HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-20; City Council; 6982; Joint powers agreementsf0' Cm JF CARLSBAD - AGENDA JILL LCDrmmt AR* b vJ^X MTfi V20/82 DEPT. ENG ETJ"E JOINT POWERS IN THE BUENA AGREEMENT TO VISTA LAGOON CONDUCT EXCAVATION - CONTRACT 1117 nPPT HO ^ CITY ATTYUSKi. CITY MGRxX^lTl/^ IA- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.approving Joint Powers Agreement between California Department of Fish and Game and the City. ITEM EXPLANATION: State Fish and Game has received a million dollars in appropriations to dredge the Buena Vista Lagoon. They have requested that the City on new contracts.administer the contract due to the State's freeze The City will need to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State Fish and Game Department to formalize the arrangement. The Engineering Department has been working closely with the State staff on this project and feels confident that the terms of the agreement can be met within the funds allocated by the State. FISCAL IMPACT: All design and contract administration expenses incurred by the City are reimbursable up to a maximum of 1% of the contract bid price. EXHIBIT: Resolution No. £ f£~£~ approving Joint Powers Agreement between California Department of Fish and Game and the City to Conduct Excavation in the Buena Vista Lagoon. u ou 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6855 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A JOINT 3 POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CALIFORNIA DEPART- MENT OF FISH AND GAME AND THE CITY TO CONDUCT 4 . EXCAVATION IN THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON. 5 WHEREAS, the California Department of Fish and Game plans to conduct 6 excavation in the Buena Vista Lagoon to remove deposit of silt caused by 7 flood damage; and 8 WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Game has requested the City of 9 Carlsbad to prepare plans and specifications and administer construction 10 and contracts necessary to excavate the Buena Vista Lagoon; 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the attached agreement labeled Exhibit A provide the 15 nececessary funds and authority for the City to proceed in preparing contract 16 documents and administering construction contracts on behalf of the State 17 Department of Fish and Game necessary to excavate the Buena Vista Lagoon. 18 3- That the agreement attached as Exhibit A is approved and the Mayor 19 is authorized to sign on behalf of the City. 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council at a regular meeting 21 held on the 20th day of April , 1982, by the following vote to wit: 22 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis 23 NOES: None 24 ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin AT-TCCT RONALD C. PACKARD, MayorMl I to I : 26 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 28 (SEAL) v. - . JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME TO CONDUCT EXCAVATION IN THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of March, 1982, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, hereinafter referred to as "Department". W. L I. H1JL £ 1.1 Ji -L WHEREAS, the Department is the owner and administrator of a large portion of the Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve and plans to excavate portions of the Buena Vista Lagoon to remove deposit of silt caused by flood damage, increase the wetland resource values of the Reserve; and WHEREAS, the Department intends to accomplish flood damage repairs and habitat restoration called the Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project, Phase 1 Excavation and Dredging and Phase 2 Additional Excavation; Removal and Final Restoration Work, hereinafter referred to as "Project" as soon as possible and intends to excavate and dispose of sediment from the Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the City, as the local government jurisdiction, has been instrumental in seeking appropriations to remove the sediment and to prevent further sediment transport into Buena Vista Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the City will work cooperatively with the Coastal Conservancy to construct sediment basins; and WHEREAS, it would be expedient for the Department to utilize the City's resources and local administrative capabilities to expedite the Project; and WHEREAS, the Department and City, in an effort to coordinate construction, have determined that it will be to the mutual benefit of both Parties to t accomplish the Project under City contract; and WHEREAS, the Department and City are authorized to enter into Joint Powers Agreement pursuant to Government Code Sections 6500 et seq.; and WHEREAS, the Department and City desire to set forth their respective t rights and obligations concerning the Project; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Department shall: a. Provide conceptual plans to be used by the city to formulate final construction plan and specification suitable for obtaining bids for construction of the Project. b. Obtain all permits required to accomplish Project. c. Be responsible for and reimburse the City for costs of con- struction engineering, administration, and actual Project construction. The preliminary estimate for the total cost of the Project is Nine Hundred, Ninety Thousand dollars ($990,000.00) including engineering and administration costs. d. Name an authorized representative for the Project. e. Authorized representative to provide City written approval of final construction plan and specifications prior to advertisement for bids for the project. f. Authorized representative to provide City written approval to award contract within ten days of Project bid opening. g. Review and if found acceptable, approve the Project "As Built" plans and specifications, project costs, and authorize filing of a Notice of Completion for the project. 