HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-04; City Council; 6998; ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION BLOCK GRANT-~ f C#OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL w // c. AB#.-, DEP TITLE Roberti Z' Berg Urban Open Space and MTG.5 /4/ 82 CIT' Wecreation Block Grant DEPT,p & R. CIT' RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 6Pbxapproving the aFD1i.c Grant Funds under the Roberti Z'Berg Urban Open Space and Rec Block Grant. Staff recommends submitting a proposal for Fuer a w > 0 cc a. n- 4 2 0 4 =r 0 z 0 3 0 8I 111 rJ ITEM EXPLANATION; The City is eligible to apply for State fund.s in the amount c from the Roberti Z'Berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Block (SB 174). A block grant means that funds are available on a basis to agencies in urbanized areas. The City must provide match of 25% of the amount of money p.rovided by the State gra equals $6,599. The matching funds are available in the Park-in-Lieu fees Dis Four (4). The Parks and Recre.ation Commission considered four alternati use of the grant funds. In order of priority, they are: 1. Fuerte Park - Site Development. 2. Pine Field - Street improvements, replace fence, landscac 3. Levante Park - Play equipment. 4. Calavera Pills Park - Ball Diamond, Parking Lot Impmveme The site development will include grading, turf, and an irrig system. FISCAL IMPACT: The City's matching share of the Roberti Z'Berg grant applicz be approximately $6,600. The funding source is available thr Park-in-Lieu fees, District Four (.4) I Maintenance costs will approximately $22,000 per year. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.' 4865' authorizing a grant proposal for tl- Roberti Z'Berg Open Space and Recreation Program. k. fl. - iI # 0 .1B: 'X 2 3 4 5 i 'RESOLUTION NO. . 68.55 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF.CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUiLrDS UNDER THE ROBEKTI-Z' BERG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECRE- ATION PROGMT": FOR FUERTE PARK. - WEEREAS, the legislature of the State of Cal-ifornii 6 7 enacted the Roberti-Z'Berg. Urban Open-Space and Recreation which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of 1 of California for acquiring lands ar,d for developing facil: meet urban recreation needs.; and 8! 9 10 13. 12 13 14 15 . ' 16 17 ,X8 19 .20 21. WHEREAS, the State Department cf Parks and Recreat: been delegated the responsibility for the administration 0: , program, setting us3 necessary procedures governing applica- ,. local agencies umder the program; and - WHEREAS, said applications contain a'certification applicant will comply with all federal, state, and local e'] mental, public health, relocation, affirmativ.e action, and clearinghouse requirements and ;ill other appropriate codes and regulaticns prior to the expenditures of the grant fun1 WHEREAS, the project applied for under this progra: he of a high. priority and satisfy the most urgent park' and ation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavi 22 // ula-ted areas, 23 ' MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Counc 24 city of Carisbad, California, hereby; 25 26 1. That the above recitations are true and correct; I 2. Approves the fiiing of an application for funding 1. 27 I( -the Roberti-%' Berg Urban Open-Space and &creation F'rograrn 23 I1 _e /I I/ y. d I! a v i '3. 3. Certifies that said agency understands the general 2 visions of the agreement; and 3 4. Certifies that said agency has or will have suffic 4 funds to operate and maintain the project funded under this I 5 11 and 6 5, Certifi-es that said agency has or will. have availz 7 application matching from a nonstate source; and 8 prior to comqencement of any work on the project included j 9 county general plan; and . 11 conform to the recreation element of any applicable city 03 10 6. Certifies that the project included in this applic 12 7. Appojlnts the Parks and Recreation Director as age] 13 th.e completion of the aforementioned project; and 16 mknts, payment requests, and so on whick may. be necessary : 15 ments _including but not limited to applications, agreement! 34 the City to. conduct all negotiations., execute and submit a: ar .8. 'Appoints the City Attorney as legal counsel for s8 '18 agency with authorization to sign the ceFtification of pag 19 application. 20 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Coun.cil of 21 NOES : None 24 AYES : Council Ikrkrs Casler , Anear ,. Ls& ad Kdchin 23 the 4& da.y of. 1ky7 1 , 1382, by the following vote, to 22 City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of the City Council 25 26 27' a ABSENT: Council Mkher Packard L,; / ATTEST : ___ $7. " vL"d ! I. 4.f +c&</ RONALD C: FACKARI?, Mayor "_" 4 l?J.%Ztf&- 2, (~&~g---: .- -.' M4RY H. CASLER, Vice kyor xjL:7fia-L .- MaUrTE~~j<PJAPJZ, City C1 .. yk"- 5 jj (SEAL)