HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-09; City Council; 6899; Senior Citizen Nutrition Program...- -.I CITY uf CARLSBAD - AGENDA uiLL is#- TITLE: MTG. 2/9/82 DEPT. E Senior Citizen Nutrition Program CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: City to allow the Senior Citizen Association to use Heritage Hall for a nutrition program for a minimum of three years and to provide up to $3,60[: in funds or in kind service for building rennovation/grant assistance. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Senior Citizen Association is requesting the City to provide a site tc conduct a nutrition program and to contribute 20% or a maximum of $3,600 toward a $15,000 grant application through the Area Agency on Aging. These funds will be used for building rennovation and equipment needs, (refer to Exhibit A). The Criteria to conduct a nutrition program must have the following: 1. Available for a minimum of two hours, 11:30-1:30, Monday through 2. A serving capability of up to 105 persons; in one or two lunch 3. Counter Space. 4. Sink with hot and cold running water, and a garbage disposal. 5. Electrical capacity and space for a refriaerator,convection oven Friday, for at least three years. periods per day (Fire Department requires 15 square feet per person). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Af (220~)~ and a- freezer. - 6. Handicap access and restrooms. The following facilities and locations were examined: Elementary School Cafeterias - Buena Vista and Pine. Carlsbad Union Church Senior Manor Recreation Hall. Harding Commungty Center. €1 age e Wo Ci s FTIP f- 13e r Z t age --H a 1 1 . er examining the above sites, it was determined that Heritage 111 would be the most appropriate location. (For detail analysis, refer to Exnibit B. ) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: On February 1, 1982 the Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously Spproved the Senior Citizen Association's request. FISCAL IMPACT: City will provide no more than 20% or up to $3,600 in funds or in kind z services to rennovate Heritage Hall. These funds, along with the grant nonies, will be used toward the installation of a kitchen and to bring facility up to Health Department standards. Estimated rehab cost is $18,000; City share @ 208 is $3,600. EXHIBITS : A. Heritage Rennovation Costs. B. Memorandum dated January 27, 1982 to Parks and Recreation Director. C. Memorandum dated January 18, 1982 from Area Agency on Aging. D. Memorandum dated January 26, 1982 to Senior Citizen Association. I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. La. 19. HERITAGE - RENNOVATION COST Window Screens Plumbing Water Heater Pipe Garbage Disposal Sink (3 basin) Gas/New line Rewire 22Ov Carpentry New Entry Room Separation Reroof Cabinets Furnace Paint and molding Closet Vent Tables Chairs Dolly Ref rigerator Oven Silverware Coffee Ern Trays/Thermos Miscellaneous Trash Cans 2/1/82 kap QUANTITY 10 8 foot @ $65 LOO (3 $25 1 (3 $50 1 @ $600 1 '? $3,000 2 @ $50 AM 0 UN T __- $ 500 1,300 600 500 500 1,000 2,000 400 800 300 100 650 2,500 50 600 3,000 300 60 300 100 '15,060 Rounded to $15,000 Contingency (3 20% = - 3,000 GRAND TOTAL $18,000 City Share @ 20% = $ 3,600 -I- . <' . -I ,~ '.ME.MORANDUM .. TO : David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Di ector DATE:, January 27, 1982 SUBJ: Senior Citizen Nutrition Program Site Study .. , FROM: .Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent accfi . ,. -. .. Staff has looked into potential sites in which to conduct the Nutrition Program. Sites considered were: 1.. Elementary School Cafeterias: Buena Vista E Pine 2. Carlsbad Union Church' 3. Senior Manor, Recreation Hall 4. Harding Community Center 5. 'Magee House E Heritage Hall *. .Criteria used for the site assessment included: .. 1. Available for a minimum of 2 'hours, ll:30am - 1:30pm, Mondays through Fridays, for at least 3 years. 2. Serving capability of up to 105 persons; in one or two serving times per day. (Fire.Dept. requires 15 sq. ft. per person 1. 3. Counter space (no amount specified). 4. .. Sink - with hot and cold running wafer and garbage disposal. 5. Electrical capacity and space for one each refrigerator, 6. Handicap access E restrooms. convection oven (220~) and freezer. Xecommendation: Based on information.available, staff recommends that Heritage Ha11 be made available for a minimum of 3.years as'the site in which to conduct the Nutrition Program. 