HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-09; City Council; 6577-3; Public Hearing on Goals and Objectives-
Hold public hearing to receive comments and suggestions for
1982-83 Goals and Objectives.
At its January 26, 1982 meeting, the Council reviewed a report
on the current status of existing City Goals and Objectives.
The Council discussed a number of existing goals and objectives and asked for additional information on certain ones. Additional
follow-up reports will be presented at a later date. The Council also directed staff to schedule a public hearing on
February 9, 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of
city boards, commissions, committees, and the public to provide
input on goals and objectives for the next year.
A City Council committee, Council Members Casler and Kulchin, will consider the information obtained at this hearing in order to prepare a set of draft goals and objectives for consideration
by the full Council at a later meeting.
Goals and Objectives Status Report (as revised at 1-26-82 meeting.)
I. ,
Claude A.. Lewis
Girard W. Anear
Fiscal Year
Mary H. Casler
Ann J. Kulchin
City Manager
The Carlsbad Citv Council annually adopts a set of Goals and
Objectives to guide the development of the City's operating and
capital improvement budgets. The following set of Goals and
Objectives were adopted by the City Council followinq an
extensive public input process,
These Goals and Objectives are contingent on funding.
Implementation of specific goals and objectives are subject to
approval on a project by project basis, and dates of
implementation may vary dependinq on financinq and chanqing city
A-1 Long-Ranqe Water Plans
A-2 Water Enterprise Assets
A-3 Sewer Meterinq Proqram
B- 1 Growth Management
B-2 Housincr
B-3 Redevelopment
C-1 Aqricultural Preservation
C-2 Noise Control
C-3 Air Quality
C-4 Lagoon Manaqement
C-5 Enerqy Conservation
C-6 Beach Erosion
D-1 Street System
E-1 Human Service Planning
E-2 Library Service
E-3 Park and Recreation Services
F-1 Interqovernmental Relations
F-2 Incentive Proqrams
F-3 Productivitv Improvements
F-4 Crime Prevention
F-5 Citizen Participation
A-1 Develop long range plans and programs to assure an adequate supply of water (both potable and non-potable) for the community,
A-1-1 Develop a comprehensive plan for provision of water
service to all Carlsbad residents.
(U/M Director) (1982)
CURRENT STATUS: A preliminary analysis entitled "Diagnostic Analysis of the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District Areas" was completed
by Glenn Reiter. This analysis identifies shortcominqs of the present system which will have to be addressed in the lonq range plan.
City Enqineer has assiqned a projects engineer
(Bob Wojcik) to develop non-potable system enqineerina standards and specifications.
A-1-2 Implement City of Carlsbad Master Plan for treatment and reclamation of wastewater.
(IJ/M Director & City Engineer) (on-going )
CURRENT STATUS: Program was completed in August (Les Evans'
Report) and development of further reclamation
facilities has been deferred until the 1985 time frame. Reneqotiation of the Lake Calavera
Hills treatment plant aqreement will provide for facilitv construction in the mid 80's.
CIJRREMT STATUS: Durinq the first six months of the fiscal year
the City adopted an "Action Plan for Sewaqe and
Reclaimed Water Facilities"; approved an
agreement to purchase the Lake Calavera Hills
Sewage Treatment Plant and delayed the
construction of the Palomar Airport Sewage
Treatment Plant. The Enqineering and Utilities
Departments are presently developinq a Master
Plan for the Distribution of Reclaimed Water and
standards for construction of dual water
(City Engineer)
A-1-3 Consolidate authority and responsibility for water
service to City and Costa Real Municipal District
customers by the establishment of a subsidiary
district. (U/M Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Subsidiary District - Fall back and regroup - election was not successful.
- GOAL -
A-2 Develop policies and programs for the management of major water system assets not currently used for water service.
Objectives :
A-2-1 Retain water riqhts in San Luis Rey Valley and Kelly
(U/M Director) (on-going 1
CURRENT STATUS: Water rights and water license have been kept current - no new proqress to report.
A-2-2 Develop a lonq-ranqe plan for the beneficial use of the
San Luis Rey well field through cooperation with the City of Oceanside for treatment, transportation, and for exchanqe of water. (U/M Director) (on-goinq)
CUFPENT STATUS: No proqress - informal discussions with Ocean- side Sewer and Water Director have occurred.
