HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-18; City Council; 6996-1; ZONE CHANGE FROM PC TO PU AND PU TO OS5 Ll .2 -4 G q s c) *g cT\ 4 Yi i?h aa 89 gijk dal ac) E% G6 &I &b YG F: a.5 -G 8 GEL Od "5 s k 00 aG e, a om - 4J -4 u 4J kcdM mGE \D N *r( oc) 0 aP-4 e, kc0 d Cdm ad ae, alk - 4J am gorn z4J h h$ $<% rlal d E$ 34J P-4 co I co rl I In .. z 0 + 0 - a d 0 z 3 0 0 CITI~BF CARLSBAD - AGEND~LL TITLE: ZONE CHANGE FROM PC TO PU AND PU TO OS; DEF CIT AB# 6996-1 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE SAN MARCOS MEADOWLARK WASTE WATER MTG. 5/18/82 DEPT. CA TREATMENT PLANT. CASE NO. ZC-254; PDP-3A CIT RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council wishes to approve the change of zone frc PU and from PU to OS (ZC 254), and the precise development 1 (PDP-3A) your action is to introduce Ordinance rJo, 'jc. 1'1 and adopt Resolution No. GP 7 > I ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council, at your meeting of May 4, 1982, directed 1 Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving Zone ( 254 and Precise Development Plan PDP-3A. EXHIBITS: Ordinance No. qblq , granting ZC 254. Resolution No. cgj'5 , approving PDP-3A. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 &s Y $ 13 .a N E$ o) dlL~Q 141 oozg >yo C'-qu 15 miJ -J D 2. ~i I 56 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9619 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-254) FROM PC TO PU AND FROM PU TO OS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AT SAN MARCOS CANYON. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califc does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal ( amended by the amendment of the zoning map to grant a ch: zone (ZC-254) from PC to PU and from PU to OS on propert! showr, on the map marked ZC-254 - Exhibit A, attached hen made a part hereof. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effect; thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall I '-_two zwgd 16 :E22 go Lo >r 2 17 >o k 4Q l8 I u to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be pub! at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen day: its adoption. 24 25/ 261 27 28 I// Ill /// /// ' /// I I I 1 2 3 e 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said ( Couiicil held on the day of , 1982 by the fotlowing vote, to wit: -- 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 2 5 g 13 Ci2 g ;;US 14 no’z z>q!j s+-Zk 15 mG -1 u I?< SLgd 16 “UPS 17 GE y >I- [r a< PV wo i- V 18 19 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ~- -- ALE’L’ltA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ( s E A I, ) I I 2o I I 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2. .. .. ._. ... .. . .. .. .. A% .. .. -. .. .. . .. .. - . . PU 7- .. .. - .. ._ .. . ' Ta - ;i- .. _. .. - 0s j;. .. ._ . .. .. ., 1 .. . . .. .. I. . .. . . - .: .. .. .. .. .. .* .. . ... . , . . .. . . .. .. . = . .. .. . .. .. ___Q CA !g E &i 0 w -_- ZC-254/PDP-3(A) j-Q&ypLJ EA$-jrS"-TREATP;$ENT PFil0JEG-r. .. .. - __ ". .. .