2pecific information on each site reviewed appears in "Detai Is". Fiscal Impact: grant program of the Area Agency of Aging. Jack Jimmink reports $15,000 is available to the Senior Citizen Association through A.A.A. and with the City's $5,000 (or money "in kind"), the $20,000 may be used toward the fdriliiy expansion, acquisition. of equipment and capital items such as rcfrigcrwtar, tables E chairs, hot water heater, space heater etc. The Nlttrition Program grant proposal inc1ude.s the cost .o'f the froc;;ser and oven SO thosc itcms need not be purchased out of thc Title I11 grant * funds, per Jack Jimniink. ' The cost to the City would be $5,000 as part of the Title I11 EXHIBIT -2- 1- .', 3 > .. If Heritage Hall were to'be selected as the Nutrition Program site, there needs to be $6,000 to $lO,OOO in site modifications to meet the Public Health Department requirements, according to the Building Department estimate. Details on Sites Considered: Three sites are unavailable due to current heavy use during the proposed Nutrition Program time: A. -. 1. Buena Vista School 2.. Pine School 3. Carlsbad Union Church Magee House E Heritage Hall: Located at Beech and Garfield, presently the site for Senior Citizen Heritage Hall dining area: 961 sq. ff. Kitchen area: 135 SQ. ft. Serving Capacity: 64 per seating ,.Association Activities. Advantages : - A. Seniors are qlready coming to the site. B. Association has 2 vans for transportation from target area. D. E. . C: Sit;! available for additional social programs. required by Nutrition Program guidelines; Magee House can serve. as waiting place for 2nd seating participants or for social programs. Meets criteria #1, 2, 6 now and site can be modified to meet needs #3, 4, 5 at a cost of $5,000 or in-ki.nd to the City, (provided $15;000 is available to Association). Jack Jimmink favors this site. . Disadvantages: A. Time and money needed to make modifications to meet Health . Department requirements. B. Kitchen area l'imited without major structural changes. C. Hardwood floor may require replacement and extensive . day-to-day maintenance. I. 1 L .. -3- , .. .. Senior Manor Recreation Hall Located at '3380 Harding St. Dining Area: 529 sq. ft., Kitchen area: 96 sq. ft. Serving Capacity: 35 per seating .. ,Advantages : A. .Convenient to the target area. . B. * .. .d -,]>',;-.# ,.,, '1 .:,: ' I.;;,. ::.,: Meets 81-5 criteria, provides pleasant surroundings with Ready to use without costly modifications. Nutrition Program guidelines. *. ,- . -. -. . :1 ' . *--: .* . . .--. . , r.*. . ?. . . fireplace and piano .. .. .. C. D. 'Site available for additional social programs required by .. .-' . . ... , : .. ,I .Disadvantages : ... . - . . . . .. .. .. . . .. ; A,' Inadequate size if program participation exceeds 70' during first 3 years. .. .. 'B, . EIandicap handrails need to be installed' in restrooms. C. Jack Jimmink feels it is inadequa'te. Mana'ger: Mrs. Eva Carney,*phone 729-4545. Owner: Ralph De Loach, Marina. del Rey, - phone 213-823-8573. . Note: Mr. De Loach was unavailable when staff called so no discussion has taken place regarding the 3 year use criteria, however Amy VilldI.obos, Housing Administrative ' Assistant felt sure Mr. De Loach would be agreeable based on past contacts and use.. The site is presently unused, per the manager. .. Harding Community Center: Located at 3096 Harding St. ,. presently the. auditorium and Recreation Hall are used by the department, city departments and community groups. Recreation Hall Dining Area: 1,769 sq. ft. Kitchen area: 240 sq. ft. Serving Capacity: 118 per seating Advantages : .. A. Convenient to target area. B. Meets criteria #2-6, provides pleasant s*urroundings with C. Ready to use with minimal modifications. fireplace. .. -4- t -- ,- .., % .... ~.. ,. ... . __. . . .~ . . . . .. . . .- . .. .; ,- - t. I_ __ . . I -. -. .- - c .+ Disadvantages : A. Loss of scheduled use for unique facility (large room and kitchen 1. 1. Community groups use Recreatibn-Hall for .luncheon 2. San Diego Service Center for the Blind uses the Recreation meetings (Garden Club, Soroptomist Club) ,Hall for weekly training, including kitchen use * (Rental = $80/month) 3. Some classes E community groups may be rescheduled to the Auditorium, however 2 days of the week, both facilities are scheduled simultaneously. 4. Use requests are increasing for professional training sessions site, i.e. 3 day'Aquatic Conference, March 1982. 5. Impact on 150 persons now; 80-81 impact on 1,742 persons. I - .- . B. Loss of revenue. . 1. Two groups renting facility now E unable to be relocated - to Auditorium = $2,080 loss for daytime usen .u 2. 