A-2-3 nevelop a policv resardinq utilization/disposition of
Lake Calavera property, (rJ/M Director) (1981)
CtlRRENT STATUS: Lake Calavera feasibility as a park site is beinq reconsidered as a part of the updating of
the P & R element of the General Plan,
A-2-4 Form a Public Utilities Commission to advise Council
on matters pertaining to water, sewer, water
reclamation and related utility matters.
CURRENT STATUS: No progress on P.U. Commission although Mayor has indicated that he intends to pursue this issue in 1982.
A-3 Develop a program to meter Carlsbad sewer flow to Encina Plant.
A-3-1 Purchase and install meter system for Carlsbad sewerage flowing into Encina Plant.
(Citv Enqineer) (1981)
CURRENT STATIJS: Meter project ($173,000) included in 82-83 CIP.
CURRENT STATUS: The Citv has approved the construction of meter in new interceptor line under construction at Fncina Sewage Treatment Plant. The meter will measure flows from Palomar Sewer Service area
of the City. (City Engineer)
- 2-
B-1 Insure orderly and predictable growth so as to enable City to provide required services concurrent with need,
Objectives :
B-1-1 Develop growth management program. (Planning Director) (June, 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Consultant retained to prepare study completed
work, report accepted by Council 9/81. The report recommended implementation of "Public
Facilities Management System" (PFMS) . Staff
currently preparing detailed report on PFMS scheduled to council by February 1982.
B-1-2 Coordinate CIP with Growth Management Program. (Planning Director) (Nov., 1981)
CURRENT STATlJS: Consultant retained to prepare study completed work, report accepted by Council 9/81. The report recommended implementation of "Public
Facilities Management System" (PFMS). Staff currently preparing detailed report on PFMS scheduled to council by February 1982.
R-1-3 Review General Plan and Growth Management Program for
cons is tency . (Planning Director) (June, 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Consultant retained to prepare study completed
work, report accepted by Council 9/81. The report recornmended implementation of "Public Facilities Management System" (PFMS). Staff
currently preparing detailed report on PFMS scheduled to council by February 1982.
B-1-4 Establish final growth management strategy. (Planning Director) (Dec., 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Duplicate Of B-1-1. Anticipated PFMS Will constitute "Final" plan.
R-1-5 Develop draft annexation policy for City Council consideration. (Planninq Director) (July, 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Policy adopted by City Council on March 10,1981. Letter to property owners explaining policy has been drafted by staff and will be approved by Council on January 12, 1982.
Letter will then be sent to all county property
owners .
- R-1-6 Adopt Aaua Hedionda Specific Plan. (Planni Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Plan has been reorganized to include negotiating committees position. Staff plans to begin resubmittal process in January 1982.
If coastal process runs as expected, completion
date by Auqust 1982.
R-1-7 Gain approval of Local Coastal Plan by the Coastal Commission. (Planning Director) (on-going)
CURRENT STATUS: Council, on December 15, 1981, elected not to The pursue amendments to Loacl Coastal Plan. exception is the Aqua Hedionda Local Coastal Plan area. (See R-1-7).
B-1-8 Revise City's Zoning Ordinance.
CURRENT STATUS: Not funded by City Council in 81-82 Rudqet.
(Planninq Director) (1982)
Develop proqrams to provide sidewalks as appropriate in
developed areas of the City. (City Enqineer) (1981)
CURRENT STATTJS: Plans are nearly complete for the construction of $72,000 of curb, gutter and sidewalk installation in the redevelopment area of the
City. Hiqh priority has been given to residential sidewalks.
- ..
B-2 Make available affordable housing for all economic segments of the Community,
R-2-1 Implement Housing Plan.
(H&R Director) (on-going)
R-2-2 Provide maximum allowable rental units under Section 8
Program. (H&R Director) (on-qo ing )
B-2-3 Follow reqional guidelines in establishing number and
types of assisted housing.
(H&R Director) (on-goinq )
B-3 Create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environ- ment for living, shopping, vacation, civic, cultural, and service functions through restoration and new private/public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the village area and surrounding community,
Objectives :
B-3- 1 Adopt Redevelopment Plan.
(H&R Director)
CURRENT STATIJS: Plan adopted July 21, 1981.
R-3-2 Adopt Desiqn Manual
(H&R Director) (June, 1981)
CURREWT STATUS: Design Manual to be considered by Planninq Commission in February. Scheduled for adoption
in March 1982.
B-3-3 Acquire property for pedestrian pass-through on State Street.
(H&R Director) (Dec., 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Will begin active negotiation following City Council action to implement streetscape
improvement program on State and Grand.