-. . .. .I. . _. -. -_ .. SA3; MARCOg ; l '* ..- .. .. . .- .. . -- . 7. iI a z2 7' 3 -4, 5 I 0 0 RESCLL?'TION NO. 6875 __l___l A I?ESOi,iJTLOF Oh' THE CITY COUP?CLI, Oi: THE CITY OF CAR I, S RA Ll , C AL I FO KK 1 A , kF P 1',0 L7 j: KG A P RE C I S E DEVKLOPME,NT PEP5 (lJDP-3A) , FOR EXPARSION OF THE I/ I I EX X S 7.' I !.: G SA I: ILi R C 0 S 14 E A I) 0 I:TL A?? R WAS ri' E WAT E K I TRC AT IS E; T I? L AN 'I C) ILT 1' RO P E RT Y G :EN Z RA 1,LY L 0 CAT E 11 flPPI(Oi\;riir~T~3,'1' 000 FEET WI,ST 0 F RrlKCfiO SANTA FI? .ROAD, FORTH OF TKE IMTERSECTION OF QUESTRAVEN KOAD hXD RACCHO SANTk FE ROAD IN 'XI!.E NORTH EAST LP COSTA A.REA. APPLICANT: SAN NARCCS COUTITY 'I!ATER DISTEICT. PDP- 8i WIIEF,EAS, on April 28, 1932 the Carlsbad City Plannir 10 11, 12 1 9l 0 G E., s P: (\1 0022 2 LcTz -I g 13 0 L u15 l4*\ I c4 m -v Coifia.ission adopted Resolution No. 1944 recommending that Dev2lopment Plan (PDP-3A) bc approved. Said resolution i LLtached hereto as Exhibit A and is made a part hereof; a WKREAS, the CLt.y Council of the city of Carlsbad he - l public hearing on Hay 4, la82 to consider the Plarini-ng Commission's recommendations and to receive all recommend -.c;g 15: t- z 5; 86 16' .~ -.I rnc L:: . d io Q "22'4 ?E 4 <$ > E z 3-7 e: 18. > V 1.9 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27. 21:? 1 and heer all persons interested i.n os opposed to Precise 1 Devefcpment Plan (PDF--3A) ; and 1 IEIEKEAS, an Envi.ronmenta1 I~~ilph~t Report was prepared ~ certified as complete in satisfaction of the requirc!nsnts j t City of Carlsbad Cnvironmentai Prc>tection Ordinance of 19 the Callfotuia Environnental Quality Act for PDP-3 and th PLa.nn7ing DirEctoi- has deterniued that this project is ,in I ~ compliance with said requirement; NOW3 THEREFORE, KE IT EESOLVED by the City Council o I j ci.cy of Carisbad as fO~?cJl*Js: A. That the above recitations are Lrue and correct. D. That the findjrlgs of the Planning Commission in I I. 1 1 Reso?utl.ori 140. 1944 const-itutt! tlic findings of the City C I 1 in this m;ttcr. .I 2 the. exi3tiilg Sari Vzrcos \:ast.e KaLer Treatment Plant is he 'i 4 5 6 7! 9 10 11 12 7 D 2 Y 2 13 % m O-L%!S 141 ooz$ ooq 15) :&Ed 2-51 .c N z ot<O L;, SG 11, C) L, z C. That Precj-se Devel.opinenC Plan (PLiP-3A) for expan approved subject to all apFlical.>le requirements of KIie Ca Munici?ai Cod? and eo the satisfaction of all of the cond of Pi.:;nni.rig ~omm~ssion Resolution KO. 11344 except as foil 1. Condit.<.on No. 20 is revised ti3 read as follows: The District may distribute and dispose of reclaimed from, the p!.ant to property within the District that wi~hiiz the City in accordance with the service agree betveen City and Distric'c approved by City on Xay 4., 2. Condition No. 21 is deleted. D; This plan sha.11. supersede any inconsistent porti a"oP-3 as approved by Resolution No. 6080. PASSED, APfX3VED AND AD3PTED zt a'regular rnceting ol , Carlsbad City Council held on the 18th day of 2%~ ___- I 1 19G2 by Lhe following vote'to wit: AY I: S : Council fkrhel-s Casler , kmza~, T-ekis md Kulchin c,ir2$ 20 5: 2 17 QQ u fiOkS: None Ai3SENT: Comcil Mcher Pzckad .' 