HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-18; City Council; 7017; Downtown Property Owners Parking AgreementRECOMMENDED ACTION Council accept the property Owners' agreement as submitted and direct staff and adopt Resolution No. &p79 and introduce Ordinance No. ya6.3 . to prepare design and construction documents for a mid-block parking lot ITEM EXPLANATION: The City is using Federal Block Grant monies to develop public improvements in the downtown area. These improvements include streetscaping and amenities in the Village area. At the CooncSl meeting of November 3, 1981, Council reviewed various streetscaping options. At that time, Council directed the downtown property owners on Roosevelt and State between Elm and Grand Avenues parking. Council indicated at that time that a parking agreement would show to meet with staff and the Chamber of Comnerce and address interior block would precede spending the streetscapinp funds on State and Grand Avenues. a comnitment on the part of the owners to revitalize the area. This agreement The property owners have met many times with staff and the Chamber of Comnerce over the last five months. The result of these meetings is the attached agree- ment (Exhibit 8). The property owners have retained legal counsel and are willing to met the conditions spelled out in the agmt. Ordinance No. ?@.ifh closes Tyler Street between Elm and Grand to establish a parking faci ty. e street will not be closed until Council approves a final site plan and design and constructicn documents. Resolution No. ~ LF79 will be executed concurrently with the effective date of the ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT: Block Grant funds can be made available to offset construction costs. Pre- liminary engineering cost estimate is $75,000. fXHIBITS: A. Resolution No. b?79 8. Property Owners' Agreement C. Parking lot plan ? I I D. Ordinance No. 9063 E. Parking Agreement Parcel S I . (..: . e, 11 1: 1: 1: 2.1 l! 1( 1: I! X 2( 21 2: 2; 24 25 26 27 20 RE SOLUTION BO. 6879 .. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING "AGREEMENTS FOR COHXON PARRING FACILITIES AND GRANT OF RECIPROCAL .PUBLIC PARKING EASEHIENTS WITH COVENANTS" A!JD PARKING AND ACCESS EASEMENTS AND GRANT OF AUTHORIZING TIIE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREE>!E!iT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californii resolved as follows: .. 1. That the agreeme'nts for common parking facilities and grant of easement8 nttsched hereto and made a part hereof are approved. .. 2. The mayor is authorized to execute the sgreements on behalf of the City concur.rently with the effective date of Ordinance No. 7063 . ' PASSED, APFROVED AND ADOPTED'at a.regular meeting of the City Council of the Ci.ty of Carlsbad, held on the 18th day of . May , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Anear, Lewis and Ya1cW.1 NOES: None ABSENT: ,Council Member Packard . ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: 2. . 1 .. . *. >_ .. -; I. 'I . . . . . . - . .. . .. 3 n m ORDINANCE NO. 7063 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN'CXL 6F THE CITY TYLER STREET TO TiiROUGll VEHICULAR TRAFFIC TrJ OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CLOS.ING A .PORTION Of ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PARKING FACILZTY. WHEREAS, SECTION 21101(a) of the California Vehicle Code authorizes s city to close any highway t.0 vehicular traffic ... when in. the opinion of the legislature today the highvay is n3 longer ne.ed6d for vehicular traffic; and WHEREAS, SECTION 31580 through 31582 of the Cali-iorzia Streets a'nd Bighways Code authorize a city to use city lants for parking spaces, and .. WHEREAS, concurrently with the introduction of tSis ordinance the City Council has adopted Resolution No. 6870 authorizing the Mayor to execute agreements entitled "Agreem?::~. f.or Common Parking Facilities and Grant of Reciprocal Perki9g and Access Easements and Grant of 'Public Parking Easeaents vith Covenants," and .. WHERSAS, Tyler Street between Elm Avenue and Grand . Avenue is not needed for through vehicular traffic because: ~(a) it bisects a block parallel to Roosevelt Street md Scate Street; (b) there are n'3 businesses or.buildings with frontage on it; a.nd (e) it is unimproved and. in the nature of an alley; and .. .. WHEREAS, there is a nced for.parking facilities ia the downtown area of the City; and . WHEREAS, closing of Tyler.Street between El= Avenue and Grand Avenue, and t!!e establishment of a parking facili-ty for use by the public will. enhnncc traffic circulation and .. *.. .~ , , , ..... 3.8 19 20 , , 21 22 23 " 24 25 26 27 28 r? .saiety in the vicinity. , .NOW;THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals, ' the City Council of the Cr'ty of Carlsbad, California daes ord5in a.s follows: SECTION 1: That Tyler Street between Elm Avenue and. Grand Avenue in the City of Carlsbad is closed to through ve- hicular traffic from the date that the site plan for the park- ing facility is officially approved'by City Countil Resolutioc, but not sooner than 30 days from the adoption of the ordinance. SECTION 2: .pursuant to this ordi, free 'of charge. SECTION 3: pursuant to this ordil That the parking facility established nance shall be ,open to use by the pub1 Th,?t the parking facility estzblished nance shall be,developed and operated according to a site plan approved by City Council Resolution, and in accordance with the agreement for common parking facil- ities and grant of reciprocal parking and access easenents and grant of public. parking easements with covenants. The street shall remain closed only so long as said agreement or a-sub- stitute therefore acceptable to the City Council remains in eEeci EFFECTIVE DATE: This,ordinance.s.hall be effective thirty days after its adoption, anc;.the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journsl within fifteen days after 1982, and thereafter 4' ,, . . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of.said City Council held on the 1st .day of Jun~ , 1982, by . the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Nders Packard, Casler, hear, Le& and KukSin NOES: ' None ABSENT: h&e KJk@J RONALD C. PACKARD, Nayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. Y.TiUT L I.