HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-15; City Council; 7036-1; AMENDMENT TO THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN MP-149 G~ #>, co el a cn 0 z 8 2 8 8 -a 3 a 0 k u d .rl rl -4 $ 0 $n: I a u a w c\l co 5 W a 9 .. z 9 a G 6 -I z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL // 1 AB# 7036-1 TITLE: DEPT MTG. 6/15/82 AMENCMENT TO THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN CITY CITY DEPT. CA MP-149 (G) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. 9 6 2 y ITEM EXPLANATION! At its June 1, 1982 meetinq the City Council directed the Ci Attorney to prepare documents approving an amendment to the La Costa Master Plan. The attached ordinance accomplishes those amendments. The exhibits to the ordinance have been prepared by the Planning Department. EXHIBITS: Ordinance No. '36.37r Exhibit A. , . _..f.'Y ' L P 2 3 4 5 6 'ip e 9 10 3-1 12 13 14 15 1 6 1'9 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 23 1 m '\ w ORDINANCE NO, 9628 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9570 AND MASTER PLAN (MP-I49(E)) TO REVISE THE LAND USE PLAN OF LA COSTA NORTHWEST AND TO mum MINOR ADXINI STRATIVE CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN TEXT AND MAPS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMIKO REAL AND mxm OF ALGA ROAD, APPLICANT z DkON CORFORATJON o CASE NO o MP- I 49 (G) -- The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ does ordain as follows: SECTION 4: That Ordinance No. 9570, and Master P1 IYiP-l49(E) adopted thereby, is hereby amended as shown on ma marked (NP--149(G)) - Exhibit A, attached hereto and mzde a hersof, SECTION 2; That Ordinance No, 9570r and Master P1 149(E) adopted. thereby, is amended by the amendment of vari portlo~s of the text of said master plan as shown on Exhibl attached nereto and made a pa.rt hereof, SECTION 3: That the findinqs of the Planning Commission contained ir, Resolution No, 1954 constitute tine findings of the City Couficil in this matter, SECTIOW 4: That amended Master Plan iP1P-449(G) is ! I approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carl Municipa% Code and to the satisfactj-on of the conditions coritained in Planning Commission Resolution No, 1954. Said resolution is on file in the Planning Department and is incorporated by reference herein, /// /// I /// %* ' 1 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.3. a2 13 14 15 16 3.7 3.8 19 I w w SECTION 5: The amendments specified in Sections 1 2 herein shall be incorporated into the official La Costa M Plan text and maps as approved by Ordinance No. 9570, on fi with the City Clerk, within 30 days of the effective date o this ordinance. When such incorportion is accomplished the Manager shall so certify. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall ce to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be publis at Peast once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days a its adoption, INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a meeting of the Carl City Council held on the 15th day of JLme .? 1982 thereafter PASSED AP?D ADOPTED at a meeting of said City Counc d2.17 of June , 7982 by held on <'ne __IIP 29fh - following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Y?vbers Casler, Lewis, KulchLn and Chick NOES: Eone ,/ t 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 I ABSENT: None c/zIc.,L:, J/ eL&. , EfrnYJE. CASUX f 1" ATTEST : 0 0- 0 m! &~,L,v..-&k / f &AA.~+4jLL++ ALETI-IA L, RAUTCNi<!LZ, CitS7 ~lq (SEAL) w w %\iki3\ \ u 31 o ’ 7 ’INTRODUCTION 11 d + N9 WIIL) A. Purpose 5- Thhs Master Plan constitutes an amendment to and expansi of the La Costa blaster Plan first adopted by the City CoGncil on September 5 , 1972 (Ordinance $9322). axxL-sak s-~~~~~s~~~~Z~O~f~~~e : -5) - This %/laster Plan is intended to comply with the require- ment for a Mastgr Plan contained in the Planned Cornmunit Zone Ordinance adopted in July, 1976 (Chapter 21-38) anc tbrefore o provj-ees the basis for further decisims by thz city on future land use fox the ~a costa covmunity. The &a Costa comn~~nity is divided among three local gcmermental agencies of general jurisdiction: the Citj of Cs.rlsbad, the County of San Die90 and the City of Sar Marcoso Approximately, 5,287 acres B consisting of both developed lands ad CndevePoped lands, 05 the Lz Costa ca~wmi’cy,_s_r;~ within the City of Carisbad, Of this 5,21 acres I -~+$W-a~ready have been. developed