1-8. 1s 20 21 23 22 24 25 c u 26 27 ! I ~ / I I 1 Q. i',rL&id-Lt:bLLdG>aL@ i T L/fl..:::.q.,!*,: ?.I .I/ , L.-,-+ fl7 -L--- --- KO N AL 1) c, '. P A c K ri K I) I MQY Ii. CASER, Vice- ATTE SI : ~ f3 i ALETI:Ii L. KA.UTENKkAXZ, City CL rk 1 . (SEAL) I I -1 I I' * '+'I :I 2 'I -dl 4 51 I @ EX-IICIT A PDP 3A 0 Resolution E; i P]L;lii.i ?11 b: C, C C? :,? :*i 11: S S I QZ 7 >:;O~,UT%ON NO, 1311 11 P,ESOi,U'JiTON G2' Ti1.E PIAXY:Li3G CO1~?t/;iSST.ON 01' 'fHE C OF CP~RJ~S!~.~ I cmx IYXW IA I RGCC);'~~'.IEIWDI~,~G AI~P~~~~AL, 0. A I'~,F;CI SE ;~E~~x,oPx;~:~~.~ pr.,p!,N FOR TI~E T.:XP~~PJ:;:C~N OF 8 LOCP~TZTJ O:J Tiis \T,TS'T SIDE OF. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAU Sp$q r;l%RCOS CRpiYCjp] ~ ~,. __ -___ .____._.---.-_ --__------- ---_-.----- 1/13 ,Q I] 9WLAP.K FGZ C L A~~IA'.i.' 1 Q N 5'AC I 1; 1 'I' 'Y 0 iJ X' KO 1 F: E'.? Y G EN I< I I APPL:ICANT z SAN I!!ARCOS CCCJN'I'Y I,<fkTER DIS'I'RIC'i' CAS:- !V'O : PD9-3 ( A) ____.-_-____~_-..-_-.--~~----_---I_ I--____-.__ I_____ (1 .s !I 7 Q 9 JO 11 12 x3 J4 ~..:k:>;:?;:;;is si r a t.erifi:sd t~ppl:ic:itiofl zor Cer'Zciiil p~oy~::~y; A portion of the East one $21E of* Section 30, '.i'ownsh% I2 South, Rz~~D 3 \,\:est p Sari Uernardi110 ivieridi.afi accor 4-n~ .LO the u, S, Gove%nfit?~it- Survey has b:+c!: filed with t.hc Ci.ty of Cnrlsbacf, and re:Eej:red tc I I L'I ;,>-!9j.x<j Coifi;nissiofi; and . V/;itIir:REAS F s2i.d verified application constitutes a req provit!!?d by Title 21 of kh2 CarlsSad' i4v.nicipal Code; anct \:$[!]*;j!E.U ,. the PlZ11iIiYig Cornxission <!id, oil the 26 th Gal ~~pri.:\-, 1982, hold a dull; rioticed' pu'01i.c hearing as presc] 3.8 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 26 9 '7 2 13 (r kimony and arguments, TE any, of all persons desi: be h+;~d : sz1i.d Conmission cons ide:;.c?!d all factors relatin( 1 Prc~cis~ 1)eirelopnent Plan; and PlC)p!i T)-iEEZ;FOF,E, i3E IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pltannin . siorr i~s Eo:Ll.ows: (A) 'I'h;st- the foregoing recitat.ions are true and correct, (I:) '.~.'hSt: based on the evidence presented at the public h C:oIi\!i!j.s:; ion recom~?~ends -.- APF'ROVIIL __- -. _- of PDP-3 (A) , hti~ed or: f:olio\qiriy findings arid .c;cSjcct to the following coni Firid :i.nc,r s : . - -.. __. .____ - 1 ) The? propo~~-?CI Precise 13cve'?o??;n;.~ri!i-. Plan cn~i1~e.c; comp;tt ti:<? rievi~l opinen t with thc (;eneral l'l.;tri, 1x~cctur;c:: i ,/I//. *. I 7. .I- 1 2 3 4 5 6 I i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 :L6 I-r l8 29 20 21 22 23 24 " 26 2 'I X{ e. 0 ;\) The General Pl;?,n Lclrid Use Element designates a pu utility in 'chis area, Ij) Subsequent develop~,?ct in t.he area ser:ved by the treatnenk piant wj.11 he consistent wiP.i.1 the Gene] because afl zonii~cj in the service area is consist .the General Plan .I 2) ~hc;? p~oposed Precise Dev2ioprnsnt plan vrill not result :;.i.gnifi.ii:aiAt a:?t.e:rse ~TI:~GC~S to the envirorinent du? to L i.oX lo.iini; ~<.