HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-16; City Council; 6896; Funding for Equipment Maintenance ShopCIT~F CARLSBAD -AGENO.:BILL AEH C,,f7 fu TITLE: losPT. Ho. vvU2- MTG. 2/16/82 FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT MAWTE,iANCE ICliV ATTV SHOP/BUILDING MAINrENANCE DIVISION ~ ~D_E_P_T_.-:_~M_=N_T':.::.-:.=""'---------------·----~C-IT_Y_M_G_R_._,. __ - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize transfer of funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the g~.,eral fund contingency reserve to the Mechani ca 1 Maintenance and Bui 1 ding Maintenance Di vis·i ons. ITEM EXPLANATION: Recently a consultant was employed to assist staff in making a determination as to how to improve the services of the equipment 1J1aintenance garage. This study shows we should make both short and long range plans. Currently, stdff is of the opinion that the sho1·t range program should be undertaker.• imme<lrntely. There are five irmiediate steps that can be taken to improve the security, safety, storage and working conditions of the equipmePt maintenance shop. In the Building Maintenanc~ Division there ure f0ur or five major renovations and re- habs that will be forthcoming on the City hall modulars and Heritage Hall that will necessitate hiring an additional carpenter for a period of a few months in order for this work to be done in a timely fashion. It is staff 1 s opillioi, that $20,000.00 is needed from the contingency fund to establish these and other changes. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $20,000.00 are available in the General Fund Contingency Reserve. This account presently has a balance of $779,492. EXH1BIT: ffi Resolution No. /,p_7K. authorizing the transfer of funds for implementing changes in ~ the operatior, of the equipment maintenance shop. &:, Memo to City Manager dated 1/28/82 ~ z 0 t5 Ill( ..J 0 z :) 0 0 I \ 1 2 3 4- 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 6785 A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNC1L OF THE CITY OF CARl.SBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGErlCY ACCOUNT TO THE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISIONS OF THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, the City desires to establish improvements in the services of 7 the Equipment Maintenance Garage/Building Maintenance Division; and 8 WHEREAS, the appropriations must be made available within this account 9 fo~ the purpose of establishing improvements; and 10 11 WHEREAS, funds are available in the contingency account; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED-that transfer number 62 , on file with . --. . 12 the Finance Qepartment, transferring funds from contingencies to the 13 Equipment Maintenance Division and Building Maintenance Division of the 14' Maintenance Department is hereby approved. . . 15 PAS5ED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council ~6 of the City or Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd _ day of February 17 1982, by the following vote, to wit: 18 19 AYES: Council ~nbers Pe'1card, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kw.chin 20 NOES: None 21 ABSENT: None 22 23 24' 25 ATTEST: · RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 26 e 27~~~ Al[THA L. RAU'fENKRANZ, -c-rw--c 1 erk -y--. 28 (SEAL) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ......, JANUARY 28, 1982 CITY MANAGER Assistant City Manager/Operations FUND TRANSFER -EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SHOP/BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION Following is the breakdown of how the $20,000 will be used in the short range program recently recornm~rided by the consultant: 1. Equipment Main~enance -40 ft. storage container to house tires and large equipment parts. $2500 2. Equipment office/stockroom -to provitle parts counter and stockroom (bid from contractor was $8800; in-house, $4500). $4500 3. Fenced area in garage to provide safety enclosure for grinders, shop tools, etc. 4. Parts bins -replace old wooden one with steel shelving to better utilize space and reduce fire hazard. 5. Revise and order new forms for better maintenance records and audit control. 6. Building Maintenance -salary for 4 me>nths for provisional carpenter. 7. Materials for renovation and remodeling of City Hall, Modulars, Heritage Hall, Harding Street Center. 8. Contingencies WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manage:.r/Operations WCB:gb $ 500 $ 750 $ 500 $5100 $5000 $1150