I approved for development or are in the process of being approved for development by the City of CarLsbad, TIE La Costa cornunity also includes an additional. apprc iaately 240 acres in the City of San Mareos asad appro xi^ 57 acres in the unir-corporated area cf the County 05 Sal Diqo, This 142s-ter Plan is no‘s applicable to tha Fortic of La Costa in the Ci’cy of San Marcos or the unincorpor area of the County of San Diego. \ $-‘ k- Be Gezeral Provisions 1, Nsnvesting of Xiqhrs Individual develoFment Frojzcts shall be governed by the specific land use and development skandards set forth in this Master Plan 2nd by appliczble pro visions of the CzrZsbad PlunicLpaL Code including, b linited to, Title 20, Subdivisions, and! Title 21, Z Where a coaflict j-n development standards occurs I the standards speckEied Ln tSik Master Plan shall control p Approval and construction of a developmen project pursuant to this &laster Plan shall not vest any rights to construct-, any other developmenk proje nor create any vested rights to the approval of any slabsequent development projects, <-* -- yy fie I,” : \ 1-1 &$el .I W w < L i March 23, 1976 Annexation of uninhabited territory designate( the City of San f4arcos by San Xarcos City Council Ordinance $71 The amount of La Cos% lands znncxcd to the City of San Pcarcos approximately 240 acres, April 27, 3976 Carlsbad City Council certification of Final Environmental Impact Report IEfR-307) for the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149-14) and General Plan Zumndment (GPA-38) o May 4, 1376 Arr?en&me?a'i: of Land Use Element Text and ?;an and cullation Element of the General Plan (GPA-38) by City Council Reso1rr'c;on %3896, June 9.5, I976 Revision of the P,C. (Planned Community) zone Ly Cizy Council ~rdinzncz R9458, '1Novenher 2 --- p 1376 ifor La Cos-ra are2 by City Couxil - Ordinance $9464. ,--- - as South City (Cyron +7hrlte, et >l) Annexation No, CA 74-30 to '.- -Adoption -or' an Fnterim i%zster. -Plan (LW-149- - i - . . March _II. 78, X980 I Change of zone (ZC-236) from P-C to PD--X--Q on approxirately 134 acres ir, La Costa Northeast area and deletioar of that portion of the rezoning covered by a Maste~ Pian (KP-943 (D) 1 by City Couacil Ordhance $9455, I D~~~~~\~~~ 15, r92.g uT-$iaeq a? Ma- jgF(E) -ipSS -f-hg /-CY COsYQ fir- b'i r ti -_. Ci4.l &r;Cit\ a o&,"..r;nce -e 4 S7Q- c '< I__ I , c ), --.- gy F 1-5 L. 'a W w I I F. Existing Development .- 3pa 2 ) The -+P-W acres that previously have been developed or committed kc developKent consist of the La Costa Plaza are La Costa Resort and Recreatiorz areap including golf course La CGska Valley @ondozinimts, and developments of various types of Living units, such as single family, duplexes, cluster developments, condominiums, and are hones of all &pes from luxury CO TMXQ msde~k. ~ORIQG. The area already devel-oped can be generally defined as located from El Canine Real. on the west, Alga Road on tkae north, Levante on the south and Rancho Santa Fe and El Fue~te on the east, The areas approved for development but currently vacant are generally located east of EK. Fuer Street and north of S2.n Marcos Canyon, V7hile outside of the Master 'Plan zrea,. an industrial park has been constrrac east of K~~EC~CI Santa ??e Road , in the City of Szn Ptzarcos. Except as o'cha3aise specifically indicated in this _Pia regulate or prohibit khe 6eye -2.,.- ~-.,ent p redevelopment or re'n tatior, of any area in the -- Zen-es ts=e Exhibit 1--2? Ex Zoning) v The fol.loviq eleven areas are zonrd p-c but hav already been develcp,?-2 or are in tha process of being deve and the dkunenI-,s cp~erning sue% 6eveiopment ax described Sectiox 1x1 r La~d use azd Dwelcpnent standa~dls cI I 1 exhibits hE?r&O, nothirig in this; Bkster Pian shall be deer 1, 2, Esta+:-cs North, 3, Ranchexos de la Costa, 4- Vale 2 & 3, 5, Vale 4. 6, Corona La Costa, 7, Spanish Village. Existing 27-hole golf course and San !hrcos Canyon, '1 >x.. * 8. Green Valley Itnol.ls. 9, Santa Fe Knolls. 10, Santa Fe Glens, 11, SMCTm Reservoir - Other than 3t& .-dB-- eleven areas listed above , there exist arE wj.thin the &= acres zoned other than ?