>z~sc>I^\s : a) ~hci condi-iions of approval include mitigation JR~ outliried in the EIR certified by th? ;sap Marccs Water District and mitigate potential adverse e nv i r onin e lit ai imp ac k s . b) The prcject will be subject to further reviev ar, approval by effectd State and Federal agencies. review constitutes additional eavirofimcntal inip; assessxenk, and insu,res the project's conpatibil the natura.1 rn3nrnade environmen?. e) Adeyuate.ineascres are required as part of.the as mitigate c?ny adverse impacts the property may h; d} The !Lc~cntiori of the project in a vall.ey will re a3vzi:se i322.cts to surroi~ilding pro,~)er:ty. 3) Til% prcposed Precise Development Plan provides for p C:a:::.Llit.ier; RS necessitated iiy development and/or app r..ii-? ;ires: a) Th? pr-oposed wastewater treatment facility will a conkpli!nentary USE to th2 existing :Encina Wztc Treatment Plant by providing the area with addj sewer capacity . 1 . 1. I I j i b} The propcs5d reclamation facility will reduce 'i of potable water necessary -to serve this area j future. k) Said reclarnation system could allow for the pr arl(l continuztion of agricultural product ion p drvelopmE!ntl. I cl) All other public facilities will be available i e> The project is specif <-i3Ciily exe:npt-.etl from the Public Faci1.it.y ??ec Policy (City Council. po1i.c I//// I//// IPC RESO c1344 -2- I "I' *-I 3 4 51 ,. 1 ) p,prjroval is granted for PDP-3( A) F ai; shown on Exhibit 2n(i ci 1; 11 ,-) fic!tr.C December YF 1981 md "A" and "E"' Cia 1::t?trcmb&r 18 I 198 1 p incorporated by reference ar!d on f r-;!..~bs?ian.tj.c7.11!.II as sh~~..rn sill css othervi.se r:oted in t:hes mnd it ior c; I. I) .Ill 1, De\~~lopifi~:~'c shall OCCU~ I.?. k.:~? :?lanilii>g DeparkZ1.SES.. ' 81 9 IO %1 15 in the fiel.d, ~f it aPpzz;-:; thaf the coristruckion ac t1ii.l disrupt the sitep the fo.flowing mitigation measu -5.. obsertrud : i a) Plappiriy and ri?!?s-.surci?ien t of bedrock features ; b) Excavakion of a m3Xj-ram'i or' four-1 meter size tes cl) Through photoqrzphic docu?,enkation of archaeolo~ _L cj E:<ctivatioi1 O€ LI Izaxiir1uin 25 p~~th~le~; field opera t. ion s ; and e) . Zahornkory p;.ocessing of recovezed rnateri;t.l. 14 :15 1.6 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 rj ry 2 0 6, 7 ned from the ricjht-o?-wzy of Co,r.int ict Street by l;~nci:;ca?ing and a. decoratj-ue. blockwa:ll, Szid Iandsc; V:.:I.:I. SIIG;L~ he su5j eck to thz approvai of the Plannin! i::,~prirt,!nent and t.hn Pz!rl:s and Recreation Departmer,t p; b:,!i?.di.ncj perait issuance. 