HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-15; City Council; 7048; ZONE CHANGE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND MOBILEHOME PARK PERMIT - ZC 247 CT 81-37 MHP 81-01 ANDERSONAB#* TITLE. MTG. 6/15/82 AND MOBILEHOME PARK PERMIT - DEPT. pL ' ZONE CHANGE, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ZC-247/CT 81-37/MHP 81-1 - ANDERSON DEI CIT C~T c: w >. 0 2 2 .. z s r3 a 1 0 z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend tE this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPROVING ZC-247/CT 81-37/ MHP 81-1, per Planning Commission Resolution Nos, 1957 and ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a request for approval of: 1) a zone change from R-A-10,000 to RMAP (Mobilehome Pa Zone); and 2) a 20 unit Tentative Tract Nap and Mobilehome Park Pe on 5 acres of property located an tine west side of El Caminc Real, approximately 600 feet east of the Country Store. Th Planning Commission considered three issues when reviewing project, 1) compatibility with surrounding residences, 2) grading impacts, and 3) traffic impacts on El Carnino Real. These issues are discussed .in detail in the staff report an Environmental Impact Report which is being heard concurrent tonight's agenda. At the public hearing, a number of adjacent and nearby resi voiced opposition to this project. Concerns were raised regarding grading impacts, traffic impacts and the cornpatib of a mobilehome park with adjacent property zoned R-A-10,00 The Planning Commission found that these issues were satisfactorily resolved by the design of the project and th mitigation measures indicated in the E.I.R. and is, therefo recommending approval of this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is being considered concurrently with an Environm Impact Report (EIR 81-10). If the City Council certifies t E.I.R., then this project has satisfied all requirements of Environmental Protection Ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant will provide all required public improvements the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a publi facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other F services. EXHIBITS: A. P. C. Resolution Nos. 1957, and 1958 B. Staff Report, dated May 26, 1982, w/attachments .I 1 c) i!d 3 4 5 F T,Z!.i.ip.'; J. NS C 0, JSSXO?? l?<S@LUTICI< NO. 15 57 ___-_ --.+ ...~ _I__I__ ~ --___-- * A RESOLL!Y'iOPJ OJ? THC PLR?;I4I141G CO!~i.!~IISS':3?J C2 T?C, CI OB CAE',562.PD I CTAI,I FOJXCXR, RECOb'!;JX>TEIXG APE; _O'.'-?-L OF A zO]i!S C;j.'_!\s\;C Fl2,ClPi ?,-,%-IO ,000 TO li>IilT? ,( I",C3ILE H()i.~i;-3 ;PziRi{ zOl$z] fJ!q ~Qf)p~'-~r''T' ..< li\~.~ GENERALLY LOC.:.TF3 ON WE'S'S SIDE 01' T:Ii CAMIN0 REAL, 600' EAST 05' TE3 COC SyQR?: * APPLICANT : K.jil?::.RSOE? CAS!; N@: ZC-247 ___ '_-_~__.....~-~--.-----.."&--~--- ,17 6l 61 91 10 WKK:~~E:P-S, A verified apglication for certa'-n 2ropc pit: 1 That portion of: Parcel 2 ai2.d 3 of Flap 345' I Zo~xnl Diego, fi.led ,Jmuciry 3 'I I '1 9'15 [has been filed with the city of Carlsbad, arid referrei to i I* 13 X? . i.2a.yp '1'32.2, hold a duly noticed public hezring as p-r?seribj ~ ! Ito consider said request; and 1 le 29 rk?.ati-ng to the Zone Change; ad i- NOVJ, THEREFORE,' i3E IT F'iERERU j;cfT:S!?7.;T?ED by t;_le !?la I I j 22 23 34 .25 d 26 27 18) That' based on the evidehce presented at the public he Cornmission recommends APPROVAL of ZC-247, base6 0:: th findings and subject to the following conditions: --- Findings t 1) The KMHP zone is con'sistent with the general pl an iar designation of KLM (o--LI duvss/acr.c) since this rjesl3r.z allows residential. USES and a mqbile horr~e Cark coL:ld W k5i.n tile density range speciEied by this desi.gnst.ic The uses allowed in the mobile home park zoze 2:Pe con -_I-.-- 1 1 28 I I wit41 ~~~r?'our:Cj i.113 ].and USES and. 2:oning because: ai 1 2 3 4 5 I 0 e a) The subject sj:tc .is topocjrap11icalIy -iso1.aked fro. s i ng 1 e f ar: i 1 y re s i d en t i a 1 d wei opir ~n t an6 SF 9 c i f features can be incorporated into the deslgr: of home park development to buffer it frcrn s.:rrsund ties, b) The density of A mobile home project 3n t'::is sit exceed 4 du's/c;cre and this densitby is cc-.p:ibl density of adjacent existing and L'uture rzsicent j ects e ,- 6 .7 I 7 10 1 a. 12 13 -3-c I 3) The site is suitable in size and shape to acco:-.-mc:ate allowed in the RF:fiI? zone .because: a) The 5 acre site is of- sufficient size and cc.r.fig accominodate a mobile home pax]; at the densit:; sp the general plan. b) The existirig st,rect SySteiTi serving this pr.:>-jezt Real) is adequate to handle trazfic gnnerztEC 5y home park built at the deilsity a.ilowed by tke ge plan . 4) An Environrwntal Irnpact Report (.EIR 81-,?3) hBs 5t.52 c and, therefore, this- project meets all reqzire:.en:s o Car1sba.d Environmental Protection Ordinznce. 