Based on information from the Air Pollution Control District
(APCQ), Staff is recommending that the City Council find SDG&E'
medium sulfur fuel test burn consistent with condition 6 of Specific Plan SF-144.
Item Explanation
In approving :3DG&E's request (letter dated February 10, 1982
attached) the Council must determine whether the proposed eight
week test burn of medium sulfur fuel conforms to Specific Plan
144 for the Encina Power Plant. If the Council finds that the
test conform with SP-144 then na Environmental Review is
necessary and the tests can begin immediately.
SDG&E will only be burning the medium sulfur fuel in two of it:
burners. Natural gas will be burned at the same time in the
remaininq three burners. with this combination of fuels the existing pollution standards will not be exceeded. Pollution Control District (APCD) will be closely monitoring tf test and may shut down the operation if standards are exceeded
(please see meno to City Manager dated February 19, 1982 for
The Air
further informat ion) *
Environmental Review
Staff feels no environmental review is necessary at this time.
Please see rnerno to City Manager dated February 19, 1982 for no
Fiscal Impact
There will be no fiscal inpact to the City of Carlsbad from th
project. If an EIR is required some staff time will be utili2
in process inq.
n e 0
(714) 232-4252
bj FILE NO. February 10, 1982
,.*A i +
$'Q< 13 4 3 &
Honorable City Hall Mayor Packard
cIga2d f&
(B cpp 1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
a c.!$!T C$fif-,, '9
.-,*e ..
l&' Oc 6*
The purpose of this letter is to request the City's
Dear Mayor Packard:
approval to conduct a test burn utilizing medium sulfur fuel
at SDG&E's Encina Power Plant. As you know, one of SDG&E's
major expenses.is cost of fuel. If we can reduce the price o
of reducing' the increase in rates. For a year now, SDG&E has
been evaluating the benefits of changing its fuel oil specifi
cations. By going to a slightiy higher sulfur content in the
fuel mixture, .we could potentially save miliions of dollars over the Iiext several years.
oil, such benefits will. flow through to the ratepayer in term
Ili October 1981, SDG&E filed a request with the APC
to test burn sulfur fuel having >2 content higher tha-n 0.5
percent fuel. By letters of October- 21 and November 12, 1981
the APCD approved a test burr, not to exceed .75 percent sulfu
under seven conditions. The APCD approval was pursuant to th equivalency provision of Rule 62 which is the same ruie that
sets forth the standard of 0.5 percent sulfur by weight.
The most important point concerning our test burn o 300,000 bbl-sf over a period six to eight weeks of testing, i
that: SDG&E is required to keep the sulfur emissions exactly equal to what is permitted today, in other words, there will
be no more sulfur einissions during the test than what SDG&E F into the air using 0-5 percent sulfur oil. This can be done
by having some Encina units on natural gas while other units
are on medium sulfur oi.1. SDG&E feeis confident tliat the sli
increase in sulfur content of fuel oil will riot affect the ai quality. In adsition, SDG&E is required to terminate the tes
burn at any time the APCD determines equivalent control is nc being achieved. Moreover, SDG&E believes that burning of
medium sulfur- fuel urlder +he equivalei.icy provision of AFCD Rc
62 is consistent with the laiiqiiage ''upon being consumed" of Condition 6 cor,taincd in thz Specific Plan approving construc of Ericiria Unit 5, aiid/or satisfies the concerns which ConCiiti
was intended to address.
4 0
Honorable Mayor Packard -2- - February 10, 1982
SDGtiE hereby requests your approval to test burn
medium sulfur oil (.75 percent sulr'urj under the conditions
imposed by the APCD, and that the test burn is consistent with
Conditioil 6 or' the Specific Plzn.
As with APCD, your office would be notified 30 days
prior to the actual schedule of the test burn.