-C. The deVefOF of such areas (see Exhibit 1-2, Existirig Zoning) shall bc governed by the applicable zoning. () - 1-6 CT 7-, Res. X37UYt 8/5/15, w , * I, .I. /-- / PUD-12, Res, $6246, 7/15/80 t c. Rancheros de La Costa: CT 79-25, Res. R6245, 7/15/80 . d. Vale 2 & 3: SP-36, Res- $3128, 6/5/73 CT 72-20, Res, WL2SI 6/5/73 SP-159( Ord 89405, L0/1/74 e. Vale 4: SP-176, Ord. f9462, 7/6/76 CT 76-3, Res. 83925, 6/15/76 f, Corona La Costa: PUD-7, Res. #4081, 2/1/77 CT 76-1.7, Res, #4080, 12/1/77 / g. Spanish Viblage: SP-37, Ord, f9339, 1/2/73 CT 72-24, XP_S. %3031, 12/13/72 h. Greeri Valley IGlsl..is: SP-P71, Ord, $9447, 1/6/76 SP-l?l (A) p (3rd- 83476 , 2/1/77 . CT 75-7, Res. $3809, 12/16/75 CT 76-10! iies. #4033, 11/16/76 i. Santa Fe ~nolls-. SP-178 withdravn (processing allowed bj7, MP-149 ( CT 75-9, Res, #4072 Fi +6200, 1/4/77 tc 2/3/80 Q. j. Santa. Fc Glens: SP-110, Ord. 19409, 12/3/74 CT 73-2, Res. #354?, 12/19/74 k, SMCTD Reservoir: PDP-3, Res, #6080, 2/5/80 5, Areas of existing developnent (see Section I.F.) ZOT: other than P-C shal-i be governed by app1isahl.e zonir B. Development Review Process 1, This Master Plan provides for two alternative proces that may be utilized in the submission and review of individual neighborhood development proposals: the Standard RevieG Process and the La Costa Development Review Process, hereinafter referred to as the Devel Plan, Process selection shall be at the discretion applicant as provided herein. ,c i# ' 111-2 ., w w I 6 -. 1. There shall be permitted in all RL and RLFl neighborhoods: single family attached anddetached housing including condominiums; accessory structure; ' buildings incidental to permitted uses; naximm building heights not to exceed thirty five (35) feet-;.,two (2) off-street parking spaces per dwellin5 space per dwellin(; unit. There. shall be permi.tted in a21 RN and PXI3 neighbor in addition to all uses permitted in the Z and RLM d.upLcxes I triplexes d townhouses I and other foms of family developnent, whether apartments or condomini off-skreet and visitor parking for single faiily de housi,nq sha,P1 bz as provided in D, 1; off-street pz for all sther per;nii;ked uses shall be ak one an3 ;a (h,5! spaces per dwelling unit for one bedroom ~mit WC-~ LLss "C~~APJ two (2) spaces Eroz all others plus visitor parking less tl-ian -25 spaces per dweiEing aiizs, c-' j es 5 6 (\1------ 'tan1.L; and visitor parking not less than one (1) vo"; "+ 2, 3, In those N3 and RXX neighborhoods wherein a niaai~~q dwellizig unit de2slirlg Fs set forth in Section IIIoI or-where 'che density bonus described irr. Sectio~- %I3 appiies, buildhg heigkks may be zpprsved up to si: (6) stories or: seventy ~~ (7Q) .feet,,.whicheuer ..+s les A Developma~t Plan - shall be . submitted' .for,.&L..~ :.l<-c. and TS neighborhoods designated on Tables 111-1, 1 or 111-3. 5, Development standards, other char^ those identified Master Plan, may be nodified by the Development P1 Mas'il.er PEm, the Geraeral Plan, pxotection of the e ment and the p&5c welfare, AIL uses r and deveio standards not addressed in the Development Plan, .- c established per the app1i.cabLe zor,ing standarZs LLC for each neighborhood in Tables 1~~--lp 111-2 and 1 , A.. : --..---:. __ .i. 4, scch mcdific:ation is found to be consistee,nt with t i x.. c . 111-5 + w w .. TABLE 111-1 . .. . General Neighborh3od Development Strmdards LA COSTA NORTHWEST c uc 0 - a .- tl - 'C I- I L A e 4- fndivi E!.: N eig! Zone and Deve!opmenf Type ' Max," Gross Open Devel D.U,s Acres Space Regulc z-f= GG for Standard Review Process NW- 1 RLM R-l Siondcrrd, Detached 564 141.9 7.0 ]-ao(] 0 s 0) -0 .- z '2 woo - --- Singie Family NW-2 RM RD;M Chstered Mu\ti-Fami(y 160 16.0 - Lbo( NW-3 RLM . R-1 Standard, Detached .I16 29.0 3.8 LC*( Sir;gle Family 42.0 4.5 I*d-( N\V-4 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached 168 NW-5 ELM R-l Standard, Defclehed ' 38% 97.0 . 7.2 *l.e.( NW-4 os 0-S Pu51ic Park - 23.5 23.5 I.[-( - Single Family - - _-- Single Family NW-7 RhA RD-M C1 usteiec' Mul ti -Fami Iy 160 16.0 . 3.1 I,g.( pW-8 RLM R- 1 . Standc~d, Detached 412 28.0 ,2.9 l.h.( f- t Single Family \ -'NW-9 RLM R-1 ' Standard I Dek~ched 550 2.6 i &*I-*\ *{ -_ 220 Single Family 1- - . NW-IO RhM RD-M Clustered Multi-Family 264 66.0 4.0 ].is( 78.0 14.4 1.k. NW-11 RM RD-h'i Clustered Mu! ti -Fami 1 y NW-12 RLM R-1 Standard, Deiached 152 38.0 .5.5 ]el.{ NW-13 RM RD-N\ Clustered Mwlti-Farnily 120 '2-0 b I.ms +- - 780 . . Single Fcrnily NW-'14 OS 0-s Goif Course . I 85.0 85.0 isn. NW-95 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached 70' 17.5 - 1.0. - Single Family - -__I . 