1 5) The applicant has agreed and is required by the izclu appropriate conditiori to pa17 3. pub]-ic facilities fee, rnailce of that contract and payixefit of the fee :.-ill en ! 3-6 i7 with need as required by the Gkneral Plan. '-E 19 20 21 22 23 1 Cond i. t icns ; ,---.- 1 I) I Approval is granted for ZC-24'1, as shown on Exiibit Nay 11, 1982, incoyfporated by reference aA on file P 1. a.nn i ng De par ti-iien t E shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. applicant shall. pay a public facilities fee as requi Couhcil Policy No. 17', dated August 29, 1979, or. fi City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference r and to the agreement executed by the applicant for pzyne fee a copy of that agreement dated August 26, 1961, T)ev c 13 pi en t sh a 1 I o L" c ur s 25. st a I I 2) This project is approved upon t.he expre-ss conei-tion I 24 1 .25 I 26 with the City Clerk and incorporakcd her-el;! by refer said fee is not paid as proniszd, this applicatic? w consistent with the General Plan and apprcval :'or th sha.ll be void. //// 27 28 //// 1 //// -2- PC RESO NO. ;957 I 8 I, /j ' 3 4 5 6 R7 8l 9 10 11- 12 FASSDD, APP2OVED AND ADCPTED at a. regcr:.az r.satin; Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, Califor:.ia, k 26th day of Phy, 1982, b17 the foilowi.ng vote, to iL-it: AYES: Fa~row, P,ornbo.t<.s f Schlehuber, FrisstCIt, : NOES: None ABSEW: Marcus F Jose ABSTAIN : Eone ----11-111 VERNON 2. F.N?F.SKr IF.. f Cj.12 CARLSRAD PEANX IriG CCY~IIS s I ATTEST f I 13 1.4 15 16 3-7 18 19 20 I-__ ..--- 1_1"-____-" - IJTil;lES C. HAGAI.IAI<, Secretary CARLSEliJl PLPJWINC; CCI.3MISS ION I 1 1 2.4 . 25, 26 27 28 i j I ;t'C WESO NO, 1957 -3- ll I PLANNIEG COXMXSSIOX RXSOLUTION NO, 1958 ---------__I_ ---. I_ ---I.- ____ -__I____ I 21 3 4 5 G OF CARl,SSAD I C>~I~IFOf?NT?!. p RECOMMZNDING APPR.C)VAL I OF Ti 28 GNI'i' 'I'S3T'A'I'IVE mACT KAP AI~TI, I.?C)P,IJAI.Z HOL.!E PAl?J< lJER?4:IT (314 PRCPERTY CEP~ERALLY LOCR'I.'ED ON THE P7fi:S'T $ICE OF El; CAHI140 REAI;, GOO' ER.S'T OF 'TTlE COT. Sk'0KE * APPLICilNT : ANDEIRSOld - __I-- C,&;Jii !?<2 : c5.7 a 1 -.37/MI'fl:' I! 1 ~- 1 w~-IE:R;~S;%S, a verified application for certain prop -I--- -.I--- ---- ---- -_1-.1_ --.------_ 8/ -I1 9 1' I' 1.3 Diego, filed Jar;u~ry 31, 1975 - 'has been filed with the city of Carl.sbad, and referred to 1. IF; 3n.nii-19 ~ommi.ssi.G;n; and WKEREAS f said verified .?pp!.ication constitutes a I lprovideu by Tit1.e 21 of the Carlsbad- Municipal Code; z.nd i j WHEREFS, the Planr,infy CoJr:missi6rl did, on the 26tk 1.7 38 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 2: Icofisidering a11 testimony and arguments, .if any, of all pr I I /desikj.pg to be heard, said Conmissjon considered all fa.ctc /rel.ating to the Tentat:. ~ve Tract Map .and Nobile Home Park I 1 N9W; TEEREFORC, BE IT H.EREEY RESOLVED by the PZa1 Commission as follows: iA) 'B) I ' That the above recitat.ions are true and correct. That based on the evidefice present-ed at the public he; Cornni.ssion recornmends AJPKTJAL of CT 8 1--37/Ii'iIIP 8 1.- 1 , I the fo3.lowj.ng findings and subject to the followlrig c( 25.!----- Find in<? s : The project is consistent witih the ci.ty's General. P1; the p-'ropscd density of 4 du's/acre is within the der o? 0-4 :dul s/acre specified for t.hc sit2 as indicated Lla.nd Use E1cinent of the General Plan. . 11) j I z 2. 3 &I 5i 6 b7 8i 9/ 30 li 12 13 2) 'The site is phy.sically suitable for the tl7pe and den 6eveloprser-t since the site is adequate in size and s1 accornrnfidate residential Zevelopnent at the density p 3) The project is consistent with all city pcblic: fa.ci.1 icies and ordinmces since: a) The Planning Comnission has, by inclusion of an eondhtion to this project, insured theit, the fins not. be approved uriless the City Counci.1 finds t_h service is aila able to serve the project. In a the P1.a.niiing Comrnissioil has added a conditiGn t shall be placed on the fi.nal miiy that building p not be issued .for the project u.nless the City ~n deterniiies that sewer service is available, 2nd carrnot occar within the prcject unless sc:we: ser remains available, the Planning Comrcission is sa that .khe requirements of the piihlic fscilities e the Genera!. Plan have been met insofar as they a. sever service for this project. 1. 1 ! b) The Carlsbad Un'ifieG School D.ist-,rict has indicat adeqLiate schoo% facilities wi1.i be availab1.e for proj-ect, .per letter d;:tcd Septeinber 18, i 98 1. c) Park-in-lieu fees are required as a. condition of d) A11 necessary public irnprovernents have been prov 1 I 141. . will be required as conditions of approval, 3.7 Performance of that co.ntract and payment of- the enable this body to fj.nd that public fa.ci1itie.s i . 