2. City shall: a. Assemble documents necessary to secure bid proposals. b. Advertise for bids. c. Provide contract administration and construction engineering for the Project. d. Furnish Department final cost estimate for Project based on actual bid results. e. Furnish Department reproducible "as-built" plans of the Project; and file a Notice of Completion for the Project after final acceptance of the work. f.. Arrange contract documents for disposal of sediment materials, g. Be responsible for accounting for all costs of construction engineering, construction and administration. 3. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT: a. The Department shall advance to the City the amount of Nine Hundred, Ninety Thousand Dollars ($990,000.00) upon written request of the City, following final execution and approval of this agreement by the State. Said amount is the estimated total cost of the Project. See exhibit A for Project cost estimate. b. The actual cost to Department of constructing Project shall be computed as follows: (1) Final Project cost based on contract unit prices and actual quantities of items. (2) Costs incurred for any disposal site and transport and placement of excavated material to be disposed of. (3) Actual cost of or not to exceed 7% of contract bid price. (a) Contract design engineering. (b) Contract administration. (c) Construction engineering. c. If bid prices exceed available Department funds for the Project, ($990,000.00 advance to City per paragraph 3a above, plus interest credited to account as required in following paragraph 3e), the quantity of material to be excavated may be reduced or the scope of the Project changed accordingly. d. City may make monthly progress payments to contractor for Project construction items actually completed. e. City will deposit and hold Department payment in a separate interest bearing account to which shall be credited all interest earned. City will maintain a complete and accurate record of all expenditures made from said account, including identification of the recipients and the purposes therefor, and will provide the Department with a bi-monthly report on the status of the account. A detailed financial accounting will be included in the final project report from City to Department. Upon completion of the Project, any funds remaining in said account following reimburse- ment to City under Paragraph 3b above and final payment to con- tractor, shall promptly revert to the Department. f. City shall retain all documents used to prepare accounting reports throughout the term of this agreement and for a period of three years thereafter, and shall make same available to the Department or the State Auditor General for review upon reasonable request during said period. g. Department has complied with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements under section 15071 of the CEQA Act, as follows: 15071. The following emergency projects are exempt from the requirements of CEQA, and no EIR is required. (1) Projects undertaken, carried out, or approved by a public agency to maintain, repair, restore, demolish or replace property or facilities damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a stricken area in which a state of emergency has been proclaimed by the Governor pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 8550) of Division 1, Title 2 of the Government Code. (2) Emergency repairs to public service facilities necessary to maintain service. (3) Specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. h. During construction City shall assign a qualified inspector to the Project who will use his best effort to insure that construction is accomplished in accordance with the plans and specifications. The work, however, shall be subject at all times to inspection by authorized representatives of both parties. i. Change orders will require written approval by the authorized representative of the Department. In case of urgency, however, verbal approval by the authorized representative of the Department noted in Paragraph Id above shall be provided, followed promptly by written confirmation. j. City shall file a Notice of Completion for the Project after final acceptance of the work. k. Department shall, insofar as it may legally do so, indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers and employees from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in Department's performance of this agreement. 