HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-01; City Council; 7030; Proceedings to establish street lighting districtCIT. OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA 3ILL AR« 1030 MTG 6/1/82 IWT UTL TITLE: INITIATING PROCEEDINGS TO ESTABLISH STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 DFPT HD^K7 P.ITY ATTY \] f3 niTY MGR.^^ ga.o. Og u ou RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council adopt Resolution 6j<f?t>Ordering Engineer's Report; adopt Resolution Approving Engineer's Report; and adopt Resolution fcyfTa resolution of intention to form Street Lighting District #1 under the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. ITEM EXPLANATION The city has been funding the operations and maintenance of its street light system since 1972 under the provisions of the Street Lighting Act of 1919. This Act requires that the District be reformed every five years. Our counsel recommends that the District be reformed this year under provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The 1972 Act includes similar requirements of the 1919 Act but does not require reformation action each year, rather it can be continued from year-to-year after appropriate public hearings. Once established under the 1972 Act, the noticing and administrative procedures will be simplified thereafter. PROCEDURE The procedure to form the District is outlined below. Council is requested to take the first three steps at this time as follows: 1. Order the Engineer's Report - this is similar to the 1919 Act proceedings. 2. Receive the Engineer's Report - this is similar to the 1919 Act proceedings. 3. Approve a Resolution of Intent to form the District. Approval of this Resolution initiates the following staff actions: a. Publication of the Resolution twice, one week apart in the Carlsbad Journal. b. Notifying each affected property owner by first class mail (14,890 property owners) including the Resolution of Intent. Staff will also include a letter explaining the procedure and providing a phone number for the owners to respond to inquiries. c. Set a public hearing after July 6, 1982 to hear protests. 4. Council will conduct the hearing on July 6, 1982 and, after hearing protests, may proceed to form the District under provisions of the 1972 Act as modified by the Council based on the public input. AB# June 1, 1982 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT Costs of the proceedings are estimated to be about $10,000. Funds are available in the Street Light Fund for these purposes. The budget requirement for street lighting for FY 82-83 is $458,742 and has been submitted for approval in the normal budget process. This request is less than $9,000 more than FY 82-82 (2%) because of conversion to high pressure sodium vapor. Energy costs have increased 12% over the past year. The FY 82-83 budget included a loan repayment of $36,000 to the California Energy Commission for funds advanced for the conversion. EXHIBITS A. Order of Procedure B. Resolution 6>ffiT b> Ordering Engineer's Report C. Resolution kSf^V Approving Engineer's Report D. Resolution {pfifttf declaring intent to form Street Lighting District #1 AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA REPORT OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR Pursuant to direction from the City Council, submitted herewith is the "Report", consisting of the following documents pursuant to the provisions of Division 15, Part 2, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and specifically Section 22500 et seq., the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. 1. AN ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS of the improvements to be maintained for the ensuing twelve-month period, being from July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983. 2. A DIAGRAM of the Street Lighting District. Said diagram shall show the exterior boundaries of the Street Lighting District, the boundaries of any zones within the Street Lighting District, the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within said Street Lighting District, and each parcel shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensions of each lot shall conform to those shown on the County Assessor's map for the fiscal year to which the "Report" applies. A simplified diagram is attached. A detailed diagram is maintained in the office of the City Clerk, the office of the Utilities Director and is available for public inspection. Executed this 21st day of May 1982. J CIIY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3 SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE JULY 1. 1982 THROUGH JUNE 30. 1983 1. Cost of Maintenance Service: Energy $320,000 2. Personnel 80,494 3. Loan Repayment 36,000 4. Incidentals 22,248 5. Total $458,742 * 6. City Contribution 17,740 7. Balance to Assessment $441,002 * Detail contained in FY 82-83 approved budget — Fund 15-206 ORDER OF PROCEDURE (RESOLUTION OF INTENTION) CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF MEETING:June 1, 1982 STAFF:Present map showing the general boundaries of the area proposed to be assessed, and showing in general terms the works of improvement to be maintained. CITY COUNCIL:Adopt RESOLUTION ORDERING CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT. STAFF: CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: Present to the City Council the "Report", pursuant to the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of ]972", consisting of the following: 1. Plans and specifications; 2. Estimate of costs; 3. Diagram of proposed District; 4. Assessment of costs. Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S "REPORT". Adopt RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. (Public Hearing Date: July 6, 1982) * * * RESOLUTION NO. 6886 RESOLUTION OF TIE CITY COUNCIL oxaRirc TOE PREPARATION 0? PLA13S, SPECIFICATIONS , CC'ST ESTIMATES, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT, tm "REPORT" FOR FORMATION OF STREET LIGhTJNG AND lASD- SCAPll'E DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CIT1 , AND CONSOLIDATION OF EXISTING. DISTRICT THEREWITH , PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIKrNI.i, desires ~ initiate proceedings for 'die formation of a street lighting a-c landscspirc. district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaring and Licriti'.c Act of 1372", being 'Division 15, Part 2 of 'the Streets aid Highways Code of tie State of California, in what is known and designated as CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, there presently exists a Street Lighting District forms?: pursuar.t -.; the provisions of the "Street Lighting Act of 19.19*% Section JSCI; et ScO. c: the Streets a~id Highways Code of the State of California, said District ceir-.: known as the Ccirlsbad Street Lighting District No. T; and, WHBRFAS, the City Council desires to consolidate said existing District as i part of the proposed District; and, WHEREAS, the single resulting District will assume all assets ani liabilities and carry over any surplus or deficits of the District ccnsolidatsd, and shall. be entitled to all of the revenues to which such District v»ula have bet", entitled; and, WHEREAS, these proceedings for the annual levy of assessments shill relate t: the fiscal year conmencing July 1, 1982 and ending June 30, 1953; rsd,- WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this City Council for its cor^ideration t~- this time, a map showing the boundaries of the ar:ea affected by Lh? ,levry cf th-:- assessrnent for the above reference'! fiscal year; said ma? further showir.c ETJ.: describing in general the works of improveaienl; ptx^osed to re ::.:intained i:. said District, said description being sufficient to- identify ~-~.-3 wor'-is c;f improvement and tiie areaa proposed to ba assessed for said mair.ter.-=nce thereo:- and, • WHER!iR..li, the provisions of said Division 15, Part 2 require a written "Repset*.- consisting of 'die following : 1. Plans and specifications of the area of the works of irnprcvernent to be maintained; 2. An estimate of the? costs for maintaining the improvements f"-r the a ireferenc^d fiscal year; 3. A diagram of the area proposed to be assessed; 4. An assessment of the estimated costs for 'maintenance work for said fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals arc all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the map, as submitted to this City Council, Eho>.-ir.g tie boundaries of the area proposed to be assessed, and shewing the proposed works of improvement to be maintained, is hereby approve: and adopted by this City Council. A copy of said rap shall be or, file in the Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspect!:r.. The map, as submitted, i.s entitled: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 SECTION 3. That the existing Street Lighting District, Carlsbad Street Lighting District No. 1, be consolidated into the aibrsaid pro- posed District, and that said proposed District assume all assets and liabilities of the consolidated. District and be entitled to all of the revenue to which the existing District vauli have been entitled. SECTION 4. That all railroad, gas, water, electric utility and electric Line rights-of-way shall be included.within the aforesaid proposed Distri-t and assessed benefit derived in accordance therewith, pursuant to Government Code Section 22595. SECTION 5. That the proposed work within the area proposed to be assessed shall be for the maintenance of certain street; lightin:: and landscaping improvements. Said work is set forth in the "Report" to be presented to this City Council for consideration. SECTION 6. That ROGER GREER, DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES is hereby ordered to prepare and file with the City Council a "Report" relating to said annual assessment and levy in accordance with the provisions cf Article IV, commencing with Section 22565 of Chapter 1 of the Streets and Highways Code. SECTION 7. That upon completion, said "Report" shall be filed with the City Clerk, who shall then submit the same to this City Council for its consideration pursuant to Sections 22586 and 22587 of said Streets and Highways Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Qxr.cil held on trie 1st day of June , 1982, by the folDowirvj vote, tovit: AYES: Council Members Pad-card, Casler, Anear, Lev-is and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None . ^3 „ / ATTEST: RON Aib ~c. PACKARD, j AIJ7THA L. iyyjTi-NKRANZ, City Clerk . (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 6887 ' RESOLUTION OF TIE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR CERTAIN STREET LIGHTING At® LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN A PROPOSED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSIiAD, CALIFORNIA, pursuant -_c the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of ] 972", ieinr Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the Szate of California, did, by previous Resolution order the preparation of an Engineer's "Report", consisting of plans, specifications, an estimate of the cci't, ?. diagram of the proposed district, and an assessment relating ~o what is rev known and designated as CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, there now has been presented to this City Council the "Report" E.H required by Section 22586 of said Streets and Highways Code and a previo-;sly directed by Resolution; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has now carefully examined and reviewed the "Rercrt" as presented, and is satisfied with each and all of the items and dco.3ner.;5 as set forth therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, zn a preliminary basis, have been spread in accordance with the benefits reoei~.