22 81j4) 23 25 24 -26 2 7. 28 The proposed project is conipatible with the surround land uses since surrounding properties are designate * residelit ia.1 development on the General Plan. for this project I therefore, the I?l&nning Corcinission that this project meets all requirements of the Carl. Envi.ronnent.31 Protection Ord I'.na.nce. 5) An Enw.ironmentz.1 Impact Report .(EIR. 81-10) has been I ' ConditiDns: i l_-ll --..- I 1) Approval is -granted for CT 81-37/!4E~ 87-1 r zs shown ' Exhibit(s) A, B & C, dated August-. 31, 1981, incorpor reference and 03 file in t.hc Pl.3aning Departrrtent : shall. ~cc:ur suLstantially ~3s sh I unlei;..; oklierwzse these conditions. ' PC RRSO NO, 1958 -2- I i '2) This praject. is' approvei! uioii the expreis' condition t 3 2l 41 6i 7 7 c 81 10 YI l2 to serve' the subd ivis ion. This project is approved u.pon the express condition t buiI.dincj permi-ts will not he issu.ed for: deveI.opre,nt' c sub] ect property unless the Cj.t:y 13gin2er determines facilities are avai-liible at thc tirr;e of application i $ewer permits and will coritinuic to be available until occupancy. This note sha.11 be placed on the fin.s.1 rnh 14) This project is approved upon the express conditicn t applicant shall pay a public facilities :fee as requir 1 Council policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on i'il City Clerk and incorporated herein by refererlce, and I to the agrement executed by the applicant for pp,ymen fee a copy o'f .that a.!greemmt- dated ~:ugusk 26, 138: , i with the City Clerk and. incorpoirated herein by refere said fee is not paid as promised, this application wi consistent with the General. Pisn +id s,pp-roval for thi shall be veid. 13) I. i I I i l3 "1 ;i4 16 the approval of the filial map as required by Chapter the Carlsbad I4unicip.al Code. Approval of this request sliall not. excuse coxpliance sections of the Zoni.ng Ordinanck and ail other applic ordinances in .effect at time of building pernibt issua 1 . ! Is! ! !Pi-anning Department I------- 19 2o 21 22 .' 231 24 '26 25 27' ! 18) The appIicai2t -shall establish E. honieowncr's associati. corresponding covenants., conditions and restrictions. CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Plan ~ Department- prior to final map approval. The applicsnt shall prepare a detailed landscape and plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the I Director prior to the i-ssuance of bui.ldi115 permits. I plans shall iiiclude a dense tree screen along the sou property line to screen. this project. from adjacent re: All landscaped areas shall be m;!iritaitie<" in a healthy thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, an$ debri: i /9) /io) I I '///I .. '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1s. 12 13 B I' =5 16 17 l8 l9 2o 21 22 23 2 .a; 25 26 2 r! 28 0 .a conforxa.nce with .the city's Sigs Ordi.narice and shall review and approvs: of the Planning Department prior .Any si.yns proposed for this develcpment shall be desj sta~.~.a.tibn of such signs o l'..'~ 11) 12.) 'Il'rash rece~tacle areas shall- be enclosed by a 6 foot masonry ;,-all vith qatza p!.i.rsuant. to city standards o of said receptacles sh.all be i.,pproved by the rianniri< Director. I 3) AXI roof appu.rtena.nccs, including a-ir conditioners, E architecturally integrzlted and shielded from vie:.,' anc buffered from ad jzcent prop:t:i.cs arid sl:.rcet.s to the satisfaction of ths Planning Department aild Ruil.ding 14) The applicant shall submit 2. street name list consist the city's street name! policy subject to the Planning Director'es approval prior to final map approval, 15) Approval of Tent,ative Tract RG- CT 87-37 is grant-ed s approval of Zone Change 247. Approvii .OZ this tentative tract map s?ia.ll expire t.we months fro:n {-..he clat.e of Cigy Council aproval unless map is recorded. An cktension may he rcquestedi by th plicant a Said extension shali he approved or denied ' discretion of the City Council., In approving an ext~ City Council niay ijripose new coEditions aid may revise cond it iofis . The design materials and relaked landscaping of tl-,e 6 I I 161 i I 1.7) . wall along El Carnino Real shall be subject: to the apr the.Planning Directdr prior to the issu.ar,ze of a buil permit. The design suggesti.ons stated in the 2nvi.ror Impact Report (p.24) shall be incorporated into the 6 I 1 Engi.neering Department 1 18) i __I-___- The developer'shall obtain a grading permit pTio;: to commencement of any clearing or g.rading of the site. 19) I The. gradj.ng of this site shall -he modified. pursumt t init igat i.on measure g3 of the Aesthetics sect ion (p. 24 Environmental Inpact Report. A revised gradirlg plan submit-ked {IO and zpproved by the Ci$y Engineer and P1 Directcr prior to issuance of a grading permit. ____.