1. City shall, insofar as it may legally do so, indemnify and hold harmless Department and its officers and employees from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in City's performance of this agreraent. m. Any equipment purchased by the city with funds provided by the Department for use by the City during the term of the Project shall be promptly reported to Department and shall become the property of Department. Should this agreement be terminated for any reason, or upon its expiration, all such equipment shall be promptly turned over to the Department. For the purposes of this agreement, equipment shall be defined as all movable articles of non-expendable property which has: (1) A normal useful life including extended life due to repairs, of two years or more; (2) an identity which does not change with use, i.e., it is not consumed by use or converted by fabrication into some other form of property; and (3) an approximate unit cost of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) or more. n. This agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of the parties hereto. o. Unless extended by written amendment, the term of this agreement shall commence March 1, 1982 and continue through January 1, 1985 or until the State certifies in writing that the Project is complete and that the City has satisfied its obligations, whichever occurs first. p. The attached Fair Employment Practices Addendum pertains to this agreement and is made a part hereof, with all references to "contractor" understood to mean the City. The City shall include the fair Employment Practice Addendium in any subcontracts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have entered into this Joint Powers Agreement on the day and year first above written. APPROVEB_AS TO FORM: sj CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ _. 'kkntsch-^e, &Vsis-ffant City Attorney of CjLty of Carlsbad Ronald C. Packard, Mayor ATTEST: . •'' - k K j r \ \Aletha' L. Rautenkranz, City Cler CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Exhibit A Cost Estimate for Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project 1. Phase I Project Mobilization $ 40,000 Excavation - $5/cy-est. 80,000 yards and restore islands 400,000 2. Phase II Excavate additional $5/cy 80,000 yards finish islands, remove haul causeways 450,000 3. City Design, Contract Administration and inspection 63,000 4. Contingency 37,OOP Total , $ 990,000 PAKE "A" PRACTICES AEDESDUX ( Applicable to PUBLIC WORKS contracts) " ^. rniiMii Tlnn vith the performance at work under this contract, the Contractor egret* as follows: ) Th» Contr»ctor vlll not willfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for esployaent because of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, age, or national•igla. *^ne Contractor will take amraative action to ensure that applicants are esployed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to tbel-ice, color, religion, ancestry, sex, age, or national origin. Such action sfcall Include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion cr•uoster; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; raters of puy or other forma of compensation; and selection for training, Including ap?rer.-.:r'-lip, ibe, Contractor agrees to post In conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices (Std. Form 809) to be provided by the eward- ig authority Getting forth the provisions of this Fair Snploycent Practices section. t) 'SUB Contractor vlll send to each labor union or representative of workers with which be baa a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding,to Labor Onions, Std. Fora £O3, to be provided ty the awarding authority, advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's coa-und«r this section, and sham post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. 3) 7*» Contractor vlll permit access* to his records of employment, ewployawnst advertise.pi.ats, application forms, and other pertinent data and records by the Fairhployast Practices Coralsilon, the awarding auttot-iy or nny other appropriate agency of the State of California designated by the awarding authority, for the urposes of Investigation to ascertain, cooplianc* with the Fair Employment Practices sectlcn ot this contract. '^) A finding of willful violation off th* Fair Employment Practices section ot this contract or of the Fair Enployxent Practices Act shall be regarded by the avertingrathorltr as a basil for determining: tA* Contractor to be not a "responsible bidder" as to future contracts for which such Contractor may submit bids, for revofciruj thelontractor's preinisliflotion rating, IT any, and for refusing to establish., reestablish, or renew a prequaliflcatlon rating for the Contractor. Us* awar4Uig authority -i-«ii deem a. fflaiina of willful violation of toe Fair Eaployaeat Practices Act to nave occurred upon receipt of written notice from tha FairEaplOjnent Practices Cooaisaion that it has Investigated, and determined that tne Contractor ha* violated the Fair Employment Practices Act aud has issued, aa order uoier Ixbor Cod* Section LkSo or c&tatUwd an injunction under Labor CoO* Section 1W?. Clpoik receipt of scch vrltten notice Crcm the Fair Eapioyaent Practices ComoLss-ion, the awarding authority snail notify the Contractor that unless he demonstrates t3 the mcltfaetlon of th* awarding authority within a stated period that tb* -violation has been corrected, his prequaliflcatlon rating will be revoked at the expirationof euci period. (5) 5*» Contractor agrees that shcnzld th* awarding authority determine that the, Contractor has not complied with the Fair Employment Practices section of this ccr.tract,then pursuant to Labor Code Section. 