13274' 744.0 163.4 I c -dwelling unit count shown on tlijs table represents the poteqtial madimurn number of dwel\i,j , units under ideal planning conditions. Refer to Seciion Ill-B-, lllwtZm, and l1I.L. . .. c [ w W * G, Homeobmer's Associations G-- 1, The essential design characteristics ~f the La Costa Master Plan in and through the use of Covenants, co.munity prill. he adhered to as Set forth in this Condit& sp~~d+~g~triction s ( cc &R I s 1 estab1 iskd by the -bay+eL&- zip=-. These CCCR's shall provi regulations known 2s Architectural Cormittee Rules a Guidelines which shall be administered by an Axchitc Committee. This ComnitteeEs responsibility shall or be in makkers more restrictive than the minimlxci star allowed by this Master Plan and the City. This Corx tee's approvzl shall be required on all buildirq plz prior to review by the City unless the Planning Dire determines there are extenuating circumstances that would allow the City to accept the plans without the Committee's prior approval, The City shall not part ipa'ce as a member of this Committee. The CC&Rrs shzJ1 incorporate by reference this Mastt Plan, and shall state expressly that the declaratiol are subject to thr- pr3visions o:E this FGistez TLan ai that the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Easter Plan throrrgh its nornal engorcenent procedures if the City Co-ir..ncsil- determini such enforcement is necessary to protect the public welfare, fl \. 3, CC&R"S for the total ~2ster'~Lan and subsequent de~ n&ts shall be subni-lted to the Planning Direzkor g( approval as to consistency with the paragraphs I- a: above, The CC&Ris for the 'cat&. Master Pian area S' submitted prior to recordation of the final Su'adiVi map of the first neighborhcod, . 2, - R, - General Grading Guidelines Exhibits 111-2 to 111-16 inclusive (see pages 111-2 111-29)# in addition to those standards set forth in Sections XI,B. aid C, above and in Chapter 11.06 of thc Carlsbad Municipal Code p shall be utilized when reviewi Dwelopment plans for each of the neighborhoods in thi: 14aster Plan, <. , L.., F' hi TTT-11 w W Iv, OPEN SPACE: A. Introduction 22s I I This Master Plan for La Costa designates -Maacres ?v to be set aside as open space, These pen space areas, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, Open Space Plan, pxovide buffers between residential areas and roads a.a.6. eorrmerciab and public areas as well as define neighborhoods. txaverse these open space corridors to connect sehoc parks and the cornxiunity core with. the housing areas These trails nay connect to a broader citywide cir- culation ~ystem.~,This 34 Master Plan also includes th izprovemlent of a +3-5 acre private golf course and t pxibbic parks totaling 4-9 acres, 53.5 AX:. open space including, but not limited to, the o space corridors sham 03 Exhibit 1x7-l, shall be in- psoved in accorciIance with Section EV .C * below and dedicated in accordance with Section 111 ,B. below pu+zsua.nt to ths Phasing Schedule contained in Sect- A system ~f pedestrian trails will 73. Dedieztlun - Approval of develoFmenk of each neiqhborhood shall include the deliestion 02 an open spac~ easement ot iks respective o2en space area as shown on Exhibit Ap2xoval. of dev2lopment of each neighborhood eontaS a portion of the pedestrian trail ShOPri 011 Exhibit sha3l include an offer to dediczte a public access easenent ccvei-ing thzt portion of the pedestrian ti bczted withiF tha2 neighhrhood D This offer to 6~ czte shall prcvi.de that -the pedestrian trail shall b~? pen ?'on: public ~se unless and until the City 2( tke offer to dedicate and assuFiies liability and ma. ante responsibility for the pedestrian trail. kdjc axezsp including but not limited to shpesp shall 1 2~ included in this offer to dedicate, If the Cit] does not accept this offer to dedicate by a recordt cordation of tne final map for each neighborhood, aZ2er to dedicate shall expire 2nd the owner shall have nc further obligation to ogfer to eedicate or dedicate a public access easemerrt and the use and axe of the property shall be governed by the CCdR The width and location of the open space corridors shall. be as shorn on Exhibit IV-1. A deviation of ken percent (.'IO%\/ shall be allowed when determini said width and location, The minimum width a9 lowe shall be twenty feet. Additional open space areas may be required within each neighborhood developme If,-- ? X)-.. t~~~:jt%esb instrument wi.t:hin five years from the date 6 {C '. IV-L D. ildaitiulldr IIECI' 6ilU IUL-UI -I--1 serve each neighwrhood w .. *I shall be provided