- -._ 20) The grading for this project is defiried as "contro3.le by Section 11.06.'i'?O(a) of k.he Carls'uad Municipal Cod Grading shall- be pcrforned under the' ohszrvation of a engineer .iiho:-re responsibility it shall 11s to coordlna inspection and testing to insure coin$p% iance of the WC the approved grad i.ny pian, subinit required reports tc Engineer arid verify comp3.iau1ce v!ith Chapter 11.06 of ~arls!~,ad i4unicipc2.1. code. PC Itrim MO, I 9x1 -4- 2. 2, 3 4 5i G 7 8, t 20 9l Ib 1.2 x3 14' 15 3.6 171 l8 l9 20 0 .. .. /j ' ' i I 21) Eo grading sha.li occur outside the limits of the subc unless a .:i-eLter of perinission is ohtain6d from the G\ the af fccted properties o 1 22 1 Ad2ittor>Zl drainage easemenks id drainaqe structure5 provid5d or insta3.Ied a.s may be requi.r:& by the Counl Depa rtinent GE Sc:nitation and F:lood Control or the C.i.1 17 F: e r . i I 23) Direct Z:CC:?SS rights for 3-11 1.013s a2su.tting El Carnins be waivd. on the final. map except f.or Oil? 30-foot dri opening. Said driveway xcess shall be designed subj the approval- of the City Enginser. 24) A11 public streets sha1.1 he improved by the developcr tho typical sections S~GW~ ofi the tentative map and i conformance ~%7it!1 City of Caxlshad Standards prior to of any b~il-di:igs. 25) The developcr shall ir,stall street lights along all I: street frontcges in confornance yith City ~f Carlsbad S"iar:dards., Lights stlaill have -the "niission bell" type 26) The deve.1opc.r: shall bond fgr 1/2 the cost of the medi 011 El Caini;:io Real. The median shall be included in t ingroveaent plans fG.r El Canino R~nl. 'I'he rcledian SI); ' ' constructed upon notification by t!ie city Engineer to 1 27) The developer: shall comply witli all the rul.es, regula design requirernents of the respective sewer and water 1 regarding services to the project, I I 28) All.private streets and drainage systems shall be mai the homcoi*Trier's association in perpetuity, This resp shall he clearly- stated in the CCbR's. Wil concrete terrace drains shall. be ma5.ntained by th owner's association (if 011 commonly owned property) o individual prSperty owner ( if on an individua1,ly. Gwne . I I 29) I 22 ? 23 25 24 26 27 28 '/ perpetuity o An appropriate.ly worded statement clear1 identifying the responsibility shall be placed in the 30) Prior to or t'cncurrexit with tlic final. map, an adjlrstrn shall he filed irevisj-ng the lot 1i.ne between parcels of parcel map 3451 subject to the approval of the Cit i Engineer. 31) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 20.20.@50(1) of i CarLsbad. Xrinicipal Code, a parcel map may be'fil-cd in a fin.al. rilap. Whenever reference is fiadc in these con to a final. ]nap, the reference shall apply also to a p filed in lieu thereof. e. ! I //// ., I ~~/~6SCl NO. 1951 -5- I ,, J. sd 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 &G as, 12 3- 3 14 15 16 18 I-'1 0 6 a .. Ij ___-_ _.._. ._-I .L 1 _____._. - i I Fire Dewtrtmciit 32) ;sdditional pubiic 'and/or on-site fire hydrants are r 33) AI? reuuired fire hydrants, water mains and appurten be operationnl prior to comhusLible building miteria located on the project site. . 34) AE~ fire a]-arm syst'.e~~;s, fir? iiydrants, extinguishing autorimt ic sprinklers, a.nd otlher systems port inent to project shall be sui->mj.tted to the Fire 9eparlrtment. fo prior to construction. PASSED, f,PPRC)'I7..59 AND ADOPT1:D at a. regular meet in Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, California, 26th day of F"ley, ' 1982, b17 the foliowinc; vote, to wit: AYES: C f; a i TIT an F a r r OVJ ; C omn i s s i or) e r s S ch i e h ub Rombotis, PriesMt r and Rawli.ns NOES: r\?o n e ABSENT: com~issioners Marcus and ;ro'se . . ABSTAEN : tu'one _---_I--1I--.-111_ VERSON J. J?PARROW, JR.. f Ch CARLSDAD PLANNING COXMI SS 1 ATTEST : I I I 23 24 25 26 27 2c, 1 *. _a - 6 -.. 1 j PC XES0 NO. 1959 (I, 0 Application Submittal Dz December 18, 1981 2: STAFF REPORT DATE : May 26, 1982 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: ZC-247/CT 81-37/MiiP 81-1, ANDERSON - 1) A Zone Chang from R-A-10,OOO to RNHP (rvlobile Home Park Zone), 2) Tentative Tract Map: and 3) a 20 unit Mobile Home Pa Permit, lccated on the west side of El Camino Real approximately 600' east of the Country Store. 