2.735 and 1TT5, the Contractor shall, as a penalty to tbe awarding authority, forfeit, for each calendar day, or portion thereof, tor eacb. person who was denied enploynen* as a result of suca nonccrapliance, the penalties provided la the Labor Code for violation of prevailing WBB« rates. Such =cles nay b*> x*9COveredl fron tb* Contractor* The awarding authority oay deduct any such dgsages frca any aonies due the Contractor from the State of California. (6) C*0 Bathing cxatalned In this fair Enploymit Practices section shall oe construed la any Conner or fashion so as to prevent the awarding authority of the State of California £roa pursuing any otbe=r renedies that may be available at lav. (t>) Mothlng contained in this ?alr Eaployment Practices section shall, be construed In any Banner or fashion so as to require or peralt tha hiring of an erplsyee.not permitted by the National Labor delation* Act. (T) Prior to award of the contract, the Contractor shall certify to the awarding authority that h» has or will meet the following standards for affirmative corpllsnce,vhlclt s&all be evaluated In each case by the averdlag authority: . . t«) Th* Contractor shall prcrrtie evidence, as recjolred by th* avardlcg authority, that be has notified all supervisors, foremen, and other personnel officers in of the coet*ot of tha antl->^iscriqiuatlon clause and their responsibilities under it. tb) The Contractor shall prorlde evidence, as required by the avardlcg authority, that he has notified all sources of employee referrals (including unlcns, eaploy- afBencles, advertisements, Deporment of Huaioa Resources pevelopaent) of the content of the anti-discriaination clause. (c) Persoxally, or through bis representatives, tbe, Contractor shall, througb negotiations with th* unions with whom he has agreements, attenpt to develop an agnesent which vlll: 1. Spell, out responsibilities lor non-dlscrialnatton prograa In hlrlrg, referral, op*gradli>g, and training. . Otherwise lapleraent an aJCflmative anti-discrlmlnatioa prograB la terns of the onions' npeclflc areas of skill and geography, to the en4 that qualified cinorlty vlll b*. available and given an equal opportunity for employment. (d) The Contractor shall notify th* contracting agency of opposition, to the antl-dlscrlninatlon clause by individuals, firms, or organizations during the period of Its ja-eoualif Icntlon. (8) Ibe Contractor vlll include Via provisions of tha foregoing paragraptai 1 through T la every first tier subcontract, so that such provisions vlll be binding upon each •neia, ^abcoatractor. (AppXleable to all other contracti) • * FAIR BgtOHglg FBACTICS ADDSNDUM 1. Xa the perfornftnce of this coettrect, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sncestry. MXfSe**, or notional origin. Ttw Contractor will t«ke af flr»atlvi- actlcn to ensure that applicants are enployed, and that employees are treated during enplo;-Tr.t ,vithoot regard to their race, coljcr, religion, ancestry, sex, age, or nntLonal origin. Sach action ahall include, but not be limited to, the following: en-plcrrent,upgrading, deration or transfer;, rercruitxvent or recraitoent advertising; layoff or t«raln»tlon; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for -.raining,apprenticeship. The Contractor shall post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by tr* ^iat«forth tbe provisions of this Fair Eaployoent Practices section. * 2. The Contractor will permit occteas to his records of eaploynent, e.-splor/nent adveTtiseuejits , application forms, and other pertinent data- and records by the 5t*te Fair . BqOoyoent Practices Coirmlsslon, cf any other agency of the State of California designated by the awarding authority, for tha purpose of investigation to aacertila coo- pilsner with the PaJ.r Fjaployment Practices section of this contract. 3. S«aed,lcs for Villful Violation: t«) Tbe St«t* m»y determine at vlllful violation ot the Fair Eaploynent Practices provision to have occurred upon receipt of a final Judgment having that effect fro* * ccurt In an action tT uiilch Contractor was a party, or upon receipt of a written notice frora the Fair Employment Practicea Coirrnisbicn that it has lr.*f-ilr st.rcand d#rtermlned that the Contractor naj violated the Xelr Elaployneat Practices Act and haa issued an order, under Labor Code Section 1*«26, which hoi beco-ne flna-or obtained an injunction under Labor Code Section 1U29 . {b) For vlllfal violation of this Fair Employment Practices provlsicn, the E^a'.e :!-all huv^ the rlpht to terminate this contract either in whole or in r-urt, »nc) nr, • Ions or dacjtg* suatninol *>y tha Jtate in :ecurSn& tha E'Xxls or cervices hffreunder ohsll be borne and paid for by the Contractor and by hia surety ur-ie- ».hj jer * fomcricQ bond, If any, iwad the State may deduct from any oonles 4u* or that thrresfter nay becooe due to the Contractor, the difference between the prtc» r.»«e*j ' In th* contract and the actual cont thereof to the State. * "ft Is unlawful employment practice for an employer to refu>* to hlra or employ, or to dltchnree, dismiss, reduce, suspend, or denote, any Individual between t!t» opei ttt M) and 6k solely on th* ground of age,..." (Ltbor Cod* Section 1W2O.1)