HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-04; City Council; 6992; Street Name ChangeSTREET NAME CHANGE FROM FARADAY 'B# "' TITLE: AVENUE TO PALMER AVENUE AND PALMAR MTG. 5/4/82 COURT TO CORTE QUINTA MAR - SNC-18 DEPT. PL ~~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD.OP CITY Am\! CITY MOR$& Approve the proposed street name changes from Faraday Avenue to Palmer Avenue and from Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a city initiated street name change for two streets in Carlsbad: 1) Faraday Avenue to Palmer Avenue located in the Koll Company's Carlsbad Research Center, and 2) Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar, a residential street in La Costa. The street name changes would eliminate any confusion created by two streets having similar names. The Planning Commission found that the proposed street name changes are consistent with the City Council Street Naming Policy and that there was sufficient justification to change the street names. The Commission's only concern was the affect of the street name change on the residents living on Palmar Court. Since all the residential units are owned by the La Costa Hotel and Spa and are used as vacation rentals, the Commission felt the proposed name change would not create any undue hardships. FISCAL IMPACTS The fiscal impact to the city is the cost of replacing one existing street sign on Palmar Court. No street signs presently exist on either Faraday Avenue or Palmer Way. EXHIBITS 1. PC Resolution No. 1923 2. Staff Report dated, April 14, 1982 w/attachments I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1923 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TWO STREET NAME CHANGES: 1) FARADAY AVENUE TO PALMER AVENUE LOCATED IN THE CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER, WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT; AND 2) PALMAR COURT TO CORTE QUINTA MAR, LOCATED EAST OF ESTRELLA DEL MAR, SOUTH OF ARENAL LANE . APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: SNC-18 WHEREAS, the Planning Department has noted a conflict wit:? ?almer Way, which is north of Palomar Airport Road and east oE El :amino Real and Palmar Court, which is south of Arena1 Road and !ast of El Camino Real; and WHEREAS, the existing Palmer Way directly aligns with Faraday ivenue being developed as part of the Koll's Carlsbad Researc3 :enter; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the 'lanning Commission did on the 10th day of March, 1982, and on the 14th day of April, 1982, held a duly noticed public hearing to :onsider said proposed Street Name Change; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing a staff report was submitted anc 111 persons desiring to speak on the subject request were heard. At :he conclusion of said hearing, after consideration of all evidence )resented, the Planning Commission found the following facts and :easons to exist: 1) That the Street Name Change would eliminate an existing conflict of names; and 2) That the Street Name Change would not adversely impact the city's street name policy; and 3) That the Street Name Change would not adversely impact businesses along the subject street. 'I// - .- a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Planning :ommission recommends to the City Council approval of SNC-18. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ?lanning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on :he 14th day of April, 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Farrow, Commissioners Marcus, Rombotis, Schlehuber, Friestedt and L'Heureux. NOES : None. ABSENT: Commissioner Jose. ABSTAIN: None. ITTEST : JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary IARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ?C RES0 NO. 1923 -2- VERNON J. FARROW, JR., Chairrnan CARLS BAD PLANNING COMMI SS 10s -._ STAFF REPORT DATE: April 14, 1982 To: Planning Corn is s ion FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: SNC-18, CITY OF CARLSBAD - Street Name Change from Palmel. Way to Faraday Avenue generally located north of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Camino Real. I. . PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A proposal for a street name change from Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue was heard at the Planni.ng Commission meeting of March 10, 1982. At this meeting, the Commission expressed concern that Palmer Way was of historical significance, having been named for Ralph Palmer, a former owner and publisher of the Carlsbad Journal. As the Commission will recall, the intent of the proposed street name change was to eliminate an existing conflict between Palmer Way, an industrial street in the Palomar Airport area, and Palmar Court, a residential street in La Costa. Also, Palmer Way aligns with Faraday Avenue, an industrial street being developed as a part of Koll's, Carlsbad Research Cei;ter (please see attached location map). As this will be a signalized intersection, staff recommended that Palmer Way be changed to Faraday Avenue for clarity (please see attached staff report). As the Commission directed, this item'has been noticed to allow different options for the naming' of the 'streets under consideration. Staff has identified the following possible options which are discussed in further detail under the analysis section of this report. 1) Change Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue. 2) Change Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue, Impala Drive to Palmer ' Way and Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. 31 Change Faraday Avenue t.o Palmer Way and Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. - 4) Leave Palmer Way and Faraday Avenue as existing and change Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. -- L - T- ._ 11. ANALYSIS Plannina Issues 1. Are the proposed street name changes consistent with the established City Council Policy? 