HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-18; City Council; 7020; LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT1 - T d .d 4J Q) ~ il 3 (d k u b pk 8 i? .r( 3 0 Q % 8 I I4 co co \z) zo 2 &. a 8 8 3 I4 TI ? 0 V c\l co rl I rn ob z 0 .. 6 4 4 0 z 3 0 0 I CIAF CARLSBAD - AGEND~L AB# 7O 2-0 TITLE: D EP1 MTG. 5-18-52 CITY DEPT. cs CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT r RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 6pgi , appointing a member to the Library Board of Trustees. ITEM EXPLANATION: The term of Trustee Herbert Falkenstein expires in June, Mr. Falkenstein was originally appointed to fill an unexp term in 1977. At the expiration of that term in 1979, he was reappointed to serve a full three year term, which ex in June, 1582. 14r. Falkenstein has requested the opportunity to continue serve on the Library Board of Trustees, and to be reappoi Other trustees currently serving on the Library Board are Seena Trigas, Walter Brunn, Sharon Schramm and Mary Gross Attached for Council review are copies of applications re in 1982. EXHIBITS - : 1. Resolution No. drr/ , appointing a member to the Li Board of Trustees. 2. Copies of applications received in 1982. I i ....I. i"., ... .- 1)c . .: # d. \.. a i.. 0 CITY 8F CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOXin:.IEj?jT TO 'BOARD OR CO?.~2lISSIOX OR CO.'LYITTEES c -I .- ,' : \ ft'0; cY!2</;.?*:::3i!,3 CITY COUNCIL .. ~p~$jQ~fi[;;l~(~ ; .. %. , I w:~:.~:l.d apprecia-ce " .. the opporturlity. to se,~~! 2s a rnenbp,r 0% the -_._._._ _. j..,;&r<Ty-j- """ Eos:cd OF 'i',-t;s.tz:es ""- (Nme of comaittee or commission) - ~n so dc:,i.:nq :e understand that if 1 a:n asked to serve on the ' pi?:Lanning Cisn!j-<tli.ssion, X will be reqnested to nake a fipaxlsial drisclos.r:~~c~ c;taterrer:t i€ appoin-te,d, .MY f.m;::;.;yr.ou.r?d and/or avocati.on lead ne -to believe -that X arrr quztl-:i,.f Lei! -LO serve in the best j.nteres?s of the citizeps -. 05 Car'rsb_-i:i ,. YE hzve listed Some oz Chose activj-i;_ies below *. which x ,~::;i.le'-r.jt.rt..l.c~-pated ir, and feel b,itll be -of bcner'i'c if .. .. s2]-ectE?<:, I- . i; !.,;.:;:+5 ;;<!;< 2.-kt.3<;h?3d - ............. .....-_ "._._ . _.""""" """. " "".... ........ .._... . "_~_" .".". ._I".I..""___ """" "- .-.. . ..." ....... ._ ".- ..".. - ........."".l_ - "" - "_ "" "."_. . _."". " .-_- "- "" .- ,- -.I- - .."............""...... .- ,/e ; / / / ,; ,e:"-,<*." :' '?. .:.:, k. ..,,.. .:: ..__ d2~-~-~:.~--c2 (.A Signa ku:re . / L*,.. .- .7 .. """ -."..." __"""_* , I Robert !food -_I__ (Print nme) ,7223 %)lJr;~.::;<~~~ C:L:rcj.:?, Ca..-=Js-aa-i -" "-."- .""""" XddlX?SS - ( 71.4) 3.":.;j..- yi;:i " ?hone FC~. I., 1982 - Date " : ,, t 5 1\ @ 5..y, . e I ,i & .. .. % . Fi32 t ~~~~;.~.~,..~,:~'::"..~~~~~ for appointrnznk -to the Carlsbad LiSr;?_vy ~oard of Trnte2.s. I have ke~:ri ~4 :~esid-nt of ~az-1~~ for 3+ yea~s. kje o:.qn ow hone in the sou.them porti.~n. of 'C'k City . \!e came to Ca~lsbad upon ny re-tlrement d-her sen7bg for 33 years as a part of -the managsment texn 03 the CB 'Iklz~risior, ?.,>. li,. txork, I ;r-t.tended the? University of Southern CaliforrAa and a3 noy con-tin my educaLion a,& Mi~a Costa CGXXCT?~~~ College. I was discharged from "c~ Uni St&s Air i'!:)?!~ folloxicg NU-XI wlth 'the rank of Captain, I m cw.reaily senring or, +-!.it: ~:'a~J..om:,u* Alrport Advisory Cormlt-lee as one of -the 3 at-layge lT~:':b"~ LC, Bob Wood. .fili:(,~l!:.:.::~.b,8$ 8 3:nc e , II corporation forxed prior to my :retkrsrnen'c9 has serve& as ~~;~,~~~,l,~.:~.