HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-16; City Council; 6577-4; Adoption of 1982-83 Goals and Objectivesrn '1'- TDADOPTION OF 1982-83 GOALS AND OB- iTG. 3/J6/8 2 JECTIVES. B * DEPT.HD. CITY Add!&% .. z 0 E 8 a =! 0 z 3 .-. f -- 'i ! CITY \9F CARLSBAD - AGENDA JLL 1. 3EPT. CM I IClTY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt 1982-83 Goals and Objectives by minute motion. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 26, 1982, the City Council reviewed existing goals and objectives and directed staff to schedule a public hearing on revisions to the goals and objectives for the 1982-83 fiscal year. A public hearing was held February 9, 1982. After receiving public input, the Council directed a subcommittee of Council member Casler and Kulchin to prepare a revised set of goals and objectives for Council consideration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The attached set of goals and objectives has been prepared for Council consideration. Completed objectives have been deleted. The following is a list of significant revisions: Objective A-1-3 has been revised. The objectives under goal B-1 have been rewritten to reflect revision in growth management program and changing circumstances in the Local Coastal Program. The objectives under goal B-2 have been revised at direction of Council. A new goal and objective on aesthetic quality of new development has been added (Goal B-4). Objective C-1-1 has been revised. Objectives under goal C-4 have been rewritten. A new objective C-6-2 has been added to goal C-6. A new objective D-1-6 has been added to goal D-1. Goal E-3 has been reworded. A new goal (E-4) and set of objectives has been added regarding Senior Citizens. Objectives F-1-1, F-1-2, and F-1-3 have been rewritten. FISCAL IMPACT : - Adoption of the goals and objectives will not have any direct fiscal impact. However, the Council may need to provide funds in order to implement specific studiesorprograms outlined in the goals and objectives. EXHIBITS: 1. City of Carlsbad 1982-83 Goals and Objectives. ’ CITY OF CARLSBAD GOALS AND ORJECTIVES Fiscal Year 1982-83 CITY COUNCIL RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR Claude A. Lewis Girard W. Anear Mary H. Casler Ann J. Kulchin FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager IIITPODUCTIOE The Carlsbad City Council annually adopts a set of Goals and Objectives to guide the development of the City's operating and capital improvement budgets. The following set of Goals and Objectives were adopted by the City Council following an extensive public input process. These Goals and Objectives are contingent on funding. Implementation of specific goals and objectives are subject to approval on a project by project basis, and dates of implementation may vary depending on financing and changing city priorities. -. . TARLE OF CONTENTS GOAL A. UTILITIES MANAGEMENT: A-1 Long-Range Water Plans A-2 Water Enterprise Assets A-3 Sewer Metering Program B. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: B-1 Growth Management B-2 Housing B-3 Redevelopment B-4 Design Review C. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: C-1 Agricultural Preservation C-2 Noise Control C-3 Air quality C-4 Lagoon Management C-5 Energy Conservation C-6 Beach Erosion D. TRANSPORTATION: D-1 Street System E. HUMAN SERVICES: E-1 Human Service Planninp E-2 Library Service E-3 Park & Recreation Services E-4 Senior Citizens F. GENERAL GOVERNMENT: F-1 Intergovernmental Relations F-2 Incentive Programs F-3 Productivity Improvements F-4 Crime Prevention F-5 Citizen Participation PAGE 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 7 10 10 11 11 12 UTILITIES MANAGEMENT GOAL A-1 Develop long range plans and programs to assrre an adequate ripply of vater (both potable ard ran-potable) for the tornranity - Objectives: A-1-1 Develop a comprehensive plan for provision of water service to all Carlsbad residents. (Utilities Director) (1982) A-1-2 Implement City of Carlsbad Master Plan for treatment and reclamation of wastewater. (Utilities Director 6 City Engineer) (on-going) A-1-3 Renegotiate service area agreement with Costa Real Municipal Water District. (Utilities Director) (1982) GOAL A-2 Develop policies and programs for the raragemert of major water system assets rot currently rsed for water rervice, Objectives: A-2-1 Retain water rights in San Luis Rey Valley and Kelly Field. (Utilities Director) (on-going) A-2-2 Develop a long-range plan for the beneficial use of the San Luis Rey well field through cooperation with the City of Oceanside for treatment, transportation, and for exchange of water. (Utilities Director) (on-going) A-2-3 Develop a policy regarding utilization/disposition of Lake Calavera property. (Utilities Director) (1982) A-2-4 Form a Public Utilities Commission to advise Council on matters pertaining to water, sewer, water reclamation and related utility matters. (Utilities Director) (1982) -1- GOAL - A-3 Develop a program to meter Carlsbad sewer flow to Encina Plant. Objective: A-3-1 Purchase and install meter system for Carlsbad sewage flowing into Encina Plant on lines where effective. (City Engineer) (1982) -2- - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOAL B-1 Insure orderly and predictable growth so as to enable City to provide required services corncurreit with need, Objectives: B-1-1 Implement growth management program as part of public facilities management system. (Planning Director) (1982) B-1-2 Adopt Agua Hedionda Specific Plan (Planning Director) (1982) B-1-3 Be responsive to amendments to local coastal plan offered by property owners. (Planning Director) (on-going) B-1-4 Revise City's Zoning Ordinance (Planning Director) (1982) B-1-5 Develop programs to provide sidewalks as appropriate in developed areas of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) GOAL R-2 Make available affordable housiig for all economic segments of the Community, Objectives: B-2-1 Implement housing element of general plan. (Planning Director) (on-going) B-2-2 Continue to seek additional funding for maximum allowable rental units under Section 8 Program. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-2-3 Follow regional guidelines in establishing number and types of assisted housing. (HbR Director) (on-going) B-2-4 Reduce processing time for residential developments. (Planning Director) (on-going) -3- B-2-5 Develop an inventory of the number, vacancy rate, and rent schedules for apartments in Carlsbad. (Planning Director) (on-going) B-2-6 Encourage development of mobile home condominiums within the City. (Planning Director) (on-going) GOAL B-3 Create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environ- - ment for living, shopping, vacation, civic, cultural, and service functions through restoration and new private/public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the village area and surrounding community, Objectives: R-3-1 Adopt Design Manual (H&R Director) (1982) B-3-2 Acquire property for pedestrian pass-through on State Street. (H&R Director) (1982) B-3-3 Encourage diversified residential development in and adjacent to redevelopment project area. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-3-4 Develop incentives to maximize the redevelopment potential of private property in project area. (H&R Director) (on-going) 8-3-5 Develop bus transfer terminal as part of redevelopment project. (H&R Director) (1982) GOAL B-4 Improve the aesthetic anality of new development. Objectives: B-4-1 Consider an appropriate design review process. - -4- ENV I RONMF: NTAL OUAL I TY GOAL C-1 Encourage econorieally productive agricultrral land in the City's sphere of influeice. Objectives: c-1-1 Participate with coastal conservancy to determine use of improvement funds from apricultural subsidy program. GOAL C-2 Achieve and maintain an eiviroireit wbich is free from excessive or harmful noire. Objectives: c-2-1 Continue regulation and enforcement program for off- road vehicles. (Police Chief (on-going) c-2-2 Work with County and Federal agencies to develop noise control program for airport. (Planning Director) (on-going) GOAL C-3 Implement the Regional Air Quality Strategy, Objectives: C-3-1 Develop plan for preferential parking for car pools at City Hall. (City Engineer) (1982) C-3-2 Organize public/private study team to promote the use of alternate transportation methods for major employers in City such as van pools, and subscription bus service. (City Engineer) (1982) c-3-3 Cooperate with Chamber of Commerce to encourage development of improved transportation system at Plaza Camino Real. (City Engineer) (on-going) c-3-4 Continue to implement City-wide bicycle plan as indicated in City General Plan. (City Engineer) (on-going) -5- GOAL C-4 Encourage developreit of lagoon raaagemert plars in cooperation with state and local agercier to achieve and raintair desired water quality stardarls, reduce siltatior, preserve wildlife habitats, and enharcc recreatioral opportunities where appropriate. Objectives: c-4- 1 Work with coastal conservancy to complete lagoon manage- ment plan for Buena Vista Lagoon. (Engineer) (1982) C-4-2 Implement a study for management of Batiquitos Lagoon. (Planning Direct or) (1982) c-4-3 Implement a lagoon aquatic program. Promote recreational programs jointly with YMCA at inner and middle Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Parks & Recreation) (1982) GOAL C-5 Encourage eortinned energy conservation program for Carlsbad, Objectives: C-5-1 Implement energy audit of City facilities. (Maintenance Director) (1982) GOAL C-6 Protect local beaches from erosior. Obj ec t ives : C-6- 1 Develop program in conjunction with other agencies to reduce erosion of beaches. (City Engineer) (on-going) C-6- 2 Support state legislation to appropriate funds for beach erosion control projects. (City Manager) (on-going) -6- TRAN SP ORTAT I ON GOAL D-1 Provide a comprehensive street system to serve the present and future needs of Carlsbad. Objectives: D-1-1 Extend or improve collector streets and arterials through the older developed areas in the northwest quadrant of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-2 Provide major components of circulation system as required by new development in the northeast, southeast, and northwest quadrants of Carlsbad. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-3 Improve traffic safety and flow along major city thoroughfares. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-4 Update the circulation element of the General Plan. (City Engineer) (1982) D-1-5 Develop plan for information and direction signs located in the public right-of-way. (Planning Director) (1982) D-1-6 Work with Chamber of Commerce to develop directional sign program for 1-5 corridor. (Planning Director) (1982) -7- HUMAN SERVICES GOAL - E-1 Provide human services to the community, Objectives: E-1-1 Prepare draft Human Service Element. (City Manager) (1982) GOAL E-2 Provide library service to all areas of the City- Objectives: E-2-1 Continue to improve library service to the southern area of the City. (Library Director) (1982) E-2-2 Reevaluate Library Master Plan. (Library Director) (1982) E-2-3 Continue program for establishment of new library. (Library Director) GOAL E-3 Acquire, develop and maintain parks and recreation areas/facilities for all segments of the City and promote economically diversified recreational oppor- tunites for all, Objectives: E-3-1 Adopt revised Parks and Recreation Element of General Plan. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) E-3-2 Promote interagency coordination and cooperation of community recreation service organizations, school districts and other such agencies. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-3 Develop funding strategies for land acquisition and development. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) -8- E-3-4 Encourage and promote development of recreational facilities by private enterprise that may be used by the general public. (Parks E; Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-5 Expand recreational program and facilities in south Car 1 sbad. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) E-3-6 Continue and expand self-supporting recreational programs. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-7 Seek volunteers in all aspects of Parks and Recreation programming. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-8 Provide adequate beach access and parking in cooperation with the State Beach and Parks Department and other appropriate agencies. (Engineering Director) (on-going) GOAL E-4 Promote improved facilities and services for Senior Citizens. Objectives: E-4-1 Assist Senior Citizens Association in seeking funding for adequate permanent facilities. (City Manager) (on-going) E-4-2 Provide facilities for Senior Citizens Nutrition Program. (City Manager) (1982) E-4-3 Assist Senior Citizen Association in conducting trans- portation program for elderly and handicapped. (City Manager) (1982) -9- GENERAL GOVERNMENT GOAL F-1 Provide effective ways for the City of Carlsbad to be involved in intergovernmental activities and programs and to seek to provide expertise to decision- makers and other governmeital jurisdictions, Objectives: F-1-1 Study and recommend measures to achieve consolidation of special district functions with City. (City Manager) (on-going;) F-1-2 Review and recommend changes in City sphere of influence and jurisdictional boundaries where appropriate. (Planning Director) (on going) F-1-3 Develop improved communications and continued positive working relationships with the County, State, and Federal governments and other local agencies. (City Manager) (on-going) GOAL F-2 Improve personal satisfaction and productivity amongst City employees, Objectives: F-2-1 Implement suggestion award program. (Personnel Director) (1982) F-2-2 Develop commendation award program to recognize outstanding employee performance. (Personnel Director) (1982) F-2-3 Develop a Police Officer Commendation Program. (Police Chief) (1982) F-2-4 Develop a Fire Fighter Commendation Program. (Fire Chief) (1982) -10- GOAL F-3 Improve productivity and efficiercy of City goverraent, Objectives: F-3-1 Acquire land for additional facilities for new police facility and City service yard. (City Manager) (1982) F-3-2 Select architect and develop building and financing program for police facility and service yard. (Assistant City Manager/Development) (1982) F-3-3 Continue to improve administrative support systems (word processing, records management, graphics, and mapping systems). (City Manager) (1982) F-3-4 Continue to streamline procedures to reduce processing time for all types of permits. (City Manager) (1982) GOAL F-4 Iaplcmert crime prevertior amd rednctior programs .) Objectives: F-4-1 Expand neighborhood watch programs. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-2 Establish counseling program for Senior Citizens who are victims of crimes. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-3 Develop youth diversion work program. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-4 Develop shoplifting awareness program. (Police Chief) (1982) -11- GOAL - F-5 Provide more opportunities for citizens to be informed about community issues and to participate in local government activities and decision makiig, Objectives: F-5-1 Provide newsletter to City residents. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-2 Continue to schedule town hall meetings to discuss issues. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-3 Periodically hold Council, Board and Commission meetings in southern area of City. (City Manager) (1982 1 F-5-4 Involve youth in City government. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-5 Develop programs to draw the southern and northern areas of the City closer together as a community. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-6 Appoint a citizen committee to study and make recom- mendations to create a permanent private-public foundation, corporation or commission. The purpose of said agency would be to stimulate private sector par- ticipation in planning, funding, and developing resources to enhance the arts and culture, tourism, recreation, libraries, economic development and other projects benefitting Carlsbad and northern San Diego County. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-7 Develop programs for Council consideration to utilize cablevision governmental access channels to communi- cate with the public. (City Manager) (1982) -12- t DATE : MAY 17, 1982 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Assistant City Manager/Administration SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON CITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. Attached is a status report of the 1982-83 fiscal year goals and objectives approved by the Council in February. The status of the goals and objectives was reviewed to identify objectives which depend on specific funding in the 1982-83 operating budget in order to be carried out. Most all objectives can be initiated or carried out using the existing staff provided in the budget or scheduled in the capital improvement program. One objective, (B-1-4) Revision of City's zoning ordinance, has not been funded in the preliminary budget. $50,000 was proposed by the Planning Department for this project but it was deleted from the preliminary budget. FRANK' N . MANNEN Assistant City Manager/ Administration FNM: gb attachment TABLE OF CONTENTS GOAL - A. B. C. D. E. F. UTILITIES MANAGEMENT: A-1 Long-Range Water Plans A-2 Water Enterprise Assets A-3 Sewer Metering Program COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT : B-1 Growth Management B-2 Housing B-3 Redevelopment B-4 Design Review ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: C-1 Agricultural Preservation C-2 Noise Control C-3 Air Quality C-4 Lagoon Management C-5 Energy Conservation C-6 Beach Erosion TRANSPORTAT ION: D-1 Street System HUMAN SERVICES: E-1 Human Service Planning E-2 Library Service E-3 Park & Recreation Services E-4 Senior Citizens GENERAL GOVERNMENT: F-1 Intergovernmental Relations F-2 Incentive Programs F-3 Productivity Improvements F-4 Crime Prevention F-5 Citizen Participation PAGE 1 1 2 11 13 13 14 15 17 17 18 19 20 UTILITIES MANAGEMENT GOAL A-1 Develop long range plans and programs to assure - an adequate supply of water (both potable and non-potable) for the commanity, Objectives: A-1-1 Develop a comprehensive plan for provision of water service to all Carlsbad residents. (Utilities Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Existing staff. Discussing joint venture with CRMWD for study. A-1-2 Implement City of Carlsbad Master Plan for treatment and reclamation of wastewater. (Utilities Director & City Engineer) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: During the year the City adopted an "Action Plan for Sewage and Reclaimed Water Facilities"; approved an agreement to purchase the Lake Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant and delayed the construction of the Palomar Airport Sewage Treatment Plant. The Engineering and Utilities Departments are presently developing a Master Plan for the Distribution of Reclaimed Water and standards for construction of dual water systems. A-1-3 Renegotiate service area agreement with Costa Real Municipal Water District. (Utilities Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Existing staff will carryout, augmented with special counsel/engineer. GOAL A-2 Develop policies and programs for the management - of major water system assets not currertly used for water service. Objectives: A-2-1 Retain water rights in San Luis Rey Valley and Kelly Field. (Utilities Director) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: No Specific action to date. -1- A-2-2 Develop a long-range plan for the 1. ~eficial use of the San Luis Rey well field through cooperation with the City of Oceanside for treatment, transportation, and for exchange of water. (Utilities Director) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: No Specific action to date. A-2-3 Develop a policy regarding utilization/disposition of Lake Calavera property. (Utilities Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: No Specific action to date. A-2-4 Form a Public Utilities Commission to advise Council on matters pertaining to water, sewer, water reclamation and related utility matters. (Utilities Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: No Specific action to date. GOAL - A-3 Develop a program to meter Carlsbad sewer flow to Encina Plant. Objective: A-3-1 Purchase and install meter system for Carlsbad sewage flowing into Encina Plant on lines where effective. (City Engineer) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: The City has approved the construction of a meter in the new interceptor line under construction at the Encina Sewage Treatment Plant. The meter will measure flows from the Palomar Sewer Service area of the City. -2- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOAL B-1 Insure orderly and predictable growth so as to enable City to provide required services concurrent with need, Objectives: B-1-1 Implement growth management program as part of public facilities management system. (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Alternate methods are being evaluated to implement program. B-1-2 Adopt Agua Hedionda Specific Plan (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Second Council hearing May 18; then resubmitted to Coastal Commission - on schedule. B-1-3 Be responsive to amendments to local coastal plan offered by property owners. (Planning Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: We are constantly responding to this goal on a regular basis. B-1-4 Revise City’s Zoning Ordinance (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Program proposed in department submitted budget - not included in recommended budget. Plan to present item to City Council at a July workshop. B-1-5 Develop programs to provide sidewalks as appropriate in developed areas of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Plans are complete for the construction of $122,000 of curb, gutter and sidewalk in the -I redevelopment area of the City. The project will improve Tyler Street south of Oak. -3- B-2 Make available affordable housing for all economic segments of the Community. Objectives: B-2-1 Implement housing element of general plan. (Planning Director) (on-going 1 B-2-2 Continue to seek additional funding for maximum allowable rental units under Section 8 Program. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-2-3 Follow regional guidelines in establishing number and types of assisted housing. (H&R Director) (on-go ing 1 B-2-4 Reduce processing time for residential developments. (Planning Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Planning Department has made significant progress in the last year on this continuing objective as follows: 1. Created a one permit process. 