~d free, the maintenance to be performed as set forth in said "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the "Report" as presented, consisting of the following: a. Plans and specifications; b. Estimate of cost; c. Diagram of the District; d. Assessment of the estimated cost, is hereby approved on a preliminary basis, and is ordered to he filed in :±e Office of the City Clerk as a permanent record and tc.remain ccen for put-lie inspection. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall -certify to the passage and adoption cf this Resolution, and the minutes of this reetir^g snail so reflrct the presentation of the Engineer's "Report". PASSED, /iPPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsrad City Co-jncil held on the _ lst_ day of __ Jun§_ _ __/ 1'982, by the fcHaving vote, to wJt: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, -Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None /} fj—t /I J? A .4'^' V /.. .. _ . ... L. RA.U'in-IKRANa, City dork/ (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 6888 - RESOLUTION OF THE Cl'IY- COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE FORMATION OF A STREET LIGHIIM; AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT AND 'ill!?. CONSOLIDATION OF AN EXISTING DISTRICT THEREWITH; TO LEW ANO COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FORCERTAIN IKPROVEKtFMTS PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 Cff THE STREETS AND HIGIf.C-.YS CODE OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA; AND SETTINGA TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC BEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITi' OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, has consider^ the formation of a street lighting and landscaping district, pursuant to tr« terms and provisions of the "Landscaping ' and Lighting Act of 1972", bei'c Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the Stace cf California, said district to be known and designated as CITY 05' CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, there presently exists a street lighting district "forme.: pursuant — the provisions of the "Street. Lighting 7ict of 1919", Section 130C3 et sea. c: said Code, known as the Carlsbad Street Lighting District No. 1; ard, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to .consolidate said, existing District as 2 part of the proposed District; and, WHEREAS, the single resulting District will assume all assets am liabilities and carry over any surplus or deficit in the improvement fund of the Disrri~ consolidated, and shalJ be entitled to all revenues to which the existin; District would have been entitled; and, WHEREAS, there lias been presented and approved by this City Council the Engineer's "Report" as required by law, and at this time this City Council is desirous to proceed with the formation of said District. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. PUBLIC INIEREST SECTION 2. That the public interest and convenience requires, ard it is tbs intention cf this City Council to order the formation of a S-.ree-:. Lighting and Landscaping District to levy and collect annual assessments for continual maintenance of certain i'rprcvements, aTil to serve and benefit said District as' said area is shown src delineated on a map previously approved by this City Ccuncil and cr. file i.n the Office of the Ci.ty Clerk, open to public inspectior..- and herein r.o referenced and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. That the existing District, Carlsbad Street Lighting District No. . 1 , be consolidated into the aforesaid proposed District, and that said proposed District assume all assets and liabilities of the - consolidated District, and be entitled to all of the revenue to which the existing District would have been entitled. REPORT .SECTION 4. That the "Report" of the Engineer regarding the formation of said District, which "Report" is for the maintenance of the fiscal year 1982-83, is hereby approved, and is- directed to be filed in the Office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection. SECTION 5. That all railroad, gas, water, electric utility and electric line • rights-of-way shall be included within the proposed District ana assessed in accordance with benefit derived, pursuant to Government Code Section 22595 of the State of California. SECTION 6. SUCTION 7, That the public interst and convenience requires, and it is the intention of this City Council to order the formation of the 'District as set forth and described in said Engineer's "Report", and further it is determined to be within the best public interest and convenience to. levy -tind collect annual assessments to pay the costs and expenses of said maintenance arsd improvement as estimated in said "Report". The improvements for which said District, is to be formed, and the assessments levied and collected, shall be for the maintenance of certain improvements as feet forth in the "Report" of the Engineer, referenced and so incorporated herein. SECTION 8. The County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll the amount of the assessments, and shall collect said assessments at the time and in the sama manner .as Coun.Ly taxes are collected. After collection by the County, the net amount of the assessments, after -the deduction of any compensation due to the County for collection, shall be paid to the Treasurer for purposes of paying for the costs and expenses of said District, SECTION 9. The City Treasurer herewith shall establish a special fund designated as "CITY OF CARLSaAD STREET LIGHTING ANT) LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 FUND" into which the- said Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector as soon as said monies have been received by said Treasurer, Payment shall be made out of said Fund only for the purpose provided for in this Resolution, and, in order to expedite the making of this maintenance and improvement, the City Council may transfer into said