in conjunction wi e approval of individual neighborhood tent subdivision maps e precise alignments for arterials, collector and foeslL streets shall be subject to the control of - the City Eagineer through the approval of tentative subd.ivisicm maps e c. c d, AXE streets within the development shall comply with city standards or as required hy the City Engineer, In addition to the potential reductiofi of street widths in -the Residential-Estate areas, tkre mrzy be othar circumstances, such as sizgle- loaded streets , that warrant a possible reduction in street widtl~~~ On-street bikeways shall be provided on each arterial as required by e. e City Engineer, 2, TmrziEc'ie Signaiization I fltnc 9 Thexe axe currently --i&-z (33) trafEie signals projected to or adjacent to Liz2 ?faster Plan boundaries a", the foliowin: sections:: E3 Cz~ino Real &: Carriilo Way, E~+&+mdke&+ St, p El. Camino X.eaL &: 15.Sision Fistancia West, Alga Rd, h Al: Rd, f Rancho Sc-x-ka Fe Rd o 6: OlivenhzLn Ed,, Rancho Santa Fc & Mision Estalrlcia, Ranchs Santa Fe Rd., & La Cost2: Ave. F R; Sanka ?e Hd, & Xelxose Ave, (south) c Ea Costa Ave, ti Misic Es-l-_sncLa, and. Lz Costa liveo E Me3lrose Ave, In %he approval of each ten'cative s-&divisiorr. mapI eond3-t shaPl be establishzd by the City Engincer to insure pr~vi sf needed tsafiic signals f i.. 3 - Acccmnodation 05 Public Trarisit N_I- PI .io support and encourage the provisions of public bus sa to the La Costa CGT~LTLU~~~~Y by the North County Transit D~s consid~~~atfon shall be given in kh2 design of each neighk arid the com~nmity core to insure provision is made for a& bus stop locations and convenient traffic flows. C, Public SehocPs 1. School Service Districts The La Casta cornunity is served by four (4) separake school districts: The Carlsbad Unified School District I serving the extreme northwesterly area; the San Mareos Unified Sehcml District, servi~g the central ar,d north- eastern area; the San Dieguito Union High School and the Enchitas Union School Districts, both of which course and San Marcos Canyon, See Exhibj-t V-2, School Service Districts and Public Parks, seme the balance of the area south of the golf {C k- ' t \r-2 L i w ,$ W , c, San Dicquito UniGn High School District: Curreni development within the San Dieguito Union High School District complies with the City's Public Facility Policy by neeting the requirements of Chapter 21-55 of the CarlsbaA Municipal Code. It is anticipated that this ..procedure will conti for this area. Negotiations are .under way betwe the District and the La Costa Land Company regar future high school site in the vicinity of the S Fe Knolls development, q- d, Encinitas Union School. ___.___ Distr'ict: Current d-evelopnent within the Encanitas UnioE School Dist1j.c-t conplies with the City's Public Fa.ci1i.t Policy by meeti~g the requirements of Chapter 21.55.of the Gahrlsbad Mu.ni.cipa1 Code, It is anticipated tha'c this procedure will. continue fc this area. There is an, existing agreement betwc the d%.stric's arid La Costa that basically states that, in return f~r the dedication of the Levant School site, the districk will give assurances c school a.vaiLabLlity for up to 3,360 dxeLETng tin: Two (2 1 oklnzr elexentary school sites p consister with the City's General. Plan, have also been shc The district and La Costa xil2. be negotiating fc . these sites under this sans agreemento De Public Pa.rks .f- i e-. I. Existing Pzrks -__ ! ~1ie fol1ow;ng p.ab1i.c parks have eikher .:!.ready been. dedicated to th2 City or are included i the ex-sti Parks Agrecment (City Council Xesolutj-on Nop 52-C+ G between the city and -s-+~=-p-&e '%~n CDCym-itQF2: a-, -- Canyor; Park (32 acres) This park located at th~a east end of the golf course in central ~a c has already been dedicated. to the City of Carls and has been parti.ally improved by the City- b. Fuer'ce Park (3.6 acres) This park is a portion Lot 478, La Costa Neadows which has Seen dediea to and will be improved by the City. The site adjacent to a proposed elementary school site. e*4+?-G'-m- - '.&p&&&&(7!-~@.&L!.j&c~ p&&?&~&..L~-&&.&~ *'- ;-c\t-hs-h'i*w- ~~~~~,~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ *w dmfi:*-&L-2sw-w I:c X- 'cm---M dA-kQU-Z-2-L% t 4- i v- 4 I . w. ; W .’ .