2. Printed a processing schedule. 3. For 50 or less, Planning Commission makes final decision unless appealed, on many applications (reduction 4-5 weeks). 4. Administrative variances expaned (reduction 1-3 weeks). 5. Raise contract limit on EIR consultant to $25,000. For City Manager signature \ (reduction 4-6 weeks). B-2-5 Develop an inventory of the number, vacancy rate, and rent schedules for apartments in Carlsbad. (Planning Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: 1980 census will provide the total number of rentals in City, lump houses, condos and apart- ments together. Housing maintains apartment rent schedules. On-going vacancy rate not currently available. Need to understand purpose of Objective before continuing. -4- B-2-6 Encourage development of mobile home condominiums within the City. (Planning Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: This has been an interest to the Planning Department and currently there is some specific inquiries about such a project. B-2-6 Encourage development of mobile home condominiums within the City. (Planning Director) (on-going) GOAL - B-3 Create a pleasant, attractive, accessible emviron- rent for living, shopping, vacation, civic, cultrral, and service functions through restoration and new private/pnblic development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the village area and surrounding community. Objectives: B-3-1 Adopt Design Manual (HbR Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: To City Council within the next sixty days. B-3-2 Acquire property for pedestrian pass-through on State Street. (H&R Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Recommend deletion. Not a high priority - should not be part of G&O. B-3-3 Encourage diversified residential development in and adjacent to redevelopment project area. (HbR Director) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: On-going B-3-4 Develop incentives to maximize the redevelopment potential of private property in project area. (HbR Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: On-going B-3-5 Develop bus transfer terminal as part of redevelopment project. (H&R Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Recommend deletion of this objective. -5- - . GOAL - - B-4 Improve the aesthetic quality of new development, Objectives: B-4-1 Consider an appropriate design review process. (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Reseaarch is being done on program and report will be brought forward as soon as possible. -6- ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GOAL C-1 Encourage economically productive agricultaral land in the City's sphere of influence, Objectives : c-1-1 Participate with coastal conservancy to determine use of improvement funds from agricultural subsidy program. (City Manager) (on-going) GOAL C-2 Achieve and maintain an envirormert which ir free from excessive or harmfal noire. Objectives: c-2-1 Continue regulation and enforcement program for off- road vehicles. (Police Chief) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: This program has been operating for several years. It will continue as in previous years. It is generally handled as an overtime assign- ment for officers who are amiliar with the use of "dirt bikes" or off-road motorcycles. c-2-2 Work with County and Federal agencies to develop noise control program for airport. (Planning Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: On projects near airport influence area seek airport input in planning process. Encourage County to commence processing noise study for airport. GOAL - C-3 Implement the Regional Air Quality Strategy- Objectives: C-3-1 Develop plan for preferential parking for car pools at City Hall. (City Engineer) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: The City has developed a parking plan for City facilities and the City Engineer is no longer pursuing this goal. -7- - \ A - ' C-3-2 Organi public/private study team -&promote the use of alternate transportation methods for major employers in City such as van pools, and subscription bus service. (City Engineer) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: The City Council has approved bus shelters at four locations in the City to enhance the NCTD system. The shelters will be installed by NCTD this summer. In general, the promotion scheme is awaiting Council approval of the SANDAG proposed Transportation Tactics. c-3-3 Cooperate with Chamber of Commerce to encourage development of improved transportation system at Plaza Camino Real. (City Engineer) (on-going) c-3-4 Continue to implement City-wide bicycle plan as indicated in City General Plan. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: The City has nearly completed the striping of bicycle lanes on all designated streets which are wide enough to accept them. In addition the Council has approved participation in a bicycle locker program which will soon be implemented at selected locations in the City. GOAL C-4 Encourage development of lagoon management plaas in cooperation with state and local agencies to achieve and maintain desired water quality standards, reduce siltation, preserve wildlife habitats, and emhance recreational opportunities where appropriate. Objectives: C-4-1 Work with coastal conservancy to complete lagoon manage- ment plan for Buena Vista Lagoon. (Engineer) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: The Tri-Cities appointed a Committee of elected officials to study the protection of Buena Vista Lagoon. The State has received grant funding