4) IT~C)~ to approval of the final Precise Development €J: t$? t:reatment s?.,:Lnk p the applicant shall secui-e ease: !i:s prchibZting the 3.ocatj.oi-1 of. any hc?bitable bui b;.L+:.Iiin 100 yards froxi the processing equipmznt or tr, 1 . fE~:cil.i.t.it.s of the waste water :Lreatrnen'c site (excluii I :iniintc:inencc and control buili! ings and the potable w skikkiO9 as iridicatcd on Exhibit "A" dat ed December I l!j8 i ) .) I 1 1 15) Lantisc~~pe 2nd irrj.yation plans for graded areas shcll sr.ibmltteeif for the approval o:f th.e Planning Director I final ~rccise ~~evelopncnt Plan. The landscapicg shz designed 'io screen kine hreatrnentr. facilities from stir properties, P~EITIS :;hall include f a.st growing r tall well 2:; a coicib'ination of shruhs and c~~~our~dcover,. P1 be drought tolerant r fire retardant where necessaryI cas i 1.y ma i. r~ t i$ i ned e Nat\irzl vegetation sha:Ll he - retqinecl wherever possit '7 1 fill pii~~p:.; p ge~ierat-ors iind oth~r noise producing mect :;?I i: 1.1 1.1 6: - p 1 c!. ce d LI :-id ercj TO I: ti rj wtd/c>r si 1 j. c? 1. ii ec~ i n I; ti ch r: e cl t.1 c'e 1-1 o j. s e 'c. r) a HI ci x i. m u rn o f 5 5 d )> a a t . p L'O p e r t-. y :L i 1-1 c f a c .i. 1. i t :i 'I! : ; (J 16) -3- ,PC ;?ji;!;(J # +j(j.$j 1 I #I I1 I, * **I e. .. 3 :;tx-c-!cts ;:re iiot zic',;rcrsel-y af fecLecl o The I ig'rtii-ig pla Iiti.2 subject tc t:he apprrovzl of the Planning Direc'ior, 7 screcne'd fror:i puSI_ ic view ??:-id stljj ect LO the approval 8/ 9 10 11 12 13 14 :I.5 16 17 10) XI. ciqu.ipment proposed to be placed on any roo? s'nal:! :?lhnning ~irectcr, U ~:nq rneez:i.ng fie?art.mei-it . ----------- ! 7 q ) rIl>;is prajeck Jcoge!irhr+y wikh the iever outfall and fai 3.inc3s ani! the reclaimed wz.t-2~ distributficin lines a~d ,. facilities shali com2l.y with all the recjuirenents of CaLiforn:La Regional Water Quality Control Zoard r San wcjion Order NO. 79-23 y dat2ed i",,;a.,rch' 25 F i 979 and. any sidderidurr:r-; there to issued by the .aforementioned Xater Con';.roi Uoa-rd a (12) Wie proposed 7 1/2:.1 sl-opes along the north, east ar! s.id?s of the project s5.P.e 'sh-all be flatkenec? to 2: 1 CI tjLi rs 1: Y i c e bro ti g h t: i n k o con f o rma n c E! w i t h .t h e pro v i s io I . i: i.ty of Carlsbair C;r-aG.ing Ordinai?c.e DI The proposed 1 :;:i.clj?c+ adjacent to the Sari Xarcos Creek will be a.110~ i :;CI l.:)ng as it is covered with a. layex of rock slope jt7.;,).ced ov?r a siiitab:Le filter b'lanket as shown on th :jrxlirig plans for the project. am4 as approvwl by the i.. '' 2G 21 22 2 3 '4 25 26 27 2.G 73) 111 td-fition to the apprcval oE the developen? rindic 1 the exhibits rioted above y al3. other xeyui.rements ani 1 i?~'~)ii';t3ena;l.c-?zs as listed in this c?~proval shall. he ir I the Cina!. ~>-'recise DevCloprnent ~lan. 14) :[E the fiml design for the treatment pfarit. is to ii cmbaiikment alorig San P!~~cos Creck at t.he plant to cji :lgj3ii?F;t E3 oodiny I the:l a 1 GO 1 permit from Cnliforni; ljepzrtrnent. of Fish and Game is to be obtained for tl alt.errtt,ion of the streambed. 