0 ~ E I . PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant requests approval of: 1) A zone change of 5 acres of land from k-A-10,000 to RMHP (Mobile Home Park Zone); 2) A tentative tract map; and 3) A 20 unit Mobile Home Park Permit, located on property a! described above. he topography of the site is relatively steep, sloping from i southeast to the northwest, The applicant proposes to grade 1 site into one large buildable pad upon which to place the 20 mobile home units. The existing land use on the site is agric "ture. Surrounding land uses are single family residential to south, the Country Store and nursery to- the west and agricultt to the north and east. As the Planning Commission may recall, the zone change request was heard on October 14, 1981. At that.time, staff recommend< denial of the zone change based on three concerns: 1) gradinc impacts, 2) traffic impacts on El Camino Real, and 3) suitabil of a mobile home park on this particular site. The staff repc written at that time is attached for your information. At the October 14, 1981 meeting, the Commission continued the item and directed that an Environmental Impact Report be prepE to address the concerns raised by staff. An Environmental Imp this project. . Report has been prepared and is being heard concurrently with m 0 11. ANALYSIS Planning Issues - ZC-2-17 i. 1, Is thz proposed mobile home park zone compatible wit1 surrounding land uses and zoning? 2. Is the site suitable in size and shape to accomnodatc 3, Will traffic generated by a mobile home park adverse1 mobile home park? impact El Canino Real? Discussion A major issue addressed at the previous Planning Commission he ing is the compatibility of this use with surrounding land USE and zoning. As mentioned, a single family residential develop ment is located adjacent to this site to the south. This prop erty is zoned R-l and a considerable mount of opposition has been expressed by people living in this development (please re to attached petitions). The Environmental Impact Report. has addressed this issue and h indicLted that the location of a mobile home park at this site could potentially create adverse environmental impacts to sur- rounding properties; however , these impacts could be mitigated the design of the mobile home park. Staff believes that the park, as designed, will reduce any significant adverse impacts neighboring properties. Aside from the physical impact of the park on neighboring properties, the Conmission should aLso con sider the non-physical impacts which nay result from approval this project. Many people believe that mobile home parks tend reduce property values and they fear that the location of a mobile home park adjacent to their neighborhood will degrade their property. Staff is not aware of any stuzies which have proven that mobile home parks reduce property values or degradc neighborhoods. 'With respect to this particular site, no . convincing evidenee has been presented to staff which indicate: that neighboring property values will suffer. Staff believes that dei;ial of the zone change based on the compatibility issut is not warranted in this case. The second issue with the zone change is whether the site is suitable in size and shape to accommodate a mobile home park. Staff's major concern expressed at the last hearing was the impact of the proposed grading on the site. As mentioned, the site will essentially be leveled to accommodate 20 mobile unit: Again, this issue was addressed by the ETR. This document indicates that the alteration of the site by grading could be considered substantial, however, given the small size of the si (5 acres), the grading would not create significant adverse environmental impacts. Further, as conditioned, the project meets all city engineering and grading standards. -2- a e The last issue to be addressed is the traffic impact on El Ca Real which would be created by a 20 unit mobile home park. 7 issue was carefully considered by the EIR, the Engineering Department and the city's Traffic Consultant. Certain measur relating to driveway location and future street connection to Country Stove to the west have been suggested to minimize tra impacts. These suggestions have either been incorporated int the plan or made conditions of approval. Based upon the inco poration of these mitigating measures, staff now believes tha traffic imps-cts created by this development. will not be significant. Based upon the information presented in the EIR and further analysis, staff n3w believes that the required findings for approval of a zone change can be made and that sufficient evi- dence to justify denial of a zone change is not present. Alsc staff believes that developments such as this are necessary tc help meet the housing heeds of this community. Such a develog msnt will provide affordable housing to residents who otherwi: could not afford to live in Carlsbad. Staff is, therefore, re ommending approval of ZC-247. Planning Issues - CT 81-37/MHP 81-1 1. Does the proposed development meet all desiqn criteri and development standards of the mobile home par]( zon The 20 unit mobile home park is proposed on a 5 acre site and designed as shown on Exhibit "B". One access