to dredge the Lagoon. The Coastal Conservancy is taking the lead in development of a Watershed Management Plan. -8- C-4-2 Implement a study for management of Batiquitos Lagoon. (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Study has now been commenced (May 6). c-4-3 Implement a lagoon aquatic program. Promote recreational programs jointly with YMCA at inner and middle Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Parks & Recreation) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Staff is currently working on a plan to utilize the inner and middle lagoons for general use by various water enthusiasts. GOAL - C-5 Encourage continued energy conscrvatior program for Carlsbad, Objectives: C-5-1 Implement energy audit of City facilities. (Maintenance Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Replacement of City Hall and Library wall lights, walkway lights, replacement of parking lot lights, hall and bathroom lights and down lighting. This will total approximately $4200,00. Presently energy costs for the above items are $2200.00 annually -- replacements as planned will reduce this cost to $800.00 annually (an annual saving of $1600.00). Money is budgeted, awaiting final budget. GOAL C-6 Protect local beaches from erosion. Objectives: C-6-1 Develop program in conjunction with other agencies to reduce erosion of beaches. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: SANDAG has formed a Shoreline Erosion Committee. Congress appropriated $750,000 to the Corps of Engineers for a study of shoreline erosion problems between Dana Point and the international border. SANDAG was instrumental in obtaining these funds and will work closely with the Corps. The Council approved a contract with Scripps Institute to monitor sand movement along the Carlsbad coast line. -9- C-6-2 Support state legislation to appropriate funds for beach erosion control projects. (City Manager) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: February 1982, Council appropriated $7500 for beach monitoring program by Scripps. January 1, 1982 Support AB540 to appropriate $750,000 for beach erosion study. -10- TRANS PORT AT ION GOAL D-1 Provide a comprehensive street system to serve the present and futolre needs of Carlsbad. - Objectives: D-1-1 Extend or improve collector streets and arterials through the older developed areas in the northwest quadrant of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS : Monroe Avenue has been completed from Elm to Marron Road; Tamarack Avenue between El Camino Real and Skyline has been funded as a 1982 CIP project; plans are being prepared for the replacement of the Agua Hedionda Bridge on Carlsbad Blvd. and the widening of the boulevard to four lanes; and plans for the widening of Tamarack between Carlsbad Blvd. and Highland are being prepared. Plans for improvement on Madison and Roosevelt Ave. are complete and construction could take place this summer. D-1-2 Provide major components of circulation system as required by new development in the northeast, southeast, and northwest quadrants of Carlsbad. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Presently Agla Road is under construction from El Fuerte to Melrose; Palomar Airport Road is undergoing widening in the vicinity of the Palomar Airport Business Park; plans have been prepared for the widening of Alga east of El Camino Real; application for grade separation funds for the Poinsettia cross of the ATSF has been made to PUC; and CALTRANS is preparing a feasibility study on widening of the Palomar Airport Road crossing at 1-5. -11- D-1-3 Improve traffic safety and flow along major city thoroughfares. (City Engineer) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: The interconnection of traffic signals on El Camino Real near the Plaza is complete; plans have been prepared for traffic signals at Monroe and Elm; signals have been installed at El Camino Real and Levante and El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road; plans are being prepared for signals at Marron and Monroe; and plans are being prepared for warning lights on Carlsbad Boulevard at the Army and Navy Academy. D- 1-4 Update the circulation element of the General Plan. (City Engineer) (1982 CURRENT STATUS: Willdan and Associates is nearing completion of a traffic study and volume projection which will be utilized to evaluate and update the circulation element of the General Plan. Hearings on the study should take place this summer. D-1-5 Develop plan for information and direction signs located in the public right-of-way. (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Staff has been working with Chamber of Commerce on plan. 1-5 directional sign program is related to this objective. D-1-6 Work with Chamber of Commerce to develop directional sign program for 1-5 corridor. (Planning Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Meetings have been held with CalTrans. Program will be coordinated with information and directional sign plan for City street and Chamber vistor information booth. -12- HUMAN SERVICES GOAL E-1 Provide human services to the community, - Objectives: E-1-1 Prepare draft Human Service Element. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Will recruit HS position when budget adopted. GOAL E-2 Provide library service to all areas of the City, Objectives: E-2-1 Continue to improve library service to the southern area of the City. (Library Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: 1. The present Bookmobile serves that segment of the City almost exclusively. Funded yearly in library budget. 2. The store front facility to be located in La Costa will be presented to Council as an addendum to the 1982-83 annual budget. The project cost for the first year of operation is $191,225; subsequent yearly expenditures are estimated at approximately $100,000. 