E. N. Gabrielson
Licensing & Environmental
cc GABishop PJCIberhaus
Vince Biundo
Frank Alashire
c 0 0
DATE 2 February 19, 1982
TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager
FROM : James C. Hagaman, Planning Director 1' -J
SUBJECT: San Diego Gas and Electric Co. Medium Sulfur Test
SDG&E is proposing a test burn of medium sulfur fuel (.75 sulfur
at the Encina Power Plant for a period of six to eight weeks.
The Council is being asked to decide whether this test is in con-
condition 6 of the specific plan which will determine whether or not an amendment is needed. Condition 6 states:
formance with Specific Plan (SP-144). The main issue involves
All fuel storage tanks shall be recessed and used for those oils which, upon being consumed, shall not have a sulfur content exceeding -5 per cent; being that percentage com- monly associated with the term "low sulfur fuel oil."
This condition was placed in the specific plan based on rule 62
of the Air Pollution Control District (APCD). APCD which is governed by rule 62 has already found that this test is consis- tent with its rules and regulations. Since condition 6 is based upon APCD regulations and APCD has approved the test, it would seem logical that the test conforms with section 6 of the speci- fic plan and no amendment is needed.
If the Council finds that the test conform to condition 6 of thc
specific plan then no environmental review is necessary because
there is no project (no amendment to SP-144) as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This interpretatioi is based on a similar decision by APCD which is much more equip-
ped than the city of Carlsbad to decide air quality issues.
CEQA does indicate that if significant public controversy exists on a project or if an action does have the ability to create sig. nificant impacts on the environment an EIR should be prepared.
From our communications with APCD we do not feel this applies to
the SDG&E proposal because technically no project exists, only a test.
Pollution standards set by APCD will not be violated, and APCD has the authority to shut down the test at any time their stan-
dards are exceeded. An EIR should be required if SDG&E is to us
medium grade sullfur fuel oil on a long term basis.
A 0 0
Recommendat ion
Based on input from APCD, staff is recommending that the Council
144 and does not need an amendment to the Specific Plan.
find that SDGGE's snedium sulfur test burn meets the intent of SP-
0 0
In a phone conversation with Dick Smith of the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) on February 23,
were applied to the SDGEE test burn. follows~
staff was informed that several conditions
The conditions, in effect, are as
1) That monitoring of the test burn will be required "at
the stack,"
That the test burn must not exceed existing standards currently applied to the Encina Plant (equivalency).
Sulfur content in the proposed test fuels shall not exceed
.75 percent.
If at any time equivalency standards are exceeded or acid fallout
These comments were received orally. Actual conditions should
be available in time for the March 2, meeting.
occurs, the project will be shut down,
0 79
It. J. SO~!!I,,~: )'I t
!lir Polliit~(;r~ < t
rm-x rn~r~fli ruz-wS-z,rr& <
Gcto'kr 21, 1981
Edwd M. Gabrielson
Supervisor, Licensing & Envimmental
San Diego Gas E Electric hpmy
P.O. Box 1831
San Diego, CA 32112
Eased on yow letter of October 13, 1981, 2 . 11+ .w>li Jc termin-> ' :
prcposed test program ma57 be undertaken ~JI>:,L< of Rule 62(c), provided ce?tzh conditioris <?y? v>t.
as follows:
1. San Diego Gas E Electric shall cali!lr i ( c~11tii y the :
i o eqiiivalenc., bz JdzLim
;?lese cor,!!'
in the tall stack. The emissions frm Ib tall stack shall hi.
monitored for SO:, continuously thm$m~i4 i li(> rxqx)sed tes" z~d L+.~>
results recorded. Tnese remxls sFial1 lv rr dvajlahle to thc
District upon request,
2. The hourly quatities of sulfur burwd CJI,~ I I '1 )' exceed 0.' / !')/-9f E
heat input. Liquid fuel sulfur contt-n' c tu1 I not exceed @.'Ir)' hj wc:
Fuel usage for each boiler shall k recwrcd daring the test w1d rrxlt
availale to the District upon request.
4. The District shall conduct such emissia1.; tc s a's it detc
dp?ro;)riatz during ~iie iesr perid.
reimburse the District for this testb,g.