special fund, money from any available source, such funds as it may deem necessary to expedite - the proceedings. Any funds so transferred shall be deened a loan to said special fund, and shall be repaid out of the proceeds of the assessments provided for in this Resolution. SECTION 10. SECTION 11 Said 'contemplated improvement and maintenance work is, in the opinion of this City Council, 'of direct benefit to the properties within the boundaries of the District, and this City Council makes the costs and expenses of said improvement and maintenance chargeable upon a district, which district said City Council hereby declares to be tire district benefited by said improvement and maintenance and to be further assessed to pay the costs and expanses thereof. Said District ' shall include each and every parcel of land within the boundaries of said" District, as said District is shown on a map as 'approved by this City. Council and on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and so designated by the name of the District. PUBLIC PIK)PERTY Any lots- or parcels of land known as public property, ss the same are defined in Section 22563 of Division 15, Part of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District, shall be emitted and exempt from- any assessment to be made under these proceedings to cover any of the costs ' and expenses of said improvement and maintenance work. PUBLIC^ HEARING SECTION 1?.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TL!;,V' TUESDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF JULY, 1982 AT THE HOUR OF 6:00 O'CLOCK P.M., IN TUB CITY 'REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF lu!E CITY COUNCIL, H3ING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 1200 ELM AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CALirORR?'. IS THE TIMS AND PLACE FIXED BY THIS CITY COUNCIL FOR THE 'HEARING OF PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS IN REFERENCE TO THE- FORMATION OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT, TO THE EXTENT OF THE' MAINTENANCE, ViORKS OF IMPROVEMENT, 7iSD ANY OTHER MATTERS CONTAINED IN li-IIS RESOLD HON. . ANY PERSOW WHO WISHES TO OBJECT TO THE FORMATION OF THE DISTRICT SHOULD FIHJ A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH ' THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME SET AND SCHEDULED TOR SAID PUBLIC HEARING . NOTICE SECTION 13. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to public, a copy of this Resolution in the CARLSBAD oC/JRNAL, a newspaper cf general circulation in said City; said publication shall be ccr- pleted not less than ten (10) days before the date cf said Public hearing. SECTION 14. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to rail notices of the Public Hearing on the formation of the District to ail persons as required and as specified pursuant to Section 22556 rf the Streets and Highways Code of the State, of California, said railing to be completed no less than ten (10) days before the date set fcr the Public Hearing. EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION 15. That this Resolution shall take effect irrrfidiately upon its ' adoption. PROCEEDINGS INQUIRIES SECTION 16. For any and all information relating to the proceedings, protest • procedure, any documentation and/or information cf a procedural or technical nature, your attention is directed to the belcv listed person and the local agency of department so designated: Roger Greer Director of Utilities 1200 S. Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5604 (OR)Bob Miller 'Engineering Technician 1200 S. El™i Avenue Carlsbad, California 92 M: (714) 438--5604 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting cf the Carlsbad City Council held on the 1st day of June __ , 1982, by the followir;j vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Le.rfs and KuLchin NOES: None ABSENT: None //^ /<* C. PACKARD, :.ii ATTEST: ALBl'iiA L. IWvUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT D RESOLUTION NO. 6930 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDERING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FORMATION OF STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT CONSOLIDATING AN EXISTING DIS- TRICT THEREWITH, CONFORMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING FOR ASSESS-' MENT.LEVY, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Council has initiated proceedings for the formation of a Street Lighting and Landscaping District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, in a District to be known and designated as CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and WHEREAS, there presently exists a street lighting district formed pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Lighting Act of 1919", Section 18000 et seq. of said Code, known as the Carlsbad Street Lighting District No. 1; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to consolidate said existing District as a part of the proposed District; and, WHEREAS, the single resulting District will assume all assets and liabilities and carry over any surplus or deficit in the improvement fund of the District consolidated, and shall be entitled to all revenues to which the existing District would have been entitled; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has ordered the preparation of a report and said report has been prepared and filed with the City Council pursuant to the law for its consideration and subsequently thereto this City Council did adopt its Resolution of Intention to form the District and to levy the assessments for the above designated District, and further did proceed to give notice of the time and place for a Public Hearing on all matters relating to said formation of said District and the proposed assessment; and WHEREAS, at this time, the City Council has heard all testimony and evidence and is desirous of proceeding with the formation and consolidation proceedings and the confirmation of the diagram and assessment and the levy of assessments. . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That upon the conclusion of the Public Hearing, written protests filed, and not withdrawn, did not represent property owners owning more than fifty percent (50%) of the area of assessable lands within the District, and all protests are hereby overruled and denied. SECTION 3. That this City Council hereby confirms the diagram and assessment as submitted and approves the levy of the assessment for the years and in the amounts as set forth in the Engineer's Report and as referred to in the Resolution of Intention as previously adopted relating to said annual assessment levy. SECTION 4. That the diagram and assessment as set forth and contained in said Report are hereby confirmed and adopted by this City Council. SECTION 5. That the adoption of this Resolution constitutes the levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of July, 1982, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1983, all in accordance with the report of the Utilities Director. SECTION 6. That the estimates of costs, the assessment diagram, the assessments and all other matters, as set forth in the Engineer's Report, pursuant to said "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", as submitted are hereby approved, adopted by this City and hereby confirmed. SECTION 7. That the works of improvement and maintenance contemplated by the Resolution of Intention shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment and said assessment shall then be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of said City. SECTION 8. That said existing street lighting distict formed pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Lighting Act of 1919", Section 18000 et. seq of said Code, known as the Carlsbad Street Lighting District No. 1, is hereby consolidated with the said newly formed District and said resulting District shall assume all assets and liabilities and carry over any surplus or deficit in the improvement fund of said existing district and shall be entitled to all revenues to which the existing District would have been entitled. SECTION 9. That the City Treasurer shall herein establish CITY OP CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 FUND into which the City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax collector pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution and law and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to said City Treasurer. SECTION 10. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of the diagram and assessment roll with the County Auditor, together with a certified copy of this resolution upon its adoption. SECTION 11. That a certified copy of the assessment and diagram shall be filed in the Office of the utilities Director, with a duplicate copy on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. SECTION 12. That all railroad, gas, water and electric utility rights-of-way and electric line rights-of-way shall be included within the aforesaid District and assessed benefit derived in accordance therewith, pursuant to Government Code Section 22595. 10 SECTION 13. That any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 19 82 . AYES: Council ttfembers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Anear NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Chick /U-^y^ ilMARY H. CASLER, MAYOR CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1200 ELM AVENUE Jlw--Wll TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Ft ^<&7 \\ (714) 438-5535 Cttp of CarMiab CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 12, 1982 Property Tax Services County Administration Center, Room 163A 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Kay Simpson Re: City of Carlsbad Lighting Districts Flat Charge Special Assessments Account No. 6010-01 Enclosed is a certified copy of City Council Resolution No. 6930 approving Street Lighting Assessments for fiscal year 1982-83. Also, a copy of the Street Lighting Diagram. The individual assessment information has been recorded on magnetic tape (Tape No. 9449) and is on file in Room 092, E.D.P. Services, in the County Administration Center. The assessments have been totalled and the total amount to be collected is $441,629.16. All individual assessments have been rounded to the nearest even penny, and all assessed parcels have been reconciled with the 1982-1983 preliminary tax roll. Please consider this letter as written authorization to Use Tape No. 9449 and all assessment information recorded on it. LREN R. STEVENS Deputy City Clerk KRS:aa cc: Gayle Pearce 8875 Shaula Way San Diego, CA 92126 cc: Bob Miller City of Carlsbad U/M Dept. / 1200 ELM AVENUE [ ' V ''/ ' , TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 \ >s< \ r ' (714)438-5535^ ' " i / j » ' > * Office of the City Clerk • sHf-it? o August 16, 1982 Property Tax Services County Administration Center Room 163A 1600 Pacific Highway San. Diego, CA 92101 Attention: Kay Simpson Re: City of Carlsbad Lighting District Flat Charge Special Assessments Account; No. 6010-01 As per your telephone conversation, with Bob Miller of August 12, 1982, the individual assessment information has been recorded on magnetic tape (Tape No. 9449) and is on file in Room 092, E.D.P. Services, in the County Administration Center. The assessments have been totalled and the total amount: is $441,629.16. The corrected total amount to be collected is $440,257.36. All individual assessments have been rounded to the nearest even penny, and all assessed parcels have been reconciled with the 1982-1983 preliminary tax roll. Please consider this letter as written authorization to Use Tape No, 9449 and all assessment information recorded on it. / \OL£-A~ s\ KAREN R. STEVENS Deputy City Clerk KRS/ cc: Gayle Pearce 8875 Shaula Way San Diego, CA 92126 cc: Bob Miller Utilities Dept.