2. Which alternatives would best serve the community? Discussion City Council Policy No. 20 establishes policy and procedures for naming and changing the names of Carlsbad's streets. The policy was created to develop a. uniform system of naming streets to avoid such conflicts 2s identified here. Palmer Way does not appear to have been named and approved pursuant to Council Pol icy. City Council' Policy established seven geographical areas and des- ignates classifications for each of those areas (birds, cities, Spanish names). The Koll Center is in an area shown for famous names. Faraday Avenue was named for Michael Faraday, an English chemist and physicist. Palmer Way is in an area designated for animal names and Palmar court is in an area reserved for Spanish names. Some of the listed name change alternatives would involve deviations from their area designations. As discussed in the previous staff report, staff believes that Palmer Way should be changed to Faraday Avenue (option 1). Although Faraday Avenue would not conform to the Palmer Way area classification, (animals), staff believes that due to the extremely short length of the road, and inconsistency of the present name, Palmer Way, that utilizing the name Faraday for clarity would not compromise the integrity of the street naming policy. Further, it would eliminate a street name conflict with the minimum amount of confusion and changes required. Palmer Way does not currently appear on any city maps, never having been officially named pursuant to Council Policy, and no businesses are addressed off Palmer Way. Should the Planning Commission desire to honor Ralph Palmer with a street in this industrial area, the Commission could choose option 2. This alternative would change Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue, as discussed above, change Impala Drive to Palmer Way and change Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. Impala Drive is a newly named and dedicated industrial street running north from the existing Palmer Way. Palmar Court is a residential cul-de-s-ac, zoned for multiple-family uses, developed with single-family homes. These houses are owned by the La Costa Resort and rented by their guests. As no one appears to live on Palmar Court on a permanent basis, changing the street name would probably have minimal impact. Should the Commission ch e.this alternative, Palmar Court. The name is consistent with the Spanish theme des- ignation of La Costa. Corte Quinta Mar means court of the sea resort. staff is recommending Corte Quinta Mar 7 s a replacement name for -2- . ', -- L --- Staff does not recommend option 3, changing Faraday Avenue to Palmer Way and Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. Faraday Avenue was named pursuant to Council Policy No. 20, for Michael Faraday, an English chemist and Physicist. Faraday Avenue conforms to the area classification of famous names and is consistent with the theme of an industrial research park. The final option, #4, would leave Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way as existing and change Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. Staff believes that, to lessen potential confusion, it is preferable that Palmer Way and Faraday Avenue share one name. However, due to the short length of Palmer Way and the fact that no businesses are actually addressed off Palmer, staff believes that there would be no significant adverse impacts resulting from allowing Palmer Way and Faraday Avenue to remain as they exist. This option would necessitate changing Palmar Court to eliminate the current conflict with Palmer Way. Staff would 'recommend option #1, changing Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue, to eliminate the existing conflict with the least amount of resulting confusion. Should the Commission choose to honor Ralph Palmer with a street, staff wou-ld then recommend option #2, that in addition to the change indicated'above, that Impala Drive would be changed to Palmer Way and Palmar Court changed to Corte Quinta Mar. 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review and, therefore, has issued a notice of exemption on February 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 19.04.070( 12). IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1923, recommending APPROVAL of SNC-18 based on the findings . contained therein. ATTACHMENTS 1. PC Resolution No. 1923 2. Staff Report dated, March 10, 1982 3. Location Map CDN : ar 4/6/82 -3- . .. . *. STAFF REPORT DATE : March 10, ,1982 TO': Planning Commission FROM: P 1 an n i n g De pa r t m e n t SUBJECT : SNC-18, CITY OF CARLSEAD - 'Street Name Change. from Palmer f?ay to Faraday Avenue. I. BACKGROUND As noted in a memo to the Planning Commission on February 24, 1982, the Planning Departinent has noted a conflict between Palrrier Way, an industrial street north of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Carnino Real; and Palmar Court, a residential street in .La Costa, south of Arena1 Road and east of El Camino Real. Staff expresscd concern that the similarity in names might result in confusion for the Police and Fire Departments in responding to an emergency. Palmer Way aligns with Faraday Avenue, an industrial street being devel-oped as a part of Koll's Carlsbad Research Center (please see attached location map). As this will be a signalized inter- section, staff recoml:icnded that Palmer .Way be changed to Faraday Avenue. On February 24, 1982, the Planning Commission adopt& - ROI-168, announci.ng their intention to hold a consider recommending this Street Name Change . cil. ' 11. ANALY S I S Planning Issues 1. Is'the proposed Street Name Change established City Council policy? public hearing to to the City Coun- consistent with the 2. Would the proposed Street Name Change adversely impact businesses along Palmer' Way? Discussion City Council Policy No, 20 .establishes policy and procedures for naming and changing the names of Carlsbncj's streets, Thc policy was created to develop a uniform systeln of naming streeks to avoid such conflicts as identified here. ' Palmer Way does not appear to have been .named and app~ovcd pursuant to Council Pol icy .. - 7 c .