If at any the during the test propam the iI.:'Xi detemkes ec;liivcil.-ni
contml is not being achieved, the test f) jm shall be term;. ..-ti 3
immed iat e ly .
The test program you aze proposing will 1~- as described hi v-(x kttc of October 13, 1981. As noted i; thir ! I ;t I, ')an Diego i; 1 ic -3
will notify the District prior to ear>) ii '1 f ' tcl-,t Iucl.
:)r~l ; i' ':a, t Elect-
6. -
(714) 565-5901
9150 Chesapeake Driie. San Diego, Cnlifornin 92123
W - I3wad . M . Gabrielson -L- c) Octc.h-::t: , r' 1 , .I 5 3 :i
In addition, the following are proposed by 1.1~ iiis 1~r.c-t as new cor-i:i'i:ti 0: IS for present Encha Pennits to Operate (lkmibw!:~~ ?91., '792, 793, 1770, ax1
Any modification cf fuels usrd w1-1.i ci.1 Ih:; 1-b:: potential
to increase emissimns shall .ve:.!ui I '$:, j;: ., r:.!- -...vi.tten ap;.;i.
from the APCD.
Upon receipt of San Diego Gas E Electric's wr,.l.tt I1 acceptance cf' -?E above-
conditions, the District will. modify the Thriiia ;ic;:ility ~rmits xcccrdIrig1y.
* r ,_,___. - --'- '.' .-.?-A // i-:*7ddg\-.,,, \-
VILLE Eiir Pollution Control Officer
RJS: JML: vch
1 0
R J :> $1
*,,* pq]l,-[ , ( I ‘I
<,* 1 :. 58 11 .. 8: a‘N~X~”l- I
Novehr 12, 1.981
€‘ward Y. Cabrielson Supervisor, Licensing G Lr!vim:mn:a?
S& Diego Gas E Electrlc &r,pr,y
P.O. Box 1831
San Diego, C4 92112
This is in response to your leIter of OC~O?J<~ 3 Q, , 1 “8 1 . SXIE’s accepance of co:-dlt!or.s far the ~:lt f? 1
hply that ihis fuel can be ased on a reguI(~:
eqlii-mlency is explicit tc SDXZ’s requec
Yow request to expand the sco3e of this
atteqxt to incrementally Sen TOE than rajac ;I
You suggest that condition 2 b2 chinged t
content of the fuel not to exceed 0.75 p-r’
to Urlit No. 5.
sign;f;cant changes &I the sulfur content Encina plant. The supplier of Rolofite ad(:!:t ;\>ti irvI:c.a:cs that
likely be tolerable but tllere -:s concern timl ti (3 irc’r7Ccxe I’ropc
this tolerable limit. Of prticulm cmcer ic, 7 &y;uacjr of
monitoring in the exhaust stach at Eicim. At f ‘’;I ? i ,t~ have bee:, cr\~idm;cd
the plant while burning the 0.75% sulfur fuel oi 1 d: o if it can k :,kc:+.? th;
there m2 T?C: zdve-se ALLY ;m7ar+c --- m acid falloi;t ~..~itf:c :t \7: cl&icr! ~i T?;? ST- the
AP2D’s Rules and Regulations, then the 01 s rric t wi’ : consider allov;jn; sulfL
contents greater than 0.75 pxent.
It is premature at this tim for the District to consider changing pm~it tc
operate conditions on a pernext basis. l”nert.lore, the last condttictn stal irl the October 21 response to you has been delt1:c-J.
necessary to require that the ::<strict he ~KIPXM~~P!;, a:\:,rised of ci 1 , a-tion:
assxiated with fuel use at Dicina.