B-3-4 Encouraqe diversified residential development in and adjacent to redevelopment project area.
(H&R Director) (on-qoinq)
- 5-
c_ .. . . CURRENT STATUS: )n qoinq.
R-3-5 Develop incentives to maximize the redevelopment
potential of private property in project area. (H&R Director) (on-going )
B-3-6 Develop bus transfer terminal as part of redevelopment
project. (H&R Director) (1981)
CIlRR.FMT STATUS : On goinq .
NCTD is working on project.
GOAL _._
- ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ." C-1 Preserve economically productive agricultural
land in the City's sphere of influence.
c-1-1 Adopt agricultural preservation policy. (Planning Director) (Dec., 1981)
CURRENT STATUS: On December 15, 1981, Council elected to defer agricultural preservation to the area within
the coastal zone, recognizing that the coastal
commission has an agricultural proqram.
c-1-2 Review General Plan for any necessary amendments to
implement agricultural policy. (Planninq Director) (Dec., 1981)
ClJRRENT STATUS: This objective was to be guided by C-1-1. Given the Council decision C-1-2 is no longer applicable.
C-2 Achieve and maintain an environment which is free from excessive or harmful noise,
Obj ect ives :
c-2-1 Continue regulation and enforcement program for off-
road vehicles. (Police Chief) (on-qoing)
CURRENT STATUS : In 1981, the police department continued it's
enforcement of off-road vehicle violations by
assigning two officers part-time on an
overtime basis to patrol the areas of the
city frequently used by off-road vehicles.
Using the department's two off-road
motorcycles and four-wheel drive Jeep, the
officers concentrated their weekend efforts
in the areas of Chestnut Hills, Hosp Grove,
Tanglewood, Lake Calaveras , Rancho Carlsbad, Laguna Riviera, Ratisquitos Lagoon, Spinnaker
Hills and La Costa.
c-2-2 Work with County and Federal agencies to develop noise
control proqram for airport. (Planning Director) (on-going 1
CURRENT STATVS: This objective is predicated on the county assuminq the "lead agency" position. County has not had funding available to initiate
study, therefore this item is on hold.
- 7-
c ..
' GOAL ..
C-3 Implement the Regional Air Quality Strategy.
Objectives :
c-3- 1 Develop plan for preferential parkinq for car pools at
City Hall. (Citv Engineer) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS : Two "preferred parkinq spaces" are presentlv
being designated in the employees parkins lot
for car pools.
C-3-2 Orqanize puhlic/private study team to promote the use
of alternate transportation methods for major
employers in City such as van pools, subscription bus
service. (City Engineer) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: The City Council has approved bus shelters at
four locations in the City to enhance the NCTD
In general the promotion scheme is awaiting Council approval of the SAMDAG proposed Transportation Tactics.
c-3-3 Cooperate with Chamber of Commerce to encouraqe
development of people mover svstem at Plaza Camino
Real. (City Manager) (on-going )
General Plan. (City Engineer) (1981)
c- 3- 4 Develop City-wide bicycle plan as indicated in City
CURRENT STATUS: The City has nearly completed the striping of bicycle lanes on all desiqnated streets which are wide enough to accept them. In addition the
Council has approved participation in a bicycle
locker program which will soon be implemented at
selected locations in the City.
c-3-5 City Council consider model transportation tactics.
(City Enq./Planninq Dir.) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: An agenda bill has been prepared and
submitted to the City Manaqer for Council consideration.
C-4 Encourage development of lake, reservoir and lagoon management plans in cooperation with state and local
agencies to achieve and maintain desired water quality
standards, reduce siltation, preserve wildlife habitats, and enhance recreational opportunities where
Objectives :
C-4-1 Improve public access at laqoons. (Planning Director) (on-goinq)
C-4-2 Implement laqoon manaqement programs consistent with
the requirements of the 208 water manaqement program. (P&R Director) (on-going )
CURRENT STATIJS: The State Coastal Conservancy is now responsible for the supervision of the 208 water management
program. However, the City is participating
in the implementation of the project.
c-4-3 Establish separate committees to oversee manaqement, preservation, and monitoring of the three lagoons in
the City.