~,~~~.~,.~~ to bo-th Yie CB Television Network and -the dmerican :tjj"Q&&cas.:,$,'!.l,;~ i:: ~.q.!;i.K.:j 3s , m I~IZ Corps:e.:.:. .;,i.c:; i:; 'i-t 3.3.f'e%ime ~ernber o:F th? Frierds of the Carlsh3. Library. Robert %a&, 7223 .Eu.~~I~$;:J <';.?.,:i~~~:X~ &rls'L.j& D (2;; &y3--3% 1. Feb, 1, 3.9w b. (,,O' :. . . : . -._, .I '-2 J .:; ' . L. ' I .'..!. j 1 d. CITY OF CAXL!XUD APPLICATION FOZ APP(~I?;T:,~E~T TO ' EOOAIiD OR COi~DlISSION OR CO>li-IITi";'EES TO: cA!~:'~..:;i-!:;!.13 CITY COUNCIL .. @en-klCSil:E'.Z.L : .. 3: .. .;$.$";9 ->v,n->n.. . YJC -= G. ~rpL~b~ate the opportunity' to seme as a member of the Gi*nrayy Bscazd- -._._ ..,-..-.. "-"" .(Na;ne of committee or cam3issio.n) In SO do:i-ij..y I undexstand th2-t if I am asked. ko s~_-r\re 02 .khe ' pl.anniny. ~~.~!.~lil.ti~~j.~n, J will be requested 170 r~ake a sicancial disc10~!.11:<:- st-.ate~r,en t if a,oointe,d, 'My h,::c:cq:co-und and/or avocation lead me -to believe that x iirrl gu d.... -- 3 ..: i. l..:.l.::d. r .' to serve in the best interests of -the citizezs -r 1.. . 7 .. ... I of Car:LsIA::ii.* .,.. lt;~~e XisteZ some of those 2.ctFvl.kjes helorr; Mhi~h :X ?:,~.i'I:.~~:'.l~)a.i_t.lci~a-ted in aad feel ~~i?_l j3e .of belie:Ei<: _if seXec te2t .. .. .- 'j'~,??? p,jt$ :r. ' 4: ."*''" c ;% t:i/,fb,,iw ""'I " :.>c>.3 ..-.v -.1'7"7."! :LJA,;&,.-...J' 'i r:, -p~t~p3~e Four -S'"ayJ (-%hair 'of .~ I - ..I ". ... , . __., ..__ .".".. "_-___ _."" -1" "_" l_" I)_ -7 k~:n.o.i,i:s:-:. . :::.;:y.$;, !, .F:.a?,c>:z.3.2: collep, Bresen-t:y vic2-pr2sicjcn.t J~,L~,y~d*,~;y .!? c ;,'::;,,,i<.j;:;;?*F co-yJ2gz L Four par:; inember of ;ibr;Lry Co::iai-t :i~.~l,;~~;4,.;; :;f:'y;t:?,.z::9. ()ne ya3,r Library Assistan-& San Die@ city &.:Lk):c;:i:ry I , :'.~:x-t.;~na~-ve Es,2c OF li%ra:ry e-qi2r l23,s-t e:'rght years, jLcti:re ?<) cf!r!~!:lt;ni~C,y--sOsc.~r (yaQ.til*) I i3uena V2si;a S(>!lZoOl a ?d?A'S .x . "__ -.-..--.._.... . . .._ '. ..."L.C."__ ..""" "-------.--XI""" .. - ""."_"_ - . ...__.__"".""_.~.."l."I__~. " 4" .. > """" _.^., ".."_" """."."^ " " * II ""_" ""~I..__"_"". ~ "_._ " .I 'p .ALL A. u .? ,$ f B Y . ,/ L?, s {, f -c ;-, *. .' '. : ,,, E ',y ..n $.x /9 I., I, -., ,, r /&: ...?c+;;T"* ".- , ._I__,__,4':- 29 .f ' Cr I.) .- S~yna.tur-i_. , ,."# T~"1""" - :,;ti.l?;k~,arn Sal_ 0 mo ';re .. (Print name) 3.~4(; ~~c~*,irl.~:?y 5i.t ~ J Ca.rls'~~d y-7 ,"."" 1 ."._ L_"_ Aticlress - 729-5833 - Phone - -.-.I_ _", 2-2-82 "- ---.-"' --- "_ Date b li * I) P RESGLUTION' NO. .. " 6881 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALIFOREIA, APPOINTING: A !EY&3R TO LEBRliRY - BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CITY OF' CARLS3AD. 4. 5 WHEREAS, the eerm of Herbert Falkenstein as a cer&er o . 6lT'b- J Lary Board of Trustees .will. expire in June, 1982, '7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Courtcil of .. 8 City of Carlsbad, as follows : ' '9 3-0 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2, That the following person is hereby appointed to s 12. an a member of the Library Board of Trustees : . .. 12 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of t .23, - Herbert Falkens tej-n ., for a. term to expire in June 3- 4 15 16 1'7 18 ~ City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on - 18th day of , . Mazr , 1962, 'cy the Eolloving Y to wit: AYES : Council &&ers Padkard, Casler , Anear, bis and Kdchir NOES: None i 19 11 ABSENT: None 20 21 X&& L2.e" ONALD C. PAC:URD, l-layc? 22 I ! . 23 ATTEST: 25 24 I ' 26 27 (JiLQL&L R. ~(kAzL"- ~E~EA L. R~~UTENK 9,NZ ) City Cletk ( s EkE) 28 11 li