80-81 Recreation Hall financial loss would have been . -e $3,023. ' %. Need to modify to provide 22Ov electrical outlets for . convection oven. Estimated cost $500. -1 D. Hardwood floor requires high maintenance. E. Social program requirement would require: 1. Additional use of Recreation Hall or Auditorium.. 2. or transportation from Recreation Hall to Magee site. .. , ,I . t f a. I . -L -5- .. Y .- .. COUNTY OF: SAN DIEGO. DEPT. OF HUF~1.W SEiIVICES 85ij.5 G182S 98. 0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 o (714) 560-2421 .- , .. January 18, 1982 To: Title 111-C Nutrition Contractors From: Dan Laver, Area Agency on Agin REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CAPITAL RENOVATIOM A~:D IQUIPHENT PURCHASES The Area Agency on Aging is pleased to announce the availability cf monies under Title 111-C of the Older Americans Act. About .$80,000 is available as a result of the recently completed bidding process for new nutrition sites. The funding is time-limited (one-time-only). k period of three months, ending June 30, 1982, is envisioned to implement and coniplete any proposed expenditures. Monies are being made available to nutrition contractors for capital renovaticn,'expansion and equipment purchases. into cornpiiance with 504 Regulations (accessibility for the handicapped) will be considered priority. Replacement of equipment will also be con- sidered when need is ptoperly documented. cannot exceed $15 ,GOO per contractor.. Mini-propcsals should be submitted by February 12, 1982 at 5:OO P.M. posals shottld contain the following elements to allow for evaluation: - Projects to bring buildings The maximum amount reqtiested - Pro- . Clear description of ,the intended objectives (expenditures), describing conditions that are deficient and/or in need of change (attach documenta- tion, if available) - Expected irnproven2nts as a result of the proposed funding - Subnit 3t t22st cne bid (preferably ih're2) for expenditures over $150.. i cr2e 5: ?: ni i 1 b? 'rqui red prior to contrzct nqatiaticns - far cz;ita; r2:iovacion programs, a statement from che building contractor that the projxt can be completed within the time available. ing is not cwned by the contractor, a letter by the owner stating that the building will be available for a minimum of three years should be included - A detailed budget - A nininurn 15 percent non-federa? contribution. Cash will receive priority over in-kind. Cash contributions over 15 percent !vi11 receive additional consi?eration during proposal evaluation. The non-federal match provided should be directly related to the goal to be acconiplished, -I If the build- If you wish to attend, a bidders' conference will be held at the AAA on January 25, 1982 at 9:OO a.m. at 560-2509. For more inFormcitiori, contact Art Vidal DL : JA: 1 d * EXFIRIT .7 .. -6- - . -.i rc- COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Januaw 26. 1982 TO: Jack Jimmink, Carlsbad Sr. Ctr. FROM: Jack Robinson P- HERITAGE HOUSE AS A NUTRITION SITE I met with your representative on Monday afternoon, llanuary 25: A brief tour of Heritage House produced the following observations and comments by me, 1. The building appears to be recently cleaned and painted, It is bright, attractive and in my opinion quite cheerful. 2, It is said 150 persons can be seated at one time for meetings, 3. The storage room seems quite adequate for a freezer, sink and oven. ft is not large enough to prepare meals from raw food, 4. I understand the city of Carslbad will do the following work: 1) Re-wire the space for 220 line and 110, 2) Install a double sink and plumbing (-not now available). 3) A Heating system. These improvements are considered by your corporation to be in-kind contributions should you require money for tables and chairs since the present ones are the property of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation, Any other capital improvements wi'll be documented and approved by appropriate city officials before including these in the budget. All purchases over $150.00 require three bids submitted with the contract. We also discussed the option of using frozen meals at the Heritage park location, The name, address and contact for one such company is: Feed i ng Sys tems I nc . Huntington Beach P.0, Box 2028 Mike Bates Representative (714) 891-2991 -7- EXHIBIT D s Jack Jimmink -2- January 26, 1982 The Heritage House building might require insulation. The decision for this should be made by the city engineer/architect. In my view the decision to use Heritage House will provide one location for meals and social services, and will in the long run serve the best interests of the elderly. ms cc: Joanne Phoenix file -8-