(P&R Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATTJS: This year the Tri-City Advisory Committee was formed. This organization is composed of an elected official and a staff member from the
cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. The purpose of the cornnittee is for the preserva- tion and management of the Ruena Vista Lagoon. Councilman Anear and City Engineer are representing the City of Carlsbad.
c-4-4 Develop erosion prevention plan for laqoon drainage area. (City Enqineer) (1982)
CURRENT STATUS: The Tri-Cities appointed a Committee of elected officials to study the protection of Buena
Vista Lagoon. The State has received grant funding to dredqe the Lagoon. The Coastal Con-
servancy is takinq the lead in development of a Watershed Management Plan.
c-4-5 Encourage and develop aquatics recreational programs,
( P&R Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: The middle laqoon at Aqua Pedionda is leased by the YMCA. Our department would like to offer recreational proqrams in this area, However,
the YMCA is charginq the City for use of their facilities. In the future, staff will negotiate with he YMCA to hopefully acquire the facility free of charqe.
- . ' 'GOAL _- .- I.
C-5 Develop an energy conservation program for Carlsbad,
c-5- 1 Perform an enerqy audit of City facilities.
( U/M Director) (1981)
C-5-2 Analyze existing City Codes to identify harriers to
future use of solar energy devices. (Planninq Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Complete August 1981.
c- 5- 3 Evaluate the need for solar access zoninq requlations. (Planninq Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Complete Auqust 1981.
c-5-4 Evaluate code revisions to optimize the passive use of
the sun in new developments. (Planning Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Complete August 1981.
c- 5- 5 Adopt a policy for the cost effective use of solar heating for domestic hot water and swimming pools. (Planning Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Complete Auqust 1981.
C-5-6 Develop a policy statement for the accomplishment of
energy conservation programs throuqh the City's Energy
Conservation Committee. (Building Official) (1981)
C-6 Protect local beaches from erosion,
Objectives :
C-6- 1 Develop proqram in conjunction with other aqencies to reduce erosion of beaches.
(City Engineer) (on-goinq)
CURRENT S TATlJ S : SANDAG has formed a Shoreline Erosion Committee. This month the Conqress appropriated $750,000 to the Corps of Enqineers for a study of shoreline erosion problems between Dana Point and the international border. SANDAG was instrumental
in obtaining these funds and will work closely with the Corps.
D- 1 Provide a comprehensive street system to serve the ..
present and future needs of Carlsbad,.
Objectives :
D-1-1 Extend or improve collector streets and arterials through the older developed areas in the northwest quadrant of the City. (city engineer) (on-qoing)
CIJRRENT STATUS: Monroe Avenue has been completed from Elm to
Marron Road; Tamarack Avenue between El Camino
Real and Skyline has been funded as a 1982 CIP
project; plans are beinq prepared for the
replacement of the Aqua Hedionda Bridge on Carlsbad Boulevard and the widening of the Boulevard to four lanes; and plans for the
widening of Tamarack between Carlsbad Boulevard
and Highland are beinq prepared.
D-1-2 Provide major components of circulation system as required by new development in the northeast, southeast, and northwest quadrants of Carlsbad. (City Engineer) (on-going )
CURRENT STATUS: Presently Alga Road is under construction from
El Fuerte to Melrose; Palomar Airport Road is
undergoing wideninq in the vicinity of the Palomar Airport Business Park; plans have been prepared for the widening of Alga east of El
Camino Real; application for grade separation
funds for the Poinsettia crossing of the ATSF
has been made to the PIJC; and CALTRANS is
preparing a feasibility study on the wideninq of the Palomar Airport Road crossing at 1-5.
D-1-3 Improve traffic safety and flow along major city thoroughfares.
(City Engineer) (on-going 1
CURRENT STATUS: The interconnection of the traffic siqnals on
El Camino Real near the Plaza is nearly complete; plans have been prepared for traffic
signals at Monroe and Elm, El Camino Real and
Levante and El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road: plans are beinq prepared for signals at Marron and Monroe; and plans are beinq prepared for warninq 1 ights on Carlsbad Boulevard at the
Army and Navy Academy.
!I-1-4 Update the circulation element of the General Plan. (City Engineer) (1982)
-1 1-
-- - -. . . CURRENT STATUS: Willdan & Associates is 1 sently preparing a
traffic study and volume projection which will
be utilized to evaluate and update the circulation element of the General Plan.
D-1-5 Develop Master Plan for information and direction signs
located in the public right-of-way. (City Engineer) ( 1982)
CURRENT STATITS : The Chamber of Commerce has taken the lead on
this project. Both Planninq and Engineerinq will participate in preparinq final recommendations for the master plan. (City Enqineer)
CURRENT STATIJS : Responsibility €or this objective was just
recently transferred to Planning Director. (Planning Director).