As a result of the abOve, the :allowing coi~~lir j, vi program:
1 ndst e
kiy aetermi I,~IT
,E, a iin1te-c: teeJ? pi‘”
€’rankly, there is reason
Hcmever, it wi;i ’x-
wi I! IF hp~sr ! (I. t!!e tr
AIR POLLL‘TlO.’\, COK‘I’KOI, UiS f I(i( 7
9150 Chewpeahe Drive. San Ilicgo. (’.ti11 o~I;~<I 92 120
(714) 565-5901
E.'wul u d .I. w Gr&rieisoiL 1) -2 - e Nover;3j.;r' I?, 15
* r .-I,
1; t.,
1. SZTI Diego &s & Electric sl;;i:: cdibr,
the tail stad,. The erisSi:)i;s fro!:. Jci:,
f~?~ SO contijluo!_ls15~ thl\3 )\'L]i t-hc 1 ,! >, , , , '
.. 2 ~lzordtd. 'l'h?se reco:+:;
1"ne holzly quantities of scifl;n b;une!i :<,jj:jj .I
heat input. Licpld fuel c2nter.t shall If SKLE CZ, show by stack test, to tht
Cmtml Gificer that eqilivcz,lency of Rx.1 c sulfur level of 0.75 perccr::: ? then tht:
ailow the use of fuel exceeding this 3. 2., 3 md 4.
The total dwation of fuel burning which exceeds the lhits of hie 6?(k
shall not exceed eight (6) weeks as spciTied LT; SIGlE corresmr;::ence cia October 13, 1991.
Fuel usage for each bcller shall be r.et'c:-)..l
available to the Cistrict qmn req~est.
1. 4. ,i l!x::,j-, .:]?e rest ;-if! i:cl ii:
5. ?:%e Djstrict shall cii et sxch efis:,j:~y ' . i ., 1 !, : i r]( 17 ,~.,+ Ti . :; f,
qprop,niate during the tes; pericd. :;<:I: I ;I ':' , .!
reimburse the District for this testir;!;.
If at arly tim duriig the test pmgm
detemiines equivalent control is not r?
the limiting exhaust gas pE is occlmr-
7. The test progrm you me pmpsing wi.1 1 :I, ,i:: :i (ly.j!,:yj in y(;!l! #,,I : I' \, -
3ctober 13, 1981.
will notify the District prior to each cst? of test fuel.
As noted in this le? t PI', :;<ill j.cgo cas ari(j !.: j c 'c ' :. t
!:E you have any questions, contact Can Spwr\ (1: ('i I ii) 565-3907.
by$& R. J. semmv~m
Air Pollution Control Off: 7 cer
RJS : vch
* (I
T 3, J.. LL
February 19, 1982 F LE NO
Ms. Lee Rautenkranz
City Clerk
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Ms. Rautenkranz:
As you requested, two copies of York Research Corp.'
"The effect of a Magnesium Fuel Oil Additive on Particulate Emissions", dated December 9, 19'77,
are enclosed. If you decide that additional copies are needed
please give me a call at 235-7778.
S inc er e 1 y ,
L. J. Brunton Supervisor, Eilv<. iiegulation
Licensing & Environmental
Enclosures (2)
cc FWDeVore EMGabrielson
GAB i shop
POSTOFFICE BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO, CALI=091\ A 321 12 TELtDt-O\t 714/232 4252
I 0 r-y
June 16, 1981 FILE NO
Mr. Bill Baldwin
Assistant City Manager City of Carlsbad
City Hall
1208 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Dear Mr. Baldwin:
Ordinance No. 9456, Section 3(j), dated
May 4, 1976, requires SDG&E to file with the City
Council an annual report regardinq improvement in
plant and operating procedures during the preceding
year which reduce the emission of air pollutants re-
sulting from the operation of Encina 1-4. The fourth
such annual report is attached herewith.
Should either you or the Council desire any further infornation, please contact me at (714) 235-
7766, or L. J. Erunton on my staff.
d P -4 L4
E. M. Gabrielson Supervisor Licensing & Environmental Department
/z Attachment
cc: R. Sommerville - APCD
R. Beckman - Carlsbad City Public Works
POSTOFFICE a3X 153i.SAh 3IEG3 CAL '08hA 32iiZ.TELE?-'Oh 7ir/232-!;32
e a
June, 1981
m e
In compliance with the City of Carlsbad
Ordinance No. 9456, Section 3, 14(j), San Diego Gas &
Electric is submitting this fourth annual report to
the Carlsbad City Council. The report was required
to relate "improvements in plant and operating proce-
dures during the preceding year which reduce the
emission of air pollutants resulting from the operation
of Encina Units 1, 2, 3, and 4."