driveway is gro- posed on El Carnir,o Real on the east end of the property. This location was chosen to maximize site visibility and to reduce turning conflicts with the Country Store driveway located to tl west. The units would be placed on 55' by 90.5' lots as shown on Exhibit "€3". All standards relating to setbacks, lot sizes anc dimensions are met by this development. Also, the applicant is proposing a large central recreation area consisting a club house, swimming pool, putting green, shuffle board court and horse shoe area. Approximately 1260 sq.ft. of common recreatic area per unit is proposed which is far in excess of the mobile home park zoning standard of 200 sq.ft. per unit. Also, staff believes that all design criteria as out~ined in th zoniiig ordinance are met by this project. Staff is, therefore, recommending approval- of CT 81-37/KNP 84-1. -- 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is being considered concurrently with an Environmenta Impact Report (EIR 81-10). If this EIR is certified, then this project has satisfied all environmental requirements pursuant tl the city's Environmental Protection Ordinance. -3- 0 0 IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resoluti nos.. 1957 and 1958, recommending APPROVAL of ZC-247 and CT 81 /MHP 81-1 to the City Council based on the findings and subje kc3 the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS 1) PC Resolution nos. 1957 and 1958 2) Location Map 3) Backgroucd Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Statement 5) Staff Report (ZC-247), dated, October 14, 1981 6) Petition from adjs.cent homeowners 7) better from Arthur Anderson, dated September 23, 1981 8) 9) 10) ,Somments in Favor of ZC-247 Letter from Committee of Concerned Homeowners, dated Petitior. from Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park April 2, 1982 BH : ar 5/20/82 - -4- .e /ii L AT1 & e. e J .. . 1 CASE ppf-Jm Ng=JE w 0. ':, . a 111--- T3APXCROUND D?LPi\ S! ELY' .. CASE JX3: zc-247 APPLIC~~T: Anderson RlQIUI$TZQ?I~I.LCATTIOY; --- - - Tentative tract and Moble Home Park also a change from ~~(10) to RMHP _- -- am LEXRTPTTOX: That portion Of Parc61 2 & 3 of Map 3451 fil.ec 20 7- 1-17,18 ----- January 31, 1975. -___ - ~--- 1 Assessas Pxcel b!w:ba- : 2 0 8 - 040 .- -- -- -- -- -7 5 No. of Lots 1 Acres General Plan Land Use DesipaS.on RLM Ms5.:17 Prcmscd L- Density All.a,ed O - 4 du ' s/AC - Bisting %one R-A-10,000 . Propsn,d Zone WHP Su-romding Zonirq anti Ivxd Usz: Land USE? . ~- ZoninT Vacant PI_ IQorth A-.10 (0) (Count,y) Soutli R-A 10,000 Single Family Homes -- East R-A 10 r'O.00 Agriculture West C-2 & R-A-10,000 Commercial (Country Stor RELIC E%CILITIES - - Schml District Carlsbad Water ' Dis 'aic-t Carlsbad . ' Sewer Dibtrj-ct Carlsbad ' mu's _I _. --- Public Facilities Fee AqmieiIt, dated August 26, 1981 (otlicir : - r-xmrt~L~z~wm IIGPACT sswmmT 4 -----.I- - - -, . x Ncgat.ivc Declaration, issued Sept. 25 t 19 81 Log No. E. I. R. Ccxtificd , ,chtcd - .. I _. .__ I --__I Other, I -- -- ----- __ ". -.. ' ,Chat further inf Qrrrtatic- 0 reqiiired, you will he sa a APPLICANT : /< 4 ?!?/E ,A 4 h/ /r) ,+4q < 7) A .+I--- 3-r- :3!d 2,/.is fiC(I_/ K- Business Address LC L//_;JL -.9 '2ld / /+~~~-jc ,A*. A-N,D,y& ---n Sdcv --*7-_ \ q2 p.->~>s- arm (individual, partnership, joint vcriturc, corpration, s. c-- -c- -4 LJli f72-I)) - Telepbaclne N~.aEacs --.m AGENT t Name 3 :3 ./J- r I ?\> ylc" 2; /-I 1x9 ,f> ( L-3 -L p -E&- ---.,..---*--- (24UGL2,> ---_- __ (- _- Business Address - .,.- - Telephone Nuber _------- .---------OI1.--. -)_- .____ MEf.113E= : v5-,2 .LLAi7;7 r**~fa Narrie *(individual, partner, joint venttue, corporation, syndi cs.i=i.r=r~) X:orne hcidrc+ss ----- ---------_ --- Business Address ---- -- --- .---Y--.-"--- Telephone PTi&i?r 3'clephon c? xu:n?,er b ---- ------ -- - -- - -__ l-_ 'isste floriic 3.5:; I: c 5;:, -------------~2 -_--- I_. - u_I_ 3siness Address ------ - ------ --c-_-____ - -_ --.. TS lepha E 2 1 i ~xb e r 3!eJ ~+p>ion,e >;ur.tI>cr- ---------------- 1--1 ----I- - v _I-.. .-_I-- - --<--------_ _..~----_.II- -- __I I- ---- .-., - ---- -----I_- -_ (Attach filoxe sheets if necessary) X/W~ ii~~clrlre under penalty of perjury that the infomat.ion cor-,tainpd ill t1, clor;urt. is trce 2nd correct ad that it will i-emajn it-kle and co2-xcct ancj ,? relied upon as k-cbing true and correct until 2:i,Cl,dt.cj. c_ -&P 2&.5Lt&k ---- &ZL!!+ -- ----_I___ Appl ic'zn: ----I- i n Y --- -_ ----- h~,~.nt r+ .r.h- *-.--x e 0) @ STAFF REPORT DATE: October 14, 1981 TO : I? 1 ann i ng Comm i s s ion FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: ZC-247 - ANDERSON - Change of Zone from R-A-10,000 to T~~~ehol~Park Zone) on property located on th west side of El Camino Real, south of Tamarack Avenue approximately 800' east of the Country Store. 