( C. -6~ Stagecoach Park (28+ acres) . This proposed pa: site is generally located north of proposed PIii Estancia and east of Rancho Santa Fe Road.. Dec cation of 12.5 acres of this yr; $ .site to the City park improvenent +ha-& occur,.,’apon recordation 4 the final subdivision map for the Santa. Fe Kno (Unit 1) neighborhood, The balance of the par’ site shall, be dedicated pursuant to Resolution (L.. ’ 1Jf-J. Jj---@@;, G&g* d.& -- an Marcos Caxyoaa- ?.%is extensive natural are extends approximately one and a half miles fro Cznyon Park OR the west to San Marccs Creek Pa (ED the ec7istI=, Because of the precipitous topog it provides a distinct open space separation between the northern and southern neighborhood of eastern La Costa. Betiicakion to,,khe City s OCCU.~ pursuant to RESOEU~~OII NO, -w-+-h parkc c Ear the purpose of satisryang the requirement: not be given for “&e: dedieztian a$ San Marcos i .. ..&-;60 r- Chapter 20 n 44 of Carlsbad L”iunicipal Codc .. sha: 2, Future ?zrkC+ 11s ad?;’--: aALAo2 tb the aforalnentioncd parks I this 39asi plan G,’~SQ provicies for the following- public parks ‘ a o ~~--,-GZ&X--R~T-+& Csmmusnity Park (ldvJ-6 1 (2-3- acrt his par:< site is io--,--.; LL,d along the sou-& sidt Jqi.O$ hh--k 23.5 . of prcposed &$.gq ,:&p??zy -. golf co-fi-J-se, - ~ pye--gy& uy 5jr-W --~~-~~~~--~~~~~~~~-~-~~=~~ c r; r -$&&gJm&&=+ r=m-?eaei?..~510_ - -- ~~~~~ L FV-% ~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~-~~ <;hgv-z+-+Jy =3 e* -- && --%= c~~e.*r;” L u A ~~~~~-~.~~~~-~~~.~~~~ -- ss2.&..k&*zJ-e f ~~~~~e~z~~st-~~~J2S x _~~~~~~~~~~~~T\F~~~~~~~~~T p .-._ .4;j<+e* - JJJ&&j;J-& 4 t khce-add-S&-*X &L>a?Ga%:+ub *z ((-.- _r; .” &. ~ -. I -.. ‘. h 7 7 F3.1 .- I - 1 +-t-%S-j- z%&b-.2.qsLE l%a-b-GG&~ ,c f?^, ~+~~~~-~+y+~~~ dSw ir c &,a*- ,-q- .&*j As- ,-TW - +-zA+x+eRL 9&+ d&xkeE?ma% -L +- n - .n - 4- -&4ew*--I -2 th-Fc,-% L ,AT&€€ -P-h-u-- I c L I- %=le--p .. 9 --A 7- L p -L. cy &- Gde r;c- G+A-&i&d--- -r- 7 c 2&x?s--&~**~e~N~h -f.r€&&& 7ELw-~*.~p.-E~s cf -3_ -e3eL?&fq-&afti3--: ~&?&&$+~*&+k-&-- - - - 7- 4. 1. m-r]: L &.r -. 2 p J-- 6.: 2 &&.c+-m- v-5 W ,, w \ .. .. *< -~7~-~jr-+a++--Pa+k : TG---~+~-LEGZ~'G--FH+~$+~-F-&QU -e- b L ~+&;KS .. ?tS r&h*%G-s-blas%-PJ= p -WL-?- L&mp.c""J.*~Y&L~-.*~-&&- L ~.~r--ad 2.w Wa+a+-krrnk iewT&?- Q€L#x~.--%~3~&*-~ ;RJ.&=h&+L5eL-L- -b yy#p&&&& k (&&i f, iL .c r\ yk2e&c2M-- &--aTm~my~** p-2 - i- .. %A.-4.&8nUh~~ T i ret- --&+;e*= 5 1 2 ~&c.++~~+&,-~-&&ha+i S,-L &wpa~&-e€ C-'' &w?ie&~ #-&e o E, Other Public Facilites and Services 1. Libraries ~ibrary service is presentl-y provLded through the ex! library in d0:mtow-n CarEsbad located in the Carlsbad . 'Cjvic Center Complex, Ths*ue is alsa 3. small bookmob: that services the SGU'C~. Carlsbad area. ~-GLUXS~& &p&&cy&k&&.& - l-.~*---+a-H ; h Ir - - - - ?. z f t :kie-=-G**bs- 1a&a,2&.4 .. ~~~~~~~~.~-.-r.TT;~~~~r--~~~ 2. g-&=-- - . "* - --~~-~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... 1 C&222,-l ~~-~~.~.-~-~~~~~-~-~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~.~~~~~-~~~~~ t 2 -re?i--9 .v. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~-~,~~~~-~~..~-~~~~~~~f~~~ 2 *:--?$%-=*2& -P*~..&~~~&+&Q ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~,+-+~&~ ~-~-~~~--~~~.~~-~~-~~~~~~~~-~ - +22- *~~.~-~.-~~~~~~.~~~~- J-li d 3 . S-TX a&.&& -- - ?%AA c q.+*-zg>-~-+-Es.ra ~'~~-~~~~~~~~.~-~~-~~~~~-'~~~~~~~-~~~K~~~, m-A>,zi*za-- ~.~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ - -- ,-. - .. I ,.-d;-h ax c. i tp~i-c17p^-~~~c-.~&~-k+-~ ~~~-~~~~-~~~~.~~~~~~-~~ _.~.~.c;c~~c.~-~.li-~~T,~~~~~~ - &&-a f iR.&,-F&=+-c: av +-ha fi>.LT> .,&-= ?-o~~&~~ rt - -. &-&&-&-&+&&&.&&&&14,&~+A -i, * si",c $+3 /-:+-&.+-&& ~~~~~r-~~-*:~C9~~?--~~~~~~ - a-7- c- ,, s .-e ~..~*yQ+&&z*y* '* le2-L _- . . i Lt -.-- -- .c da~5j=h~&2;~LiL - >y&-$+&&&a ~. c: L v ,.+--&&.-~-=./..+L 2- 1- c I; ~ $ f!- *y4dTh*Zmm Ltfi@, t5 est. *r2?3-T~ ,- 1 .s+2&A-~m~~Srn~ ~&-&$&~-~~ LOf-' L~~~~r~~~~~~~~~-Cs~~~~~~~.~~~ cP;rsei%! 7 .) 3, Fire A fire station is presently located on Arena1 Road, ju..st east of El Camino Real. Current fire departme! policy proposes &,% additional. station En. the 5aSob --C* areaQ - -_ Li-*w W' c-m-wPe* ;. e4 x.. - m-l+Fa&- - k9-'bL f=cYw&& c i. eC3re-m. .. I' 6- V- 6 J I E.fYa3W- x--eJv+ *dR+€zr 2 .A w u I..? f ?LdLA--T*A& &ii.&Lemu+- . d&&- %5 r&C+Ki=c 3 F5e-bT.r ~ .c - I__ 7. -LLS- 7 --l-&d44‘v- e==€+p- _p-=3f+3.G*k2.3-7i;n 1 ,-~~-~~~~~~3T74r’;t~I-n~ G,,+ d. b &?s%&d+ n &@.&L&4A*-&:: -yl&LS.-z,Crr*- -- 7 k&&>b%- &~~l?3-~~~-~-~&~~ ~ 43++7** _,- e=+ - - L + .. -? u S~dkq*~e&-~w-r~ J-“ ~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~h~ *-&&@&-,+:~ -5 :2 . ,+ .I ,I ;.