HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-02; City Council; 6894; LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT(I CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGENDAILL &< ' DEPT, TITLE: AB~LLLEYL MTG, 2/2/82 CITY i DEPT. cs LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT CITY I i 4 cn Jj .?E2 c" 00 g .g U.,"a 8% 0s 50 r: oa, E: 4J.U 8 3 32 32 urn -6 TI 3; 0- $2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 67rJ appointing a member to the Libra1 Board of Trustees. ITEM EXPLANATION: Due to a time conflict, David H. Dearie has resigned as a mer of the Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees. Mr. Dearie was appointed in 1981 to fill an unexpired term. The vacated por has an expiration date of June, 1983. Attached for Council review are copies of all applications r( for the Library Board during 1981. The other Trustees are: Seena Trigas, Walter Brunn, Herbert Falkenstein, Mary Grosse. EXHIBITS : 1. Letter of resignation from David Dearie, dated January 2. Resolution No. be7gJ , appointing a member to the Lib: 3. Copies of applications received during 1981. 1982. Board of Trustees. Copies of additional applications received during 1982. 3 &PI *rl c)k V q Q 9 xz 2 m% 0 COI Qs 1- a. .. z 0 F 0 a ~~ 2 0 2 0 3 0 I 0 @WLIFg3RMIA -.~ :" ',-: OCEANSIDE OFFICE,840 SOUTH HILLSTREET F1RS-r BANK ED f'. 0. BOX 420, OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA C2054 (714) 722-1631 e January 21, 1982 Carlsbad City Library Board of Trustees Ms. Seena Trigas 1250 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Trigas: Tnis correspondence will confirm my previous conversation with you regardhg my resignation as a Trustee for the Carlsbad City LibrarJ A recent change in ay job responsibility has necessitated my having to comute to San Diego on a daily basis. It will, therefore, be impssible for me to attend meetings regarding library activities. It has been a pleasure serving with you and the other Trustees and it is with ny sincere belief that future activities and direction of th~_ lijrary shall be accomplished through your leadership. . -- VS" -L~ rruly your?,, / ,'. I L- ... id ,~/ ._. ,/ :>:+x,-. /..- -2 . ' . /' ,,' j- -. __ . - - .L .' . ' , _, /' , . ,',/ ,- ,. .r /" L-. d's77:.< ;<-c ".?Zii? - -. I " . .,. - -. I &cz 5~23i<23c YanaSsr / 933 : jra cc: Yayor Ronald Tackard City knager Frank Aleshire .. x;, . -5 -: 7<, #. !:/;';< I ir c /- .."? \-A ' 0 i't 0 CITY CF cAr(LsjmC f;;bd ,.. ++z-& ,*.?"F,: ;i .~r. +,, < A?PLICATION FCR APPCSNTHENT , 1. ... '"" i.'. ..: 4.. ;- c;.:.'3 43 7387 .:....: '. . j RE@,&.* l', :\,,".), ;.' '9 Of cq/sbad " TO. BOXUI OR COX4ISSION F~~,~, ; .;" c.9 cjepx, ox CO?IMITTEES 'it :..> C' ** s a?&@. . .% q '\,. , TO: CARLSBACI CITY C~3UNCIL . . <.) r: 1 3 "3 .. . GEntlerizC: , I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member of %he Librafy -.aoa.rd In so doing 1 andcxst+nd that if 1 am asked to serve on the ' Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial t (Name ox comnittee or commission) disclosure staten!ent if a2poi:lte.d. My background ~,nd]or avocation Lead me to believe that I ax qualified to scrvc in the best izterests of the. citizens of Carlsbacl, 1 h;we listed- some of +hose activities below -. - ' . which I have participated in and feel will be 05 benefit if sekcLe6. - Rorth ,Sari Diegc -."- County GEnea1ogica.l "_ -Society (Yiays and Neans Ch; .. mnt 1;~~r1980-3h~~8l : ?ypsjdent Lo be &f' ecti ve ImI 98LL - Life T,lem'i;sr, r'rle~ds cjf th?~, j,J 1.'cmrv - -. " "" Over six yex~ 2s Associzt;e neail of the Adult Division, A~RLZ Navy Academy, Ca.r$sbad Over thiqclcuy years in USKC (re-Lj.red colonel) " *- ~ ,& -,,$ [,j 4' .. ,+; ,L., ' .- ;&&A 7C/ .-I' hgnature i (Print name j c ~ 1. .,' *-. , ,g1'2" .,/- " Miltoon 331 CooJer P- 01 Avo-ndaJe Circle, C2rl shz-3. Ca a dciress .. .. 2222Z61L""L "_. L'honc .. F ctiruzry 20 f 1- 9 81 Di1 tc ." " .. " ._ .. .. .. w "-Cz . e " ". - - - 0' 1J 8 /,-,C+ .! CITY OF CAI3XBP.I) *. I ; ,(_. .-. ".. . c -. i., " .. ' %. -/- . APPLXCATICN FOR APPOINTMENT /-,\ +, iB < *' .-A 4-3 ,+\/g 1981 TO. BOARD OR COmlISSToN @ ,cq 'RQy\\IEf OR C0;"fllTTEES k-5 %$C>i?Kk% or1 .,. y ~3itst: 16' ba TO: CAXI;SEAb CITY COUNCIL ' Qy.9 .g 'C . . J. e.&+ .. Gentlemen : . 3: would aFpreciate t-.he opportunity' to serve as a member .. of the cc_ Th? PeVsonnel Board /or "- my other Board or Conmission * {Name of committee or comnission) " In so doing I un&rst+nd that if I am asked to serve' on the 'Planning Conmdssion, a: will be requesked 430 make a financial disc].os-~~e statement if appoint-e,d., x>ty background- andicr avocation lea6' me to. believe that *. 