HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-25; City Council; 7022; 1982-83 Appropriation Limit( 0 L:J g 0.. C\.. < z 0 g ,c .J 6 z :::, 8 ---. ,-,,.., Cl1 . 'C'F CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# Za :2 2. I1IL.E; 1982-83 Appropriation Limit MTG. 5/25/82 DEPT._F_IN"---- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ~ ?8"3 adopting the 1982-83 approprjation limit ITEM EXPLANATION: Article XIIIB of the Californi,, Constitution requires that all governmental entities operate under certain limits on appropriations of proceeds of taxes. This "spending limit" is based on the appropriations as adopt~d by the governing body during 1978-79 and is increased annually by a factor based on inflation and population. For the City of Carlsbad, the 1978-79 base is about $10. 2 millfon. 'r.hat is the City appropr.iated $10.2 million from proceed~ of taxes during .l978-79. The City is required by law to annually set and publish the appropriation limit for each fiscal year. l:'or 1982-&3 this limit: should be set as part of the budget adoption process. The exhibits to this agenda bill show th~ process used in computing the 1982-83 limit of $18,7 million ccr.ipared to appropriations from proceeds of taxes of about $11.5 million. Based on these numbers, the City will have a $7.2 million margin during 1982-83. FISCAL l'.MPACT: The establishment of the appropriation li1nit has no fiscal impact in itself, It should be noted, ho\\•ever, that should the City ever receive more in proceeds of taxes l:ban can legally be appropriated, the exces? must be returned to the st-1te er to the cicizens by returning sales tax, property tax or other tax revenues. EXHIBITS: Table I Computation of the 1982-83 Limit Table II Appropriation of F~oceeds of Taxes in 1982-83 Resolution No. (oJ'Y...J adopting the 198'?-83 appropriation limit RESOLUTION NO. 6883 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAL!PORNii\, ESTABLISHING TUE 1982-83 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY i\RTlCLE XIIIB OF THE CALWORNIA STATE CONSTI'£UTION AND STATE LAW. WHEREAS Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires that 6 governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of ? taxes; and 8 WHEREAS state law requires that this limit be formally adopted by the ' 9 goyerning body of each entity prior to June 30th of each fiscal year1 and 10 WHERE~ state law also requires that this limit be published in a newspa_per ll o; general circulation to allow public response to the limit as adopted, 12 13 NOW, THEREl:'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: • h That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 14 establish and adopt the 1982-83 appropr:iation l.imit of eighteen million soven 15 hund,~ed thirty seven thousand seven hundred thir~een dollars ($18,737,713) as , 16 computed in Exhibit A attached heret0. l? 2. That the City Clerk is directed :.o publish this resolution in a 18 raewspapel· of general circulation. 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPT£D at a regular meeting of the City Council of 20 the city of Carlsbad held on the 25th day of ~• 1982, ·by t;he following 21 vote, to wit:' 22 23 24 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 251 26 ATTEST: Council l>fenoers Packard, casler, Ancar, Lewis and Kulchin None None ~ev RONALD c. PACKARD, Mayo~ 27 28 ~--~; • · )l___/ -- .l\I.ETIIA L. RAU'rBNKRI\N~ (SEAL) 1981-82 Appropriation Limit TABLE I COMPUTATION OF 1982-83 APPROPRIATION LIMI'r (See Resolution No. 6593, 6/23/81) Inflation Factor: Change in State Per Capita Income = 6. 79%' Populati~r, Change = 1. 79% Factor+ Per Capita Income Change X Population Change Factor= 1.0679 X 1.0179 Factor = 1. 08'10 1982-83 Limit= Factor X 1981-82 Li~it 1982-83 Limit~ 1.0870 X $17,238,006 = Limit $17,238,006 $18,737, 7'.'J May 25, 1982 EXHIBIT A (page 1 of ?.) FUND TF,BLE II CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF TAXES 1982-83 TOTAL APPROPRIATION PROCEEDS OF 'l'AXES General $13,165,930 $11·,100,000 Gas Tax Sanitation Street Lighting Library Bonds Sewer Bonds Housing Redevelopment Community Development Block Grants Water W9rkci;s Compensation Self Insurance Liability Self Insurance 'l'O'l'AL ALL FUNDS 1982-83 Appropriation Limit 1982-83 Appropriations of Prcceeds of Taxes AVAILABLE HARGIN .: 421,400 421,400 629,000 423,000 1,009 122,000 - 943,089 - 34,512 2,100,000 176,000 191,000 $18,212,931 $11,521,400 $18, 737 , 713 ll,52,1,500 $ 7,216,313 May 25, 1982 EXHIBIT' A (page 2 or 2) NON PROCEEDS OF TAXES $2,065,93(.' 629,000 423,000 7,000 122,000 943,089 34,512 2,100,000 176,00,0 191,000 $6,691,531 t.f