3. To provide an alternative, staff has presented to Council, as information only, preliminary costs on purchasing and operating a large Bookmobile. First year costs would be approximately $148,500; subsequent yearly expenditures $60,000. E-2-2 Reevaluate Library Master Plan. (Library Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: An on-going process. -13- E-2-3 Continue program for establishment of new library. (Library Director) CURRENT STATUS: In March of this year Council accepted from Daon an offer to dedicate two acres for a future library site in Alga Norte Park. No funding involved. GOAL - E-3 Acquire, develop and maintain parks and recreation areas/facilitiea for all segments of the City and promote economically diversified recreational oppor- tunites for all. Objectives: E-3-1 Adopt revised Parks and Recreation Element of General Plan. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: The revised Parks and Recreation Element is completed and scheduled for adoption by the City Council in May, 1982. E-3-2 Promote interagency coordination and cooperation of community recreation service organizations, school districts and other such agencies. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club sub-leased Levante Park from City to construct a temporary facility . The City Council and Board of Trustees from the School District are in the process of developing a Master Agreement for joint-use of the schools and City facilities. E-3-3 Develop funding strategies for land acquisition and development. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Council recently adopted the Macario Canyon Park Development Plan which covered the funding strategies for the project. Council revised the standards for the park-in- lieu fees. The City will eventually receive more revenue from the new fee structure for park development and acquisition. -14- E-3-4 Encourage and promote development of recreational facilities by private enterprise that may be used by the general public. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: The revised Parks and Recreation Element provides guidelines and encourages development by private enterprise. Staff is studying the possibility of implementing the Adopt-A-Park Concept. E-3-5 Expand recreational program and facilities in south Carlsbad. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Continuous process. E-3-6 Continue and expand self-supporting recreational programs. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: The Recreation Division's goal is to be 45% self-sustaining for fiscal year 1982-83. The goal of 40% for fiscal year 1981-82 was accomplished. E-3-7 Seek volunteers in all aspects of Parks and Recreation programming. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Continuous process. E-3-8 Provide adequate beach access and parking in cooperation with the State Beach and Parks Department and other appropriate agencies. (Engineering Director) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Staff will be working with State on study of beaches. GOAL E-4 Promote improved facilities and services for Senior - Citizens. Objectives : E-4-1 Assist Senior Citizens Association in seeking funding €or adequate permanent facilities. (City Manager) (on-going 1 -15- E-4-2 Provide facilities for Senior Citizens Nutrition Program. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Improved Heritage Hall for Nutrition Program. E-4-3 Assist Senior Citizen Association in conducting trans- portation program for elderly and handicapped. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Applied for and received grant for van. Van scheduled for delivery in June. -16- GENERAL GOVERNMENT GOAL F-1 Provide effective ways for the City of Carlsbad to be involved in intergovernmental activities and programs and to seek to provide expertlse to decision- makers and other governmental jurisdictions. Objectives: F-1-1 Study and recommend measures to achieve consolidation of special district functions with City. (City Manager) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: CRMWD negotiations under way. Retained legal counsel. F-1-2 Review and recommend changes in City sphere of influence and jurisdictional boundaries where appropriate. (Planning Director) (on going) CURRENT STATUS: Recommended changes in sphere of influence in La Costa area have been directed by City Council; various annexations to implement now in progress. F-1-3 Develop improved communications and continued positive working relationships with the County, State, and Federal governments and other local agencies. (City Manager) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Council attended legislature workshop in Sacramento. Regular League and Mayor's meetings attended. GOAL - F-2 Improve personal satisfaction and productivity amongst City employees, Objectives: F-2-1 Implement suggestion award program. (Personnel Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: No specific action to date. -17- F-2-2 Develop cornmendation award program to recognize outstanding employee performance. (Personnel Director) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Management recognition program being developed. F-2-3 Develop a Police Officer Commendation Program. (Police Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: This program is being developed in two stages. The first stage is the development of a Reserve Officer Recognition and Thank You dinner. This is to show the City's appreciation for all the work and dedication given by the officers of the police department. A dinner is currently being scheduled for