& w ,-. L .- +&L*-.‘y;&&+$l&&+*Lj+pzp sx& -~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~-~~~~~--~ -- . ., .;-- .. ~.‘‘‘:+%-2’\-~y+Tz. - 1 &-+3 &id*- “-7 9 ,-x&zA Ldb 2 >w&g&.-swn .,‘;r 2- -&&,.- HQy3 “&,.,X-;L; i . . --+e-.zzp>e:+&7-,* A -u- - 1 ~*~~w+=”=*+-cw:3++=- ‘,&-$&&&..+g&.,.:< . ~~~~~.~~~:-.P~- Q&ii&&+p&-+~~s-‘s&.~& .* w Y- r.L _- ! A -- VAQ* L i - c. f .’ ’. &+&-el* s 1 :3ix9.z.-emr TLF--;Li&udd TU&&?- uu no - c 33 .7 3 : ‘- . 3’- ’ . -- .. ~ - .JzLx2&Sa . c. The San Marcos County Water District which serve .northeast La Costa, is in the process of reaetiv and ex.panding the existing satellite wastewater treabriznt plant near the east end of San Xarcos r Canyox, The City of flarlsbad has approTY’ed a sit k:.. deve1oprrien-k plan r’or his facility which- i39g~g; with a ca-pae.-ity of +&-L3$3 @L@.’=&L5.&r 5 P>-&&&s+.eLp--- - 7 &@&::&~~L&J ‘ for completion .‘~n 19 $&Q&+Q~:+g~&i,”r- ~,:~~~~~~~~~~~~n~-~’~ -&- o a;:;h Gn uj”;nA,ca‘;:-a ~p&+=$ 0-T 5~030,000 G3P. d, That portion of the La Costa Nurthwest area tha- is within the .service jurisdickian of the City of Carlsbad has been d.esignated by the earkskad City Council as being- within the ~alomar Airpox. Drainage Bisir* u mWw~~e-4-s-e A_ +?i+?i--+*j- - - LA&?< 32- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~--~~~~~ &?&.aU~~-,z~ 4- @-&&p&p+p&&.+ .% ~&+~-~aQ~RL&&&&..- .e - T>&&.??ZZ $l&.&l=j.c~?y&+.&+- *-=A ,. &y& h IJ iJ,,r&iw-.= - J- ,-\ 7- - -.&€?&- <-a --:&.y.-.&& 43-s; - .. -c? 7 - --h&,r. -%P-. *+@ .c : ex3U&a~Ab&Cr_0 :&-est 2 (. ( -._. F Ch v-9 .. '.W W 1 4, Any further modification to this phasing schedule th has not already been addressed shall only be made by amendment to this l"iaster Plan, Any such mendrnent c inclu.de a- corresponding modification as nay be apprc to th.e phasing of public facili-Lies necessary to SUF c-. .. . . such neighborhood developments .. 5. Alth~.~;gla no ~ctcal Iimitaticn on the amour,t of annui gr~~th is contained within this Master ~lan, the Cit may impose qmwth controls in the future to project public interest as the city Council may determine 01 may be requi~ecT. by regiomb, state or federal ag-enci "Q, nt t-hc 1%5~.st~~ p1z.r. star,:c of the plami;-q P~OC~SS, it is dizfic-.: prc,i.ct tl-,e precis? scyi;ence 01 phasi.~:g or ti?? traffic VO~CLZS OT t:: disti-i1-,,Jt5 o3 th&L- T,,:ill OCCU~: ai- iL3y gj.~,7eii c,t&-re of dovelO;;?Tc3n*i m ?'?.E - stlreet ~.,~~.~~~~~~i.~.!~~i~~ l;~~,~i.ee;!~2n';.s y;i11 b- re\i.ie;& wit% each EZI~~E.~~~~C . md, I3ay c:hz2gc fi-orn elis mas'cer pizn if r'equireci by the city ET~I?,~ r c. L. .. c, ( -.. F' ciia v-12 1 I1 v) II 4 I1 *. v) FG 0 n a E il t, p 11 u E ffi z 0 k II Ld U 411 b.4 I! tll r: b4 11 0 b-7 u II VI co 4 II 4 14 II I;I w cn II z II 3 [.! li H u 14 ll p; a 0 il p; 2 ;!! 2 A' 11 0 I2 3 ( E4 Bffi 40 ' &Q v) h wr-1 H Bo; mp: 40 w u 8 m GI ll 2 3 u1 E-1 II II w a II H N 11 I I I I1 tllE-cII ! I I II CQHWil I I i I1 II 111 If Ill It 111 3 rm II PC II It I1 11 El dmII it Ill II IIi I1 III d Ofr'll I I I 11 3 OEIl I I 1 11 n =:HI; 1 I I II w u cn I1 x m II u (ld 0 xcnmi II ;i W Ill III 04 f 8 tzcdll 1 I I I1 5 4E-iII 1 I I 11 4 r/) II 11 $$I I 111 V). &HI1 I I 1 x II PC II m I1 E E II id . V) z II m u m w II % wn~w 04-3 b t;, I1 cz 0 I! 4r-zhiZ[/lW H 0 CG II 30ZDP4CG E4*0 x Pt li Frc 033 CJU~CI~ .- I La cn c 4 >;a E P:kZ 5 ab-3 nh~ Er(Glo; * IQ - OW NUW d L9 3h4 E-idNO- OWKJ UudC3r-1 0 5 WI4zZLnH z ohm tllui-1 z ohm 24 ZZHZ $ $1; z I! 0 OF9 0 W4ZLnH H II Iam.4 ou Zf4 Glkloz= = z< II 4mGl *E t/) fx 0 a H II: Eb 02 urn z aw ZW 44 w in 4w Ha Ern 3: II I1 IS tI !I .I I I1 iI I! m II ZI z> 01 P; ki( I 01 H( 1 I 2 $( II HNHZ Ga OZdOrn 4 I1 EUZ a4 uw4 4 z II u II 44dZZW a3z4k 411 10 uo 0 dk4k41OL4402 0 II F4 11 rXUZU5O WhdZ Id+lr;E+ 1 XE+AW40O I ffirnUf-IM II 11 - 11 10 0 NO 311 1- w rnN i* a li I1 I r-i 44 II I! c7 II z II H rc 11 ZWII Vrn.N' Nm r! I-l I+ri 4 11 zz z zz 22;; 35 3 53 PC II I1 II 11 dm w II w II cn Ii ed II H x II PC I/ . I1 II .. .. nm / i -< # I n- (- I +in L ozt-?om B! CXF-1WO umi.4 F.6 UC 4EK;W nzfi4a ,2d i I um3u 4E-rKE ZI I Won ow4ox O( I X5VW cU;auw-i UC W( r-r P;m WHdE IO ma30 -3- 0 lu3 dWN -03 I4 FidN WP we 03903 04 53 53 zz 44 EEE Z% ... .. .. 46Q UClM 4c4 H ti w H H r- (' 'I 17; w II tn II All vf *. ' 1 "fii 211 8 R El li H I1 p: n II P; z II 0 4 II u II W I! Q u II PI II w Ii tn 11 4 w II II ' 11 ' u m II n w II 4 E+ II I . f4HII I n v1 II I P4 . I1 ' c 4 II 2 0";; E4 zi' 5 . II II ' II - '. Am11 u OIrlII 4 w ODlI d z r, i\ o 3 UXIIJ d CI 0) it w I1 x II u II m XWII p: r;l II (3 FtE-:II I x &HI1 1 W UJ I1 . I If I (-- ,.:. I LO ll .