-.. City Council PoSicy established seven geographical areas and de- signates classifications for each of.those areas (birds, cities, Spanish names). The Koll Center is in an area shown for famous names. Faraday Avenue was named for Michael Faraday, an English chemist and physicist. Directly across on the east side of El Carcino Real, the Palmer Way area is designated for animal names. .Although Faraday Avenue would not conform with this classification, staEf believes that due to the cxtrcniely short length of the road, and inconsistency of the present name, Palmer Way, that utilizing the name Faraday for clarity tiould not compromise the integrity of the street naming policy. Finally, staff does not believe that approval of the proposed Street Name Change would adversely impact businesses along Palmer Way. No businesses are currently addressed off Palmer Way. The three businesses along Palmer Way, Cablevision, Beckman Instru- ments and Sierracin Magnedyne, all derive their street addresses Overall, staff believes tha$.the proposed Street Name Change would not adversely impact the street naming policy or adjoining businesses and would eliminate an existing conflict of names. . from El Camino Real. In. ENV I KONM E MT REV I E W .The Planning Director has determined that this project is exempt from Environmental Review and, therefore, issued a Notice of Exemption on February 8, 1982, pursuant to section 19.04.070( 12) . IV. RECOl41+1 EM DAT I ON It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1923, recommending APPROVAL of SNC-18 based on the findings .contained therein. .. ATTACHMENTS 1. PC Resolution No. 1923 2. Location Map CDN : ar 3/3/8 2 -2- Carlsraad Journal Decreed o Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County 3 138 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P.O. BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 - -_ _. iPro,of of. PublicationJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in. the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been 'established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: . NOTICE OF PUQLIC HEARING SNC-18 NOTlCE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council ofthe City of Carls- bad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider an application for approval of four alternate street name changes: 1) Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue. 2) Palmer,Wayto Faraday Avenue / and Impala Drive to Palmer Way. 3) Faraday Avenue to Palmer fay. and Palmar Court to Code puinta: Mar. 4) Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. Generally located east of El Cemino Real and north pfPalomar Airport Road ar:d south of Arena! Applicant: CI: i 01 Carlsbad >, CARLSb \D CITY COUNCIL, at 8:OO P.M. on Tuesday, May 4,1982, ..................... .Apr.i.l. .2 1 stl9 82 . 19 ................................. .... ................................. 19 .... and east of El C; mino Real. ................................. 19 .... CI W237: A, .-il 21, 1982 ................................. 1.9 .... I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the LIZt - day of binvil 1URT - ....... s \ \ C-'f*<&C&r 1 c ,&lPJ Clerk of tlfe Printer 1WW81 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SNC-18 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Citjj Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, May 4, 1982, to consider an application for approval of four alternate street name changes: 1) Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue 2) Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue and Impala Drive to Palmer Way 3) Faraday Avenue to Palmer Way and Palmar Court to Corte 4) Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar Quinta Mar Generally located east of El Camino Real and north of Palomar Airport Road and south of Arena1 and east of El Camino Real. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: April 21, 1982 .. __ CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .I f SNC-18 WICE OF PUBLIC HEARING U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, April 14, 1982, to consider approval of four alternate street name changes: 1) Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue 2) Palmer Way to Faraday Avenue and Impala Drive to Palmer Way 3) Faraday Avenue to Palmer Way and Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar 4) Palmar Court to Corte Quinta Mar. Generally located east of El Camino Real and north of Palmar Airport Fbad and south of Arenal and east of El Camino Real. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Planning Deparkment at 438-5591. If you have any questions please call the CASE FILE: SNC- 1 8 APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: April 3, 1982 Sierracin Magnadyne I 5580 El’Camino Real - Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Jack Skaggs i I I Beckman Instruments, Inc. 6200 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Ed Vivanco Carlsbad Pacific Business Ctr.’ C/O The Koll Carpany I 7330 Engineer Rd. 1. San Diego, CA 92111 i ~ . . .. . . c ”. ..- I’ .. . _. L. , i R.W. Daniels, Jr. 2930 E. Third Ave. Denver, CO 80206 Daniel ‘s Cablevision 5720 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Tony Acone Beckman Instruments, Inc. 2400 Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92634 Rancho La Costa, Inc. Costa Del Mar Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 California First Bank Trust RE: Sierracin Magnadyne P.O. Box 109 San Diego, CA 92112 INTERAMERICAN DmrELopMENT cy). Bldg. 63 3151 Airway Dr, Costa &sa, CA 92626