E-1 Provide human services to the community,
E-1-1 City Council develop policy on the role City will play in providing human services.
(H&R Director) (April, 1982)
E-1-2 Update and maintain information and referral guide.
(H&R Director) (Feb., 1982)
E-1-3 Prepare draft Human Service Element.
(H&R Director) (1982)
E-2 Provide equal library service to all areas of the City,
Objectives :
E-2-1 Extend library service to the southern area of the
CURRENT STATUS: This continues to be done throuqh use of the
bookmobile with four weekly stops in the La Costa area; bi-weekly stons at two mobile home parks in the south and at the Spinaker Hills
development; plus weekly storyhours at St.
Elizabeth Seton's.
E-2-2 Reevaluate Library Master Plan.
CURRENT STATUS: An on-going process.
E- 2- 3 Develop program for establishment of new library.
These dates have been suggested by the Library
Board. a. Select site (Sept 1, 1981)
b. Analyze space needs (Jan. 1, 1982) c. Hire architect (June, 1982)
d. Start construction (June, 1983) e, Explore f inancinq options (on-going )
CURRENT STATUS: An on-qoinq process.
- GOAL -
E-3 Acquire, develop and maintain parks and reerea-
tion facilities and open space for all segments of
the City and economically provide and promote diversi-
fied recreational opportunities for all age groups,
Objectives :
E-3-1 Revise/update existinq Parks and Recreation Element of General Plan.
(P&R Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: The Parks and Recreation Element has been
revised. The next reauirement is the E.I.R. process. After the E.I.Q. has been completed,
the document can be adopted. This will occur in
April or May of 1982.
E- 3- 2 Promote inter-agency coordination and cooperation of community recreation service orqanizations, school districts and other such agencies.
(P&R Director) (on-going)
CURRENT STATUS: 1. The City and School District have entered into agreements for the use and development
of school property.
a. Levante Park - Encinitas School District Aqreement amended. b. Jefferson and Ruena Vista Elementary
Schools - New agreement composed.
2. Civic orqanizations have volunteered their time and expertise to assist the City in the implementation or refurbishing of a recreational facility i.e. Carlshad Evening Rotary Club and the Carlbad Optimist Club.
3. The Scout House is now being utilized by the scouts and the public.
4. Valley Junior Piqh is using City-owned qymnastic equipment in exchange for the free use of the exercise room at the school.
5. The department is schedulinq the school and community athletic fields for use by the Recreation Division and community groups i.e. r,ittle Leaque, pop Warner, Soccer Association.
E- 3- 3 Develop fundinq strategies for land acquisition and development. (PbR Director) (on-goinq)
CURRENT STATDS: 1. Grants - Roberti Z'berg. 2. The department is in the process of revising the calculatios for the Park-in- 1-ieri fee. It is estimated that the City
will acquire more revenue from the proposed Standard Fee versus the existing formula.
3. The Parks and Recreation Element, which
will be adopted next year, recommends
funding strategies for the future. The
Element encouraqes participation by private sector for development, operation and maintenance of public recreational facilities.
E- 3- 4 Encourage and promote development of recreational
facilities by private enterprise that may be used by
the qeneral public. (P&R Director) (on-going )
CURRENT STATIJS: 1. This year the City purchased Macario Canyon
Park. City Plans to develop the park site
in conjunction with private investors/operators when feasible.
E-3-5 Implement swimming pool program.
(P&R Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: 1. The pool was dedicated on October 24, 1981.
Unfortunately, because of a malfunctionins
pool heater, the pool was closed temporarily and reopened December 21, 1981. 2. Staff met with Pat Burden, the Principal of Carlsbad High School, to discuss the use of
the pool bv the School District beqinninq in
February of 1982.
E-3-6 Expand recreational proqram and faciities in south Carlsbad. (P&R Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: 1. Levante Community Center was established to provide programs by the Recreation Division and community organizations.
scheduled in the vicinity i.e. Summer Day
Camp, Intersession, Christmas Crafts,
Turkey Trot, etc.
2. Special events and activities have been
E-3-7 Continue and expand self-supporting recreational programs. (P&R Director) (on-going)
CURRENT STATUS: The department has tremendously expanded their self-supporting programs including softball, basketball, volleyball, body surfing, teen
dances, special events, and contractual
E-3-8 Seek volunteers in all aspects of Parks and Recreation proqramminq .