9 I. BACKGROUND The applicant requests a Zone Change from RMHP (Mobilehome Par1 Zone) for 5 acres of land located as described above. The applicant's intent, is to acquire the proper zoning to be able 1 subd5;Lde the property and construct a 20 unit mobilehome park This bpplication constitutes the first request for the RMHP ZOI to develop a new mobilehome park since this.zone was adopted last year. The topography of the subject site is a relatively steep parcel sloping from the southeast to the northwest; The applicant wishes to grade the site to create one large buildable pad on which to place the twenty mobilehome units. The existing land use on the site is agriculture. Surrounding land uses are single family residential to the south, the Country Store to tk west, and agricultural land to the north and east. 11. ANALYSIS -' Planning Issues . 1. Is the site suitable in size; shape and topography to accommodate a mobilehome park? 2. will the traffic generated by the mobilehome park create adverse traffic impacks on EI Camino Real? Are other land uses more suited to the subject site? - - 3. Discussion As mentioned, the site steeply slopes from the southeast to the northwest. The applicant. proposes to grade the site into one gently sloping pad upon whicn to place the 20 mobilehome units. To accomplish this task, the applicant would have to physically alter the hillside on the propertyhy shaving off a major portil of this hill and using this material to fill the 1.ower portions of the site (cross sections showing the proposed qrading of the site will be available at the Planning Commission meeting). 0. 0 :ti Although it is possible 'to engineer this amount of grading, st( 5s greatly concerned about the massive alteration of the site order to accommodate the construction of a mobilehome park, T' .hillside represents a natural topographic feature which presen. serves to provide visual privacy to the single family resident: to the south and to buffer these homes from traffic noise generated from El Camino Red. To physically grade such a pad, a large cut slope would be created abutting the single family residences to the south. These slopes would be subject erosion problems and would be aesthetically displeasing. Becak of the topographic constraints of the site, staff believes a mobilehome park is not a suitable use for this property. A second concern of staff is. the potential traffic impact a mobilehome park would have on El Camino Real. The only feasibl entry to the site is located on the inside of a horizontal curve. The Engineering Departmen% has indicated this is a poor location and suggests that uses aliowed on the lower portion of the site should share access with the Country Store (see attached memorandum, dated September 15, 1981) . Staff believes that other uses are better suited for this site. Specifically, the elevated portion of the site blends very well with single family lani uses to the south and the lower portion might be a logical extension of the adjacent corrmercial propert to the west. The development of low density single fanlily on the eleva.ted portion and separate development on the lower portion would minimi,ze grading of the site and retain the natural hillside buffer.for the residential properties to the south. Any development of the lower portion could share access with the Country Store to minimize traffic impacts on El Camino Real. Staff believes that these uses are far better suited for this site than a mobilehome park. Gverall, staff is concerned with the total physical al-Ceration of the site due to grading, the potential traffic impacts on El Camino Real, and the suitability-of a mobilehome park on this site. Staff is, therefore, recommending denial of this application. 111. CORRESPONDENCE Staff has received correspondence indicating opposition to the Zone Change in the form of a petition signed by 76 property owners living in the vicinity. The objections raised include- grading, substandard lot sizes, incompatibility of a mobilehome park with surrounding residences, and whether a mobil.ehome park is the best use of this property. A copy of this petition is attached for your review. .. -2- L a e: IV . ENVIRONMENTAL REV1 EL? The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and therefore has issued a Negative Declaration, dated September 25, 1981. should be noted that this environmental review is for the Zone Change only. development of this property. V. RCCOMMENDATI ON It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolution No. 1876, DENYING ZC-247 based on the findings contained therein. It Further environmental review is required prior tc - AT TACHM ENT S 1) PC Resolution No. 1876 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) 