late June, 1982. The second phase deals with regular officers. This program is currently being discussed with ideals that are being considered relating to a recognition program for regular officers that recognizes work well done, but does not undermine already utilized commendation systems in the police department. F-2-4 Develop a Fire Fighter Commendation Program. (Fire Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: We are looking around the county for a model program - At this point we have not been successful in finding a fire department that has a formalized program. In Carlsbad, it is the responsibility of all officers to make full reports whenever a member saves a life at his own risk or performs an especially commendable act. GOAL F-3 Improve productivity and efficiency of City - government. Objectives: F-3-1 Acquire land for additional facilities for new police facility and City service yard. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Escrow agreement approved. -18- F-3-2 Select architect and develop building and financing program for police facility and service yard. (Assistant City Manager/Development) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Review underway on Statements of Qualifications submitted by 16 architectural firms. Process of selection expected to be completed by about July 1. Completion of building and financing program expected within 4th quarter of 1982. Funds available in 1982 CIP. F-3-3 Continue to improve administrative support systems (word processing, records management, graphics, and mapping systems). (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Established new Word Processor Classification. Consultant visit May 13. Mapping City Engineer responsbility. F-3-4 Continue to streamline procedures to reduce processing time for all types of permits. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Moved Planning and Building Department to expedite development permits. GOAL F-4 Implement crime prevention and reduction programs. Objectives: F-4-1 Expand neighborhood watch programs. (Police Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: This program is progressing very well and is highly successful. Continued emphasis is planned. F-4-2 Establish counseling program for Senior Citizens who are victims of crimes. (Police Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: This program has been handled as a normal function of the Crime Prevention Officer. There has been little interest by the senior citizens as there has been little crime against senior citizens that would generate their interest. The department staff will continue to offer programs that might interest them as a group as well as continuing to offer counseling to any senior citizen who is afraid of becoming a victim or has been a victim. -19- F-4-3 Develop youth diversion work program. (Police Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: This program has not been developed due to a shortage of manpower in the police department. Since the police department has suffered the loss of two regular police officers leaving for other employment, coupled with four officiers I1 injury on duty" status, the personnel who would normally develop and handle this program have been utilized in other areas of responsibility of a more basic service nature. When these personnel problems are resolved, the task will be accomplished. F-4-4 Develop shoplifting awareness program. (Police Chief) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: This program was fully developed and operating in the 1981-82 fiscal year; however, since the department's personnel shortages developed, this program has been put on hold. One of the personnel who has been lost to an "injury on duty" status was the officer assigned to this program and the business liaison program. Presently, if a specific interest develops during the year, the investigation bureau makes the appropriate presentation to those interested. GOAL - F-5 Provide more opportnnitfes for citixens to be informed about community issues and to participate in local government activities and decision making - Ob j ec t ive s : F-5-1 Provide newsletter to City residents. (City Manager) (on-going 1 CURRENT STATUS: State of City report mailed in February. F-5-2 Continue to schedule town hall meetings to discuss issues. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-3 Periodically hold Council, Board and Commission meetings in southern area of City. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Batiquitos Lagoon meeting held in March. Council meeting in March held in Levante Park. Park. -20- F-5-4 Involve youth in City government. (City Manager) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Youth in government March. F-5-5 Develop programs to draw the southern and northern areas of the City closer together as a community. (City Manager) (on-going) CURRENT STATUS: Studied La Costa Library. F-5-6 Appoint a citizen committee to study and make recom- mendations to create a permanent private-public foundation, corporation or commission. The purpose of said agency would be to stimulate private sector par- ticipation in planning, funding, and developing resources to enhance the arts and culture, tourism, recreation, libraries, economic development and other projects benefitting Carlsbad and northern San Diego County. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: No Action F-5-7 Develop programs for Council consideration to utilize cablevision governmental access channels to communi- cate with the public. (City Manager) (1982) CURRENT STATUS: Management meeting held at Carlsbad Cablevision to familiarize management team with potential and capabilities of cable TV system. -21-