As a preface, subsequent to completion
of Unit 5 and tall stack, the plant has returned to
a routine operating mode that has been characteris-
tically clean from an air quality viewpoint.
operation approaches the optimum in terms of effi- ciency and few significant changes are still occurring in either the plant or operating procedures. At the
same time, the contribution of the emissions from the
Encina Power Plant to local air quality concentrations
has been substantially reduced. Further, there have
been no fallout claims filed in over a year.
0 c
A primary ongoing goal of the SDG&E operations divi-
sion is to squeeze more electricity generation from each unit
of fuel combusted. late directly into fewer barrels of fuel required and lower emissions to meet customer electricity demand-s.Due to its more
design, Unit 5 is the most efficient unit on the SDG&E system;
and it's addition to the Encina Plant resulted in a considerable
improvement in overall Plant efficiency.
Durinq 1980, the several periodic maintenance activitic at the plant were scheduled to optimize the increased efficiency
that is often aprimary purpose of those activities. The most
important of these was the major overhaul of Unit 1. In addi-
tion, the boilers in Units 1, 3 and 5 were chemically cleaned
and a combustion instability in Unit 4 was eliminated. The
high-intermediate pressure heater in Unit 2 was also renlaced.
Improvements in combustion efficiency trans-
The combined improvements in efficiency resulted in a
savings of 329,532 barrels of fuel in 1980, over that which woulc
have been required to generate the same electric power in 1975. This represents a considerable savings, especially when the
present cost of a barrel of fuel oil is well over $30.00 per
As described in the previous annual reports, the Elec-
tric Production Performance Monitoring Program is still continuir
In review, the method by which the Performance Program
is accomplished is the monitoring of performance for each unit sc
that it can be operated at its most efficient level under various loading conditions. This increased efficiency leads to reduced
oil consumption and corresponding emission reduction. Operators
make hourly comparisons of actual unit performance to the best
attainable standards then take corrective action when appropriatt
The operator can either adjust the control setting of the unit 01
request that maintenance be performed.
Due to a further increase in availability of natural
gas €or industrial use, the Xncina Power Plant aqain consuned more gas in 1980 for its operations than it did in 1979. By the increased use of natural gas, less fuel oil is required,
and therefore, emissions of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide,
and smoke are reduced. The 12,542,490 million cubic feet of gas burned at Encina represents a savings to the ratepayers
of $22.7 million over the cost of oil, had. that gas not been
. e e
The gas availability for 1981 is projected tobe 15% to
higher than the 1980 volume.
As mentioned earlier, no fallout claims have been filec
with SDG&E in over a year. A single claim filed in early 1980
was questionable, and if even partially the result of power plant
emissions, the causes were not recent at the time, and probably
attributable to some past event. This success in controlling
the acid falloutis due to the three procedures as identified in
the last annual report:
1. Introduction of a fuel oil additive to neutralize
acidic fallout that is created duriny boiler
Soot blowing in the boiler is done on a regular
basis to reduce build up of material on walls of the boiler.
3. Use of viscosity controllers increase the breakup
of fuel into very fine particles for more complete
combustion of the fuel.
The costs of these procedures were about $302,000 in
1980, with the major component being the additive itself at
Although recent emission testingby the California Air Resources Board confirmed Encina to be operating in compliance with the emission limits, SDG&E will be spending about $1 millior
in 1981-2 to install and operate continuous emission monitoring
instrumentation at the Encina Plant. These instruments are re-
quired by the Air Pollution Control District to continuously monitor nitrogen dioxide emission from each unit to prove com-
pliance with the applicable regulations. These monitors will
provide data for quarterly reports for the APCD.