HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-15; City Council; 7052; Advertise for bids - streetscape improvementsc n W > 0 a n e 4 2 a 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 E LB# 705 a dTG. IE~. ENG /HER 6/15/82 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS FOR MADISON AND ROOSEVELT STREETS CITY MGR, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 6206 approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. ITEM EXPLANATION: Plans and specifications have been prepared for improving Madison and Roosevelt Streets between Elm and Grand Avenues. An alternative for a mid-block crossing and median islands has been proposed by the architect-consultant in the plans and specifications. The Housing and Redevelopment Committee recommends this alternative. FISCAL IMPACT: Housing and Redevelopment has indicated that sufficient funds are available for this project in Account No. 40-170-3702. The Engineer's estimate is $178,000 which includes $58,000 for the mid-block alternative, Funds are all part of prior years' Federal C.B.D.G. Allocation. EXH I BITS: A. Vicinity Map B. Resolution No. G 106 approving plans and specifications and author- ization to advertise for bids. E .. .. .' .. . .. ... .. . ,. . .. VlCl N ITY . MAP no scale EXH I B IT "A" 2 1 ,1 1 .1 ' 21 . 2; 24 2: 27 .. RESOLUTION NO. 6906 .. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL- OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND.SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHOR- IZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR MADISON AND ROOSEVELT STREET IMPROVEMENTS. -WHEREA-S, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it is necessary and in the public interest to provide curb, gutter, -sidewalk and landscaping improvements for Madison and Rooseve1t.Streets; and .WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation and other expenses necessary or incidental for said project, Contract No. - 1094, have been prepa'red and are on file in the Engineering 3epartment and are incorporated by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by th'e City Council of the :ity -of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. . 2. The plans and specifications, including the mid-bloc-. ilternate, are hereby approved. 3; The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby iu t h or i z ed and directed . to proceed to publish, in accord anc e .. with aw, notice to contractors inviting bids ;or the construction of mprovements to Madison and Roosevelt in accordance with the lans and specifications above referred to. /I /I . .. '. 3 1 2 3 4 5 .7 e -9 10 13. 12 12 14 1E 1E 27 1E IS 2c 21 22 2: 24 2f 2t 27 2€ .Ch r- PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City :ouncil held the 15th ‘day of ’ , 1982, by the*follouing rote, to wit: I AYES : Council Wers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and chick HOES: ABSENT: ble STTBST: (SEAL) I -. -. . ,. +J 8 &I k Carlsbad City Manager 1200 Elm Street 8 Carlsbad, CA 92008 w N 00 a\ Dear Sir: HARRY HAUBERT 1241 TAMARACK NE. CARLSBAD, ck 92008 AnORNPT AT UW June 21, 1982 issue in Carlsbad. I concern about an .. I have a specific 1 3 would like to have this item placed on the City Council Agenda. The issue is the proposed widening of Tamarack Avenue and its extension to El Camino Real. Please advise me of when this topic can be placed on the Agenda (preferably as soon as possible). Thank you. w Sincerely, D c, & v3 0 .L LL ,” c /4 fLI-r, k AUGUST 17, '1982 TO: FROM: CITY MANAGER kp Ci ty Engineer . SUBJECT : TAMARACK AVENUE BACKGROUND AND STATUS REPORT t . Introduction; This report covers Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to El Camino Real. it has been divided into six sections numbered 1 thru 6. are shown on Exhibit "A" attached and the limits of each section are as follows: For convenience in referring to various segments of the street, These sections SECTION TO FROM - CAKLSBAD BLVD .. INTERSTATE 5 INTERSTATE 5 HIGHLAND DRIVE HIGHLAND DRIVE SUNNYHILL DRIVE SUNNYHILL DRIVE SKYLlNE DRIVE SKYLINE DRIVE PALISADES DRIVE PALISADES DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL Existing Conditions : SECTION 1 There are no curbs or sidewal ks. has a pavement width of 26 feet in a right-of-way of 60 feet. SECfION 2 varies from 64 feet of pavement in a right-of-way of 84 feet to 26 feet of pavement at Highland Drive. SECTION 3 is fully improved, 48 feet'of pavement in a right-of-way of 68 feet. SECTION 4--currently called Birch Avenue--has 25 feet of pavement. . SECTION 5 does not currently exist. SECTION 6 has 48 feet of pavement in a right-of-way width of 84 feet. ' The General Plan' and Past Studv: The General Plan calls for Tamarack Avenue west of 1-5 to be a major arterial --lo2 feet of right-of-way, 82 feet of pavement--and a secondary arterial --84 feet of right-of-way, 64 feet curb-to-curb--east of 1-5. In June 1977, Mohle, Perry & Associates prepared an alignment study on Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland Drive. mendation was to use an 80-foot right-of-way with 64 feet of pavement and attempt to meander the street This study was adopted by City Council on November 8, 1977. Their recorn- somewhat to avoid taking existing buildings. . b Page -2- TAMARACK AVENUE BACKGROUND AND STATUS REPORT August 17, 1982 Current Status: The design of the widening of Tamarack Avenue was included in the 1980-81 C.I.P. to Highland Drive--was completed in July 1982. The design of the unbuilt Section 5 has been completed by the developer of the adjacent land. This design--which irfcludes Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard The design of the widening of Section 4 (Birch Avenue) has been completed by City staff. Future Actions: Section 5 wilt be constructed by the developer and this is expected to occur in 1 - 2 years. construction. This segment will be constructed concurrently with Section 5, however. Section 4 has been included in the 1982 C.I.P. for There is currently no funding for construction of Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland Drive (Sections 1 and 2). Additionally, an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared for this project and public hearings held. for construction and this work has not been included in the C.I.P. We now have a specific alignment, however, and will require dedication of right-of- way as adjacent property develops. This process has not been started since there is no funding Traffic Volumes: SECT I ON EX I ST 1 NG FUTURE 1 6,700 13,000 2 6,200 19,000 3 3,400 10,000 4 not avail. 10,000 5 -0- 10,000 6 not avail. 10,000 Summary: Mr. Haubert is incorrect in his statement (The HOT Committee, August 3, 1982) that Las Flores, Chestnut and Chinquapin will be further developed. and Elm Avenues are not completed through to El Camino Real, there will be serious traffic problems generated on other streets--particularly Chestnut Avenue. The public will have an opportunity to address the widening of Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland Drive when. public hearings are held for both the E.I.R. and constrvction project, The timing of this is unknown at this time. RHA : mmt Attachment : Exhi bi t "A" If Tamarack C; Assistant. City Manager/Developmental Services