- 3 . ci)II 0 Zi pr Ell E4 % II 0 Ei w II w GI A v3 Ell 4&?fzGIo W L;rl II :z 0 0 t+ j3 3 I1 UhLGHr-1 011 0 0P;X 611 k454li?464 E tx !&I1 4oC;luu 0 ,xi1 H t-7 z 'HI1 cluuzla I! KUrJOW 311 <a ,Lz 411 UWNb40 z 11 m,E-J a11 G-,E-+!D~;~ 4 4Ii OUl34'Slff 0 II Eli A~ZWGS-!z II La c, 0 5 w I z '0 a G. pi kd P; H 0 !x QX .p: HE 0 KP;. U' tZ0 ox a W z 0 4 af3 4z 4. HE 8 Lo z. 2z Ev2 '.E-c' I I I f I I 0 1 f=t 0 I +' I I I I 'I i I '0 0 .;1 E w 4 46rnmZ ;la0 ' HOEiKO KZEN lxi3~DG P;w F; GO Oh P; El4 4wwu 4E-lmC.2 ~ Ub2Z 6 wmrzz dEh0 w33 LO df-: Frrzoo ou@oil xaf'apc, d cxy 0 G! z 1.2 Zk.tizaG4 KGl& z4 00 z Frl 0 !4 '3: E a CJd Ff uaz iX:31dR d > UI 04CZDZ 04k4b.i .2;3a.wE4a Z30fr78 0 L)c3 ' z 0 c3 Fr! II II , *mil x- 11 -3 %!I s I1 II a' II z 11 u 4 11 ZWII l-i z P; I! s PC II II !I SY z 2 It r:' R II >. .d It n PC II ' II II c 2 11 -. I I\ .. b ul 00 4 co ri m m Ir) 5: 5 z z : 4 m . 3 ( --,j . *,ec ' W w dl . 2 e Directional- Signs a. There shall be established a series of signs within the La Costa community which provide specific direction to individual neighborhoods, parks and other recreation areas f coimercial service centers, public schools and other points of community activity and interest. Such signs shall be consiGercd for location at the intersections of the following arterial streets: 1) 2) 3)' La Costa Avenue and Rancho Sas~ta Fe Road. 4) Proposed La Costa Avenue and prop~sed Hision Estaxnela a Rancho Santa Fe Read. and prcposed Vision Estancia- o (Both Locations) q~ Alga Road and Al.icante Road, El Fuerte Street and Alga Road. 5) la, An additional 6irectionzl sigx may be consider1 . along Carrillo Way iz the Northwest area at a tion as yet undetejrrnined. - As development I inc the proposed golf co~~rse, proceeds in this are, need for and location of such. sign shall he es I 4 lished - c, The precise corner 3.ucat.ion of the above inter tions shall 'be base2 upm provision of rnaxirn~~~ public service commensurate with traffic volm d, The timing of installztion of the zbove signs be coordinated t.7ith the completion o_?I' thcse L-~T or sites for which. direction is to be provided further qudj-fied by the extent of the public serveu .. e* QOG9 C&C~~C&-.Egf4~ e, The -&-~~-LUa~ad~~~& shall work in cooper . with tile CLty Engineer tc insure maximnT. coord tion SO that the provision of public and. privz directional signs is miniimized, &' VI-2 A \- v 2. Identification Signs .e, . I, ) a. There shall be provided within the La Costa cormunity site identification signs for public parks, schcol-s , fire stations, bookmobile stop: lar public: facilities. The LEL-E-&-L:+&~~~~~ shall work rin cooper; tion with public agencies responsible for the provision of these identification signs to ass1 the ,specific site location, size and design is compatible with the objectives-of this sign pli c, Identification si.;ns for commercial service cei ters, churches and similar private facilLties shall conform to fhis sign plan and as may be further requised pursuant to applicable Cove- nan2.s t Conditions and- Restrictions p c public transit stops, utility buildings and sir DcLc3- C0-c {-Q”c-Tl~ !- ea, h. d, A11 signs in ecmerciaS.. neighbcrhoods shall be governed- by Chapter 2L-41 of the Carlsbad ?Siuni Code and by %he appzclve~ Development Pla.n, D C, DesLg Stand.ads c-- _I__ 1. The design of all signs shall en?pha.size the rase of wood, indigenous rock zLnd similar materials I color , and lettering and. be lirniPed. in overail size to bz compatible with the examples sho-m on page Ti1-.4, p=“ << 2, Wherever possible identification signs shall be in keg-rally designed within the neighborhood I buildin or other facilities it is to serve. Incorporation of signs within walls erected for noise zttenuatio and privacy, as park of building exteriors and ent to pzrks and cther reereatian ar5z.s is encouraged. All signs I particularly free standing or monument in the public right-of-way shall be a+- such ioca- tiom and of! such size as may be recpired by khe City Engineer to insurz maximuan traffic safety- Temporary directional siqns for sales programs sha be governed by Chapkcr 21-41 of the Carlsbad Munic pal, Code, 3, 4. 5, All individual arid combhed directional and identi cation signs shall receive a sign permit approved by the Planning Dj-rector, L. F k VI-3