1 em qualified to serve iil the best interests of the citizens .. . of Carlsbad: . X have fisted some of those actisities below which I have particj:pa.'ked in and feel will be of benefit if selected. - .. ..., .. , . .. - .- .. I currently hold. the position o-f Hospital Director of the Green Hospital of . Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, I have beemuygdm Of. Hospital, Adninis,tration "- since 1972 and .I feel I have bro?l_=perjence ir c__ a1 1 phases of ~anaqement. The field of PerTwU more m! tbp . P uti 1 i zati on of Human Resources is of narticul ar i nteyys., mp. . FuTsLh"rl;- - (PI ease see attached sheet) ".+-:&> LJr 4p. 3Jd&3- Henry P. Fenhagen S~ynatuYQ Home: 3343 Fosca St. , Carl sbad , .CA 92008 / Nork: Scri pps C1 i nic and Res.ea' 10666 No. Torrey Pines Rs 92037 c (Print name) Xitdlrcss " l{onlc: 942-9410 \.,fork: 455-9700 Ext- 5-8610 Pho:K! " flay!" ULm 1 " C"" -. CLLtC , -@ -. a' .ATTACtIMENT my professional experience includes operating both in a collectSve bargainir and non-col Iective bargaining environment. I would be happy to provide furl details concerning my professional background upon request. I have lived in Carlsbad for the last two and one half years. I would look forward to the opportunity of becoming involved in community affairs. Thank you for your consideration. Henry P. Fenhagen HPF: 1 g .. a il t ;"I - .;..A A,.. f * , ("<"[ ' CITY OF CAKLSBAD TO: ~~ ' APPLICATIOi FOR APPOINTMENT TO 'BOARD OR CO!4MISSION OR COI"IM1TTEES CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, GentXernen: . X would ay;preciate the opportunity'to serve as a member o€ the ' LIBRARY BOARD- OF TRUSTEES c (Name of committee or commission) In so doing I: understand that if I am asked to serve on the .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financTa1 disclosure stat.ement if appoin'ze,d, 1457 background- andlor avocation lead me to' believe that * T ZLRI qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens or of Carfs'uztd, .I have listed s=me of those activities belsw - whj-ch 1 have participdted in and feel will be of benefit if selected- .- My background is .that my mother's parents settled in Vi'sta in 1832 and I wa: born in Oceanside in 1940. 1 have lived my entire life .in San Diego County and strongly believe' that one of the finest forms of pub1 ic service is to .. provide the citizens with substantial Library Services. I am very familiar - with the' budget processes and the management structure that manages the Ci tj John Kel ly I rvi nq (Print name) 2625 Davis, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Address 729-81i8 ' Phonc May 18, 1981 " Date 0 yJ ., .;+ : ‘ . ’ “,+\ 0’ .....f~. ( ! .. \I 1. . CITY OF CAIUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ’ BOARD OR CO:-~DIISSION OR COZlMlTTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: .. , I would aFpreciate the opportunity.to serve as a member /I . 05 the 1.. . A,- -w In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .’Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial ‘j . l, * (Name of comnj$tee or commission) disclos-ilre statement if appointed- My background and/or avocation lead’me to believe that .‘.I zm qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens - *. of Carlsbad, I have listed some of those-activities below whj-ch I have participated in and feel .will be of benefit if selected. 2. +4-.w.”--t Je- dd-- 7.f:2- ’ y nl c7 4 / g& ..5,,dLLfv 6: TA, - 1 - 1 fl -3XGC,Z&* g {“,*L &(Of((& Eos 75 rd Lj ($?J p18+j<, &(’ Signature (Print name) AddlrI2SS -7 :&i/?/l&wLd y ( G (7, 7m/ ’ , Phone .(//A / Date .. TO: 0 0. CITY OF CAlZLSBAD - APPLICATION. FOR APPOINTLKENT TO ' BOARD OR COXNISS~ON OR COXMITTEES CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL . Gentlemen: .. /L&%?c c 1 _" -.- . I would qpreciate the opportunity.to serve as a member of the In so doing I understand that if I am asked tu serve on the .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial aisclos.ixre statement if appointed, My background. andjor avocation lead' me to. believe that ..I 2m qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens - _. 02 Carlsbzd. I have listed soxe of ehcse activities below ' . which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if .. selected. .- A , &[L&,&/ &&z+ 2mCi &2L-.L'b&dL !&iL " &A LidrnL L A Lkx+Tf;L,FL2 , ,c4*?!d id + , s/ aht,% dfc;:ukL-.e LAM^ .. A &?..(& ,4> LC /$?&?-I ebLd.c+? 