- - I -- <_ I.?. -I . - -. . I_._ ~ OFFlGlAl. i(ECI] HAALLY i- *e,-( SAN 31L;O i;Qki)ct\ RECSROEE RESOLUTION NO. 3840 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN PREVIOUSLY REJECTED EASEMENTS RE- QUIRED BY CARLSBAD TRACT 73-18, UNIT NO. 2 (RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby --- as follsw,3 : 8 9 10 11 12 15, 14 15 d 16 17 18 19 4 20 21 22 23 1 1 < I i I ! i 3 24 1 25 I i 1 1 26 27 281 I i f t City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, cuiarly described as portions of Lots 91 and 111 designated I tions of Lots 91 and 111 reserved for future street" accord Map thereof No. 8154, recorded August 15, 1975, which was F ly rejected by the City Cocncil of the City of Carlsbad for street purposes, is now hereby accepted for public street E 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall cai certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the OEJ the County Recorder of San Diego County and to cause a cop: to be forwarded to the County Assessor of the County of Sar State of California. I ' PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the day of - February , 1976, by the following vote, to wi AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase and Skotnicki NOES: Councilman Lewis and Councilwoman Casler P: (y5 /"LC <>f Y q,: \d P ABSENT : N 0 n e / t i; -%r ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayo ATTEST: I ii I >&7i7&/&Z qL H IiiAIX E, ADAMS, ity Clerk 1 29 30 f i 32 1 t 32 i i t 3 i (seal) ' EXrSTBT @ 0 ..I * 17~1?) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) s5. NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy I, .. ~________.___________................, city Clerk of the City of Carlslxici, Corinty of an Diego, State of Califo hereby certify that I have coiiipard the foregoing copy Lvith the original .Res .~! U.ti0.n ...! s~.@ ...... pi1ssetl adoptcd 1)y said City Council, at _..____.. reY.u!..ar __......_.___._ meeting tlitwof. at tlitx tiiiw arid I)y tlI(. votv tlic stated, wliich origiiinI . Cies .o.l.u~ri.o.n............... is now on file in iiiy otfice: tIiat tIic, S~IIIC contaiiis a FiiII. ,.and corw.t transcript tlirwfrorii iintl of thc. whole tiweof. ' -\vitiw..:s triy 1i;in~ ar~ tlie sea~ o~ saitl City of ~:ar~s~,u~, tlris -6th.. clay <>( .... J.~1.~~...1.9.77.- .................... ( SEAL.) . . . . . . . . Deputy . . . . %./&.4 City CIer U 5 C a - 0 e -. -- _------_ //#- x. 00’ ‘\ / // ‘\ /’ . ‘\ \ / / / \ \ ‘\ / \ -----, FWUX3V OF L 67 9/ RE5ERVED FOfl FUTUflE 5’REET ‘ 4CCE5C3 RliWT$ RELZ/flQU!SUED d#D WdMED. \ \ \ \ I \ DETAL NO2 I 1 NO7 70 %ALE. /’ - -_____- -- -- ‘\ c- -_-----_ -. I//- --- ‘--. ,/ mflmj# OF LOT f// flE5ERVED FOR fUZ4715 45’&55 /?/GKZ R€L!!Uj//L/ED &n wdl / / 1 AUT 70 Z4LE EXHIBIT (Rancho Del Ponderosa - CT 73-18) Resolution No. 3840 ?I * m - *. ~. .. . N0.T To SCI\.L€ . .. EXHIBIT D (Rancho Del Ponderosa - CT 73-18) Resolution No. 38a0 FROM : i"Nk>/NEE=Mcfi /-y?,y -7 SUBJECT: L'#' /- 7-3 --/E L~J(/) /I uz ' :, /&/&'/uz. ZhFL /qf.nid?C77C5/f 1) \ e"' z- DATE: Di:. //. //7/ I