5) 6) Disclosure Form 7) Petition in Opposition 8) Environmental Documents l3H:ar 9/30/81 Memorandum from Engineering Department; dated September 15, Letter from Arthur Anderson, dated September 23, 1981 1981. - -3- t e m Carlsbad Joum Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Sun Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P 0. BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitle( I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general ( published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general char which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription lisi subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding notice hereinafter referred to; and that HEARING acresofpropertygenerallylocated of which the annexed is a printed copy, published in each regular and entire iss newspaper and not in any supplement the following dates, to-Wit: next preceding the date of publicati NOTICE OF PUBLIC EIR 81-10/zc447'CT 814'71MHP and a 20 unit tentative tract map and mob]l,$ home park permlt on 5 south OfTamarack. approximately on the west side ofEl Camino Real, 800 feet southeast of the Country ~~~~~~ more part'cu1ar1y de- T~~~po~,~nofParcels2an~30f Parcel M~~ N~ 3451 in the County of sari Diego, as shown on parcel Map N~ 7502,3497 on page 3451, filed J~~~~~ 31, 1975 81-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council ofthe City of Carls- bad will hold a public heanng at the CltY Council Chambers. 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlaad, California, at 8.00 PM. on Tuesday. June 15. 1982, to consider an application for RMHP (mobile home park zone) Zune 5 a zone change from R-A-10,000 to Applicant ANDERSON ............................... CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL EQGA.3' 5 C3 €@ MAP ............................... I$ ............................... ............................... ............................... 1 R- 1 I certify under penalty of perjury that the fore$ and correct. Executed at arlsb d County of State of California on C A S E 63 0- ~ ZCJ-4.-. &:e 5th A~'P!-~CANTANDERSOi\l day of Juri 1982 CJ 5760 June 5,1982 -\- / lM-lOi81 / Clerk o * 0 NOTICE ._ - OF PUBLIC HEARING EIR 81-10/ZC-247/@r 81-37/MHP 81-1 NOTICE: IS =my GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 1 on Tuesday, June 15, 1982, to consider an application for a zone change frm R-1 to RN€P (mbile hme park zone) and a 20 unit tentative tract map and mbile hm permit on 5 acres of property generally located on the west side of El Cardno Re of Tamarack, approximately 800 feet southeast of the Country Store and mre part described as: That portion of Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map No. 3451 in the County of San Diego, as shown on Parcel Map No. 75-02, 3497 on page 3451, filed January 31, 1975. APPLIrn: ANDERSON PUBLISH: June 5, 1982 CslRLsBAD CITY COUNCIL LOCAYBON M 14 p - .. .. -- p--? Cb-EE Nglg,_Z@ 247 - A I? p It 1 c L4 !XI T.mp€xsoN I ! I -- .. 1 ,CE O@ PUBLIC HEARING - hYrrICE IS HEPK?'I GIVEN that the Planninq Ccxnmission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pt~ihlic hearing at t' e City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Cal.itornia, at 7:OO p m. on Wednesday, May 26, 1982, to consider approval of i? zone change from -A-10,000 to RMHP (mbile home park zone) and a 20 unit tentative tract m p and rrobile home park permit on 5 acres of property gpnerally located o the west side of El Carnino Real, south of Tamarack, approximately 800 fee southeast of the Country Store and mre particularly described as: 1 I That r;Ortion of Parcels 12 and 3 of Parcel X- NO. 3451 in the County of San Diego, as phon on Parcel Map Bb, 75-02,3497 on page 3451, filed January 31, 1975. I Those persons wishing to speak oh t'nis proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Planning Departmefit at 438-5591. If yp have any questions please call the CASE FILE: APPLICANT: AM)ERSON FIR 81-10/ZC-247/GT 81-37/MKP 81-1 PUBLISH : May 15, 1982 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COlyMISSION I I I I I I 4 --Q--y*- PFb 23 -- L (fr" P -08 0 OP - k> e 0s m 2j!z = ~m tR OCP -%u gcr DX t3uP Dm6 earl- rLnr mF: vu Y DO a3 3J PD 3 tra PO DO Y NO] OUO OY 3 05 e- 0 cl e- U 3j - ___-__ -- - -=-.--- t. 5 i' 16 Stillman Robert H. & Elaine : 4960 Park Drive : 4961 Carlsbad, California 92008 i . v : 17 6 Yarussi Daniel & Doris L. :, Bailey 15441 Webster St- . Westminister, C24 92683 s 4963 1; 27 I* Chuistian Leo fi Elizabeth A, .: Berkoski Fran Park Drive ' 2 5005 El C Carlsbad, California 92008 l Carl& 0 ........................................................................................................... 28 i: 1; Howard We 1 ; Shook Hichael Park Drive f 4941 El Caminc