2dQ;Fe7 d~ LZ~ G&hL? ,9 . ,&, " ,d. J,&d .rnd?zh4 ALJ ,b. 4 )rji7H 'I L g&[2 &?- /I .A&iL-"?7z/- 7 // Jn, /t/ w/cg4/ i V& JLrLt&% -' ~~~~?~~~:~~~~.',~~~~. d ?/&w?7Fyu& gL9 37&L!kLn d 2% J332'7.r;-'/L(r-, /4 /, ,. @&f&]J7d ,d./wd4 nron sch rczmr Slgnature (Print name) &te& 1 AF 7.s L., f 6 ?f'/$ j? . _cI Phone I y7&< <3q /m- Datc ,. . 6. a- i'; " ; L C.L,", e 7 CITY OF CAfiLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOIGT:.lE>IT TO 'BOARD OR CO?D1fSSIO>~ .. . OR C013LYITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I .. Gentlaxen: -1 . I woxld appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the Library Board of Trustees (Name of committee or commission) . In so doing I understand that if I am zsked to serve on the 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to rnake a financial disclosure statement if appointe,d. 'My background and/or avocation lead rze to believe that * I =I qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens - of Carlsbad. I have listed some o€ those activiti.es below -. ' ' which I have'aparticipated in and. feel will be 'of benefit if .. selected. - Please.see attached _. Signature 94Li.?ik\. Robert Hood (Print name) 7223 Durango Circle, Carlsbad Xaress (714) 948-3961. . Phone Feb. 1, 1982 k 2."- Jla tc , I' * e e FOR: Application for appointment to the Carlsbad Library Board of htees. I have been a resident of Carlsbad for 3* years, Me own our home in the southern portion.o€ the City. We cane to Carlsbad upon my retirement after serving for 33 years as a pat of the management team of the CBS Television Network. I a'cter,ded the University of Southern California and am now continu my education at Mira Costa Community College. I was discharged from the Unit1 States Air Force following MI?-I1 with the rank of. Captain, I am currently serving on the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee as one of the 3 at-large .neu"zs, 'Bob Wood Associates, Inc., a corporation foned prior to my retirement, has served as consultants to both the CES,Televisian Ne-kwork an& the hsrican Broadcasting Companies. The Corporation is a lifetime member of the Friends of the Carlsbad Library. Robert Wood 7223 .Durango Circle Carlsbad, CA 438-39; 1 Feb. 1, 1982 u- .. *' (f ,s- . . ., 7" 7 4' e t - L'"7 *.. x. .. .. ..'. 1 CITY OF CAIUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTXENT TO 'BOARD OR CO8KfSSION OR COXMITTEES .. TO: CARI;SBAD CITY COUNCIL .. Gentlercen: .. I i. . X wodd appreciate the opportunity.to serve as a member of the ~ibrary Board- .(Name of committee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the ' Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if app0inte.d. 'My background and/or avocation lead'me to believe that 1 am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizelzs L. . of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below - which I have'-participated- in and feel will be'of benefit if .. selected. .- Twelve years college English teacher. Four ..years chair 'of * . English Dept, o Palomar College. Presently vice-president faculty, palomar College. Four years member of Library cOmmil .. Palomar College.. One year Library Assistanlt, Sari Diego. City Library, , Sxtensive user of library Over last eight. Years* Active in comunity--soccer' (youth) e qU€?na Vista school, kien': Wib;aiam Salomone (Print name) 3245 McKinley St, I Carlsbad Address 729-5a03 " -, Phone .. 2-2-82 Date 1, -c /I # ,* I I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,9 10 11 .12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I RESOLUTION NO. 6783. A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORTJIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF CARLSBr ~ I WHEREAS, David H. Dearie has resigned' as a member of ti ~ Library Board o.f Trustees as of January 21, 1982 ; I ~ NOW, THEREFOPZ, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of t City of Carlsbad, as follows: I ~ 1. That the above recitation is true and correct. I 2. That the following person is hereby appointed tc serve as a member of the Library Board of Trustees in the position vacated: Sharon Schrm , for a t to expire in June, 1983. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of thc City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of . March. , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: -. AYES: Council Ikrbers PaWd, Casler, Anear, Lewis a NOES : None ABSENT: None . KdChin kd.4$(k&dl RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : &$k!A . - dfL+ L . RADTENKRAk&?yTerk @KL ' .. (SEAL)' ..