145) (;radincj p1zns for all E'acilities s1ia1.l be approved I gt-adi.ny, cut ;!rid fill and excavation to the iT\irlir[!tizi ne ces r; ii r y to p rep itre c:on s t rii c t- ion s i t e s t;o r e s e r vo i. ! i I I En<;i!x?er. Such plan shal-l tr-lcl~li!? prov~icions to lil I 16) :-ht:fx~~. ::!MI.?- be c~'r;i%:'lc! to di.i-wt. run()[[ tc~,~;~rd de: cfr:;iL~t<.i<j~~- f<iciLif:.ic:F; ai2il Fi:i;iy fr~rfi C~IIY ULIC and fil.1 L\,/ 1;'c l:p;:;() ;: 1 C4.lI 4 -4- . i I 4- 5 1 I> j ';::?e f j.,al Precis.? I>?~el~p~~?nt Fl.~n ~;inalL br-1 a reproi?~ c.0 ;) y a 3- I r 2 <I u i T e ~n en L 5; o f th 2 app-~~ V~J~ i- (- '2 ;C 11 cci T SO-C at F s ci 7, I( 8 9 10 I1 I I.z 13, I ;l 1 '!k 15 18 2-9 20 %I :: fd Q4 25 26' 97 21s @-. l ! >- i <;> -4- - 1- LC1 :.;ic;ai. Ci.?y 142n;iyjr s )-!ave b~er: in~x~rpo~c~~,ted inko the plan and th& a3.1. cor ;:oval have la-en sat? ~Eilcta?ily met or o'thertris< teed ~ ~hlla fical siy;led precise ~2vzlopi.ent PI; Z.tkach?d to 2117 2.p?liC&%iQn ZOr a building p?!rnit f0- unbertaken p or strcctuzes or buildings ccnstructcd p' this zpproval o P!o building ptrmiks shall be j.ssLi& -be the o.EfFciti9 site Lay~.>ut pla~ ZO~ the ~~CI~J?XY%~ ~.r!< r find. Pj:ecj,se Developm~nt Plzn is a-pproved * 20) ~rior to apprc~al of the Cinal PrrecLse Dzvcloprnent P njst.rict shall enter ink0 a service zggrcernfn'il with t of cl:;:r:l-sbad t-o pernit the Distri'ct to distx:ibute amd of xecltzixeif water from the treatnegt pl;lnt to prop? wittiin the incorporated 1-Icni.t~ o€ the ciky of Carlsb !11), ~rj-or LO iipzov;ll of the final Precise 1x:~elop~ent F $j,.~;i-:r:ick shall r_.r,ter into zn a3recrnent with the citl' cri:ar:3iite:?iricj that the cfiskric'c v:i:Ll make availc?Sle t 1 i I 1 .I ' 7 :i~i~~i\~~~ waker f ro;n the 'creal..menti of sey?1,\3age a% the + ii;mu~~t- of reclaimed water' rn;J.cle available to the x) 3.ess c?quzl to an amount proportionate to ?he E .ii12e prodaced in the city and kreated at the pZaRt +Izimed vatzr distributed by the distrj-ct accordir I .. <.;t~~l~.l,.i.!:ion No, 20 02 this apptl.r;val is deemed to have ::V.:ti:L&hl<? to the city, r ! I I.' j . r <:? 11 t-?? c3 x ::!;I P r, t- ___- __ .._- _-------.-- '22) A fire hydrant, supp!-icid by a 6" main shall be insti the corikrol. build j.ng prior to occupancy .I //// I//// //// '/I// i I//// I I//'// I I//// i . !i L 5- \l.,C 1~1~::iO :; 1 i) 4 4 .I 'C . ', ..- -1 I 'J c> */ c) 4: 51 ij a "0 . - j PASSED F Rp2;WVE:D AMD h'30Dr.i?j~.;U at 2 rcgiilcr 1ncet 22 1 I planii<.c:j co;nmission of ~11~ city of ~~lrlsbail~ ~a:~.i:~tz-rL?ia, I 1 ttic ;),F\\..h day ot Ap~il.~ 1932, by the fol_l.owLng votep to \.:i Chziirczri iTzi'rro1.?, C~ni~i~~i.~i-i~~:~ i.iarcus , ~?.or!;!x~i:i:; I' Schlc:Piub~ri ~0.i:~: p ~r-cstpt]t L' Heux2~Jx L ATE E S : 1 I, [/ Bj ABS'I'AIi:! : Non2. ! 13 11: :I 5 _.I________ __I.___ ..-__--I - J A $i f.; ,cI ' 1.. '. , ~lFi(;?l;u?.?~ F s?crctaTy <:A 3 L :; ?.$A !3 F LAX N I ;.iG C OXPi 1 S 5 I ON 17 1 8 19 2o 21 . 22 3 7 Id d 24 2 5 26 2 0 27 i j I j i .. I .* !I'C J{!*;SO 1; 4 944 -6- ! I I