(P&R Director) (on-going)
-. -
j. CURRENT STATUS: The department is utilizinq volunteers in all
aspects of programming. 1. Special Events - Body Surfing, 10R Run,etc.
2. Youth Sports 3. Teen Dances
4. Handicapped Proqram. 5. Assist with upgrading the fields and
recreational facilities.
E-3-9 Provide adequate beach access and parking in cooperation with the State Beach and Parks Department
and other appropriate agencies.
(Planning Director) (on-going 1
' F-1 Provide efrective ways for the City' of Carlsbad to be involved in interqovernmental activities and programs and to seek to provide expertise to decision-
makers and other governmental jurisdictions,
Objectives :
F-1-1 Develop plan to provide for merqer of special district
territory within City into City organization, (City Manaqer) (on-going)
F-1-2 Review and service City sphere of influence where
appropriate. (Planning Director) (on-goinq )
F-1-3 Develop improved communications and continued positive workinq relationships with the County, State, and
Federal governments. (City Manaqer) (on-going )
F-2 Improve personal satisfaction and productivity amongst City employees.
F-2-1 Develop suggestion award program. (Personnel Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS : Established and implementing Enerqy Award
Proqr am.
F-2-2 Develop incentive award proqram to recognize
outstandinq employee performance, (Personnel Director) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS : No action to date.
F-2-3 Develop a Police Officer Recoqnition Proqram. (Police Chief) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS : NO action to date.
F-2-4 Develop a Fire Fiqhter Recoqnition Program. (Fire Chief) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: No action to date.
F-3 Improve productivity and efficiency of City government,
F-3-1 Acquire land for additional facilities for new police facility and City service yard.
(City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Land purchase is being negotiated with County of San nieqo.
F-3-2 Acquire land for City Hall expansion.
(City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Land acquired on Laguna for possible future use .
F-3-3 Select architect and develop building and financing program for police facility and service yard.
(City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Requests for proposals being prepared.
F-3-4 Improve administrative support systems (word processinq, records management, graphics, and mapping systems). (City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Central Services, City Attorney, and Planning Departments have installed word processinq equipment. Central Services is developing records manaqement system for all city departments.
F-3-5 Streamline procedures to reduce processinq time for all
types of permits.
(City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Processing procedure for development permits
has been streamlined. New permit forms have been developed.
F-4 Implement crime prevention and reduction programs.
Objectives :
F-4-1 Institute neighborhood watch programs. (Police Chief) (1981)
CIJRRENT STATUS: This goal has been met and is continuing to be met by the Crime Prevention 1Jnit of the Police
.L c ..
F-4-2 Counseling Proqram for Senior Citizens who are victims of crimes. (Police Chief) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: This goal is currently in development stages.
We currently have instituted the State Victim
Aid Program that is administered through the District Attorney's office. We are currently puttinq together a program for senior citizens that can be disseminated through the Senior
Citizens Association.
F-4-3 Develop youth diversion work program. (Police Chief) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Currently in development. This program is basically complete, but was held up due to changes in staff. It should be ready to implement by March 1, 1982.
F- 4- 4 Develop shopliftinq awareness program. (Police Chief) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: This proqram has been in effect, but was recently tabled temporarily until the Mall Liaison Officer is re-assiqned.
F-5 Provide more opportunities for citizens to be informed about community issues and to participate
in local government activities and decision making,
F-5-1 Provide newsletter to City residents. (City Manager) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Newsletters are being mailed to city residents on a quarterly basis.
F-5-2 Continue town hall meetings to discuss issues. (City Manaqer) (1981)
CURRENT STATUS: Workshop meetings were held on the budqet and capital improvement prosram.
F-5-3 Periodically hold Council, Board, and Commission meetinqs in southern area of City, (City Manager) (1981)
- A
, F-5-4 Involve ,uth in City qovernment.
(City Manager) (on-going)
CIJRRENT STATUS: City participated with Rotary and Elks Clubs in Youth in Government navs.
F-5-5 Develop programs to draw the southern and northern
( on-qo inq )
areas of the city closer together as a cammunity. (City Manager)
F-5-6 Establish a Cultural Arts Commission. (City Manaqer) (1981)
CURRENT STATIJS: No action to date.
F- 5- 7 Appoint a citizen committee to study and make recommendations to create a permanent private-public foundation, corporation or commission. The purpose of said agency would be to stimulate private sector participation in planning, funding, and developing resources to enhance the arts and culture, tourism, recreation, libraries, economic development and other projects benefitting Carlsbad and northern San Diego